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中國醫藥大學 China Medical University, Taiwan 106 學年度秋季班 外國學生入學招生簡章 Fall Semester 2017 Brochure for International Student Admissions CHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY No.91 Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung, Taiwan 40402, R.O.C Office of Global Affairs TEL: 886-4-22053366 EXT.1611 886-4-22070165 FAX: 886-4-22061923 EMAIL:

106 學年度秋季班外國學生入學招生日程 Fall 2017 Important Dates for International Student Admissions 事項 Events 報名截止日 Application Deadline 日期 Dates 2017/3/31 醫學系面試 / 視訊訪談 Interviews for Applying School of Medicine 牙醫學系面試 / 視訊訪談 Interviews for Applying School of Dentistry 中醫學系面試 / 視訊訪談 Interviews for Applying School of Chinese Medicine 放榜 Notification of Admission Result 2017/5/1 2017/5/3 2017/5/4 2017/5/20 註冊 Registration 2017/8 CONTACT INFORMATION Office of Global Affairs TEL: 886-4-22053366 EXT.1611 886-4-22070165 FAX: 886-4-22061923 EMAIL: 1

目錄 Contents 外國學生申請資格流程 Qualification... 3 申請文件 Required Materials/Documents... 5 申請費 Application Fee... 7 申請期限及方式 Deadline and Ways of Submission... 8 面試 Interviews... 8 放榜 Release of Admission Results... 9 重要入學須知 Important Admissions Reminders... 9 各系所招生名額及修業年限 Admission Quota and Program Duration... 13 各系所招生相關規定 Admission Criteria of Each Program... 16 附件一 : 中國醫藥大學外國學生入學申請表 Attachment 1: Application Form for International Students Admissions... 27 附件二 : 中國醫藥大學外國學生入學申請具結書 Attachment 2: Declaration Form for International Students... 30 附件三 : 中國醫藥大學申請入學文件檢查表 Attachment 3: Application Checklist... 32 附錄一 : 教育部外國學生來台就學辦法 Appendix 1:International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, Ministry of Education... 33 2

外國學生申請資格流程 依據中華民國 < 國籍法 > 第二條規定 : 有下列各款情形之一, 屬中華民國國籍 : 一 出生時父或母為中華民國國民 ( 民國 69 年 2 月 9 日 ( 含 ) 前出生者, 僅以父親為準 ) 二 出生於父或母死亡後, 其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民 三 出生於中華民國領域內, 父母均無可考, 或均無國籍者 四 歸化者 具外國國籍 且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請時並不具僑生資格者 兼具中華民國國籍且自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍, 於申請時已經內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍滿 8 年 曾為大陸地區人民且自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格且自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 申請醫學 牙醫 中醫學系學士班及學士後中醫學系者, 申請時須已連續居留海外 8 年以上 申請其他系所者, 申請時須已連續居留海外 6 年以上 * 海外 : 大陸地區 香港及澳門以外之國家或地區 連續居留 : 每曆年在國內停留期間不得逾 120 日, 連續居留海外年限, 計算至入學當年 (2017 年 )8 月 1 日 符合以下情形且具證明者其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外居留期間計算 1. 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部認定之技術訓練專班 2. 就讀教育部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心, 合計未滿二年 3. 交換學生, 其交換期間合計未滿二年 4. 經教育部許可來臺實習, 實習期間合計未滿二年 具外國國籍並兼具中華民國國籍, 且於中華民國 100 年 2 月 1 日前已提出申請喪失中華民國國籍者, 不受海外連續居留限制 申請醫學 牙醫或中醫學系學士班, 申請時須已連續居留香港 澳門或海外 8 年以上 申請其他系所者, 申請時須已連續居留海外 6 年以上 * 海外 : 大陸地區以外之國 家或地區 未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發 未曾於台灣學校以操行 學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者 申請學士班 : 具高中學歷 ( 須為外國高中或臺灣之外國僑民學校或我國高級中等學校附設 之雙語部 ( 班 ) 畢業 ) 申請 : 具學士學位申請博士班 : 具碩士學位 符合欲申請系所之附加規定 符合申請資格 本流程依據教育部 外國學生來台就學辦法 整理 ; 外國學生依據此辦法申請來臺就學, 以一次為限 於完成申請就學學校學程後, 除申請以上學程得逕依此辦法規定辦理外, 如繼續在臺就學者, 其入學方式應與我國內一般學生相同 本校學士班教學以中文為主, 申請就讀本校學士班者必須具備中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 ( 部份全英語授課之研究所除外 ) 3

Flowchart of International Student Qualifications By the law of <Nationality Act>Article 2: A person shall have the nationality of the Republic of China (ROC) under any of the conditions provided by the following Subparagraphs: 1. His/her father or mother was a national of the ROC when he/she was born. 2. He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the ROC at the time of death. 3. He/she was born in the territory of the ROC, and his/her parents can t be ascertained or both were stateless persons. 4. He/she has undergone the naturalization process. Holding of foreign nationality and has never had ROC nationality, and does not have the status of overseas compatriot student at the time of application. Holding of both foreign and ROC nationalities at the time of application, and having no history of a household registration record in Taiwan Holding of foreign nationality at the time of application, and holding of ROC nationality before the time of application, but has obtained documents issued by Ministry of Interior indicating that the person concerned has given up ROC nationality for at least 8 years before the time of application. Being a former citizen of Mainland China and holds a foreign nationality, having no history of household registration record in Taiwan Holding of foreign nationality and a permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macao, and having no history of a household registration record in Taiwan The applicant must have lived in a foreign country for at least 8 consecutive years to apply for the bachelor programs in the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Chinese Medicine and School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine. The applicant must have lived in a foreign country for at least 6 consecutive years to apply for the bachelor programs other than the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, and School of Chinese Medicine. *Foreign countries refer to countries other than Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. The applicant must have lived in Hong Kong, Macao, or another foreign country continuously for at least 8 consecutive years to apply for the bachelor programs in the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry and School of Chinese Medicine. The applicant must have lived in Hong Kong, Macao, or another foreign country continuously for at least 6 consecutive years to apply for the bachelor programs in Colleges other than the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry and School of Chinese Medicine. *Foreign countries refer to countries other than Taiwan and mainland China. consecutive means that the applicant must not stay in Taiwan for more than 120 days in each calendar year; the number of years lived in a foreign country is calculated retrospectively from August 1 of the year when the applicant enrolls(2017). The only exceptions to the regulation of residing overseas consecutively of calculation are for those who fulfill one of the following requirements with written supported proof: 1. Attended overseas youth training courses organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or technique training classes accredited by the Ministry of Education (MOE) 2. Attended a Mandarin Chinese language center at a university/college of which foreign student recruitment is approved by MOE, and to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years; 3. Exchange students, whose length of total exchange is less than 2 years; or 4. An Internship in Taiwan which has been approved by MOE, to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years. An individual, who has both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and has applied for an annulment of their R.O.C. nationality before February 1, 2011, will then be qualified to apply for admission as an international student and will not be subject to the limitation of residing overseas continuously. The applicant has not studied in Taiwan under the status of overseas compatriot student and has not received the student status from the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in the year of enrolment. Applicants have never been expelled by any university or college in Taiwan under these circumstances (with dropout records due to failure in conduct grades, academic grades, or being indicted guilty by the criminal law) Application for Bachelor programs: graduation from secondary schools in a foreign country Application for s programs: graduation from universities with a Bachelor degree Application for PhD programs: graduation with a degree Fulfill the requirements of the to-be-applied-departments/ Institutes Eligible for application 4 The information above is based on the law of Ministry of Education: International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. International students applying for schools in Taiwan shall be limited to one application only. Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to another school s academic level shall be handled in a manner identical to the admission procedures for local students. An exception is that an application for a master s degree or higher levels of graduate studies can be processed under the procedures of each individual school. Expect for postgraduate programs, most of the courses in CMU are instructed in Chinese in undergraduate programs. Applicants are expected 中國醫藥大學 to have sufficient 106 學年度秋季班外國學生入學招生簡章 listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability in Chinese language to apply for undergraduate China Medical programs. University Fall 2017 Brochure for International Student Admissions

申請文件 Required Materials/Documents (1) 本校入學申請表 ( 附件一 ) 及具結書 ( 附件二 ) Complete the application form (Attachment 1) & the declaration form (Attachment 2). (2) 最高學歷畢業證明文件及成績單中 英文以外之語文, 應附已公證之中文或英文譯本 如獲得本校錄取, 必須於入學前繳交經我國駐外使領館 代表處或辦事處驗證之文件 Applicant must photocopy the graduation certificate and transcript of the highest degree obtained. (A Chinese or English translation which is notarized by local authority is required if the documents are not in either of the languages aforementioned. The graduation certificate and transcript shall be authenticated by Taiwan Embassy or Taiwan representative office in/near the country before enrollment if the applicants are admitted. (3) 財力證明須由金融機構提出足夠在臺就學之財力證明 ( 必須顯示金額及幣值 ), 最低額度為美金一萬元 如為台灣獎學金獲獎生, 須提供台灣獎學金證明書 如獲得本校錄取, 必須於入學前繳交經我國駐外使領館 代表處或辦事處驗證之財力證明, 或由金融機構密封直接寄至本校 國內銀行的存款證明不需要經由我國駐外機構辦理驗證程序 Official bank statements a. They must be submitted to prove the applicants ability to provide the needed funds for enrollment with the balance on it. The minimum balance should be equivalent to U.S. Dollar 10,000 or above. b. The bank statement should be issued by the bank officially with the information of current balance and currency. The bank statement should be authenticated by Taiwan Embassy or Taiwan representative office in/near the country before enrollment if the applicants are admitted, or sealed and mailed to CMU by the bank directly. c. Financial statements from a Taiwanese bank or a branch of a foreign bank located in Taiwan do not need to be authenticated. Or a copy of Taiwan Scholarship Certificate if the applicant is a Taiwan Scholarship recipient. (4) 中文或英文就學計畫書 A study plan written in Chinese or in English (5) 推薦書二份 ( 包括一份專業科目教師推薦書及一份中文教師推薦書 ) Two letters of recommendation with contact information, one from an academic instructor in the related field of study and the other by a Chinese instructor. 5

(6) 申請人出生證明 護照影印本及父母護照影印本 ( 日 韓籍人士可檢附全戶戶籍謄本代替出生證明 ) A photocopy of the applicant s birth certificate A photocopy of the applicant s passport Photocopies of the applicant s parents passports (or any document that shows parental relationship to the applicant and his/her nationality.) (7) 其它各系 所另定應繳之文件 Other additional documents that ate required by the department or institute (see P16-26) (8) 申請時具外國國籍, 且兼具或曾具中華民國國籍者, 需繳交連續居留海外相關證明文件如內政部入出國及移民署入出國日期證明書, 及父母親身份證字號 出生年月日 ( 申請醫學 牙醫 中醫學系學士班或學士後中醫學系者, 申請時須已連續居留海外 8 年以上, 其餘須連續居留海外 6 年以上 ) Applicants who hold a foreign nationality as well as an ROC nationality should submit documents (such as Certificate of Entry and Exit Dates issued by National Immigration Agency) showing residence abroad for at least 6 consecutive years (Applicants for the bachelor programs in School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Chinese Medicine and School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine should submit documents showing residence abroad for at least 8 consecutive years), and the ROC ID number and date of birth of parents. (9) 申請時具外國國籍, 且曾具中華民國國籍並曾在臺設有戶籍者, 須繳交經內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍滿 8 年之證明 Applicants who once had ROC nationality and have household registration in Taiwan and now hold foreign nationality should submit documents issued by the Ministry of Interior indicating that the person in concern has given up ROC nationality for at least 8 years. 6 (10) 具外國國籍, 兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格, 且未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 需繳交連續居留海外相關證明文件 ( 申請醫學 牙醫 中醫學系學士班或學士後中醫學系者, 申請時須已連續居留海外 8 年以上, 其餘須連續居留海外 6 年以上 ) An applicant of foreign nationality, concurrently holding a permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macao, having no history of a household registration record in Taiwan should submit documents showing residence abroad for at least 6 years (Applicants for the bachelor programs in the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Chinese Medicine and School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine should submit documents showing residence abroad for at least 8 years). (11) 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 需繳交連續居留海外相關證明文件

及外國國籍證明 ( 申請醫學 牙醫 中醫學系學士班或學士後中醫學系者, 申請時須已連續居留海外 8 年以上, 其餘須連續居留海外 6 年以上 ) An applicant being a former citizen of Mainland China and holds a foreign nationality, having no history of household registration record in Taiwan should submit proof of foreign nationality and documents showing residence abroad for at least 6 years (Applicants for the bachelor programs in School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Chinese Medicine and School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine should submit documents showing residence abroad for at least 8 years). (12) 越南及泰國籍人士向我國駐外館處申請赴臺灣留學簽證時需提交基本外語能力 ( 華語或英語 ) 證明, 請向駐越南台北經濟文化辦事處及駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處確認其申請規定 According to the resident visa regulation for students with the nationality of Vietnam and Thailand, applicants should submit the certificate of Chinese or English proficiency test of certain level. Please confirm with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam and Thailand for application requirements. 申請費 Application Fee: 免報名費 No Application Fee. 7

申請期限及方式 Deadline and Ways of Submission 1. 申請文件須於申請期限 2017/3/31 以前親自送達或寄達本校 郵寄申請以郵戳為憑, email 申請以寄出時間為憑, 逾期不予受理 All documents must be sent to the Office of Global Affairs before the deadline: March 31 st, 2017(postmark and date of sending the email serve as a proof). Applications received after the deadline will not be processed. 2. 申請方式 Ways of Submission: (1) 線上申請 : 須於線上系統完成所有資料上傳及確認 ( 完成後請與本校聯繫確認 ) Online Application: Applicants must upload all of application documents and confirm the application information before the deadline. (Please contact Office of Global Affairs if you finish all of the online application procedures) (2) Email 申請 : 將申請資料掃描並壓縮後 email 至本校國際事務處, 並與其確認 Email application: Applicants must scan required documents and compress the files, email to CMU before the deadline. Be sure to contact Office of Global Affairs after sending the email. Email address: (3) 郵寄 By Express Mail 地址 : 中國醫藥大學國際事務處 台灣 40402 台中巿北區學士路 91 號 電話 :+886-4-22053366 ext.1611 Mailing Address: China Medical University, Office of Global Affairs No.91, Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung, Taiwan, 40402, R.O.C TEL: +886-4-22053366 ext.1611 8 面試 / 視訊面試 Webcam or Face-to-face Interviews 申請醫學系 牙醫系或中醫學系 ( 含學士班 及博士班 ) 者, 文件審查通過者須參加面試 面試得以視訊進行, 面試地點及時間另行通知 ( 電話及電子郵件, 請確認申請表上的聯絡方式在可聯繫到申請者本人 ) 醫學系面試日期 :2017 年 5 月 1 日 牙醫系面試日期 :2017 年 5 月 3 日 中醫學系面試日期 :2017 年 5 月 4 日 Applicants for School of Medicine, School of Dentistry and School of Chinese Medicine (including undergraduate and graduate programs) shall attend the interview if the

documents are qualified. It will be webcam or face-to-face interview. Detail information will be given to the applicant by email or phone. Please make sure that we can reach you with the contact information provided. Interview Date for School of Medicine: May 1, 2017. Interview Date for School of Dentistry: May 3, 2017. Interview Date for School of Chinese Medicine: May 4, 2017. 放榜 Release of Admission Results 放榜日期 :2017 年 5 月 20 日 Date of Release: May 20, 2017. 重要入學須知 Important Admissions Reminders (1) 依教育部規定, 外國學生經入學學校以操行 學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者, 不得向本校申請入學 違反規定經查證屬實者, 取消其入學資格 According to the Ministry of Education regulations, if you have ever been expelled by any university or college in Taiwan under these circumstances (with drop-out records due to failure in conduct grades, academic grades, or being indicted guilty by the criminal law), you are not allowed to apply to this university. Violation of this regulation will result in the cancellation of admission regardless of the merits of the application. (2) 外國學生所繳入學證明文件有偽造 假借 塗改等情事, 應撤銷錄取資格 ; 已註冊入學者, 撤銷其學籍, 且不發給任何相關學業證明 ; 如畢業後始發現者, 應由學校撤銷其畢業資格並註銷其學位證書 If the application documents international students provided are found falsified, making use of others documents or altered, the students will be deprived of their admission and registration, and will not be given any certificates. If it is found after their graduation, their diplomas will be revoked and the qualification of graduation will be deprived. (3) 外國學生來臺就學後, 其於就學期間許可在臺初設戶籍登記 戶籍遷入登記 歸化或回復中華民國國籍者, 喪失外國學生身分, 應予退學 If international students apply for the initial household registration in Taiwan or acquire naturalization or restoration of Taiwan Nationality during their period of study, their status of foreign students will be denied and their student status will be discontinued. (4) 禁止使用雙重身份 ( 外國學生及僑生 ) 申請入學 : 申請人若皆符合外國學生及僑生資格, 申請前即須確定以其中一種身份申請, 禁止申請人以外國學生及僑生雙重身份申請來台就讀 No double identities (overseas compatriot students and international students): Individuals should decide with which status they wish to apply from the very beginning, as the rules are strict and there are no exceptions. Those who study in Taiwan with double identities (overseas compatriot and international student) will have their recognized student status revoked. 9 (5) 自 104 學年度起入學之外國學生, 入學前畢業年級相當於國內高級中等學校二年級之國外 或香港澳門地區同級同類學校畢業生, 其畢業應修學分應增加 20 學分

Students who enrolled since 2016 Fall Semester and whose high school graduating level is equivalent to Taiwan s high school grade 5 have to complete at least 20 credits at CMU in addition to each department s credit requirement before graduation. (6) 本校大學部教學以中文為主, 申請就讀本校者必須具備中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 自 104 學年度起入學大學部之外國學生須依據本校 華文能力分級及修課實施要點 於畢業前完成華語課程及自學規定 研究所均開設全英語授課課程, 供研究生修讀 Most of the undergraduate courses are given in Chinese. International students are required to have adequate Chinese reading, writing, listening and speaking ability. According to CMU s Implementation Directions for Mandarin Chinese Proficiency Levels and Required Courses released in 2014, international students enrolled in undergraduate program since 2015 Fall Semester are required to accomplish Mandarin as Second Language courses and reach their qualified criteria. All graduate programs offer English courses. International students enrolled in graduate programs are not subject to this requirement. (7) 醫學系 牙醫系 藥學系與中醫學系各年級於台中校區就讀, 其餘學系大學部一年級於本校北港分部上課, 二年級以後在台中校區上課 All undergraduate students except who enroll in the departments other than School of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine will go to Beigang Campus for the first academic year, and move to Taichung Main Campus from the second academic year on. Those undergraduate students who enroll in School of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine will go to Taichung Main Campus from the first academic year on. (8) 申請入學最多可申請三個系所, 但僅能選擇一系所辦理報到及註冊入學 申請兩個系所以上者需分別繳交申請文件 An international applicant cannot apply for more than three departments or institutes at the same time. In this case, please make sure to duplicate the application packages. If accepted by the university, the student may choose only one program to enroll in. (9) 所有申請文件一概不退還, 請自行保留備份 No application documents shall be returned for any reason. Please make back-up copies for your own interest. 10 (10) 外國學生依教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 申請來臺就學, 以一次為限 於完成原申請就學之學程後, 除申請以上學程, 得逕依本校規定辦理外, 如擬繼續在臺就學者, 其入學方式應與國內一般學生相同 Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to another school academic level shall be handled in a manner identical to the procedures for admission for local students. An exception is that an application for a master s degree or higher levels of graduate studies can be processed under the procedures of each individual school. International students can only apply with Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE) once. (11) 外國學生註冊時, 應檢附六個月以上醫療及傷害保險或全民健康保險等相關保險證明文件

如為國外所核發, 應經駐外館處驗證 International students are required to provide documents of health care & injury insurance, National Health Insurance, or any other type of insurance that is valid for at least 6 months beyond the date of registration. The proof of insurance issued in a foreign country shall be verified by Overseas Agencies. (12) 入學本校就讀之外國學生到校時, 已逾該學年第一學期三分之一課程者, 當學年不得入學 但 博士班研究生經所屬系 ( 所 ) 主管同意者, 得於第二學期註冊入學 Admitted applicants arriving later than the one-third mark of the first semester are not permitted to enroll for the academic year. Graduate students are allowed to enroll for the second semester with the consent of the Director of the department or the Dean of the graduate school. (13) 學費及相關費用 Tuition and Other Fees: 學費 : 以下資料為前一學年學雜費, 僅供參考, 正確學費依當年財務室公告為準 此費用未包含保險費及網路資源使用費 獲准入學之外國學生, 每學期之學費金額同本國生 學制所系別概約學費 / 每學期 ( 新台幣 ) 中醫 中西醫 針灸 61,364 研究所牙醫 56,227 其他 48,349 醫學 中醫 學士後中醫 72,274 大學部 牙醫 66,210 其他 56,911 住宿費 : 本校宿舍僅開放給大學部學士班學生 學士班一年級外國新生可優先獲得學校宿舍安排, 宿舍為 3-4 人一間, 每學期住宿費約新台幣 8,300~10,300 元 / 學期 / 人 其他費用 : 生活費每個月平均大約新台幣 6,000 至 10,000 元, 得視每人的生活方式而有所不同 書本費依照所修習的課程與出版商的訂價而有不同 (*2016 年 10 月美金兌換新台幣匯率約為 1USD 32NTD, 僅供參考, 實際匯率依兌換銀行牌示為準 ) Tuition Fees:The following chart is based on the previous year and is for reference only. The insurance fee and internet access fee are not included. The tuition fees for international students are as same as those for domestic students. Degree School/Department/Institute Tuition /per semester(ntd) Graduate Program Undergraduate Program Chinese Medical Science, Acupuncture, Integrated Medicine 61,364 Dentistry 56,227 Other 48,349 Medicine, Chinese Medicine 72,274 Dentistry 66,210 Other 56,911 Accommodation Fees:CMU dormitory places are available to undergraduate students only. New international undergraduate students have first priority for on-campus accommodation (3-4 people share one room). The rent is about NT.8,300~10,300 per person per semester. Living Expenses:The average living expenses range from NTD 6,000 to NTD 10,000 per month. This figure may vary individually. Costs of textbooks are at one s own expenses and can vary from program to program. *The exchange rate: 1USD 32NTD (The rate provided here is only for reference) 11

(14) 獎學金 本校外國學生獎學金僅開放就讀本校滿一學期具正式學籍之外國學生提出申請 ( 已獲臺灣獎學金之學生不得申請 ), 每學期新台幣 2 萬元整, 詳細申請資格請參考 中國醫藥大學外國學生獎學金設置辦法 考生得依據我國駐外使領館 代表處或辦事處公告與規定向上述單位申請臺灣獎學金, 或請參考 Study in Taiwan 網頁說明 : 獎學金種類繁多, 請考生特別注意取得獎學金並不代表學生將自動取得本校入學許可, 考生必須分別辦理申請入學許可及獎學金 Scholarships CMU International Student Scholarship is only open for those officially and currently enrolled as international students, and have completed one semester in CMU (Taiwan Scholarship recipients are not eligible to apply). Each successful applicant receives a financial aid of NTD20,000 per semester. Please refer to the CMU Regulations for International Student Scholarship for application eligibilities. International students may apply for government-sponsored Taiwan Scholarship via Taiwan Embassy or Taiwan representative office in/near the country, please refer to the application information on the websites of Taiwan Embassy or Taiwan representative office in/near the country or Study in Taiwan: Scholarships are offered by various organizations. Please note that the applications for admissions and for scholarship are separate procedures. Applicants who are awarded with any scholarship are NOT guaranteed admission to CMU and vice versa. (15) 本校大學部招收外國學生轉學生, 經由每年所舉辦之 寒假轉學考 及 私立醫學校院聯合招考轉學生 考試入學, 但外國學生經入學學校以操行不及格或因刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者, 不得轉學進入本校就讀 碩博士班則不招收外國學生轉學生 International students transfer to undergraduate programs should apply to attend the Transfer Exams of Spring Semester held by CMU and the Joint Transfer Exam held by the Committee of private medical universities. However, international students whose student status is discontinued by the University because of misconduct, poor academic results or criminal offences, are not allowed to apply for transferring to CMU. Postgraduate students are not allowed to transfer to CMU. (16) 其他有關規定, 依教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 本校 外國學生招生規定 ( 附錄一 ) 及相關法令規定辦理 For all other related information, please refer to the Ministry of Education Regulations regarding International Student Studies in Taiwan, the guideline of International Student Recruiting Policy of CMU (Appendix 1), and other related guidelines. 12

各系所招生名額及修業年限 Admission Quota and Program Duration 學制 Program 招生名額 Admission Quota 修業年限 Program Length 學士班 Undergraduate Programs 醫學系 :5 名中醫學系甲組 :5 名中醫學系乙組 :5 名其他學系 :67 名合計 :82 名 School of Medicine : 5 School of Chinese Medicine- Division (A): 5 School of Chinese Medicine- Division (B): 5 Others : 67 Total : 82 醫學系 :6 年中醫學系 :7 年 ( 甲組 ) 7 年 ( 乙組 ) 牙醫學系 :6 年藥學系 :5 年學士後中醫學系 :5 年其他學系 :4 年 Undergraduate program: 4 years of study for all majors, except the following departments: School of Medicine: 6 yrs School of Chinese Medicine- Division (A): 7 yrs School of Chinese Medicine- Division (B): 7 yrs School of Dentistry: 6 yrs School of Pharmacy: 5 yrs School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine: 5 yrs Programs 40 2-4 年 Within 2-4 years 博士班 Ph.D. Programs 40 2-7 年 Within 2-7 years 13

招生系所資訊 Program Information 全英語授課 (English Programs Offered) 備註 : 非國際學程之研究所均開設全英語授課課程, 供研究生修讀 International programs and all graduate institutes offer English courses for international students. 系所名稱 Department / Graduate Institute 醫學院 College of Medicine 學制 Program (Duration) 學士班 Undergraduate (4 yrs.~) (2-4 yrs.) 博士班 Doctoral (2-7 yrs.) 系所聯絡資訊 Department Contacts 醫學系 Medicine (6 yrs) +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 2101 Email: 牙醫學系 Dentistry (6 yrs) +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 2302 Email: 生物醫學研究所 +886-4-2205-2121 Ext. 7716, 7732, Graduate Institute of Biomedical 7830 Sciences +Email: 國際生物醫學碩士學位學程 Biomedical Sciences (International Program) +886-4-2205-2121 Ext. 7732 Email: 中醫學院 College of Chinese Medicine 中醫學系 Chinese Medicine (7 yrs) +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 3101 Email: Graduate Programs: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 3301 Email: 學士後中醫學系 Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine (5 yrs) +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 3201 Email: 中西醫結合研究所 Integrated Medicine +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 3501 Email: 針灸研究所 Acupuncture Science 國際針灸碩士學程 Acupuncture (International Program) +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 3609 Email: 藥學院 College of Pharmacy +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 5101 藥學系 Pharmacy (5 yrs) Email: Graduate Programs: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 5601 Email: 健康照護學院 College of Health Care 14 護理學系 Nursing +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 7101 Email: 物理治療學系 Physical Therapy 復健科學 Rehabilitation Science +886-4-22053366 Ext. 7301 Email:

系所名稱 Department / Graduate Institute 醫學檢驗生物技術學系 Medical Laboratory Science & Biotechnology 生物醫學影像暨放射科學學系 Biomedical Imaging & Radiological Science 運動醫學系 Sports Medicine 學制 Program (Duration) 學士班 Undergraduate (4 yrs.~) (2-4 yrs.) 博士班 Doctoral (2-7 yrs.) 系所聯絡資訊 Department Contacts +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 7201 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 7801, 7809 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 7601 Email: 公共衛生學院 College of Public Health 公共衛生學院大一不分系 Interdisciplinary Freshmen Program of Public Health 公共衛生學系 Public Health 公共衛生國際碩士學位學程 International Public Health Program 職業安全與衛生學系 Occupational Safety & Health 醫務管理學系 Health Services Administration +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 6001 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 6101, 6128 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 6128 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 6201 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 6301 Email: 生技製藥暨食品科學院 College of Biopharmaceutical and Food Sciences 生物科技學系 Biological Science & Technology 營養學系 Nutrition 藥用化妝品學系 Cosmeceutics 中國藥學暨中藥資源學系 Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Medicine Resources +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 2501 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 7501 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 5302 Email: +886-4-2205-3366 Ext. 5201, 5501 Email: 15

各系所招生相關規定 Admission Criteria of Each Program 系所別 School/Department/Institute 醫學系 School of Medicine 醫學院 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 學士班 Undergraduate 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 書面資料審查 Document Review (30%) 面試 Interview (70%) 學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent. 書面資料審查 Document Review (30%) 面試 Interview (70%) 學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent. 須能以英文溝通並具備基本中文聽說能力 English proficiency in communication, and basic listening and speaking ability in Chinese are required. 牙醫學系 School of Dentistry 應為大學牙醫學系或醫學系畢業, 並具有該國牙醫師或醫師執照 A bachelor degree in dentistry (or medicine) and a local dentist (or MD) license are required. 報名時須另繳交研究計畫書 The applicant should have a research proposal. 須能以英文溝通並具備基本中文聽說能力 English proficiency in communication, and basic listening and speaking ability in Chinese are required. 生物醫學研究所 Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences 博士班 Doctoral 學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 碩士學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent 報名時須另繳碩士論文或相當碩士論文程度之學術論文 A master degree, or a published academic paper meeting the standard of a master degree are required. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 16 國際生物醫學碩士學位學程 International Program of Biomedical Sciences 醫學 牙醫 藥學 護理 生命科學 生物技術 公共衛生 自然科學或相關科系畢業 Applicants holding a bachelor degree in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, life sciences, biotechnology, public health, natural sciences and related fields are welcome to apply. 須具備英文溝通能力 本學程全英語上課 English proficiency in communication is required. All courses are taught in English.

中醫學院 COLLEGE OF CHINESE MEDICINE 系所別 School/Department/Institute 中醫學系 School of Chinese Medicine 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 甲組 / 乙組 Division (A)/ Division (B) 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 書面資料審查 Document Review (50%) 面試 Interview (50%) 報名時繳交華語能力測驗 ( 聽力 閱讀 口語 寫作 ) 高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 or equivalent. 經錄取中醫學系甲組之外籍生得依 中國醫藥大學中醫學院中醫學系學生修讀醫學院醫學系雙主修辦法 加修醫學系為雙主修 錄取中醫學系乙組者, 不得加修醫學系為雙主修 International students of Division (A) may enroll in a second major provided by the School of Medicine. Students of Division (B) cannot enroll in a second major provided by the School of Medicine 抵免相關規定 : 1. 申請人為教育部或考選部認可之國外大學醫學系畢業, 領有該國之醫師執照, 得申請抵免西醫課程 其課程安排依特別方式處理 2. 申請抵免學分依本校抵免學分要點辦理 Credit Transfers: 1. An applicant who has graduated from the Department of Medicine of an overseas university approved by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, and who possesses a doctor's license in that country may apply to be exempted from the Western Medicine curriculum. A specially tailored curriculum will be provided. 2. Application for credit transfer must follow the university policy. 書面資料審查 Document Review (50%) 面試 Interview (50%) 報名時繳交華語能力測驗進階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 3 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 博士班 Doctoral 書面資料審查 Document Review (50%) 面試 Interview (50%) 報名時繳交華語能力測驗進階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 3 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 17

系所別 School/Department/Institute 學制 Program 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 須大學醫學系 學士後醫學系 中醫學系 學士後中醫學系或牙醫系畢業 A Bachelor degree in one of the following fields is required: Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, or Dentistry. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 中西醫結合研究所 Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine 博士班 Doctoral 須大學醫學系 學士後醫學系 中醫學系 學士後中醫學系或牙醫系畢業, 具有醫師 中醫師或牙醫師執照 A bachelor degree in one of the following fields is required: Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, or Dentistry. A medical doctor license, a Chinese Medicine practitioner or a dentist's license. 報名時須另繳交碩士論文或相當於碩士論文程度之學術論文, 以及研究計畫書 A master degree, or a published academic paper meeting the standard of a degree, and a research proposal are required. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 針灸研究所 Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science 甲組 Division (A) 臺灣教育部認可之醫學系 學士後醫學系 中醫學系 學士後中醫學系或牙醫系大學畢業 A Bachelor degree, which is recognized by Ministry of Education, Taiwan, in one of the following fields is required: Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, or Dentistry. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 乙組 Division (B) 臺灣教育部認可之國內外大學畢業 A Bachelor degree, which is recognized by Ministry of Education, Taiwan, is required. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 18 針灸研究所 Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science 博士班甲組 Doctoral Division (A) 須符合下列二項其中之一 : The applicant must qualify for one of the following two requirements: 1. 臺灣教育部認可之大學醫學系 學士後醫學系 中醫學系 學士後中醫學系或牙醫系畢業, 並取得醫學碩士學位 A degree, which is recognized by Ministry

系所別 School/Department/Institute 國際針灸碩士學位學程 International Program in Acupuncture 學制 Program 博士班乙組 Doctoral Division (B) 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements of Education, Taiwan, in one of the following fields is required: Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, or Dentistry. 2. 曾任主治醫師 ; 發表相當碩士論文或科學期刊一篇以上者 The certification of an attending physician position and at least one published academic paper meeting the standard of a degree are required. 報名時須另繳交碩士論文或相當於碩士論文程度之學術論文, 以及研究計畫書 A degree thesis, or a published academic paper meeting the standard of a degree, and a research proposal are required. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 臺灣教育部認可之國內外畢業 A degree, which is recognized by Ministry of Education, Taiwan, is required. 報名時須另繳交碩士論文或相當於碩士論文程度之學術論文, 以及研究計畫書 A degree thesis, or a published academic paper meeting the standard of a degree, and a research proposal are required. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required. 須符合下列二項其中之一 : The applicant must qualify for one of the following two requirements: 1. 臺灣教育部認可之大學醫學系 學士後醫學系 中醫學系 學士後中醫學系 牙醫系或傳統醫學系畢業 A Bachelor degree, which is recognized by Ministry of Education, Taiwan, in one of the following fields is required: Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Dentistry, or Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2. 臺灣教育部認可之大學畢業且具外國針灸執業資格者 The applicant should have a Bachelor degree, which is recognized by Ministry of Education, Taiwan, and an Acupuncturist license. 本學程以英文教學, 不須具中文教師推薦信及華語文能力測驗 The course curriculum is taught in English; therefore neither a letter of recommendation by a Chinese instructor nor a Chinese Proficiency Test is required. 19

系所別 School/Department/Institute 學士後中醫學系 School of Post- Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 申請者須具有學士學位 ( 含 ) 以上及華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 報名時須繳交學士學位以上之證書影本 及華語文能力證明書影本 The applicant should have a Bachelor degree and the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 報名時請繳交親筆手寫之中文就學計畫書內容須包括學習 動機 期限及未來展望 A study plan must be written in Chinese and in applicant s handwriting, include learning motives, expected length of study, and future plan, and should be submitted along with application package. 抵免相關規定 : 申請人為教育部認可之國外大學醫學系 畢業, 領有教育部認可國之醫師執照, 得申請免修西 醫課程 由系務會議審核通過後, 得准予抵免 ; 抵免 學分要點依本校規定辦理 Transfer of Credits : The applicant who has graduated from the Department of Medicine of an overseas university which is approved by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan and possesses a doctor's license in that country may apply to be exempted from the Western Medicine curriculum. Credits attained prior to admission must be submitted with the application and further evaluated by the departmental committee before the transfer of credits. Transfer of credits from other universities shall be preceded according to the credit-transfer regulations of CMU. 20

藥學院 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 系所別 School/Department/Institute 藥學系 School of Pharmacy 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 博士班 Doctoral 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 報名時繳交華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 報名時繳交華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent. 大學藥學相關科系畢業 A bachelor degree in pharmacy related fields is required. 具華語溝通能力 Chinese proficiency in communication is required. 藥學相關碩士學位 A master degree in pharmacy related fields is required. 21

健康照護學院 COLLEGE OF HEALTH CARE 系所別 School/Department/Institute 學制 Program 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 報名時繳交華語能力測驗進階級 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 護理學系 School of Nursing 學士班 Undergraduate The applicant must have the certificate of Level 3 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 需具基本英文溝通能力 Basic English proficiency in English communication is required. 需具良好英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 須取得護理相關領域學士學位 A bachelor degree in nursing related fields is required. 申請人需有當地護理師執照 Applicants need to acquire their local nursing licenses. 物理治療學系 Department of Physical Therapy 學士班 Undergraduate 報名時繳交華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 物理治療學系復健科學 Department of Physical Therapy program of Rehabilitation Science 外國學生部分課程為全英語授課 Certain courses are taught in English for international students. 需具良好中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English and Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 22 醫學檢驗生物技術學系 Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology 學士班 Undergraduate 需具良好中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English and Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 需具良好中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English and Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 大學醫學檢驗或生命科學相關科系畢業 A bachelor degree in medical laboratory, life sciences or related fields is required.

系所別 School/Department/Institute 生物醫學影像暨放射科學學系 Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science 運動醫學系 Department of Sports Medicine 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 學士班 Undergraduate 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 需具良好中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English and Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 需具良好中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English and Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 大學醫學影像或放射科學相關科系畢業 A bachelor degree in biomedical imaging, radiological science or related fields is required. 需具良好中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 English and Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 23

公共衛生學院 COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH 系所別 School/Department/Institute 學制 Program 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 書面資料審查 Document Review(100%) 需具基本中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 本院採大一不分系招生, 大二分流 升大二時填志願選 公共衛生學院大一不分系 Interdisciplinary Freshmen Program of Public Health 學士班 Undergraduate 擇本院公共衛生學系或醫務管理學系或職業安全與衛生 學系就讀 相關規定至公共衛生學院院網頁查詢 Students are enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Program of Public Health in the first year. In the second year, the students will choose their major among three departments (Public Health, Health Services Administration or Occupational Safety and Health). Please refer to the website of College of Public Health for related regulations. 需具基本中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 公共衛生學系 Department of Public Health 博士班 Doctoral 外國學生部分課程為全英語授課 Certain courses are taught in English for international students. 需具基本中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese and English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 公共衛生國際碩士學位學程 International Public Health Program 本學程以英文教學, 不須具中文教師推薦信及華語文能 力測驗 All courses are taught in English; therefore neither a letter of recommendation by a Chinese instructor nor a Chinese Proficiency Test is required. 職業安全與衛生學系 Department of Occupational Safety and Health 需具基本中 英文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese and English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required 24 醫務管理學系 Department of Health Services Administration 需具基本中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required.

生技製藥暨食品科學院 COLLEGE OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL AND FOOD SCIENCES 系所別 School/Department/Institute 藥用化妝品學系 Department of Cosmeceutics 中國藥學暨中藥資源學系 Department of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Medicine Resources 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 學士班 Undergraduate 博士班 Doctoral 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 報名時繳交華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 報名時繳交華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 學業成績依 GPA 標準達 3.0( 含 ) 以上或相同等級者 School GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent. 大學化妝品 化學 化工 生命或自然科學相關科系畢業 A bachelor degree in cosmetics, chemistry, chemical engineering, life sciences or natural sciences related fields is required. 報名時繳交華語能力測驗 ( 聽力 閱讀 口語 寫作 ) 高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 需具基本中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 報名時繳交華語能力測驗 ( 聽力 閱讀 口語 寫作 ) 高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 需具基本中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 生命科學或自然科學相關科系畢業 A bachelor degree in life sciences or natural sciences related fields is required. 報名時繳交華語能力測驗高階 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 4 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 需具基本中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 Basic Chinese proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 生命科學或自然科學相關碩士學位 A master degree in life sciences or natural sciences related fields is required. 25

26 系所別 School/Department/Institute 營養學系 Department of Nutrition 生物科技學系 Department of Biological Science & Technology 學制 Program 學士班 Undergraduate 博士班 Doctoral 學士班 Undergraduate 博士班 Doctoral 審查方式及系所規定 Admission Criteria& Additional Requirements 報名時繳交華語能力測驗進階級 ( 含 ) 以上或同等證明 The applicant must have the certificate of Level 3 or above for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly TOP). 需具基本英文溝通能力 Basic English proficiency in English communication is required. 國際學生全英語上課 All courses are taught in English for international students. 須具備基本的中文或英文溝通能力 Basic Chinese or English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing is required. 入學前未具營養學或營養生化之學分者, 畢業前應於本系大學部補修完成, 但不列畢業學分計算 The applicant must finish a Nutrition or Nutritional Biochemistry course if the course has not been taken before entrance. However, the above mentioned course will not be given credits. 國際學生全英語上課 All courses are taught in English for international students. 需具基本英文聽說讀寫能力 Basic English proficiency in communication is required. 入學前未具營養學或營養生化之學分者, 畢業前應於本系大學部補修完成, 但不列畢業學分計算 The applicant must finish a Nutrition or Nutritional Biochemistry course if the course has not been taken before entrance. Moreover, the above mentioned course will not be given credits. 須具備基本的中英文溝通能力 Basic Chinese and English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 國際學生全英語上課 All courses are taught in English for international students. 須具備基本的中文或英文溝通能力 Basic Chinese or English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is required. 國際學生全英語上課 All courses are taught in English for international students. 須具英文溝通能力 English proficiency in communication is required.

附件一 : 中國醫藥大學外國學生入學申請表 -106 學年度秋季班 Attachment 1: Application Form for International Students Admissions China Medical University-Fall Semester 2017 申請人資料 (PERSONAL INFORMATION) 中文姓名 Name in English ( 姓 ) ( 名 ) *as per passport/ic in roman alphabets (A-Z) only (Family Name) (Given Name) 通訊地址 Mailing Address Application Number (For Official Use Only) 最近 1 年內拍攝之 2 吋相片 A color photograph taken within the past year (around 4.5cmx3.5cm) 電話 Telephone 手機 Mobile Phone 婚姻狀況 Marital Status 國籍 Nationality 已婚 (Married) 未婚 (Single) 性別 Gender 電子信箱 Email 出生日期 男 (Male) 女 (Female) Date of Birth (Year) (Month) (Day) 出生地 Place of Birth 健康情形 Health Condition (Specify your health problems, if any) 護照號碼 Passport No. 申請人是否擁有中華民國國籍? Have you ever held an R.O.C. nationality? 現有中華民國國籍 (Holding an R.O.C. nationality now) 曾有, 但已經內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍 (Have given up R.O.C. nationality officially) 喪失國籍證明書日期 (Date of Issue): ( month/ day / year) 不, 未曾擁有 (Never) 申請人是否曾經設籍於台灣?Have you ever had a household registered in Taiwan? 是 (Yes), 身分證字號 ID No. : 否 (No) 父親中文姓名 父親出生地 Father s Birth Place Father s Name 父親國籍 Father s Nationality 母親中文姓名 申請人父親是否曾經擁有中華民國國籍並設籍於台灣? Has your father ever held an R.O.C. nationality and had a household registered in Taiwan? 是 (Yes), 身分證字號 ID No. 否 (No) 母親出生地 Mother s Birth Place Mother s Name 母親國籍 Mother s Nationality 申請人母親是否曾經擁有中華民國國籍並設籍於台灣? Has your mother ever held an R.O.C. nationality and had a household registered in Taiwan? 是 (Yes), 身分證字號 ID No. 否 (No) 以上所稱中華民國國籍系依中華民國 < 國籍法 > 第二條所認定 : 有下列各款情形之一, 屬中華民國國籍 : 一 出生時父或母為中華民國國民 ( 民國 69 年 2 月 9 日 ( 含 ) 前出生者, 僅以父親為準 ) 二 出生於父或母死亡後, 其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民 三 出生於中華民國領域內, 父母均無可考, 或均無國籍者 四 歸化者 ROC nationality mentioned above is defined in accordance with Article 2 of<nationality Act>: A person shall have the nationality of the ROC under any of the conditions provided by the following Subparagraphs: 1. His/her father or mother was a national of the ROC when he/she was born. 2. He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the ROC at the time of death. 3. He/she was born in the territory of the ROC, and his/her parents can t be ascertained or both were stateless persons. 4. He/she has undergone the naturalization process. 27 (Continued on next page 接下頁 )

在台聯絡人 (CONTACT PERSON IN TAIWAN) 姓名 Name 電話 Telephone 在台地址 Address in Taiwan 學歷 (EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND) 關係 Relationship 電子郵件 Email 高中 High School 學校名稱 School Name 學位 Degree Conferred 就學期間 Period (mm)/(yyyy) ~(mm)/(yyyy) 學校所在地 City and Country 主修 Major 學院或大學 College or University 學校名稱 Name of School 學位 Degree Conferred 就學期間 Period (mm)/(yyyy) ~(mm)/(yyyy) 學校所在地 City and Country 主修 Major 學校名稱 Name of School 學校所在地 City and Country Program 學位 Degree Conferred 就學期間 Period (mm)/(yyyy) ~(mm)/(yyyy) 主修 Major 博士班 Ph. D. Program 學校名稱 Name of School 學位 Degree Conferred 就學期間 Period (mm)/(yyyy) ~(mm)/(yyyy) 學校所在地 City and Country 主修 Major 擬申請就讀之系 ( 所 ) 及學位 (DEPARTMENT/GRADUATE INSTITUTE AND DEGREE SOUGHT) 志願 Priority 申請系所 Department/Institute you wish to apply 學位 Degree Program 28 1 2 3 學士 Bachelor / M.D /D.D.S 碩士 博士 Ph. D. 學士 Bachelor / M.D /D.D.S 碩士 博士 Ph. D. 學士 Bachelor / M.D /D.D.S 碩士 博士 Ph. D. 本校學士班教學以中文為主, 申請就讀本校學士班者必須具備中文聽 說 讀 寫能力 ( 部份全英語授課之研究所除外 ) Expect for postgraduate programs, most of the courses in CMU are instructed in Chinese in undergraduate programs. Applicants are expected to have sufficient listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability in Chinese language to apply for undergraduate programs. 在本校就讀期間各項費用來源 ( 可複選 ) What are your major financial resources during your studies at CMU? (you can choose more than one) 臺灣獎學金 Taiwan Scholarship 個人儲蓄 Personal Savings 父母供給 Parental Support 其他 Other scholarships or funds (Please specify) (Continued on next page 接下頁 )

中文語言能力 (CHINESE PROFICIENCY LEVEL) 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading 寫 Writing 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 None 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 None 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 None 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 None 是否參加過中文語文能力測驗? Have you taken any test of Chinese language? 是 (Yes) 測驗名稱 Name of the test: ; 測驗成績 Scores:. 否 (No) 是否參加過中文語文學習課程? Have you ever taken Chinese Learning Programs/Courses? 是 (Yes) 學習時間 How long have you been studied Chinese?. 學習中文環境 ( 高中 大學 語文機構 ) Where did you study Chinese? (high school, college or language institute/country). 否 (No) 自傳 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 內容包含 : 課外活動 榮譽事蹟 專長 教學及研究經驗等 (Please describe your extracurricular activities, academic awards and honors, qualifications, expertise, teaching and research experience, etc.) 可另附紙張 (attach additional pages if necessary) 本人保證以上資料均由本人填寫, 正確無誤 I certify that I have completed this application form by myself, and that all the information I have given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 中國醫藥大學謹遵守 個人資料保護法 及相關法令之規定, 申請者所提供之個人資料 ( 含姓名 出生年月日 護照號碼 教育 職業 聯絡方式等個人之資料 ) 僅作為招生及入學學籍等校內行政相關用途之處理與利用, 非取得您的同意或其他法令之特別規定, 本校不會任意將資料揭露於第三人或非上列所述之其他用途 The personal data which the student provides will be retained by China Medical University for the admission and other administrative purposes only. 29 申請人簽名 Signature 日期 Date

附件二 : 中國醫藥大學外國學生入學申請具結書 Attachment 2: Declaration Form for International Students China Medical University 報考系所別 Department/Institute Applied 1. 2. 3. 30 姓名 Full Name 中文 (in Chinese) 英文 (in English) 一 本人保證符合中華民國教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 之規定 I hereby certify that I conform with the requirements indicated in the Regulations for foreign students studying in Taiwan issued by the Ministry of Education of ROC. 二 本人了解中華民國國籍法第二條之認定 I hereby certify that I understand Article 2 of<nationality Act>. < 國籍法 > 第二條所認定 : 有下列各款情形之一, 屬中華民國國籍 : 一 出生時父或母為中華民國國民 二 出生於父或母死亡後, 其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民 三 出生於中華民國領域內, 父母均無可考, 或均無國籍者 四 歸化者 ROC nationality mentioned above is defined in accordance with Article 2 of<nationality Act>: A person shall have the nationality of the ROC under any of the conditions provided by the following Subparagraphs: 1. His/her father or mother was a national of the ROC when he/she was born. 2. He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the ROC at the time of death. 3. He/she was born in the territory of the ROC, and his/her parents can t be ascertained or both were stateless persons. 4. He/she has undergone the naturalization process. 三 本人保證符合以下五項其中之一 : I hereby certify that I qualify for one of the following three conditions: (1) 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請時並不具僑生資格 At the time of application, I am holding a foreign nationality, and I am not an overseas compatriot student, nor had I ever possessed ROC nationality. (2) 具外國國籍及兼具中華民國國籍者, 自始未曾在臺設有戶籍, 並於申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者 ( 擬申請就讀大學醫學 牙醫 中醫學系或學士後中醫學系須連續居留八年以上 ), 且未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發 At the time of application, I am holding a foreign nationality and ROC nationality, but have never had a household registration in Taiwan, and have been living in a foreign country continuously for at least 6 consecutive years (at least 8 consecutive years for applying for School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Chinese Medicine and School of Post- Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine), and have not studied under the status of overseas Chinese students nor received placement permission during the same year of the application by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. (3) 具外國國籍, 曾兼具中華民國國籍者, 於申請時已經內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍已滿八年, 並於申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者 ( 擬申請就讀大學醫學 牙醫 中醫學系或學士後中醫學系須連續居留八年以上 ), 且未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發至台灣大學院校 At the time of application, I am holding a foreign nationality and once had ROC nationality, and have obtained documents issued by Ministry of Interior indicating that I have given up ROC nationality for at least 8 years, and have been living in a foreign country continuously for at least 6 consecutive years (at least 8 consecutive years for applying for School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Chinese Medicine and School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine), and have not studied under the status of overseas Chinese student nor received placement permission during the same year of the application by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. (4) 具外國國籍, 兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格, 且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時於香港 澳門或海外連續居留滿六年以上者 ( 擬就讀本校醫學 牙醫 中醫學系或學士後中醫學系, 須連續居留年限為八年以上 ) (Continued on next page 接下頁 )