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1995 5 1995 4 1 2 1993 34

6 1995 1989 1989 1991 5 1992 1994 10% 1995 4 18 1/4 6 1995 4 60%7 Samuel Huntington 1991 8 Robert Bennett 9 1994 10 1994 1995 2 27 1994 2010 1. 2. 3. 27 4.

1995 7 5. 6. 21 11 Michel Oksenberg 12 1994 5 13 1. 14 2. 3. 15 16 4. 21 5. 17 6. 18 1992 Harry Harding 19 Nicholas D. Kristof contradictary20

8 1995 Nancy Tucker21 1993 engagement 22 1994 11 40 Joseph Nye 23 1. 1937 1941 1947 1950 1972 1989 1991

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12 1995 95% 68% 46% 57% 1990 28 1989 2. 1 23040 360 70 1 290 30 40 70 29 3.

1995 13 40 John ServiceJohn Davis 20 30 100%31 1 2 3

14 1995 4 5Surveys by the Gallop Organization, Latest that of 1991 James R. Lilley and Wenndell L. Willkie II, Beyond MFN (The AEI Press, 1994) 6 7 8Samuel Huntington, "American Changing Strategic Interests," Survival, Jan./Fab., 1991 9Robert Bennett, A Congressional View of U.S.-China Relations, U.S. China Policy: Building a New Consensus (The Center for Strategic International Studies, Sept. 1994), p.87. 10The Japan-U.S. Alliance and Security Regimes in East Asia, A Workshop Report The Institute for International Policy Studies (Japan) and The Center for Naval Analyses (U.S.) 1995, p.8. 11 International Affairs 12 13 An Emerging China in a World of Interdependence, A Report to the Trilateral Commission: 45 (The Trilateral Commission, May 1994) 14 Michel Oksenberg "The China Problem," Foreign Affairs, Vol.70, No.3, Summer, 1991, pp.4-6 15 Jim Mann, "U.S. Strategic Planners Fear China Will Become a Threat," Los Angeles Times, April 17, 1995, 16 17An Emerging China in a World of Interdependence, p.4. 18A. Doak Barnett, "U.S.-China Relations: Time for a New Beginning -- Again," U.S. China Policy: Building a New Consensus (The Center for Strategic International Studies, Sept. 1994). p.3. 19Harry Harding, "Neither Friend nor Foe: A China Policy for the Nineties," Brookings Review, Vol.10, ISS.2, Spring, 1992, pp.6-11. 20Nicholas D. Kristof, "The Rise of China," Foreign Affairs, Vol.72, No.5, Fall, 1993, p.59. 21Nancy B. Tucker, "China and America: 1949-1991," Foreign Affairs, Vol.70, No.5, Winter, 1992/1993, p.75. 22 23 24Tucker, "China and America: 1949-1991," p.75. 25Barnett, U.S.-China Relations, p.93. 26Oksenberg, "The China Problem," p.14. 2728John E. Rielly ed. American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy 1995 (The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1995)

1995 15 29(Michael H. Hunt) 30 31Mann, "U.S. Strategic Planner Fear China Will Become a Threat."

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1995 23

24 1995

1995 25

26 1995

1995 27

28 1995

1995 29

30 1995

1995 31

32 1995

1995 33

34 1995

1995 35

36 1995

1995 37

38 1995 1995 4 pragmatism behaviorism

1995 39 Richard Rorty 1 2 Puritanism Max Weber Van Wyck Brooks, 1886-1963 the Protestant ethic the Puritan temper Highbrow Lowbrow Jonathan Edwards Benjamin Franklin3

40 1995 4 5 either/or 1995 4 T.Talcott Parsons C.S. W. J.

1995 41.Richard J. Bernstein 6 R. post-philosophy J. postmetaphysics discontinuity the absolute truth representation the Mind the epistemological turn the linguistic turn 7 20 89 R.

42 1995 metanarratives 10 11 R.ethos12 D.Daniel Bell 13 E.Ernest Mandel 14 F.Fredric Jameson 15 knowledge

1995 43 narrative language gameslegitimacy metanarratives) a practical subject 16 17 efficiency Niklas Luhmann 18

44 1995 19 1Quoted from "Towards a liberal Utopia: An interview with Richard Rorty," Times Literary Supplement (TLS), June 24, 1994, p.14. 2 3Van Wyck Brooks, America's Coming-of-Age (Doubleday Anchor, 1958); orig. ed., 1915, p.5. 4 Daniel Bell, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (Basic Books, 1976), pp.55-58. 5Brooks, America's Coming-of-Age, p.10. 6 Richard J. Bernstein, The New Constellation: The Ethical-Political Horizons of Modernity/Postmodernity (The MIT Press), 1991, p.324. 7 R. Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature_ (Princeton University Press, 1979); R. Rorty, Introduction to The Linguistic Turn (the University of Chicago Press, 1967). 8Richard J. Bernstein, The New Constellation, p.324. 9Richard Rorty, Essays on Heidegger and Others: Philosophical Papers Vol.2 (Cambridge University Press, 1991), p.24. 10 Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, (University of Minnesota Press, 1984), p.xxiv. 11 Richard Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982); 12Bernstein, The New Constellation, p.324. 13Daniel Bell, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (Basic Books, 1978), pp.147-149. 14Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism, (London, 1978), p.387. 15Fredric Jameson, "Forward" to The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, (University of Minnesota Press, 1984), by Jean- Francois Lyotard, pp.99.iv-xv. 16 Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, esp. pp.3-5; pp.9-10; pp.31-35p.36. 17 :

1995 45 18 Niklas Luhmann, Legitimation durch Verfabren (Neuweid: Luchterhand, 1969), Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition, pp.46-47. 19

46 1995

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