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(RUP) 2009.12


1 UML RUPUML UML,: 1() --,:

--,: Actor Use case Use case

--,,:. UML8,UML!. \.

UML4,, UML4! / \\ 12()


2 UML14,: U SE C A SE

6 8. : use case


2 UMLRUP ; ;

RUP Actor Use case USE CASE Use case, RUP UML

1 RUP RUP :. : -- -- RUP - - - -



( )( )

RUPthe inception phase the elaboration phase the construction phase the transition phase

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--. : ;() --

RUP.... : -;


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2-3 1) 2) 3) 1) 3) 2)


3) -Feature - - Use case -

(1) (////),,Feature,.: : item shrinks 100 A 15


- - Status ( / Priority(e.g.,critical, important, or ancillary)

(2), -.: 1 manipulate thing Real-world objects Events

: Order date of submission delivery address 1..* payable 1..* Item description picture cost Invoice amount date of submission last date of payment : buyer 1 seller 1 Account balance owner Order, Invoice, Item, and Account,,.

2 2 use case.use CASE, use casebusiness processes, actorscustomers. :

interior workers business entities work units use caseuse case Business entity : something, use case work unit : workers: use case. :Business entities work unit,use case

(3), 1Use-Case 1 Use-Case model Use-Case system * * The Use-Case system denotes the top-level package of the model Actor 2Use-Case Use case - Use-Case actors use cases

3 System Analysis Use-case Specifier User-interface designer Architect responsible for responsible for responsible for responsible for use case model Actor Glossary Use case User interface prototype Architecture Description

4USE CASE 1:ActorUSE CASE 1: Actor -, actors worker actor actor, actor - actor actor actors Note:actor actor

actors,2actors : actor actors actor actors,2actors actor actor actor

2:Actors Actors actors, convey, Actors actor

: the Buyer, Seller Buyer A Buyer represents a person who is responsible for buying goods or services as described in the business use case Sales: from Order to Delivery. This person may be an individual or someone within a business organization. The Buyer of goods and services need the Billing and Payment System to send order and to pay invoices. Seller A Seller represents a person who sells and delivers goods or services. The Seller uses the system to look for new orders and to send order confirmations, invoices, and payment reminders.

3:Use Case --, ;, -- /,


-- complete. (result of value). ( particular actor)


4: 43 UAE CASE Pay Invoice Use Cases The use case Pay Invoice is used by a Buyer to schedule invoice payments. The Pay Invoice use case then effects the payment on the due date.

Before this use case can be initiated, the Buyer has already received an invoice (delivered by another use case called Invoice Buyer ) and has also received the goods or services ordered.: 1. The buyer studies the invoice to pay and checks that it is consistent with the original order. 2. The Buyer schedules the invoice for payment by the bank. 3. On the day payment is due, the system checks to see if there is enough money in the Buyer s account. If enough money is available, the transaction is made.

1: --[]: --[]

2:use case Priority 12 [] Use Case model [outlined] Architect Supplementary Requirements Glossary Prioritized Use Cases Architecture Description [view of the use case model]

--: ; --; --,

3: Use Case use case actors Use Case model [outlined] Use case Specifier The result is a detailed description of a particular use case in text and diagram. Supplementary Requirements Detail a Use Case Use Case [detailed] Glossary

: use case use case use case Flow of Events

Paths of the Pay Invoice Use Case Precondition: The buyer has received the goods or services ordered and at least one invoice from the system. The buyer now plans to schedule the invoice(s) for payment. Flow of Events Basic Path 1 The buyer invokes the use case by beginning to browse the invoices received by the system. The system checks that the content of each invoice is consistent with order confirmations received early(as part of the Confirm Order use case) and somehow indicates this to the buyer. The order confirmation describes which items will be delivered, when, where, and at what price.

2 The buyer decides to schedule an invoice for payment by the bank, and the system generates a payment request to transfer money to the seller s account. Note that a buyer may not schedule the same invoice for payment twice. 3 later, if there is enough money in the buyer s account, a payment transaction is made on the scheduled date. During the transaction, money is transferred from the buyer s account to the seller s account, as described by the abstract use case Perform Transaction(which is used by Pay Invoice). The buyer and the seller are notified of the result of the transaction. The bank collect a fee for the transaction, which is withdrawn from the buyer s account by the system.

4 The use case instance terminates. Alternative Path In Step 2, the buyer may instead ask the system to send an invoice rejection back to the Step 3, if there is not enough money in the account, the use case will cancel the payment and notify the buyer. Post-condition: The use case instance ends when the invoice has been paid or when the invoice payment was canceled and no money was transferred.

1 2 Step 1 3 Step 1-4) 4 Step 4 5 6

7 ( Step 2 Step 3), 8 (Step 3),

: /

use case use case, ;

4: use cases use case

5 :Use Case : actors use cases, use case use case use case use case use case use caseadditional or optionaluse case

Buyer Pay Invoice Seller Perform Transaction Pay Invoice Perform Transaction 2 use case

Buyer Pay Invoice extend Perform Transaction Pay Overdraft Fee Seller Pay Invoice Pay Overdraft Fee 2use cases use case use cases include



refining []

RUP() work to be done result artifacts -List candidate requirements Feature list -Understand system context Business or domain model -Capture functional requirements Use case model -Capture nonfunctional requirements Supplementary requirements or individual use cases (for use case specific req.)

use case use case Use-Case Model conditionscapabilities The Use-Case A Use-Case actors use cases 1 Use-Case model Use-Case system * * The Use-Case model and its contents. The Use-Case system denotes the toplevel package of the model Actor Use case

use-case use caseuse case use-case - a survey description -a detailed description of each use case. use case use case use-case realization test cases

1,, 2 3 4 5