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General Guidance For How to Apply for Chinese Visa (January 2011 ) PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAREFULLY. IMPORTANT 1) This document contains Visa Application Form (V.2011A) and Supplementary Visa Application Form (V.2011B). The applicant must be in New Zealand at the time when the application is lodged. The application forms included in the document may only be used at the Chinese Embassy in Wellington. 2) You must complete Supplementary Visa Application Form (Form V.2011B) if you are applying a work or student visa for China anyone included in your passport is travelling with you you are applying for a visa in a country or territory other than the country of your nationality 3) You will not be able to change your application after you have lodged your application. All fees are not refundable if you withdrawal your visa application. Visa is not transferable from one passport to another. 4) Please check your name, birth date and passport numbers are correct once you have received your visa. PART 1. VISA REQUIREMENT The Chinese Embassy may take a decision on your application based on the information you supplied without interviewing you. Therefore please ensure you submit all required documents. The submission of all or any of these documents does not guarantee that your application will be successful. You may be required to submit your application in person. If you are a dual (multiple) national, you may only use your New Zealand passport to apply the visa in New Zealand. Evidence of your permission to be in New Zealand is required if you are not a New Zealand citizen. This must show you current immigration status. It could be a residence permit or valid visa. Application may be declined or delayed if the applicant fails to provide true and complete and clear information in the form. All consequences arising thereafter shall be borne by the applicant. Please note that all supporting documents you provided may not be returned. Please make additional copies if you need them. 1.1 General requirement Completed and signed visa application form (Form V.2011A) Valid original travel document or passport (See Part 3 Passport Validity) One recent passport sized colour photograph. This must not be more than 6 months old You may also require the following support documents Previous passport(s) and (or) birth certificate if You are Chinese descent and this is the first time to apply the Chinese Visa You have previously been granted a Chinese Visa but you are applying the Chinese Visa using a new passport You were born in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan Region and this is the first time to apply the Chinese Visa If you are applying a visa for a child who is Chinese descent and was born in outside of China, the following documents are required for the first time when you apply the Chinese Visa. Copy of the child s birth certificate Copy of the child s parents passports (information page only) and valid New Zealand visas page (if applicable) 1.2 Supporting Document For Tourism / Visit-to-family / Transit Visa Flight itinerary prepared by travel agency or copy of your airline ticket (e-ticket is acceptable), or invitation letter from relatives, friends in China, including the inviters personal details and contact information. 1.3 Supporting Document For Business Visa Invitation letter from an empowered company in China, or Visa Notification Letter issued by an authorised government department in China, such as local Foreign Affairs Department. 第 1 页 共 11 页 / Page 1 of 11

1.4 Supporting Document For Work Visa Visa Notification Letter issued by an authorised government department in China, such as local Foreign Affairs Department. (The original document is required.) Foreigner Employment License issued by the Ministry of Human Resource & Social Security of China, or Certificate of Foreign Expert s Identity issued by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts of China. (The original document is required.) Physical examination is required if the applicant intends to work in China for more than 6 months. (The original document is required.) Completed and signed Supplementary Visa Application Form (V.2011B) 1.5 Supporting Document For Student Visa Supplementary Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201/JW202) issued by the Ministry of Education of China. (The original document is required.) Admission letter from an educational institution. (The original document is required.) Physical examination is required if the applicant intends to study in China for more than 6 months. (The original document is required.) Completed and signed Supplementary Visa Application Form (V.2011B) PART 2. VISA VALIDITY The valid date of visa starts from the day of the application is lodged to the Chinese Embassy. Duration of your stay in China starts from the first day of entry into China within the visa s valid dates. If you are given a visa you must arrive within the validity of the visa, your visa will not be extended. If you are unable to arrive within the validity date of your visa, you must lodge a new application. PART 3. PASSPORT VALIDITY In order to obtain a Chinese Visa, your passport must be valid at least more than 6 months and have at least 2 blank visa pages. Please refer to the chart below for the passport validity requirement. Entry Type Visa Type Tourism Visa / Business Visa Work Visa / Student Visa Single entry visa Passport must valid more than 6 months Double entry visa Passport must valid more than 12 months Passport must valid more than 12 6 month multiple entry visa Passport must valid more than 12 months months. 12 month multiple entry visa Passport must valid more than 18 months Please note that your passport must be also valid more than 6 months from the time arrival in China. PART 3. APPLICTION PROCESSING TIMES IMPORTANT Most applications are processed within 5 working days from the next working day after we received your application. Visa applications are assessed individually and the actual processing time of your visa application may vary. The processing time does NOT include delivery time. You may not be able to give any information on the status of your visa until your application has been completed. It is recommended to apply your visa application four weeks prior to your trip. Urgent process is NOT available for applications lodged via post or courier. Urgent visa applications must be lodged in person at the Chinese Embassy. 1) Normal service takes 5-7 working days. 2) Urgent Process Urgent visa application must be lodged in person. Not applicable for applications lodged via post or courier. Express Service: 2-3 working days and additional fee applies. Next Working Day Urgent Service is only available if the visa officer agrees at time the application is lodged and additional fee applies. Evidence of outward travel, such as a fully paid flight ticket and other documents may require. 第 2 页 共 11 页 / Page 2 of 11

PART 4. FEES & CHARGES (All the fees below are quoted in New Zealand Dollars and are subject to change without notice) 4.1 Visa Application Fees 1) New Zealand passport holder (per person) ENTRY TYPE VISA FEE Single Entry $140 Double Entry $210 6 Months Multi-Entry $280 12 Months Multi-Entry $420 2) Non-New Zealand passport holder (per person) ENTRY TYPE VISA FEE Single Entry $60 Double Entry $90 6 Months Multi-Entry $120 12 Months Multi-Entry $180 3) US passport holder (per person) ENTRY TYPE VISA FEE Single Entry $200 Double Entry $200 6 Months Multi-Entry $200 12 Months Multi-Entry $200 4.2 Urgent Visa Application Charge (per person, on top of visa fee) Service Type URGENT FEE Next Working Day Urgent Service $60 Express Service (2-3 working days) $40 Urgent visa application must be lodged in person. Not applicable for applications lodged via post or courier 4.3 Mail Handling Service Charge Handling Service Fee $15 The service fee applies to all applications by mail or by courier. The handling service fee is NOT postage for returning your passport, you will still require to provide a prepaid self-addressed courier pack or envelope for returning your passport, otherwise you will have to collect your passport in person at the Chinese Embassy. Please retain a copy of the courier tracking reference number. Only one handling service fee is required if you have included more than one applicant in the same pack. PART 5. HOW TO PAY IMPORTANT Please do NOT include any cash with your applications. Personal cheque and money order are NO longer accepted. 1) Bank cheque or company cheque, made payable to Chinese Embassy. Please write down your name and contact details on the back of the cheque. 2) EFTPOS, Credit Card EFTPOS and credit card can only be processed at the counter of the Chinese Embassy. We are unable to process credit card payment by manually enter the credit card information. 第 3 页 共 11 页 / Page 3 of 11

PART 6. WHERE TO LODGE YOUR APPLICATION Application sent directly by courier or mail to the Chinese Embassy should be addressed to: Consular Office Embassy of the People s Republic of China in New Zealand 2-6 Glenmore Street Kelburn Wellington 6012 Alternatively, you can lodge applications at the Consular Office of the Chinese Embassy in Wellington. The Consular office only accepts visa application in the morning between 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. There are no consular services available after hours and on weekends. IMPORTANT For applicants of the following regions, please submit your application to the Chinese Consulate-General in Auckland (Address: 630 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland. Telephone: 09 526 5680) Northland region Auckland region Hamilton City Taupo District Matamata-Piako District, South Waikato District, Thames-Coromandel District Franklin District Hauriki District Waitomo District Otorohanga District, Waipa District PART 7. OFFICE HOURS & CONTACT DETAILS IMPORTANT The Consular office only accepts visa application in the morning between 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Visa Application Submission: 9.00am 12.00pm Visa / Passport Collection: 1.30pm 4.00pm (Monday Friday, excluding public holidays) Telephone + 64 4 472 1382 Ext. 600 + 64 4 474 9631 Fax +64 4 474 9632 Website www.chinaembassy.org.nz Email visa@chinaembassy.org.nz For general enquiries please use the telephone numbers and email address given above. We will answer email enquiries within five working days. 第 4 页 共 11 页 / Page 4 of 11

Form V.2011A 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 签 证 申 请 表 Visa Application Form of the People s Republic of China 有 关 申 请 手 续 及 所 需 文 件, 请 参 阅 如 何 申 请 中 国 签 证 请 于 周 一 至 周 五 上 午 9 点 至 12 点 递 交 申 请 ( 节 假 日 除 外 ) Please read the guidance How to Apply For Chinese Visa for the application procedures and documents required for the application. Please submit your application between 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. 如 果 申 请 到 中 国 工 作 留 学 或 与 护 照 偕 行 人 同 行, 或 不 在 国 籍 国 申 请 签 证, 请 填 写 签 证 申 请 表 附 表 (Form V.2011B). Please complete Supplementary Visa Application Form (Form V.2011B) if you are applying for a work or student visa, or someone else will be travelling with you on your passport, or you are applying a visa in a country or territory other than the country of your current nationality. 一 个 人 信 息 / Section 1. Personal Information 1.1 英 文 姓 名 Full name as shown on your passport 姓 Family name 名 Given name(s) 1.3 中 文 姓 名 ( 如 有, 请 用 汉 字 ) Full name in Chinese script (if applicable) 1.4 别 名 或 曾 用 名 ( 如 有 ) Other or former name (if applicable) 1.5 用 本 国 语 言 书 写 的 名 字 ( 如 有 ) Your name in ethnic script (if applicable) 1.6 现 有 国 籍 Current nationality 1.8 同 时 具 有 的 国 籍 ( 如 有 ) Other nationality(ies) (if applicable) 1.10 出 生 地 点 ( 国 省 / 市 ) Place (Province/State, Country) of Birth 1.2 性 别 Sex 男 Male 女 Female 1.7 曾 有 国 籍 ( 如 有 ) Former nationality (if applicable) 1.9 出 生 日 期 Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) 1.11 当 地 身 份 证 号 ( 如 有 ) Local ID Card Number (if applicable) 照 片 / Photo 请 将 1 张 近 期 正 面 免 冠 浅 色 背 景 的 彩 色 护 照 照 片 粘 贴 于 此 Please affix one recent passport sized colour photo, with full face, front view, no hat, and against a plain light background. YYYY MM DD 1.12 婚 姻 状 况 Marital status 已 婚 Married 未 婚 Never Married 离 婚 Divorced 丧 偶 Widowed 其 他 ( 请 说 明 ) Other, Please specify: 1.13 当 前 职 业 ( 可 多 选 ) Your current occupation(s) 商 人 Businessman 政 府 官 员 Government official 公 司 职 员 Company employee 新 闻 从 业 人 员 Staff of media 教 师 Teacher 宗 教 人 士 Religious worker 学 生 Student 现 役 军 人 Active duty military personnel 家 庭 主 妇 Housewife 退 休 Retired 无 业 Unemployed 乘 务 人 员 Crew member 国 会 议 员 Member of Parliament 其 他 ( 请 说 明 ) Other (Please specify): 1.14 护 照 种 类 Passport type 外 交 / Diplomatic 公 务 官 员 / Service or Official 普 通 / Regular 其 他 证 件 ( 请 说 明 ) / Other (Please specify): 1.15 护 照 号 码 Passport number 1.17 签 发 地 点 ( 省 / 市 及 国 家 ) Place (Province/State, Country) of Issue 1.16 签 发 日 期 Date of issue (YYYY-MM-DD) 1.18 失 效 日 期 Expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD) YYYY MM DD YYYY MM DD 1.19 申 请 处 理 时 间 Request processing time 普 通 5-7 个 工 作 日 5-7 working days regular process 2-3 个 工 作 日 加 急 服 务 2-3 working days urgent service 下 一 个 工 作 日 加 急 服 务 Next working day urgent service Urgent visa application MUST be lodged in person. Not applicable for applications lodged via post or courier. 第 5 页 共 11 页 / Page 5 of 11

二 赴 华 旅 行 信 息 / Section 2. Travel Information 2.1 申 请 赴 中 国 主 要 事 由 ( 可 多 选 )/ Major purpose(s) of your visit(s) to China 旅 游 / Tourism 执 行 乘 务 / As crew member of airlines, trains or ships 探 亲 / Visiting relatives 记 者 常 驻 / As resident journalist 访 友 / Visiting friends 记 者 临 时 采 访 / As journalist for temporary news coverage 商 务 / Business trip 会 议 / Conference (Meeting) 过 境 / Transit 外 交 官 领 事 官 赴 华 常 驻 / As resident diplomat or consul in China 留 学 / Study 官 方 访 问 / Official visit 商 业 演 出 / Commercial performance 任 职 就 业 / Employment 其 他 ( 请 说 明 ) / Other (Please specify): 2.2 计 划 入 境 次 数 / Intended number of entries 签 证 有 效 期 从 递 交 申 请 之 日 起 Visa valid date is from the date of the application is lodged. ( 请 参 阅 附 录 2 / Please read the guidance, Part 2 ) 三 个 月 内 一 次 入 境 / Single entry within 3 months 六 个 月 内 二 次 入 境 / Double entry within 6 months 六 个 月 内 多 次 入 出 境 有 效 / Multi-entry within 6 months 十 二 个 月 内 多 次 入 出 境 有 效 / Multi-entry within 12 months 2.3 首 次 可 能 抵 达 中 国 的 日 期 Date of your first possible entry into China (YYYY-MM-DD) 2.4 预 计 你 一 次 在 华 停 留 的 最 长 天 数 Your longest intended stay in China YYYY MM DD DAYS 2.5 请 按 时 间 顺 序 列 明 你 访 问 中 国 的 地 点 ( 省 及 市 / 县, 如 填 写 不 下, 请 另 附 纸 ) Please list cities to visit in China in a time sequence. (If you run out of space please use additional sheets of paper to provide us with all the relevant information required as part of your application.) 城 市 City 1. 2. 3. 4. 联 系 地 址 Contact address 联 系 电 话 Telephone number 5. 2.6 谁 将 承 担 往 返 中 国 及 在 中 国 的 费 用? Who will pay for your cost of travelling and living during your stay in China 你 本 人 / Yourself 邀 请 单 位 或 个 人 / Inviter 父 母 或 法 定 监 护 人 / Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) 其 他 ( 请 说 明 ) / Other (Please specify): 2.7 在 华 期 间 有 无 医 疗 保 险? 如 有, 请 填 写 保 险 公 司 名 称 及 保 险 账 号 Do you have medical insurance covering your visit in China? If yes, please provide the name of the insurance company and your policy number. 2.8 在 华 邀 请 单 位 名 称, 联 系 地 址 和 电 话 Contact details of the host company in China 2.9 在 华 亲 人 或 朋 友 姓 名, 联 系 地 址 和 电 话 Contact details of your relatives or friends in China 第 6 页 共 11 页 / Page 6 of 11

三 家 庭, 工 作 或 学 习 信 息 Section 3. Your Family and Employment Details 3.1 家 庭 住 址 Residential address 3.2 家 庭 电 话 Telephone 3.3 手 机 号 码 Mobile phone number 3.4 电 子 信 箱 Email address 3.5 工 作 单 位 或 学 校 Employer or School 名 称 Name 联 系 地 址 Address 联 系 电 话 Telephone 3.6 家 庭 成 员 Details of your family members 姓 名 Name 国 籍 Nationality 职 业 Occupation 关 系 Relationship to the applicant 3.7 紧 急 情 况 下 的 联 系 人 Contact Person in case of emergency 3.8 紧 急 联 系 人 电 话 Emergency Contact phone number 四 其 他 情 况 Section 4. Other Information 4.1 是 否 曾 经 访 问 过 中 国? 如 果 是, 请 说 明 最 近 一 次 情 况 Have you ever visited China before? If yes, please specify date, places and purpose of the recent visit. 4.2 在 过 去 的 12 个 月 里 是 否 访 问 过 其 他 国 家 或 地 区 如 果 是, 请 说 明 Have you ever visited other countries or territories in the last 12 months? If yes, please specify date, name of countries or territories and purpose of the visits. 4.3 是 否 曾 在 中 国 超 过 签 证 或 居 留 许 可 允 许 的 期 限 停 留? Have you ever overstayed your visa or residence permit in China? 4.4 是 否 曾 经 被 拒 绝 颁 发 中 国 签 证 或 被 拒 绝 进 入 中 国? Have you ever been refused a visa for China, or been refused entry into China? 4.5 是 否 在 中 国 或 其 他 国 家 有 违 法 记 录? Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country? 4.6 是 否 患 有 以 下 任 一 种 疾 病? Do you suffer from any of the following diseases? 1 严 重 精 神 病 Serious mental disorder 2 传 染 性 肺 结 核 病 Infectious pulmonary tuberculosis 3 可 能 对 公 共 卫 生 造 成 危 害 的 其 他 传 染 病 Other infectious disease of public health hazards 4.7 近 30 日 内 是 否 前 往 国 流 行 性 疾 病 传 染 的 国 家 或 地 区? Did you visit countries or territories infected by infectious diseases in the last 30 days? 否 / No 否 / No 否 / No 否 / No 否 / No 是 / Yes 是 / Yes 是 / Yes 是 / Yes 是 / Yes 第 7 页 共 11 页 / Page 7 of 11

4.8 如 果 对 4.3 到 4.7 的 任 何 一 个 问 题 选 择 是, 请 说 明 详 细 情 况 ( 如 填 写 不 下, 请 另 附 纸 ) If you select Yes to any question from 4.3 to 4.7, please give detailed information for your answer. (If you run out of space please use additional sheets of paper to provide us with all the relevant information required as part of your application.) 五 其 他 声 明 事 项 Section 5.Other Declaration 5.1 如 计 划 赴 中 国 工 作 留 学 或 使 用 的 护 照 上 有 一 同 旅 行 的 携 行 人, 或 在 非 国 籍 国 申 请 签 证, 请 填 写 签 证 申 请 表 附 表 (Form V.2011B), 与 本 表 一 同 递 交 Please complete relevant section on the Supplementary Visa Application Form (Form V.2011B) if you are applying to work or study in China, anyone included in your passport is travelling with you, you are applying for a visa in a country or territory other than the country of your nationality 5.2 如 有 其 他 需 要 声 明 事 项, 请 在 下 面 说 明 ( 如 填 写 不 下, 请 另 附 纸 ) If there is more information to declare, please give the information below. (If you run out of space please use additional sheets of paper to provide us with all the relevant information required as part of your application.) 六 签 名 Section 6. Signature 6.1 我 已 阅 读 并 理 解 此 表 所 有 问 题, 并 对 照 片 及 填 报 内 容 的 真 实 性 和 准 确 性 负 责 I have read and understood all the questions in this application. I shall be fully responsible for the answers and the photo, which are true and correct. 6.2 我 理 解, 能 否 获 得 签 证, 获 得 何 种 签 证 入 境 次 数 以 及 有 效 期 停 留 期 将 由 领 事 官 员 决 定, 任 何 不 实 误 导 或 填 写 不 完 整 均 可 能 导 致 签 证 申 请 被 拒 绝 或 被 拒 绝 进 入 中 国 I understand that whether to issue a visa, type of visa, number of entries, validity and duration of each stay will be decided by consular office, and any false, misleading or incomplete statement may result in the refusal of a visa for or denial of entry into China. 申 请 人 签 名 Applicant s signature 日 期 Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 注 : 未 满 18 周 岁 的 未 成 年 人 可 由 父 母 或 监 护 人 代 签 Note: Parent or guardian may sign on behalf of a minor aged less than 18 years 七 他 人 代 填 申 请 表 时 填 写 以 下 内 容 Section 7, If the application form is completed by another person on the applicant s behalf, please fill out the following. 7.1 代 填 申 请 表 人 的 姓 名 7.2 与 申 请 人 关 系 Name of the person completing Relationship to the applicant this form on the applicant s behalf 7.3 地 址 7.4 电 话 Address Phone number 7.5 所 持 身 份 证 件 种 类 7.6 证 件 号 码 Type of ID ID number 7.7 声 明 Declaration 我 声 明 本 人 是 根 据 申 请 人 要 求 而 协 助 填 表, 并 证 明 申 请 人 理 解 并 确 认 表 中 所 填 写 内 容 准 确 无 误 I declare that I have assisted in the completion this form at the request of the applicant and the applicant understands and agrees that the information provided is correct. 申 请 人 签 名 Applicant s signature 日 期 Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 以 下 供 领 事 官 员 填 写 Official use only 签 证 种 类 有 效 期 停 留 期 审 核 人 日 期 备 注 第 8 页 共 11 页 / Page 8 of 11

Form V.2011B 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 签 证 申 请 表 附 表 Supplementary Visa Application Form of the People s Republic of China 英 文 姓 名 Name in English 护 照 号 码 Passport number 出 生 日 期 Date of birth A. 如 果 申 请 到 中 国 工 作, 请 填 写 If you are applying to work in China (Z visa), please fill out the following section. 1. 受 教 育 情 况 Education background 2. 最 后 学 习 的 学 校 名 称 Name of your last school, college, university or other educational institution 3. 专 业 Your major or focus in studies 4. 职 业 技 术 资 格 Your professional or technical qualifications 5. 在 中 国 从 事 何 种 职 业 Your occupation in China 6. 在 中 国 就 职 业 单 位 的 名 称 地 址 及 联 系 电 话 Name, address and phone number of your employer in China 本 科 Bachelor 硕 士 Master 博 士 或 更 高 Doctorate or higher 其 他 ( 请 说 明 ) Other(Please specify) 7. 就 业 许 可 编 号 Alien Employment License Number B. 如 申 请 到 中 国 留 学, 请 填 写 If you are applying to study in China (X Visa), please fill out the following section. 1. 受 教 育 情 况 Education background 2. 最 后 学 习 的 学 校 名 称 Name of your last school, college, university or other educational institution 3. 专 业 Your major or focus in studies 4. 职 业 技 术 资 格 Your professional or technical qualifications 本 科 Bachelor 硕 士 Master 博 士 或 更 高 Doctorate or higher 其 他 ( 请 说 明 ) Other(Please specify) 5. 在 中 国 就 读 学 校 的 名 称 地 址 及 联 系 电 话 Name, address and phone number of your school in China 6. 在 中 国 学 习 的 专 业 或 课 程 Your major or course in China 第 9 页 共 11 页 / Page 9 of 11

C. 如 有 使 用 同 一 本 护 照 一 同 旅 行 的 偕 行 人, 请 在 下 面 填 写 偕 行 人 情 况 If someone else travelling with you shares the same passport with you, please give that person s details below. 1. 姓 名 Name 2. 性 别 Sex 3. 出 生 日 期 Date of birth 偕 行 人 1 / Person 1 偕 行 人 2 / Person 2 偕 行 人 3 / Person 3 4. 偕 行 人 照 片 Photo(s) of the person(s) travelling with you sharing the same passport. Affix here Affix here Affix here D. 如 不 在 国 籍 国 申 请 签 证, 请 填 写 If you are applying for a visa in a country or territory other than the country of your nationality, please fill out the following section. 少 于 6 个 月 Less than 6 months 1. 在 当 地 的 居 留 或 停 留 时 间 超 过 6 个 月 More than 6 months Duration of your stay in this country or territory 超 过 12 个 月 More than 12 months 2. 持 有 何 种 当 地 有 效 签 证 或 居 留 证 件? What kind of visa or residence permit of this country or territory do you hold? 3. 签 证 或 居 留 证 件 的 号 码 及 有 效 日 期 Number of your visa or residence permit and its expiration date. 4. 持 上 述 签 证 或 居 留 许 可 是 否 允 许 返 回 当 前 所 在 国 家 或 地 区? Do you have permission to return to this country or territory with the visa or residence permit above? 5. 在 当 地 住 所 的 联 系 地 址 Residence address 有 效 居 留 证 件 Valid residence permit 有 效 签 证 Valid Visa 无 None 号 码 Number 有 效 日 期 Expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD) 是 Yes 否 No 6. 在 当 地 的 联 系 电 话 Contact Phone Number 我 谨 声 明, 我 理 解 上 述 内 容 和 问 题, 所 有 填 写 内 容 真 实 无 误 I solemnly declare that I understand all content and questions included on this form, and the information given is accurate and truthful. 申 请 人 签 名 Applicant s signature 注 : 未 满 18 周 岁 的 未 成 年 人 可 由 父 母 或 监 护 人 代 签 Note: Parent or guardian may sign on behalf of a minor aged less than 18 years 日 期 Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 第 10 页 共 11 页 / Page 10 of 11

DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST Please ensure you submit all the relevant documents with your application. The checklist below is for guidance only. You may require to provide more documents. The submission of all or any of these documents does not guarantee that your application will be successful. Your application will be returned unprocessed if any required document is not supplied. All applicants A valid travel document or passport One passport sized colour photography. (No more than 6 months old) Visa Application Form (V.2011A) Supplementary Visa Application Form (V.2011B) The appropriate visa fee $15 additional handling service fee for mail application Prepaid self-addressed courier pack Previous passports Copy of birth certificate (only if you are Chinese descent, see Part 1.1) Tourism / Visit-to-Family / Transit Visa Copy of flight itinerary prepared by travel agent, or Copy of flight ticket (e-ticket), or Invitation letter from family or friends in China Business Visa Visa Notification Letter, or Invitation letter from an empowered Chinese company Work Visa Visa Notification Letter, and Foreigner Employment License / Certificate of Foreign Expert s Identity, and Physical Examination Report, if you intend to work more than 6 months Completed and signed Supplementary Visa Application Form (V.2011B) Student Visa JW201/JW202 form, and Admission letter from the school, and Physical Examination Report, if you intend to study more than 6 months Completed and signed Supplementary Visa Application Form (V.2011B) 第 11 页 共 11 页 / Page 11 of 11