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21 业 余 制 -- 高 起 专 (12 级 ) 75 元 / 学 分 网 络 学 院 学 生 沪 教 委 财 (2005)49 号 江 西 化 校 工 科 22 业 余 制 -- 高 起 专 (12 级 ) 70 元 / 学 分 网 络 学 院 学 生 沪 教 委 财 (2005)49 号 吉

说 明 为 了 反 映 教 运 行 的 基 本 状 态, 为 校 和 院 制 定 相 关 政 策 和 进 行 教 建 设 与 改 革 提 供 据 依 据, 校 从 程 资 源 ( 开 类 别 开 量 规 模 ) 教 师 结 构 程 考 核 等 维 度, 对 2015 年 春 季 期 教 运 行 基

一 各 校 保 险 方 案 各 校 保 险 方 案 如 下 所 示 : 海 外 大 学 United States American University Arizona State University Colorado State University (academic) Columbia U


55 巫 xx 男 国 际 经 济 与 贸 易 ( 国 际 商 务 ) 中 国 农 业 银 行 股 份 有 限 公 司 无 锡 分 行 56 张 xx 男 国 际 经 济 与 贸 易 ( 国 际 商 务 ) 北 京 智 联 易 才 人 力 资 源 顾 问 有 限 公 司 南 昌 办 事 处 57 张

物 流 从 业 人 员 职 业 能 力 等 级 证 书 分 为 四 个 级 别, 分 别 为 初 级 助 理 级 中 级 和 高 级 ; 采 购 从 业 人 员 职 业 能 力 等 级 证 书 分 为 三 个 级 别, 分 别 为 中 级 高 级 和 注 册 级 请 各 有 关 单 位 按 照 通






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周 刊 目 录 140 字 说 留 学 目 录 资 讯 盘 点 5 美 国 收 紧 对 华 政 策 留 学 市 场 将 如 何 变 化? 6 北 京 国 家 公 派 留 学 开 始 报 名 持 续 至 3 月 20 日 6 统 计 显 示 : 赴 日 读 研 成 功 率 有 所 提 高 7 悉 尼


18 上 报 该 学 期 新 生 数 据 至 阳 光 平 台 第 一 学 期 第 四 周 至 第 六 周 19 督 促 学 习 中 心 提 交 新 增 专 业 申 请 第 一 学 期 第 四 周 至 第 八 周 20 编 制 全 国 网 络 统 考 十 二 月 批 次 考 前 模 拟 题 第 一 学

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University of Waterloo 滑 铁 卢 大 学 Queen s University 女 王 大 学 Psychology 心 理 学 Bachelor of Biochemistry 生 物 化 学 /Marketing / 市 场 (2) 企 业 (2 名 学 生 ) Hono

龚 亚 夫 在 重 新 思 考 基 础 教 育 英 语 教 学 的 理 念 一 文 中 援 引 的 观 点 认 为 当 跳 出 本 族 语 主 义 的 思 维 定 式 后 需 要 重 新 思 考 许 多 相 连 带 的 问 题 比 如 许 多 发 音 的 细 微 区 别 并 不 影 响 理 解 和


内 容 (CONTENTS) 页 数 概 述 5 国 家 教 育 学 习 成 就 证 书 5 NCEA 成 绩 评 核 方 法 摘 要 7 课 程 选 修 介 绍 8 选 课 与 个 人 职 业 生 涯 10 见 习 期 与 工 作 训 练 的 课 程 指 导 11 高 等 教 育 课 程 指 导

工 程 勘 察 资 质 标 准 根 据 建 设 工 程 勘 察 设 计 管 理 条 例 和 建 设 工 程 勘 察 设 计 资 质 管 理 规 定, 制 定 本 标 准 一 总 则 ( 一 ) 本 标 准 包 括 工 程 勘 察 相 应 专 业 类 型 主 要 专 业 技 术 人 员 配 备 技 术

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( 四 ) 教 授 二 资 质 与 推 荐 ( 一 ) 实 行 教 师 资 质 管 理 的 国 家, 申 请 国 际 中 医 药 教 师 高 级 职 称 评 审 者, 必 须 具 有 所 在 国 教 育 部 认 定 的 教 师 资 格 ( 二 ) 没 有 实 行 教 师 资 质 管 理 的 国 家,


佩 斯 大 学 的 桥 梁 课 程 是 专 为 国 际 学 生 进 入 佩 斯 大 学 的 本 科 和 硕 士 学 位 课 程 做 准 备 课 程 将 学 术 课 程 及 语 言 培 训 结 合 在 一 起, 旨 在 使 国 际 学 生 能 顺 利 进 入 美 国 顶 尖 大 学 的 本 科 和 硕

目 录 欢 迎 来 到 高 贵 林 学 4 高 贵 林 学 院 行 政 人 6 办 学 宗 旨 7 加 拿 大 大 学 8 灵 活 的 教 学 方 式 10 副 学 士 学 位 12 商 科 14 科 学 16 Academic SUCCESS 文 科 17 大 学 入 学 要 求 18 转 学 分


( ) 信 号 与 系 统 Ⅰ 学 科 基 础 必 修 课 教 周 2016 年 06 月 13 日 (08:00-09:35) ( )


金 不 少 于 800 万 元, 净 资 产 不 少 于 960 万 元 ; (3) 近 五 年 独 立 承 担 过 单 项 合 同 额 不 少 于 1000 万 元 的 智 能 化 工 程 ( 设 计 或 施 工 或 设 计 施 工 一 体 ) 不 少 于 2 项 ; (4) 近 三 年 每 年

二 6 年 收 支 预 算 总 表 ( 经 济 分 类 科 目 ) 收 入 项 目 6 年 预 算 项 目 6 年 预 算 一 财 政 拨 款 ( 补 助 ) 5, 合 计 5, 一 般 公 共 预 算 5, 工 资 福 利 2, 政 府 性 基 金


小 学 语 文 是 小 学 语 文 是 小 学 语 文 是 小 学 语 文

HSK( 一 级 ) 考 查 考 生 的 日 常 汉 语 应 用 能 力, 它 对 应 于 国 际 汉 语 能 力 标 准 一 级 欧 洲 语 言 共 同 参 考 框 架 (CEF) A1 级 通 过 HSK( 一 级 ) 的 考 生 可 以 理 解 并 使 用 一 些 非 常 简 单 的 汉 语


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国 际 中 国 研 究 动 态 是 中 国 社 会 科 学 院 国 际 中 国 学 研 究 中 心 出 品 的 以 介 绍 国 际 中 国 问 题 研 究 最 新 成 果 为 宗 旨 的 电 子 杂 志 计 划 每 月 出 版 一 期 除 编 译 和 摘 编 网 络 和 中 外 期 刊 库 上 可

收 入 支 出 项 目 2016 年 预 算 项 目 2016 年 预 算 预 算 01 表 单 位 : 万 元 ( 保 留 两 位 小 数 ) 一 公 共 财 政 预 算 拨 款 一 人 员 经 费 一 般 财 力 人 员 支 出 成 品


i 1) 系 统 运 作 前 设 定 *1. [2.1 网 页 主 机 名 称 设 定 ] -- 设 定 校 务 系 统 的 主 机 IP 地 址, 以 供 其 他 个 人 电 脑 连 接 及 使 用 该 系 统 *2. [2.3.1 输 入 / 修 改 学 校 资 料 ] -- 输 入 系 统 使

Microsoft PowerPoint - How to apply Elizabethtown College_Chinese Version

公 开 刊 物 须 有 国 内 统 一 刊 (CN), 发 表 文 章 的 刊 物 需 要 在 国 家 新 闻 出 版 广 电 总 局 ( 办 事 服 务 便 民 查 询 新 闻 出 版 机 构 查 询 ) 上 能 够 查 到 刊 凡 在 有 中 国 标 准 书 公 开

Index SSCI Art education ) OR TS =( medic* teach* ) & Humanities Citation Index A&HCI SCIE SSCI A&HCI = / Thomson AND Countries/Territories = Re

二 含 小 殊 专 ) 1 掌 握 研 究 有 关 形 势, 为 处 2 参 与 我 国 和 有 关 国 际 组 织 间 的 磋 商 谈 判 等 事, 起 草 有 关 文 文 稿 ; 动 提 供 翻 译 服 翻 译 相 关 专 共 专 基 础 扎 实 ; 水 平 通 过 专 4 级

二 小 种 殊 专 ) 有 关 形 势, 为 处 理 国 际 问 题 提 2 办 案 : 参 与 我 国 和 有 关 国 际 组 织 间 的 磋 商 谈 判 等 事, 起 草 有 关 文 文 稿 ; 翻 译 相 关 专 共 党 外 口 头 和 文 字 表 达 能 力 良 好, 能




附 件 : 上 海 市 建 筑 施 工 企 业 施 工 现 场 项 目 管 理 机 构 关 键 岗 位 人 员 配 备 指 南 二 一 四 年 九 月 十 一 日 2

Agric Tech Mgmt & Education: Agric Tech Mgmt Emphasis: Field Crop Production & Mana 农 业 信 息 系 统 Agric Tech Mgmt & Education: Agric Tech Mgmt Emphasis:


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评 委 : 李 炎 斌 - 个 人 技 术 标 资 信 标 初 步 审 查 明 细 表 序 号 投 标 单 位 投 标 函 未 按 招 标 文 件 规 定 填 写 漏 填 或 内 容 填 写 错 误 的 ; 不 同 投 标 人 的 投 标 文 件 由 同 一 台 电 脑 或 同 一 家 投 标 单

2.5 选 举 陈 晓 非 女 士 为 第 六 届 董 事 会 董 事 候 选 人 的 议 案 ; 2.6 选 举 卢 婕 女 士 为 第 六 届 董 事 会 董 事 候 选 人 的 议 案 ; 2.7 选 举 张 文 君 先 生 为 第 六 届 董 事 会 独 立 董 事 候 选 人 的 议 案


頁 碼 序 號 學 校 名 稱 個 人 申 請 一 類 組 二 類 組 三 類 組 39 義 守 大 學 P.40 P.202 P.313 P 銘 傳 大 學 P.44 P.204 P.313 P 亞 洲 大 學 P.47 P.206 P.314 P 東 海

简 报 要 点 ESI 共 有 22 个 学 科 门 类, 江 苏 高 校 目 前 只 有 16 个 学 科 门 类 进 入 了 世 界 1%, 分 别 是 一 般 社 会 科 学 临 床 医 学 农 业 科 学 分 子 生 物 学 和 遗 传 学 动 植 物 科 学 化 学 地 球 科 学 工 程


内 容 二 : 建 立 并 完 善 了 三 点 的 网 络 教 学 管 理 体 系 内 容 三 : 注 重 培 养 学 生 的 听 说 能 力 14




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西 南 民 族 学 院 学 报 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 第 卷 资 料 来 源 中 国 统 计 年 鉴 年 年 新 中 国 五 十 年 统 计 资 料 汇 编 中 国 人 口 统 计 年 鉴 年 数 据 资 料 来 源 中 国 统 计 年 鉴 中 国 统 计 出 版 社 年 版 资 料 来 源


目 录 升 学 路 径 图 ------pg 1 各 国 大 学 录 取 资 格 工 读 资 讯 ------pg 75 直 接 接 受 独 中 统 考 文 凭 通 过 电 邮 确 认 得 知 接 受, 但 在 学 校 招 生 简 章 中 没 有 明 文 列 出 不 接 受, 可 通 过 国 内 大 学 学 院 的 双 联 课 程 或 其 它 入 学 方 式 提 出 申 请 - 没 有 任 何 符 号 显 示 的 学 校 表 示 尚 未 给 予 答 复 是 否 承 认 统 考 文 凭

美 国 申 请 美 国 高 等 院 校, 必 须 至 少 念 完 十 二 年 的 中 小 学 教 育 我 国 学 生 可 以 SPM 高 中 统 考 或 是 O 水 平 资 格 直 接 申 请 美 国 学 分 转 移 课 程 托 福 () 英 文 能 力 测 验 是 到 美 国 深 造 的 另 一 张 主 要 通 行 证, 各 大 专 对 托 福 成 绩 的 要 求 不 尽 相 同 * 大 部 分 的 美 国 大 学 都 要 求 新 生 的 SAT 成 绩 SAT Reasoning Test (formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test or Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. World Rankin g Name of Universities UEC IELTS 9 Princeton acceptable for entry to first year of still need to take and SAT 10 Yale acceptable for entry to first year of 8 California Institute of Technology (ugadmissions@caltech.e du) 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology can pursue credit for your UEC scores with the appropriate MIT academic departments, looking for students with strong interests, both academic and non-academic Computer-based 600 100 600 577 Recommended: 600+ 233 Recommended: 250+ Internetbased test 108 90 Recommend ed: 100+ Qualifications Sat, ACT 19 Cornell ( 37 of California, Los Angeles 78 Boston, Massachusetts of California, San Francisco (webdev@pubaff.ucsf.ed u.) 2 美 国 Is eligible to apply with UEC acceptable for entry to first year of acceptable for entry to first year of 600 100 7.0 560 220 87 Writing:25 Speaking:24 Reading:21 Listening:17 550 213 95 Do not require any standardized test.

Rankin g Name of Universities UEC IELTS 164 of Rochester Base on your result, but will still need to take and SAT 189 CaseWestern Reserve 79 of Texas at Austin ( 41 of Wisconsin- Madison (askbucky@uwmad.wisc. edu.) 182 of Colorado at Boulder 62 of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 111 of Pittsburgh ( 279 Rutgers, The State of New Jersey- New Brunswick ( 313 of Utah ( 294 Arizona State, Tempe ( y) Arkansas State, Jonesboro acceptable for entry to first year of Computer-based Internetbased test 7.0 600 100,with individual minimums: writing 25, speaking 24, reading 26, listening 25 7.0 550 Minimum of 50 in each section 7.0 550 6.0, with no band less than 5.5 Engineering: 6.5 550 213 80 Qualifications 550 79 SAT, ACT 550 213 80 550 213 80 Nursing: 600 61 Engineering and Applied Science: 83 79 79 Nursing: 100 500 173 61 Credit transfer 500 Engineering: 550 173 Engineering: 213 61 Engineering : 79 美 国 3

Rankin g 4 Name of Universities UEC IELTS Computer-based CaliforniaState 550 213 80, Fresno City, Bellevue 500 61 Eastern New Mexico, Portales ( HawaiiPacific, Honolulu ( Eastern Washington, Cheney 272 Indiana, Bloomington ( 195 Michigan State ( Normandale Community College North DakotaState, acceptable for entry to first year of 6.0, with 6.5 in writing 500 173 61 550 213, with TWE 5.0 6.0 525 195 17 550, with 55 in listening, structure and reading, essay score 4 6.5 550, with 52 in each section 213, with 22 in listening, structure and reading, essay score 4 500 173 61 5.5 525 193 70 Fargo Pittsburg State 6.0, with no 520 190 68, Kansas band less than 5.5 OhioWesleyan 6.0 550, with no band 213, De laware less than 52 San DiegoState 6.5 550 213 80 (admissions@ South 500 DakotaState, Brookings Southern Illinois 550 190 80 美 国 Internetbased test 80, with 25 in writing 79-80, with 20 in reading, 19 in listening, 17 in writing 79, with 17 in each section Qualifications

Rankin g Name of Universities UEC IELTS Carbondale, Carbondale ( Saint Louis, Missouri(admission@slu. edu) 601-650 Syracuse, New York ( State of New York at Binghamton ( 701+ of Tulsa, Oklahoma 103 State of New York at Buffalo ( 431-440 of Delaware, Newark( acceptable for entry to first year of Computer-based 6.0 550 213 80 6.5 Public Communication s: 7.0 6.5, with no band less than 5.0 550 Public Communications: 600 Internetbased test 80 550 213 80 5.0 500 173 61 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 6.5 570 Nursing: 600 550 79 Public Communica tions: 100 90 Nursing: 100 of Evansville, 5.5 500 61 Indiana of 6.0 500 173 61 CentralOklahoma, Edmond ( 239 of Miami, 6.5 550 80 Coral Gables, Florida ( m) 119 of Minnesota, 6.5 550 213 80 Duluth Of Minnesota, 6.5 550 79 Twin Cities Campus, Minneapolis ( 375 of 6.0 550 213 79-80 Qualifications 美 国 5

Rankin g Name of Universities UEC IELTS Mississippi, Oxford of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg of Toledo, Ohio(webmaster@utoled of Wisconsin, RiverFalls(UWRF) ( 551-600 Virginia Commonwealth, Richmond 379 WashingtonStateUniversi ty, Pullman ( Wichita State, Kansas(foundation@wic 39 WesternIllinoisUniversit y, Macomb ( acceptable for entry to first year of Computer-based 6.0 550 213 79 6.5 525 197 71 5.5 550 173 80 6.5 550 214 80 6.0 550 213 5.5 520 68 6.0 530 72 550 Chemistry: 530 Communication: 580 Educational Administration & Supervision: 575 Law Enforcement& Justice Administration: 520 Mathematics, Physics: 500 213 Chemistry: 197 Communication: 237 Educational Administration & Supervision: 230 Law Enforcement& Justice Administration: 190 Mathematics, Physics: 173 Internetbased test 80 Qualifications 6 美 国 Winona State, Minnesota(admissions@ 5.5 520 190 68

Rankin g Name of Universities UEC IELTS Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA ( UnionCollege, Lincoln, Nebraska Computer-based 6.0 550 213 80 Internetbased test 70 Qualifications ( 4 Harvard Only top 10-15%among the applicants will be accept. 551 College of William and Mary 7 Stanford Official documents that note your grades, marks, or any predictions are required and must be sent directly from your school as part of your application. There is no need to have your marks converted into an American GPA. 600 250 100 There is no minimum gradepoint average or standardized test score required for admission, although most applicants are at the top of their classes. In the class of 2013, 74 percent of freshmen had a 4.0 or greater gradepoint average on a 4.0 scale. Only 3 percent had a GPA below 3.70. 13 of 600 100 Pennsylvania 25 Duke university 7 600 250 100 182 Vanderbilt university 7 230 100 129 Rice 7 600 200 90 52 Brown 600 100 23 of Michigan 6.5-7.0 range with section scores 6.5+ 570-600 range with section scores 57+ 88-100 range with section scores 美 国 7

Rankin g 8 美 国 Name of Universities UEC IELTS Computer-based Internetbased test 23+ in listening & reading, and 21+ in speaking & writing 136 Dartmouth College 7 550 100 165 Texas A&M 7 600 100 95 of California- Davis 107 Georgia Institute of Technology 237 of Notre Dame 7 550 83 550 213 79 7 Total of 80, with minimum of 23 in each section 540 76 65 of Washington 192 of Florida 550 80 102 Purdue 570 88 11 of Chicago 7 600 100 34 Northwestern would review the UEC results of any candidate for admission along with the candidate s academic record from high school and the other required information which all candidates must submit. 14 Columbia 7.5 600 100 200 Georgetown 7 600 250 100 99 Emory 7.5 600 100 65 Carnegie Mellon 14 Johns Hopkins 132 of California, Santa Barbara 110 7.5 102 600 250 100 7 80 Qualifications

资 料 来 源 1:Academic of World Universities-2009, United States 资 料 来 源 2: 董 总 独 中 生 升 学 管 道 资 料 来 源 3:QS World s 2014/15 资 料 来 源 4: Scores- USA Universities 资 料 来 源 5: 美 国 大 学 承 认 统 考 文 凭 网 页 美 国 9

大 英 联 合 王 国 英 国 学 士 课 程 大 部 分 采 三 年 制, 唯 医 药 绘 测 牙 医 等 则 需 时 五 年 或 更 长 成 绩 优 异 者 将 获 颁 荣 誉 学 位 英 国 大 专 一 般 采 取 一 年 三 学 期 制, 每 学 期 上 课 时 数 介 于 10 至 14 个 星 期 学 生 可 在 每 年 的 一 月 和 九 月 份 入 学 学 校 假 期 分 别 落 在 圣 诞 节 ( 十 二 月 ) 和 复 活 节 ( 四 月 ) 期 间, 另 有 长 达 六 个 星 期 的 暑 假 ( 七 月 至 八 月 ) 学 生 可 直 接 向 目 标 大 专 提 出 申 请 申 请 学 士 课 程 和 高 级 国 家 文 凭 课 程 的 学 生, 都 可 透 过 英 国 的 大 专 入 学 服 务 机 构 (Universities & Colleges Admissions Service, UCAS) 进 行 统 一 的 申 请 手 续 申 请 非 学 士 课 程, 如 A-level GNVQ 或 硕 士 博 士 课 程 的 学 生, 则 可 透 过 英 国 文 化 协 会 (British Council) 的 英 国 教 育 服 务 (Education UK Services) 的 统 一 表 格 申 请 入 学 资 料 来 源 1: 升 学 互 动 网 资 料 来 源 British Universities Website 资 料 来 源 3: 董 总 独 中 生 升 学 管 道 World Name of Universities 2 Cambridge UEC IELTS Overall mark at least 75%. Will assess your English Language at the point of application and let you know if they require you to take an English Language Qualification. Computerbased Internet-based test Qualification s 88 of St Andrews acceptable for entry to first year of, looking for A1 and A2 grades Faculty of science:6.5 with 6.0 in each band Faculty of art: 7.0 with 6.0 in each band 4-weeks presessional class: 6.5 with 6.0 in each 575-600 Faculty of science:92 with at least 24 for Reading and Writing and at least 20 for Listening and Speaking Faculty of art: 100 with at least 24 for Reading and Writing and at least 20 for Listening and Speaking 4-weeks pre-sessional GCE A-level 10 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities UEC IELTS Computerbased Internet-based test band class: 90-100 Qualification s 5 College London acceptable for entry to first year of, looking for overall mark of 95% Standard level: 6.5, with 6.0 in each subtest Good level: 7.0, with 6.0 in each subtest Advanced level: 7.5, with 6.5 in each subtest Standard level: 580, with TWE 4 Good level: 600, with TWE 5 Advanced level: 630, with TWE 5 Standard level:92, with 24 in reading and writing, 20 in listening and speaking Good level: 100, with 24 in reading and writing, 20 in listening and speaking Advanced level: 109, with 24 in reading and writing, 20 in listening and speaking 61 of Warwick Only accepted to entry foundation. UCLES1119 Minimum score for Faculty of Arts (except German and Business Studies); Early Childhood Studies; MORSE; MMORSE; and Psychology: C Minimum score for Faculty of Science (except Computing and Business Studies MORSE, MMORSE and Psychology): C Minimum score for Faculty of Social Science (except Early Childhood Studies); Computing and Business Faculty of Arts; Early Childhood Studies; MORSE; MMORSE; and Psychology: 6.5, with 6.0 in each component Faculty of Science: 6.0, with 5.5 in each component Faculty of Social Science; Computing and Business Studies; Faculty of Arts; Early Childhood Studies; MORSE; MMORSE; and Psychology: 250 Faculty of Science :213 Faculty of Social Science; Computing and Business Studies; German and Business Studies: 260 Faculty of Arts; Early Childhood Studies; MORSE; MMORSE; and Psychology: 92 with a minimum of 21 in Listening, 21 in Writing, 22 in Reading and 23 in Speaking Faculty of Science : 87 with a minimum of 21 in Listening, 21 in Writing, 22 in Reading and 23 in Speaking Faculty of Social Science; Computing and Business Studies; German and Business Studies: 105 with a minimum of 21 in Listening, 21 in Writing, 22 in Reading 大 英 联 合 国 11

Name of Universities UEC IELTS Studies; German and Business Studies: B German and Business Studies: 7.0, with 6.5 in each component Computerbased Internet-based test and 23 in Speaking Qualification s 120 of York acceptable for entry to first year of IELTS: 6.0 (in the 'Academic' test) Listening 5.5 Reading 5.5 or A level Speaking 5.5 Writing 5.5 160 Lancaster UEC combined with a successfully completed appropriate foundation/bridging programme will be considered for admission 6.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each part) 93 (with a minimum of 20 in each skill) *GCE 'O' level: minimum grade C 17 of Edinburgh acceptable at grades A1-B6 in lieu of Scottish Higher on a grade for grade basis (except English Language), although not for applications to degrees offered by the College of Humanities & Social Science. Humanities and Social Sciences or Science & Engineering: 6.5, with 5.5 in each component Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or Nursing: 7.0, with 7.0 in each module Humanities and Social Sciences or Science & Engineering: 580 Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or Nursing: 600 Humanities and Social Sciences or Science & Engineering: 237 Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or Nursing: 250 Humanities and Social Sciences or Science & Engineering: 92, with 23 each component Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or Nursing: 100 : achieve the specified grades in three s, with the exception of Medicine which requires four 12 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities 161 of Exeter 29 of Bristol UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to first year of 1119:grade B or above UEC combined with a successfully completed appropriate foundation /bridging programme will be considered for admission to our Bachelor degree The offer would depend on your grades and the course selected 7 overall with 6 minimum in each section Standard level:6.5 Good level:7.0 Advanced level:7.5 Standard level: 600, with TWE 5 Good level: 627 Advanced level: 650 Computerbased Standard level: 250, with TWE 5 Good level: 263 Advanced level: 280 Internet-based test Standard level: 100, with 25 in writing Good level: 107 Advanced level: 114 Qualification s GCEO level English : C 211 of Leicester Do accept UEC holders but the grades that required vary depending on the courses before you can apply for scholarships you need to have an offer letter * Cambridge 1119: grades A to C Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geography, Geology, Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy: 6.0 Law:7.0 Medicine:7.5 Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geography, Geology, Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy:80 Law:100 Medicine:110 courses:90 A-level courses:6.5 大 英 联 合 国 13

Name of Universities 265 Loughborough 69 of Sheffield UEC IELTS UEC combined with a successfully completed appropriate foundation * accept Cambridge English Language syllabus 1119 grade C6 11-12 points from 5 subjects will be considered for direct entry to. Note: Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia, Book-keeping & Commerce should not be included in calculating points * Malaysia Merit Undergraduate Scholarships ( 6,500) are awarded on the basis of academic merit overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking tests. (some Schools /Departments have higher requirements) Overall score of 6.0 or above, with at least 5.5 in each component * Some departments may require a higher score. Computerbased Internet-based test Qualification s 600 250 A-levels (A2) : 3 passes 550 213 Overall score of 80 or above, with at least 17 in Listening, 17 in Writing, 18 in Reading and 20 in Speaking A Level: a minimum of 3 A levels or 2 A levels + 2 AS levels : equivalent grades to A Level being required in three of the five subjects studied * accept Cambridge English Language syllabus 1119 grade A2 14 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities 94 of Southampton UEC IELTS 5A grades or distinctions only Band A:5.5 with 5.5 in each section. Band B: 6.0 with 5.5 in each section. Band C: 6.5 with 5.5 in each section. Band D: 7.0 with 5.5 in each section. Different course may have different requirement. Computerbased Internet-based test Band A: 72 with 17 in listening, 18 reading, 17 writing, 20 speaking. Band B: 81 with 17 in listening, 18 reading, 17 writing, 20 speaking. Band C: 92 with 17 in listening, 18 reading, 17 writing, 20 speaking. Band D: 100 with 21 in listening, 22 reading, 21 writing, 23 speaking. Qualification s A-Levels Different course may have different requirement. 77 of Nottingham acceptable for entry to first year of except Medicine Science and Engineering courses: 6 Grade As in science subjects Do accept 1119 O level English Courses: Standard level: 6.0, with no less than 5.0 in each element Good level: 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in each element Advanced level: 7.0, with no less than 6.0 in each element Courses: Standard level: 550, with TWE 4.0 Good level: 573, with TWE 4.5 Advanced level: 600, with TWE 4.5 Medicine: no less than 5.0 in TWE Courses: Standard level: 79, with 17 in each element Good level: 88, with 19 in each element Advanced level: 100, with 19 in each element Medicine: no less than 22 in any element 1119 Standard level:c6 Good level:b4 Advanced level:a1 Medicine: no less than 7.0 in any element 大 英 联 合 国 15

Name of Universities 200 of Sussex UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to first year of 6.5,social education is 7.0 Computerbased Internet-based test IELTS 6.5:overall 88, listening 20, reading 19, speaking 21, writing 23 Qualification s Chemistry:overall mark score of at least 75% including good scores in Chemistry and Maths IELTS 6.0:overall 88, listening 19, reading 19, speaking 21, writing 21 IELTS 7.0:overall 95, listening 22, reading 23, speaking 23, writing 24 64 of Birmingham Grade of B3 overall would be accept to enter Science and Engineering, other would be considered on case by case. * GCE O level English Language: Grade C Engineering and Science: 6.0, with no less than 5.5 in any band Arts, Business, Education, Medical Sciences, Psychology, Social Sciences: 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in any band Law, Health Sciences, Physiotherapy: 7.0, with no less than 6.5 in any band no longer be accepting the IBT test for September 2015 entry. : Grades equivalent to the A-level requirement should be achieved in three out of the five subjects studied. Twinning programme with Taylor s College Medicine, Dentistry: 7.0, with no less than 7.0 in any band 16 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities 240 of East Anglia 55 Glasgow 127 Newcastle 97 Leeds 123 of Liverpool UEC IELTS Will be considered for direct admission to Bachelor degree Accepted by twinning programme May be considered for year 1 entry on case by case. Is considered acceptable in principle for entry to Science, Engineering: 12 points from four subjects Arts, Humanities: 15 points from six subjects Law: 18 points from six subjects * 1119 grade C(grade B for Medicine, Dentistry) 6.5 for science faculty 7 for social science subject 7.5 for nursing 8.0 for psychology 7.0; no sub-test less than 7.0 for arts overall score 6.5; no sub-test less than 6.0 for science subject 7.0; no sub-test less than 6.5 for social Computerbased Internet-based test Not acceptable Qualification s : in three of the five subjects studied science 6.5 90 UK A-Levels 1119:C 5.0 Medicine and Dentistry: 7.0, with no band less than 7.0 Science, Engineering: 6.0 Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences: 6.5 88 with writing and listening 21, reading 22, speaking 23 For medicine and dentistry 100 with listening, reading and writing22, speaking24 : Grades in three of the five subjects must meet our A-level grade requirements 大 英 联 合 国 17

Name of Universities 390 Aston 30 of Manchester UEC IELTS Is recognized for entry of. Scholarship is available according to the programme chosen Not acceptable but there are one or two departments who may consider with exceptional grades IELTS score of 6.5 overall, with a minimum score of 6.5 in writing and speaking and 6.0 in listening and reading. 6.0-7.5 Computerbased Internet-based test (Internet based test) score of 93 overall, with a minimum score of 18 in reading, 26 in writing, 19 in listening and 22 in speaking ( English language entry guidelines for applicants not requiring a Tier 4 Visa). Test results must be sent to us directly from the Test centre, The Institution code for Aston is 0869. Qualification s A level 1119: at good grade 275 Royal Holloway of London 137 of Aberdeen acceptable for entry to first year of acceptable for entry to first year of, passes with grades 1 to 6 *no scholarship available for art student Arts and social science faculty: 7.0 Business and management faculty:6.5 Science faculty: 6.5 Undergraduate Standard: 6, with 6 in writing Medicine (MB ChB): 7, with 7 in speaking Undergraduate Standard: 78, Listening - 17 or above Reading - 18 or above Speaking - 20 or above Writing - 21 or above Medicine (MB ChB):100, Listening - 21 or above Reading - 22 or above Speaking - 28 or above Writing - 21 or above 31 18 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities 123 Cardiff UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to first year of 6.5 575, vary from course to course Computerbased Internet-based test 90 Qualification s 202 of Reading 246 of Strathclyde 170 Queen's of Belfast Some departments may require certain subjects for entry to Bachelor degree acceptable for entry to first year of scholarship available acceptable for entry to first year of except Medicine and Dentistry. *UCLES 1119 minimum grade C6 6.5-7.0 570-600 88-100 6.5 overall (no individual band less than 5.5)*some courses may require a higher test result British / International A Levels 600 250 90-95 A levels 6.0 550 213 80 Attractive scholarship available 451-460 of Kent overall mark of at least 75% 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in reading and writing 580, with no less than 4 in TWE) 237, with no less than 4.0 in essay rating Heriot Watt, Edinburgh average grade of grade of 75% or above and a suitable English language credential 6.0 577 233 90 : minimum of three subjects 大 英 联 合 国 19

Name of Universities of the Arts, London UEC IELTS UEC is acceptable but most of the courses require a portfolio (fashion design, graphic design, fine art, etc) and if possible an interview for admission. 6.0 Computerbased Internet-based test Qualification s * no scholarships for courses Bournemouth an overall mark of at least 75% is comparable to UK A-Levels. Scholarships available 6.0 550 80 650-700 Middlesex acceptable for entry to first year of 6.0, with minimum 5.5 in all components 550, with TWE 4.0 213 80, with no less than 17 in each component of Plymouth Case in case basis 6.0, with 5.0 in writing 550 213 79-80,: good grades in appropriate subjects 701+ Coventry, England acceptable for entry to first year of 6.0-6.0, with 5.5 in writing 207 76 *a grade C in SPM English will have IELTS waived 701+ of Greenwich UEC with six SPM passes.will consider the whole academic profile, grade and progression 5.5 550 20 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities of Glamorgan UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to first year of * International Academic Scholarships of 2,500 for Undergraduate students * GCSE English at grade C or 1119 C6 Computerbased Internet-based test Qualification s 6.0 550 79-80 A-level 701+ of Central Lancashire of West of England acceptable for entry to first year of *GCSE English Language: grade C More than 2 subjects at least 75% 6.0 550, with TWE 4.0 213 : grades A-E plus SPM grades 1-6 in English and Maths 6.0 560-570 230 80 5 Oxford 71 London School of Economics and Political Science 2 Imperial College London Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application overall mark in excess of 75 per cent may also be considered for entry not currently a qualification that would consider for entry 7.0, minimum 6.5 per component score of 7.0 in all four components 7.0 overall (minimum 6.5 in all elements) 600 250 100, at least: Listening 22, Reading 24, Speaking 25, and Writing 24 At least 107 overall with a minimum of 25 in each of the four components (in one sitting only). 100 overall (minimum 22 in all elements) (1119): B4 or better. 大 英 联 合 国 21

Name of Universities 92 Durham 179 of Bath 5 College London 98 Queen Mary of London UEC IELTS require a Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) from Chinese Independent schools with Grade B or above in at least 4 subjects for foundation UEC Candidate will need a foundation year. 7.0 (no component under 7.0) IELTS 7.0 with no less than 6.5 in any element. Some Programmes require 7.0 in each component. Standard level: Overall grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests. Good level: Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests. Advanced level: Overall grade of 7.5 with a minimum of 6.5 in is each of the subtests. Faculty of humanity and social science, faculty of pharmacies and dentistry: 7.0 Faculty of Science and engineering: 6.0 Computerbased Internet-based test 102 (writing score of 27 or more and no other component under 25) Faculty of humanity and social science, faculty of pharmacies and dentistry: 100 Faculty of Science and engineering: 92 Qualification s 1119 C6 and above 1119 C6 and above 22 大 英 联 合 国

Name of Universities 370 of Essex UEC IELTS 6.0 Computerbased Internet-based test Qualification s 230 of Dundee 331 SOAS, of London we accept UEC (Unified Examination of the Independent Chinese Secondary Schools) with an average grade of 75% or above. 6.0overall with a minimum of 6.0 in writing and a minimum of 5.5 in each of the other 3 components. Overall 7+ with at least 6.5 in all subscores 105 overall with 25+ in each subscore. 大 英 联 合 国 23

加 拿 大 一 般 学 士 课 程 的 修 读 时 间 为 三 年 至 四 年 有 些 社 区 学 院 还 提 供 一 至 两 年 的 大 学 转 移 课 程 ( Transfer Programme), 学 生 在 社 区 学 院 修 完 此 课 程 后, 可 衔 接 至 当 地 大 学 的 大 一 或 大 二 课 程 与 医 药 建 筑 和 法 律 相 关 的 课 程 修 读 时 间 约 五 至 七 年 一 学 年 主 要 有 两 学 期, 分 别 于 九 月 及 一 月 开 课, 每 学 期 为 期 四 个 月 学 期 间 会 有 大 约 十 几 天 的 假 期 ; 五 月 至 九 月 则 是 暑 假 * 许 多 大 学 都 开 办 暑 假 课, 所 以 学 生 也 可 在 暑 假 期 间 上 课 有 些 大 学 采 三 学 期 制, 即 从 一 月 到 四 月, 五 月 到 八 月 以 及 九 月 到 十 二 月 资 料 来 源 : 升 学 互 动 网 World Name of Universities 169 of Waterloo UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to 7.0 Applied Health Sciences, Science: 580, with TWE 4.5, TSE 45 Arts, Computing & Financial Management, Environment, Mathematics & Computer Science (Co-op): 600, with TWE 5.0, TSE 50 Architecture, Engineering, Software Engineering: 600, with TWE 5.0, TSE 50 Mathematics & Computer Science(Regular): 580, with TWE 4.5 Computer-based Internet-based Applied Health Sciences, Science: 90,with 25 in writing and speaking Arts, Computing & Financial Management, Environment, Mathematics & Computer Science (Co-op): 90, with 25 in writing and speaking Architecture, Engineering, Software Engineering: 100, with 26 in writing and speaking Mathematics & Computer Science(Regular): 90, with 25 in writing & speaking Qualifications 24 加 拿 大

Name of Universities 20 of Toronto Queen s UEC IELTS Computer-based Internet-based Qualifications acceptable for entry to 6.5, with no band 600, with TWE 5.0 100 below 6.0. the minimum average 7.0 580 237 88 needed to fall within the competitive range is approximately A1/A2 for UEC 113 McMaster 43 of British Columbia 84 of Alberta Program-Specific Requirements refer **1 acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to 6.5, with no band below 5 6.5, with no band below 6 6.5, with no band less than 5.0, speaking no below than 7.5 580 237 86 with a minimum of 20 in each of the four component parts 90 580 86, with 21 in each section 222 Simon Fraser Acadia Guelph * Grade of 3B or higher on 1119 a minimum of five academic subjects acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to 6.5 230, with 4.5 in essay rating 88, with 20 in each section 6.5 580 237 90 : with B average or 70% 6.5, with no band less than 6 600, with TWE 5 250, with TWE 5 89, with 21 in each section 191 of Western Ontario acceptable for entry to 6.5, with no band less than 6.0. 550, with TWE 5 Minimum 83, with 22 in speaking, reading and 加 拿 大 25

Name of Universities 171 of Calgary UEC IELTS Minimum discretionary: 550, discretionary: with TWE 5 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 acceptable for entry to Computer-based 7.0 560 83 Internet-based writing, 20 in listening Minimum discretionary: 83, with no score below 20 Qualifications 26 加 拿 大 Mount Allison 290 of Victoria 235 Dalhousie acceptable for entry to programme as maintained a strong average acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to 421-430 York acceptable for entry to 6.5 550 213 80 6.5, with no part less than 6.0 575 90, with not less than 20 out of 30 in any component 6.5 580 237 90 GCE Liberal Arts & Professional Studies(most programs), Glendon, Health, Science (except Engineering): 6.5 Nursing: Liberal Arts & Professional Studies(most programs), Glendon, Health, Science (except Engineering): 560 Nursing: Liberal Arts & Professional Studies(most programs), Glendon, Health, Science (except Engineering): 220 Nursing: Liberal Arts & Professional Studies(most programs), Glendon, Health, Science (except Engineering): 83-87 Combination of GCE Ordinary level plus GCE Advanced level results

Name of Universities 481-490 of Saskatchewan UEC IELTS a minimum average of B6 on Chinese Language or Malay, Mathematics and three additional academic subjects Prerequisite Subjects for each College refer U of Saskatchew.pdf * GCE O-Level English: Grade B Engineering, Business: 7 Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: 7.5 Administrative Studies, Human Resources Management: 7 Engineering, Business: 573 Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: 600 Administrative Studies, Human Resources Management: 580 Computer-based Engineering, Business: 230 Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: 250 Administrative Studies, Human Resources Management: 237 Internet-based Nursing: Engineering, Business: 88 Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: 100 Administrative Studies, Human Resources Management: 95 6.5 550 80, with 19 in reading and listening, 18 in speaking and writing Qualifications Wilfrid Laurier of New Brunswick acceptable for entry to * GCE O level English with a minimum score of B 6.5 560 BBA/BMath (UW) and BBA/BCompSci (UW): 580, essay 4.5 6.5 550 or 580 80 or 92 83, with 20 in each component BBA/BMath (UW) and BBA/BCompSci (UW): 90, with 25 in writing and speaking 加 拿 大 27

Name of Universities Rayerson 218 of Ottawa UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to Journalism, Radio and Television: 6.5 A minimum overall average of B. Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Contemporary Science, Mathematics and its Applications, Medical Physics and Undeclared Science: 6.5 Programs (including Architectural Science and Computer Science): 6.5 Journalism, Radio and Television: 580 Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Contemporary Science, Mathematics and its Applications, Medical Physics and Undeclared Science: 560 Programs (including Architectural Science and Computer Science): 580 Computer-based 6.5 580 86 Internet-based Journalism, Radio and Television: 92-93 Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Contemporary Science, Mathematics and its Applications, Medical Physics and Undeclared Science: 83-87 Programs (including Architectural Science and Computer Science): 92-93 Qualifications of Northern British Columbia acceptable for entry to 6.5, with no section below than 6.0 570 230 88 501-550 of Manitoba * offer limited numbers of International entrance scholarships valued at $1000 CAD acceptable for entry to *International 6.5 550, with no less than 50 (unscaled) in each component. 213, with no less than 17 in each component 80, with no less than 19 in each component 28 加 拿 大

Name of Universities of Winnipeg Saint Mary s Brock of Prince Edward Island St Francis Xavier UEC IELTS Undergraduate Student Entrance Scholarship: Amounts ranging from $800 with a high school average above or equal to 85% to $2,000 with a high school average above or equal to 95%. acceptable for entry to with grades of A1/A2 (distinction) to B3/B4/B5/B6 (credit) acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to Computer-based Internet-based 6.5 550 80, with 19 in reading, listening and writing 6.5, with no section below than 6.0 7.0, with no band less than 6.5 Education: 7.0 550 80, with 20 in each component 580 237, with 4.5 in Essay Rating Education: 250, with 5.5 in Essay Rating 88, with 21 in speaking and writing Education: 100, with 27 in writing and speaking Qualifications : grades of A, B or C 6.5 550 213 80 A-Level 580, with TWE 4.0 236, with Essay Rating 4.0 Faculty of Science: English, mathematics, two sciences and one other academic subject are required 21 Mcgill acceptable for entry to 6.5 600 250 100 加 拿 大 29

资 料 来 源 1: 香 港 信 息 港 加 拿 大 大 学 排 名 - 加 拿 大 综 合 声 誉 大 学 排 名 资 料 来 源 2: 董 总 独 中 生 升 学 管 道 Program-Specific Requirements Program [Application Code] Prerequisite Courses Required Arts [QA] No prerequisite subjects Science [QS] Senior Level Mathematics and two of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Computing [QD] Senior Level Mathematics Concurrent Education Arts [QB] No prerequisite subjects Concurrent Education Science [QF] Senior Level Mathematics and two of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Concurrent Education Computing [QG] Senior Level Mathematics Fine Art [QT] No prerequisite subjects. Portfolio examination. Music [QM] No prerequisite subjects. Personal audition, interview and aural discriminations test. Concurrent Education Music [QMM] No prerequisite subjects. Personal audition, interview and aural discriminations test. Physical and Health Education [QPH] Senior Level Biology Kinesiology [QK] Senior Level Biology and two of Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics Commerce [QC] Senior Level Mathematics. Minimum Mathematics grade of A. Engineering [QE] Senior Level Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. Nursing Science [QN] Senior Level Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics 30 加 拿 大

澳 洲 学 士 课 程 一 般 为 时 三 年 至 四 年, 成 绩 优 异 者 可 申 请 继 续 修 读 一 年, 以 考 取 荣 誉 学 士 学 位 澳 洲 大 专 通 常 采 双 学 期 制, 即 每 年 二 月 至 六 月 为 第 一 学 期, 七 月 至 十 一 月 为 第 二 学 期 ; 学 期 之 间 有 个 短 假 和 年 底 长 达 两 个 多 月 的 暑 假 新 生 入 学 主 要 是 在 二 月, 但 也 有 越 来 越 多 的 学 校 接 受 学 生 在 七 月 入 学 一 般 上, 学 士 课 程 的 申 请 资 格 是 A 水 平 独 中 统 考 文 凭 大 学 预 科 或 其 他 同 等 资 格 * 各 大 学 的 详 细 招 生 条 件 不 一 仅 具 O 水 平 或 SPM 资 格 的 学 生 可 先 申 请 就 读 大 学 预 科 (Matriculation) 或 有 关 大 学 的 基 础 课 程 (Foundation Studies) 学 生 可 直 接 向 有 关 大 学 或 学 校 索 取 资 料 和 申 请 表 格, 并 提 出 申 请 * 设 于 吉 隆 坡 澳 洲 大 使 馆 内 的 澳 洲 国 际 教 育 中 心 (AEI), 备 有 完 善 的 资 料, 并 免 费 提 供 一 切 申 请 手 续 上 的 支 援 和 辅 导 资 料 来 源 : 升 学 互 动 网, World UEC IELTS 25 Australian National 33 of Melbourne acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to 6.5, with at least 6 in each component Law and Medicine: 7, with at least 6 in each component an overall band score of 6.5 or more, with no bands less than 6.0. 570 with TWE score of 4.5 Law and Medicine: 600 with TWE score of 5.0 a score of 577 or more including a score of 4.5 in the Test of Written English. Computer-based 230 with Essay score of 4.5 Law and Medicine: 250 with TWE score of 5.0 233, Essay Rating score of 4.5 Internet-based test 90, with a minimum of 20 in all four sections Law and Medicine: 100, with a minimum of 22 in all four sections 79, Writing: 21 Speaking: 18 Reading: 13 Listening 13 s Qualification -- Canadian Pre- Program HELP American Degree Program GCE A-level 澳 洲 31

UEC IELTS 43 of Queensland acceptable for entry to 6.5, writing 6 570, 5.0 in TWE (written), and 54 in reading & listening Computer-based 237, Essay Rating 4.5 Internet-based test 90, Writing 21 s Qualification 48 of New South Wales acceptable for entry to 6.5, with a minimum score of 6.0 in each component 577, with TWE 5 90 overall (min.23 in writing, 22 in reading, listening and speaking). : minimum of two academic "principal" level subjects 37 of Sydney 89 of Western Australia Scholarship available acceptable for entry to Overall band score of 6.5 or better with no band below 6.0 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 575 or better plus Test of Written English (TWE) at 4.5+ 580, with TWE 4.5 230, with essay rating 4.5 90 with a minimum score of 22 in the Writing section, and no less than 20 in the other sections 32 澳 洲

UEC IELTS 100 of Adelaide acceptable for entry to Overall band score of 6.5 AND Minimum band scores 6.5 in Writing and Speaking AND 6.0 in Listening and Reading total score of 575 with 4.5 in the TWE (Test of Written English) Computer-based 213, with essay rating 4.0 Health Science: 230, with essay rating 4.5 Law: 250, with essay rating 5.0 Internet-based test total score of 79 with 24 in Writing AND 22 in Speaking AND 13 in Listening and Reading s Qualification GCE A-level Matrikulasi Education: 250, with essay rating 5.0 Elder conservatorium of music: 197, with essay rating 3.5 70 Monash acceptable for entry to 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 550, with TWE 4.5 79, with Writing: 21, Listening: 12,Reading: 13, Speaking: 18 GCE A-level * English GCE O-level C6 or English SPM B4 澳 洲 33

254 Macquarie UEC IELTS acceptable for entry to 6.5 550, with TWE 4.0 Health Science: 573, with TWE 4.5 Law: 600, with TWE 5.0 Education: 600, with TWE 5.0 Elder conservatorium of music: 527, with TWE 3.5 Computer-based 213, with essay rating 4.0 Health Science: 230, with essay rating 4.5 Law: 250, with essay rating 5.0 Education: 250, with essay rating 5.0 Elder conservatorium of music: 197, with essay rating 3.5 Internet-based test 80, with 20 in writing and speaking, 18 in reading and listening Health Science: 90, with 20 in all bands Law: 100, with 24 in writing and speaking, 22 in reading and listening Education: 100, with 24 in all bands s Qualification GCE A-level Matrikulasi Elder conservatorium of music: 70, with 16 in all bands 34 澳 洲

UEC IELTS 285 Queensland of Technology do consider UEC for academic entry requirements. Do offer a number of scholarships. Pharmacy, Applied Science, Medical Radiation Technology: 7 Built Environment & Engineering: 6 : 6.5, with 6.0 in all bands Computer-based Internet-based test Pharmacy, Applied Science, Medical Radiation Technology: 100, 24 in all bands Built Environment & Engineering: 90, 20 in all bands : 80, 20 in all bands s Qualification 324 Griffith a minimum overall mark of at least 75% 6.5, with no subscore below 6.0 550 -- 79 (no score less than 19) : equivalent of 5 points, minimum 2 full A for academic subjects 401-410 of Tasmania acceptable for entry to 6.0, with no individual band less than 5.5 Education, Nursing, Pharmacy: 6.5, with no individual band less than 6.0 550, with TWE 4.5 213 80, with no score below 20 GCE A Levels HELP American Degree Progam Medicine, Surgery: 7.0, with no individual band less than 7.0 澳 洲 35

UEC IELTS 257 of Newcastle May be considered for Year 1 entry on case by case. Calculation is based on the best five academic subjects attempted with no grade lower than a B5 to be included.(should not include Chinese or Malay language) 6.5, with no subtest band less than 6.0 6.5 for direct entry. Laws, Medicine, English Literature, English Language, Dentistry, Speech and Language Science: Minimum 7.0 550, with TWE 4.5 Laws, Medicine, English Literature, English Language, Dentistry, Speech and Language Science: 600, with TWE 4.5 Computer-based 213, with TWE 4.5 Laws, Medicine, English Literature, English Language, Dentistry, Speech and Language Science: 250, with TWE 4.5 Internet-based test 93, with no subtest score less than 21 s Qualification GCE A-level 283 of Wollongong acceptable for entry to Art, Commerce, Engineering, Creative art (exc. journalism), Informatics, Science: 6.0, with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.0 in listening and speaking 550 Art, Commerce, Engineering, Creative art (exc. journalism), Informatics, Science: 79, with 18 in reading, 20 in writing, 17 in listening, 16 in speaking : Aggregate of 3 academic subjects Health & behavioral science: 6.5, with 6.0 in all bands Education, Law, Journalism: 7.0, 6.5 in reading, 7.0 in writing, 6.0 in listening and speaking Health & behavioral science: 88, with 22 in reading, 20 in writing, 17 in listening, 18 in speaking Education, Law, Journalism: 100, with 20 in reading, listening, and speaking, 22 in writing 36 澳 洲

551-600 Murdoch UEC IELTS 20 points or less from the 5 best subjects excluding Art, Chinese and Malay 6.0, with no individual band less than 6.0 Computer-based Internet-based test 550, with TWE 5 213, with TWE 5 80, with no band less that 20 s Qualification 401 La Trobe acceptable for entry to 6.0, with no individual band less than 6.0. 550, with TWE 5 213, with essay rating 5 60, with SLR:18, W:22 304 RMIT acceptable for entry to, to learn maximum point of each, please refer to their website 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 580, with TWE 4.5 237, with TWE 4.5 92, with minimum 20 in all sections * GCE O-level: C6 or better in English 331 Curtin of Technology at least 5 subjects with 2 A grades and 2 B grades and English Competence 6.5 550 213 79 ( 20 in each section ) : two passes in *1119 grade C or above 651-700 of Western Sydney Score is based on three passes (minimum grade C) where A=4, A-=3.6, B+=3.3, B=3, B-=2.5, C+=2.3, C=2. Note: The Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the average of the highest four subects rounded up to 2 decimal points. 6.5, with a minimum 6.0 in each subtest Medicine, Surgery: 7.0,with a minimum 6.5 in each subtest 575, with TWE 4.5 Medicine, Surgery: 600, with TWE 5.0 232, with 4.5 in essay writing Medicine, Surgery: 250, with 5.0 in essay writing 89, with 21 in writing and 18 in all subtests Medicine, Surgery: 100, with 24 in writing and 22 in all subtests 澳 洲 37

UEC IELTS 350 James Cook acceptable for entry to 481-490 Flinders acceptable for entry to 6.0 with no component lower than 5.5 General: 6.0, with 6.0 in speaking and writing Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics: 6.5, with 6.0 in all sub bands Laws, Laws and Legal Practice, Speech Pathology: 7.0, with 6.5 in all sub bands Education combined degrees: 7.0, with 7.0 in all sub bands Nursing (Conversion): 6.5, with 6.5 in speaking and writing, 6.0 in reading and listening Computer-based Internet-based test 550, with TWE 4.0 -- 79 with minimum writing score 19 General: 550, with TWE 4.5 Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics: 580, with TWE 4.5 Laws, Laws and Legal Practice, Speech Pathology: 600, with TWE 4.5 Education combined degrees: 600, with TWE 5.0 Nursing (Conversion): 580, with TWE 4.5 General: 60, with 20 in writing and speaking Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics: NA Laws, Laws and Legal Practice, Speech Pathology: 94, with 22 in each component Education combined degrees: 94, with 24 in each component Nursing (Conversion): 90, with 22 in writing and speaking, 20 in reading and listening s Qualification GCE A Level Canada Grade 13 American Degree Program: 32 credit hours 360 Deakin There is no specific requirement of UEC. Need to be individually assessed. 6.0 with no band score less than 6.0 in each component Education: 7.0 550, with writing score 4.5 213, with essay rating 4.5 79, with writing score 21 38 澳 洲

UEC IELTS 551-600 Charles Darwin 701+ of New England Australia 551-600 Swinburne of Technology 651-700 of Canberra 701+ Edith Cowan Minimum two A and two B grades *Cambridge O level moderated score of 3B in English acceptable for entry to acceptable for entry to minimum of B5 in each subject, not including Chinese language or Bahasa Malaysia. acceptable for entry to 6, with no band less than 6.0 Nursing, Pharmacy: 6.5,with no band less than 6 6.0, with no subband score less than 5.5 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 6.0, with no band less than 5.5 6.0 (no individual band less than 6) 543, with TWE 4.5 Nursing, Pharmacy: 577, with TWE 5 Computer-based 210, with 4.5 in essay rating Nursing, Pharmacy: 230, with TWE 5 Internet-based test 78, with 20 in writing Nursing, Pharmacy: 213 79, with no less than 22 in the written component 550, with TWE 5.0 79, with no band less than 18 550, with TWE 4.5 213, with essay 5.0 90, with writing 24 550 including TWE of 5 213 with an essay rating of 5 or better 70 with no score below 17 s Qualification : Minimum grade point average of 2.0 (4.0 scale) A level: 2 C s GCE A levels: 3 D s, A levels *B4 for English in SPM 澳 洲 39

UEC IELTS 471-480 Bond Minimum of 6 subjects with at least score of B4 in each subject. (cannot include more than one of Chinese Language or Bahasa Malaysia) Medicine, Surgery, Social Science, Social Science, Counseling, Behaviour Management: 7.0, no band less than 6.5 Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, Sports Science and Exercise Science: 7.0, with no band less than 6.0 Humanities & Social Sciences: 6.5, with Writing 6.5, Reading 6.0, Speaking 6.0, Listening 6.0 Business, Technology and Sustainable Development, Health Sciences & Medicine, Law: 6.5, no band less than 6.0 Medicine, Surgery, Social Science, Social Science, Counseling, Behaviour Management: 627, with TWE 5 Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, Sports Science and Exercise Science: 627, with TWE 5 Humanities & Social Sciences: 570, with TWE 5 Business, Technology and Sustainable Development, Health Sciences & Medicine, Law: 570, with TWE 5 Computer-based Medicine, Surgery, Social Science, Social Science, Counseling, Behaviour Management: 263, with Essay 5.0 Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, Sports Science and Exercise Science: 263, with Essay 5.0 Humanities & Social Sciences: 303, with Essay 5.0 Business, Technology and Sustainable Development, Health Sciences & Medicine, Law: 230, with Essay 5.0 Internet-based test Medicine, Surgery, Social Science, Social Science, Counseling, Behaviour Management: 108, with all sections 26 Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, Sports Science and Exercise Science: 108, with 26 in each section Humanities & Social Sciences: 89, with 23 in writing and 20 in other sections Business, Technology and Sustainable Development, Health Sciences & Medicine, Law: 89 with 22 in writing and 20 in other sections s Qualification : pass grades in 2 or 3 relevant subjects across faculties except for Faculty of Law which requires an average B grade across all subjects GCE A levels 40 澳 洲

UEC IELTS Australian Catholic a minimum score of 65% (OSSHGD) or if OSSD must include at least six OAC's Psychological Science, Education - teacher preparation courses: 7.0, with 7.0 in each band Arts and Sciences, Business Theology, Philosophy: 6.5, with 6.0 in writing and speaking, 5.5 in listening and reading Education - other courses, Health Sciences other courses: 6.5, with 6.0 in each band Physiotherapy: 7.0, with 6.5 in each band Psychological Science, Education - teacher preparation courses: 600, with written expression score of 64 or TWE 5.5 Arts and Sciences, Business Theology, Philosophy: 550, with TWE 4.5 Education - other courses, Health Sciences other courses: 577, with TWE 5.0 Physiotherapy: 600, with TWE 5.0 Computer-based Psychological Science, Education - teacher preparation courses: 250, with 27 in essay Arts and Sciences, Business Theology, Philosophy: 213, with essay rating 4.5 Education - other courses, Health Sciences other courses: 233, with essay rating 5.0 Physiotherapy: 250, with essay rating 5.0 Internet-based test Psychological Science, Education - teacher preparation courses: 100, with 25 in writing and speaking and 25 in reading and listening Arts and Sciences, Business Theology, Philosophy: 79, with 22 in writing Education - other courses, Health Sciences other courses: 90, with 25 in writing Physiotherapy: 100, with 25 in writing s Qualification GCE A Levels: two C passes : Two C level passes 701+ Charles Sturt acceptable for entry to Arts (Communication): 6.5, with no band less than 6.0 Programmes: 6.0, with no band less than 5.5 Arts (Communication): 557, with TWE 5.0 Programmes: 550, with TWE 5.0 Arts (Communication): 233, with TWE 5.0 Programmes: 213, with TWE 5.0 80 and writing score of 25 澳 洲 41

UEC IELTS Southern Cross acceptable for entry to Nursing: 6.5, with no band less than 6.5 Education: 7.5, with no less than 8.0 in speaking and listening and no less than 7.0 in reading and writing All other programs: 6.0, with no band less than 5.5 Computer-based Internet-based test 550, with TWE 4.5 60, (no less than 17 writing/speaking) s Qualification 701+ Victoria A maximum score of 18 points over 6 academic subjects of Ballarat two Bs and three Cs 5.5, with no subscore below 5.0 6.0, with no band less than 6.0 550 213 55 (Listening 9, Speaking 16, Reading 10, Writing 18) 550 (TWE 4.0) 213 79-80 with minimum of 19 in all sections : Three passes at grade 'C' or higher : two principal passes and three subsidiary passes or three principal passes and one subsidiary pass. Central Queensland acceptable for entry to 6.5, with no individual band less than 6.0 550, with TWE 4.5 213, with essay writing 4.5 79, with 22 in writing 42 澳 洲

UEC IELTS of the Sunshine Coast a minimum score of 65% (OSSHGD) 6.0, with 5.5 in all component 550, with essay score 4 Computer-based Internet-based test s Qualification 76, 18 in writing : 2 'C' level passes Cambridge GCE A-levels 346 Massey a maximum of 15 points over 6 academic subjects excluding English but including one of chemistry, physics or advanced mathematics 6.0, with no individual band score less than 5.5. 550, with TWE 4.0 213, with Essay Rating 4.0 80, with minimum writing 19 : with 3 passes with one C or better 701+ of Southern Queensland 333 of South Australia At least 6 subjects with a score of B5 or better in at least 5 of these subjects (cannot include more than one of Chinese Language or Bahasa Malaysia) acceptable for entry to, aggregate should not include Chinese or Bahasa Malaysia and/ or General Paper Nursing, Education, Laws: 6.5, with no component lower than 6.0 All other programs: 6.0, with no component lower than 5.5 6.5, with no band below than 6.0 Nursing, Education, Laws: 570, with TWE 5 All other programs: 550, with TWE 4.5 577, with no section below than 55 Nursing, Education, Laws: 230, with essay rating 5 All other programs: 213, with essay rating 4.5 Nursing, Education, Laws: 90, with 20 in each band All other programs: 80, with 19 in each band 233 90-91, with no section below than 21 GCE A levels: 2 D levels : GPA 2.0 or better for best 4 principal subjects, including Bahasa Malaysia and General Knowledge Paper GCE A-level American Degree Program: 32 credit hours 澳 洲 43