登記信安 e-channel 服務送您大家樂港幣 20 元現金券 Get a Café de Coral HK$20 Cash Coupon by Registering for Principal e-channel Service 由 2011 年 6 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日, 只需登記

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第三十期 二零一一年五月 Issue No. 30 May 2011 摘要 Highlights : 信安投資實力備受肯定 Principal Recognized for Strong Investment Capabilities 登記信安 e-channel 服務送您大家樂港幣 20 元 Get a Café de Coral HK$20 Cash Coupon by Registering for 現金券 Principal e-channel Service 信安新推出信安保留帳戶計劃推廣 Launch of New Principal Preserved Account Program Promotion 參加 信安網上有獎問答遊戲 贏取獎品! Join Principal Online Quiz Competition and Win a Prize! 豐裕退休與積金創富 講座 MPF Investment Seminar Employee Engagement Summit 2010 Employee Engagement Summit 2010 善用強積金資料披露工具 Make Good Use of MPF Disclosure Tools 信安投資實力備受肯定 Principal Recognized for Strong Investment Capabilities 信安市務及企業傳訊總監陳泇沇小姐在指標年度基金大獎 2010 頒獎禮上接受獎項 Miss Eunice Tan, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications of Principal, received the award at the Award Reception of Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards 2010. 信安多年來的優秀表現, 大家有目共睹 所得獎項如下 : 今年, 信安榮獲指標年度基金大獎 2010 及 The award list is as follows: 理柏香港基金年獎 2011 獎項不但肯定信指標年度基金大獎 2010* 安為退休計劃專家, 並擁有卓越的資產管員理能力及出色的投資表現, 年度基金 100 強及傑出表現獎同時亦鼓勵及投資取向 >80-100% 股票 / 環球大型混合股票推動我們未來再創佳績, 更上一層樓 祇供信安計劃成FOR PRINCIPAL MEMBERS ONLY Principal s impressive performance over the years is well recognized. This year, Principal is proud to receive the Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards 2010 and Lipper Fund Awards Hong Kong 2011. These awards not only mark Principal s success as a retirement specialist with strong asset management capability and delivering consistent investment performance, but also serve as an encouragement and driving force for us to further strive for excellence in the future. 信安 尊信會 通訊 Club Update Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards 2010* Outstanding Achiever Top 100 Funds of the Year MPF category Lifestyle >80-100% Equity/Global Large-Cap Blend Equity 理柏香港基金年獎 2011* 最佳亞洲太平洋 ( 日本除外 ) 股票強積金基金 -5 年獎 Lipper Fund Awards Hong Kong 2011* Best Mandatory Provident Fund over 5 Years Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan * 指標年度基金大獎 2010 及理柏香港基金年獎 2011 分別根據截至 2010 年 10 月 31 日及 2010 年 12 月 31 日之表現計算 有關評選方法及各獎項的詳情, 請瀏覽理柏 (www.lipperweb.com/awards/fundawards.aspx) 及指標 (www.benchmark-wa.com/index.php) 網址 * The calculation of Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards 2010 and Lipper Fund Awards Hong Kong 2011 is based on performance as of 31 October 2010 and 31 December 2010 respectively. For details on the fund awards methodologies, please refer to the websites of Lipper (www.lipperweb.com/awards/fundawards. aspx) and Benchmark (www.benchmark-wa.com/index.php).

登記信安 e-channel 服務送您大家樂港幣 20 元現金券 Get a Café de Coral HK$20 Cash Coupon by Registering for Principal e-channel Service 由 2011 年 6 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日, 只需登記信安 e-channel 服務, 首 1,000 名登記成員可獲贈大家樂港幣 $20 元現金券 只需登記信安 e-channel 服務, 您將透過登記的手機號碼定期收到退休金帳戶的結餘手機短訊, 費用全免 您更可透過電郵通訊獲取投資錦囊 信安產品及服務資訊及會員尊享優惠 有關此項推廣及信安 e-channel 服務詳情, 請瀏覽 www.principal.com.hk 請即登記, 獲取此特別優惠! From 1 June to 30 June, 2011, you can get a Café de Coral HK$20 Cash Coupon by registering for Principal e-channel service. The offer is available on a first come first serve basis to the first 1,000 registered members. Upon registration for the Principal e-channel Service, you will receive regular updates of your personal pension account balance via SMS on your registered cellular phone number free of charge. You will also receive smart tips on investment, regular product and service updates and exclusive member benefits via e-mail. For details of this offer and Principal e-channel Service, please visit our website at www.principal.com.hk. Act now to enjoy the exclusive offer! 信安新推出信安保留帳戶計劃推廣 Launch of New Principal Preserved Account Program Promotion 有關新推出的信安保留帳戶計劃推廣 ( 包括條款與細則 ), 歡迎致電客戶服務熱線 :(852)2827 1233 查詢或瀏覽本公司網頁 (www.principal.com.hk) 投資涉及風險 基金價值可升可跌 您不應單靠此宣傳品作出投資決定 您必須參閱有關強積金計劃的主要推銷刊物 / 計劃說明書, 以便獲得進一步資料 ( 包括成分基金的投資政策 風險因素 費用及收費 ) For details including terms and conditions of the new Principal Preserved Account Program Promotion, please call our Customer Service Hotline: (852) 2827 1233 or visit our website (www.principal.com.hk). Investment involves risks. The value of the funds may go up or down. You should not invest in reliance on this marketing material alone. You should read the Principal Brochure/ Explanatory Memorandum of the MPF Schemes for further details (including investment policy, risk factors, fee and charges of the constituent funds). 參加 信安網上有獎問答遊戲 贏取獎品! Join Principal Online Quiz Competition and Win a Prize! 信安新推出 信安網上有獎問答遊戲, 參加者有機會贏取獎品! 參加者只須回答信安網頁上的 3 條問題, 並以電郵方式把答案傳回信安 首 10 名答對所有問題的參加者將各獲贈超級市場港幣 $100 元現金禮劵 你敢接受挑戰嗎? 立即參加遊戲吧, 勝出者隨時就是你! 有關問答遊戲的詳情及條款與細則, 請即瀏覽信安網頁 (www.principal.com.hk) Principal newly launches the Principal Online Quiz Competition in May 2011 and participants may have the chance to win a prize! Participants only need to answer three quiz questions posted on Principal website and send back the answers by email to Principal. The first 10 participants who get all the answers correct will each be awarded a HK$100 supermarket coupon. Do you think you are up for the challenge? Join the competition now and you could be the winner! For more details including terms and conditions of the competition, visit our website (www.principal.com.hk).

豐裕退休與積金創富 講座 MPF Investment Seminar 作為強積金服務提供機構 我們有責任向大眾推行投資教育計劃 信安 在2010年11月27日聯同經濟商學院假九龍香格里拉酒店舉行 豐裕退 休與積金創富 講座 我們邀請到幾位城中炙手可熱的講者如麥萃才博 士 李兆波先生 石鏡泉先生 胡孟青小姐及信安首席投資總監鍾志明 先生與觀眾分享他們對退休計劃的部署 強積金選擇心得及2011年市場 展望等 當日有超過350名人仕參加講座 反應熱烈 As a MPF service provider, it is one of our responsibilities to promote investor education among the public. On 27 November, 2010, Principal together with ET Business College, held a MPF investment seminar at Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel. Some of the hottest speakers in town, such as Dr. Billy SC Mak, Simon Lee, Arthur Shek, Agnes Wu as well as Principal s Chief Investment Officer, Jimmy Choong, were invited to share their views on retirement planning, smart tips on MPF choices and market outlook for 2011 with the audience. The event drew an overwhelming response with over 350 participants. Employee Engagement Summit 2010 繼於2009年舉辦的Employee Engagement Summit獲得成功 後 A-Performers.com在2010年11月30日假九龍香格里拉酒 店再度舉行Employee Engagement Summit 2010 此活動主 要為大中華區的人力資源專才提供一個交流人才管理心得及意 見的平台 信安很榮幸能成為參展商之一 與現場超過200位 人力資源專才介紹我們的產品及服務 With the success of Employee Engagement Summit in 2009, A-Performers.com organized Employee Engagement Summit 2010 again at Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel on 30 November, 2010. The summit mainly served as a platform for human resources professionals in the Greater China to share their insights and knowledge on talent management. Principal was honored to be one of the exhibitors to showcase our products and services with more than 200 human resources professionals.

善用強積金資料披露工具 Make Good Use of MPF Disclosure Tools 如對信安 尊信會 通訊有任何查詢或意見 請致電(852) 2827 1233 或電郵至hkinfo@exchange.principal.com 與我們的客戶服務代表聯絡 歡迎 瀏覽信安網頁www.principal.com.hk以獲得更多關於信安的資訊 For questions or comments on Principal Club Update, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2827 1233 or email us at hkinfo@exchange.principal.com. You can also visit www.principal.com.hk to know more about Principal. 本宣傳品並未經證券及期貨事務監察委員會審核 This marketing material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission. 2011版權屬美國信安保險有限公司所有 Copyright 2011 Principal Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited. 本宣傳品之發行人 : 美國信安保險有限公司及信安資金管理(亞洲)有限公司 Issuer of this material : Principal Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited and Principal Asset Management Company (Asia) Limited

Gloria 國際專業美容護膚中心 憑券以優惠價 $980 享用特選療程十次, 有多款面部及護理可供選擇 Present this e-coupon to enjoy 10 times of special treatment at a special price of HK$980, with various types of facial and body treatments available. 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 2891 6983/2891 7296 2) 此優惠只供一人使用, 並只限首次登記之客人 3) 請於護理前出示此電子優惠券 4) 此電子優惠券不可兌換現金 5) 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 6) 影印本可以接受 7) 每張電子優惠券只限使用一次 8) Gloria 保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 9) 如有任何爭議,Gloria 保留最終決定權 2) This e-coupon is redeemable by one new customer to enjoy the said offer once. 3) Please present this e-coupon before treatment. 4) This e-coupon is not exchangeable and not 5) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with 6) Photocopy is accepted. 7) Each e-coupon can be redeemed once only. 8) Gloria reserves the right to amend these terms and 9) In case of disputes, Gloria reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to the offer. This offer is directly provided by Gloria and is a deal between Gloria and the customer. No 本優惠由 Gloria 提供, 並為 Gloria 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任 憑券惠顧專業脫墨 / 痣服務 ( 原價港幣 $80 起 1 ), 可作港幣 $50 使用 P re s e n t t h i s e - c o u p o n t o enjoy a HK$50 discount for professional mole removal treatment (valued at HK$80 up 1 ). 1 服務收費因應客人的情況而異 1 Treatment charges vary depending on the customer s condition. Gloria 國際專業美容護膚中心 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 2891 6983/2891 7296 2) 此優惠只供一人使用, 並只限首次登記之客人 3) 請於護理前出示此電子優惠券 4) 此電子優惠券不可兌換現金 5) 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 6) 影印本可以接受 7) 每張電子優惠券只限使用一次 8) Gloria 保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 9) 如有任何爭議,Gloria 保留最終決定權 2) This e-coupon is redeemable by one new customer to enjoy the said offer once. 3) Please present this e-coupon before treatment. 4) This e-coupon is not exchangeable and not 5) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with 6) Photocopy is accepted. 7) Each e-coupon can be redeemed once only. 8) Gloria reserves the right to amend these terms and 9) In case of disputes, Gloria reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to the offer. This offer is directly provided by Gloria and is a deal between Gloria and the customer. No 本優惠由 Gloria 提供, 並為 Gloria 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任 電話 / 電郵 Tel/Email: 3180 6111/leisure.travel@bcdtravel.hk Bar code-serial No. 1352 購買任何二人同行的旅遊套票, 每人消費滿港幣 $3,000 或以上, 可享港幣 $200 折扣優惠 HK$200 Discount Travel E-Coupon for 2 persons. This e-coupon is valid for purchase of any Leisure Travel Package with a selling price of HK$3,000 per person or above. 1) 有效期至 2011 年 10 月 31 日 2) 必須繳付現金, 方可享有優惠 3) 請於訂購前出示此電子優惠券 4) 此電子優惠券不可兌換現金及遺失不獲補發 5) 此優惠不可與其他優惠或折扣產品同時使用 7) 捷成商務旅遊管理有限公司保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 8) 如有任何爭議, 捷成商務旅遊管理有限公司保留最終決定權 1) Date of expiry: 31 October 2011. 2) Payment on cash basis only. 3) This e-coupon must be presented at point of reservation. 4) This e-coupon cannot be redeemed for cash and is not replaceable if lost. 5) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount products. 6) This e-coupon is applicable for one time use only. 7) Jebsen Travel Management Limited reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 8) Jebsen Travel Management Limited reserves the right of final decision in the event of any disputes. This offer is directly provided by Jebsen Travel Management Limited and is a deal between Jebsen Travel Management Limited and the customer. No liability is accepted by Principal Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited. 本優惠是由捷成商務旅遊管理有限公司提供, 並為捷成商務旅遊管理有限公司與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任 憑券報讀任何暑期英語課程 ( 包括中小學課程 ), 可作港幣 $300 使用 Enjoy a HK$300 discount when joining any of our Summer English Courses. We offer classes for primary and secondary school students. 查詢及報名 Inquiries and Enrollment 炮台山 Fortress Hill 2806 8702 / info@abbeyenglishcentre.com www.abbeyenglishcentre.com 1) 優惠期至 2011 年 12 月 31 日 2) 此優惠只供一人使用, 並只限首次報 讀 Abbey English Centre 課程之客戶 3) 請於辦理課程報讀手續前出示此電子 優惠券 7) Abbey English Centre 保留修改所有條 款及細則之權利而毋須事先通知 8) 如有任何爭議,Abbey English Centre 保留最終決定權 1) Date of expiry: 31 December 2011. 2) This e-coupon is redeemable by one new customer only. 3) Please present this e-coupon before course registration. 4) This e-coupon cannot be combined with any other sale, promotion or coupon. 5) This e-coupon cannot be exchanged, refunded, replaced or redeemed for cash. 7) These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior written notice. 8) In case of dispute, Abbey English Centre reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to this offer. This offer is directly provided by Abbey English Centre and is a deal between Abbey English Centre and the customer. No 本優惠是由 Abbey English Centre 提供, 並為 Abbey English Centre 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任

購買任何正價產品滿 HK$500, 即可免費獲贈 粉底專家の專業化妝服務 乙次 ( 價值 HK$380) Enjoy free Professional Make-up Service (valued at HK$380) for once upon consuming HK$500 on any regular-priced product. 九龍灣德福 Kowloon Bay Telford Plaza : 2997 3608 中環 Central : 2140 6998 尖沙咀崇光百貨 Tsim Sha Shui Sogo : 3556 1324 旺角先施百貨 Mongkok Sincere : 2628 9861 油麻地永安百貨 Yau Ma Tei Wing On : 2782 6080 荃灣千色 Tsuen Wan Citistore : 2419 9136 元朗千色 Yuen Long Citistore : 2475 3899 黃埔 JUSCO Whampoa JUSCO : 2356 2876 2) 服務前必須預約 3) 請於服務前出示此電子優惠券 7) COVERMARK 保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 8) 如有任何爭議,COVERMARK 保留最終決定權 旺角朗豪坊 Mongkok Langham Place : 3514 9062 銅鑼灣崇光百貨 Causeway Bay Sogo : 2831 4625 九龍酒店西武 Kowloon Hotel Seibu : 3693 2116 沙田一田百貨 Shatin Yata: 2691 5515 上環永安百貨 Sheung Wan Wing On : 2543 7006 將軍澳千色 Tsueng Kwan O Citistore : 2918 0832 康怡 JUSCO Kornhill JUSCO : 2560 0146 屯門 JUSCO Tuen Mun JUSCO : 2618 2351 2) Advance booking is required. 3) Please present this e-coupon before service. 4) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. 5) This e-coupon is not exchangeable and not redeemable for cash. 7) COVERMARK reserves the right to amend these terms and 8) In case of any disputes, COVERMARK reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to the offers. This offer is directly provided by COVERMARK and is a deal between COVERMARK and the customer. No 本優惠是由 Covermark 提供, 並為 Covermark 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任 中環 Central : 2918 9206 銅鑼灣時代廣場 Causeway Bay Times Square : 2506 1540 康怡 JUSCO Kornhill JUSCO : 2560 0146 黃埔 JUSCO Whampoa JUSCO : 2356 2876 九龍酒店西武 Kowloon Hotel Seibu : 2127 4821 購買任何正價產品滿 HK$300, 即可免費獲贈 眉形藝術服務 乙次 ( 價值 HK$150) Enjoy free Eyebrow Art Creation Service (valued at HK$150) for once upon consuming HK$300 on any regular-priced product. 2) 服務前必須預約 3) 請於服務前出示此電子優惠券 7) Kesalan Patharan 保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 8) 如有任何爭議,Kesalan Patharan 保留最終決定權 2) Advance booking is required. 3) Please present this e-coupon before service. 4) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with 5) This e-coupon is not exchangeable and not 7) Kesalan Patharan reserves the right to amend these terms and 8) In case of any disputes, Kesalan Patharan reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to the offers. This offer is directly provided by Kesalan Patharan and is a deal between Kesalan Patharan and the customer. No 本優惠是由 Kesalan Patharan 提供, 並為 Kesalan Patharan 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任 查詢 Enquiries 康怡 JUSCO Kornhill JUSCO : 2560 0146 九龍酒店西武 Kowloon Hotel Seibu : 3693 2116 凡出示此電子優惠券, 即可獲贈 ACSEINE 全效防曬霜 試用裝 (6g) 乙件 ( 價值 : HK$50) Enjoy free sample Milky Sunshield <N> (6g) (valued at HK$50) upon presenting the e-coupon. 1) 優惠期至 2011 年 6 月 30 日 2) 數量有限, 送完即止 3) 請於換領時出示此電子優惠券 7) ACSEINE 保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 8) 如有任何爭議,ACSEINE 保留最終決定權 1) Offer valid until: 30 June 2011. 2) The sample is only available while stock lasts. 3) Please present this e-coupon before redemption. 4) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with 5) This e-coupon is not exchangeable and not 7) ACSEINE reserves the right to amend these terms and 8) In case of any disputes, ACSEINE reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to the offers. This offer is directly provided by ACSEINE and is a deal between ACSEINE and the customer. No 本優惠是由 ACSEINE 提供, 並為 ACSEINE 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任 中環 (Central) : 2140 6998 凡出示此電子優惠券, 即可獲贈 蘆薈保濕手部按摩 服務乙次 ( 價值 : HK$150) Enjoy free Aloe Hydrating Hand Massage Service (valued at HK$150) for once upon presenting the e-coupon. 2) 服務前必須預約 3) 請於服務前出示此電子優惠券 7) Beauty Galleria 保留修改所有之權利而毋須事先通知 8) 如有任何爭議,Beauty Galleria 保留最終決定權 2) Advance booking is required. 3) Please present this e-coupon before service. 4) This e-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with 5) This e-coupon is not exchangeable and not 7) Beauty Galleria reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 8) In case of any disputes, Beauty Galleria reserves the right of final decision in all matters relating to the offers. This offer is directly provided by Beauty Galleria and is a deal between Beauty Galleria and the customer. No 本優惠是由 Beauty Galleria 提供, 並為 Beauty Galleria 與客戶的交易 美國信安保險有限公司毋須承擔任何責任