香港園藝學會 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 年報 2017 Annual Report

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香港園藝學會 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 年報 2017 Annual Report

封面 Cover 禾雀花 Mucuna birdwoodiana 年報 2017 Annual Report 11. 2016 10. 2017 香港園藝學會郵箱沙田中央郵政局 1018 號 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) Mailing Address Shatin Central Post Office, PO Box 1018 非賣品 Not for Sale

目錄 Contents 會長報告 4 第二十九屆週年會員大會會議記錄 8 獨立義務核數師報告書 10 理事會 20162018 22 會員名單 24 奇特的 老莖生花 植物 28 鳴謝 38 活動概覽 40 The President s Report Minutes of the 29th Annual General Meeting Independent Honorary Auditor s Report The Council 20162018 Membership List Extraordinary Cauliflorous Plants Acknowledgement Highlights of the Year 42 46 48 60 62 28 39 40 編輯組 Editorial 徐荷芬 Florence TSUI, MIHort(HK) 張永裕 Horace CHEUNG 蔡念祖 Kingsley CHOI, MIHort(HK) 鄭兆銘 Samuel CHENG 袁達成 YEUN Tatshing 2 3

會長報告 這是我第一次報告學會的工作, 學會於 2017 年在參與社區綠化活動及推動園藝工作上繼續取得顯著的成果 本人在此多謝贊助人鍾逸傑爵士, GBM, JP, FIHort(HK) 各位名譽會長 名譽顧問 名譽法律顧問 名譽會計師和名譽會員的領導 ; 同時在各位理事的努力及各位會員的支持和參與下, 使學會會務得以順利推行 為迎接一個富有挑戰性的未來, 今年的工作主要是向會員和社區推廣園藝和教育活動 在此我要衷心感謝名譽會長張何麗梅女士, Hon.FIHort(HK), 慷慨的支持, 使園藝及教育活動取得圓滿成功 在園藝推廣方面, 學會於今年 6 月推出 都市園圃計劃, 並配合相關種植課程, 讓會員能透過親身種植觀賞植物, 水果和蔬菜等的體驗, 增加對園藝及綠化的興趣 此外, 學會參加了 2017 年香港花卉展覽, 並以 奇特的老莖生花植物 為主題, 向市民展示各種不同類別的莖生花植物, 包括十字架樹 番木瓜 紫荊和青果榕等 旁邊亦陳列教育展板, 向市民介紹有關資料, 吸引大批市民參觀 學會的展出攤位獲得大會頒發 最具特色大獎 在園藝教育方面, 學會為葛量洪及律敦治醫院提供園藝講座及環保活動, 並為綠化義工進行了一系列園藝培訓, 協助推動公益及推廣園藝工作 此外, 我們亦即將完成及出版一本 香港常見相似樹木辨識 的新書, 以推廣樹木知識 作為一個慈善團體, 學會不斷進行關心社群和推動公益的外展活動, 包括探訪老人院舍及福利中心 ; 即場為這些非牟利社區服務機構提供園藝講座, 並免費送上小盆栽, 培養院友對園藝的興趣 今年學會亦為會員舉辦了多個不同型式的活動, 包括 水仙切割講座暨燒烤 參觀 2017 年香港花卉展覽 廣東順德兩天交流團 及 大埔海濱公園園境介紹 等, 讓會員在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下, 加深對園藝及本港植物的認識 為加強與會員的聯繫, 學會繼續每半年出版園藝電子通訊, 報導最新園藝資訊及有關本會的活動消息 現將過去一年的會務及各理事會小組的工作簡列如下, 以供大家知照 : 4 5

( 一 ) 會員人數 截至 2017 年 10 月底, 會員人數如下 : 名譽會員 37 基本會員 121 同業會員 22 普通會員 144 學生會員 1 總數 325 會長報告 ( 二 ) 活動 2017 年 1 月 舉辦 水仙切割講座暨燒烤 活動 2017 年 3 月 參觀 2017 年香港花卉展覽 2017 年 8 月 舉辦 廣東順德兩天交流團 活動 2017 年 10 月 舉辦 大埔海濱公園園境介紹 活 動 ( 四 ) 公關 2017 年 1 月至 8 月 為 6 間綠化團體提供植物護理工作坊 2017 年 2 月及 5 月 探訪兩間醫院並提供園藝講座 2017 年 6 月 為綠化義工提供園藝訓練 2017 年 10 月 協辦 鳳園蝴蝶嘉年華 ( 五 ) 總務 2016 年 11 月 舉辦第 29 屆週年會員大會暨週年聚餐 2017 年 10 月 籌辦第 30 屆週年會員大會暨週年聚餐 ( 六 ) 出版 2016 年 11 月 出版 2016 年年報 2016 年 11 月至 2017 年 10 月 籌備出版 香港常見相似樹木辨識 書冊 2017 年 5 月 出版第 38 期電子園藝通訊 2017 年 10 月 籌辦出版 2017 年年報 ( 七 ) 科研 2017 年 3 月 籌辦 2017 年香港花卉展覽 的佈展攤位 2017 年 4 月至 10 月 收集四瓣花植物資料和照片 ( 三 ) 教育 2016 年 11 月舉辦 社區園圃先導計劃 2017 年 6 月起舉辦 都市園圃計劃 和 田園教室講座 徐荷芬, MIHort(HK) 香港園藝學會會長 2017 年 10 月 31 日 6 7

第二十九屆週年會員大會會議記錄 香港園藝學會第二十九屆週年會員大會, 於 2016 年 11 月 23 日下午 6 時 30 分, 在香港中環和記大廈二樓和記潮庭舉行 參與會議之基本會員共 58 人, 符合公司組織大綱第二十節所需之法定人數 ( 即 58 名基本會員及院士 ) 以下是大會之討論事項及議案 ( 甲 ) 會務 會長丘國賢先生, MIHort(HK) 匯報過去一年舉辦的活動和其他重要事項 ; 其中包括成功安排 園藝講座及會址燒烤 參觀 2016 年香港花卉展覽 參觀澳門荷花節 及 參加 12 屆荊門菊花展 等 來年, 本會會繼續擧辦一連串關心社群和推動公益的外展活動 會長最後多謝各位理事過去一年的努力 與會會員授權理事會繼續按本會宗旨, 策劃及推行會務 ( 乙 ) 財務報告及審核 會議通過由名譽核數師審核之財務收支報告, 截至 2016 年 3 月 31 日止之總收入為 $143,030.41; 支出為 $171,852.05 本年度赤字 $28,821.64, 連同歷年盈餘, 儲備共有 $368,002.14 該報告會詳列於本會之 2016 年年報內, 供會員知照 ( 丙 ) 委任 201618 理事 以下是周年大會中獲選理事名單 : 1. 二十一位獲選會員包括丘國賢先生,MIHort(HK) 陳若藹女士 徐荷芬女士,MIHort(HK) 孔得泉先生 趙元瑛先生,MIHort(HK) 蔡念祖先生,MIHort(HK) 周志文先生 張永裕先生 戴錫華先生 羅秀琼女士 譚安琪女士 林秀嫻小姐 張景石先生,MIHort(HK) 劉煦恆先生 文緻雅女士 王惠琼女士,MIHort(HK) 鄭兆銘先生 李就勝先生,MIHort(HK) 許家文先生 廖偉城先生及陳慰僑先生 2. 九位後備會員包括林秀霞女士 周松游先生, MIHort(HK) 袁達成先生 戚雪霞女士 黃陳慧燕女士 梁永生先生,MIHort(HK) 李建庭先生 宋子君女士及阮慶強先生 ( 會後註 : 丘國賢先生, MIHort(HK) 陳若藹女士 劉煦恆先生 林秀霞女士及周松游先生, MIHort(HK) 辭任理事, 而後備名單中袁達成先生 戚雪霞女士及黃陳慧燕女士接受委任成為理事 ) ( 二 ) 此外並無其他事項, 會議於當日下午 6 時 55 分結束 孔得泉香港園藝學會秘書長 2016 年 11 月 25 日 8 9

獨立義務核數師報告書 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度理事會報告書 ( 中文譯本, 只作參考用途 ) 全體理事欣然提呈本學會截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度之報告書及經審核賬項 理事於合約之權益於年結或本年度之任何時間, 本學會並無訂立與本學會業務有關而本學會理事直接或間接擁有重大權益之重要合約 主要業務本學會主要從事推廣園藝學 業績本學會截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度之業績及於該日之財務狀況詳載於第五至十二頁之財務報表內 理事於本年度理事會成員名單如下 : 徐荷芬 ( 主席 ) 丘國賢 ( 於二 一六年十二月五日離任 ) 陳若藹 ( 於二 一六年十二月五日離任 ) 孔得泉趙元瑛蔡念袓周志文張永裕戴錫華羅秀琼譚安琪林秀霞 ( 二 一六年十二月五日離任 ) 張景石 劉煦恆 ( 二 一六年十二月五日離任 ) 文緻雅王惠琼鄭兆銘李就勝許家文廖偉城陳慰僑戚雪霞 ( 二 一六年十二月五日委任 ) 陳慧燕 ( 二 一六年十二月五日委任 ) 袁達成 ( 二 一六年十二月五日委任 ) 林秀嫻 ( 二 一六年十二月五日委任 ) 其他事項截至本報告書簽署日, 各理事並沒有得悉任何情況或事項, 因沒有在本報告書及財務報表作出反映, 導致財務報表任何數字誤導及對學會業務構成損害 核數師本學會之賬目由陳與陳會計師事務所有限公司審核, 該會計師事務所表示會繼續受聘為本學會之核數師 承理事會命 張永裕 理事香港, 二 一七年十月十日 10 11

獨立義務核數師報告書 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 意見本核數師 ( 以下簡稱 我們 ) 已審核列載於第五至十二頁香港園藝學會 ( 以下簡稱 貴學會 ) 的財務報表, 此財務報表包括於二 一七年三月三十一日的財務狀況表與截至該日止年度的收益表及會員權益變動表, 以及財務報表附註, 包括主要會計政策概要 我們認為, 該等財務報表在所有重大方面已根據香港會計師公會頒布的中小企財務報告準則擬備, 並已遵照香港公司條例妥為擬備 意見的基礎我們已根據香港會計師公會頒布的香港審計準則, 並參考實務說明 900 項 ( 經修訂 ) 審計根據中小企財務報告準則編制的財務報表 進行審計 我們在該等準則下承擔的責任已在本報告 核數師就審計財務報表承擔的責任 部分中作進一步闡述 根據香港會計師公會頒布的專業會計師道德守則 ( 以下簡稱 守則 ), 我們獨立於貴學會, 並已覆行守則中的其他專業道德責任 我們相信, 我們所獲得的審計憑證能充足及適當地為我們的審計保留意見提供基礎 財務報表及其他核數師報告以外的信息理事需對其他信息負責, 其他信息包括刊載於香港園藝學會二 一七年年報內的信息, 但不包括財務報表及我們的核數師報告 我們對財務報表的意見並不涵蓋其他信息, 我們亦不對該等其他信息發表任何形式的鑒證結論 結合我們對財務報表的審計, 我們的責任是閱讀其他信息, 在此過程中, 考慮其他信息是否與財務報表或我們在審計過程中所了解的情況存在重大抵觸或者似乎存在重大錯誤陳述的情況 基於我們已執行的工作, 如果我們認為其他信息存在重大錯誤陳述, 我們需要報告該事實 在這方面, 我們沒有任何報告 理事及治理層就財務報表須承擔的責任理事須負責根據香港會計師公會頒布的香港中小企財務報告準則及香港公司條例擬備財務報表, 並對其認為為使財務報表的擬備不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述所需的內部控制負責 在擬備財務報表時, 理事負責評估貴學會持續經營的能力, 並在適用情況下披露與持續經營有關的事項, 以及使用持續經營為會計基礎, 除非理事有意將貴學會清盤或停止經營, 或別無其他實際的替代方案 治理層須負責監督貴公司學會的財務報告過程 核數師就審計財務報表承擔的責任我們的目標, 是對財務報表整體是否不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述取得合理保證, 並出具包括我們意見的核數師報告, 並根據香港公司條例第 405 條, 僅向學會全體會員報告而並無其他目的 合理保證是高水平的保證, 但不能保證按照香港審計準則進行的審計, 在某一重大錯誤陳述存在時總能發現 錯誤陳述可以由欺詐或錯誤引起, 如果合理預期它們單獨或滙總起來可能影響財務報表使用者依賴財務報表所作出的經濟決定, 則有關的錯誤陳述可被視作重大 在根據香港審計準則進行審計的過程中, 我們運用了專業判斷, 保持了專業懷疑態度 我們亦 : 識別和評估由於欺詐或錯誤而導致財務報表存在重大錯誤陳述的風險, 設計及執行審計程序以應對這些風險, 以及獲取充足和適當的審計憑證, 作為我們意見的基礎 由於欺詐可能涉及串謀 偽造 蓄意遺漏 虛假陳述, 或凌駕於內部控制之上, 因此未能發現因欺詐而導致的重大錯誤陳述的風險高於未能發現因錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述的風險 了解與審計相關的內部控制, 以設計適當的審計程序, 但目的並非對貴學會內部控制的有效性發表意見 評價理事所採用會計政策的恰當性及作出會計估計和相關披露的合理性 對理事採用持續經營會計基礎的恰當性作出結論 根據所獲取的審計憑證, 確定是否存在與事項或情況有關的重大不確定性, 從而可能導致對貴學會的持續經營能力產生重大疑慮 如果我們認為存在重大不確定性, 則有必要在核數師報告中提請使用者注意財務報表中的相關披露 假若有關的披露不足, 則我們應當發表非無保留意見 我們的結論是基於核數師報告日止所取得的審計憑證 然而, 未來事項或情況可能導致貴學會不能持續經營 除其他事項外, 我們與治理層溝通了計劃的審計範圍 時間安排 重大審計發現等, 包括我們在審計中識別出內部控制的任何重大缺陷 陳與陳會計師事務所有限公司香港執業會計師陳國昌執業證書編號 :P01446 香港, 二 一七年十月十日 12 13

香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 獨立義務核數師報告書 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 資產非流動資產修建會址 7 設備及儀器 裝修 傢俬及設備 8 附註 2017 2016 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度附註 收入 : 會員入會費及年費贊助及捐款收入出版 香港古樹名木 銷售收入燒烤活動收入參觀澳門荷花節週年大會晚宴門票訓練課程 / 園藝講座香港花卉展覽補貼社區園圃計劃資助其他收入銀行利息收入 營運開支 5 2017 6,720.00 90,000.00 4,095.00 4,600.00 11,170.00 20,400.00 4,810.00 200,000.00 1,600.00 1.41 343,396.43 ( 266,589.92) 2016 9,720.00 92,000.00 5,229.00 4,200.00 21,600.00 5,280.00 5,000.00 1.41 143.030.41 (171,852.05) 流動資產現金及銀行結餘應收及其他應收賬款 9 待售書冊 總資產 儲備及負債 累積赤字 10 香港園藝學會撥入資金 11 流動負債應付賬款預收出版 香港常見樹木辨別 贊助 總儲備及負債 444,792.08 88,600.00 3,743.25 537,136.15 537,136.15 (191,858.85) 572,495.00 380,636.15 6,500.00 150,000.00 156,500.00 537,136.15 368,002.14 84,800.00 6,060.50 458,862.64 458,862.64 (268,655.36) 572,495.00 303,829.64 5,033.00 150,000.00 155,033.00 458,862.64 營運收益 /( 赤字 ) 稅項 6 本年度收益 /( 赤字 ) 76,806.51 76,806.51 28,821.64 28,821.64 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋為本財務報表之一部份應聯同財務報表一起閱讀 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋為本財務報表之一部份應聯同財務報表一起閱讀 此財務報表已於二 一七年十月十日獲理事會批准及授權刊發, 並由下列代表簽署 張永裕蔡念祖理事理事 14 15

香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 2017 年初結餘 總權益本年度收益 /( 赤字 ) 年終結餘 總權益 獨立義務核數師報告書 303,829.64 76,806.51 380,636.15 2016 332,651.28 ( 28,821.64) 303,829.64 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋為本財務報表之一部份應聯同財務報表一起閱讀 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 (1) 學會背景資料本學會是根據香港公司法例於一九九七年四月十六日註冊成立之無股本的擔保有限公司 本學會成立的目的是推廣園藝學 而本會之日常運作由理事會成員負責 本學會註冊地址為香港新界大埔汀角路 65 號 於二 二年七月十五日, 本學會根據公司法例第二十一條成功向公司註冊處處長申請免除顯示有限公司於本會中英文名稱上 另外, 本學會於二 二年八月二十二日舉行之會員特別大會上通過將本會之英文名稱由 Society of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 改為 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 根據本學會成立之組織章程, 會員於本學會結束時如仍為本學會會員或結束一年內之會員須為本學會清還負債, 惟總額不能超過每名會員港幣 500.00 (2) 遵例聲明根據 香港公司條例 ( 第 622 章 ) 第 359(1)(a) 條, 本學會符合小型擔保公司的資格在提供財務報告方面獲豁免 因此本學會根據香港會計師公會頒佈的 中小企財務報告準則 編製本財務報表 本財務報表乃按照香港會計師公會頒佈的 中小型企業財務報告準則, 並以應計概念及持續經營基準而編製 (3) 編製基準本財務報表包括收益表 財務狀況表 會員權益變動表及會計政策及財務報表附註解釋 本財務報表乃以歷史成本作編製並以港幣呈報 (4) 主要會計政策 (a) 資本性支出本學會資本性支出按成本減折舊及慈善團體之有關資助列賬 折舊乃按資本性支出減有關慈善團體之資助款後按估計可用年期以直線法攤銷, 所用年率如下..修建會址.. 10% 裝修 傢俬及設備.. 20% (b) 應收賬款應收賬款以每單一賬款可變現值計值 當賬款估計無法全部收回時, 需作出合適撥備, 並在收益表內確認 (c) 待售書冊待售書冊以成本值及可變現淨值兩者中較低者列賬, 成本按先進先出法計算, 可變現淨值根據預計銷售得款項減去估計銷售開支釐定 (d) 所得稅所得稅開支指當期應繳所得稅, 當期應繳所得稅乃根據當年應課稅溢利按結算日已生效或實際有效的稅率計算 不需提撥遞延稅 (e) 收入確認收入之確認基準是當本學會可以可靠地計量及能夠獲得經濟利益時並按以下基準確認為收入 : (i) 贊助 捐款 會員入會費及年費收入僅在收到時或學會已有權收取時方予入賬 (ii) 提供訓練課程之收入於提供服務完成時確認入賬 (iii) 出售書冊以收款或書冊分銷商通知日期, 以較早者確認入賬 16 17

香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 (4) 主要會計政策 續 獨立義務核數師報告書 (f) 資產減值於每一個報告年度, 本學會評估資產有否出現資產減值或回撥的跡象, 資產包括物業 廠房及設備 無形資產及長期投資 倘資產之賬面值超逾可回收額, 則賬面值削減至可回收額, 並在收益表內確認 回撥往年度之資產減值, 只有在採用資產減值之估計出現改變時才會回撥 但計算可回撥數額時, 此數不能多於在沒有減值的情況下有關資產折舊或攤銷後之賬面值 (g) 撥備及或然負債倘本學會需就過去事項承擔現有法律或推定責任, 而可能導致資源流出以履行該責任, 如能夠可靠地估計金額, 就需要提撥準備 倘若經濟資源流出可能不會發生或不能夠可靠地衡量應付負債之金額, 除非經濟資源流出之機會極低, 該債務只需於財務報表附註披露爲或然負債 可能發生債務其最終會否形成是取決於日後一項或多項會或不會發生之事項, 除非發生機會極低, 該債務也只需於財務報表披露為或然負債 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 (5) 營運開支 週年大會晚宴銀行手續費折舊 裝修 傢俬及設備水電費年報登記費燒烤活動費用支出參觀澳門荷花節支出社區園圃計劃支出香港花卉展覽園藝及植物材料會址維修及保養保險福食郵費及會報印刷及文具出版 香港古樹名木 書冊費用雜項費用交通費訓練課程費用 2017 95,261.40 400.00 4,874.07 105.00 3,582.30 5,358.00 106,316.00 4,810.00 8,325.00 21,250.00 4,415.00 576.00 1,372.00 2,607.00 2,317.25 3,020.00 2,000.00 266,589.92 2016 104,868.10 400.00 1,937.60 3,355.70 105.00 4,324.70 4810.00 3,000.00 26,000.00 4,415.00 1,340.00 401.10 6,349.50 2,958.95 3,186.40 4,400.00 171,852.05 18 19

香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 獨立義務核數師報告書 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二 一七年三月三十一日止年度 (6) 稅項本學會已按稅務條例第八十八條獲豁免繳納香港利得稅 (7) 修建會址 成本值於報告期初及期 2017 1,240,046.00 2016 1,240,046.00 (9) 應收及其他應收賬款 應收賬款水電按金編製 香港常見樹木辨別 書冊按金 2017 13,600.00 75,600.00 2016 11,200.00 13,600.00 60,000.00 折舊 / 資助於報告期初及期 1,240,046.00 1,240,046.00 88,600.00 84,800.00 賬面淨值於報告期末 由香港賽馬會慈善基金捐助修建會址的 800,000.00 已反映以上賬面淨值 會址是建在從香港特別行政區政府租賃之土地上, 租賃為期兩年自一九九七年十月一日, 其後按季續租 於二 一四年七月, 本學會接獲地政總署通知該土地將用於重建項目, 租約將於二 一五年第一季終止 但本學會後來於二 一五年九月收到地政總署電子郵件通知確認該重建項目暫時擱置, 本學會可以繼續使用該土地直至另行通告為止 (10) 累積赤字 於報告期初本年度收益 /( 赤字 ) 於報告期末 2017 (268,6565.36) 76,806.51 (191,858.85) 2016 (239,843.72) ( 28,821.64) (268,655.36) (8) 裝修 傢俬及設備 成本值於報告期初及期末廢棄於報告期末 折舊於報告期初本年度準備回撥廢棄於報告期末 2017 121,704.00 ( 23,628.00) 98,076.00 121,704.00 ( 23,628.00) 98,076.00 2016 121,704.00 ( ) 121,704.00 119,766.40 1,937.60 ( ) 121,704.00 (11) 香港園藝學會撥入資金香港園藝學會撥入資金代表本學會註冊成立時接收本會前身以非法人團體時所運作之剩餘資產 (12) 理事酬金本年度並無已支付或應支付各理事之任何酬金 (2016: 無 ) (13) 關連人士之交易於本年度, 本會從會員得到收入港幣 330,260.00( 二 一六年 : 港幣 128,000.00) 此收入藏在收益表的收入內 賬面淨值於報告期末 20 21

理事會 2016 2018 第一副會長 秘書財務總務公關稽核 會長 第二副會長 活動出版教育科研 會長第一副會長第二副會長秘書財務總務公關稽核活動出版教育科研 徐荷芬女士, MIHort(HK) 張永裕先生蔡念祖先生, MIHort(HK) 孔得泉先生趙元瑛先生, MIHort(HK) 周志文先生戚雪霞女士 王惠琼小姐, MIHort(HK) 戴錫華先生 羅秀琼小姐譚安琪女士 廖偉城先生張景石先生, MIHort(HK) 文緻雅小姐林秀嫻小姐 鄭兆銘先生袁達成先生 李就勝先生, MIHort(HK) 黃陳慧燕女士 陳慰僑先生許家文先生 22 23

贊助人名譽會長名譽顧問名譽法律顧問名譽核數師名譽會員 鍾逸傑爵士, GBM, JP, FIHort(HK) 李萬益先生, CPM, Hon.FIHort(HK) 林志釗先生, OBE, JP 張何麗梅女士, Hon.FIHort(HK) 林偉強先生, SBS, BBS, JP 蔡素玉女士, BBS, JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) 丁毓珠女士, GBS, JP 丘國賢, MIHort(HK) 江澤慧教授 梁兆祥先生 陳與陳會計師事務所有限公司 黃源喜先生, Hon.FIHort(HK) 張樹林女士黃賜巨教授, FIHort(HK) 袁轉好女士, Hon.FIHort(HK) 蕭麗萍女士陳弘志教授, JP 邢福武教授, FIHort(HK) 鍾燄興先生劉信信博士邱榮光博士, JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) 周錦超博士, FIHort(HK) 尹權發先生, MIHort(HK) 吳敏博士 會員名單 馬民昭先生, MBE, FIHort(HK) 張文佑先生葉秀葵女士劉興達先生李甯漢教授, FIHort(HK) 余玉珠女士李賢祉博士容拱興博士, FIHort(HK) 鄧永昌先生, Hon.FIHort(HK) 韋子剛博士區志偉先生張耀輝先生, MH, MIHort(HK) 劉大偉博士 基本會員 * 歐競青, MIHort(HK) * 區黃玉琴 * 蔣大偉 * 陳志鴻 * 陳志賢 * 陳發開 * 陳健武 * 陳貴健 * 陳國恩 * 陳慕貞 * 陳若藹 * 陳子光 * 陳慰僑 * 陳玉意 * 鄒振榮 * 周松游, MIHort(HK) * 鄭茂和 * 鄭兆銘 * 鄭容展紅 * 張家麟 * 張景文 * 張景石, MIHort(HK) * 張美明 * 張達來 * 張永裕 * 張耀江, MIHort(HK) * 張耀光 * 張玉琼 * 張裕生 * 戚雪霞 * 趙元瑛, MIHort(HK) * 蔡念祖, MIHort(HK) * 周志文 * 周鍵群 * 蔡志滿 * 朱兆光 * 鍾卓泉 * 鍾華興 * 霍李湘玲 * 霍兆傑 * 何文祥 * 許家文 * 孔得泉 * 洪一波 * 葉錦鴻 * 葉煥舟 * 甘鎮忠 * 關仲光 * 關錦華 * 關活明 * 黎正立 * 林錦泉 * 林秀霞 * 林秀嫻 * 林偉基 * 劉煦恆 * 羅耀良 * 李就勝, MIHort(HK) * 李鳳鳴 * 李鴻昌 * 李錦泉 * 李建庭 * 李國輝 * 梁志輝 * 梁松發 * 梁潔儀 * 梁麗琴 * 梁美玲 * 梁雯 * 梁明華 * 梁愛容 * 梁少英 * 梁芷茵 * 梁永生, MIHort(HK) * 梁玉珍 * 梁玉琼 * 李雪貞 * 李贊華 * 李麗芬 * 李以正 * 林婷婷 * 廖國興 * 廖偉城 * 盧振華 * 羅秀琼 * 勞樹強 * 羅偉強 * 陸超恩 * 文緻雅 * 莫培 * 伍國富 * 吳潘港英 * 顏紹明 * 彭家基 * 沈浩然 * 蕭德儀 * 宋子君 * 宋美蓮 * 戴錫華 * 戴婉君 * 譚安琪 * 鄧銘澤 * 丁家芬 * 曾志剛 * 徐荷芬, MIHort(HK) * 佟金城 * 董兆標 * 屈熾全 * 王惠琼, MIHort(HK) * 黃陳慧燕 * 黃靖歐 * 黃金波 * 黃秀娟 * 黃陶金 * 楊仲文 * 易秀屏 * 葉偉枝 * 姚國松 * 阮慶強 * 袁寶生 * 袁達成 24 25

同業會員區尚禮 * 陳洪英崔曉明 * 何偉民 * 賴汝明 * 羅敏儀普通會員 * 歐陽雪薇 * 歐永森 * 陳志浩 * 陳作濂 * 陳啓華 * 陳桂嬌陳烱賢 * 陳廣昌 * 陳梁嘉玲 * 陳美蘭 * 陳雅思 * 陳培基 * 陳秀英 * 陳小瑩 * 陳偉倫 * 陳穎怡 * 陳綺君 * 陳奕嘉 * 陳艷姬 * 周鑑民 * 梁國洪 * 李國強 * 伍學文 * 沈慶禧 * 黃永光 * 容寶玲 * 鄭國貞 * 鄭文櫻 * 鄭鵬飛 * 鄭偉民 * 張新俠 * 張頴軒 * 蔡陳培君 * 蔡觀群蔡美芸 * 周淑靜 * 朱麗珍 * 徐惠文 * 霍贊坤 * 馮進祥 * 馮妙霞馮愛蓮 * 何家健 * 何金凌 * 何麗芬 * 何美鳳 會員名單 陳潔芳 * 陳近生 * 簡啟惠 * 賴德輝 * 李浩榮 * 何美玲何慧中 * 何永強 * 何玉蓮 * 甘順蓮 * 關韶英 * 林澤顯林思源 * 劉鎮月劉榮傑 * 羅學義李碧麗 * 李灼明 * 李鳳瑤李嘉美 * 李廣鑾 * 李廷根 * 李耀津 * 梁子驊 * 梁正昌 * 李景華 * 廖能富 * 麥治齊 * 王家農 * 黃達明 * 梁作基 * 梁希梅 * 梁栢軒 * 梁達雲梁婉儀 * 梁玉怡 * 梁子坤 * 李鳳玲李翰雄 * 李建華 * 李權發 * 李愛芳 * 李汝英 * 廖志華 * 羅智慧 * 盧衍藩 * 盧宥璉 * 盧英傑 * 雷靄儀陸佩芳 * 馬旺卿 * 麥長好 * 麥長冰 * 麥寶蓮 * 莫玄克 * 吳夏淵 * 伍琼珍 * 伍雪清 * 吳小紅 * 魏青霞魏遠娥 * 柯維明 * 白繩亮 * 鮑金華 * 布雪芳 * 潘韶屏 學生會員 * 吳嘉熙 * 潘苒青 * 冼燦培 * 冼鳳明 * 薛錦賢蕭榮蓮 * 蘇麗瑜 * 蘇靜芳 * 蘇偉儀 * 戴葉秀蘭譚志文 * 譚潔真 * 鄧美玲竇筱鈞 * 田漢君 * 田譚小玲湯月琼 * 唐靜霞 * 曾金文 * 徐英 * 董天虹 * 董惠萍 * 韋基舜 * 溫楚昇 * 黃晉洋 * 黃錦秀 * 黃群娣 * 黃雯霞 * 黃美賢 * 王偉全 * 黃穎雯 * 黃玉卿 * 胡文光 永遠懷念梁世華先生,SBS,Hon.FIHort(HK) * 邱佩興 * 楊翠娥 * 楊翠嬋 * 楊翠華 * 楊多尼楊曉華 * 楊曼荷 * 楊炳坤 * 楊秀珍 * 楊黃遠明葉智鋒 * 余錦棠 * 余群仙阮可慧 * 余仲賢 * 余敏婷 * 表示永遠會員 梁世華先生,SBS,Hon.FIHort(HK) 於二零零二年加入香港園藝學會為名譽會長 梁先生於二零一六年十二月十三日辭世梁先生熱心及支持本會事務, 本會仝人深表懷念 26 27

奇特的 老莖生花 植物 Extraordinary Cauliflorous Plants 老花王常道 : 花不剪不發 根據老花王的經驗, 大多數植物的花朵都着生於當年新生的枝條或前一年長出的年輕幼枝上 對於大部分常見的園藝植物 ( 例如大紅花和簕杜鵑 ) 來說, 適時和適當修剪能促使植物長出新枝條, 令枝葉更加茂密 ; 亦可促進花芽的萌發, 長出更多花朵 大紅花着生於新生枝條上 Hibiscus blooms on new shoots 然而, 亦有一些植物的開花和結果不受修剪影響 這些植物的花和果實並非長在幼枝, 而是直接着生於樹幹或較粗大的老枝上, 大樹菠蘿和番木瓜樹便是其中一些例子 這種現象被稱為 老莖生花 莖生花 或 莖生果, 英文名稱為 cauliflory, 由拉丁文 caulis( 莖部 ) 丘國賢 Eddy YAU, MIHort(HK) 廖偉成 Simon LIU It is often said among seasoned gardeners that pruning is the key to prolific blooms. Experience tells them that blossoms of most plants are found on new shoots of the current year or young branches of the preceding one. For the majority of common horticultural plants (e.g. Hibiscus or Brazil bougainvillea), timely and appropriate pruning can stimulate new shoots. This will promote foliage and branch growth and encourage the budding of flowers, resulting in a more spectacular bloom. However, the flowering and fruiting pattern of some plants is not affected by pruning. The blossoms and fruit of these plants do not appear on young shoots, but rather on the tree trunk or bigger and older branches. Jackfruit and papaya are two examples. This phenomenon is known as cauliflory, a term derived from the Latin words caulis (stem) and flory (flower). Literature on cauliflorous plants dates back to as early as the late 19th century (1891). According to French botanist Dr. Schimper, cauliflorous plants are mainly found among small understorey trees and shrubs in tropical rainforests. They are relatively uncommon in temperate zones. 莖生果 指果實直接長在粗大樹幹上 Cauliflory refers to the growth of fruit directly on large tree trunks 可可果掛在光秃禿的樹幹上, 更容易吸引花媒注意 Borne on bare tree trunks, cocoa fruits can easily attract vectors 和 flory( 花 ) 組成 早在十九世紀末 (1891 年 ), 已有文獻記載老莖上生花或結果的現象 法國植物學家 Schimper 博士指出, 莖生花 或 莖生果 植物主要分布在熱帶雨林下層的小喬木和灌木上, 溫帶地區則較為少見 綜合植物學家的意見, 莖生花 和 莖生果 屬於特有生態現象, 由生長於熱帶雨林的植物在進化過程中, 漸漸適應雨林環境發展而成 有趣的是, 這些植物被移離熱帶雨林並栽種在溫帶地區後, 仍會出現 莖生花 和 莖生果 現象, 只是開花和結果的數量減少了 除了因離開高溫濕潤的環境外, 缺乏合適的花媒 ( 例如特定的雀鳥或昆蟲 ) 也 Botanists generally consider cauliflory as an endemic ecological phenomenon that occurs when tropical rainforest plants gradually adapt to their habitats as they evolve. Interestingly, these plants continue to manifest cauliflorous features even when they are transplanted to temperate zones. There they will still come in bloom and bear fruit, albeit in lesser numbers. This decline is partly due to the departure from hightemperature and humid environments. The lack of suitable vectors (such as specific bird or insect species) is another reason. Botanists believe cauliflory may be attributable to three specific factors in the environment of tropical rainforests. Firstly, tropical rainforests are hot and humid all year round. Plants flourish in such conditions and there are many giant trees of towering height. Their dense, heavy canopies overlap each other and cover the forest like an enormous umbrella, depriving the understorey of sunlight. While this prevents understorey vegetation from getting adequate daylight, it is a blessing in disguise because the forest canopy acts as a natural shield against sunburn, strong wind and rainstorms. Conditions are favourable for flowering and fruiting and these plants move their flowers and fruit to the tree trunks, a more sheltered location far away from the tree canopies. Secondly, understorey plants in tropical rainforests are unable to pollinate by wind because they are covered by the canopy. They have to rely on suit

是其中一個導致花果數量減 少的原因 植物學家認為莖生花和莖生 果現象可能是由熱帶雨林三 個特殊環境因素所致 第一 熱帶雨林終年高溫濕 潤 植物生長茂盛 有不少 參天巨樹 樹冠厚重茂密 互相覆蓋 活像一柄天然 巨傘 密不透光 完全遮蔽 雨林中下層的植物 雖然中 下層植物難以吸收到充沛陽 光 但受樹冠遮蔽亦有好 處 在這柄巨傘下 植物得 到天然屏障保護 免被熾熱 的陽光灼傷 也可避過強風 暴雨 有利開花結果 莖生 花植物於是把花果搬到樹幹 去 雖然遠離林冠 但可得 到更大保護 第二 生長在熱帶雨林中下 層的植物受到遮蔽 不能靠 風力傳播花粉 得依賴合適 媒介傳播花粉或種子 所 以花朵必須長於花媒 如昆 蟲 雀鳥 蝙蝠和猿猴等動 物 經常出沒的地方 地面 與林冠之間的枝葉較疏 動 物有足夠空間走動或飛翔 所以多於這一帶活動 莖生 花植物的花果長於這一帶 並掛在光秃秃的樹幹上 便 粗壯樹幹能承受沉甸甸的果實 Heavy fruits being supported by stout, strong trunks 可可果內種子碩大 營養儲備充足 Large seeds of the cocoa fruit are rich in nutrients able vectors for pollen or seed dispersal. It is thus essential for flowers to be positioned where vectors like insects, birds, bats, apes and monkeys frequent. Foliage and branches between The ground and forest canopy is relatively sparse, giving sufficient space for animals to move or fly around and making it a place of activity for the animals. Bearing flowers and fruit on bare tree trunks here can easily attract these vectors. Thirdly, cauliflorous flowers and fruit may be associated with the growth characteristics of tropical rainforest trees. To start with, tropical plants grow more rapidly than temperate ones and the bark is generally thinner and less fibrous. When the flower buds mature, given the right conditions, they can break out of the bark to blossom more easily. The growth point of most plants is not restricted to the apex. Cambium cells are found in the roots, stem, trunk and branches too. Leaf buds and flower buds can, in principle, occur in any part of a plant. In 能更容易吸引花媒注意 第三 莖生花果的出現也 可能與熱帶雨林樹木的生 長特徵有關 首先 與溫 帶樹木相比 熱帶植物生長 迅速 樹皮一般較薄 纖維 也較少 當花芽成熟 加上 環境條件適合 便較容易突 破樹皮而出 長出花來 一 般植物的生長點不限於頂 端 根 莖 樹幹和枝條都 有形成層細胞 原則上植物 各個部位都可長出葉芽和花 芽 再者 莖生果附生在樹 幹上可直接取得儲藏於樹幹 的營養 加上熱帶樹木的樹 幹粗壯強大 可以承受數量 更多 體形更大的果子 大 果子能長出大種子 而所含 營養儲備豐富 有助種子存 活 可說是贏在起跑線 addition, fruits borne on tree trunks have direct access to nutrients stored within. Tropical trees with big strong trunks are capable of supporting bigger fruits in greater numbers. Bigger fruits, which can produce bigger seeds, contain richer nutrients required for the seeds survival, giving any new growth a very good head start. 大樹菠蘿和榴槤 Jackfruit and Durian 大樹菠蘿 又名菠蘿蜜 和 榴槤都是廣為人知的果樹 是典型的莖生花和莖生果植 物 廣泛種植於熱帶地區 Jackfruit and durian are fruit trees that everyone is familiar with. These typical plants with cauliflorous flowers and fruit are widely cultivated in tropical regions. 大樹菠 蘿的果 實或是 世界最 大的水 果 Jackfruit, the maybe biggest fruit in the world Tropical rainforest plants with cauliflorous flowers and fruit are limited in numbers, only several hundred species in total. They belong to different families and genera but none have cauliflory as their major characteristic. While the majority of these plants are mediumsized or small trees and shrubs, some vines exhibit cauliflory as well. Better known horticultural species include jackfruit, durian, common redstem fig, roughleaved stemfig, cocoa, coffee, Birdwood s mucuna, calabash tree, star fruit, papaya, Asoka tree, cannonball tree and Chinese redbud. Below are brief descriptions of these plants: Jackfruit is a member of the Moraceae family. It is very common in southern China and often seen in Hong Kong s countryside and walled villages. The Jackfruit Festival is held in October each year in Kwong Pan Tin Tsuen, Tsuen Wan to celebrate good harvest.

大樹菠蘿屬桑科, 在華南相當普遍, 亦常見於本港的郊野及圍村 每年十月, 荃灣大帽山的光板田村都舉辦 大樹菠蘿節, 慶祝豐收 榴槤屬錦葵科, 生性怕冷, 無法在本港越冬生長, 故此市面的榴槤果實均從外地進口, 主要來自泰國和馬來西亞 大樹菠蘿和榴槤的果實碩大, 着生在粗壯樹幹和較低層的粗枝條上 根據統計, 大樹菠蘿的果實可能是世界最大的水果, 成熟時一般重達 5 至 20 公斤, 榴槤的果實相對較小, 一般重達 2 至 3 公斤 大樹菠蘿和榴槤 桑科榕屬植物極常見於公園和郊野, 大多是土生土長, 部分品種包括細葉榕 大葉榕 黃葛樹 印度橡樹 青果榕 對葉榕 ; 其中青果榕和對葉榕均可在樹幹和老枝 榴槤生性畏寒, 無法在香港越冬生長 Durian, not being hardy, cannot survive the winter of Hong Kong Durian belongs to the Malvaceae family. A tree not adapted to cold climate, it cannot survive the winter of Hong Kong, so all durian fruit sold locally are imported. Thailand and Malaysia are the main countries of origin. Both jackfruit and durian have large fruits growing from the big tree trunk or lower main branches. Statistics show that jackfruit may be the biggest fruit in the world, weighing 5 to 20 kg when ripe. The fruit of durian is smaller by comparison, usually weighing 2 to 3 kg. Common Redstem Fig and Roughleaved Stemfig Figs (genus Ficus) of the Moraceae family are very common in parks and the countryside. Most of them are native to Hong Kong. Species include Chinese banyan, bigleaved fig, superb fig, Indiarubber 可可樹和咖啡樹 可可樹是錦葵科常綠喬木, 原產於中美洲和南美洲北部的熱帶森林, 一年四季均可開花結果, 由開花至結果一般需時五至八個月 可可果是最顯眼的部分, 彷彿一個一個的釘在樹幹或粗壯的老枝上 ; 成熟時由深綠色變成橙黃色或紅色, 自然吸引到動物注意 果子內的可可豆 ( 種子 ) 就是製造巧克力的原材料 咖啡樹是茜草科小喬木, 與可可樹同為熱 上長出果子, 且成羣結集, 自然較易吸引到動物注意 然而, 只有部分榕屬植物可在莖上開花或結果 青果榕的樹幹會長出纍纍果實 Common redstem fig produces bunches of fruit on the trunk 可可果長在樹幹上, 相當顯眼 Fruit of cocoa stands out on the trunk Cocoa and Coffee tree, common redstem fig and roughleaved stemfig. In particular, common redstem fig and roughleaved stemfig bear clusters of fruit on the tree trunk and old branches to enhance their appeal to animals. However, not all plants of the genus are cauliflorous. Cocoa is an evergreen tree of the Malvaceae family. Native to the tropical forests of Central America and the northern part of South America, it produces flowers and fruit all year round. The whole process usually takes 5 to 8 months. The most prominent element of this tree is its fruit. Turning from dark green to orangeyellow or red when ripe, cocoa fruits appear pinned to the tree trunk or thick old branches, a natural draw for animals. Cocoa bean (seed) is a raw material for chocolate. Coffee is a small tree of the 32 33

帶雨林下層的莖生果植物 長有小白花 漿果成熟時呈 深紅色 光澤油亮 連排成 串掛在枝條上 醒目耀眼 是極佳的觀果植物 咖啡樹 亦為非洲 中南美洲 亞洲 赤道地區的重要經濟作物 其種子為咖啡豆 研成粉末 後沖作飲料 Rubiaceae family. Like cocoa, it is an understorey cauliflorous plant in tropical rainforests. It has small white flowers. The berries are deep red and glossy when ripe. Hanging from the branches in strings, these eyecatching berries make coffee an excellent ornamental fruit plant. Coffee is also an important economic crop for Africa, Central and South America and Equatorial Asia. Its seeds, known as coffee beans, are ground to make beverage. 咖啡樹的葉片深綠油亮 小白花着生在枝條上 漿果成熟時呈深紅色 Coffee has dark green, glossy leaves and produces small white flowers on branches, with berries turning deep red when ripe 禾雀花和鐵西瓜樹 禾雀花又名油麻藤 是蝶形 花科常綠木質大藤本植物 生長迅速 生命力頑強 禾 雀花的花形趣緻可愛 花萼 像鳥頭 花瓣像雀身 底瓣 貌似翹起的尾巴 每逢初春 三月 清明前後 花朵在老 枝盛放 恍如一隻隻小鳥聚 在枝頭上對嘴 既熱鬧又壯 觀 34 Birdwood s Mucuna and Calabash Tree Birdwood s mucuna, a member of the Papilionaceae family, is a large evergreen woody vine that grows rapidly and vigorously. Its birdlike blossom is pretty and adorable: the calyx reminds one of the head, the petals the body, and the keel a tilted tail. In March and around the Ching Ming Festival each year, old branches are covered with blossoms. They are a bus tling and spectacular sight, remi鐵西瓜樹又名十 niscent of little birds assembling on 字架樹或十字葉 the branches for song. 蒲瓜樹 屬紫 Calabash tree, also known as jicaro 葳科家族的小喬 or crossleaf calabashtree, is a small 木 原產地分布 tree of the Bignoniaceae family, 在墨西哥 中美 whose native range covers Mexico, 洲和南美洲 是 Central America and South Amer著名的熱帶觀果 ica. It is renowned as a tropical or植物 葉片造型 namental fruit plant. The leaf is in 別緻 活像一個 盛開的禾雀花 恍如百鳥齊聚枝頭 對唱 an attractive form that resembles a 小十字架 因而 When in full bloom, the flowers of Birdwood s Mucuna resemble flocks small cross, thus the Chinese com得名十字架樹 of birds singing together on branches mon name. The flower occurs on 花朵長在樹幹 the tree trunk, giving bees and other small 上 由蜜蜂等小昆蟲協助授 insects easy access for pollen dispersal; the 粉 果實沿樹幹和較粗壯的 fruits grow on the trunk or thick branch枝條上生長 一個個又圓又 es. Big, spherical and green in colour, they 大的綠色球狀果實 恍似西 hang heavily from the main stems like 瓜般沉甸甸地掛在主幹枝條 watermelons. It takes several months for 上 長達數月才逐漸發育成 them to ripen and turn yellowgreen. The 熟 最終轉為黃綠色 鐵西 fruit has an extremely tough shell which 瓜果子的外皮硬殼非常堅 is hard to bite open. Fallen fruit is usually 韌 難以咬破 掉下的果子 left to rot under the tree because it is too 許多動物都無法食用 故此 hard for most animals to feed on. 大多只會在樹下慢慢腐爛 鐵西瓜樹因葉片造型活像 十字架 故又名十字架樹 The leaf of calabash tree resembles a small cross, thus the Chinese common name 十字架樹的花呈鐘狀 牢牢掛在樹幹上 Bellshaped flowers of calabash tree sitting firmly on the trunk 35

楊桃樹和番木瓜樹 Star Fruit and Papaya 楊桃樹和番木 瓜樹除了在莖 上開花或結果 外 還有其他 看家本領 免 遭淘汰 楊 桃樹屬酢漿草 科 紅色小花 四季都在樹幹 上成串綻放 授粉的機會自 番木瓜成熟時甜美多汁 然大大提高 The fruit of papaya is juicy and sweet when ripe 番木瓜樹屬 番木瓜科 最為人熟知的當然是在近 樹幹頂端纍纍的橙黃色果子 果子甜 美多汁 吸引動物傳播內裏滿載的種 子 In addition to flowering and fruiting on stems, star fruit and papaya rely on other clever tricks to maintain their existence. Star fruit belongs to the Oxalidaceae family. Strings of little red flowers appear on the tree trunk all year round, increasing the chances of pollination significantly. Papaya is a Caricaceae, best known for the orangeyellow fruits that cluster near the top of the tree. Juicy and sweet, the papaya fruit attracts animals to help disperse the abundant seeds within. 無憂樹和炮彈樹 Asoka Tree and Cannonball Tree 楊桃樹全年開 花 紅色花串 分外搶眼 Red and eyecatching, strings of star fruit flowers blossom all year round 無憂樹屬蘇木科 原產印度 花 色鮮豔如火 近年廣植於 大型公園 如維多利亞公 園 香港動植物公園 迪 欣湖等 無憂樹的花不單 長在樹的主幹上 還長在 當眼的分枝上 炮彈樹屬 玉蕊科 原產熱帶美洲 是常綠大喬木 花形奇 特 繽紛奪目 長滿在主 幹上讓人有種附生攀緣植 無憂樹花朵呈橙黃色 聚生於 主幹上 物的錯覺 茶褐色的渾圓 The orangeyellow flowers of Asoka 果實有如炮彈 我們在迪 tree cluster on the main trunk 欣湖也可見到炮彈樹的蹤影 36 Asoka tree, from the family Caesalpinia, is native to India. Characterised by showy flowers, this species is widely cultivated in large parks, such as Victoria Park, the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens and Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre, in recent years. This plant yields flowers not only on the main trunk, but also on prominent branches. Cannonball tree of the Lecythidaceae family is a large evergreen tree native to tropical America. Its flowers are unusual in form and bold in colour. Densely distributed on the main trunk, they are easily mistaken for epiphytic climbers. The round fruit, dark brown in colour, is solid and hard like a cannonball. You can find cannonball trees around Inspiration Lake. 紫荊樹 Chinese Redbud 紫荊樹 不是洋紫荊 是長在溫帶地 區的莖生花類落葉小喬木 屬蘇木 科 原產於南歐和西亞一帶 現在已 引進到中國 在華南一帶也有栽種 花朵粉紅色或紫色 花期在春末至夏 初之間 與其他莖生花植物一樣 紫 荊樹花朵都是直接從黑黝黝的樹幹或 老枝上長出 且都趕在新葉長出前綻 放 所以觀賞價值極高 Chinese redbud (not Hong Kong Orchid Tree) is a small deciduous tree with cauliflorous flowers. Found in temperate regions, this member of the Caesalpiniaceae family is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It was introduced to China and is now cultivated in the south. Chinese redbud has pink or purple flowers that blossom between late spring and early summer. Like other cauliflorous flowers, they are attached directly to the dark tree trunk or old branches, and always occur before the new shoots, hence the tree is of high ornamental value. 原來 在莖或枝條上開花的植 物並非全都是莖生花植物 最 關鍵的特質是花朵是否直接從 老樹幹長出 有些植物看似是 莖生花類 但由於花朵只生長 在新生分枝上 而非在主幹或 老枝上 所以都不算莖生花植 物 風鈴木 連翹 木棉樹等 紫荊樹是溫帶地區的莖生花植物 Chinese redbud is a cauliflorous plant found in temperate regions 落葉植物 冬天落葉後到春天 Not all plants with blossoms on stems, twigs or 新葉還未冒出時 枝條已長滿了花 branches are cauliflorous. The one feature that ultimately defines the label is the emergence of the 不屬莖生花類 一些常綠植物如白千 flowers directly from the old tree trunk. While some 層 串錢柳 大葉桉 亦非莖生花植 plants may appear to be cauliflorous, they are not so 物 in the true sense of the word because their flowers 莖生花和莖生果的植物還有很多品 種 大家下次到內地或外地公園遊覽 時 不妨多加留意樹幹有否長出花 果 說不定會發現新的莖生花或莖生 果品種 only occur on the new branches, not the main trunk. Some deciduous plants such as golden trumpet tree, weeping forsythia and cotton tree defoliate in winter, but their branches are covered with flowers even before new leaves come out in spring. They are not cauliflorous. Certain evergreen plants like paperbark tree, tall bottlebrush and swamp mahogany are also not cauliflorous plants. There are many other species with cauliflorous 參考資料 Reference: flower or fruit. The next time you visit a park on the Plantgeography upon a physiological basis by Schimper, A. F. W. Mainland or overseas, look out for blossoms or fruit ( on tree trunks. With luck you may come across new The Truth About Cauliflory species of cauliflorous plants. Flowers of the Understory 神秘的熱帶雨林 ( 37

鳴謝 Acknowledgement 鳴謝以下機構及人士贊助二零一六年週年聚餐 李萬益先生, CPM, Hon.FIHort(HK) 張何麗梅女士, Hon.FIHort(HK) 鄧永昌先生, Hon.FIHort(HK) 袁轉好女士, Hon.FIHort(HK) 周錦超博士, FIHort(HK) 丘國賢先生, MIHort(HK) 葉秀葵女士林志釗先生, OBE, JP 陳若藹女士區志偉先生黃源喜先生, Hon.FIHort(HK ) 蔡素玉女士, BBS, JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) 元朗大同老餅家時天優質生活有限公司正真酒業有限公司 Acknowledgement of the following organizations and individuals for sponsoring the Annual Dinner 2016 Mr Stephen M. Y. LEE, CPM, Hon.FIHort(HK) Mrs Lynette TIONG, Hon.FIHort(HK) Mr TANG Wingcheong, Hon.FIHort(HK) Ms Tonie YUEN, Hon.FIHort(HK) Dr Lawrence CHAU, FIHort(HK) Mr Eddy YAU, MIHort(HK) Ms YIP Saukwai Mr Albert C. C. LAM, OBE, JP Ms Olivia CHAN Mr David AU Mr James Y. H. WONG, Hon.FIHort(HK ) Ms CHOY Soyuk, BBS, JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) Yuen Long Tai Tung Bakery RS Lifestyle Limited Ancient Wines Limited 38 39

Highlights of the Year 活動概覽 第二十九屆週年會員大會暨週年聚餐 The 29th Annual General Meeting cum Dinner 2016 2018 理事會 The Council 2016 2018 典禮台上的主禮嘉賓 Officiating guests on ceremonial platform 贊助人鍾逸傑爵士,GBM, JP, FIHort(HK) 頒授院士名銜給本會名譽會員周錦超博士 Patron Sir David AkersJones, GBM, JP, FIHort(HK) conferred Fellowship on our Honorary Member, Dr Lawrence CHAU 會員活動 Members activities 參加2017年香港花卉展覽 Participated in the Hong Kong Flower Show 2017 會員活動 Members activities 會員參觀2017年香港花卉展覽 Members visited the Hong Kong Flower Show 2017 張何麗梅名譽會長, Hon.FIHort(HK)主持 都市園圃 計劃 開展儀式 Honorary President Mrs Lynette TIONG, Hon.FIHort(HK) kicked off the City Garden Planting Scheme 在會址舉辦水仙切割講座暨燒烤活動 Narcissus cutting talk cum BBQ at Club House 會員參與 都市園圃計劃 Members participated in the Scheme 舉辦 廣東順德兩天交流團 活動 Organized the Guangdong Shunde Tour 為社福機構舉辦園藝講座和探訪活動 Organised horticultural talks and visits to the welfare centres 水仙送暖頤在家 Delivered narcissus to welfare centres 探訪葛毫洪醫院和提供園藝講座 Visited Grantham Hospital and organized horticultural seminars 救恩中學 園藝護理急救班 Organised horticultural talk for Kau Yan College

The President s Report This was my first time to report on the work of the Institute highlighting the promotion of horticulture and greening activities in 2017. I was pleased to conclude another very remarkable year my sincere thanks to our Patron, Sir David AkersJones, GBM, JP, FIHort(HK), our Honorary Presidents, Honorary Advisor, Honorary Legal Advisor, Honorary Auditor and Honorary Members for their guidance and support. With Council Members wholehearted efforts and members unfailing support, the operation of the Institute has been progressed smoothly. This year was all about preparation for a challenging future, and we focused our effort most on promoting horticulture and educational activities to members and the community. At this juncture, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our Honorary President, Mrs Lynette Tiong, Hon.FIHort(HK), for her generosity that made the horticulture and educational activities such a success. On promotion of horticulture, the Institute has launched a new programme namely City Garden Planting Scheme in June 2017 at the Club House together with a series of planting lessons. The purpose of the scheme was to cultivate members interest in horticulture and greening through active participation in planting ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables etc. In addition, the Institute participated in the Hong Kong Flower Show 2017 by arranging a thematic display plot on Extraordinary Cauliflorous Plants. Visitors learnt more about this special feature/ phenomenon through display of related plant specimens such as small cross tree, papaya, Chinese redbud and common redstem fig; and the educational panels in the showground. The display was well patronized by visitors and awarded with the Grand Award for Unique Feature. On the education front, the Institute organized horticultural seminars and environmental protection activities for Grantham Hospital and Ruttonjee Hospital as well as a series of horticultural trainings for green volunteers who would assist to promote charitable services and horticultural work. Furthermore, we shall soon complete and publish a new book on 香港常見相似樹木辨識 to promote tree knowledge. Being a charitable body, the Institute has been active in providing community services to the elderly and welfare centres. The Institute arranged a series of visits to these organisations and gave free horticultural talks to them. Potted plants were distributed freely to their members to cultivate their interest in horticulture. During the year, the Institute held a number of activities for its members. These included talk on narcissus cutting cum barbecue at the Club House, visit to Hong Kong Flower Show 2017, tour to Guangdong Shunde and visit to Tai Po Waterfront Park. To strengthen communication between members and the Institute, the electronic Horticultural Newsletter was published halfyearly to inform members of the latest trend in the horticultural field and our current and forthcoming activities. Listed below is a summary of work carried out by respective subcommittees in the past year for members information : 42 43

(1) Membership The membership as at 31 October 2017 is: Honorary Member 37 Full Member 121 Associate Member 22 Ordinary Member 144 Student Member 1 Total 325 (2) Activities January 2017 Arranged Narcissus Cutting talk cum BBQ at Club House March 2017 Visited Hong Kong Flower Show 2017 August 2017 Organized the Guangdong Shunde Tour October 2017 Organized the visit to Tai Po Waterfront Park (3) Education November 2016 June 2017 The President s Report Arranged Community Garden Pilot Scheme in Club House Conducted City Garden Planting Scheme in Club House (4) Public Relation Jan to Aug 2017 Feb & May 2017 June 2017 October 2017 (5) General Affairs November 2016 October 2017 Held Planting Care workshop for 6 green organisations Visited Grantham Hospital and Ruttonjee Hospital and organized horticultural seminars Held horticultural training for green volunteers Coorganised the Fung Yuen Butterfly Festival Organised the 29th Annual General Meeting cum Dinner Prepare the 30th Annual General Meeting cum Dinner (6) Publication November 2016 Published the 2016 Annual Report May 2017 Published the 38th issue of the ehorticultural Newsletter Nov 2016 to Oct 2017 Prepare the publication of 香港常見相似樹木辨識 October 2017 Published the 2017 Annual Report (7) Research and Technical Study March 2017 Prepared the landscape display in the Hong Kong Flower Show 2017 April to October 2017 Collected information on 四瓣花植物 Ms Florence TSUI, MIHort(HK) President, Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 31 October 2017 44 45

Minutes of the 29th Annual General Meeting The 29th Annual General Meeting of the Institute was held on 23 November 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Chiuchow Garden, 2/F, Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong. A total of 58 Full Members attended the meeting. According to the Article 20 of the Articles of Association, a quorum requiring the attendance of at least 58 Full Members or Fellows was found. The following motions were carried with the approval of all Members present. (A) Work of the Insitute The President, Mr Eddy YAU, MIHort(HK) presented a summary of the activities and major issues organized or undertaken during the past 12 months, including the Horticultural talk cum BBQ in Club House, Visit to Hong Kong Flower Show 2016, Visit to the Macau Lotus Festival and Participation in the 12th Jing Men Chrysanthemum Show. The Institute would continue to organize more horticulture courses for interested bodies and outreaching activities to charity organisations next year. The President thanked all Council Members on their efforts last year. Members further authorized the Council to continue organizing and conducting activities in pursuance of the objectives of the Institute. (B) Financial Statement Members endorsed the financial report for the period ending 31 March 2016 from the Honorary Auditor, which reflected a total income of $143,030.41 against an expenditure of $171,852.05, with a deficit of $28,821.64. The accumulated cash balance over the past years came to $368,002.14. Details of the Auditor s Report have been reproduced in the 2016 Annual Report for information by all Members. (C) Appointment of Council Members 20162018 The following Council Members were elected and appointed during the Annual General Meeting: (a) Twentyone Council Members including Mr YAU Kwokyin, MIHort(HK), Miss CHAN Yeukoi, Olivia, Ms TSUI Hofun, MIHort(HK), Mr HUNG Takchuen, Benjamin, Mr CHIU Yuenying, MIHort(HK), Mr CHOI Limcho, Kingsley, MIHort(HK), Mr CHOW Chiman, Mr CHEUNG Wingyu, Mr TAI Sikwah, Miss LO Sauking, Ms TAM Onkei, Susan, Miss LAM Sauhan, Mr CHEUNG Kingshek, MIHort(HK), Mr LAU Huihung, Henry, Miss MAN Chinga, Flora, Miss WONG Waiking, MIHort(HK), Mr CHENG Siuming, Mr LEE Chawsing, MIHort(HK), Mr HSU Kaman, Mr LIU Waishing and Mr CHAN Waikiu. (b) Nine waiting list Members including Ms LAM Sauha Annie, Mr CHAU Chung Yau, MIHort(HK), Mr YUEN Tatshing, Ms CHIK Suetha, Ms WONG CHAN Waiyin, Mr LEUNG Wingsang, MIHort(HK), Mr LEE Kinting, Miss SUNG, Anita and Mr YUEN Hingkeung. (Post Meeting Note: Mr YAU Kwokyin, MIHort(HK), Miss CHAN Yeukoi, Olivia, Mr LAU Huihung, Henry, Ms LAM Sauha, Annie and Mr CHAU Chungyau, MIHort(HK) declined the appointment and Mr YUEN Tatshing, Ms CHIK Suetha and Ms WONG CHAN Waiyin took up the post as Council Members) 2. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. HUNG Takchuen, Benjamin Secretary, Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 25 November 2016 46 47

Independent Honorary Auditor s Report INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2017 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2017 The Council Members of Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) ( the Institute ) submit herewith their report and the audited financial statments of the year ended 31 March, 2017. Principal activities The Institute was established to promote the study of horticulture. Financial results The results of the Institute for the year ended 31 March, 2016 and the state of affairs of the Institute as of that date are set out in the financial statements on pages 6 to 14. Council members The Council members who held office during the reporting period and up to the date of this report were: Tsui Hofun (President) Yau Kwokyin (resigned on 5/12/2016) Chan Yeukoi, Olivia (resigned on 5/12/2016) Hung Takchuen, Benjamin Chiu Yuenying Choi Limcho, Kingsley Chow Chiman Cheung Wingyu Tai Sikwah Lo SauKing Tam Onkei, Susan Lam Sauha (resigned on 5/12/2016) Cheung Kingshek Lau Huihung, Henry (resigned on 5/12/2016) Man Chinga, Flora Wong Waiking Cheng Siuming Lee Chawsing Hsu Kaman Liu Waishing Chan Waikiu Chik Suetha (appointed on 5/12/2016) Chan Waiyin (appointed on 5/12/2016) Yuen Tatshing(appointed on 5/12/2016) Lam Sauhan (appointed on 5/12/2016) Council members interest No contract of significance in which a Council member had an interest and to which the Institute was a party subsisted at any time during the reporting period or at the end of the reporting period Other matters At the date of this report the Council members are not aware of an circumstances or affairs not otherwise dealt with in the report and financial statements which would render any amount stated misleading or harmful to the business. Auditor At the forthcoming annual general meeting, Kreston CAC CPA Limited retire and being eligible offer themselves for reappointment. On behalf of the Council Cheung Wingyu Council Member Hong Kong, 10 October, 2017 48 49

Independent Honorary Auditor s Report INDEPENDENT HONORARY AUDITOR S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee) Opinion We have audited the financial statements of Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) ( the Institute ) set out on pages 6 to 14, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 March, 2017, the income statement and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In our opinion, the financial statements of the Institute are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Hong Kong Small and Mediumsized Entity Financial Reporting Standard ( SMEFRS ) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants ( HKICPA ) and have been properly prepared in compliance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. Basis for opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing ( HKSAs ) and with reference to Practice Note 900 (Revised), Audit of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with the Small and Mediumsized Entity Financial Reporting Standard issued by the HKICPA. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Institute in accordance with the HKICPA s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants ( the Code ), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Information other than the financial statements and auditor s report thereon The council members are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all the information included in the 2017 annual report, other than the financial statements and our auditor s report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report the fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. Responsibilities of council members and those charged with governance for the financial statements The council members are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the SMEFRS issued by the HKICPA and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for such internal control as the council members determine are necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the council members are responsible for assessing the Institute s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the director either intend to liquidate the Institute or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the company s financial reporting process. Auditor s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor s report that includes our opinion. Our report is made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with section 405 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with HKSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with HKSAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Kreston CAC CPA Limited Certified Public Accountants CHAN Kwok Cheung Practising certificate no. P01446 Hong Kong, 10 October, 2017 50 51

INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2017 Independent Honorary Auditor s Report INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2017 Revenue: Membership entry fee and annual subscription Sponsorship and donations Publication a book Hong Kong Old and Valuable Trees Enrolment fee for BBQ Enrolment fee for Macau Lotus Exhibition Annual general meeting ticket Training courses/horticulture talk Subsidy received for Hong Kong Flower Show Subsidy received for community garden Sundry income Bank interest income Operating expenditures 5 Notes 2017 6,720.00 90,000.00 4,095.00 4,600.00 11,170.00 20,400.00 4,810.00 200,000.00 1,600.00 1.41 343,396.43 ( 266,589.92) 2016 9,720.00 92,000.00 5,229.00 4,200.00 21,600.00 5,280.00 5,000.00 1.41 143.030.41 (171,852.05) Notes Assets Noncurrent assets Club house refurbishment 7 Plant and equipment: 8 Furniture, fixtures and equipment Current assets Cash and bank balances Accounts and other receivables 9 Books for sale Total assets Fund and liabilities Accumulated deficit 10 Funds transferred from Society 11 of Horticulture, Hong Kong Current liabilities Account payables Sponsorship received for publication of 香港常見樹木辨別 2017 444,792.08 88,600.00 3,743.25 537,136.15 537,136.15 (191,858.85) 572,495.00 380,636.15 6,500.00 150,000.00 156,500.00 2016 368,002.14 84,800.00 6,060.50 458,862.64 458,862.64 (268,655.36) 572,495.00 303,829.64 5,033.00 150,000.00 155,033.00 Surplus/(deficit) from operation Income tax 6 76,806.51 28,821.64 Total fund and liabilities 537,136.15 458,862.64 Surplus/(deficit) for the reporting period 76,806.51 28,821.64 The accompanying Accounting Policies and Explanatory Notes form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. These financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the Council on 10 October, 2017. The accompanying Accounting Policies and Explanatory Notes form an intergral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. Cheung Wingyu Council Member Choi LimCho, Kingsley Council Member 52 53

Independent Honorary Auditor s Report INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2017 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2017 Opening balance members equity Surplus/(deficit) for the reporting period Closing balance members equity 2017 303,829.64 76,806.51 380,636.15 2016 332,651.28 ( 28,821.64) 303,829.64 (2) Statement of compliance The Institute qualifies for the reporting exemption as a small guarantee company under section 359(1) (a) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The company is a small guarantee company and is therefore entitled to prepare and present its financial statements in accordance with the Small and Mediumsized Entity Financial Reporting Standard ( SMEFRS ) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. These financial statements comply with the SMEFRS and have been prepared under the accrual basis of accounting and on the basis that the Institute is a going concern. The accompanying Accounting Policies and Explanatory Notes form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2017 (1) Reporting entity The Institute was incorporated on 16 April, 1997 under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance as a company with limited liability by guarantee not having a share capital. The objective for which the Institute was established is to promote the study of horticulture. The operations of the Institute are controlled by the Council Members. The address of its registered office is 65 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. On 15 July, 2002, the Institute successfully under section 21 of the Companies Ordinance obtained the consent from the Registrar of the Companies Registry to dispense with Limited in its name. Also by a special resolution passed at extraordinary general meeting on 22 August, 2002, the Institute s name was changed from Society of Horticulture (Hong Kong) to Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong). Under the provision of the Institute s Memorandum and Articles of Association, every Member of the Institute undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Institute in the event of the Institute being woundup during the time when he is a Member, or within one year afterwards, to meet the liabilities of the Institute but not exceeding the sum of 500 each. (3) Basis of preparation These financial statements include income statement, statement of financial position, statement of changes in members equity and related notes. The measurement basis used in preparing these financial statements is historical cost. The reporting currency is Hong Kong dollars. (4) Principal accounting policies (a) Capital expenditures The Institute states the capital expenditures at cost less accumulated depreciation and the related subsidies from charitable organization. Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost of capital expenditures less the related subsidies from charitable organization over their estimated useful lives on a straightline basis at the following rates per annum: Club house refurbishment : 10% Furniture, fixtures and equipment : 20% (b) Account and other receivables Trade and other receivables are stated at estimated realisable value after each debt has been considered individually. Where the payment of a debt becomes doubtful (c) Books for sale Books for sale are stated at the lower of cost of purchase and nett realisable value is based on estimated selling prices less any estimated costs to be incurred to disposal. 54 55