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Be a Lifetime VIP member to be eligible to purchase exclusive specials! 成为尊荣忠诚会员独享购买精选产品的专属折扣! contents 本期内容 February 2014 / 2


优质生活 12 December 2014 GIFTS that BRIGHTEN YOUR LIFE 照亮你的人生

contents 本期内容 Shop for Melaleuca products with convenience at your fingertips 选 购 美 乐 家优 质 产 品 仅 在 弹 指 间 When you shop at, you enjoy: 当您在 网 上 购 物 您 可 享 有 Learn about Melaleuca s first in the world exclusive products from product information and ingredient labels 从产品介绍与产品成份标签认识美乐家的世界首创独家产品 Enjoy great savings with monthly Super Value, 40 Points, exclusive Lifetime VIP promotions 每月产品促销 40点促销 尊荣忠诚会员特惠 让您节省更多 Attractive monthly exclusive Web-Only Specials 网上独家产品促销 只限网上购物 24/7 shopping convenience, access anytime 全天候便利购物 Convenience and ease of online enrollment 轻松 便利办妥入会手续 December 2014 / 2014年12月 h t t p: // m a l a y s i a. m e l a l e u c a.c o m 04 Radiating Joy & Wellness Holiday Special Offers 一起散播欢乐 分享健康生活 佳节特惠 page 4 10 December Web-Only Special / 1 2 月 网 上 独 家 产 品 促 销 * Valid from 1st December 31st December 2014 / 只限2 0 1 4 年1 2 月1 日 3 1 日 14 减轻负担 就这么简单 跟着简单易行的活力窈窕套组 Mystique Perfume 谜幻女士香水 Attain Shake - Twin Pack (Chocolate/Vanilla/Strawberry) 安恬营养饮品-双包装(牛奶巧克力/香草/草莓) Regular 普通售价: RM168.00 SAVE 节省 30% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM117.00 (19Pts) Regular 普通售价: RM260.00 SAVE 节省 31% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM180.00 (18Pts) SAVINGS 折扣 RM31.00 SAVINGS 折扣 RM18.00 Promotional 促销价: RM99.00 Promotion SKU 促销货号: 9204 2 Mela Life (15Pts) Promotional 促销价: RM149.00 Promotion SKU 促销货号: 4586 (14Pts) 02 Melaleuca Web-only Promotion 美乐家网上促销 04 Radiating Joy & Wellness (Holiday Special Offers) 一 起散 播欢 乐分享健 康生 活 (佳节特惠) 08 Harvest Pure + Lemon Brite 蔬 果清 洗剂 + 神 奇洗 碗剂 10 MelaUp 1000 美力10 0 0 12 CelWise + Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink 活力思 卫锭 + 纯 粹.白亮 采 馥莓 14 Sei Bella Luxury Serum Special Offers 晶钻鱼子赋 活 精 华 特惠 16 Sei Bella Luxury Shampoo + Crème Conditioner 水 贝 娜 顶 级奢 华洗 发精 + 润 发乳 December 2014 Premium Promotion 12月份满额赠礼 17 Sei Bella Lash Primer + Defining Waterproof Mascara 水 贝 娜 睫毛底膏 + 防水 睫毛膏 18 Sensitive Fluoride Tooth Polish + Whitening Tooth Polish 敏 感 型净白含 氟 牙膏 + 净白洁 齿牙膏 20 Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Set of 4 净 化 抗痘 系列 4 套 组 22 CounterAct Honey Lemon Cough Drops 蜂 蜜柠 檬 止 咳糖 23 Product Bonus Program 产品红利尊荣迎宾 礼计 划 24 Lifetime VIP Specials 尊荣 忠诚会员特惠 26 List 产品价目表 30 December 2014 Premium Promotion 12月份 满 额 赠礼 Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. All images are for illustration purposes only. This publication is for internal circulation only. 讯息于印刷时是正确无误的 所有产品图片只供参考 以实物为准 本出版刊物只供内部传阅 page 30 Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Unit B-10-3A & 5, Level 10, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 1800 823 823 Fax: 1800 826 826 Showrooms: 1-8 & 9, Level 1, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur Block A-6-1, 2 & 3, Bay Avenue, Lorong Bayan Indah 4, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang 22, Jalan Ponderosa 2/1,Taman Ponderosa, 81100 Johor Bahru Service Center: Ground Floor and First Floor, Sub-lot 6 of Lot 7684 & 7686, Block 16, KCLD Song Plaza, Jalan Song, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 2014 Melaleuca Southeast Asia. All rights reserved. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROMOTIONS 1. Promotions are only applicable to Preferred Customers of Melaleuca. 2. Promotional period is between December 1st 31st, 2014 on a while stocks last basis 3. A customer may exchange the promotional Melaleuca products (for the same products) only if they are defective. The Melaleuca Customer Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to promotion-based products. 4. Melaleuca reserves the right to change the promotional items and clause without prior notice. 5. Limited to 3 sets per Super Value promotion for each customer. 6. If there is any discrepancy, please refer to the English version as final. 7. Melaleuca 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to premium gift. No return or exchange is allowed unless the premium gift is defective. Any return or exchange must be done within 7 days of receiving the gift (invoice required). The gift is non-transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or credit on account. 促销活动条款及条件 1. 此促销活动只限于美乐家的优惠顾客 2. 优惠期从2014年12月1日至31日 存货售完为止 3. 促销产品若有瑕疵可更换同样的产品 美乐家客户满意保障不适用于促销产品 4. 美乐家保留权利更改促销产品及条件 恕不另行通知 5. 每位优惠顾客只限于购买3组优惠产品 6. 如内容有任何不符 请以英文版本为准 7. 美乐家顾客满意保证不适用于本赠品活动 若非赠品本身瑕疵 恕不接受退换 退 换货服务必须在收到赠品的7天内完成 必备收据以作核对) 这份赠品不可转让或兑换现金 3

RADIATING JOY & WELLNESS There's a feeling in the air 一起散播欢乐分享健康生活空气中弥漫着喜悦的氛围 Lively and whimsical, weaving its magic from one heart to the next. The excitement of the season brings with it happy reunions, wondrous surprises, treasured memories, and hope for a brighter day. Celebrate the joy of the holidays with gifts from Melaleuca a selection of quality products designed to enhance lives, warm hearts, and delight the senses. Available for a limited time while stocks last, beginning December 1, 2014. LIMITED OFFER HOLIDAY SPECIAL 佳节限量特惠 Lavender Papaya Bath Bar 薰衣草木瓜洁肤皂 Love yourself in the invigorating scent of exotic papaya and sweet lavender while the luxurious lather hydrates and rejuvenates your skin. 木瓜香结合薰衣草的清甜香味让您沉浸在奢华的异国风情中, 丰富的泡沫帮助保湿, 同时修复滋养您的肌肤 Lavender Papaya Bath Bar 薰衣草木瓜洁肤皂 6984 Regular 普通售价 : RM18.00 SAVE 节省 36% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM11.50 (2Pts) Island Mist Moisturizing Liquid Soap 清风岛屿滋养洗手液 Fragrant cyclamen, soft violets, and wild jasmine combine with juicy pineapple and luscious peach for a sweet floral fragrance. 清香的仙客来 柔和的紫罗兰及清纯的野茉莉, 结合多汁的菠萝香及粉嫩的蜜桃甜香, 时刻散发清甜花香 Island Mist Moisturizing Liquid Soap 清风岛屿滋养洗手液 6982 Regular 普通售价 : RM34.00 SAVE 节省 32% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM23.00 (3Pts) Caribbean Breeze Room Spray 加勒比清新喷雾剂 活泼淘气地陶醉在魔幻世界里 这温馨的圣诞佳节为大家带来了幸福的团圆 无限的惊喜 珍贵的回忆以及崭新的希望 美乐家与您共同欢庆佳节的到来, 推出了全新系列的优质精美礼品套组, 提升您的生活品质, 让您温暖窝心, 同时体验温柔的触感 精美礼品套组将于 2014 年 12 月 1 日推出, 限量上市, 存货售完即止 Release a light and airy tropical breeze with notes of papaya, juicy mango, delicate white florals, and vibrant sea scents. 释放淡淡的热带清风, 结合木瓜 多汁芒果 小白花香氛及充满活力的海洋气息 Caribbean Breeze Room Spray 加勒比清新喷雾剂 6985 Regular 普通售价 : RM29.00 SAVE 节省 31% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM20.00 (3Pts) Promotion starts 1st December, 2014. While stocks last. 4 Mela Life 促销从 2014 年 12 月 1 日开始, 存货售完即止 5

LIMITED OFFER HOLIDAY SPECIAL 佳节限量特惠 A soft touch for dry winter skin 滋润柔软干燥肌肤 Gently exfoliate wind-chapped skin with Sun Valley Sugar Scrub crystal followed by a moisture-rich layer of Sun Valley Body Butter to leave skin nourished and velvety soft. 使用薰薇莉水晶磨砂糖霜温和地帮干裂皮肤去除角质, 随后涂上一层高效润泽的薰薇莉护肤滋润霜, 使肌肤柔滑细嫩 Winter Cranberry Sun Valley Gift Set (Sugar Scrub, Body Butter) 薰薇莉冬季蔓越莓精美礼盒 ( 磨砂糖霜 护肤滋润霜 ) 3972 Regular 普通售价 : RM89.00 SAVE 节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM59.00 (8Pts) WINTER CRANBERRY 冬季蔓越莓 a fresh, wintry blend of bright cranberries, tangy citrus and delicate flowers. 清新 色泽鲜艳的蔓越莓, 结合浓郁的柑橘和娇嫩的花香, 散发淡淡香氛 WHITE AMBER JASMINE 白琥珀茉莉花 rich, sensual jasmine mingles with touches of lavender, citron, and ivy over exotic undertones of teak wood and white amber. Velvety smooth skin 如丝般柔滑肌肤 丰富 感性的茉莉花香结合薰衣草 香橼和常春藤的韵味, 再以柚木及白琥珀点缀, 衬托出优雅的气质 Enjoy the delightfully sweet, citrusscented Body Satin set featuring our Frosted Persimmon fragrance. A creamy blend of shea, mango, and cocoa butters in our exclusive ButterSilk formula will leave your skin feeling luminous. White radiance 白皙透亮 Enjoy having soft and lightly scented skin this holiday season with products you can carry with you anywhere. Lather your skin with moisture-rich Shower and Body Crème, and then keep the dazzling scent of white amber and jasmine throughout the day with the convenient Roll-On Perfume. 在这温馨的佳节里, 让您随身享受带有淡淡香氛及柔滑您肌肤的优质产品 使用润泽保湿肌肤的沐浴乳及润肤霜, 以及便捷滚珠式香水, 让白琥珀茉莉花的香味维持一整天! White Amber Jasmine Sun Valley Gift Set (Shower Crème, Body Crème, Roll-On Perfume, Gift Box) 薰薇莉白琥珀茉莉花香精美礼盒 ( 沐浴乳 润肤霜 滚珠式香水 精美礼盒 ) 9158 Regular 普通售价 : RM135.00 SAVE 节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM91.00 (11Pts) FROSTED PERSIMMON 冰霜甜柿 creamy vanilla, sweet citrus, and subtle spices blend together in a bright holiday fragrance. 香浓香草 甜橘结合其它香料精华让您在这佳节里感受不一样的清新香氛 感受温馨甜蜜的迷人香氛, 莎庭系列现推出了冰霜甜柿香氛 内含丰润的乳油木果 芒果油脂及可可豆脂的 ButterSilk 独家配方, 使肌肤明亮光滑 Body Satin Frosted Persimmon Gift Set (Body Wash, Body Lotion, Body Spray) 沙庭冰霜甜柿精美礼盒 ( 沐浴露 润肤乳 香氛喷雾 ) 9909 Regular 普通售价 : RM140.00 SAVE 节省 31% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM96.00 (13Pts) 6 Mela Life 7

Less hassle natural cleaner 天然去污力 瞬效洗净不费力 Lemon Brite quickly breaks down food and grease 神奇洗碗剂 去除油腻食物残渍 Cuts grease and breaks down food quickly and thoroughly. 瞬效去油腻 彻底瓦解 食物残渍 Uses gentle, naturally derived, biodegradable ingredients. 采用温和天然萃取 生物 可分解的洁净成分 每次洗碗都会苦恼找不到帮手 吗 神奇洗碗剂 就是您的得力 Ultra-concentrated formula saves you money. 超浓缩配方 用量省 荷包更省 Harvest Pure effectively removes debris, wax and pesticides from the surface of fruits and vegetables 蔬果清洗剂 去除蔬果表面污尘/蜡/有害化学农药 Powered by natural efficient cleaning agent extract from palm oil 含自棕榈油萃取皂性 高效洁净 Contains glycerin to protect and moisturize your hands. 含甘油温和滋润护双手 Petrochemical-free foaming agents that create less foam, easy to rinse leaving no residue 无石化起泡剂 泡沫少 好冲洗不残留物 帮手 深受会员长期喜爱 多年 来已帮助无数人轻松洁净大小碗 盘 它的生物可分解配方及天然 Need an extra hand with dishes? Lemon Brite, a customer-favorite, has been helping people do the dishes for years. Powered by biodegradable, naturally derived grease-cutting agents, Lemon Brite begins working on your dishes the moment they hit the suds. 萃取去油成份 助您轻而易举洗 Refreshing cleaning combination with Lemon Brite and Harvest Pure, you and your family can enjoy natural goodness and delicious flavor of cleaner, safer fruits and vegetables on clean dishes. 使用洁净碗盘享用更干净 更安 8 Mela Life 净碗盘 鲜净健康组合 使用神奇洗碗剂 和蔬果清洗剂 让您和您的家人 全的蔬果 Super Value Promotion Save RM5.50 本月特惠 省RM5.50 Harvest Pure + 2 Lemon Brite 蔬果清洗剂 + 2瓶神奇洗碗剂 Regular 普通售价: RM80.00 SAVE 节省 35% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM52.00 (7Pts) SAVINGS 折扣 RM5.50 Promotional 促销价: RM46.50 (6Pts) Promotion SKU 促销货号: 626 9

新 20 推 14 出 EW R N 全 O 十 CT 月 OB 份 E Premium Royal Jelly Boosts Vitality 顶级蜂王乳 精力充沛有活力 Precious and rare, and treasured as a secret of royalty, royal jelly is believed to be able to nourish the body from the inside and revitalizes it on the outside as well. Boost your energy level and nourish your skin with Each bottle of MelaUp 1000 contains 1000mg of royal jelly that is extremely rich in nutrients including 18 amino acids, vitamins and minerals to support healthy immune function, boost vitality and promote radiant and healthy skin. 稀少珍贵 像皇族般的秘密被珍惜着的蜂王乳能够从内滋补身体 到外活肤养颜 the goodness of royal jelly 每瓶美力1000 含1000毫克顶级蜂王乳 营养丰富 顶级蜂王乳饱含18种氨基酸 维生素及矿物质 帮助维持健康免疫系统 滋补养颜 为身体补充活力及肌肤透出健康光泽 顶级蜂王乳 Fruit native to South America, acerola is rich in natural vitamin C that is up to 80 times higher than the orange. High in antioxidants, it helps to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals, delaying the aging process. 让您补足元气 喝出红润好气色 源自于南美洲的针叶樱桃富含天然维生素C 维生素C含量比柑橘高出达80倍 高抗氧成分帮助减少自由基的侵害 延缓老化及留住青春 Acerola Delays Aging 针叶樱桃 抗老养颜 Camu-camu Keeps You Looking Young 卡姆果 让您青春永驻 Packed with high amounts of natural vitamin C as well as tons of other vitamins and minerals essential to keeping you looking and feeling young. 富含天然维生素C及大量维生素和矿物质 让您青春活力 常保年轻 Vitamin B Complex + Taurine For a Blast of Energy 维 生 素 B群 +牛 磺 酸 饱 满 活 力 源 Rich in vitamin B complex, which includes vitamins B1, B12 and more. Also combined with Taurine to help relieve tiredness, optimize skin metabolism, and restore vitality for a blast of energy! 丰富的维生素B群 包括维生素B1 B12等 结合能量源泉牛磺酸 帮助减轻 疲惫 改善肌肤代谢 恢复元气 活力充沛 10 Vit B1 & B12 Taurine MelaUp 1000 contains a nutritious blend of royal jelly, acerola, camu-camu, vitamin C & B-complex, along with other precious nutrients to support vitality and wellbeing. It boosts your energy level, while promoting radiant and healthy skin at the same time. MelaUp 1000 (pack of 10) 美力1000(10支装) 美 力 1 0 0 0 含 独特营养配方 包括顶级 蜂王乳 针叶樱桃 卡姆果 维生素C 及B 群 更 添 加 其 他 珍 贵 营养素 让您健康有 活力 精力充沛同时滋养肌肤 使肌肤红润透 亮 4578 Regular 普通售价: RM149.00 SAVE 节省 35% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM97.00 (13Pts) Mela Life 11

CelWise contains antioxidants from a blend of ingredients namely olive, grape seed extracts, lycopene, mixed tocopherols and carotenoids, and vitamin C to counteract the damaging effects of free radicals in the body, to help you feel younger and be healthier. 活力思卫锭含有多种的抗氧化营养成分, 这包括了橄榄 葡萄籽萃取 茄红素 天然维生素 E 和类胡萝卜素和维生素 C, 以抵制自由基对人体所造成的影响, 让您更年轻 更健康 Grape seed extract 葡萄籽萃取 Olive extract 橄榄萃取 Vitamin C, E 维生素 C, E Carotenoids, including lycopene 胡萝卜素, 包括茄红素 The full spectrum of natural, antioxidant protection 全方位天然抗氧防御 Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink contains antioxidants from 14 types of berries, more than any other brands in the market. It also contains extracts from lotus seed germ and pomegranate to help boost skin turnover and brighten up skin naturally. 纯粹. 白亮采馥莓饮含有 14 种莓果的抗氧化营养, 比市场上任何其它品牌更多 此外, 它也含有莲子胚芽和红石榴萃取物, 帮助促进肌肤的更新和提亮肌肤 The connection between antioxidants and aging 抗氧化营养与老化过程的关系 Who knew that antioxidants and aging were connected? It has been proven that antioxidants found in natural sources can help prevent signs of aging. As you age, your cell division and replacement of dead or damaged cells slows down. Antioxidants can speed up the cell division and cell replacement processes, which can help to slow the overall effects of aging and prevent specific age-related damages. 您是否知道抗氧化营养和老化是息息相关? 天然来源中的抗氧化营养已被证实可以帮助延缓老化的迹象 随着年龄的增长, 您身体的细胞增生过程和替代老去或受损细胞的速度逐渐地减缓 补充抗氧化营养可以帮助加速细胞增生和细胞替代过程, 有助减缓老化的整体迹象和预防一些与年龄相关的损坏现象 Full spectrum of antioxidants for total protection 全方位抗氧化营养 Just like a country needs a military system, the human body needs defense workers at all levels - in the form of antioxidants. You can t eat ten servings of vitamin C a day and expect it to perform all the different functions of other antioxidants. Each type works in different tissues of the body, in different parts of cells. That explains why we need a full spectrum of antioxidants for total protection. 犹如一个国家需要一个军事系统, 人体需要一个由不同防卫 成员 所组成的团队 - 以抗氧化营养的型式存在 您不可能每日摄取 10 份量的维生素 C, 并期望它能够发挥其他抗氧化营养所有的功能 每种抗氧化营养皆针对不同的人体细胞和组织发挥效益 这就是为什么我们需要全方位抗氧化营养的原因 Super Value Promotion Save RM16.00 本月特惠省 RM16.00 CelWise Broad Spectrum Antioxidant + Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink (pack of 10) 活力思卫锭 + 纯粹. 白亮采馥莓饮 (10 支装 ) Regular 普通售价 : RM202.00 SAVE节省 31% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM139.00 (20Pts) 折扣 RM16.00 Promotional 促销价 : RM123.00 (17Pts) Promotion SKU 促销货号 : 4464 FOR YOUR HEALTH 12 Mela Life 13 SAVINGS Pomegranate ellagitannia 石榴鞣花单宁酸 Lotus seed germ extract 莲子胚芽 14 types of berries including Acai and Maqui berry 14 种莓果包含智利酒果及巴西莓

Results you have to see to believe 超乎想像 的成效 Highly prized ingredients and years of scientific devotion culminate in the pinnacle of comfort and performance. Clinically shown to provide the utmost in moisturization and age-defying benefits. Each luxury product delivers amazing results on its own, but when they are combined, their age-defying power is staggering. 搭配晶钻鱼子全系列使用, 达到极致完美的抗老功效 Luxury Serum 晶钻鱼子赋活精华 This highly concentrated ultraluxe serum helps restore the natural functions of the skin to swiftly reverse the signs of aging with the most advanced age-defying ingredients like caviar, Tego peptides, and argireline. Dramatically reverses the appearance of lines and wrinkles, brightens and evens skin tone, and improves elasticity for firmer-looking skin. 奢华的浓缩精华液, 让肌肤恢复自然功能, 延缓老化, 蕴含珍贵鱼子精华 抗老胜肽及抗皱胜肽, 独特赋活配方让肌肤转变令人惊艳, 改善肤色不均及瑕疪, 抚平细纹 / 皱纹, 使肤色更透亮有光泽 Works in conjunction with Luxury Crème for faster, more dramatic results 搭配晶钻鱼子赋活霜一起使用, 效果更显著 更快速 Nourishes and moisturizes skin 滋养及润泽肌肤 Wear every morning under your day moisturizer and makeup 每日早晨在使用日霜及彩妆前使用 Wear under Luxury Crème at night to maximize results 每日傍晚在使用晶钻鱼子赋活霜前使用, 以达到最佳效果 结合极珍贵的高效成份, 历经多年创新研发, 达到完美抗老的极高境界, 更经研究证实, 肌肤更加润泽, 看得见抗老极致成效 Luxury Toner 晶钻鱼子赋活露 This nourishing base restores the ph and bioelectric balance of skin to support your complexion s natural vitality. 含珍珠萃取 玻尿酸 胜肽及多种深海萃取精华, 能平衡肌肤酸碱值, 让肌肤充满活力 Luxury Crème Concentrate 晶钻鱼子赋活霜 Clinically shown to transform skin in a few short weeks, leaving skin luminously moisturized, visibly tightened, and youthfully smooth. 经实验证实短短几周, 可使肌肤明亮润泽, 看见紧致柔滑的年轻转变 * Valid from 1st 31st December, 2014, limited quantities available only while stocks last. * 优惠期从 2014 年 12 月 1 日至 31 日, 赠品数量有限送完为止 Buy Sei Bella Luxury Serum 30mL FREE 5 packets of Luxury Crème Concentrate + 5 packets of Luxury Toner (5 days usage supply) 凡购买晶钻鱼子赋活精华 30mL 即赠赋活霜 5 包 + 赋活露 5 包 (5 天使用装 ) Regular 普通售价 : RM745.00 SAVE节省 40% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM445.00 (64Pts) Promotion SKU 促销货号 : 1988 WORTH 价值 RM79.50 14 Mela Life 15

Beautiful hair begins here 美丽的秀发 从这里开始 Sei Bella Luxury Hair Care gives you hair that is not only beautiful, but healthy too. Our exclusive, patent-pending Protection Complex Technology gives you gorgeous, attention-grabbing hair with minimal fuss and maximum value. 水.贝娜顶级奢华美发系列让您拥有柔 亮 健 康 的 秀 发 独 特 的 超 微 护科 技 能 极 致 呵 护 秀 发 呈 现 完 美 柔 亮 秀发 Luscious lashes 双效魅眼 让您一次拥有 4 BENEFITS in every bottle of Sei Bella Luxury Hair Care Product 四 效 合 一 沙 龙 级防护力尽在水. 贝娜顶级奢华美发系列 COLOR PROTECTION Keeps your hair looking vibrant between salon visits 护发色 维持你的发色明 亮 耀 眼 有 如 去 了 沙 龙 美 发 Protection Complex Technology Sei Bella Vitamin-rich Lash Primer 水. 贝娜幻影睫毛滋护底膏 Sei Bella Defining Waterproof Mascara 水. 贝娜防水睫毛膏 Increase the volume and length of your lashes with this vitamin-rich, lash-thickening primer. 富含维他命精华 提升睫毛浓度和长 度的睫毛打底膏 Take your lashes to new lengths with ultimate definition and separation. 让你的睫毛更长 根根分明 Thickens and lengthens lashes before mascara application for extreme volume and length. 从睫毛膏前打底使用 加长并加强 浓密效果 激升放电指数 Wheat protein conditions lashes 含小麦蛋白修护睫毛 UV PROTECTION Guards against the drying, damaging effects of the sun 抗UV 有效预防干燥及阳 光 所 造 成 的 侵 害 Vitamin E nourishes lashes and eyelids 维他命E滋润睫毛和眼皮 ANTI-BREAKAGE PROTECTION Reinforces weak spots in your hair for strength and shine 防断裂 强化你的脆弱 发 丝 看 得 见 健 康 及 光 泽 防御复合技术 THERMAL PROTECTION Protects hair from styling damage 热防护 保护秀发 不易 受 ( 吹 /整 ) 造 型 侵 害 Super Value Promotion Save 本月特惠 省RM11.00 Super Value Promotion Save 本月特惠 省RM12.00 Regular 普通售价: RM150.00 SAVE 节省 31% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM104.00 (16Pts) Mela Life Molded, curved brush lifts and defines every lash 弯月型捲翘刷头 让每根睫毛刷起 来根根分明 Fragrance-free, paraben-free 不含香精及防腐剂 Volume (14Pts) 丰盈系列: 4710 RM12.00 Regular 普通售价: RM146.00 SAVE 节省 36% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM94.00 (14Pts) Promotional 促销价: RM93.00 Promotion SKU 促销货号: Moisture 保湿系列: 4611 16 Hydrolyzed silk smoothes and defines lashes while jojoba, vitamin E, and shea butter nourish. 水溶性丝绸柔顺睫毛 荷荷巴油 维他命E和乳木果油滋养睫毛 Sei Bella Lash Primer + Defining Waterproof Mascara (Black/ Brown) 水.贝娜睫毛底膏+防水睫毛膏(黑色/深棕色) (Any combination 任选 Moisture 保湿系列 / Volume 丰盈系列 / Ultra Moisture 深层滋养系列) RM11.00 Sei Bella Luxury Shampoo + Crème Conditioner 水 贝娜顶级奢华洗发精+润发乳 SAVINGS 折扣 RM11.00 Ultra Moisture 深层滋养系列: 4618 SAVINGS 折扣 RM12.00 Promotional 促销价: RM82.00 (11Pts) Promotion SKU 促销货号: 3090 17

Brighter, healthier and more confident smiles 口腔健康笑出自信美 T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil T40-C3 茶树精油 Helps eliminate plaque, control the growth of oral bacteria and keep mouth cleaner than you can ever imagine. 有效清除牙菌斑, 抑制细菌滋生, 开口展现前所未有的洁净 Myrrh 纯植没药蜂胶 This precious resin from African and Middle Eastern trees has long been known to be a germ-fighting astringent. 纯植没药提炼自非洲及中东的树, 能有效抑制口腔细菌滋生 Xylitol 木糖醇 Xylitol is a natural sweetener that cannot be fermented by bacteria in the mouth. It naturally sweetens without contributing to tooth decay the way sugar does. 木糖醇属天然甜味剂, 抑制细菌在口中发酵, 能预防蛀牙 Papain 木瓜酵素 A potent natural enzyme extracted from the mountain papaya, it is the best teeth whitening ingredient. It breaks away tooth surface stains without damaging enamel. 萃取自山木瓜皮的天然酵素, 是最完美的美白成份, 有效还原齿面亮白, 不伤珐琅质 MEDICINE Relief for sensitive teeth 缓解牙齿敏感 CABINE T Fluoride Tooth Polish For Sensitive Teeth contains an extra ingredient to help relieve sensitivity. 敏感型净白含氟牙膏包含额外的成分有助于缓解牙齿的敏感性 Potassium Nitrate 硝酸 Potassium nitrate, enters the tubules and calms the pain signals being sent to the nerves and quickly relieves the symptoms of sensitivity. 硝酸钾填补牙本质小管避免传递痛感至牙神经, 迅速減轻敏感酸痛症狀 When it comes to preventing cavities, Melaleuca has a better way! Each Whitening Tooth Polish features a unique combination of natural ingredients to combat bacteria, remove stain and plaque and provide many other oral benefits for brighter, whiter smiles through proper brushing. 预防蛀牙, 美乐家有更好的办法! 净白含氟牙膏含多种独特植物萃取, 抑菌并去除齿垢和牙菌斑, 更含有多种护齿功效, 只要勤刷牙, 牙齿持续净亮白 Super Value Promotion Save RM4.50 本月特惠省 RM4.50 Fluoride Tooth Polish For Sensitive Teeth + Whitening Tooth Polish (Classic Cinnamon/Fresh Mint/Cool Mint any combination) 敏感型净白含氟牙膏 + 净白洁齿牙膏 ( 醇肉桂 / 鲜薄荷 / 清凉薄荷 - 任盒 1) Regular 普通售价 : RM55.00 SAVE节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM37.00 (5Pts) 折扣 RM4.50 Promotional 促销价 : RM32.50 (4Pts) Promotion SKU 促销货号 : 1778 18 Mela Life 19 SAVINGS

MEDICINE C A B I NE T STEP 1 Cleanse 洗净 STEP 2 Reflect Foaming Cleanser 净化抗痘洁肤慕丝 Cleanses deep down into pores with the start of acne. Includes the active the active ingredient salicylic acid, ingredient salicylic acid, aloe vera to plus chamomile. Leaves skin feeling protect from drying, cooling refreshed and toned. Includes zinc PCA cucumber and soothing to help control skin oil levels Melaleuca Oil. and green tea for antioxidant 温和洗净阻塞毛孔的油垢 预 protection. 净毛孔 使用后令肌肤倍感清爽 含有锌盐 有助控制肌肤的油脂水 荟 冰凉的黄瓜与具有舒缓效 Moisturizing 保水 STEP 4 Reflect Oil-Free Moisturizer 净化抗痘保湿凝露 净化抗痘系列 强 效 配 方 让 您 不 必再 担 心 暗 疮 问 题 同 时 其 温 和 的 性 质 让 您每 天都可使用 并 滋 润 您 的 皮 肤 20 Mela Life Breakout Treatment 治痘及时调理 CHAMOMILE 洋甘菊 Reflect Acne Treatment Cream and/ or Reflect Acne Spot Treatment 净化抗痘调理乳和/或净化抗痘调理剂 Protects skin from drying and flaking refresh and moisturize your skin. ALOE VERA 芦荟 平 而绿茶提供抗氧保护 益的美乐家茶树精油 STEP 3 without clogging pores. Powered by Helps loosen dead skin cell buildup and ultra-moisturizing glycerin clear away excess oil letting pores start and sweet almond, with aloe fresh. Includes salicylic acid vera to protect from drying. and the soothing benefits of 保护肌肤免于干燥与脱皮 不 Melaleuca Oil. 保持毛孔洁净 含有水杨酸与具有 甘油 甜杏仁与芦荟保护肌肤 舒缓效益的美乐家茶树精油 不干燥 Super Value Promotion Save 本月特惠 省RM5.70 RM5.70 Reflect Foaming Cleanser + Reflect Deep-Cleaning Astringent 净化抗痘洁肤慕丝 + 净化抗痘收缩水 Regular 普通售价: RM82.00 Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM56.00 (8Pts) Super Value Promotion Save 本月特惠 省RM17.00 RM17.00 Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Set of 4 items (Reflect Foaming Cleanser + Deep-Cleaning Astringent + Oil-Free Moisturizer + Acne Treatment Cream/ Acne Spot Treatment) 净化抗痘系列4套组 (净化抗痘洁肤慕丝+收缩水+保湿凝露+ Regular 普通售价: RM161.00 SAVE 节省 32% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM109.00 (16Pts) Promotional 促销价: RM50.30 Promotion SKU 促销货号: 5425 GREEN TEA 绿茶 调理乳/调理剂) SAVE 节省 32% RM5.70 CUCUMBER 黄瓜 有助于清除死皮堆积和多余油脂 阻塞毛孔 极具保湿成份 如 SAVINGS 折扣 MELALEUCA OIL 茶树精油 活性成份水杨酸与洋甘菊深层洁 水杨酸 防止肌肤干燥的芦 without worrying breakouts, but gentle enough that you can use it daily to 植物萃取 debris and oil buildup to help prevent 防痘痘的形成 含有活性成份 Reflect Clear Skin Essentials - Powerful enough to let you approach each day Tone 收敛 Reflect Deep-Cleaning Astringent 净化抗痘收缩水 Gently washes away pore-clogging A four-step acne defense system, gain confidence to face the crowd 完 整 4步 骤 面对人群我更有自信 B OTA N I C A L INGREDIENTS (7Pts) * Pumps are sold separately 压头需另行购买 SAVINGS 折扣 RM17.00 Promotional 促销价: RM92.00 Promotion SKU 促销货号: 6256 (13Pts) 21

The Product Bonus Program is opened to all New Melaleuca Preferred Customers who enrolled between Apr 1st to Dec 31st, 2014. New Preferred Customers will be rewarded with FREE products after they fulfill their monthly product point commitment in Month 2, 4 and 6 of enrollment. 尊荣迎宾礼计划是针对所有于2014年4月1日至12月31日新入会美乐家优惠顾客的好康活动 在入会的第2,第4和第6个月 只要完成当月消费点数 即有免费产品带回家 The FREE products 免费产品: Month 2 第2个月 Soothing T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil 舒缓力 - T40-C3 茶树精油 Protection High in Vitamin C 保护力 - 高含量维他命C Two drops a day equals the amount of Vitamin C found in 4 lemons to replenish your daily needs. Helps to prevent defeat by the unpredictable weather. 每天2颗 相当于4颗柠檬所含的维他命C 补足一日所需保护力 预防身体不适 RM4.50 SAVE 节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价格: RM30.00 (3Pts) (2Pts) Promotion SKU 促销货号: 513 FiberWise Drink Citrus Orange 活力宝纤饮品(鲜橙) Month of enrollment 被推荐的月份 Eligibility for Month 2 free gift 获赠第2月免费产品 Eligibility for Month 4 free gift 获赠第4月免费产品 Eligibility for Month 6 free gift 获赠第6月免费产品 Jun-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 Nov-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Nov-14 Jan-15 Sep-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Oct-14 Nov-14 Jan-15 Mar-15 Nov-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 Dec-14 Jan-15 Mar-15 May-15 Terms and Conditions 条例与规则 Regular 普通售价: RM45.00 SKU 8589 Renew Intensive Skin Therapy - 237mL 活肤乳液 - 237mL Eligibility for the FREE products 免费产品的合格月份 Instantly soothes the throat. Gentle formula, non-irritating, providing lasting relief to soothe throat discomforts. With natural menthol for a soothing and refreshing feel. 即刻舒缓润喉 成份温和不刺激 能持续释放 缓解不舒服问题 恢复顺畅 更添加天然薄荷 舒畅更爽口 Promotional 促销价: RM25.50 Month 6 第6个月 SKU 3600 T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil - 15mL T36-C5 茶树精油 - 15mL CounterAct Honey Lemon Drops Triple Pack 蜂蜜柠檬止咳糖-三包装 Mela Life Month 4 第4个月 SKU 3650 Super Value Promotion Save 本月特惠 省RM4.50 22 LL 产品红利 尊荣迎宾礼计划 with the only lemon drops that contains Melaleuca Oil 唯一含茶树精油 舒喉蜂蜜护嗓 柠檬止咳糖 TI P R O G R A M Protect your throat SAVINGS 折扣 RM4.50 D PRODUCT BONUS C A B I NE T Only CounterAct Honey Lemon Drops contain the soothing touch of T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil to help provide instant relief of discomforts. Combined with high amounts of vitamin C, they help provide the protection from catching a cold. 蜂 蜜 柠檬止咳糖为市面唯一 含 T 40 -C 3 茶 树精油配方 即 刻 舒 缓不适 结合高含量维 他 命 C 增强保护不受寒 E 至 4 ND 延 01 TE 销. 2 EX 促 12. 31 MEDICINE To be eligible for the FREE products, there should be no cancellation or change from a Preferred Customer to Direct Customer in the month/months prior Monthly product point commitment must be fulfilled with no Back-up Order No product point will be awarded for the FREE products FREE products are not eligible for return or exchange for another product. The only exchange permitted is if the product is faulty 以获赠免费产品 优惠顾客不可在当月/前几个月内取消该顾客资格或从优惠顾客转换 为基础顾客 必须符合每月消费点数 不可产生预备订单 免费产品不附产品点数 免费产品不可退或换取其他产品 有瑕疵的产品除外 Other Program Rules 其他条例 Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Malaysia) reserves the right to disqualify any participants that are deemed to have violated the Company s policies & procedures. If there are any discrepancies between the information provided in English and the translation of that information, the English version shall govern. Any such discrepancies are not binding and are of no legal effect. Melaleuca Southeast Asia reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice. Decisions are final and binding. 若事业代表于此活动中触犯了条规 美乐家东南亚(马来西亚)有权取消其参与资格 如中英版内容有任何不符 请以英文版为准 美乐家东南亚(马来西亚)保留在不另行通知下 更改条件与规则的权利 并对此活动 保留最终之决定权 23

Be a Lifetime VIP member & enjoy exclusive privileges and discounts! 成为尊荣忠诚会员, 独享多重优惠礼遇及专属折扣! 7 Exclusive Privileges for Lifetime VIP! 尊荣忠诚会员 7 大优惠唯您独享! 1. Shop for 6 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Gift! 消费满 6 个月尊荣见面礼送给您! Lifetime Silver VIP 尊荣忠诚银卡会员 Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65 points monthly for Directors and above). 连续 6 个月, 每月消费点数达 45 点 ( 总监以上 65 点 ) Welcome Gift Gold Welcome Gift Silver Lifetime Gold VIP 尊荣忠诚金卡会员 Lifetime Platinum VIP 尊荣忠诚白金卡会员 Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Directors and above). 连续 6 个月, 每月消费点数达 50 点 ( 总监以上 70 点 ) Shop for 30 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Director and above). 连续 30 个月, 每月消费点数达 50 点 ( 总监以上 70 点 ) Japanese Ceramic Knife Set! 和风御品陶瓷刀组 7-Piece Chef Deluxe Kitchen Cooking Utensils 全能料理七件组 2. Shop for 12 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! 消费满 12 个月尊荣礼带回家! December 2014 Lifetime VIP Specials 2014 年 12 月 尊荣忠诚会员特惠 Bonus Gift Gold Bonus Gift Silver Limited to 2 sets per promotion for each Lifetime VIP member. 以下两项特惠产品, 每位尊荣忠诚会员分别限购两套 Natural Ceramic Cooking Pot 天然陶瓷精致锂瓷锅 Pure & Healthy Water Filter Pitcher 健康纯净滤水壶 3. Shop for 18 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! 消费满 18 个月尊荣礼带回家! 2nd Bonus Gift Gold 2nd Bonus Gift Silver Thermal Bag 保温保冷外出袋 Fleece Blanket 温馨舒柔随身毯 Sei Bella Perfect Care Cleansing Oil - Twin Pack 水. 贝娜完美修卸妆油 - 双瓶组 Regular 普通售价 : RM198.00 SAVE 节省 31% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM136.00(16pts) SKU4874 SKU4875 SKU4876 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS 15% Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS 20% Lifetime Platinum VIP SAVINGS 25% 折扣 促销价 : RM115.60 (13pts) 折扣 促销价 : RM108.80 (12pts) 折扣 促销价 : RM102.00 (11pts) Sol-U-Guard Botanical 2x Concentrate Disinfectant - Twin Pack 植物清香双倍浓缩消毒剂 - 双瓶组 Regular 普通售价 : RM130.00 SAVE 节省 32% Preferred Customer 优惠价格 : RM88.00 (12Pts) SKU4226 SKU6878 SKU6879 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS 15% Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS 20% Lifetime Platinum VIP SAVINGS 25% 折扣 促销价 : RM74.80 (10pts) 折扣 促销价 : RM70.40 (9pts) 折扣 促销价 : RM66.00 (9pts) 4. Enjoy up to 25% Exclusive Lifetime VIP Discount on selected products 精选商品特惠折扣高达 25% 5. Get a 10% Loyalty Shopping Dollars and save more! 高达 10% 的消费回馈优惠 6. Exclusive discount on new products 新品上市特惠 7. Maintain your Lifetime Gold VIP status for 24 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Platinum Gift! 维持二十四个月 [ 尊荣忠诚金卡会员 ] 籍, 可获赠白金欢迎礼! Welcome Platinum Gift Stainless Steel Vacuum Flask Set 不锈钢真空保温罐套组 24 Mela Life 25

Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Product List December 2014 SKU Products Product Points Regular PC 4154 Affinia Volumizing Shampoo 355mL 2 25.00 17.50 SKU Products Product Points Regular PC 5457 Alloy Body Wash 210mL 4 44.00 29.00 SKU Products FOR YOUR HEALTH - VITALITY FOR LIFE Your Daily Needs Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral Powered by Oligo 400 VFL Multivitamin & Mineral + Iron for Women 90 tablets Product Points Regular PC 12 103.00 67.00 401 VFL Multivitamin & Mineral for Men 90 tablets 12 103.00 67.00 405 VFL Calcium Complex 120 tablets 8 79.00 51.50 Vitality Pack Powered by Oligo (Includes VFL Calcium Complex, plus your choice of either VFL for Women or Men) 410 Vitality Pack for Women 15 152.00 100.00 411 Vitality Pack for Men 15 152.00 100.00 Vitality 4 (Includes VFL Calcium Complex, Florify Capsules, CelWise, plus your choice of either VFL for Women or Men) 420 Vitality 4 for Women 25 265.00 167.00 421 Vitality 4 for Men 25 265.00 167.00 Vitality 6 (Includes VFL Calcium Complex, Florify Capsules, CelWise, Phytomega, Provex, plus your choice of either VFL for Women or Men) 430 Vitality 6 for Women 42 440.00 308.00 431 Vitality 6 for Men 42 440.00 308.00 4578 MelaUp 1000 (pack of 10) New 13 149.00 97.00 2155 Heart Health PhytoMega 120 softgels 14 157.00 103.00 3000 Provex 120 capsules 15 152.00 105.00 8588 FiberWise Drink Harvest Peach 30 servings 10 135.00 89.00 8589 FiberWise Drink Citrus Orange 30 servings 10 135.00 89.00 3682 Targeted Needs DNA Plus 500mL 17 268.00 172.00 3593 DNA Plus 500mL (Twin Pack) 31 485.00 305.00 7780 CelWise Broad-Spectrum Antioxidant 60 tablets 10 94.00 65.00 7774 Florify Probiotic Capsules 30 capsules 8 68.00 45.50 2033 Florify Granules Mango & Pineapple 30 packets 10 120.00 76.00 8741 Weight Management Attain GC Control Crème Brulee 13 158.00 105.00 8991 Attain Shake Milk Chocolate 14 servings 9 130.00 90.00 8992 Attain Shake Vanilla 14 servings 9 130.00 90.00 8993 Attain Shake Strawberry 14 servings 9 130.00 90.00 8891 Attain Bar Chocolate Caramel Nut (Pack of 6) 5 65.00 42.00 8893 Attain Bar Sweet & Salty Nut (Pack of 6) 5 65.00 42.00 2354 Vitality Weight Loss Pack 55 630.00 438.00 2355 Vitality Weight Loss Pack + Protein 71 850.00 590.00 9199 Vitality for Life Blender Bottle - 29.00 29.00 5495 Women s Health Triple Up Collagen 10000mg (pack of 10) 17 209.00 140.00 7684 Triple Up Collagen 10000mg (3 packs of 10) 45 570.00 375.00 To order, call 1 800 823 823. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. SKU 4203 Products Product Points Regular PC Sports Nutrition Access Bar Peanut Butter Krisp (Pack of 10) 10 102.00 70.00 4256 Access Bar Chocolate Raspberry (Pack of 10) 10 102.00 70.00 1675 ProFlex 20 Shake Classic Vanilla 15 servings 9 130.00 90.00 8436 Sustain Sport Lemon Blast 20 packets 6 65.00 45.00 1057 Children s Health Koala Pals Shakeables Rich Milk Chocolate 8 92.00 61.00 FOR YOUR HOME - ECOSENSE 1212 Cleaners Clear Power Glass Cleaner 473mL 3 35.00 23.00 1213 Clear Power Mixing Spray Bottle 6.00 6.00 201 MelaMagic Heavy Duty Cleaner 473mL 2 32.00 21.00 1427 4020 Rustic Touch Orange Scent Furniture Care w/sprayer 237mL Sol-U-Guard Botanical 2x Concentrate Disinfectant 473mL 3 38.00 25.00 6 65.00 44.00 8901 Sol-U-Guard Botanical Mixing Spray Bottle 6.00 6.00 292 Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner 237mL 10 78.00 52.00 130 Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner 473mL 18 140.00 98.00 1209 Sol-U-Mel Mixing Spray Bottle 6.00 6.00 1218 Tough & Tender Multi-Purpose Cleaner 473mL 3 38.00 25.00 1219 Tough & Tender Mixing Spray Bottle 6.00 6.00 1216 Tub & Tile Bathroom Cleaner 473mL 3 38.00 25.00 1217 Tub & Tile Foaming/Mixing Spray Bottle 6.00 6.00 1280 Harvest Pure 473mL 3 34.00 22.00 2854 7904 1210 Dish Care Lemon Brite Hand Dishwashing Liquid 473mL 2 23.00 15.00 Apple Scented Lemon Brite Hand Dishwashing Liquid 473mL LTO 2 23.00 15.00 Laundry PreSpot 4x Laundry Stain Remover 237mL 4 39.00 27.00 1211 PreSpot Mixing Spray Bottle 6.00 6.00 9770 MelaBrite 6x Color-Safe Brightener 1.42L 7 77.00 54.00 4333 MelaPower 6x Laundry Detergent Fresh Scent 1.42L 8 89.00 62.00 267 MelaSoft Liquid Fabric Softener 1.42L 5 58.00 39.90 1279 Revive Fabric Freshener w/sprayer 473mL 3 33.00 22.00 3008 EcoSense Pump for 1.42L Bottles 10.00 10.00 4848 EcoSense Drain-Back Cap 4.00 4.00 FOR YOUR HOME SUN VALLEY Home & Linen Mists 5000 Cucumber & Green Tea 98mL 3 29.00 20.00 4313 Fresh Rain 98mL 3 29.00 20.00 6985 Caribbean Breeze 98mL LTO 3 29.00 20.00 FOR YOUR BODY MELALEUCA BATH AND BODY Affinia Hair Care 4152 Affinia Moisturizing Shampoo 355mL 2 25.00 17.50 4153 Affinia Ultra-Moisturizing Shampoo 355mL 2 25.00 17.50 Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified * Please call to check availability New While Stock Last New Product LTO Limited Time Offer 4155 Affinia Moisturizing Conditioner 355mL 2 25.00 17.50 4156 Affinia Ultra-Moisturizing Conditioner 355mL 2 25.00 17.50 4157 Affinia Volumizing Conditioner 355mL 2 25.00 17.50 5281 Affinia Facial Care Affinia Facial Cleanser + Toner 150mL 4 44.00 29.00 5283 Affinia Facial Moisturizer 120mL 5 56.00 37.00 5284 Affinia Facial Scrub 113.4g 3 33.00 22.00 4140 Styling Aids Affinia Natural Hold Hairspray - 296mL 2 28.00 19.50 4141 Affinia Styling Hair Gel - 163mL 2 25.00 17.50 9746 9748 9742 Body Satin Body Satin Moisturizing Body Wash (Original Scent) 207mL Body Satin Moisturizing Body Wash (Pear Raspberry) 207mL Body Satin Body Lotion w/pump (Original Scent) 237mL 4 44.00 29.00 4 44.00 29.00 6 50.00 33.00 9760 Body Satin Hand Crème 59mL 2 18.00 12.00 9750 Body Satin Foot Lotion 163mL 3 35.00 23.00 9755 Body Satin Foot Scrub 163mL 3 35.00 23.00 5067 146 Mystique Mystique Perfume 44mL 19 168.00 117.00 Body Care Moisturizing Liquid Soap Grapefruit Splash 237mL 3 34.00 23.00 148 Moisturizing Liquid Soap White Tea & Ginger 237mL 3 34.00 23.00 150 Moisturizing Liquid Soap Mountain Rain 237mL 3 34.00 23.00 6982 Moisturizing Liquid Soap Island Mist 237mL LTO 3 34.00 23.00 2748 Antibacterial Liquid Soap Original 237mL 5 41.00 27.00 7107 Antibacterial Liquid Soap Mint 237mL 5 41.00 27.00 9351 Liquid Soap Pump 2.50 2.50 4013 Clear Defense Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer 70mL 1 15.00 9.50 4117 Melaleuca Herbal Shampoo 237mL 6 45.00 29.50 4905 Melaleuca Herbal Shampoo w/pump 946mL 10 85.00 59.50 4118 Melaleuca Original Shampoo 237mL 6 45.00 29.50 4906 Melaleuca Original Shampoo w/pump 946mL 10 85.00 59.50 1180 Shower Puff 5.00 5.00 2465 Sheer Confidence Antiperspirant & Deodorant Moonlit Orchid 57g 3 34.00 23.00 2466 Caribbean Sunset 57g 3 34.00 23.00 9158 Holiday Special White Amber Jasmine Sun Valley Gift Set LTO 11 135.00 91.00 3972 Winter Cranberry Sun Valley Gift Set LTO 8 89.00 59.00 9909 Body Satin Frosted Persimmon Gift Set LTO 13 140.00 96.00 117 Bath Bars The Gold Bar 127g 2 18.00 11.50 638 The Gold Bar Trial Size 43g 5.00 3.50 3308 The Melaleuca Platinum Bar 127g 2 18.00 11.50 5540 Exfoliating Body Bar 127g 2 18.00 11.50 6984 Lavender Papaya Bath Bar LTO 2 18.00 11.50 5400 Alloy for Men Alloy Antiperspirant & Deodorant 64g 3 33.00 22.00 To order, call 1 800 823 823. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. 6455 Alloy Bath Bar 127g 2 18.00 11.50 5459 Alloy Aftershave Lotion 65mL 3 33.00 22.00 5458 Alloy Cologne 74mL 12 175.00 119.00 FOR YOUR KIDS CHILDREN PRODUCTS 1297 Koala Pals Fluoride Tooth Gel 108g 2 20.00 14.00 4910 Koala Pals Training Tooth Gel 108g 2 20.00 14.00 4913 Koala Pals Hair Wash 325mL 4 28.00 19.00 4914 Koala Pals Body Wash 325mL 4 28.00 19.00 4911 Koala Pals Hand Wash w/pump 237mL 3 28.00 19.00 9354 9352 Koala Pals For Baby Calming Gentle Wash 255mL Koala Pals For Baby Soothing Gentle Lotion 255mL Koala Pals 9666 For Baby Nurturing Nappy Cream 100g FOR YOUR PETS PROCARE PRODUCTS 5 62.00 41.00 8 90.00 60.00 5 62.00 41.00 623 ProCare Pet Shampoo 296mL 5 43.00 29.00 FOR YOUR MEDICINE CABINET Dental Care 3080 2 24.00 16.00 Classic Cinnamon Whitening Tooth Polish 108g 5395 Fresh Mint Whitening Tooth Polish 108g 2 24.00 16.00 5780 Cool Mint with Fluoride Whitening Tooth Polish 108g 2 24.00 16.00 8697 Fluoride Tooth Polish For Sensitive Teeth 3 31.00 21.00 5781 Breath-Away Mouth Rinse Classic Cinnamon 473mL 3 28.00 19.00 5782 Breath-Away Mouth Rinse Fresh Mint 473mL 3 28.00 19.00 3085 Classic Cinnamon Dental Floss 50m 2 23.00 15.00 3086 Fresh Mint Dental Floss 50m 2 23.00 15.00 7440 Melaleuca Toothbrush 4-Pack 3 45.00 29.50 3084 Cool Shot Fresh Mint Breath Spray - 7.4ml 1 14.00 9.00 3650 First Aid T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 15mL 4 36.00 24.00 2164 T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil 5.8mL 12 93.00 64.00 3417 MelaGel Topical Balm 12g Disk 4 33.00 22.00 6608 3600 Cough Relief CounterAct Honey Lemon Cough Drops 30 Drops 1 15.00 10.00 Dry Skin Relief Renew Intensive Skin Therapy 237mL 7 55.00 36.00 6317 Renew Intensive Skin Therapy Pump 2.50 2.50 3748 Renew Moisturizing Hand Wash w/pump 237mL 4 46.00 30.00 108 Renew Bath Oil 118mL 5 51.00 35.00 3888 Renew Intensive Skin Therapy Travel Pack - 30mL/2 Tubes 1 14.50 9.80 3620 Renew Moisturizing Body Wash 355mL 5 51.00 35.00 6781 Acne Treatment System Reflect Foaming Cleanser 133mL 4 41.00 28.00 6795 Reflect Foaming Cleanser Pump 3.50 3.50 6790 Reflect Deep-Cleansing Astringent 118mL 4 41.00 28.00 Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified * Please call to check availability New While Stock Last New Product LTO Limited Time Offer

Malaysia Malaysia SKU Products Product Points Regular PC SKU Products Product Points Regular PC SKU Products Product Points Regular PC SKU Products Product Points Regular PC 6789 Reflect Deep-Cleansing Astringent Pump 3.50 3.50 6793 Reflect Oil-Free Moisturizer 36mL 4 41.00 27.00 6792 Reflect Acne Treatment Cream 15mL 4 38.00 26.00 6794 Reflect Acne Spot Treatment 8.9mL 4 38.00 26.00 7425 Sun Protection Sun Shades Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50+, PA++ 65g 7 70.00 46.00 111 Sun Shades Lip Balm (SPF 15)Vanilla Bean 4.25g 1 16.00 10.50 107 Sun Shades Lip Balm (SPF 15)Mountain Mint 4.25g 1 16.00 10.50 3514 Sun Shades Lip Balm (Pack of 2 any flavor) 2 28.00 18.00 2144 Sun Shades Mineral Plus Sunscreen SPF 30+ 177mL 7 69.00 44.00 FOR YOUR BEAUTY SEI BELLA SKIN CARE, HAIR CARE & COSMETICS Sei Bella Skin Care Solutions 2573 Sei Bella Necessities Set (Save over 20% - includes Cleanser, Toner, & Daytime Moisturizer) 22 300.00 195.00 2701 Hydrating Facial Cleanser 200mL 11 120.00 79.00 2702 Refining Facial Cleanser 200mL 11 120.00 79.00 2703 Hydrating Facial Toner 200mL 9 105.00 69.00 4845 Clarifying Facial Toner 200mL 9 105.00 69.00 2704 Daytime Delivery Crème 50mL 15 175.00 115.00 2705 Daytime Delivery Lotion 50mL 15 175.00 115.00 2706 Night Firming Treatment 50mL 17 189.00 120.00 6670 Sei Bella Luxury Shampoo & Conditioner Luxury Moisture Shampoo 296mL 8 75.00 52.00 6671 Luxury Moisture Crème Conditioner 237mL 8 75.00 52.00 6672 Luxury Volume Shampoo 296mL 8 75.00 52.00 6673 Luxury Volume Crème Conditioner 237mL 8 75.00 52.00 6674 Luxury Ultra-Moisture Shampoo 296mL 8 75.00 52.00 6675 Luxury Ultra-Moisture Crème Conditioner 237mL 8 75.00 52.00 6685 Sei Bella Luxury Hair Treatments Leave-In Detangling & Smoothing Spray 237mL 8 75.00 52.00 6683 Intensive Treatment Repair Hair Masque 118mL 8 75.00 52.00 6245 Sei Bella Luxury Lip Colors Soft Nude 8 82.00 54.00 6375 Champagne 8 82.00 54.00 6232 Mauvelous 8 82.00 54.00 6233 Pink Sorbet 8 82.00 54.00 6241 Coral Reef 8 82.00 54.00 6378 Sienna 8 82.00 54.00 6246 Currant 8 82.00 54.00 6236 Red Kiss 8 82.00 54.00 6238 Plumshine 8 82.00 54.00 8226 Sei Bella Defining Waterproof Mascara Black 7 76.00 50.00 8227 Brown 7 76.00 50.00 7735 Sei Bella Vitamin-Rich Lash Primer Lash Primer 7 70.00 44.00 3302 Sei Bella Luminous CC Cream SPF 30 PA++ 10 107.00 70.00 2223 Sei Bella Age-Defying Liquid Foundation 30mL Ivory 10 136.00 82.00 2234 Sand 10 136.00 82.00 2181 Cashmere 10 136.00 82.00 2190 Chestnut 10 136.00 82.00 9210 Sei Bella Mineral Foundation Fair 12 125.00 79.00 9211 Light 12 125.00 79.00 9212 Medium 12 125.00 79.00 9213 Warm Tan WSL 12 125.00 79.00 9090 Sei Bella Loose Powder Light 10 119.00 79.00 9089 Medium 10 119.00 79.00 9092 Dark 10 119.00 79.00 SALES AIDS & MATERIALS 601 Vitality Weight Loss Guide 8.00 8.00 602 Vitality Weight Loss Guide (5 Packs) 25.00 25.00 1480 Melaleuca Product Training Resource DVD 10.00 10.00 8860 3181 Business Kits & Forms Business Kit (Building Your Melaleuca Business Booklet, Delivering Wellness Booklet, Discovering Melaleuca DVD, Forms and Catalogue) Direct Customer Membership (Melaleuca Country Catalogue and Leadership in Action) 70.00 70.00 50.00 50.00 9947 Building Your Melaleuca Business Booklet 15.00 15.00 2180 Delivering Wellness Booklet (English/Chinese/Malay) 10.00 10.00 8260 Customer Membership Agreement (Per piece) 0.70 0.70 8292 8261 8293 Customer Membership Agreement (Packs of 10) Independent Marketing Executive Agreement (Per piece) Independent Marketing Executive Agreement (Packs of 10) 7.00 7.00 0.70 0.70 7.00 7.00 Publications Melaleuca Country Catalogue 10.00 10.00 2715 Sei Bella Treatments & Masques Skin Revitalizing Serum 30mL 18 179.00 119.00 3970 Timeless Age-Defying Serum 30mL 12 144.00 95.00 4930 Complete Radiance Clay Facial Masque 70g 12 130.00 83.00 6234 Plumberry 8 82.00 54.00 6243 Iced Mocha 8 82.00 54.00 2710 Sei Bella Lip Treatment Lip Treatment 7 74.00 49.00 9106 Sei Bella Pressed Powder Light 10 127.00 75.00 9107 Medium 10 127.00 75.00 9108 Dark 10 127.00 75.00 1908 Melaleuca Country Catalogue (5 Packs) 45.00 45.00 Leadership In Action 10.00 10.00 Logo Gears Melaleuca Card Holder WSL 23.00 1429 Sei Bella Eye Care System Dual-Phase Eye Makeup Remover 111mL 8 99.00 65.00 2711 Bright Eyes Soothing Gel 15mL 12 129.00 85.00 6398 Sei Bella Brilliance Lip Gloss Clear 8 82.00 54.00 6392 Flirt 8 82.00 54.00 9109 Deep WSL 10 127.00 75.00 9230 Sei Bella Age-Defying Concealer Extra Light 8 88.00 58.00 5189 Melaleuca Crystal Heart-Shaped 8GB Pen Drive WSL 95.00 9329 Melaleuca Pillbox WSL 8.00 1830 Melaleuca Sports Cap WSL 28.00 9827 Wrinkle Release Eye Serum 15mL 12 176.00 116.00 6394 Crush 8 82.00 54.00 9231 Light 8 88.00 58.00 5414 Melaleuca 2-in-1 Pen and Highlighter Set WSL 25.00 3114 Sei Bella Pure Essence Care Pure Essence Purify Cleansing Foam 120mL 9 114.50 68.70 3116 Pure Essence Purify Softening Toner 100mL 10 110.00 77.00 3091 Pure Essence Purify Whitening Lotion 50mL 14 160.00 108.00 3092 Pure Essence Purify Whitening Serum 30mL 16 179.00 119.00 8439 7540 Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink (pack of 10) 10 108.00 74.00 Sei Bella Perfect Care Perfect Care Cleansing Oil EX 150mL 8 99.00 68.00 6397 Moonlight 8 82.00 54.00 6396 Rumor 8 82.00 54.00 6391 Vavoom 8 82.00 54.00 8846 Sei Bella Eye Shadow Ice 7 89.00 59.00 8831 Midnight 7 89.00 59.00 4649 Gold Finch 7 89.00 59.00 8808 Buttercup 7 89.00 59.00 9232 Medium 8 88.00 58.00 9233 Dark 8 88.00 58.00 9234 Deep WSL 8 88.00 58.00 9066 Sei Bella Powder Blush Sweet Apricot 8 100.00 66.50 9067 Peach Satin 8 100.00 66.50 9068 Soft Rose 8 100.00 66.50 9069 Mauve Sunset 8 100.00 66.50 1296 Oligo Stainless Steel Water Tumbler WSL 18.00 6219 Melaleuca Wheeled Backpack WSL 129.00 5185 Melaleuca Toiletries Bag (Black & grey) WSL 29.00 1961 Melaleuca ipad Cover (Grey) WSL 53.00 1966 Melaleuca ipad Cover (Red) WSL 53.00 3760 Melaleuca ipad Cover (Blue) WSL 53.00 510 Melaleuca 4400 mah Power Bank WSL 79.00 79.00 8338 Melaleuca Umbrella WSL 23.00 23.00 7541 Perfect Care Facial Wash EX 120g 10 112.00 75.60 7248 Fudge Truffle 7 89.00 59.00 9071 Winterberry 8 100.00 66.50 7895 Melaleuca Trolley Luggage WSL 179.00 179.00 7542 Perfect Care Toner Fresh 150mL 8 96.00 66.00 8858 Wisteria 7 89.00 59.00 9073 Dusty Mauve WSL 8 100.00 66.50 7116 Melaleuca Organizer WSL 25.00 25.00 7543 Perfect Care Toner Rich 150mL 8 96.00 66.00 7544 Perfect Care Serum EX 30mL 14 150.00 100.00 7545 Perfect Care Day Cream 30g 12 131.00 87.50 7546 Perfect Care Night Cream 30g 12 136.00 90.00 9500 9501 Perfect Care Necessities Set Fresh (Includes Facial Wash, Toner Fresh & Day Cream) Perfect Care Necessities Set Rich (Includes Facial Wash, Toner Rich & Day Cream) 23 290.00 188.00 23 290.00 188.00 8832 French Pink 7 89.00 59.00 8825 Slate 7 89.00 59.00 4650 Ink 7 89.00 59.00 4651 Mermaid 7 89.00 59.00 8835 Velour 7 89.00 59.00 5641 Sei Bella Twist-Up Eyeliner Black 7 79.00 52.00 8283 Sei Bella Brushes & Tools Foundation Brush WSL 0 110.00 70.00 8276 Powder Brush WSL 0 120.00 80.00 8282 Eye Smudger Brush WSL 0 85.00 55.00 7083 Kabuki Brush WSL 0 115.00 75.00 8280 Dual-Ended Brow Brush WSL 0 85.00 55.00 ESSENTIALS & VALUE PACKS 7118 Melaleuca Daily Planner WSL 5.00 5.00 7119 Melaleuca Daily Planner 4-Pack WSL 15.00 15.00 Melaleuca Jacket (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) WSL 129.00 129.00 Melaleuca Dri-Fit- Light Blue (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) WSL 39.00 39.00 Melaleuca Dri-Fit- Grey (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) WSL 39.00 39.00 4687 Sei Bella Luxury Line Sei Bella Luxury Creme Concentrate 50mL 60 720.00 430.00 4678 Sei Bella Luxury Serum 30mL 64 745.00 445.00 5643 Brown 7 79.00 52.00 5658 Sei Bella Dual-End Brow Pencil Brunette 7 82.00 54.00 360 Value Pack (Available 1st 2 calendar months after enrollment) 100 800.00 363 Essentials Pack 140 1000.00 991 Miscellaneous Business Card (200 cards) 65.00 65.00 4679 Sei Bella Luxury Toner 140mL 31 460.00 280.00 To order, call 1 800 823 823. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified * Please call to check availability New While Stock Last New Product LTO Limited Time Offer To order, call 1 800 823 823. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified * Please call to check availability New While Stock Last New Product LTO Limited Time Offer

Apart from enjoying over 350 exclusive products, you also get to enjoy valuable gifts! 您拥有的不只是超过 350 项独家产品更额外享有满额赠礼! Promotion Period: December 1st 31th 2014 (while stocks last) 促销期限 : 2014 年 12 月 1 日 -31 日 ( 送完为止 ) Purchase 70 product points (83 points for Directors and above) in a single receipt to get 1 free Silk Blanket. Purchase 80 product points (93 points for Directors and above) in a single receipt to get 2 free Silk Blankets. 单张订单购满 70 点 (83 点总监或以上 ), 即可获赠 1 件美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝被 单张订单购满 80 点 (93 点总监或以上 ), 即可获赠 2 件美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝被 Over 350 exclusive wellness products highly recommended by 1,000,000 preferred customers available for you and your family for a healthier life. Save up to 30-40% with daily discounts, however the benefits does not stop here... 超过 350 项丰富选择, 带给您与家人更富足的生活, 有着超越市售的质量, 更拥有百万会员的真心推荐, 而且每日还能为您省下 30%-40% 的超值优惠, 这些只是您所享受到的其中一部份而已... Because with Melaleuca, you deserve the best Better health for a more vibrant life Peace of mind that only comes with a safer home Clean homes. Clean streams. Clean conscience. Over 350 exclusive wellness products highly recommended by 1,000,000 preferred customers Trusted power of nature Shop smart with greater savings Solutions to health concerns 100% customer satisfaction guarantee 因为选择美乐家您值得拥有更多更好的... 更佳的身体状态, 更容光焕发 更安心 安全的家 纯净的家, 纯净的溪流, 纯净的心灵 超过 350 种以上产品百万会员推荐 值得信赖的大自然力量 聪明购物, 节省金钱 为现今的健康问题提供解决方案 100% 顾客满意保证 LIGHT, SOFT AND BREATHABLE SILK BLANKET 透气舒眠蚕丝被 Breathable and comfortable Silk Blanket with 4 unique features: Dispel moisture: Silk is a natural porous fiber with high permeability, it can quickly dispel moisture Relieve stress and promote a good night's sleep: Silk contains 18 kinds of amino acids, promotes circulation. Anti-bacterial and anti-dust mite: Silk is the only natural fiber that can prevent mildew, and it has antibacterial, anti-dust mite properties Durable: Special stitching method ensures infill does not become tangled or altered in shape. 透气舒眠蚕丝被四大特色 : 透气排湿 : 蚕丝为天然多孔性纤维, 高透气, 能迅速排湿 减压安眠 : 蚕丝含 1 8 种胺基酸, 促进循环 抗菌防螨 : 蚕丝是唯一能防霉的天然纤维, 更具有抗菌 防螨等功效 持久耐用 : 特殊车缝法, 固定内里不容易纠结, 不会卷曲变形 Terms & Conditions: 1. Promotion is only applicable to Preferred Customers of Melaleuca. 2. Every customer that fulfills the program criteria is only entitled to one (1) unit (purchase 70/83 points) OR two (2) units (purchase 80/93 points) of free premium during the promotion period (December 1-31, 2014) on a while stocks last basis. 3. The Melaleuca Customer Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to premium gifts. No return or exchange is allowed unless the premium gift is defective. Any return or exchange must be done within 7 days of receiving the gift (invoice required). The gift is non-transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or credit on account. 4. In the event of product exchange/return, the customer will need to replace the SKU: 4448 While stocks last.* 送完为止 * Product images are for illustration purpose only. 图片只供参考, 赠品规格以实品为准 value of the products exchanged/returned with other products. If the qualifying value for the promotion is not fulfilled, the customer will be required to return the gift unopened. Otherwise, Melaleuca reserves the right to charge the customer RM200 (1 unit)/ RM400 (2 units) for the Melaleuca Silk Blanket. 5. Business Kit and non-product point item purchases will not be entitled towards this promotion. 6. Value Pack and Essentials Pack Purchasers need to purchase an additional 20PP in a single receipt to qualify for one (1) unit of Melaleuca Silk Blanket OR an additional 30PP to qualify for two (2) units of Melaleuca Silk Blanket. Product specifications Material: 10% Natural Silk, 90% Synthetic Silk Size: 150x180cm Weight: 900g 赠品促销条款及条件 : 赠品规格 : 表布材质 :1 0 % 天然蚕丝, 90% 人造丝规格 :150x180cm 重量 :9 0 0 g 1. 此促销只限于美乐家优惠顾客 2. 每位符合消费的顾客在促销期间 (12 月 1 日 -31 日 ) 只能兑换 1 个 ( 购满 70 点 /83 点 ) 或 2 个 ( 购满 80 点 /93 点 ) 赠品, 存货送完为止 3. 美乐家顾客满意保证不适用于本赠品活动 若非赠品本身瑕疵, 恕不接受退 换货服务 退 换货服务必须在收到赠品的 7 天内完成 ( 必备收据以作核对 ) 这份赠品不可转让或兑换现金 4. 如须退还 / 退换产品, 顾客必须更换同等或以上点数的产品 如不符合本促销规则, 顾客必须原封不动奉还 ; 否则美乐家有权向顾客征收美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝被价值 RM200 (1 个 )/RM400 (2 个 ) 5. 事业文件夹及无点数产品价格不得计算在此促销 6. 购买超值产品套装及事业套装顾客, 需以单张订单额外购满 20 产品点数, 方能获赠 1 个美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝或额外购满 30 产品点数, 方能获赠 2 个美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝

Apart from enjoying over 350 unique wellness products, you can also receive exclusive Melaleuca premiums! 您拥有的不只是超过 350 多项独家产品更额外享有满额赠礼! LIGHT, SOFT AND BREATHABLE SILK BLANKET 透气舒眠蚕丝被 For 100% good night sleep! Your perfect companion for a good night sleep. In the warmer weather, the luxurious and cooling sensation of the silk blanket promotes a blissful sleep. During cooler nights, the silk blanket will keep you snug and comfortable. 100% 深度好眠! 让透气舒眠蚕丝被伴您入眠 在暖和的天气, 奢华的清凉触感, 让您一夜好梦 在夜凉时分, 窝进舒适的被窝, 给你舒适暖意的幸福感 Product images are for illustration purpose only. 图片只供参考, 赠品规格以实品为准 SKU: 4448 Purchase 70 product points (83 points for Directors and above) in a single receipt to get 1 free Silk Blanket. Purchase 80 product points (93 points for Directors and above) in a single receipt to get 2 free Silk Blankets. 单张订单购满 70 点 (83 点总监或以上 ), 即可获赠 1 件美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝被 单张订单购满 80 点 (93 点总监或以上 ), 即可获赠 2 件美乐家精选透气舒眠蚕丝被 Promotion Starts: December 1-31, 2014 While stocks last. 促销日期 :2014 年 12 月 1-31 日 送完为止 Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.Unit B-10-3A & 5, Level 10, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 1800 823 823 Fax: 1800 826 826 4187