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Master of Engineering Management MEM 2011 11 18

1967 Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T, formerly the University of Missouri- Rolla) Stevens InsGtute of Technology 1908 Istanbul Technical University 1982


2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 MEM 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

200620 Financial Time Rise of the Business- Savvy Engineer 2010 July 26 IEEE Spectrum The Other MEMs: The Master of Engineering Management Degree 2011 Feb. US News New OpportuniGes for Those Seeking Graduate Engineering Degrees June 17, 2011


Engineering Management Engineering Engineering

MEM Dartmouth College MEM Duke University T

MEM Northwestern University Cornell University


S&T System OperaAon Business SoC skill hard soy

MichigenDearborn /Managing the engineering funcgon of an engty ; ; ; ;

( ) MBA

12 Required Core- 6 Courses 402 Engineering Management (gateway course) 403 AccounGng for Engineers 404 Financial Issues for Engineers 405 MarkeGng Issues for Engineers 407 Decision Tools for Managers 437 Strategic Management for Engineers (capstone course) Advanced Engineering Methods for Management- Select 2 415 Computer SimulaGon for Risk & OperaGons Analysis 417 Product Development for Engineers 426 Project Management I 427 OperaGons Analysis 428 Quality Engineering Tools 486 Supply Chain Management ElecAves (Select 4, no more than 2 non- McCormick courses) AddiGonal Advanced Engineering Methods courses 419 Technical Entrepreneurship 424 Leadership and OrganizaGonal Behavior 429 NegoGaGons for Engineers 490 Management of Technology and InnovaGon Selected courses from: Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences Selected Kellogg Graduate School of Management Selected Learning and OrganizaGonal Change Selected Master of Project Management Students may adain an opgonal ConcentraGon in either Supply Chain and OperaAons Management or Project and Process Management by choosing appropriate courses as indicated below: Supply Chain and OperaAons (choose any 3 courses) 415 Computer SimulaGon for Risk & OperaGons Analysis 417 Product Development for Engineering Managers 427 OperaGons Analysis 428 Quality Engineering Tools 486 Supply Chain Management Project and Process Management (choose any 3 courses) 416 Business Process Change Management 417 Product Development for Engineering Managers 419 Technical Entrepreneurship 424 Leadership and OrganizaGonal Behavior 426 Project Management 429 NegoGaGons for Engineers

DUKE 8 Core Management Courses EGRMGMT 210: MarkeAng EGRMGMT 220: Intellectual Property, Business Law, and Entrepreneurship EGRMGMT 230: Finance and AccounAng for Technology- based Companies EGRMGMT 240: Management in High- Tech Industries take courses at the highly- ranked departments within the Prad School of Engineering select from a variety of topics in the area of management of technology and entrepreneurship offered by the Engineering Management department or take courses outside of the Prad School of Engineering with the Director's approval from the Fuqua School of Business* or in areas such as physics, chemistry, computer science, or stagsgcs/decision science Internship MEM Seminar Series and Workshop Series Science and Technology ConcentraAons Focused on students seeking graduate level science and engineering knowledge. - Biomaterials - Biomedical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Energy and the Environment - Environmental Engineering - Suggested Classes - Materials Science - Mechanical Engineering - Photonics Management of Technology ConcentraAons Focused on student with an interest in applied classes that integrate business and technology - CommercializaAon of Technology - ConstrucAon Management and Property Development - Decision and Risk Analysis - Entrepreneurship Financial Engineering - Global Health: Product and Service Management - InformaAon Technology Management - Intellectual Asset Management - OperaAons and Supply Chain Management - PharmaceuAcal Technology Management

Dartmouth 14 Applied MathemaAcs (2 courses) ENGS 93 (formerly 103) StaGsGcal Methods in Engineering ENGM 184 IntroducGon to OpGmizaGon Methods Engineering Project/Design Sequence (2 courses) ENGM 178 Technology Assessment ENGG 390 M.E.M. Project/Internship Engineering and Engineering Management Required Courses (6 courses) ENGG 177 Decision- Making Under Risk and Uncertainty ENGM 179 Financial and Managerial AccounGng ENGM 180 Corporate Finance ENGM 181 MarkeGng ENGM 183 OperaGons Management ENGM 387 M.E.M. Professional Skills Engineering Management ElecAves (choose 1 course) ENGS 157 Chemical Process Design ENGS 171 Industrial Ecology ENGM 185 Topics in Manufacturing Design and Processes ENGM 186 Technology Project Management ENGM 188 Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship ENGM 189 Topics in Engineering Management (includes 2 half- term courses) M.E.M. Free ElecAves (choose 3 courses)

Cornell 9 REQUIRED COURSES CEE 5900 Project Management 4 CEE 5910 Project 4 CEE 5930 Engineering Management Methods 4 CEE 5970 Risk Analysis and Management 3 FINANCE/ACCOUNTING ELECTIVE (1 required) No background in accoungng, NBA 5530 Finance & AccounGng for Engineers (S) Some accoungng, but no engineering economics, ORIE 5150 Economic Analysis of Engr. Systems (S) Some background in both accoungngand engineering economics, NCC 5560 Managerial Finance (F/S) BEHAVIOR ELECTIVE (1 required) CEE 6900 CreaGvity, InnovaGon and Leadership (Spring, 3 credits) NCC 5530 MarkeGng Management (Spring, 3 credits) NCC 5540 Management & OrganizaGons (Spring, 3 credits) NBA 6630 Managerial Decision Making (Fall, 3 credits) NBA 6660 NegoGaGons (Fall/Spring, 3 credits) ILROB 5200 OrganizaGonal Behavior & Analysis (Fall/ Spring, 3 credits) SPECIALIZATION ELECTIVES (3 required) At least two of the three courses must be technical in nature and at least one of the three should be from Engineering. Disciplinary specializagon Func>onal specializa>on Decision Support and Systems Development Energy Systems Management Environmental Systems Management Manufacturing Management Property Development and Construc>on Systems Engineering Urban Infrastructure Management SEMINARS (Indicate if ParAcipatory or Non- ParAcipatory)

ASEM 1. / A. B. 2. / A. B. 3. A. / / B. 4. A. B.

ASEM 5. A. B. 6. A. B.

MEM 60-80% 20-40% / MBA/MEM 3

(:60%- 80%); (:10-30%); ( : 10-20%); ( )

41 3 13 6 13 6

3 1 2 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 6 13 1