1. Generalized chronic periodontitis. 2. Occlusal attrition. 3. Posterior bite collapse 4. Chronic apical periodontitis of 15, 44 Periodontal treatmen

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(3) (4) (1) (2) (d) V-2












1 1. 2. 3. addition silicone agar functional impression wax 56 Missing teeth of 11,12,14,18,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,34,37,38,46,47,48 Uneven occlusal plane and loss of vertical dimension Multiple occlusal attrition and gingival recession Ridge resorption and excessive space between 33 and 35 Space between 43 and 44 Crown fracture of 45 High buccal frenum attachment around 34 2 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

1. Generalized chronic periodontitis. 2. Occlusal attrition. 3. Posterior bite collapse 4. Chronic apical periodontitis of 15, 44 Periodontal treatment Root canal treatment ( #13, 15, 16, 23, 35, 36, 44 ) Interim dentures to increase VD and establish final occlusal plane Final prosthesis: Maxilla:surveyed crowns of #13, 15, 16, 23 + Class II mod 1 RPD Mandible:surveyed crowns of #35, 36, 44, 45 Class II mod 2 RPD interpupillary line and camper's line mounting study cast The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 3

acrylic diagnostic wax-up 17 interim denture VDO 4mm diagnostic wax-up provisional final impression master cast 4 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

Face-bow transfer diagnostic wax up upper master cast record base bite fork diagnostic wax-up master cast VD luminum wax master cast mounting diagnostic wax-up occlusal index diagnostic wax-up master cast surveyed crown wax-up The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 5

Metal coping try-in delivery agar RPD final impression master cast Framework try-in of upper and lower RPD functional impression wax altered-cast impression 6 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

Framework try-in master cast mounting putty occlusal and buccal index of diagnostic wax-up Finishing and polishing after packing PIP RPD The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 7

group function incisor canine guidance X 8 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

X 13,23 lower Diagnostic wax up prepare framework master cast framework stone index transfer case transfer index index group function 23 denture teeth denture abutment CO excursion canine guidance group function The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 9

shorten dental arch fix RPD distal free end RPD 15 13 RPD contact #45 coronal tooth fracture 15 45 13 framework contact 45 post coronal structure 36 prognosis poor framework 36 RPD upper RPD first molar interim denture, tuberosity abutment teeth altered cast close mouth technique framework functional impression framework retention framework retention 10 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The cademy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China