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Abstract Abstract Sports sponsorship, the intentional association of a brand or company with a sports teams or sporting event, is emerging as an important component of the marketing mix. Corporate sponsorship of sports is one of the fastest growing forms of marketing communications used to reach target audiences and to achieve favorable publicity for a company and/or its brands via the support of the traditional marketing tools as advertising, PR and promotion. Despite the growing role of sports sponsorship in the marketing activities of firms worldwide, academic research in this area has been limited, let alone the correlation between sports sponsorship and brand equity. This study focuses on how sports sponsorship can build brand equity and broadens the understanding of brand management in sports sponsorship by clarifying the position of sports sponsorship, classifying the general applications of sports sponsorship, building up the framework of achieving brand equity through sports sponsorship, establishing the basic disciplines of its execution and pointing out the solutions of improving sponsoring techniques for Chinese sports sponsors. Key Words: sports sponsorship; brand equity; sports sponsor strategy & principles

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2 SRI Sponsorship Research International 2000 250 1999 7 ISL International Sports Culture and Leisure Marketing 1990 77 1997 181 7 135 2000 17 11 5.36 30 88 1996 4500 40 2002 5 15 1980 2000 6200 1000 800-2000 2002 2008 WTO 2010 2008 90 0.3 144 1996 4000 13 30 3800 93 76 2001.9.27 2001.6.15 2002.1.26 600-700 2001.5.23 2002.1.26 2001.2.21 2001.9 P99 2001 2002.1.12 2000.12.22

3 VIP 1996 1 21 9.67 2001 1.725 60 20 3000 1980 1993 A 1000 1997 60 2000 6000 Gladden 1998 2001.6.15 2001.10 1998.6.2 2001.3.28

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8 19 1852 50 60 70 1980 1983 Bennett 1999 2002.1.26 2001.8.23 2001.1 P4 2001.5 P34

9 Peter Franklin 70 3500 15.6% 93 91 50 20 1 1 48 39 28 27 25 12 9 8 8 6 5 3 1993.4.5 1999 61.8% 35.3% 2000 37 IBM 2000 2002 80 10 Roger Bennett; Sports sponsorship, spectator recall and false consensus; European Journal of Marketing; Bradford; 1999 2001.10 P23 2002.6.3

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11 Amway Dick Devos AT&T 1984 3000 / 98 50 AT&T 1950 40 10 AT&T Bennett 1999 / ISL 1996 1 21 9.67 77 1.44 VISA 1998 7 2000 10 2 50 2002 250 2003 500 9 2000.7 P98 2001.10 P29 Roger Bennett; Sports sponsorship, spectator recall and false consensus; European Journal of Marketing; Bradford; 1999 2001.5 P36 2003.4.7

12 Jagdish 1995 110 2002 2004 7 9300 2008 NBC 8 9400 2008 43 Logo ITV 3 5000 2002 15 15 2001 40 2002.9.10 Jagdish Agrawal, Wagner A. Kamakura; The economic worth of celebrity endorsers: an event study analysis; Journal of Marketing; July 1995; P56 2000.10 P66 2001.8.1 2001.6.10

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