SHARON, OLAND, CANON, SNAD 1. (N 2 ) (NH 3 ) (NO - 3 ) N 2 NH 3 NH 3 NH 3 NH 3 NH 3 (nitrification) (denitrification) An

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Transcription: SHARON, OLAND, CANON, SNAD 1. (N 2 ) (NH 3 ) (NO - 3 ) N 2 NH 3 NH 3 NH 3 NH 3 NH 3 (nitrification) (denitrification) 2. 2.1 Anammox / 1965 ( anammox bacteria) Broda (1977) 1985 anammox anammox (Planctomycete) (Strous et al., 1999a)

Strou et al. (1998) anammox Eq. 1 1 1.32 1.02 0.26 0.066 anammox NH 4 + + 1.32NO 2 - + 0.066HCO 3 - + 0.13H + 1.02N 2 + 0.26NO 3 - + 0.066CH 2 O 0.5 N 0.15 + 2.03H 2 O Eq.1 anammox Eq. 1 (Kuenen, 2008) Anammox (fixed bed) (fluidized bed) (sequencing batch reactor, SBR) (Strous et al., 1997b; Strous et al., 1998) SBR anammox (doubling time) 11 30 (Graaf et al., 1996) SBR 90 anammox anammox SBR Anammox 0.5 anammox (Strous et al., 1997a) Anammox 20-43 o C 35-40 o C Anammox 45 o C anammox (Dosta et al., 2008) 2.2 Anammox Anammox anammox (Graaf et al., 1995) (hydroxylamine, NH 2 OH) (hydrazine, N 2 H 4 ) HAO anammox NR HH HZO (Jetten et al., 1999; Jetten et al., 2001) anammoxosome anammox anammoxosome anammox HZO

2.3 Anammox 1997 Jetten Strous anammox (Strous et al., 1997a; Storus et al., 1997b; Jetten et al., 1997) Third anammox anammox (Third et al., 2005) Chamchoi and Nitisoravut (2007) UASB anammox 80 Anammox 1 (Strous et al., 1999b) 1 Anammox 1.1 - / - 0.07 - / - 70 / 20-43 O C ph 6.7-8.3 ph 0.6 - / - 50 - / Anammox anammox anammox anammox 1 anammox anammox anammox 0.7-0.8 1 Anammox Anammox (Wang et al., 2010)

2.4 Anammox Anammox single reactor system for high ammonium removal over nitrite (SHARON) oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification-denitrification process (OLAND) completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite in one single reactor (CANON) simultaneous partial nitrification, Anammox and denitrification (SNAD) OLAND CANON 2.4.1 SHARON Anammox 1.32 (Eq.1) Jetten et al., (1997) SHARON 0.5 (Eq. 2) anammox / NH + 4 -N 4.6 SHARON anammox 1.7 SHRON Anammox (Star et al., 2007) NH 4 + +1.5O 2 NO 2 - +H 2 O+2H + Eq.2 SHARON anammox SHARON SHARON (sludge retention time, SRT) 15 o C ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) (Hellinga et al., 1998) SRT AOB SHARON 35 o C AOB 10-100 mg/l NOB 1-10 mg/l 10-100 mg/l AOB NOB 0.2-0.5 mg/l (Schmidt et al., 2003) SHARON

2.4.2 OLAND OLAND (Kuai and Verstraete, 1998) OLAND (aerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria, AerAOB) (anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria, AnAOB) AerAOB AOB AnAOB anammox AerAOB AnAOB Eq. 3 Eq. 4 1.32NH + 4 +1.98O 2 1.32NO - 2 +1.32H 2 O+2.64H + Eq. 3 NH + 4 +1.32NO 2 +0.13H + 0.26NO - 3 +1.02N 2 +2.03H 2 O Eq. 4 anammox anammox OLAND anammox 0.5% (Strous et al., 1997a) OLAND anammox 2.4.3 CANON Third et al. (2001) completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite in one single reactor (CANON) SBR CANON Eq. 5 CANON anammox OLAND CANON CANON Anammox (Third et al., 2001; Third et al., 2005; Sliekers et al., 2002) CANON (Sliekers et al., 2003) NH 4 + +0.85O 2 +0.028HCO 3-0.44N 2 +0.11NO 3 - +0.028CH 2 O 0.5 H 0.15 +1.44H 2 O+1.08H + Eq. 5 CANON AOB anammox AOB AOB anammox CANON CANON

CANON CANON SBR 0.6 kg-n/m 3 /day 2.4.4 SNAD CANON CANON SRT Anammox CANON SNAD (Simultaneous partial Nitrification, Anammox and Denitrification) (Chen et al.,2009; Wang et al., 2010) Chen et al. (2009) SNAD CANON C/N 0.5 SNAD (COD) 80 COD 30 (Wang et al., 2010) 2.4.5 anammox SHARON CANON OLAND SNAD 2 (Schmidt et al., 2003)

2 (Schmidt et al., 2003) Conventional* Anammox SHARON CANON SNAD AOB Exist Absent Exist Exist Exist NOB Exist Absent Absent Exist Exist Anammox Absent Exist Exist Exist Exist Denitrifying bacteria Exist Absent Absent Absent Exist Ammonium loading (kg N/m 3 ) 2-8 10-20 0.5-1.5 2-3 0.5-0.7 N-removal efficiency 95% 90% 90% 90% 99% Application status Established Full scale plant Full scal plant Laboratory Full scale plant Investment cost Medium Low Medium Medium Medium Operational cost High Very low Low Low Low *nitrification and denitrification

3. Anammox 3.1 Anammox 1995 anammox (Mulder et al., 1995; Graaf et al., 1995) (attached) (suspended) anammox (fluidized bed reactor) (Mulder et al., 1995; Graaf et al., 1995; Strous et al., 1997b) (rotating biological contactor, RBC) (Egli et al., 2001) (gas-lift reactor) (Sliekers et al., 2003; Dapena-Mora et al., 2004) anammox washout Strous anammox SBR (Strous et al., 1998) anammox SBR (Strous et al., 1998; Third et al., 2001; Sliekers et al., 2002) SBR anammox (Fujii et al., 2002; Furukawa et al., 2003; Sumino et al., 2006) anammox MBR (Membrane BioReactor) SBR MSBR (membrane sequencing batch reactor) (Trigo et al., 2006) Fux et al. (2002) pilot scale 2.5 m 3 90 anammox anammox 70 m 3 750 kg-n/d (Abma et al., 2007; Star et al., 2007) (Mulder et al., 2001; Kempen et al., 2001) 500 m 3 340 kg-n/d ph ph (Wett, 2007) SNAD 400 m 3 180 kg-n/d (Wang et al., 2010) / anammox 2 (Fux et al., 2002) 2 / 1.9 anammox 40 1 / anammox (21.4/3.1) 57 g COD anammox / 60%

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