Zhengzhou Whirlston Trade Co.,Ltd Zhengzhou Whirlston Trade Co.,Ltd 1.Established on Year Already has been Alibaba's Gold Supplier for 3years.

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Zhengzhou Whirlston Trade Co.,Ltd Zhengzhou Whirlston Trade Co.,Ltd 1.Established on Year 2003. 2.Already has been Alibaba's Gold Supplier for 3years. 3.With oversea sales more than 50people. Major product 1.Wood/Animal feed pellet production line wood splitter,wood chipping machine,wood crusher,hammer mill,hot airflow type dryer,rotary dryer,pellet mill,cooling machine,vibration screener,packing machine,belt conveyor,screw conveyor,elevator,etc. 2.Biomass briquette production line wood splitter,wood chippping machine,wood crusher,hammer mill,hotairflow type dryer,rotary dryer,biomass briquette machine,packing machine,belt conveyor,screw conveyor,etc. 1

Zhengzhou Whirlston Trade Co.,Ltd Briquette machine introduction: It is one kind of processing equipment that can compress the agricultural or forestry waste into briquettes with smaller volume and bigger density through milling,dedusting,compressing and forming process. The briquetting of biomass material can be easy for storage and transportion,the combustion value of straw briquettes increased more than 10times.Its heat production and value are close to coal briquettes,so the biomass briquettes can be the substitute for energy production. 2

Apply for Agro.waste 1. corn straw, rice hull, peanut hull, sawdust 2. maize straw, wheat straw, cotton straw,rice straw, peanuts shell, corn cob 3. bean stalk,wheat stalk,corn stalk,cotton stalks,sunflower stalks,mustard stalk,rice stalks,coffee husk,cotton shell,peanut shell,rice shell,coconut shell. 4. Other agricultural waste. Apply for Forestry waste 1. branch, leaf, sawdust 2. livestock and poultry's waste,tea waste,tea waste,forestry wastes,forestry wastes,wood chips and many other organic waste. 3. wood waste,scobs,branch,palm tree,sugarcane residue,sawdust,medical slag,hay,discarded edible fungus bags. 4. Other forestry waste. 3

WTRM Series Specification: 1. The machine can produce a special coal (High efficiency fuel) with many kinds of agriculture waste as raw material, such as corn straw, rice hull, peanut hull, sawdust and so on. 2. at the same time the material own low adhesion rate and it's easy to forming. The heat quantity caused by burning this fuel is equivalent to coal, and moreover, the quantity of carbon dioxide in smoke dust, especially the quantity of sulfur dioxide. 3. The cost is much lower than coal.the finished product mainly used as fuel in furnace,boiler and power plant, the clinker after burning was directly used as fertilizer. 4. It is especially confirmed to the world market of renewable compression biomass energy demand.it's aiso a kind of green energy machine which can satisfied world's needs. Model Capacity Power Pellet size FOBQingdao Remark WTRM-36 800~1200kg/h 22kw 30mm USD7250 with belt conveyor WTRM-56 1800~2200kg/h 30kw 30mm USD8150 with belt conveyor 4

WTRM series products sample Biomass briquette fuel s feature: Small volume,covenient of resistant to burn,storage and transporation, volume is only 1/30 of the straw stalk,its density is 0.9~1.4g/cm3 can reach calorific value 3500~5500 calories,is high volatile between a solid fuel. used as fuel in furnace,boiler and power plant, the clinker after burning was directly used as fertilizer. a gree fuel More pics 5

WYYCB Series Specification: 1. With CE standard electric cabninet. 2. Briquetting is a process during which biomass is compressed under high pressure and high temperature. 3. The self bonding of biomass to form a briquette involves the thermo-plastic flow of the biomass. The lignin content that forms naturally in biomass is liberated under high pressure and temperature. Lignin serves as the glue in the briquetting process, thus no artificial binder need to be used. 4. So the ouput briquette is a type of clean and green fuel that is ideal for use in furnaces, boilers and open fires. Model Capacity Power Pellet size FOBQingdao WYYCB116(with gearbox) 180~220kg/h 11+6kw 30~50mm USD3700 WYYCB156 180~220kg/h 15+6kw 30~50mm USD3450 WYYCB229 350~420kg/h 22+9kw 60~80mm USD5550 6

WYYCB116 with gearbox WYYCB156 WYYCB229 gearbox without gearbox WYYCB229 7

WYYCB Series products sample: More pics: 8

WFRCB Series Specification: 1. Briquetting is a process during which biomass is compressed under high pressure and high temperature. 2. The self bonding of biomass to form a briquette involves the thermo-plastic flow of the biomass. The lignin content that forms naturally in biomass is liberated under high pressure and temperature. Lignin serves as the glue in the briquetting process, thus no artificial binder need to be used. 3. So the ouput briquette is a type of clean and green fuel that is ideal for use in furnaces, boilers and open fires. Model Capacity Power Pellet size FOBQingdao WFRCB110 100~150kg/h 11kw 30~50mm USD2385 WFRCB150 150~200kg/h 15kw 30~50mm USD2750 WFRCB185 200~300kg/h 18.5kw 60~80mm USD4800 9

WFRCB Series products sample: More pics: 10

Zhengzhou Whirlston Trade Co.,Ltd Room A510,SuoKe YuFa Building,JingLiu road,jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China Tel: 0086-371-65992868 Fax: 0086-371-65956636 Contact: Cyndy Fan (sales manager) Cell phone: 0086-15039073502 MSN ID: cyndy12@live.cn Skype: cyndy12 Email: cyndy@whirlston.com.cn Http: //whirlston.en.alibaba.com 11