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阀门事业部 History, products, markets and applications 历史, 产品, 市场和应用

KSB Valves History 历史 Products 产品 Product Centers 产品中心 Markets 市场 Applications 应用 2

1871 1871 Acquisition of MIL Control valves, India 收购印度 MIL 调节阀 1987 Acquisition of PSA Gate and Ball valves 收购 PSA 闸阀和球阀 2002 1989 1991 Acquisition of AMRI Butterfly valves, France 收购法国 AMRI 蝶阀厂 Start of valves manufacturing in India 印度阀门厂成立 1948 Establishment of SISTO Diaphragm valves, Luxemburg SISTO 隔膜阀成立, 卢森堡 Establishment of KSB;KSB 成立 Manufacturing program: Steam traps, globe and gate valves 制造项目 : 蒸汽阀, 截止阀和闸阀 History of the 企业阀门历史 Foundation of KSB Valves China 建立 KSB 中国阀门有限公司 Acquisition of IVC Ball valves, Brasil 收购巴西 IVC 球阀 2005 1997 Acquisition of Seil Seres, Korea 收购韩国船舶系列 2006 Start of manufacturing of AMRI, Inc., Houston, USA 在美国休斯敦成立 AMRI 制造厂 2011 History of the Valve Division 阀门类别史 Valves, actuators and automation 阀门, 执行器和自动化 Applications in Industry, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Marine, Power, Building Services and Water 在工业, 化工, 油气 船舶 能源 楼宇和水处理行业的应用 3

德国:弗兰肯塔尔,佩格尼兹, 印度:哥印拜陀,高知 中国: 上海,大连 意大利: 康可力左 卢森堡 埃希特纳赫 法国: 拉罗什 舍利 西班牙:布尔戈斯 美国: 休斯敦 巴西: 巴若里 韩国:釜山 Product Center Valves 阀门事业部 阀门产品中心 Product Management responsibility产品管理责任 Production or assembly 生产或组装 Testing测试 Stock holding库存 World map of the 阀门企业世界地图 Germany: Frankenthal, Pegnitz, Lünen India: Coimbatore, Kochi China: Shanghai, Dalian Italy: Concorezzo Luxembourg: Echternach France: La Roche Chalais Spain: Burgos USA: Houston Brazil: Barueri Korea: Busan Service服务 4

Butterfly valves VCRS 蝶阀 France Spain China USA Korea Globe and gate valves 截止阀 闸阀 Germany India China Italy Control valves 控制阀 India Germany Italy Diaphragm valves 隔膜阀 Luxembourg Germany Ball Valves 球阀 Brasil Germany China France Product Center Valves 阀门事业部阀门产品中心 Butterfly Valves 蝶阀 Gate & Globe Valves 闸阀 截止阀 Control Valves 控制阀 Diaphragm Valves 隔膜阀 Ball Valves 球阀 Product Center by product type 5

Diaphragm Valves 5% Control Valves 8% Ball Valves 5% Order Intake by products 阀门事业部按产品分类营业额 Gate, Globe, Check Valves 34% Butterfly Valves 48% Butterfly Valves Gate, Globe, Check Valves Control Valves Diaphragm Valves Ball Valves Order intake by products (in %) 6

Middle East/Africa 4% Asia/Pazific 27% Order Intake by regions 阀门事业部按区域分类营业额 Europe 62% America 7% Europe Asia / Pacific America Middle East / Africa Order intake by regions 7

Water Supply/ Sewerage 5% Construction 17% Energy Supply 25% Mining 1% Transport 3% Manufacturing 49% Order Intake by markets 阀门事业部按市场分类营业额 Manufacturing 制造业 Energy Supply 能源 Construction 建筑 Water Supply / Sewerage 水处理 Transport 船舶运输 Mining 矿业 Order intake by markets (in %) 8

NORI AMTRONIC ACTAIR ECOLINE SISTO MIL STAAL General and Process Industry 通用工业及流程工业 A broad range of 在广泛的范围 Butterfly valves (centered/offset) Gate, globe and check valves Diaphragm and ball valves Control valves Actuators and positioners. ISORIA DANAÏS KE Applications: General industry 通用工业 Process industry 流程工业 Hot water and heat transfer 热水及热交换 Main products of the application segment 9

SISTO-B SISTO-C AMTRONIC ACTAIR Applications Sterile processes 无菌流程 Pharmaceuticals, milk products, beer, juice, wine, chocolate, soups, steam... 制药, 乳制品, 啤酒, 果汁, 葡萄酒, 巧克力, 汤, 蒸汽... Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals 食品和饮料, 制药 A broad range of Butterfly valves (centered disc) Diaphragm valves Actuators and positioners. Application know-how and customised solutions as well as homologations 应用知识和定制的解决方案, 以及认证目录 (FDA...), are our key performance 是我们的主要体现 ISORIA Main products of the application segment KE 10

KHG ASG DANAÏS MIL ECOLINE KE ISORIA ACTO AMTRONIC Oil & Gas, Marine, Petrochemicals 石油和天然气, 船舶, 石化 A range of Butterfly and ball valves Gate, globe and check valves Control valves Actuators and positioners. Applications( 看备注栏 ) Refineries, petrochemicals, industrial gas, offshore Crude oil tankers, product and chemical tankers, container carrier passenger ships LNG liquefaction trains, loading terminals, LNG vessels Main products of the application segment 11

BOAVENT COBRA MAMMOUTH Water 水处理 Our range covers Centered disc butterfly valves Offset disc butterfly valves Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators Gate valves Air Relief Valves Control valves Check valves Applications Water extraction Water treatment & desalination Water transport and distribution APORIS CONDA ISORIA Main products of the application segment 12

NORI Energy 能源 MAMMOUTH ISORIA SISTO-20NA We supply Gate, globe and check valves 闸 截 止 Butterfly valves 蝶阀 Control Valves 控制阀 Actuators 执行机构 MIL ZJSVA SICCA ZTS Applications Feedwater system, boiler, turbine island, cooling / condensate system Fossil-fuelled as well as nuclear power stations Main products of the application segment 13

Building services BOA-Control BOAX KSB supplies Globe valves 截止阀 Balancing valves 平衡阀 Butterfly valves 蝶阀 Diaphragm valves 隔膜阀 Control systems 控制系统 BOA-Compact SISTO BOA-Systronic Applications Heating, ventilation & airconditioning, domestic water supply Hotels, hospitals, banks, apartments and office blocks, sports stadiums and airports Main products of the application segment 14