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READ BEFORE USE 使 用 前 阅 读 Visit www.hamiltonbeach.cn for our complete line of products and Use and Care Guides as well as delicious recipes, tips, and to register your product online! 有 关 我 们 所 有 系 列 产 品 的, 使 用 与 维 护 指 南 以 及 美 味 食 谱 生 活 小 贴 士 和 产 品 在 线 注 册 的 更 多 信 息, 请 访 问 www.hamiltonbeach.cn Questions? Please call us our friendly associates are ready to help. China: 400-852-2655 如 有 疑 问? 请 致 电 我 们, 我 们 的 团 队 随 时 准 备 为 您 提 供 帮 助 中 国 大 陆 免 费 客 服 热 线 : 400-852-2655 官 方 网 站 :www.hamiltonbeach.cn SaladXpress. () 型 号 :70950-CN 此 说 明 书 中 图 片 仅 供 参 考, 产 品 以 实 物 为 准 使 用 本 设 备 前, 我 们 建 议 您 仔 细 阅 读 这 些 说 明. English... 2... 10

2 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: 1. Read and save all instructions. 14. The blades in the cones are sharp. Handle carefully. Store out 2. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including of reach of children. children) with reduce physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, 15. Never feed food into food chute by hand. Always use the food or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they are closely pusher. supervised and instructed concerning use of the appliance by a 16. Make sure the cones have come to a full stop before removing. person responsible for their safety. Unplug from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking 3. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse base, off parts, and before cleaning. motor, cord, or plug in water or other liquid. 17. To reduce the risk of injury, be sure to insert or remove cones 4. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by using hubs provided for this purpose. Use caution when or near children. removing cones and when cleaning. 5. This appliance should not be used by children. 18. Always use the pusher to clear the food chute. When 6. Unplug cord from outlet when not in use, before putting on or this method is not possible, unplug cord from outlet and taking off parts, and before cleaning. disassemble unit to remove the remaining food. 7. Avoid contacting moving parts. 19. The appliance is not intended for commercial, professional, or 8. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug industrial use. It is designed and built exclusively for household or after the appliance malfunctions or is dropped or damaged use only. in any manner. Call our toll-free customer service number 20. Never use appliance for a longer period or with a larger amount for information on examination, repair, or electrical or of ingredients other than that recommended by appliance mechanical adjustment. manufacturer. 9. The use of attachments not recommended or sold by the 21. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a appliance manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. heated oven. 10. Do not use your food processor if any part is broken. 22. Do not use appliance for other than intended use. 11. Do not use appliance outdoors. 23. CAUTION: In order to avoid a hazard due to inadvertent 12. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot resetting of the thermal cut-out, this appliance must not be surfaces. supplied through an external switching device, such as a timer, 13. Keep hands and utensils away from moving cones while or connected to a circuit that is regularly switched on and off by processing food to reduce the risk of severe personal injury the utility. and/or damage to the food processor. A rubber scraper may be used but ONLY when the appliance is not running. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!

This appliance is intended for household use only. The length of the cord used on this appliance was selected to reduce the hazards of becoming tangled in or tripping over a longer cord. If a longer cord is necessary, an approved extension cord may be used. The electrical rating of the extension cord must be equal to or greater than the rating of the appliance. Care must be taken to arrange the extension cord so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or accidentally tripped over. Other Consumer Safety Information To avoid an electrical circuit overload, do not use another highwattage appliance on the same circuit with your appliance. 3

Parts and Features Food Chute Assembly BEFORE FIRST USE: Unpack SaladXpress. Handle cones carefully; they are very sharp. Wash all parts except base in hot, soapy water. Rinse; then dry. Food Pusher Pulsing ON/OFF Button Green Slicing Cone Yellow Grating Cone Cord Stuff Storage (located on back of base) Orange Shredding Cone Base 4 Cone Storage Caddy Red Crinkle-Cut Cone

How to Use SaladXpress WARNING Laceration Hazard. Handle cones carefully; they are very sharp. Turn off and unplug before inserting or removing cones. NOTE: Operate using only one cone at a time. 1 Remove cone storage caddy from front of food chute. Carefully remove cones. 2 Choose appropriate cone for the food you will be slicing, shredding, grating, or crinkle-cutting. Refer to chart on page 7 and color graphic on back of unit. 3 4 Using tabs, place cross-shaped opening of cone onto crossshaped piece on food chute assembly. Turn clockwise to lock. Place a bowl under chute opening to catch sliced food. Fill chute with food. 5 Place food pusher in food chute. WARNING! Laceration Hazard: Always use food pusher to feed food into food chute. NEVER PUSH FOOD THROUGH CHUTE WITH HANDS OR OTHER OBJECTS. 5

How to Use SaladXpress 6 7 Press pulsing ON/OFF ( ) button. WARNING! Laceration Hazard: Keep hands away from chute opening while unit is running. Push food pusher down as SaladXpress processes food into bowl. Tips and Techniques This SaladXpress is excellent to slice, shred, grate, or crinklecut most foods. Do not use your food processor for the following: grinding grain, coffee beans, or spices; or slicing meat or frozen foods. Operating time will depend on quantity of food being processed. Most foods can be sliced, grated, or shredded in seconds. If unit is operated continuously for an extended period of time, let the processor rest about 4 minutes before continuing. 6 To slice or shred cheese, use only firm cheese like Cheddar or Swiss that has been chilled for at least 30 minutes. Cheese should be processed immediately after being removed from the refrigerator. Soft cheese like mozzarella should be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to processing to ensure it is firm enough for shredding. To prevent browning of some sliced fruits, mix 1 Tablespoon lemon juice with 1 cup water. Soak 3 to 5 minutes; drain fruit and pat dry with a paper towel. Refrigerate fruit immediately.

Processing Charts ATTACHMENT Green Slicing Cone Yellow Grating Cone Orange Shredding Cone Red Crinkle-Cutting Cone FOODS Cucumbers, celery, apples, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, radishes, firm-chilled cheeses, zucchini, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, beets, strawberries, pears, jicama, cookies (for ice cream toppings or mix-ins) Chocolate, graham crackers or vanilla wafers (for pie crust), firm-chilled cheeses such as Parmesan, Romano, or cheddar Cabbage, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli stalks, radishes, leeks, chilled cheeses Potatoes, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, beets, jicama, apples, pears Visit www.hamiltonbeach.cn for our complete line. of products and Use and Care Guides. as well as delicious recipes, tips, and. to register your product online! 7

Care and Cleaning WARNING Electrical Shock Hazard. Disconnect power before cleaning. Do not immerse cord, plug, or base in any liquid. Laceration Hazard. Handle cones carefully; they are very sharp. Turn off and unplug before inserting or removing cones. 1 Unplug unit. To remove food chute for cleaning, rotate clockwise to unlock. DISHWASHER-SAFE DO NOT use the SANI setting when washing in the dishwasher. SANI cycle temperatures could damage your product. All removable parts may also be cleaned in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use caution when washing cones. 2 Wipe base and cord with a damp cloth or sponge. If necessary, use a mild nonabrasive cleanser. To replace food chute assembly, align small end of food chute assembly with opening on base. Rotate counterclockwise to lock in place. 3 4 To store cones, insert all four cones into chute opening and snap on storage caddy. 8

Troubleshooting PROBLEM Food is not sliced or shredded uniformly. Unit stops and will not come back on. Unit has a burning smell. Cheese is not shredding well. Fruits or vegetables are not shredding or slicing. PROBABLE CAUSE/SOLUTION Packing too much food in the food chute or pushing too hard on the food pusher may cause the processed food to be irregulary sliced or shredded. Is the outlet still working? Check it by plugging in a working lamp or other appliance. You may have overloaded the circuit and blown a fuse or tripped the circuit breaker. Unplug unit, allow to stand for 3 to 4 minutes, and then press ON. If none of these suggestions correct the problem, DO NOT attempt to repair the unit. Call the Customer Service number to get the name of your nearest Authorized Service Center. There may be a residue left on the motor from the manufacturing process, causing a slight odor during initial use. This will go away. If a strong odor or any visible smoke appears, unplug unit IMMEDIATELY and call the Customer Service number. Cheese should be processed immediately after being removed from the refrigerator. Soft cheese like mozzarella should be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to processing to ensure it is firm enough for shredding. Fruits or vegetables should be firm and not overripe. Store vegetables with high water content in the refrigerator prior to processing. Room-temperature vegetables are less firm and do not perform as well. 9

. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9.. 10.. 11.. 重 要 安 全 说 明 请 妥 善 保 管 这 些 说 明! 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20... 21.. 22.. 23.. 小 心 : 10

此 电 器 建 议 于 家 庭 使 用 其 他 用 户 安 全 信 息 11

. 首 次 使 用 前 : 送 料 器 组 件 食 物 推 杆 脉 冲 开 / 关 按 钮 绿 色 切 片 锥 筒 刀 黄 色 磨 碎 锥 筒 刀 电 源 线 收 纳 盒 ( 位 于 底 座 背 后 ) 橙 色 切 丝 锥 筒 刀 底 座 锥 筒 刀 盖 红 色 切 波 纹 片 锥 筒 刀 12

警 告 割 伤 危 险 注 意 : 1 2.7. 3 4 5 警 告! 割 伤 危 险 : 请 务 必 使 用 食 物 推 杆 将 食 物 送 入 送 料 器 中 禁 止 用 手 或 其 他 物 品 将 食 物 推 入 送 料 器 13

Color Key: Colors represented are for reference only. See appropriate color standards for color match. REFERENCE INFORMATION (DO NOT PRINT) Color Name Color Description & No. See Product Definition Specification for Graphic Color NOTES: 1.) SEE PRODUCT DEFINITION SPECIFICATION FOR COLOR/MOLDING INFORMATION. Title: GAF-On/Off Button Revision Description: PRODUCTION RELEASE. 4421 Waterfront Drive Glen Allen, VA 23060 Request #: BC12542-D3 Revision Date: 10/27/2014 Approved By : DOC5236 Issue Code(s): Scale: 1:1 Document #: 760520401 Rev: A Clerical Change Graphics Approval Form Operation Warning / Agency Brand/Trademark (Does not affect Artwork) PROPRIETARY RIGHTS NOTICE: This document and all information contained within it is the property of Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. ("HBB"). It is confidential and proprietary and has been provided to you only for a limited purpose. It must be returned or destroyed upon request. Disclosure, reproduction or use of this document and any information contained within it, in full or in part, for any purpose is forbidden without the prior written consent of HBB. No photographs may be taken of any article fabricated or assembled from this document without the prior written consent of HBB. ENG - FRM - RIC - 4.15 REV. P 6 7 /.(...). 警 告!.....4....30..30....1..3-5. 14

. 附 件.... 食 物..www.hamiltonbeach.cn...... 15

.. 警 告. 电 击 危 险 割 伤 危 险 1 SANI SANI 2 3 4 16

问 题. 可 能 的 原 因 / 解 决 方 案........3-4......30... 17

Model/ 型 号 : 70950-CN Type/ 类 别 : FP26 Rating/ 规 格 : 220V, 50Hz, 150W Dist.: Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc., Glen Allen, VA 23060 2015 Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. 以 上 内 容 如 有 改 动, 恕 不 预 先 通 知 840226420