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此推銷刊物旨在香港派發, 並不能詮釋為在香港境外提呈銷售 游說購買或提供任何香港永明金融有限公司的產品 有關釋義 完整的條款及細則及除外責任的詳情, 請參閱保單文件樣本 我們將應您要求提供有關文件 如果此推銷刊物與保單文件內容不符, 則以保單文件為準 香港永明金融有限公司 ( 於百慕達註冊成立 ) 理財軒 香港九龍廣東道 15 號港威大廈 永明金融大樓 8 樓 客戶服務熱線 :2103 8928 傳真 :2103 8938 www.sunlife.com.hk 9010240 - C / 09-2017 永明金融集團成員之一總公司設於加拿大多倫多 2017 年 9 月編印由香港永明金融有限公司刊發

SunHealth Medical Premier - Premium Table (HKD) 永明滿心醫療保 保費表 ( 港元 ) Annual Premium Table for Basic Plan/Rider Benefit 基本計劃 / 附加保障之每年保費表 Age 年齡 Worldwide 環球 Worldwide excluding the US 環球不包括美國 Annual Deductible 每年墊底費 0 20,000 50,000 80,000 0 20,000 50,000 80,000 0 20,000 50,000 80,000 0 18,325 10,063 8,626 7,609 11,829 5,973 5,459 5,152 9,499 5,553 5,086 4,722 1 17,940 9,718 8,464 7,471 11,770 5,963 5,451 5,128 9,481 5,424 4,970 4,617 2 17,555 9,373 8,303 7,332 11,710 5,952 5,443 5,104 9,464 5,294 4,854 4,512 3 17,170 9,028 8,141 7,193 11,651 5,941 5,435 5,079 9,447 5,165 4,739 4,407 4 16,785 8,683 7,980 7,054 11,591 5,930 5,428 5,055 9,429 5,035 4,623 4,302 5 16,400 8,338 7,819 6,915 11,532 5,919 5,420 5,031 9,412 4,906 4,508 4,197 6 16,462 8,357 7,708 6,815 11,380 5,856 5,387 5,020 9,324 4,897 4,479 4,167 7 16,523 8,376 7,597 6,714 11,227 5,793 5,354 5,009 9,237 4,888 4,451 4,138 8 16,584 8,395 7,486 6,613 11,075 5,730 5,321 4,998 9,149 4,880 4,422 4,109 9 16,645 8,414 7,376 6,512 10,923 5,667 5,289 4,987 9,061 4,871 4,394 4,080 10 16,707 8,433 7,265 6,411 10,771 5,604 5,256 4,976 8,973 4,862 4,365 4,050 11 16,768 8,452 7,154 6,310 10,619 5,541 5,223 4,965 8,886 4,853 4,337 4,021 12 16,829 8,471 7,043 6,210 10,467 5,478 5,190 4,954 8,798 4,845 4,308 3,992 13 16,890 8,490 6,933 6,109 10,315 5,415 5,157 4,943 8,710 4,836 4,280 3,962 14 16,952 8,509 6,822 6,008 10,163 5,352 5,124 4,932 8,623 4,827 4,251 3,933 15 17,013 8,528 6,711 5,907 10,011 5,289 5,091 4,921 8,535 4,819 4,223 3,904 16 17,245 8,671 6,888 6,061 10,253 5,401 5,178 5,004 8,738 4,894 4,340 4,012 17 17,476 8,814 7,064 6,215 10,495 5,513 5,265 5,088 8,941 4,969 4,457 4,120 18 17,708 8,957 7,241 6,369 10,737 5,624 5,352 5,171 9,145 5,044 4,574 4,228 19 17,939 9,101 7,417 6,523 10,979 5,736 5,440 5,254 9,348 5,119 4,691 4,336 20 18,171 9,244 7,594 6,677 11,222 5,847 5,527 5,338 9,551 5,194 4,808 4,444 21 18,402 9,387 7,770 6,831 11,464 5,959 5,614 5,421 9,754 5,269 4,925 4,552 22 18,634 9,530 7,947 6,985 11,706 6,070 5,701 5,504 9,958 5,345 5,042 4,660 23 18,866 9,673 8,123 7,139 11,948 6,182 5,788 5,587 10,161 5,420 5,159 4,768 24 19,097 9,816 8,300 7,293 12,191 6,293 5,875 5,671 10,364 5,495 5,276 4,876 25 19,329 9,959 8,477 7,447 12,433 6,405 5,962 5,754 10,567 5,570 5,393 4,984 26 20,084 10,345 8,795 7,721 12,932 6,619 6,136 5,892 10,989 5,786 5,553 5,130 27 20,840 10,732 9,114 7,995 13,431 6,834 6,311 6,029 11,410 6,002 5,714 5,276 28 21,596 11,118 9,433 8,268 13,930 7,048 6,486 6,167 11,831 6,219 5,875 5,422 29 22,351 11,504 9,752 8,542 14,429 7,263 6,661 6,304 12,252 6,435 6,035 5,568 30 23,107 11,890 10,070 8,815 14,928 7,477 6,835 6,442 12,673 6,651 6,196 5,714 31 23,863 12,276 10,389 9,089 15,428 7,692 7,010 6,580 13,094 6,867 6,356 5,860 32 24,618 12,663 10,708 9,363 15,927 7,906 7,185 6,717 13,516 7,084 6,517 6,006 33 25,374 13,049 11,027 9,636 16,426 8,121 7,359 6,855 13,937 7,300 6,678 6,152 34 26,130 13,435 11,345 9,910 16,925 8,335 7,534 6,993 14,358 7,516 6,838 6,298 35 26,885 13,821 11,664 10,183 17,424 8,549 7,709 7,130 14,779 7,732 6,999 6,444 36 27,625 14,226 11,990 10,457 17,912 8,775 7,929 7,322 15,187 7,923 7,161 6,611 37 28,365 14,631 12,316 10,730 18,401 9,000 8,148 7,513 15,595 8,113 7,323 6,778 38 29,105 15,036 12,642 11,003 18,889 9,226 8,368 7,705 16,003 8,303 7,486 6,945 39 29,845 15,441 12,968 11,277 19,378 9,452 8,588 7,896 16,411 8,494 7,648 7,112 40 30,584 15,846 13,294 11,550 19,866 9,677 8,808 8,088 16,818 8,684 7,810 7,279 41 31,324 16,251 13,620 11,823 20,354 9,903 9,028 8,279 17,226 8,874 7,972 7,445 42 32,064 16,656 13,946 12,097 20,843 10,128 9,248 8,471 17,634 9,065 8,135 7,612 43 32,804 17,060 14,272 12,370 21,331 10,354 9,468 8,663 18,042 9,255 8,297 7,779 44 33,543 17,465 14,598 12,643 21,820 10,579 9,687 8,854 18,450 9,445 8,459 7,946 45 34,283 17,870 14,924 12,917 22,308 10,805 9,907 9,046 18,857 9,636 8,621 8,113 46 36,502 18,948 15,807 13,670 23,769 11,518 10,482 9,554 20,078 10,250 9,150 8,558 47 38,720 20,026 16,689 14,422 25,229 12,232 11,057 10,062 21,299 10,865 9,678 9,003 48 40,939 21,104 17,572 15,175 26,690 12,945 11,631 10,570 22,521 11,479 10,206 9,448 49 43,157 22,182 18,455 15,928 28,151 13,659 12,206 11,078 23,742 12,093 10,734 9,893 Asia 亞洲 Remarks 備註 : Premiums are not guaranteed and may be revised to reflect actual experience (e.g. claim experience, medical inflation, and benefit changes) over time. The above annual premium table is for reference only and is subject to change by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited from time to time without notice. 保費並非保證不變及有可能因反映實際經驗 ( 例如 : 賠償經驗 醫療費用上漲及保障改變 ) 而不時作出調整 以上之每年保費表只供參考, 並由香港永明金融有限公司不時作出變動而不另作通知

SunHealth Medical Premier - Premium Table (HKD) 永明滿心醫療保 保費表 ( 港元 ) Annual Premium Table for Basic Plan/Rider Benefit 基本計劃 / 附加保障之每年保費表 Age 年齡 Worldwide 環球 Worldwide excluding the US 環球不包括美國 Annual Deductible 每年墊底費 0 20,000 50,000 80,000 0 20,000 50,000 80,000 0 20,000 50,000 80,000 50 45,376 23,260 19,337 16,681 29,611 14,372 12,781 11,586 24,963 12,708 11,262 10,339 51 47,594 24,338 20,220 17,434 31,072 15,086 13,355 12,094 26,184 13,322 11,790 10,784 52 49,813 25,415 21,102 18,186 32,533 15,800 13,930 12,602 27,405 13,936 12,318 11,229 53 52,031 26,493 21,985 18,939 33,993 16,513 14,505 13,111 28,626 14,551 12,846 11,674 54 54,250 27,571 22,867 19,692 35,454 17,227 15,079 13,619 29,847 15,165 13,375 12,119 55 56,468 28,649 23,750 20,445 36,915 17,940 15,654 14,127 31,068 15,780 13,903 12,564 56 61,219 30,906 25,630 22,060 39,802 19,141 16,720 15,085 33,230 16,876 14,861 13,530 57 65,971 33,163 27,510 23,675 42,690 20,342 17,787 16,043 35,392 17,972 15,819 14,496 58 70,722 35,420 29,389 25,289 45,577 21,542 18,853 17,001 37,554 19,068 16,777 15,462 59 75,473 37,677 31,269 26,904 48,464 22,743 19,920 17,959 39,716 20,164 17,734 16,428 60 80,224 39,934 33,149 28,519 51,352 23,944 20,986 18,917 41,878 21,260 18,692 17,394 61 84,976 42,191 35,029 30,134 54,239 25,145 22,052 19,875 44,040 22,356 19,650 18,359 62 89,727 44,449 36,909 31,749 57,127 26,345 23,119 20,833 46,202 23,453 20,608 19,325 63 94,478 46,706 38,789 33,363 60,014 27,546 24,185 21,791 48,364 24,549 21,566 20,291 64 99,229 48,963 40,669 34,978 62,901 28,747 25,252 22,749 50,526 25,645 22,524 21,257 65 103,980 51,220 42,549 36,593 65,789 29,947 26,318 23,707 52,688 26,741 23,482 22,223 66 109,491 53,941 44,821 38,553 69,093 31,456 27,653 24,914 55,040 27,939 24,542 23,231 67 115,175 56,746 47,162 40,569 72,523 33,040 29,056 26,183 57,492 29,204 25,664 24,297 68 121,024 59,629 49,568 42,644 76,085 34,671 30,501 27,488 60,042 30,507 26,819 25,393 69 127,032 62,601 52,054 44,785 79,780 36,364 32,000 28,844 62,695 31,864 28,020 26,532 70 133,201 65,656 54,607 46,967 83,605 38,112 33,544 30,216 65,444 33,263 29,255 27,683 71 139,514 68,791 57,231 49,236 87,569 39,924 35,147 31,668 68,301 34,719 30,542 28,909 72 145,973 71,993 59,913 51,553 91,674 41,804 36,810 33,175 71,273 36,238 31,886 30,188 73 152,568 75,272 62,659 53,930 95,918 43,757 38,541 34,745 74,358 37,821 33,289 31,527 74 159,292 78,612 65,458 56,349 100,306 45,767 40,322 36,360 77,556 39,456 34,736 32,907 75 166,137 81,991 68,283 58,772 104,838 47,846 42,162 38,010 80,869 41,151 36,236 34,318 76 173,085 85,451 71,204 61,308 109,514 49,991 44,063 39,750 84,303 42,910 37,793 35,818 77 180,136 88,953 74,133 63,841 114,344 52,206 46,025 41,526 87,849 44,715 39,382 37,325 78 187,273 92,470 77,056 66,369 119,322 54,513 48,072 43,381 91,509 46,578 41,023 38,880 79 194,487 96,069 80,083 68,982 124,452 56,844 50,133 45,243 95,286 48,500 42,716 40,485 80 201,755 99,659 83,096 71,559 129,703 59,242 52,248 47,152 99,179 50,481 44,461 42,139 81 209,062 103,294 86,158 74,201 135,072 61,694 54,411 49,103 103,191 52,524 46,260 43,843 82 216,405 106,970 89,258 76,867 140,555 64,199 56,620 51,097 107,325 54,628 48,113 45,600 83 223,746 110,599 92,286 79,475 146,147 66,753 58,872 53,130 111,581 56,794 50,021 47,408 84 231,068 114,218 95,306 82,076 151,845 69,356 61,168 55,201 115,961 59,024 51,985 49,269 85 238,352 117,818 98,310 84,663 157,644 72,004 63,503 57,309 120,468 61,317 54,005 51,184 86 245,579 121,391 101,291 87,230 163,538 74,696 65,878 59,452 125,102 63,676 56,082 53,153 87 252,732 124,926 104,241 89,771 169,522 77,429 68,288 61,627 129,863 66,100 58,217 55,176 88 259,789 128,415 107,152 92,277 175,589 80,201 70,732 63,833 134,753 68,589 60,409 57,253 89 266,731 131,846 110,015 94,743 181,732 83,007 73,207 66,066 139,775 71,144 62,660 59,387 90 273,538 135,211 112,823 97,161 187,946 85,845 75,710 68,325 144,928 73,767 64,970 61,576 91 280,191 138,500 115,567 99,524 194,342 89,167 78,934 71,237 150,638 76,674 67,530 64,002 92 286,670 141,702 118,239 101,826 200,966 92,264 81,711 73,752 156,071 79,923 70,736 67,061 93 292,954 144,808 120,831 104,058 207,215 95,192 84,340 76,135 161,236 82,623 73,157 69,363 94 299,026 147,810 123,335 106,214 213,037 97,926 86,801 78,366 166,088 85,164 75,440 71,536 95 304,864 150,696 125,743 108,288 218,392 100,444 89,073 80,427 170,601 87,529 77,569 73,562 96 310,450 153,457 128,047 110,272 223,223 102,728 91,137 82,301 174,717 89,695 79,524 75,424 97 315,765 156,084 130,239 112,160 227,495 104,752 92,975 83,969 178,412 91,647 81,290 77,108 98 320,793 158,569 132,313 113,946 231,168 106,504 94,570 85,422 181,653 93,367 82,852 78,597 99 325,516 160,904 134,261 115,624 234,212 107,965 95,909 86,641 184,415 94,836 84,194 79,878 Asia 亞洲 Remarks 備註 : Premiums are not guaranteed and may be revised to reflect actual experience (e.g. claim experience, medical inflation, and benefit changes) over time. The above annual premium table is for reference only and is subject to change by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited from time to time without notice. 保費並非保證不變及有可能因反映實際經驗 ( 例如 : 賠償經驗 醫療費用上漲及保障改變 ) 而不時作出調整 以上之每年保費表只供參考, 並由香港永明金融有限公司不時作出變動而不另作通知

SunHealth Medical Premier - Premium Table (USD) 永明滿心醫療保 保費表 ( 美元 ) Annual Premium Table for Basic Plan/Rider Benefit 基本計劃 / 附加保障之每年保費表 Age 年齡 Worldwide 環球 Worldwide excluding the US 環球不包括美國 Annual Deductible 每年墊底費 0 2,500 6,250 10,000 0 2,500 6,250 10,000 0 2,500 6,250 10,000 0 2,291 1,258 1,079 952 1,479 747 683 644 1,188 695 636 591 1 2,243 1,215 1,058 934 1,472 746 682 641 1,186 678 622 578 2 2,195 1,172 1,038 917 1,464 744 681 638 1,183 662 607 564 3 2,147 1,129 1,018 900 1,457 743 680 635 1,181 646 593 551 4 2,099 1,086 998 882 1,449 742 679 632 1,179 630 578 538 5 2,050 1,043 978 865 1,442 740 678 629 1,177 614 564 525 6 2,058 1,045 964 852 1,423 732 674 628 1,166 613 560 521 7 2,066 1,047 950 840 1,404 725 670 627 1,155 611 557 518 8 2,073 1,050 936 827 1,385 717 666 625 1,144 610 553 514 9 2,081 1,052 922 814 1,366 709 662 624 1,133 609 550 510 10 2,089 1,055 909 802 1,347 701 657 622 1,122 608 546 507 11 2,096 1,057 895 789 1,328 693 653 621 1,111 607 543 503 12 2,104 1,059 881 777 1,309 685 649 620 1,100 606 539 499 13 2,112 1,062 867 764 1,290 677 645 618 1,089 605 535 496 14 2,119 1,064 853 751 1,271 669 641 617 1,078 604 532 492 15 2,127 1,066 839 739 1,252 662 637 616 1,067 603 528 488 16 2,156 1,084 861 758 1,282 676 648 626 1,093 612 543 502 17 2,185 1,102 883 777 1,312 690 659 636 1,118 622 558 515 18 2,214 1,120 906 797 1,343 703 669 647 1,144 631 572 529 19 2,243 1,138 928 816 1,373 717 680 657 1,169 640 587 542 20 2,272 1,156 950 835 1,403 731 691 668 1,194 650 601 556 21 2,301 1,174 972 854 1,433 745 702 678 1,220 659 616 569 22 2,330 1,192 994 874 1,464 759 713 688 1,245 669 631 583 23 2,359 1,210 1,016 893 1,494 773 724 699 1,271 678 645 596 24 2,388 1,227 1,038 912 1,524 787 735 709 1,296 687 660 610 25 2,417 1,245 1,060 931 1,555 801 746 720 1,321 697 675 623 26 2,511 1,294 1,100 966 1,617 828 767 737 1,374 724 695 642 27 2,605 1,342 1,140 1,000 1,679 855 789 754 1,427 751 715 660 28 2,700 1,390 1,180 1,034 1,742 881 811 771 1,479 778 735 678 29 2,794 1,438 1,219 1,068 1,804 908 833 788 1,532 805 755 696 30 2,889 1,487 1,259 1,102 1,866 935 855 806 1,585 832 775 715 31 2,983 1,535 1,299 1,137 1,929 962 877 823 1,637 859 795 733 32 3,078 1,583 1,339 1,171 1,991 989 899 840 1,690 886 815 751 33 3,172 1,632 1,379 1,205 2,054 1,016 920 857 1,743 913 835 769 34 3,267 1,680 1,419 1,239 2,116 1,042 942 875 1,795 940 855 788 35 3,361 1,728 1,458 1,273 2,178 1,069 964 892 1,848 967 875 806 36 3,454 1,779 1,499 1,308 2,239 1,097 992 916 1,899 991 896 827 37 3,546 1,829 1,540 1,342 2,301 1,125 1,019 940 1,950 1,015 916 848 38 3,639 1,880 1,581 1,376 2,362 1,154 1,046 964 2,001 1,038 936 869 39 3,731 1,931 1,621 1,410 2,423 1,182 1,074 987 2,052 1,062 956 889 40 3,823 1,981 1,662 1,444 2,484 1,210 1,101 1,011 2,103 1,086 977 910 41 3,916 2,032 1,703 1,478 2,545 1,238 1,129 1,035 2,154 1,110 997 931 42 4,008 2,082 1,744 1,513 2,606 1,266 1,156 1,059 2,205 1,134 1,017 952 43 4,101 2,133 1,784 1,547 2,667 1,295 1,184 1,083 2,256 1,157 1,038 973 44 4,193 2,184 1,825 1,581 2,728 1,323 1,211 1,107 2,307 1,181 1,058 994 45 4,286 2,234 1,866 1,615 2,789 1,351 1,239 1,131 2,358 1,205 1,078 1,015 46 4,563 2,369 1,976 1,709 2,972 1,440 1,311 1,195 2,510 1,282 1,144 1,070 47 4,840 2,504 2,087 1,803 3,154 1,529 1,383 1,258 2,663 1,359 1,210 1,126 48 5,118 2,638 2,197 1,897 3,337 1,619 1,454 1,322 2,816 1,435 1,276 1,181 49 5,395 2,773 2,307 1,991 3,519 1,708 1,526 1,385 2,968 1,512 1,342 1,237 Asia 亞洲 Remarks 備註 : Premiums are not guaranteed and may be revised to reflect actual experience (e.g. claim experience, medical inflation, and benefit changes) over time. The above annual premium table is for reference only and is subject to change by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited from time to time without notice. 保費並非保證不變及有可能因反映實際經驗 ( 例如 : 賠償經驗 醫療費用上漲及保障改變 ) 而不時作出調整 以上之每年保費表只供參考, 並由香港永明金融有限公司不時作出變動而不另作通知

SunHealth Medical Premier - Premium Table (USD) 永明滿心醫療保 保費表 ( 美元 ) Annual Premium Table for Basic Plan/Rider Benefit 基本計劃 / 附加保障之每年保費表 Age 年齡 Worldwide 環球 Worldwide excluding the US 環球不包括美國 Annual Deductible 每年墊底費 0 2,500 6,250 10,000 0 2,500 6,250 10,000 0 2,500 6,250 10,000 50 5,672 2,908 2,418 2,086 3,702 1,797 1,598 1,449 3,121 1,589 1,408 1,293 51 5,950 3,043 2,528 2,180 3,884 1,886 1,670 1,512 3,273 1,666 1,474 1,348 52 6,227 3,177 2,638 2,274 4,067 1,975 1,742 1,576 3,426 1,742 1,540 1,404 53 6,504 3,312 2,749 2,368 4,250 2,065 1,814 1,639 3,579 1,819 1,606 1,460 54 6,782 3,447 2,859 2,462 4,432 2,154 1,885 1,703 3,731 1,896 1,672 1,515 55 7,059 3,582 2,969 2,556 4,615 2,243 1,957 1,766 3,884 1,973 1,738 1,571 56 7,653 3,864 3,204 2,758 4,976 2,393 2,090 1,886 4,154 2,110 1,858 1,692 57 8,247 4,146 3,439 2,960 5,337 2,543 2,224 2,006 4,424 2,247 1,978 1,812 58 8,841 4,428 3,674 3,162 5,698 2,693 2,357 2,126 4,695 2,384 2,098 1,933 59 9,435 4,710 3,909 3,363 6,058 2,843 2,490 2,245 4,965 2,521 2,217 2,054 60 10,028 4,992 4,144 3,565 6,419 2,993 2,624 2,365 5,235 2,658 2,337 2,175 61 10,622 5,274 4,379 3,767 6,780 3,144 2,757 2,485 5,505 2,795 2,457 2,295 62 11,216 5,557 4,614 3,969 7,141 3,294 2,890 2,605 5,776 2,932 2,576 2,416 63 11,810 5,839 4,849 4,171 7,502 3,444 3,024 2,724 6,046 3,069 2,696 2,537 64 12,404 6,121 5,084 4,373 7,863 3,594 3,157 2,844 6,316 3,206 2,816 2,658 65 12,998 6,403 5,319 4,575 8,224 3,744 3,290 2,964 6,586 3,343 2,936 2,778 66 13,687 6,743 5,603 4,820 8,637 3,932 3,457 3,115 6,880 3,493 3,068 2,904 67 14,397 7,094 5,896 5,072 9,066 4,130 3,632 3,273 7,187 3,651 3,208 3,038 68 15,128 7,454 6,196 5,331 9,511 4,334 3,813 3,436 7,506 3,814 3,353 3,175 69 15,879 7,826 6,507 5,599 9,973 4,546 4,000 3,606 7,837 3,983 3,503 3,317 70 16,651 8,207 6,826 5,871 10,451 4,764 4,193 3,777 8,181 4,158 3,657 3,461 71 17,440 8,599 7,154 6,155 10,947 4,991 4,394 3,959 8,538 4,340 3,818 3,614 72 18,247 9,000 7,490 6,445 11,460 5,226 4,602 4,147 8,910 4,530 3,986 3,774 73 19,071 9,409 7,833 6,742 11,990 5,470 4,818 4,344 9,295 4,728 4,162 3,941 74 19,912 9,827 8,183 7,044 12,539 5,721 5,041 4,545 9,695 4,932 4,342 4,114 75 20,768 10,249 8,536 7,347 13,105 5,981 5,271 4,752 10,109 5,144 4,530 4,290 76 21,636 10,682 8,901 7,664 13,690 6,249 5,508 4,969 10,538 5,364 4,725 4,478 77 22,517 11,120 9,267 7,981 14,293 6,526 5,754 5,191 10,982 5,590 4,923 4,666 78 23,410 11,559 9,632 8,297 14,916 6,815 6,009 5,423 11,439 5,823 5,128 4,860 79 24,311 12,009 10,011 8,623 15,557 7,106 6,267 5,656 11,911 6,063 5,340 5,061 80 25,220 12,458 10,387 8,945 16,213 7,406 6,531 5,894 12,398 6,311 5,558 5,268 81 26,133 12,912 10,770 9,276 16,884 7,712 6,802 6,138 12,899 6,566 5,783 5,481 82 27,051 13,372 11,158 9,609 17,570 8,025 7,078 6,388 13,416 6,829 6,015 5,700 83 27,969 13,825 11,536 9,935 18,269 8,345 7,359 6,642 13,948 7,100 6,253 5,926 84 28,884 14,278 11,914 10,260 18,981 8,670 7,646 6,901 14,496 7,378 6,499 6,159 85 29,794 14,728 12,289 10,583 19,706 9,001 7,938 7,164 15,059 7,665 6,751 6,398 86 30,698 15,174 12,662 10,904 20,443 9,337 8,235 7,432 15,638 7,960 7,011 6,645 87 31,592 15,616 13,031 11,222 21,191 9,679 8,536 7,704 16,233 8,263 7,278 6,897 88 32,474 16,052 13,394 11,535 21,949 10,026 8,842 7,980 16,845 8,574 7,552 7,157 89 33,342 16,481 13,752 11,843 22,717 10,376 9,151 8,259 17,472 8,893 7,833 7,424 90 34,193 16,902 14,103 12,146 23,494 10,731 9,464 8,541 18,116 9,221 8,122 7,697 91 35,024 17,313 14,446 12,441 24,293 11,146 9,867 8,905 18,830 9,585 8,442 8,001 92 35,834 17,713 14,780 12,729 25,121 11,533 10,214 9,219 19,509 9,991 8,842 8,383 93 36,620 18,101 15,104 13,008 25,902 11,899 10,543 9,517 20,155 10,328 9,145 8,671 94 37,379 18,477 15,417 13,277 26,630 12,241 10,851 9,796 20,761 10,646 9,430 8,942 95 38,108 18,837 15,718 13,536 27,299 12,556 11,135 10,054 21,326 10,942 9,697 9,196 96 38,807 19,183 16,006 13,784 27,903 12,841 11,393 10,288 21,840 11,212 9,941 9,428 97 39,471 19,511 16,280 14,020 28,437 13,094 11,622 10,497 22,302 11,456 10,162 9,639 98 40,100 19,822 16,540 14,244 28,896 13,313 11,822 10,678 22,707 11,671 10,357 9,825 99 40,690 20,113 16,783 14,453 29,277 13,496 11,989 10,831 23,052 11,855 10,525 9,985 Asia 亞洲 Remarks 備註 : Premiums are not guaranteed and may be revised to reflect actual experience (e.g. claim experience, medical inflation, and benefit changes) over time. The above annual premium table is for reference only and is subject to change by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited from time to time without notice. 保費並非保證不變及有可能因反映實際經驗 ( 例如 : 賠償經驗 醫療費用上漲及保障改變 ) 而不時作出調整 以上之每年保費表只供參考, 並由香港永明金融有限公司不時作出變動而不另作通知

Supplementary Information to Illustrate Premium Adjustment 保費調整之附加資料 Note: This supplementary information explains the non-guaranteed premiums of SunHealth Medical Premier. 註 : 此附加資料旨在解釋有關永明滿心醫療保之非保證保費 As a common market practice, Sun Life Hong Kong Limited will review our medical plans regularly to ensure that our clients will have access to the medical services they need. In view of the continue rising in demand of medical services, increased in average medical claims amount as well as plan benefit enhancement, there may be premium adjustments to SunHealth Medical Premier. 與市場上一般做法相同, 香港永明金融有限公司定期檢視醫療計劃, 以確保我們的客戶可享用所需的醫療 服務 面對醫療服務的需求增加 平均醫療索償金額上漲及計劃保障之提升, 永明滿心醫療保之保費日後 或會作出調整 An illustrative example 說明例子 Insured 受保人 Plan Name 計劃名稱 Plan Type 計劃類別 35-year-old male 35 歲男性 SunHealth Medical Premier - Worldwide, Annual Deductibe: HKD0 永明滿心醫療保 - 環球, 每年墊底費 : 港元 0 Basic Plan 基本計劃 Age of insured 受保人年齡 Current annual premiums (HKD) 現時每年保費 ( 港元 ) Illustrative annual premiums following premium adjustments 保費調整後之預計每年保費 Assume premium increases 5% each year 假設每年保費向上調整 5% Assume premium increases 10% each year 假設每年保費向上調整 10% 35 26,885 26,885 26,885 36 27,625 29,006 30,388 37 28,365 31,272 34,322 38 29,105 33,693 38,739 39 29,845 36,277 43,696 40 30,584 39,034 49,256 Remarks: Figures in the above example are hypothetical and for illustrative purpose only. Premiums are not guaranteed and may be revised to reflect actual experience (e.g. claim experience, medical inflation, and benefit changes) over time. The illustrative annual premium increases of 5% and 10% are for your reference only and not necessarily prediction of future annual premium increases. The above annual premium table is for reference only and is subject to change by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited from time to time without notice. 備註 : 上述例子之數字純屬假設及僅供說明之用 保費並非保證不變及有可能因反映實際經驗 ( 例如 : 賠償經驗 醫療費用上漲及保障改變 ) 而不時作出調整 保費調整說明向上調整 5% 及 10% 僅供參考, 並不等於每年保費向上調整之預期 以上之每年保費表只供參考, 並由香港永明金融有限公司不時作出變動而不另作通知

Sun Life Hong Kong Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda) Sun Life Financial Café 8/F, Sun Life Tower, The Gateway, 15 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Client Service Hotline: 2103 8928 Fax: 2103 8938 A member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. Head Office in Toronto, Canada. 香港永明金融有限公司 ( 於百慕達註冊成立 ) 理財軒 香港九龍廣東道 15 號港威大廈永明金融大樓 8 樓 客戶服務熱線 :2103 8928 傳真 :2103 8938 9010240/06-2017 永明金融集團成員之一 總公司設於加拿大多倫多 Printed in June 2017 Issued by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited 2017 年 6 月編印 由香港永明金融有限公司刊發