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AMERICA 美洲 15Days天 12Nights晚 PREMIUM Alaska Cruise & The Canadian Rockies 优越非凡阿拉斯加游轮与 洛基山脉之旅 CANADIAN ROCKIES www.appleholiday.com 03-2143 3939 ALASKA CRUISE

ENTRANCE / FEES INCLUDED Columbia Ice Field & Snow Coach Glacier Skywalk *Newly open on 1 May 2014* Banff Gondola Ride Space Needle, Seattle EXTRAS Premium Alaska Cruise With Balcony Cabin Lake Moraine & Lake Louise Columbia Ice Field & Snow Coach Experience Glacier Skywalk Vancouver City Tour Seattle City Tour INTER-CANADIAN FLIGHTS Vancouver Calgary (970km / Save 13 hrs road journey) Calgary Seattle (1132km / Save 15 hrs road journey) MEALS PLAN A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, Chinese and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. Number of Meals : Lunch - 11 / Dinner - 12 DAY 01 Depart at KLIA Taipei Vancouver Upon arrival at Vancouver International Airport, transfer to Fairmont, Vancouver for an overnight stay. DAY 02 Vancouver Calgary -128km- Banff (Hotel Breakfast/Chinese Lunch/Western Dinner) Vancouver City Tour (Canada) Start the tour visiting Stanley Park at the centre of Vancouver and look out for its famous attraction: the Totem Poles. Adjourn to the happening historical district of Gastown for some great souvenir hunting while posing with the Statue of Gassy Jack and checking out the unique Steam Clock. Lastly, stroll the famous Chinatown and stop by the Canadian Pier for some great photo shots. Afternoon flight to Calgary and transfer to Banff upon arrival for dinner and overnight stay. DAY 03 Banff -185km- Columbia Ice Field Glacier -185km- Banff (Hotel Breakfast/Asia Lunch/Western Dinner) Columbia Ice Field Glacier Adventure Board the massive snow coach for a ride to the surface of Athabasca Glacier while listening to the fascinating facts and tales of the glacier, icefield and its impact on the environment. The coach will stop on the glacier for you to get down and soak in the stunning alpine and glacier vistas while snapping some awesome photograph. Glacier Skywalk Discover waterfalls, wild life and fossils in abundance during your walk along an exciting cliff-edge walkway that leads to a curved platform suspended 918 feet above the Sunwapta Valley. The thrill of walking on the glass-bottomed platform with nothing between you and the valley floor below will be difficult to forget. DAY 04 Banff -52km - Lake Moraine -15km - Lake Louise -58km- Banff -127km- Calgary (Hotel Breakfast/Buffet Lunch/Western Dinner) Lake Moraine & Lake Louise Stopover In less than an hour from Banff, feast your eyes on the fantastic vista of Lake Moraine, a glacier-fed lake in the Valley of the Ten Peaks. The stunning deep blue waters with a backdrop of snow-capped mountains is one of the most photographed spots in the Canadian Rockies. Photoshop at turquoise coloured Lake Louise, with stunning landscape of rugged peaks and Victoria Glacier. Banff City Tour Stroll along the town s main street, Banff Avenue, lined with shops, cafes and restaurants. Looking towards the end of the street, you will be awed by the imposing Cascade Mountain peak rising above it. Next, stop by Bow Falls to view the cascading falls and rapids by walking along the walkway towards the top of the waterfall. The highlight of this tour is undoubtedly taking the Banff Gondola up to the 2,281m high Sulphur Mountains observation platform for breathtaking views of 6 mountain ranges and the beautiful town of Banff below. Overnight at Calgary. DAY 05 Calgary Seattle (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Western Dinner) Proceed to Calgary Airport for your flight to Seattle. DAY 06-12 Seattle On-board Ms Ruby Princess (All meals onboard cruise) Enjoy cruising with Ms Ruby Princess. DAY 13 Disembark Ms Ruby Princess (Seattle Port) - 61km - Seattle Premium Outlet -82km- Airport (Hotel breakfast/ - /Chinese Dinner) Seattle City Tour First, we visit the symbol of Seattle: the 605 feet Space Needle, built for the 1962 World Fair. Up on the Space Deck, you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, islands and the lovely Seattle city centre. Next, stroll the historical Pike Place Market to enjoy the offerings of the fish market or pick up more souvenirs from the local craft shops. Before you head home, spend a couple of hours at the Seattle Premium Outlets that house 125 stores with bargains of up to 65%! Notable brands include Burberry, Coach, DKNY, Polo Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors and etc. DAY 14 Crossing International Dateline DAY 15 Arrive KLIA Arrival home with sweet memories.

RUBY PRINCESS Guest Capacity : 3,080 Tonnage : 113,561 DINING AND SNACKS: Sabatini s Italian Restaurant Crown Grill Steak and seafood grill International Café Coffee and snacks, light meals and desserts Vines Wines and seafood bar Café Caribe Caribbean/ Mediterranean Buffet Horizon Court Buffet Restaurant Prego Poolside Pizza Trident Grill Hamburger and hot dog grill Scoops Ice Cream Bar Ultimate Balcony Dining 24-hour room service PASSENGER SERVICES: The Sanctuary, Movies Under the Stars poolside screen, Lotus Spa and Fitness Area, Piazza Atrium, Kid s and Teen s Centers, Wedding Chapel, Gatsby's Casino, Sports Deck, Internet Café, Library, Art Gallery, Photo/ Video Gallery, Platinum Photo Studio, Duty-free Shops, Conference Center, Passenger Services Desk, Shore Excursions Desk, Medical Center NO. OF CREW: LENGTH: 1200 951 NO. OF DECKS: 19 FEET CREW PASSENGER CABINS: 1542 TOTAL 26 Suites with private balconies - Square footage: 461-687* 2 Family Suites - Square footage: 607* 178 Mini-suites with private balconies - Square footage: 324* 682 Balcony cabins - Square footage: 233-285* Guaranteed Balcony Cabin 218 Ocean view cabins Square footage: 158-182 436 Inside cabins - Square footage: 163 SHOWROOMS/LOUNGES: Princess Theater, Explorers Lounge, Club Fusion, Wheelhouse Bar, Skywalkers Nightclub, Adagio Bar, Crooners Bar, Speakeasy Cigar Lounge Balcony Cabin

ALASKA CRUISE - INSIDE PASSAGE ROUND - TRIP from SEATTLE SCHEDULE Inside Passage -Glacier Bay / Arrival/ Departure/ DAY 1/ DAY 2/ Seattle, Washington (embark)/ at Pacific Ocean/ 1600h DAY 3/ DAY 4/ DAY 5/ DAY 6/ DAY 7/ Victoria, British Columbia / (Port of call) 1900h 2359h DAY 8/ Juneau, Alaska /(Port of call) Skagway, Alaska / (Port of call) Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (Scenic Cruising) / Ketchikan, Alaska / (Port of call) Seattle, Washington (disembark) / *A host of optional shore excursions at own cost at Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Victoria can be purchased on board at own costs ALASKA INSIDE PASSAGE CRUISING HIGHLIGHTS & PORT OF CALLS 1100h 0600h 0600h 0700h 0700h 2200h 2015h 1500h 1300h JUNEAU, ALASKA Beautiful Alaska s State Capital, surrounded by snow capped mountains rising above soaring pine-clad slopes. Famous spots include Red Dog Saloon, famous bar with Alaskan flavor, the Russian Orthodox Church and Alaska State Museum SKAGWAY, ALASKA The Gateway to the Yukon lies at the northern tip of the Inside Passage nestled at the base of the snow capped Coast Range. Visit the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Visitor Center and walk past the Red Onion Saloon CRUISING GLACIER BAY NATIONAL PARK (Scenic Cruising) Look out for humpback whales, porpoise & sea otters at entrance to the Bay & Icy Straits Close up viewing of Margerie Glacier, the most active glacier in the park and the adjacent Grand Pacific Glacier. Calvings are spectacular here View the blue glacier Lamplugh Glacier KETCHIKAN, ALASKA Alaska s First City or Gateway City, also known as the Salmon Capital of the World. Creek Street, constructed over boardwalks that run along the banks of the Creek s banks is a good place to view wild salmons and trout in the Creek., - VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA In 1858, Victoria was a tent city and the base for some 25,000 prospectors on their way to the Frasier River gold fields. When Vancouver Island was incorporated with mainland British Columbia in 1868, Victoria became the capital of the entire province. 1858 25,000 1868

Skagway Glacier Bay National Park ALASKA Juneau Ketchikan CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA Columbia Icefield Glacier ALBERTA Lake Moraine Calgary Banff Vancouver Pacific Ocean ALASKA CRUISE ROUTE Victoria Seattle UNITED STATES CANADIAN ROCKIES ROUTE Seattle UNITED STATES DAY 1/ DAY 2/ DAY 3/ DAY 4/ DAY 5/ DAY 6/ DAY 7/ DAY 8/ DAY 9/ DAY 10/ DAY 11/ DAY 12/ DAY 13/ DAY 14/ DAY 15/ Check in KLIA Taipei Vancouver/ Vancouver Banff Columbia Ice Field Glacier Banff/ Banff - 52km - LakeMoraine - 15km - Lake Louise -58km- Banff - 127km- Calgary / Calgary SUMMARY OF THE ITINERARY : Seattle, Washington - On-board Premium Alaska Cruise / Sailing at Pacific Ocean / Juneau, Alaska (1100-2200H) / Skagway, Alaska (0600-2015H) / Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (Scenic Cruising) (0600-1500H) / Ketchikan, Alaska (0700-1230H) / Victoria, British Columbia / (1900-2359H) Disembark Premium Alaska Cruise (Seattle Port) - 61km - Seattle Premium Outlet - 82km - Airport / - 61 - - 82 - Crossing International Dateline / Arrive KLIA / Calgary - 128km - Banff / Seattle / TOUR FARE INCLUDES Return Economic class group ticket Transfer between airport, hotel, and pier. Hotel accommodation based on Twin share basis. Cruise cabin based on Balcony Twin share, any Single or triple cabin are based on request & availability. Meals indicated in the itinerary TOUR FARE EXCLUDES: Optional shore excursion at passenger own expenses. Airport tax & Fuel surcharge. USA & Canada Visa Fees Onboard tipping. Other personal expenses. TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. If cancellation is made 90Days prior sailing, a minimum amount of RM 2000 will be chargeable. If cancellation is made between 89-70 days : Forfeited deposit If cancellation is made between 69-40 days : 50% of the tour fare If cancellation is made between 39-20 days : 75% of the tour fare Within 19days : 100% of charge 2. Deposit payment schedule:- Upon booking made, deposit of RM 5000 per person needed. 85 days prior to departure date, second deposit of RM 8000 per person needed. 45 days prior to departure date, final payment is needed. Tour Code / : UBRYVRS15 Printed Date 2018 Airport Taxes : Y&Q Tax: Visa: Tipping: Departure Date Adult Twin/Triple Adult Single Child Twin/Triple Child Extra Bed Child Without Bed Total Pax: The above itinerary is subject to change, and any changes will be informed before departure date. However, the numbers of night stay, meals and sightseeing entrances will remain unchanged.