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的 到 來 啓 示 天 主 對 人 的 愛 心 嬰 兒 的 誕 生 是 赤 裸 進 入 世 界, 不 帶 任 何 的 包 裝 與 面 具, 帶 來 的 是 真, 是 美, 是 善 這 正 是 天 主 降 生 成 人 智 慧 這 種 智 慧 勝 於 體 力, 智 者 勝 於 勇 士 ( 智 六 : 1

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b ethnic enclaves defensive communities urban villages as transitional zone

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三 禅 修 与 信 仰 ( 一 ) 禅 修 与 信 仰 四 禅 学 与 正 信 的 佛 教 ( 一 ) 禅 即 是 佛 教 ( 二 ) 佛 教 的 基 本 原 则 ( 三 ) 正 统 的 伟 大 宗 教 ( 四 ) 什 么 是 正 信 的 佛 教?..





文 圖 葉玉祥助理教授 簡聖芬副教授 杜怡萱副教授 1.展覽期間吸引相當多對高層木構建築議題有興趣的 專業人士前來觀展.都市高層木構建築臺日聯展開幕式於成大創意基地 C-Hub舉行 本校蘇慧貞校長 前排右三 藝術中 心吳光庭主任 後排左一 及本系鄭泰昇主任 前 排左二 出席支持鼓勵.蔡孟廷老師於開幕



4 6 8 12 13 14 15 17 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 33 37 38 39 40 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 56 57 58 60 62 65 67 Louis Kahn 70 71 73 Eero Saarinen 74 Rudolph 75 76 79 80 82 85 87 88 Venturi 92 93 94 95

96 97 99 100 104 105 106 108 109 110 112 114 116 118 120 121 122 124 127 128 129 131 133 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 P.12-17 P.20-33 P.36-43 P.46-57 P.70, P.72-75 P.92-92 P.104-105 P.58-67 P.71, P76-89 P.98-101 P.106-143

97 Architecture


20 Le Corbusier House is the machine for living, a machine for producing emotions Mies Vander Rohe Less is more Louis Kahn Architecture is the thoughtful making of space Tadao Ando I. M. Pei Architecture building construction Wilhelm Joseph Schelling Architecture is frozen music Architecture


1/2 Architecture




S.Sernin, Toulouse AD.1080~96 3:2

2:1 Pazzi Chapel, Florence Architecture

The Doge's Palace, Venice Architecture

1:1 1:2 Villa Capra, Vicenza

The Capital at Roma, Conservatory Architecture


S. Maria della Pace, Rome

The Petit Trianon, Versailles Architecture


2:1 Architecture

Mansard Architecture


Casa Batlló, Barcelona Architecture

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona


Wiener Secession, Vienna


The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland




Wright Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona


Morris Store, San Francisco

nature Solomon R. Guggenheim Musemum, New York Architecture

Unitarian Meeting House, Madison, Wisconsin


Mies Crown Hall, Chicago, Illinois 2:1 2:1 Girder Architecture


Mies Architecture

Mies van der Rohe 1929


1950~1955 Chapel Notre Dame du Haut Ronchamp Le Corbusier

Chapel Notre Dame du Haut Ronchamp La chapelle de Ronchamp, 70250 Ronchamp Tel : 03 84 20 65 13 fax : 03 84 20 67 51 France, Franche-Comté, Departement 70 (Haute-Sâone), Ronchamp Architecture

Le Corbusier Villa Savoye 20.50 X20 1 2 3 4 5


1906 Robie House 21 Fredrick C. Robie House 5757 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 TEL 773 834-1361 Architecture

Falling Water Falling Water http://www.wpconline.org/index-fw1.asp Bear Run State Route 381, Mill Run, PA 15464 TEL 724 329-8501 Architecture


Louis Kahn Serving space Served space


Robertson Hall, Princeton University, New Jersey / Yamasaki Architecture


Salk Institute for Biological Studies Louis I. Kahn stream of life

The Salk Institute for Biological Studies http://www.salk.edu/ 10010 N. Torrey Pines Road La Jolla Louis I. Kahn, 1965 Architecture

Loyola Law School Loyola Law School 1441 W. Olympic Boulevard Frank O. Gehry, 1981-1987 Architecture

MIHO http://www.miho.or.jp/


Kimbell Art Museum ADD: 3333 CAMP BOWIE BOULEVARD, http://www.kimbellart.org/ Louis Kahn Architecture

Raketenstation Hombroich 45 http:// www.langen-foundation.de Architecture

1985 The National Museum of Roman Art Rafael Moneo Architecture

50 1957 Jorn Utzon 16 1973 Concert Hall Opera Theater 2679 1547 Drama Theater Playhouse 544 398 Broadwalk Studio 1999



Venturi Fire Station No.4, Columbus

Seattle Art Museum Seattle Art Museum Architecture



1 1981 21.6 35 180 19 1997 Architecture

Renzo Piano Richard Rogers 1998 pritzker Menil Collection http://www.centrepompidou.fr Renzo Piano http://www.rpbw.com




Modern Art Museum of Forth Worth 1.5 Y Modern Art Museum of Forth Worth 3200 DARNELL ST, FORT WORTH / www.mamfw.org Tadao Ando 2004


Kunsthaus Bregenz Peter Zumthor Constance Peter Zumthor Kunsthaus Bregenz / 1997 www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at Peter Zumthor

402 X 142 Peter Rice Menil Collection Gallery, Houston www.menil.org Architecture

Turia 1. www.calatrava.com/ 2. The City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain www.cac.es/


2005 Bern Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Swissland Renzo Piano Museum Street www.paulkleezentrum.ch


Rem Koolhaas OMA Casa da Música Boavista Casa da Música Av. da Boavista, 604-610, 4149-071 Portol +351 220 120 220, 93-343-2000 www.casadamusica.com OMA 2005


2001 Milwaukee Art Museum addition Santiago Calatrava Milwaukee Art Museum addition http://www.mam.org Santiago Calatrava


Guggenheim Bilbao, 1997

Guggenheim Bilbao www.guggenheim-bilbao.es/ Architecture

The City Hall at Murcia Refeal Moneo 1998 Muricia Town Hall Extension Plaza del Cardenal Belluga, 30001 Muricia Refeal Moneo, 1998

Thermal Baths Vals Therme Vals, Vals, Switzerland www.therme-vals.ch Peter Zumthor, 1990-96 Architecture

Alvaro Siza 3000 Pabellon de Portugal en La Expo'98 Alvaro Siza, 1997 (Lisboa, Portugal)


La Rioja, Bodegas Ysios Santiago Calatrava Elciego La Rioja, Bodegas Ysios www.domecqbodegas.com


Peter Zumthor Saint Benedict Chapel Sumvitg, Switzerland www.sumvitg.ch Peter Zumthor, 1985-88 Architecture

Kursaal Auditorium, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain Rafael Moneo Kursaal Auditorium Avenida de la Zurriola, 1, 20002 Donostia- San Sebastián Rafeal Moneo, 1999

Alvaro Siza Church of Marco de Canavezes, Portugal 30 17.5 10 Church of Marco de Canavezes in Portugal Parochial Centre of Marco de Canavezes Alvaro Siza, 1997 Architecture

Nuovo Polo Fiera, Milano Massimiliano Fuksas 7.5 34.5 6 6 2 1.3 Architecture

Espace Citroën 1927 1980 2006 C42 C Citroen 42 Manuelle Gautrand 25.6 Architecture

1999 Jardí Botanic de Barcelona Montjuic 1930 1986 Architecture

Caixa Forum Montjuïc La Caixa Fundació La Caixa 1911 Josep Puig i Cadafalch Casa Ramona 2002 Arata Isozaki 12000 La Caixa foundation 6000

Ciudad de León Auditorium, Spain Mansilla+Tuñón 2001 Ortega y Gasset Architecture

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León Mansilla & Tuñón 2005 4 MUSAC 37 12 El Halconero 3351 500 6 3 3400 Architecture

Car Park and Terminus, Strasbourg Zaha Hadid

2002 Ortner & Ornter Saxon State and University Library, Dresden Architecture

200 Mitchell/ Giurgola & Thorp 1988 The Parliament House of Australia 32 250,000 4500 12.8 6.4


. -- 1.--. 2009.12 19x26.-- ISBN 978-986-02-0267-0 1. 2. 3. 4. 442.96 98019217 10049 30 1 886-2-2343-4000 886-2-2321-8771 www.cca.gov.tw 99 3 1 99 3 1 250 ISBN GPN 10094363 http://book.cca.gov.tw 886-2-2343-4168