NOV & DEC 2016 Bi-monthly Newspaper Merry Christmas & Happy 2017! May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love

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NOV & DEC 2016 Bi-monthly Newspaper NEWS@PIPS-RG Merry Christmas & Happy 2017! May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter! Yuki HO

PN1 We are having a Christmas concert in music room. 看! 我們正演出聖誕音樂會呢! Brrr, it s so cold that I have to put my winter clothes on. 騰騰震, 天氣很冷, 所以我要穿上冬裝 Look, I can toss a beanbag at a hula hoop. I am brilliant! 看! 我可以將豆袋拋進圈內 我真捧! Run, you can t catch me I m the gingerbread man. 跑啊! 我是薑餅人, 你不能捉到我 哈哈 PN1 children did very well in November. They like These two months in PN1 we explored colours in to observe the garden and explore different our nature and various traditions of Christmas. colours in our surroundings. They enjoy learning A big highlight of the months was we getting to different letters and words. learn making a Gingerbread by using play dough. For December, PN1 class is learning different names of Christmas decorations and they helped decorating the giant Christmas tree. Happy Birthday to November and December birthday stars Kwan Ho-ching and Cheung Yi-sum PN1 Children had so much fun in running as fast as a gingerbread man!

PN2 It's dressing up time!. Look! how patiently we are passing the ball. "We were very excited while we went out to observe nature." As four months of school year have already past, and now, I feel my class children are settled and gives a very happy feeling.

PN3 We know how to sit nicely for music lesson. We are learning to roll the ball. We like playing with the blocks We had egg for our snack time, its yummy!!! In November they learnt about different colours and sound animal makes from the story "Brown bear brown bear" In December they enjoyed pretending to be different characters from the story "The Gingerbread man" Happy birthday to the November and December birthday stars LAM Tsz-ping PN3 children are doing very well, They are able to follow daily routine and are having fun in their school life. it's good to see how fast they are learning new things, Keep up the good work children!!! Ms Navi

PN4 Hey, Gingerbread man, I am going to catch you. 啊! 薑餅人, 我要捉到你! It s awesome to color the winter hat and the scarf. 將冬天的帽和頸巾填上顏色真好玩! I m about to complete the task, fighting! 我很快便到達終點, 加油! Oh no, it s so dark here. What s happening? 噢! 這裡很黑啊, 發生什麼事? In November, PN4 had a marvelous Fun Character Day party and children all dressed up in different characters. They looked gorgeous and adorable. Starting from December, we have been reading a really exciting story that enhanced our imaginative power and challenged our physical development which is titled, The Gingerbread man! Happy Birthday to November and December birthday stars Au Cheuk-san and Kwok Man-fei Children were thrilled to learn about the theme, Christmas and they liked to sing the Christmas songs very much. We also practiced different fun physical tasks like crawling under the balancing beams and tossing bean bags. PN4 children enjoyed lots of new learning activities and they were doing well. Keep it up.

PN5 "We are dancing during music time." "We are exploring the nature!" We were learning about colours and singing rainbow song. It was fun! We dressed up in beautiful costumes. Fun, Fun and only Fun!

PN6 Dancing with scarf is so much fun. It's a flower. We are learning to count. Reading reading, it's so fun!!! Let's see who make the tallest tower. In November they learnt about different colours and sound animal makes from the story "Brown bear brown bear" and In December they enjoyed pretending to be different characters from the story "The Gingerbread man" Happy Birthday to all our birthday children. Our birthday children for November and December are CHAN Hoi-ching, MO Kin-tung, ROBERTS Parry To, CHIN Lok-hang, CHU Cheuk-yin LO Tsz-yau, SUN Kurtis, Kok-ching, WU Cheuk-yiu, WU Gillphia, Children are settling in very well. PN 6 children had started to follow daily routines and participating in different activities. Thanks to parents for supporting us in this emotional period of their child school life. Ms Navi

N1 看! 街道上有各種交通工具 Look at the different types of vehicles! 小朋友細心聆聽故事媽媽閱讀圖書 Listening quietly to the Story Mama. 音樂堂課時我們齊唱歌, 齊玩樂器, 真愉快 Playing with shakers during music time! 小朋友扮演客人學習付款購買麵包! Doing the actions for Five Currant Buns! 大家一起為 11 12 月份的生日的小朋友送上祝福, 他們是麥彥博 源子為和洪哲朗 祝你們生日快樂! 11 12 月份主題為設計活動, 幼兒從最喜愛的 巴士 展開探索活動及討論, 小朋友能透過課堂分享及戶外觀察來認識不同的 交通工具, 透過真實的體驗, 更讓學習變得有意義和開心 在剛剛的數月, 我們學校都舉行了不少的活動, 如親子旅行 戶外觀察及故事媽媽等活動 透過不同的活動, 小朋友在每一次的活動都能夠學習到很多不同的新知識及接受不同的挑戰 小朋友, 大家要繼續努力啊! Ms Karen

N2 Our train is passing through the tunnel. 小火車正在穿過山窿! I am painting on our bus. 我正在努力地為我們的巴士塗上顏色 Which one is the fastest? 哪一樣物件滾得最快? Look! Our house is very tall. 你看, 我們的屋子建得多高呀! N2 班的孩子中, 有 3 位是在 11 及 12 月份生日, 他們分別是湛景嵐 郭頌謙和黎清煬, 祝你們生日快 樂! 在 11 月的交通工具主題中, 我們進行了首次的專題研習活動 經過大家的投票後, 我們決定了以巴士 為研習的目標, 學習巴士的外貌及設備 在 12 月的謝謝你們主題中, 我們對麪包師傅 理髮師 消防員及警察的認識都加深不少呢! 開學都已經快 4 個月了, 小朋友每天都是開開心心地上學, 又能與同學們建立友誼, 一同遊戲和參與 活動, 老師感到十分開心! 我們在 11 月進行了第一次的專題研習, 孩子們都有敏銳的觀察力和對巴士有深入認識, 能說出巴士的 外貌特徵和各種設備 在製造巴士時, 他們都能表 達自己的意見, 一同討論如何製作巴士各部分 老 師看到大家的投入及參與, 十分欣賞他們的努力! 真期待與 N2 的孩子進行下一次的專題研習啊! Ms Phoebe

N3 看! 小朋友正扮演機艙服務員在服務乘客 Pretending to be a flight attendant on an aeroplane! 多謝故事媽媽帶給我們愉快的故事遊戲 Thank you Story Mama! 小朋友們一邊扮演麵包師, 一邊唱出主題歌曲, 真愉快! Singing Five Currant Buns 小朋友們正為同伴設計新的髮型! At the salon getting a new hair style! 大家一起為 11 12 月份的生日的小朋友送上祝福, 他們是李林炘 張先杰 陳廷諭 鄭瑋琛 何嘉翀和黃皓泓 祝你們生日快樂! 小朋友在 謝謝您們 的主題中, 藉著運用不同的理髮工具, 剪刀 電風筒 髮卷 梳子等進行模擬活動, 體驗理髮時的過程 此外, 亦透過利用不同食材製作麵包, 明白到麵包師的工作 從小朋友親自的操弄及探索的經歷, 令他們對 理髮師 及 麵包師 的工作掌握了基本的認識 不經不覺我和 N3 小朋友相處弼四個月時間 小朋友們由起初很多工作都需要老師幫助, 到現在他們都能夠學習自己處理和安排, 希望在 2017 新的一年裡,N3 班小朋友在各方面能有更大的進步! 加油! Ms Karen

N4 Driver, we are on the bus. You may drive now! 司機, 我們都已經上車, 你可以開車了! Look! There is a taxi, can you see it? 有一輛的士 剛剛經過啊, 你看到嗎? We are making our bus stop. 我們正在努力地製作巴士站 Let me help you to dry your hair! 讓我幫你把頭髮吹乾吧! N4 班的 11 及 12 月的生日之星有關俊林 林梓皓 林諾謙 藍琬晴 羅祖堯及麥芷凝, 大家一同祝他 們生日快樂吧! 我們在 11 月進行了首次的專題研習活動 -- 交通工具 孩子們經過一輪投票後, 決定對巴士進行深入 研究, 一同製作巴士及巴士站 在 12 月的謝謝你們主題中, 我地扮演麪包師傅和理髮師, 學習他們的工作範圍及所使用的工具 不經不覺間已經開學四個月了! 孩子們開始建立新 的社交圈子, 上課時也愈來愈積極參與和發言 老 師看到他們的轉變, 感覺十分喜悅! 在交通工具主題中, 我們進行了第一次專題研習, 孩子們都喜歡分享乘坐巴士的經驗 製作我們的巴 士時, 他們也能觀察到巴士內外的各種設施, 又可 討論製作的方式 完成製作後, 大家都很喜歡扮演 小司機和乘客, 一同進行 巴士遊 Ms Phoebe

LK1 Hi, what is your name? 你好! 請問你是誰? Let s play rock-paper-scissors together! 一起來玩猜猜拳 He is my father. 這是我的爸爸 Which bus should we take? 猜猜這是什麼物件? Children enjoyed learning about bus in the transportation theme. They loved the bus stop and bus that they built in the pretend play corner. We have a lovely time talking about chef in the We did the projects on the theme transportation and community helper. They contributed a lot in the discussion time. I am so glad to see them enjoying the activities at school. Keep up the effort LK1! community helper theme. They enjoyed the cooking too! Happy birthday to CHUI Hei-man for her birthday in Ms Miranda November!

LK2 We are running together! 一起在平台跑步! See! This is our rocketship! 這是我們的火箭! We are making the yummy pizza! 孩子們在製作美味的薄餅! We are pretending the postman! 郵差叔叔, 郵差叔叔, 為人遞信! 大家為十一月及十二月的生日之星送上祝福, 他們 分別是 : 霍釺瑤 梁奕彤和陳卓琳, 祝大家生日快 樂! 十一月份的主題是交通工具, 小朋友一起製作了 LK2 火箭, 我們透過活動, 讓 LK2 小朋友了解火箭與太空人 聖誕及新年快樂! 小朋友在不知不覺中長大了, 他們都比開學時獨立 起初不太會交功課, 現在都已經能自覺地把功課交出來 再者, 經過這四個月的相處, 小朋友們也很喜歡分享生活趣事給我聽, 希望我們的相處能更邁進一步! Ms Kasey

LK3 我們的普通話課很好玩 We have lots of fun during the musical game. 我們合力把大圓球搬到終點 我替 量度身體 我們在製作 學校, 好看嗎?

LK4 It was fun to watch different transportation. 我們去看不同的交通工具 Transportation theme is always fun. We get play with different transport. 我們在玩不同的交通工具玩具 We learnt how to greet our friends on special occasions. 當我們收到禮物時, 要向朋友說聲謝謝! We like puzzle playing during free choice activity. 在自選活動時, 我們很喜歡玩拼圖! LK4 children worked with great enthusiasm in Thank you LK4 for doing a great job during the both theme Thank you all and Community constructing rocket ship. It was wonderful to helpers. Children enjoyed the visit to the bus see them playing them pretending to be stop to watch different types of transport. astronauts. Well done LK4! Children also LK4 Children had a very good team spirit developed their self-help skills where they working on the combined art work. Keep up the learnt to fold T-shirts and clean the table by good spirit we will work more like this Thank you using water spray bottles. Thank you keeps once again LK4 going. Ms.Pari

UK1 Let s build a city together. 我們合作建構一個 交通安全城 We are creating our own road signs. 我們設計不同的交通標誌 We made transportation using food items! 大家能用食物製成汽車, 很有滿足感啊! We voted to learn about the Builder YEAH! 投票的結果是 建築師! 於 11 月和 12 月, 我們進行了 交通工具 和 謝大家好!轉眼間,UK1 的高班校園生活已過了四個謝您們 的設計活動, 活動有趣和進行了多項探索, 月, 看見他們的適應能力和學習表現大有進步, 能勇於加深我們對活動內容的認識 表達自己的意見及勇於嘗試一些具挑戰性的活動, 深感聖誕活動中, 我們進行了很多有趣而有挑戰性的遊欣慰, 希望小朋友繼續享受老師所設計的活動, 接受更戲, 大家都表現得很投入 多的挑戰 Ms Natalie

UK2 Let s dance together!! 來吧, 大家一起跳舞 Guess what we are doing. 猜猜我們在做什麼? We are busy doctors treating the patients. 扮演醫生的遊戲真好玩! We are driving our cars on the road, be careful! 我們做司機! 十一月及十二月的生日之星 : 黃正謙 賴繹桐 劉熙泓 鄺濼懿 Vaanya YADAV 梁語軒 在十一月及十二月,UK2 班都分別進行了有關 交通工具 及 謝謝您們 的設計活動 小朋 友都很享受設計活動所帶來的樂趣 在這兩個月中,UK 班的小朋友亦嘗試外出到 交通安全城 遊玩, 在此特別感謝各家長義工的幫 忙 經過這幾個月的時間,UK 2 的小朋友都漸漸適 應 UK 班忙碌又愉快的生活 剛過去的十一月 UK 2 班進行了有關交通工具的設計活動, 他們都知道有 關港鐵的不同知識! 希望他們會繼續努力學習更多 不同的知識 Ms Angel

UK3 It s my turn now..1, 2, 3!!! 棋子遊戲真好玩 到我了 1 步 2 步.3 步 We are making a Happy poster together! 我們合作設計一幅大海報 Look at our beautiful Christmas trees! 大家一起製作聖誕樹佈置課室 My favourite transportation is a racing car What s yours? 我最喜歡的交通工具是跑車, 你呢? 於 11 月 交通工具 的設計活動中, 我們參觀了交通安全城, 我們有機會模擬小司機在路上駕駛, 活動有趣, 同時加深我們對過馬路的規則的認識, 以及對行人過路設施有進一步的了解 聖誕節前, 我們製作了很多不同種類的聖誕裝飾佈置課室增添聖誕氣氛, 過程中大家都表現得很投入 大家好!不經不覺間高班的校園生活已過了四個月, 看見 UK3 不斷的接受新挑戰, 同時又很快的適應下來, 充分表現出他們已逐漸成長, 與此同時亦觀察到大家的學習表現亦大有進步, 學會發表意見, 接下來希望 UK3 小朋友繼續享受老師所設計的活動, 努力吧 UK3! Ms Natalie

UK4 We are busy driving our vehicles by following the safety rules! Let s make a beautiful transport collage! Hey, It s my turn now! This game is so much fun! Hey! We are busy designing our own shopping brochure! Happy Birthday to KWONG Lok-yee Walter, For the transportation theme, children had a LAI Yik-tung Mini, WONG Dustin, LEUNG Yu-hin! great time learning about the different types of Wishing you happiness and good health always! transportation. All the activities were thoroughly In Nov & Dec, children were helped to bring items enjoyed by the children, especially the music and P.E related to the themes and helped us make learning time. more interesting and fruitful. A BIG round of a For the Community Helpers theme, we are learning applause to them! about the cashier and the store-keeper. The A big thanks to CHAN Chung-fai and LEUNG Yu-hin s supermarket role-play was the best of the lot. Wishing mummies for being the volunteers for the Road Safety one and all Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous trip. The kids enhanced their knowledge about Road 2017. Safety. Ms.Priya.

普通話園地 (Putonghua) PE 小朋友正在學做理髮師, 體會他們工作的辛苦, 懂得 尊重和感謝他們, 在遊戲活動中快樂地說說普通話 LK 小朋友在做瑜伽中的雙人划船動作, 她們的柔軟度真利害 小朋友正在遊戲中學習交通工具, 並按老師要求說出相應的句子, 這就是遊戲中學習的好處啊! Teacher s Corner 老師的話 : 小朋友在普通話課程中積極投入, 踴躍參加老師安排的各種學習活動及遊戲, 樂於表達 在課堂學習中能看出小朋友會運用所學的普通話知識, 做到學以致用 UK 小朋友在跳比卡超舞, 從而掌握節奏 空間感及訓練身體意識 Teacher s Corner 老師的話 : 這數個月來都安排了一些挑戰給不同級別的小朋 友,N 班跟從指示活動 LK 班訓練柔軟度 UK 班 則學習前滾翻, 全部都做得比預期中好, 值得嘉許!