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安全与舒适使用说明书 1. 简介本节列出了重要的注意事项, 产品用户 ( 及他人 ) 应加以遵守, 以避免造成人身伤害和财产损失, 并确保安全正确地使用我们的产品 继续阅读注意事项的详细说明前, 请务必理解下述标签和图形符号的含义, 并遵守所述的注意事项 表示极其危险的情况, 如果不避免这种情况, 将导致死亡或严重伤害 表示潜在的危险情况, 如果不避免这种情况, 可能会导致死亡或严重伤害 表示潜在的危险情况, 如果不避免这种情况, 可能会导致轻微或中度伤害 注意 注 表示可能会导致财产损失和其他问题, 但不会造成人身伤害 提供重要信息 * 严重伤害包括致盲 创伤 灼伤 ( 低温和高温 ) 电击 骨折以及中毒等, 具有长期持久的不良影响或需住院和 / 或长期就医治疗 * 轻微或中度伤害包括创伤 灼伤 电击等, 无需住院和 / 或长期就医治疗 * 财产损失是指对设备造成的损坏

2. 电池安全注意事项 禁止将硬盘 ( 装有内置电池 ) 浸泡在液体中, 比如水 饮料或其它液体 电力负荷突然上升会造成电池 ( 包括保护电路 ) 着火 冒烟 爆炸或发热 请将设备 ( 装有内置电池 ) 远离热源或火源 过高的热量会损坏电池, 并可能导致电池发热 冒烟 着火, 甚至爆炸 请勿拆卸设备和内置电池 拆卸或更换电池会损坏保护电路 可能会导致电池发热 冒烟 着火, 甚至爆炸 请将产品远离儿童 如果产品损坏或出现裂纹, 保持电池或其任何组件远离儿童 如果误吞入电池液体或其任何组件, 应立刻寻求医疗救护 如无法完成充电过程, 请停止充电 如果无法在规定的时间内完成充电过程, 请停止充电 电池可能会产生发热 冒烟 着火, 甚至爆炸 硬盘内置可充电电池 禁止将使用过的电池作为生活垃圾丢弃 当销毁产品时请遵守当地的规定 如果将使用过的电池作为生活垃圾丢弃, 则有可能造成垃圾堆失火或冒烟 如果观察到任何以下情况, 应立刻断开电源并将电源线插头从插座上拔下, 并停止使用电池 : 攻击性或异常气味 / 过热 / 变色 / 变形 裂缝或泄露 / 冒烟 / 使用中的其它异常情况, 例如异响禁止再次打开硬盘电源继续使用会引起失火或破裂, 可能会导致严

重的伤害或硬盘故障, 包括但不仅限于数据丢失 如果硬盘泄露或出现裂缝, 请戴上保护手套进行处理 仅当温度在 5 C 和 35 C 之间时可对电池进行充电 在超出此温度范围下充电可能会导致电池泄露 发热或严重损坏 还可能会导致电池效能和使用寿命的降低 注意 实际的电池寿命取决于设置 使用 特点和选择的任务 网络配置 操作温度和许多其它因素 再充电次数取决于使用情况 当电池电量完全耗尽后可能会无法再充电 一段时间之后, 电池无法继续保持最大容量 这对于所有电池来说都是正常现象 3. 无线局域网安全注意事项 无线局域网设备可能会与医疗设备产生干扰, 如心脏起搏器 如果你使用个人医疗设备, 则在使用该产品之前应咨询你的医生并阅读医疗设备说明书 该产品不可被用于有医疗设备的环境中, 如医院 医护室或个人医疗设备用户附近, 因为在此类环境

中使用该产品可能会造成人身伤害 如果计算机靠近自动化控制设备或自动门 火灾探测器等装置的地方, 请将电脑的无线功能保持关闭 无线电波会导致此类设备故障, 可能会造成人身伤害 注 禁止在微波炉附近或受无线电干扰或磁场区域使用无线局域网功能 来自微波炉或其它来源的干扰会影响无线局域网的正常使用 无线局域网的传输速度和最大传输距离, 取决于周围的电磁环境 障碍物 访问点设计和配置 客户端设计和软 / 硬件配置 适度标准下的理论最大传输速度 实际的传输速度会小于理论最大速度 4. 电源及其他安全注意事项 将塑料盖和电源插头等零件放置在儿童和宠物触及不到的地方 零件的滥用包括但不仅限于, 误吞入零件可能会导致窒息, 进而导致死亡或严重伤害 如果怀疑已经吞入了一个零件, 则立刻采取适当的紧急行动并咨询医生 禁止将硬盘置于摇晃的椅子 不平坦 倾斜的表面或其它不稳定的位置 硬盘可能会掉落, 造成硬盘的损坏或人身伤害 禁止进行不适当的维修或拆卸, 因为可能会导致人身伤害 触电或火灾

禁止将硬盘暴露在潮湿的环境中, 因为可能会导致触电或火灾 禁止任何液体或金属物体进入硬盘, 如螺栓 订书钉或曲别针 异物可能或引起短路, 进而导致产品损坏或火灾, 还可能会导致严重的人身伤害 当金属零件和塑料零件变形时禁止使用硬盘, 因为可能会导致触电 当硬盘掉落或损坏禁止使用, 因为可能会导致触电 如果产品发出异味 过热或冒烟, 应立刻关闭硬盘并断开电源和插在设备上的 USB 电缆 否则可能会导致失火 硬盘损坏与 / 或人身伤害, 包括烧伤和触电 禁止再次使用硬盘 请联系你购买的商店 请勿将 AC 适配器插入与本机监管标签上指定的电压 电流和频率不匹配的电源 插座与 / 或 AC 适配器过载可能会导致失火或触电, 进而导致严重的人身伤害 禁止通过拉拽电缆线将插头从插座上移除 请直接抓住插头 拉拽电缆线可能会导致电缆线破裂, 进而导致火灾 触电或严重的人身伤害 确认电源插头已充分插入插座, 旨在确保安全的电源连接 插座过载可能会导致失火或触电, 进而导致严重的人身伤害 当 AC 适配器连接电源时, 应确保硬盘和 AC 适配器充分通风和过热保护 不充分的通风可能会导致硬盘和 AC 适配器过热, 进而导致火灾 触电或严重的人身伤害 如果电源插头连接器或连接器基座上落上了灰尘, 则关闭电源并拔掉电源插头 然后使用干燥的软布

清洁连接器与 / 或连接器基座 否则可能会导致失火或触电, 进而导致严重的人身伤害 避免硬盘和皮肤的过度接触 硬盘可能会变得很热! 避免长时间接触, 以防止皮肤刺激和 / 或热损伤 避免 AC 适配器和皮肤的过度接触 AC 适配器可能会变得很热! 避免长时间接触, 以防止皮肤刺激和 / 或热损伤 注意 运行过程中禁止断开 USB 电缆和 AC 适配器, 因为可能会导致数据丢失或设备损坏 运行过程中禁止触碰 USB 电缆和 AC 适配器, 因为可能会导致数据丢失或设备损坏 禁止碰撞 跌落或震动硬盘, 因为可能会导致数据丢失或设备损坏 禁止在高温 低温或温度突然改变的环境下使用硬盘 可能会导致数据丢失或硬盘损坏 ( 工作温度 :5 C-35 C) 确保在其它存储硬盘上备份尽可能多的数据 禁止在结露环境下使用硬盘, 因为可能会导致数据丢失或设备损坏 操作期间禁止覆盖硬盘, 因为可能会过热 雷雨天气下禁止使用硬盘 如果看到闪电或听到雷声, 应立刻关闭硬盘连接的设备 计算机和外围设备, 并断开电源和连接计算机的 USB 电缆 闪电导致的电浪涌可能会导致数据丢失或硬盘损坏 禁止使用任何化学物质清洗硬盘或任何附件 使用

干燥的软布清洁硬盘或附件的外部 使用化学物质可能会导致物品损坏 变形或变色及数据丢失 注 兼容性取决于用户的硬件配置和操作系统 USB3.0 与 USB2.0 向后兼容 如果无法为硬盘提供足够的电源, 则硬盘无法工作 如果计算机没有 USB3.0 端口, 则你的计算机需要 USB3.0 扩展卡主机控制器 也可以将驱动力连接计算机的 USB2.0 端口 然而传输率会低于 USB2.0 十亿字节 (1GB) 意为 109 = 1,000,000,000 字节, 太字节 (1TB 意为 1012 = 1,000,000,000,000 字节, 幂指数为 10 然而, 计算机操作系统的存储能力使用幂指数 2, 为 1GB = 2 30 = 1,073,741,824 字节,1TB = 240 = 1,099,511,627,776 字节, 因此呈现出的存储容量较低 有效存储容量 ( 包括不同的媒体文件实例 ) 取决于文件大小 格式 设置 软件和操作系统级其它因素 仅可使用制造商提供的附件 硬盘需要使用制造商提供的 AC 适配器供电 产品规格若有变更, 恕不另行通知

5. 免责声明 对于数据损坏或数据丢失, 东芝公司概不负责 ( 东芝公司不负责任何数据恢复 ) 对于因用户失误或疏忽 火灾 地震或其他超出东芝公司控制范围的意外事件所造成的任何损坏, 东芝公司概不负责 如果您未遵守用户手册中所述的内容, 东芝公司概不负责 对于滥用连接设备和软件, 东芝公司概不负责 本产品仅可在原始购买国 / 地区获得支持 6. 使用限制 此驱动器用于办公 个人硬盘和家用电器等标准应用中 对于在此之外的任何用途, 东芝公司均不负责 请勿用于特殊用途 ( 原子控制 航空或太空系统 大众交通车辆运行控制 生命支持的医疗器材或武器发射控制 ), 因为这些用途有特别严格的可靠性要求, 此驱动器无法保证具有适当的安全程度, 或者故障或运行错误可能危及生命或导致人生伤害 2015 东芝公司, 保留所有权利

Instruction Manual for Safety and Comfort 1. Introduction This section lists important precautions which users of our product(s) (and anyone else) should observe in order to avoid injury and damage to property, and to ensure safe and correct use of our products. Please be sure that you understand the meanings of the labels and graphic symbols described below before you move on to the detailed descriptions of the precautions, and comply with the precautions stated. Indicate an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

NOTICE NOTE Indicate a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Indicate a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates practices that may cause property damage and other problems, but not personal injury. Provides important information *Serious injury including blindness, wounds, burns (low and high temperature), electric shock, fractures,

and poisoning, etc. with long-lasting effects or that require hospitalization and/or long-term hospital visits for treatment. *Minor or moderate injury includes wounds, burns, electric shock, etc. not requiring hospitalization and/or long-term hospital visits for treatment. *Property damage means damage to device. 2. Safety Precautions of the battery Do not immerse the drive (with the internal battery in it) in liquid such as water, beverages, or other fluids. The battery (including protection circuit) may catch on fire, smoke, explode, or cause heat

generation by unexpected electrical load. Keep the drive (with the internal battery in it) away from heat and fire. Heat will damage the battery and may cause it to generate heat, smoke, catch fire, or explode. Do not disassemble the drive and the internal battery. Disassembly or modification of the battery may damage the protection circuit. This may cause the battery to generate heat, smoke, catch fire, or explode. Keep the product away from small children. If the product is broken or has cracks, keep the battery and any of its component parts away from small children. If the battery liquid or any of its component

parts are swallowed, seek medical attention immediately. Stop charging if the charging process cannot be finished. If the battery can not finish the charging process within the specified time, halt the charging process. The battery may generate heat, smoke, catch fire, or explode. This drive has a rechargeable battery inside. Do not throw away used batteries as home rubbish. Please dispose in accordance with local rules when destroying the Product. If used batteries are thrown away as home rubbish, there is a possibility that they may cause the rubbish collection to catch fire or smoke. Always immediately turn the power off and disconnect the power cable /cord plug from the

plug socket and stop using the battery if you observe any of the following conditions: Offensive or unusual odor / Excessive heat / Discoloration / Deformation, crack, or leaks / Smoke / Other unusual event during use, such as abnormal sound Do not turn on the drive s power again. Continued use could cause a fire or rupture possibly resulting in serious injury or drive failure including but not limited to the loss of data. If the drive is leaking or its case is cracked, put on protective gloves to handle it. Only charge the battery in temperatures between 5 C and 35 C.

Charging outside of this temperature range may cause the battery to leak, generate heat, or result in serious damage. It may also cause the battery's performance and life to deteriorate. NOTICE Actual battery life may vary depending on settings, application usage, features or tasks selected, network configuration, operating temperature and many other factors. Recharge time varies depending on usage. The battery may not charge while the drive is consuming full power. After a period of time, the battery will lose its ability to perform at maximum capacity. This is normal for all batteries.

3. Safety Precautions of Wireless LAN Wireless LAN devices may cause interference with medical equipment such as cardiac pacemakers. If you use personal medical equipment, consult with your physician and medical equipment instructions before using the Product. The Product should not be used in environments with medical equipment such as hospitals and medical offices, or near users of personal medical equipment, as use of this Product may cause injury in such environments. Always turn off wireless functionality if the computer is near automatic control equipment or appliance such as automatic doors or fire

detectors. Radio waves can cause malfunction of such equipment, possibly resulting in injury. NOTE Do not use the Wireless LAN functionality near a microwave oven or in areas subject to radio interference or magnetic fields. Interference from a microwave oven or other source can disrupt Wireless LAN operation. The transmission speed over the wireless LAN, and the distance over which the wireless LAN can reach, may vary depending on surrounding electromagnetic environment, obstacles, access point design and configuration, client design and software/hardware configurations. The transmission

rate described is the theoretical maximum speed as specified under the appropriate standard the actual transmission speed will be lower than the theoretical maximum speed. 4. Safety Precautions of the power and other Do not leave parts such as plastic covers and electrical plug within the reach of children and pets. Misuse of the part including, without limitation, accidental swallowing the part may cause choking and suffocation resulting in death or serious injury. If you suspect a part has been swallowed, immediately take appropriate emergency

action and consult a doctor. Do not place the drive on a shaky table, uneven, tilted surface or other unstable location. The drive may fall, causing damage to the drive or possibly injury. Do not do the improper maintenance or disassemble, as it may cause personal injury or may result in electric shock or fire. Do not expose the drive to wet or damp conditions, as it may result in electric shock or fire. Do not allow any liquids or metal objects such as screws, staples or paper clips to enter the drive. Foreign objects may create a short circuit, which may cause product damage and fire, possibly resulting in serious injury. Do not use the drive when there is an abnormality in metal parts and

plastic parts, as it may result in electric shock. Do not use the drive if the drive have been dropped or damaged, as it may result in electric shock. If the Product produces an odor, overheats or smokes, immediately turn off the drive and disconnect the power cord from the outlet and disconnect the USB cable from the device. Failure to do so may result in fire, damage to the drive and/or personal injury including burns and electric shock. Do not use the drive again. Please contact the store from which you purchased it. Do not plug the AC adaptor into a power source that does not correspond to the voltage, current and the frequency specified on the regulatory label of the unit. An overload on the socket and/or AC

adaptor may cause a fire or electric shock, possibly resulting in serious injury. Do not pull on the power cable/- cord to remove a plug from a socket. Always grasp the plug directly. Pulling a power cable/cord may cause fracture resulting in a fire or electric shock and serious injury. Always confirm that the power plug has been fully inserted into the socket, to ensure a secure electrical connection. An overload on the socket may cause a fire or electric shock, possibly resulting in serious injury. Always make sure the drive and AC adaptor have adequate ventilation and are protected from overheating when the AC adaptor is connected to a power outlet.

Inadequate ventilation may cause the drive and AC adaptor to overheat resulting in a fire or electric shock and serious injury. If dust gets on the power plug connectors or connector base, turn the power off and disconnect the power plug. Then clean the connector and/or connector base with a dry soft cloth. Failure to do so may cause a fire or electric shock, possibly resulting in serious injury. Avoid extended contact between the drive and your skin. The drive may become hot! Avoid prolonged contact to prevent skin irritation and/or heat injury. Avoid extended contact between the AC adaptor and your skin. The AC adaptor may become hot! Avoid prolonged contact to prevent skin irritation and/or heat

injury. NOTICE Do not disconnect the USB cable and AC adaptor while operating, as it may result in loss of data or damage to the drive. Do not touch the USB cable while and AC adaptor operating, as it may result in loss of data or damage to the drive. Do not bump, drop or jar the drive, as it may result in loss of data or damage to the drive. Do not use the drive at high or low temperatures or sudden temperature changes. This may result in loss of data or damage to the drive. (Operating: 5 C-35 C) Make sure that you backup all your data as much as you can on the drive to the other storage

drive. Do not use the drive in the dew condensation, as it may result in loss of data or damage to the drive. Do not cover the drive during operating, as it may become overheated. Do not use the drive during a thunderstorm. If you see lightning or hear thunder, immediately turn off the devices to which this drive is connected, computer and peripherals, and disconnect the power cord from the outlet, and disconnect the USB cable from the computer. An electric surge caused by the lightning may result in loss of data or damage to the drive. Do not clean the drive or any accessories with any chemicals. To clean the outside of the drive or

the accessories, use a dry soft cloth. Use of chemicals may result in deterioration, deformation or discoloration of those items and the loss of data. NOTE Compatibility may vary depending on user's hardware configuration and operating system. USB3.0 is backward compatible with USB2.0 If the drive is not provided enough power, the drive does not operate. You may need USB3.0 Express Card Host Controller for your computer if the computer doesn't have USB3.0 port. You also can connect the drive to USB2.0 port of your computer. However the transfer rate will be downgraded to that

of USB2.0. One Gigabyte (1GB) means 109 = 1,000,000,000 bytes and one Terabyte (1TB) means 1012 = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes using power of 10. A computer operating system, however, reports storage capacity using powers of 2 for the definition of 1GB = 230 = 1,073,741,824 bytes and 1TB = 240 = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes, and therefore shows less storage capacity. Available storage capacity (including examples of various media files) will vary based on file size, formatting, setting, software and operating system and other factors. Use only the accessories supplied by the manufacturer. This drive needs the power supply

from AC adaptor supplied by the manufacturer. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. 5. Limitations from responsibility Toshiba is not responsible for data corruption or data loss. (Toshiba will not cover any data recovery) Toshiba is not responsible for any damage due to the fail or negligence of users, fire, earthquake, or other accident beyond the control of Toshiba. Toshiba is not responsible all if you do not follow the mention content listed in the user's manual. Toshiba is not responsible all, as for the abuse of the connection apparatus and software.

This product support is available only in the country where the Product was originally purchased. 6. Usage restrictions This drive is used in standard applications such as office work, personal drive and household appliances. Toshiba Corporation shall not be liable except for this type of use. Do not use in special uses (atomic controls, aeronautic or space systems, mass transport vehicle operating controls, medical devices for life support, or weapons firing controls) where particularly high reliability requirements exist, where the pertinent levels of safety are not guaranteed, or where a failure or operational error could threaten a life or cause a physical injury.

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