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THE INSTALLING INSTRUCTION FOR CONCEALED TANK Important instuction:.. Please confirm the structure and shape before installing the toilet bowl. Meanwhile measure the exact size H between outfall and infall of toilet bowl so as to serve in subsequent installation... Please confirm the FFL according to overall fitment FFL FFL arrangement indoor. Line out the FFL on the wall and 0 always regard FFL as datum line of 0 height. (). Note: () please install the cistern before paving the bricks. The dimensional unit is millimeter. (). ()Take backwards drain pattern ceramic as an (). example in this instruction ()please subject to the object as right if it is not in conformity with the components in picture. FFL 0 FFL 0 Finished Floor Level Main fittings and function list: 6 5 7 8 9 Straight flush pipe of this product is offered with two kinds of seal gaskets A.B which can be selected according to toilet bowl type during installation. A B NO. NAME QTY FUNCTION Protection cover To prevent sundries falling into the tank when fitment Protection frame For space reservation of push button plate when building the wall Tank components To load of water and the other accessories 5 Fixing sheet Explosure bolts components 8 To adjust and fix the components of tank To fix the tank components 6 Screw components To connect the fixing sheet and the tank 7 8 9 0 Curved drain pipe components Plug for curved pipe Straight flush pipe components Angle valve To connect tank and toilet bowl To reserve space for straight flush pipe when building the wall To connect the tank and toilet bowl and to fill up the distance to wall On-off For Filling Water

Installation method: Choose installing method or according to request of fitment design and the method of the Fixing sheet on the tank. Method Method Side elevation Main view Main wall 00-0 This dimention is suggested within00-0 80 Thickness of tank is 80 80 G/ 000 95 Decorated wall 55 585-75 L backwards drain outlet L FFL 0 downwards drain outlet x 78 max.-50 Backwards drainage: please adjust the distance of L according to the real size of toilet bowl. Please refer to the instruction of toilet bowl installation. Downwards drainage: please make sure the size of L according to the instruction of toilet bowl installation. 0

The Installation Manual: L(max.50mm) 000 Click L=X-H H X 0 ca.50 ca.00 000 ca.600 ca.50 ca.00

5 6 0 70mm 0 70mm 0 70mm 0 70mm 7 8 Method Method

9 0 9 Important remind: When the concealed tank fixed completely, it is important to test leaking with water upon hours before fixing wall.

max. mm max. mm 0-60mm Installation of toilet bowl:. Extract the plug for curved pipe out, insert the straight flush pipe into the curved drain pipe till the end, and then mark on connecting line of wall and straight flush pipe.. Insert the straight flush pipe into the toilet bowl till the end, and then mark on the connecting line of straight flush pipe and toilet bowl back-end.

5 6 5. 5. 5.

5. 5. 5. A B A B The tank fittings have been installed before leaving factory. The above sketches are only for reference. All data contained is based upon the last product information available at the time of publication. We reserves the right to implement changes of product characteristics, packaging and availability at any time without further notice. TOTO (CHINA) CO., LTD. After Service Free Tel: 800-80-9787 Mobile telephone:00-80-9787