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ForHKPCInternalUse Academic Experience Others PleasecompletethisforminBLOCKLETTERS ProgrammeFee: 10004453 (PartA) ApplicantInformation CheckedBy: Date: (///*) ChineseName(Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms*) (/ MustbethesameasshownonIDcard/Passport) NameinEnglish CompanyName Position OfficeTelephone LastName FirstName (/ MustbethesameasshownonIDcard/Passport) MobileNumber Highest Achieved Education Level ( Please select one only): Primary Secondary DiplomatoAssociateDegree Degree Postgraduate EmailAddress CorrespondenceAddress Room/Flat Floor Block,Building : FaxNumber: Estate,Street/Road District (PartB) MethodofPayment Pleaseselectoneonly */Pleasedeletewhicheverisinappropriate Istheprogrammefeesponsoredbyyouremployer? YES NO Cash/ EPS/ CreditCard**(Visa/MasterCard)* Mustbemadeinpersonatenrolmentcounter ChequeNo. ( Company/ Private*) (Thechequehastobecrossedandmadepayabletothe HongKongProductivityCouncil. ) ** YoumayauthorizeHKPCtohandlemoneytransfer.Fordetails,pleasecontactourstaff Declaration Ideclarethatallinformationprovidedinthisenrolmentformandtheaccompanyingdocumentsare,tothebestofmyknowledge,true,accurateandcomplete.I havereadandacceptedallthetermsandconditionsofthisenrolmentform. () ( ) Iobjecttotheproposeduseofmypersonaldataincluding,withoutlimitation,name,age,gender,phonenumber,fax number, job title, member status, payment details including credit card information (where applicable), academic and professional qualification, correspondenceaddressandemailaddress( PersonalData )forthepurposeofsendingmeinformationrelatingtohkpc'slatestdevelopments,industry supportservices,consultancyservices,trainingcoursesandrelatedevents,andothermarketingactivitiesasmaybeorganizedbyhkpc. Applicant ssignature Date (PartC) Survey ()Wheredidyougettheinformationaboutthisprogramme?(Maychoosemorethanoneoption) HKPCBuilding Newspaper Promotionemail HKPCwebsite AppleDaily CompanyReferrals OrientalDaily Internet HKEconomyTimes Fax HKPCNewsFlash SingTaoDaily Referrals Magazine MingPao Others ezone MetroHongKong PCMarket Headline Recruit JiuJik Others AM730 Journals/Publicationsof ProfessionalInstitutes PTI104 (05/2016)

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