Siebel Scholars Universities GRADUATE SCHOOLS OF BIOENGINEERING Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Tech

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Siebel Scholars form an exceptional community of leaders in business, c o m p u t e r SI EBEL SCHOLARS FOUNDATION s c i e n c e a n d b i o e n g i n e e r i n g. 希伯学者计划 Scholars join forces China Delegation with world-renowned M a y 7 1 7, 2 0 1 1 experts and 中国代 authorities 表团 2011 年 5 月 7 日 -17 日 to examine today s most p r e s s i n g i s s u e s a n d explore solutions that will have lasting impact. 1

Siebel Scholars Universities GRADUATE SCHOOLS OF BIOENGINEERING Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Engineering Stanford University School of Engineering University of California, Berkeley College of Engineering University of California, San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering GRADUATE SCHOOLS OF BUSINESS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg School of Management Stanford University Graduate School of Business University of Chicago Booth School of Business University of Pennsylvania The Wharton School GRADUATE SCHOOLS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Engineering Stanford University School of Engineering Tsinghua University School of Information Science and Technology University of California, Berkeley College of Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering About the Siebel Scholars Foundation The Siebel Scholars program was founded in 2000 policies, and economic and social decisions that to recognize the top students at the leading graduate shape the future. schools of business, computer science, and The Siebel Scholars program is funded with bioengineering and to form an active, lifelong grants totaling more than $40 million to community among an ever-growing group of Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard University, leaders. Each year, 80 graduate students are Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts selected as Siebel Scholars based on academic Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, excellence and leadership and receive a $35,000 Stanford University, Tsinghua University, award toward their final year of studies. University of California, Berkeley, University Over the past 11 years, the Siebel Scholars of California, San Diego, University of Chicago, program has created a community of over 600 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Siebel Scholars that fosters personal leadership, University of Pennsylvania. academic achievement, and the collaborative Siebel Scholars are instrumental in the development search for solutions to pressing societal problems. and operation of projects undertaken by the Siebel Scholars and alumni now successful Siebel Foundation. From large-scale initiatives to executives, researchers, entrepreneurs, and address global energy use to community-based academics join forces with world-renowned activities that help answer the need for public experts and authorities to examine today s health solutions, Siebel Scholars actively most pressing issues and explore solutions that advise the Siebel Foundation as it establishes will have a lasting impact. This unique group strategies and programs to deliver meaningful has the ability to influence the technologies, social change. 关于希伯学者基金会 希伯学者计划成立于 2000 年, 旨在表彰在商业 独特的团体对塑造未来的技术 政策 经济和社会计算机科学和生物工程领域内世界顶尖研究院所中决策产生不可或缺的影响 表现突出的研究生, 并为不断壮大的领袖人物团队希伯学者计划的奖学金共计 4000 余万美元, 其拨营造一个活跃且能贯穿他们整个职业生涯的平台 款对象包括卡内基梅隆大学 哈佛大学 约翰 霍每年, 依据学生的学术表现和领导能力, 共计 80 普金斯大学 麻省理工大学 西北大学 斯坦福大名研究生被选为希伯学者, 并获得 3.5 万美元奖学学 清华大学 加州大学伯克利分校 加州大学圣金, 以支持他们研究生期间最后一年的学术研究 迭戈分校 芝加哥大学 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校及在过去 11 年里, 希伯学者计划创建了一个由 600 余宾夕法尼亚大学 人组成的团队 这些希伯学者不断提升个人领导能希伯学者在希伯基金会所开展项目的研发 实施过力 学术表现 并为紧迫社会问题寻找解决方案 程中发挥着重要作用 从像全球能源使用等的大规希伯学者及其同学会 很多成员如今已晋身为成模计划, 到像满足公共卫生解决方案需求等的社区功的管理者 企业家 研究人员 学者等 与世活动, 希伯学者积极向基金会提出建议, 协助其实界知名的专家 权威合作, 共同研究当今最紧迫的施战略项目, 为社会带来有益改变 事宜, 并探索能够带来持久影响的解决方案 这一 2

Siebel Scholars Delegation Overview 希伯学者代表团概况 The Siebel Scholars alumni in this delegation to China come from a wide variety of technical, scientific, and managerial backgrounds. This accomplished group includes executives at leading healthcare, investment, consulting, and energy companies such as Morgan Stanley, Baxter, McKinsey & Company, Kraft Foods, and The Hina Group; and postdoctoral researchers in Bioengineering and Computer Science at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, San Diego, and Tsinghua University. Hosted by President Gu of Tsinghua University, the purpose of the Siebel Scholars delegation trip to China is to provide these leaders with an opportunity to learn about Chinese business, technology, and culture firsthand, through visits to businesses and factories and meetings with executives and senior Chinese central and regional governmental leadership. In doing so, the Siebel Scholars Foundation hopes that the delegation, and the greater Siebel Scholars community, will gain deeper insight into the issues and opportunities facing China and the rest of the world. Leading the delegation is Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman of the Siebel Scholars Foundation. Frieder Seible, Dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, also accompanies Mr. Siebel. 前往中国的这支希伯学者代表团成员来自不同行业, 拥有不同的技术 科学 管理领域背景 这支团队人才济济, 成员中有来自一流的医疗 投资 咨询 能源等领域公司, 如摩根士丹利 百特 麦肯锡 卡夫食品 汉能投资集团等的管理人员, 以及来自劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 加州大学圣地亚哥分校和清华大学的生物工程和计算机科学领域的博士后研究人员 此次希伯学者访华代表团由清华大学顾秉林校长负责接待, 主要是通过访问企业 工厂 与管理人员及中国中央 地方政府高层领导人会面等方式, 让这些成员有机会亲身了解中国的商业 技术和文化 通过这次活动, 希伯学者基金会希望代表团及广大希伯学者能够更深入地了解中国及世界其他地区面临的问题与机遇 代表团由希伯学者基金会主席汤姆 M 希伯带领 代表团成员, 加州大学圣地亚哥分校的 Jacobs 工程学院院长, Frieder Seible 将陪同希伯先生 China Delegation Agenda May 7 17, 2011 中国代表团日程 2011 年 5 月 7-17 日 B e i j i n g M a y 7 11 H a n g z h o u M a y 11 1 3 S h a n g h a i M a y 1 3 1 7 北京 杭州 上海 5 月 7-11 日 5 月 11-13 日 5 月 13-17 日 2 3

Thomas M. Siebel Chairman, Siebel Scholars Foundation Thomas Siebel is the chairman of First Virtual Group, a diversified holding company with interests in commercial real estate, agribusiness, global investment management, and philanthropy. Mr. Siebel is the founder and chairman of C3, an energy and emissions management company. Mr. Siebel was the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Siebel Systems, one of the world s leading software companies, which merged with Oracle Corporation in January 2006. Founded in 1993, Siebel Systems rapidly became a global leader in application software with more than 8,000 employees in 32 countries, over 4,500 corporate customers, and annual revenue in excess of $2 billion. Before founding Siebel Systems, Mr. Siebel served as chief executive officer of Gain Technology, a multimedia software company that merged with Sybase in December 1992. From 1984 through 1990, he was an executive at Oracle Corp., where he held a number of senior management positions. Mr. Siebel serves on the board of advisors for the Stanford University College of Engineering, the University of Illinois College of Engineering, and the University of California at Berkeley College of Engineering, and is a member of the Princeton University Board of Trustees. He is a director of the University of Illinois Foundation and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and is the chairman of the board for the American Agora Foundation. Mr. Siebel is the founder and chairman of the Meth Project Foundation and the Siebel Scholars Foundation, and chairman of the Siebel Foundation. He is a frequent industry spokesman and the author of three books: Taking Care of ebusiness and Cyber Rules, published by Doubleday, and Virtual Selling, published by The Free Press. In 2002, the Business Executives for National Security presented Mr. Siebel with the David Packard Award for his achievements as a technology entrepreneur and his contributions to national security. In 2000 and 2001, he was recognized by BusinessWeek as one of the Top 25 Managers in the World. In 1999, 2000, and 2001, Fortune magazine recognized Siebel Systems as the fastest, third fastest, and second fastest growing company in the United States, respectively. Call Center Magazine inducted him to its Hall of Fame in 2000 in recognition for contributions to the business and technology of customer service. 汤姆 M 希伯希伯学者基金会主席汤姆 希伯任职 First Virtual Group 公司主席, 这家多元化控股公司在商用房地产 农业商业 全球投资管理及慈善领域均有涉足 希伯是 C3 公司的创始人及主席, 该企业是一家能源与排放管理公司 希伯先生是希伯系统公司的创始人 主席兼首席执行官 该公司是一家世界一流软件公司,2006 年 1 月与甲骨文公司合并 希伯系统公司创立于 1993 年, 随后迅速成长为全球应用软件领域的领头羊, 在 32 个国家拥有 8000 余名员工,4500 余名企业客户, 年收入超过 20 亿美元 成立希伯系统公司之前, 希伯先生任职 Gain Technology 公司首席执行官 该公司主要经营多媒体软件, 于 1992 年 12 月与赛贝斯公司合并 1984 年至 1990 年, 希伯先生在甲骨文公司工作, 担任过一系列高层管理岗位 希伯先生是斯坦福大学工程学院 伊利诺伊大学工程学院 加州大学伯克利分校工程学院的顾问委员会成员, 也是普林斯顿大学董事会成员 他是伊利诺伊大学基金会 斯坦福大学胡佛研究所的董事, 也是美国 Agora 基金会的主席 希伯先生是冰毒项目基金会和希伯学者基金会的创始人兼主席, 也是希伯基金会的主席 希伯先生经常发表行业演讲, 并著有三本著作 : 由双日出版集团出版的 注意电子商务 和 计算机时代的规则, 以及自由出版公司出版的 虚拟销售 2002 年, 服务国家安全的商业主管 组织授予希伯先生 David Packard Award 奖, 以表彰其作为技术企业家所取得的成就, 以及其对国家安全作出的贡献 2000 至 2001 年, 希伯先生被 商业周刊 评为全球 25 强经理人之一 在 1999 2000 及 2001 年, 财富 杂志将希伯系统公司分别评为当年美国发展速度最快 发展速度第三 发展速度第二的企业 呼叫中心杂志 于 2000 年将希伯先生列入名人堂, 以表彰其对客户服务行业及技术作出的贡献 希伯先生毕业于伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 取得了历史学学士 工商管理硕士 计算机学硕士学位 希伯基金会成立于 1996 年, 为那些无家可归 贫困的人群, 教育及研究项目 公共健康 能源项目提供资金支持 希伯基金会创立了希伯学者基金会 希伯干细胞研究所, 希伯能源奖基金会 迪尔伯恩学者基金会和冰毒项目基金会 Mr. Siebel is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History, an MBA, and a Master of Science in Computer Science. The Siebel Foundation, founded in 1996, funds projects to support the homeless and underprivileged, educational and research programs, public health, and energy solutions. The Siebel Foundation established the Siebel Scholars Foundation, the Siebel Stem Cell Institute, the Siebel Energy Prize Foundation, the Dearborn Scholars Fund, and the Meth Project Foundation. 4 5

Frieder Seible, Ph.D. Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering University of California, San Diego Frieder Seible is the Dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and oversees strategic planning and operations, school-wide research and educations initiatives, academic affairs, and UCSD-wide cooperative programs. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and is the Walter J. Zable Professor of Engineering and the Eric and Johanna Reissner Chair in Applied Mechanics and Structural Engineering. Dr. Seible is the chair of the California Department of Transportation Seismic Advisory Board, and has served on or led national and international committees on bridge design and retrofit for earthquake safety. He serves as a structural engineering consultant on many of the world s long-span bridges. Dr. Seible has published more than 500 papers and technical reports, mainly related to seismic design of bridges and buildings as well as blast resistant design of critical structures. He received a Dpl. Ing. from the University of Stuttgart, a M.Sc. from the University of Calgary, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, all in civil engineering. Dr. Seible joined UCSD in 1983, and served as founding chair of the Department of Structural Engineering from 1995 until 2001. He was appointed Dean of the Jacobs School in 2003. Dr. Seible is considered a world-leader in bridge design and strategies to mitigate earthquake damage to buildings and bridges. His research achievements include the development of largescale structural testing techniques, seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges, and the application of Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) in civil engineering structures. He was the founding director of the Charles Lee Powell Structural Research Laboratories, which serve as a worldwide resource for full-scale testing and analysis of structures. Dr. Seible is the chair of the California Department of Transportation Seismic Advisory Board and has contributed to the Caltrans Bridge Seismic Safety Program through his large scale testing and retrofit research. Among his many recent research projects, Dr. Seible tested components for the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Bay Span, which was destroyed in an earthquake in 1989. More recently, his research focuses on blast resistant design of critical infrastructures, and he is the co-principal investigator on a bomb blast mitigation program sponsored by the Technical Support Working Group for counter-terrorism research. Frieder Seible 博士加州大学圣迭戈分校雅各布工程学院院长 Frieder Seible 现任加州大学圣迭戈分校雅各布工程学院院长, 负责战略规划与运营 学院内研究与教育计划 学术事宜及加州大学圣迭戈分校合作项目 他是美国国家工程院院士, 也是获得 Walter J. Zable 基金的工程学教授, 并任 Eric and Johanna Reissner 应用数学及结构工程学主席 Seible 博士任加州交通部地震咨询委员会主席, 并主持 参与了多场国家及世界级针对地震安全的桥梁设计和整修大会 他是全球多座长跨度大桥的结构工程学顾问 Seible 博士发表了 500 余篇论文和技术报告, 主要是讨论桥梁建筑的抗震设计, 以及重要建筑的防爆设计 他取得了斯图加特大学的工程硕士学位 卡尔加里大学的理科硕士学位 及加州大学伯克利分校的博士学位, 专业都是民用工程学 Seible 博士于 1983 年加入加州大学圣迭戈分校,1995 年创立并担任结构工程学院主席一直至 2001 年 2003 年被任命为雅各布学院院长 在降低地震对建筑物及桥梁损害方面的桥梁设计与方法领域,Seible 博士被公认为世界范围内的翘楚 其研究成果包括 : 大型结构测试技术 桥梁的抗震评估与整修 聚合物基复合材料在民用工程结构中的应用 他是 Charles Lee Powell 结构研究试验室的创始人之一, 该试验室主要用于为世界各地提供结构的全规模测试和分析 Seible 博士是加州交通部地震咨询委员会主席, 通过其进行的大规模测试和整修研究, 为加州交通部桥梁抗震安全项目作出了突出贡献 在其最近从事的多项研究中,Seible 博士检测了在 1989 年地震中毁坏的新旧金山 - 奥克兰湾大桥东湾段 最近, 他的研究重心是关键基础设施的防爆设计, 他是降低炸弹爆炸危害项目的首席调查员之一, 该项目由技术支持工作组赞助, 旨在进行反恐研究 6 7

Jeff Goldberg Senior Director, Genzyme Corporation MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management Jeff is currently Senior Director, Product Operating Management at Genzyme Corporation, a leading biotechnology company. In his role, Jeff is responsible for the management and profit of one of Genzyme s products (Mozobil, a first-in-class compound used to assist in mobilization of stem cells for bone marrow transplant in cancer patients. Jeff has been with Genzyme since 2001, and has had positions in Operations, Program Management, and Marketing. Prior to Genzyme, Jeff worked in a variety of engineering and manufacturing positions for pharmaceutical and fine chemical companies, including the Genetics Institute (Wyeth/ Pfizer), and H.C. Starck. Jeff received his joint MBA and Master s in System Design and Management from MIT, where he was in the Leaders For Manufacturing program. Jeff also holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University. Jeff Goldberg 健赞公司高级总监工商管理硕士,2001 级希伯学者麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院 Jeff 目前担任世界一流的生物技术公司 : 健赞公司产品运营部管理部高级总监 主要负责健赞公司 一项产品 (Mozobil, 的管理与盈利, 该产品是一种先进的化合物, 用于刺激进行 骨髓移植的癌症病人的干细胞生长 Jeff 自 2001 年起加入健赞公司, 先后从事过运营 项目管理 市场营销等工作 加入健赞公司之前,Jeff 在多家医药 精细化工企业供职, 从事工程及制造岗 位, 包括 ( 惠氏 / 辉瑞的 ) 遗传学研究所 世泰科公司等 Jeff 在麻省理工大学获得工商管理学硕士 及系统设计与管理硕士学位, 并参加了麻省理工大学的制造业领袖项目 Jeff 还拥有康奈尔大学的 化学工程学士学位 Douglas Fisher, M.D. Principal, InterWest Partners MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2003 University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School Doug joined InterWest s life sciences team in 2009, focusing on biopharmaceutical and diagnostics investments. Prior to joining InterWest, Doug was a vice president at New Leaf Venture Partners where he spent three years focusing on biopharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics investments. Prior to joining New Leaf, Doug was a project leader with The Boston Consulting Group where he was a member of the Health Care Practice Area and consulted for leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Previously, he worked for Centocor (a J&J operating company) in the Global Biologic Strategic Marketing Group where he developed product strategies in three new disease areas for Remicade. Doug also consulted for the Gates Foundation and World Bank where he focused on public health issues and developing world diseases, including projects that involved treating tuberculosis in China. Doug received an A.B. in Economics with honors and distinction and a B.S. in Biology with distinction from Stanford University where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He has an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and an MBA from Wharton where he graduated with Honors. Douglas Fisher 医学博士 InterWest Partners 公司负责人工商管理硕士,2003 级希伯学者宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 Doug 于 2009 年加入 InterWest 的生命科学团队, 主要负责生物制药和诊断学方面的投资 加入 InterWest 之前,Doug 曾任 New Leaf Venture Partners 公司副总裁, 他在该公司工作三年, 主要负责生物制药 医疗设备和诊断学方面的投资 在此之前,Doug 曾任波士顿咨询公司的 项目负责人, 作为健康实践领域项目的成员, 为一流的制药和生物技术公司提供咨询 此前, Doug 在 Centocor 公司 ( 强生公司的自营公司 ) 工作, 作为全球生物战略营销小组成员, 为英利昔 单抗 (Remicade) 针对三种新的疾病制定产品策略 Doug 还曾为盖茨基金会和世界银行提供咨 询, 主要关注于公共健康事务和发展中国家面临的疾病, 包括针对中国肺结核治疗的项目 Doug 以优异的成绩获得斯坦福大学的经济学学士和生物学学士学位, 获得优秀毕业生称号 他获得了宾夕法尼亚大学医学院博士学位, 并以优异成绩获得沃顿商学院工商管理硕士学位 8 9

Guha Jayachandran, Ph.D. Technology Architect, Kosmix Computer Science, Siebel Scholars Class of 2003 Stanford University, School of Engineering Guha has spent recent years in entrepreneurial ventures related to Internet technology. He was a founder of Cruxlux, which developed innovative new search, semantic, and personalization technologies (acquired by Kosmix). Previously, he served in lead developer and project manager roles for the Folding@Home project (Pande Lab, Stanford), which leverages the computers of individual volunteers all around the world to perform massively parallel molecular simulations, probing protein biophysics relevant to diseases like cancer. The project grew during his tenure into the most powerful computing network in the world. In prior jobs and consultancies, he assessed business plans, market trends, and financial projections for new products and markets. Guha earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University. He finished his doctoral work in 2007, earning a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a Ph.D. minor in Chemistry. His work was primarily in computational chemistry and on the Folding@Home worldwide distributed computing project. Earlier at Stanford, he was a Mayfield entrepreneurship fellow. Guha has published several papers and given invited talks on cloud computing, drug discovery, and crowd-sourcing, including at FuturTech 2008 (panelist on Crowdsourcing: The Wisdom of the Commons ), S.F. Bay ACM, IIT Madras Biotechnology Seminar, and BCATS 2004 (Best Talk award). He has been named a Siebel Scholar, NDSEG Fellow, and Byrd Scholar, among other honors. Guha Jayachandran 博士 Kosmix 信息技术设计师计算机科学,2003 级希伯学者斯坦福大学工程学院 Guha 近年来一直在与互联网技术相关的创业型企业中工作 他是 Cruxlux 公司的创始人之一, 该公司研发了创新型的检索 语义和个性化技术 ( 后被 Kosmix 收购 ) 此前, 他担任 Folding@ Home 项目 ( 斯坦福大学潘德试验室 ) 的主要研发人员和项目经理, 该项目利用世界各地个人志愿者的电脑进行大型的并行分子模拟计算, 探索与癌症等疾病相关的蛋白质生物物理知识 在其工作期间, 该项目成为全世界最强大的计算机网络 在此前的工作与咨询项目中, 他针对新产品 新市场评估商业方案 市场趋势和财务预算 Brigette Wolf Global Brand Manager, Kraft Foods MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2003 Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management After working in the Breakthrough Innovation Group where she was developing new brands and platforms for the Gen Now Cohort, Brigette recently joined the Global Oreo team at Kraft Foods. She will be leading efforts to expand the Oreo brand to new markets and to increase innovation across the world. Over Brigette s past 8 years at Kraft, she has held a variety of marketing roles across its Meals, Pizza, Shopper Marketing, Channels, and Innovation divisions. Prior to her career in marketing, Brigette was an investment banker. She worked for Credit Suisse First Boston in Australia as a Generalist and in Morgan Stanley s Mergers & Acquisitions Financial Institutions Group. Brigette graduated magna cum laude from The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Brigette Wolf 卡夫食品公司全球品牌经理工商管理硕士,2003 级希伯学者西北大学凯洛格商学院 Brigette 此前在 Breakthrough Innovation Group 公司工作, 为 Gen Now Cohort 开发新品牌和新 平台 Brigette 于近期加入卡夫食品的全球奥利奥团队 她将致力于将奥利奥品牌推向新市场, 并 在全世界范围内不断创新 Brigette 在卡夫食品工作了八年, 从事了一系列市场营销工作, 包括餐 饮 比萨 购物者营销 渠道 创新等部门 在从事市场营销工作之前,Brigette 曾经在投资银行 工作 她曾在澳大利亚的瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行工作, 是一位多面手, 还曾在摩根士丹利公司的 并购金融机构工作 Brigette 以优异成绩毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院, 并获得西北大学凯洛格商学院工商管理硕士学位 Guha 在斯坦福大学获得学士 硕士及博士学位 2007 年他完成了博士研究, 获得计算机科学博士学位, 同时还辅修了化学博士 他工作的主要领域是计算化学, 以及 Folding@Home 在世界范围内的分布式计算项目 此前, 他在斯坦福大学获得梅菲尔德企业家奖学金 Guha 曾发表过数篇论文, 并应邀就云计算 药物发明 众包等发表意见, 例如 2008 年 FuturTech 大会 ( 众包 : 普通人的智慧 讨论小组成员 ) 美国计算机学会旧金山海湾大会 印度理工学院马德拉斯生物技术研讨会及 2004 年 BCATS 大会 ( 最佳发言奖 ) 他曾荣获希伯学者奖学金 国防科学和工程学研究生 (NDSEG) 奖学金 伯德学者奖学金等多项荣誉 1 0 1 1

Hanson Li Managing Director, Hina Group MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2004 Stanford University, Graduate School of Business Hanson is Managing Director at The Hina Group, one of the largest merchant banks focusing on China. With offices in China, U.S., and Singapore, Hina has been variously recognized as the Best Boutique M&A Bank, Best Private Equity Firm, and Best Cross- border Investment Bank in China. As head of Hina s U.S. office, Hanson leads the firm s international investment banking practice and also participates in Hina s China focused private equity funds. In investment banking, he assists global corporations with their cross-pacific Mergers and Acquisitions projects. Hanson also works with leading Chinese companies in raising capital and in exploring M&A opportunities outside of China. For Hina Private Equity Fund, Hanson focuses on rising consumerism in China and its impact on companies within China and outside of China. Hanson serves as Board Director for the Association of Asian American Investment Managers and serves as Board Director of the Asia America MultiTechnology Association. He previously held management roles at Capital One, a Fortune 500 financial services company, EqualFooting, and GlobalLogic. Hanson also worked at Mercer Management Consulting and Cagan McAfee Capital Partners. Hanson earned an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he graduated as an Arjay Miller Scholar and a Siebel Scholar. He also earned a B.A. (Human Biology) and M.A. (Sociology/Organizational Behavior) from Stanford University. Originally from Hong Kong, Hanson now makes his home in San Francisco with his wife and two children. He is fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese. 李宗志 Hanson Li 汉能投资集团执行董事工商管理硕士,2004 级希伯学者斯坦福大学商学院 李宗志现任汉能投资集团执行董事, 该公司是关注中国市场的 规模最大的商业银行之一 汉能投资集团在中国 美国 新加坡均设有办公室, 被评为中国最佳精品并购银行 最佳私募公司 最佳跨境投资银行 作为汉能集团美国办公室负责人, 李宗志主要负责公司的国际投资银行业务, 并参与管理汉能在中国的私募基金 在投资银行方面, 他协助全球企业进行跨太平洋的并购项目 李宗志还与中国一流企业合作, 在中国境外募集资金 寻找并购机会 针对汉能私募基金, 李宗志重点在于加强中国的消费主义, 及其对中国境内外公司产生的影响 李宗志担任亚洲 - 美国投资管理人协会董事, 及亚洲 - 美国多技术协会董事 此前他在第一资本金融公司工作, 该公司从事金融服务, 是财富 500 强企业之一, 他还曾在 EqualFooting, GlobalLogic, 美世咨询公司和 Cagan McAfee Capital Partners 公司工作 Joshua Bennett Marketing Group Manager, Baxter Healthcare MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2005 Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management Joshua is a marketing executive at Baxter Healthcare, a diversified healthcare company. He is currently launching a new intravenous nutrition product called OLIMEL, which provides nourishment to patients in critical care and other acute situations. Joshua recently launched HYLENEX, a drug for pediatric hydration in hospitals. He has been at Baxter since 2005, when he began patient marketing for the company s hemophilia treatment franchise. Joshua has also worked in strategy consulting, as an independent consultant, and for PricewaterhouseCoopers. He obtained his BBA in Accounting from Northwood University and his MBA in Marketing from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Joshua lives in Evanston, Illinois with his wife Rebecca, who teaches Music History at Northwestern University. In 2005, Joshua spent just over a week in China for personal travel, visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, and Yangshuo. Joshua Bennett 百特医疗公司市场营销组经理工商管理硕士,2005 级希伯学者西北大学凯洛格商学院 Joshua 现任百特医疗公司市场营销管理人员, 该公司是一家多样化经营的医疗企业 他现在正推 出一种新型静脉注射营养产品, 名叫 OLIMEL, 能够为重症监护病人及其他濒危病人提供营养 此前 Joshua 推出了 HYLENEX, 该药品是针对医院儿科的水合作用 Joshua 自 2005 年加入百特公 司, 当时他为公司的血友病治疗专利进行营销推广 Joshua 曾在普华永道担任独立咨询师, 提供战 略咨询 Joshua 在西北大学获得会计专业的工商管理学士学位, 后在西北大学凯洛格商学院获得市 场营销专业的工商管理硕士学位 Joshua 现在与妻子瑞贝卡居住在伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿, 瑞贝卡在 西北大学教授音乐历史 2005 年,Joshua 曾来中国旅行一周, 去了北京 上海 西安和阳朔 李宗志在斯坦福大学商学院获得工商管理硕士学位, 在校期间获得 Arjay Miller 学者和希伯学者奖学金 他在斯坦福大学获得学士 ( 人类生物学 ) 和硕士 ( 社会学 / 组织行为学 ) 学位 李宗志来自香港, 目前和妻子及两个孩子定居旧金山 他精通普通话和广东话 1 2 1 3

Arel Cordero, Ph.D. Computer Science, Siebel Scholars Class of 2005 University of California, Berkeley, College of Engineering Arel completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied computer security and privacy, and its application to elections in the U.S. In his dissertation, Enabling More Meaningful Post-Election Investigations, Arel sought to make elections more transparent and secure by improving the power of election auditing. His research has looked at both the efficacy of procedures used in audits, and the trustworthiness of the available data. In collaboration with leading academics and government officials, he has revealed critical limitations of voting systems and practices used today, and his recommendations have been recognized and adopted in elections throughout the United States. Innovations in election systems tend to lie in a design space that requires constant consideration for simplicity, usability, and comprehensibility. This aspect of design has inspired Arel in his research, and continues to motivate his interests going forward as he applies them to other consumer facing systems. In addition to his research, Arel runs marathons, plays the violin, and is a game developer. Arel Cordero 博士计算机科学,2005 级希伯学者加州大学伯克利分校工程学院 Arel 在加州大学伯克利分校取得计算机科学博士学位, 他攻读的专业是计算机安全与隐私, 及其在 美国选举中的应用 在其博士论文 实现更加有意义的选举后调查 中,Arel 希望能够通过提升选 举审计的能力, 使选举更加透明 更加安全 他的研究既关注到审计程序的效能, 也关注到现有数 据的可信性 通过与一流的学者及政府官员合作, 他指出了现在的投票系统和活动中存在的几处重 点局限性 他的建议已得到认可, 并在美国各地选举中加以应用 选举系统创新主要涉及设计空间, 需要对简单 实用和全面性进行不断思考 这方面的设计激发 了 Arel 在其研究中的灵感, 并激发了他不断前进的兴趣, 将这些内容应用到消费者面对的其他系统 中 除了研究工作之外,Arel 还参加马拉松长跑, 喜欢拉小提琴 开发小游戏 Bryon Krug Managing Director, Clark Energy Group MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2005 Harvard University, Harvard Business School Bryon led the formation of Clark Energy Group in 2007 and is now its managing director. In this role, Bryon has been responsible for Clark s emergence as a leading national energy services company with a number of high-profile projects underway. In 2008, the United States Department of Energy awarded his company a Super Energy Savings Performance Contract (Super ESPC), allowing Clark Energy to perform up to $5 billion of energy retrofits for federal agencies. In 2009, Bryon led Clark Energy s successful effort to be selected by the United States Army to be its development partner for the 500+ MW Fort Irwin Solar Enhanced Use Lease, the largest solar project ever begun on U.S. military land. This $2.5 billion project will use previously disturbed desert land to transform energy security at a critical military installation and will also supply clean renewable energy for tens of thousands of homes in southern California. Prior to the formation of Clark Energy Group, Bryon was part of the founding team for Inter-Mac, a Clark Energy subsidiary that is on track to finance over $100 million in affordable housing in Central America. Bryon received his MBA from Harvard Business School, and his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University where he served as student body president. Bryon Krug 克拉克能源集团执行董事工商管理硕士,2005 级希伯学者哈佛大学哈佛商学院 2007 年,Bryon 负责组建了克拉克能源集团, 现任公司执行董事 在 Bryon 的带领下, 克拉克成 长为全国一流的能源服务公司, 开展了一系列引人注目的项目 2008 年, 美国能源部为公司颁发 了一份特殊节能绩效保证合约, 允许克拉克能源集团为联邦机构进行价值 50 亿美元的能源设备翻 新 2009 年,Bryon 带领克拉克能源集团获得新成绩, 被美国陆军选为欧文堡 500 兆瓦以上太阳能 项目的加强使用租赁合作伙伴, 该项目是美国军事用地上建设的最大规模太阳能项目 该项目费用 25 亿美元, 将建设在废弃的沙漠地带, 为一处重要的军事设施提供安全能源, 也会为加州南部成千 上万个家庭提供清洁的可再生能源 在成立克拉克能源集团之前,Bryon 是 Inter-Mac 公司的组建团队成员之一, 该公司是克拉克能源的子公司, 主要为美国中部经济适用房提供 1 亿美元融资 Bryon 在哈佛商学院获得工商管理硕士学位, 在卡内基梅隆大学获得计算机工程和公共政策学士学位, 并曾任该校学生社团主席 1 4 1 5

Vikram Sahney Engagement Manager, McKinsey & Company MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management Vikram is an Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company s Seattle location. Since joining McKinsey, Vikram has primarily worked on operations and strategy engagements for mining and metals, aerospace, and automotive clients. Prior to joining McKinsey, Vikram graduated as a Leaders for Global Operations Fellow from MIT (Sloan MBA and SM Mechanical Engineering). In 2004, his team, LiquidPiston, took runner-up in the MIT $50K Entrepreneurship Competition for a novel internal combustion engine business plan. Since then, the company has gone on to receive venture capital funding. Prior to MIT, Vikram spent three years in a leadership development program at Ford Motor Company. Vikram is also a graduate of the University of Michigan with degrees in aerospace, mechanical, and automotive engineering. While at Michigan, he was a team leader and driver of the Solar Car Team placing 9th in the 1999 World Solar Challenge. Vikram is a member of the 7 Summits Cancer Climb team and recently became the first Indian American and one of approximately 300 people in history to have climbed the 7 Summits. Vikram s other hobbies include rock climbing, sailing, wind surfing, scuba diving, and skiing. Vikram spent two months consulting in Shanghai in late 2010, where he looked at urbanization and industrial production. His prior visit to China was in 2004, where he toured Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin, and met with business leaders. Gaurav Rastogi Vice President, Morgan Stanley MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2006 University of Chicago Booth School of Business Gaurav is a derivative research analyst for Morgan Stanley for the Asia Pacific region. He publishes regularly on investment thesis and ideas for Asia Pacific countries, including China, India, Korea, and Taiwan. He started his Wall Street career as the lead structurer and trader at Cournot Capital LLC, a $500 million Credit Derivatives Product Company fully funded by Morgan Stanley. At Cournot, Gaurav helped define the firm s trading strategies and risk management practices to generate an internal rate of return (IRR) of 30% for Morgan Stanley over two years. He has expertise in macro research and developing and implementing proprietary trading strategies for credit and equity. Gaurav has an MBA in Finance and Economics from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from IIT Delhi, where he was a SAIL scholar. Gaurav lives in Hong Kong and enjoys painting and soccer in his free time. Gaurav Rastogi 摩根士丹利副总裁工商管理硕士,2006 级希伯学者芝加哥大学布斯商学院 Vikram Sahney 麦肯锡公司项目经理工商管理硕士,2005 级希伯学者麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院 Vikram 现任麦肯锡公司西雅图地区的项目经理 自加入麦肯锡以来,Vikram 主要负责为采矿及金属行业 航空航天工业 汽车行业的客户提供运营和战略咨询 加入麦肯锡之前,Vikram 以全球运营领袖奖学金获得者身份毕业于麻省理工大学 ( 斯隆管理学院工商管理硕士 机械工程学硕士 ) 2004 年, 他所在小组 LiquidPiston 参加麻省理工大学奖金 5 万美元的企业家大赛并获得第二名, 他们提出了一项创新的内燃机商业计划 自此, 他们开始接受风险投资 考入麻省理工大学之前,Vikram 在福特汽车公司工作三年, 从事领导力发展项目 Vikram 此前毕业于密歇根大学, 拥有航空航天工业 机械和汽车工程学专业学历 在密歇根期间, 他是一支太阳能车队的队长兼赛车手, 曾在 1999 年世界太阳能汽车大赛中获得第 9 名 Vikram 是七大高峰癌症登山队的成员之一, 并成为第一个登上七大高峰的印度裔美国人, 平均每 300 人中仅有 1 人曾登上过全部七大高峰 Vikram 的其他爱好包括攀岩 帆船 帆板 潜水 滑雪等 2010 年底,Vikram 曾在上海呆过 2 个月从事咨询工作, 主要关注城市化和工业生产 他曾在 2004 年去过中国, 前往北京 上海 天津等地, 与企业负责人会面 Gaurav 是摩根士丹利亚太地区的研究分析员 他经常就亚太地区如中国 印度 韩国 台湾等地的投资情况及理念等发表论文 他在华尔街的事业起步于 Cournot Capital LLC 公司, 担任首席结构员兼交易员, 该公司是摩根士丹利全资投资的价值 5 亿美元的信贷衍生品公司 在 Cournot, Gaurav 协助确定了公司的交易战略和风险管理规则, 两年内为摩根士丹利实现了 30% 的内部收益率 他拥有宏观研究经验, 开发并实施了信贷和股权的财产交易策略 Gaurav 在芝加哥大学布斯商学院获得金融与经济专业的工商管理硕士学位, 此前他就读于印度理工大学德里分校, 获得计算机科学学士学位, 在那里他是 SAIL 学者 Gaurav 住在香港, 空闲时间喜欢画画 踢足球 1 6 1 7

John Law Portfolio Manager, Dimensional Fund Advisors MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2007 University of Chicago Booth School of Business John is a Portfolio Manager on the international desk at Dimensional Fund Advisors, a fund management firm with over $200 billion under management, which also won Institutional Investor s 2010 Quantitative Manager of the Year Award. He is the primary foreign exchange trader for all U.S.-based equity mutual funds and manages a number of international equity portfolios. Previously, John was Vice President at IndyMac Bank, where he structured and sold asset-backed securities as the Division CFO of the Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Group, and also worked in investment banking at Credit Suisse First Boston. In 2002, John qualified to be a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State but was never assigned to a diplomatic post. John received his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he graduated with high honors. He also earned a Master s degree (M.Phil.) in Finance from Cambridge University and a Bachelor s degree (A.B.) in Economics from Princeton University. Vasudev Bailey, Ph.D. Associate, McKinsey & Company Bioengineering, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering Vasudev is an Associate at McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, where he has been developing next generation portfolio strategies for high-tech firms since January of 2010. He received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where his thesis focused on utilizing nanotechnology for early detection of cancer. At Johns Hopkins he was the President of the Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. Council. Prior, he founded a mobile healthcare initiative for the underprivileged in India and co-founded Intellihealth, an automated health and fitness monitoring company. Intellihealth was awarded Best Concept Paper at the 2006 Stadling Yocca Carlson and Roth Business Plan Contest. Vasudev has over 20 first author conference, journal, or research presentations, and holds two provisional patents for technology from his research. Vas received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Irvine, where he majored in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Political Science and graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. John Law Dimensional Fund Advisors 公司投资组合经理工商管理硕士,2007 级希伯学者芝加哥大学布斯商学院 Vasudev Bailey 博士麦肯锡公司助理生物工程学,2010 级希伯学者约翰 霍普金斯大学怀廷工程学院 John 是 Dimensional Fund Advisors 公司国际部的一名投资组合经理, 该公司负责基金管理, 管理资产超过 2000 亿美元, 并获得机构投资者 2010 年年度定量管理者奖项 他是主要的外币交易员, 为所有美国股票共同基金提供服务, 同时也管理了一部分国际股票投资组合 此前, 他曾任 IndyMac 银行副总裁, 作为 Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Group 的部门首席财务官, 设计产品结构 并销售以资产为基础的债券 他还曾在瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行工作 2002 年,John 获得美国国务院外交官资格, 但他从未担任外交职务 John 以优异成绩毕业于芝加哥大学布斯商学院, 获得工商管理硕士学位 此前他在剑桥大学获得金融学硕士学位, 并在普林斯顿大学获得经济学学士学位 Vasudev 是麦肯锡公司的一名助理, 该公司是全球知名的管理咨询企业, 自 2010 年 1 月起,Vasudev 开始为高科技公司开发下一代投资组合策略 他毕业于约翰 霍普金斯大学医学院, 获得生物医药工程学博士学位, 其毕业论文主要阐述利用纳米技术进行癌症的早期检测 他在约翰 霍普金斯大学担任生物医药工程学博士委员会主席 此前, 他成立了一个移动医疗项目, 为印度的贫困人群提供服务, 还与别人联合创立了 Intellihealth 公司, 主营自动化医疗 健身监控等 在 2006 年的 Stadling Yocca Carlson and Roth Business Plan 大赛中,Intellihealth 荣获 最佳概念论文 Vasudev 拥有 20 余项署名第一作者的会议 刊物或研究报告, 并拥有两项研究技术临时专利 Vas 在加州大学欧文分校获得学士学位, 主修专业是生物医药工程学, 辅修政治学, 并以优异成绩毕业 1 8 1 9

Raymond Cheong, Ph.D. Co-founder and CEO, Euveda Biosciences Bioengineering, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering Raymond is CEO of Euveda Biosciences, a biotechnology startup he founded to commercialize technology for drug screening developed for his Ph.D. studies. Raymond completed his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in 2010 and is currently on leave from the M.D./Ph.D. program at The Johns Hopkins University. His Ph.D. thesis focused on the systems biology of inflammation through a multidisciplinary approach, melding computational modeling with experimentation. Raymond has authored 18 publications in journals such as Science, PNAS, and Nature Nanotechnology, including a paper featured on the cover of Science Signaling. Raymond also founded the Baltimore County Math League (now run by the Baltimore public school system), invented accurate algorithms to predict the winner of sports games (featured in Slate magazine), and maintained an extensive online archive of medical education resources (used by medical students from around the world). Prior to Johns Hopkins, Raymond graduated summa cum laude from the University of Maryland, with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, served as President of the Engineering Student Council, and won the School of Engineering Dean s Award. Raymond is a second-generation U.S. citizen of Chinese heritage and spent about one month visiting Hangzhou living as a local. Raymond Cheong 博士 Euveda Biosciences 公司创始人之一兼首席执行官生物工程,2010 级希伯学者约翰 霍普金斯大学怀廷工程学院 Raymond 是 Euveda Biosciences 公司首席执行官, 该公司由 Raymond 创立, 是一家新成立的生物 技术公司, 将其在博士学习期间研究的药品筛选技术加以商用 2010 年,Raymond 完成其生物医 药工程学专业博士学习, 目前暂停了其在约翰 霍普金斯大学的医学博士项目 其博士论文是关于 炎症的系统生物学, 通过多种学科的方法, 将计算模型与实验结合在一起 Raymond 在 科学 美国科学院院刊 自然 - 纳米技术 等期刊上发表了 18 篇论文, 其中一篇还是 科学 - 信 号传导 的封面文章 Raymond 曾创建了巴尔的摩县数学联赛 ( 目前由巴尔的摩公立学校系统运 作 ), 发明了精确的数学方法预测体育比赛的获胜者 ( 作为 Slate 杂志的专题文章 ), 并在线 维护一个庞大的医疗教育资源档案库 ( 使用者是来自世界各地的医学专业学生 ) 进入约翰 霍普 金斯大学之前,Raymond 以优异成绩毕业于马里兰大学, 拥有化学工程专业学士学位, 并曾任工 程学院学生会主席, 获得过工程学院院长奖励 Raymond 来自一家移民到美国的华裔家庭的第二 代, 曾在杭州生活过一个月 Rokhaya Diop, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Berkeley Bioengineering, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 University of California, Berkeley, College of Engineering Rokhaya is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. In her work, she uses stem cells as therapeutic tools to treat hair disorders such as androgenic and cicatricial alopecia. Her graduate research encompassed the study of both adult and embryonic stem cell development. Rokhaya s doctoral thesis focused on the regulation of stem cell development by mechanical forces. Rokhaya earned a Bachelor s and a Master s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the City University of New York. After college, she worked as an engineer in the vaccine division at Merck & Co. before deciding to pursue a doctoral degree in Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley. As a graduate student, Rokhaya was a leader in the Black Engineering and Science Student Association. She took part in a number of community outreach programs and educational projects to promote math and science education both at the middle school and high school levels. Rokhaya now serves on the executive board of the National Society of Black Engineers to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in engineering. In her free time, Rokhaya enjoys swimming, biking, and playing basketball. Rokhaya Diop 博士加州大学伯克利分校博士后研究员生物工程,2010 级希伯学者加州大学伯克利分校工程学院 Rokhaya 是加州大学伯克利分校的博士后研究员 她在研究工作中使用干细胞作为治疗手段, 治 疗毛发生长紊乱, 如雄激素性脱发 瘢痕性脱发 她的毕业研究包括针对成熟干细胞和胚胎干细 胞发育的研究 Rokhaya 的博士论文主要是关于通过机械力控制干细胞发育 Rokhaya 取得了纽约 市立大学机械工程专业学士及硕士学位 毕业后, 她加入默克集团疫苗部门担任工程师, 后决定 前往加州大学伯克利分校攻读生物工程学博士 研究生期间,Rokhaya 是黑人工程与科学学生社 团负责人 她参加了许多社区活动和教育项目, 在初中和高中推广数学 科学教育 Rokhaya 目 前在国家黑人工程师协会的执行委员会工作, 为提高工程学界少数民族的人数而努力 在业余时 间,Rokhaya 喜欢游泳 骑自行车 打篮球 2 0 2 1

Ashley Evans Senior Associate, The Carlyle Group MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 Stanford University, Graduate School of Business Ashley works at The Carlyle Group, where she evaluates, executes, and manages private equity transactions in the U.S. industrials and transportation sectors. She works with Kinder Morgan, Inc., one of the largest pipeline transportation and energy storage businesses in North America, as well as Veyance Technologies, a leading global producer of engineered products, and its Chinabased joint venture, Aneng, Inc. She recently graduated from Stanford s Graduate School of Business. Prior to business school, Ashley worked at Carlyle and in Morgan Stanley s Investment Banking Division, advising on Mergers and Acquisitions and financing alternatives for financial and industrial companies. Ashley received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University, summa cum laude, in Religion and also holds a M.Phil. from Cambridge, First Class, in classical philosophy. At Stanford, Ashley served as an Arbuckle Leadership Fellow, a Class Liaison, a member of the Distinguished Teaching Award Committee, a Peer Tutor, and a Board Fellow for Rebuilding Together Peninsula. She enjoys marathons, ultramarathons, and trail running. Chuck Gammal Consultant, Simon-Kucher and Partners MBA, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management Chuck is a Consultant at Simon-Kucher and Partners (SKP), a strategy and marketing consultancy that has worked with more than 100 of the Global Fortune 500 companies. SKP is regarded as the world s leading pricing advisor and thought leader. Recently, Chuck led the U.S. portion of a global market assessment for the Mergers and Acquisitions department of an $80B pharmaceutical company. Prior to SKP, Chuck worked in the Planning and Business Development group of ExxonMobil Chemical on their 10-year China investment strategy. Prior to ExxonMobil, Chuck managed a team of four at UMass Medical Center that designed, tested, and patented a medical device to assess the severity of pitting edema in order to improve diagnosis and treatment. Chuck has an MBA from MIT Sloan and has a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). At MIT Sloan, Chuck was elected one of four officers of MIT s Graduate Student Council, an 80-member organization that represents MIT s 6,000 graduate students. At WPI, Chuck was elected President of the Student Government Association and was named the top Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) student in the U.S. by Eta Kappa Nu, the national ECE honor society. Ashley Evans 凯雷投资集团高级助理工商管理硕士,2010 级希伯学者斯坦福大学商学院 Ashley 现在凯雷投资集团工作, 主要负责评估 实施并管理美国工业和交通行业的私人股权交易 她与北美最大的管道运输和能量储存企业 Kinder Morgan, Inc. 合作, 同时也与全球一流的工程产品制造商 Veyance Technologies 公司及其位于中国的合资企业安能公司合作 Ashley 新近毕业于斯坦福大学商学院 此前, 她曾在凯雷集团 摩根士丹利的投资银行部工作, 就收购兼并 融资方案向金融及工业公司提供建议 Ashley 本科时以优异成绩毕业于哈佛大学, 主修宗教专业, 她还以优等生身份拥有剑桥大学的古典哲学硕士学位 在斯坦福大学,Ashley 是 Arbuckle Leadership 项目成员, 担任班级联系人, 作为杰出教师奖励委员会成员 同僚家庭教师 共建半岛组织委员会成员 她喜欢马拉松 超长距离马拉松 越野长跑等 Chuck Gammal 西蒙顾和管理咨询公司顾问工商管理硕士,2010 级希伯学者麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院 Chuck 现任西蒙顾和管理咨询公司顾问, 该公司是一家战略及市场营销咨询公司, 与全球财富 500 强中的 100 余家公司合作 西蒙顾和被视为全球一流的价格咨询公司和思想领袖 最近, 公司为一家市值 800 亿美元的医药公司的兼并与收购部进行全球市场评估,Chuck 负责了其中的美国部分 加入西蒙顾和之前,Chuck 在埃克森美孚化工的计划与业务发展小组工作, 参与了公司针对中国的十年投资战略项目 在此之前,Chuck 在马萨诸塞大学医疗中心管理一支四人团队, 负责设计 测试一款医疗设备, 并获得了专利, 这款设备用于评估凹陷性水肿的严重程度, 从而有助于诊断与治疗 Chuck 拥有麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院的工商管理硕士学位, 并拥有伍斯特理工学院电子与计算机工程学和医学工程学的学士学位 在麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院,Chuck 曾任麻省理工大学研究生学生会四名干事之一, 该学生会共计 80 名成员, 代表了麻省理工大学 6000 名研究生 在伍斯特理工学院,Chuck 曾任学生管理协会主席, 并被美国电机工程荣誉学会 Eta Kappa Nu 评为电子与计算机工程学优秀学生 2 2 2 3

Somin Lee, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories Bioengineering, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 University of California, Berkeley, College of Engineering Somin is a postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Her research focuses on scale- and material- dependent optical phenomena to develop new bionanotechnologies to interface with biological systems and directly probe biological function. Somin received her B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Davis, and earned her Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Her previous work experience includes Intel, Hewlett Packard, and Sandia National Laboratories. Her Ph.D. dissertation focused on the theoretical understanding, experimental characterization, and biological applications of metallic nanoparticles. In the area of nanotechnologies, she has written two review articles in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology and Current Opinion in Biotechnology and several research articles in journals, such as the Journal of the American Chemical Society and Nanoletters. Yi (Amy) Pang, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Tsinghua University Computer Science, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 Tsinghua University, School of Information Science and Technology Yi (Amy) Pang is a postdoctoral fellow in Computer Science at Tsinghua University, where she received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees (with honors) in Computer Science. Her research interests are in parallelism of multimedia on multi-core processors. She won the 2010 Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System for Video Technology. During her studies, Amy interned as a Senior Analyst at Lehman Brothers in Hong Kong, a Software Engineer at Betaresearch in Munich, and as an Analyst at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in Beijing and at Sunrise in Shanghai. Amy was the supervisor of undergraduate students and the Vice President of the Graduate Union of Tsinghua University, as well as an education volunteer at Qinghai University in Xining. She has completed the 20km Beijing Marathon, won the bronze medal in Beijing Orienteering Cross-country, and led a CS girls soccer team to win the Mayuehan Cup. Amy was born and lives in China and has traveled across more than half of China. She is honored to be a member of the Siebel Scholars China Delegation as a Chinese citizen. Somin Lee 博士劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后研究生生物工程,2010 级希伯学者加州大学伯克利分校工程学院 Somin 是劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后研究生 她的研究方向主要是规模和物质依赖的光学现象, 从而研发新的生物纳米技术, 以和生物系统结合 直接研究生物功能 Somin 在加州大学戴维斯分校获得电子工程学学士及硕士学位, 在加州大学伯克利分校获得生物工程学博士学位 她此前的工作经历包括因特尔 惠普 桑迪亚国家实验室等 其博士论文内容是金属纳米粒子的理论认识 实验特性和生物应用 在纳米技术领域, 她在 化学生物学近期述评 和 生物技术近期述评 期刊上撰写了两篇评论文章, 并在 美国化学会志 纳米快报 等期刊上发表了几篇研究文章 Yi (Amy) Pang 庞一博士清华大学博士后研究生计算机科学,2010 级希伯学者清华大学信息科学技术学院庞一是清华大学计算机科学专业博士后研究生, 此前她以优异成绩取得了清华大学计算机科学专业学士和硕士学位 她的研究方向主要是多媒体并行和多核处理器 她曾获得 IEEE 电路与系统汇刊视频技术 2010 年最佳论文奖 在校期间, 庞一曾在以下多家公司实习 : 在香港的雷曼兄弟公司担任高级分析师 在慕尼黑的 Betaresearch 公司担任软件工程师, 在北京的罗兰贝格管理咨询有限公司和上海的 Sunrise 公司担任分析师 庞一曾担任本科生辅导员 清华大学研究生学生会副主席 以及位于西宁的青海大学的教学志愿者 她参加了 20 公里长的北京马拉松比赛, 在北京定向越野活动中获得铜牌, 并带领计算机科学系女子足球队赢得了马约翰杯 庞一出生在中国, 并在中国长大, 已经游历了大半个中国 作为希伯学者中国代表团中的一名中国公民, 她感到非常荣幸 2 4 2 5

Marcio von Muhlen, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Diego Bioengineering, Siebel Scholars Class of 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Marcio is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego, where he is designing next-generation mobile applications for physicians. Born and raised in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Marcio has pursued a rigorous technical education and engaging leadership activities. At the University of California, Berkeley where he was both a Regent s Scholar and President of his 42-man fraternity his undergraduate research on a needle-free drug delivery device led to a patent, two grants, and four journal publications. Marcio proceeded from Berkeley directly to the Bioengineering doctoral program at MIT, where his research on microfluidic devices for cancer diagnostics led to several publications. He also maintained an active interest in MIT s energy and entrepreneurship communities. In 2009, he served as Managing Director of the MIT Clean Energy Prize, a national business plan competition with over $500,000 in prizes. While managing a team of 23 Ph.D. candidates and MBA students, he developed a national outreach campaign that tripled the number of entries to over 100 and increased the number of universities represented from 3 to 40. He also organized a meeting for the prize winners with U.S. Secretary of Energy and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Steven Chu. While finishing his Ph.D. in early 2010, Marcio founded a mobile application company that has raised two rounds of angel funding in Silicon Valley and is currently headquartered in New York City. The Siebel Foundation a nonprofit, public benefit corporation was established as a private foundation in 1996. Its mission is to support projects and organizations that work to improve the quality of life, environment, and education of its community members. The Siebel Foundation funds projects to support the homeless and underprivileged, educational and research programs, methamphetamine abuse prevention, and alternative energy solutions. The Siebel Foundation engages in strategic philanthropy; as such, it does not entertain grant requests, but invests in projects it founds and operates. the Siebel Foundation 希伯基金会是一家非营利性的公益性组织, 作为一 家私人基金会, 于 1996 年成立 其使命是为那些 致力于改善其团体成员的生活质量 环境和教育的 项目及组织提供支持 希伯基金会为那些无家可 归 贫困的人群, 教育及研究项目 预防冰毒滥用 项目 替代能源解决方案项目提供资金支持 希伯 基金会从事战略性慈善捐助, 不受理资金申请, 而 是向自己发现并运营的项目投资 Marcio von Muhlen 博士加州大学圣迭戈分校博士后研究生生物工程,2010 级希伯学者麻省理工大学工程学院 Marcio 是加州大学圣迭戈分校的博士后研究生, 他为内科医师研究下一代移动设备 Marcio 出生于巴西阿雷格里港, 并在那里长大, 接受了严格的技术教育, 并参与了许多领导力活动 在加州大学伯克利分校, 他曾获得 Regent s Scholar 荣誉, 并担任 42 人的兄弟会负责人, 他的本科研究课题是无针给药设备, 该研究获得一项专利 两项奖励, 并在期刊上发表了四篇论文 从加州大学伯克利分校毕业后,Marcio 直接前往麻省理工大学攻读生物工程专业的博士, 主要研究针对癌症诊断的微流体设备, 并发表了几篇论文 他对麻省理工大学的能源和企业协会也很感兴趣 2009 年, 他担任麻省理工大学清洁能源奖的执行董事, 该活动是一项国家级商业计划竞赛, 奖金超过 50 万美元 在管理着由 23 名博士候选人和工商管理硕士研究生组织的团队同时, 他设计了一场全国性活动, 使参赛人数成为之前的三倍, 超过 100 人, 参与的大学也由 3 家增长为 40 家 他还组织了大奖获得者与美国能源部部长 诺贝尔奖获得者朱棣文的会面活动 2010 年初,Marcio 完成博士学习, 随后成立了一家移动应用公司, 在硅谷获得了两轮天使基金投资, 目前总部设在纽约 2 6 2 7

Siebel Scholars Conferences 2000 CONFERENCE Global Security and the Human Genome Project University of Chicago 2001 CONFERENCE Crisis Management and Global Terrorism Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002 CONFERENCE Stem Cell Research and the Role of the State in Regulating the Economy Stanford University 2004 CONFERENCE A Discussion of Justice in America University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2005 CONFERENCE The Methamphetamine Crisis in America University of Chicago 2007 CONFERENCE The Economics of Alternative Energy University of California, Berkeley 2008 CONFERENCE Water: The Next Global Crisis? Northwestern University 2010 CONFERENCE Energy and Climate Massachusetts Institute of Technology 希伯学者计划大会 2000 大会 全球安全和人类基因组计划 芝加哥大学 2001 大会 全球恐怖主义和危机管理 麻省理工学院 2002 大会 干细胞研究和国家在调节经济中的作用 斯坦福大学 2004 大会 关于美国社会正义 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校 2005 大会 美国的甲基苯丙胺危机 芝加哥大学 2007 大会 替代能源的市场 加州大学伯克利分校 2008 大会 水 : 下一个全球危机? 西北大学 2010 大会 能源与气候 麻省理工学院 2 8

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