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图 2: 无 肉 和 混 合 肉 类 食 品 市 场 预 期 将 有 显 著 增 长 算, 而 对 猪 肉 禽 肉 或 鱼 肉 食 品, 却 似 乎 从 不 涉 及 这 个 纯 度 虽 然 在 快 速 增 长 的 全 球 人 口 中 有 一 大 部 分 是 坚 定 的 肉 食 主 义 者, 预 计

4. 每 组 学 生 将 写 有 习 语 和 含 义 的 两 组 卡 片 分 别 洗 牌, 将 顺 序 打 乱, 然 后 将 两 组 卡 片 反 面 朝 上 置 于 课 桌 上 5. 学 生 依 次 从 两 组 卡 片 中 各 抽 取 一 张, 展 示 给 小 组 成 员, 并 大 声 朗 读 卡


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EUROPE 欧洲 10D7N Mystical Far EASTERN EUROPE The Balkan Legacies 东欧 Romania / Bulgaria / FYR Macedonia / Northern Greece VALIDITY: APR 2019 ONWARDS 起出发 Rila Monastery, Bulgaria 03-2143 3939 ENG

HIGHLIGHTS Note: Peles Castle, Sinaia Black Churuh, Brasov Dracula Castle, Bran Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest Village Museum, Bucharest Tsarevets Hill, Veliko Tarnovo Rila Monastery, Rila Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Skopje Boat Ride, Lake Orchid ENTRANCES INCLUDED HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Premium tourist class hotels, majority provide free Wi-Fi (at least available at the lobby). 1N Brasov - Hotel Kronwell 4* or similar 2N Bucharest - JW Marriott 5* or similar 1N Sofia - Radisson Blu 5* or similar 2N Skopje - Marriott Hotel 5* or similar 1N Thessaloniki - Electra Palace 5* or similar Note: Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels DAY 01 Depart at KLIA DAY 02 Arrive Bucharest -127km- Sinaia - 49km - Brasov ( - /Western Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Upon arrival in Bucharest, transfer to Brasov by crossing the scenic Carpathian Mountains with a stop in Sinaia. Sinaia Tour (Romania) Start with a short tour of the Sinaia Monastery before heading to the Neo-Renaissance jewel, Peles Castle. Dramatically set in the pine clad hills above Sinaia, this 160 room palace was home to many Romanian kings. Be impressed by the abundance of intricate wooden interiors and lovely external terraces as you tour one of the Europe s most beautiful and best preserved royal palaces. Brasov Tour (Romania) Continue to Brasov, biggest city of Transylvania where we will stroll along the Old Town s Pedestrian Streets to the pretty main square with the prominent Town Hall and Black Church. DAY 03 Brasov -30km- Bran -225km- Bucharest (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Western Dinner) Bran Castle Tour (Romania) Tour this medieval castle with a name that is made world famous by author Bram Stoker when he created the legendary fictional vampire, Dracula. The castle is called Dracula Castle by virtue of it being inhabited by Count Dracul s infamous son Vlad III or Vlad the Impaler. DAY 04 Bucharest (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Western Dinner) Bucharest City Tour (Romania) Tour of the Romanian capital begin with an orientation inside the Palace of the Parliament, the 2nd largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon. As you stroll through the halls and ornate rooms, the unconfined lavishness of the previous ruling Dictator become evident. Step outside the terrace for a sweeping view of Bucharest City Centre. Adjourn to the Village Museum, showcasing the cultural heritage of Romanian life with hundreds of rural dwellings and tools. Drive past landmarks like the Romanian Athenaeum, the National Military Club and the Triumphal Arch. In the afternoon, stroll the pedestrian old town or browse the main shopping street, Calea Victoriei. Brasov Old Town

DAY 05 Bucharest -181km- Veliko Tarnovo -221km - Sofia (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Chinese Dinner) Veliko Tarnovo Tour (Bulgaria) In the morning we depart from Bucharest to the old capital of Bulgaria from the 12th to 14th centuries. The old city has a picturesque location on the banks of the meandering Yantra River. Visit Tsarevets Hill, where you will find relics of the mighty fortress of the Bulgarian monarchs. Proceed to Sofia after tour completes. DAY 06 Sofia -117km- Rila -235km- Skopje (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Sofia Orientation Tour (Bulgaria) Enjoy a richly rewarding walking tour through this fascinating city. Start with a visit inside the imposing Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the symbol of Sofia. Visit the nearby St Sofia Basilica and view the National Art Gallery building, the majestic National Theatre and its fountains, The Presidential Palace and National Assembly and take a peep at the archaeological site right beneath the busy streets of Sofia. Rila Monastery Tour (Bulgaria) Next, continue to the Rila Mountains to visit its UNESCO World Heritage pride, Rila Monastery. The Birth of the Holy Virgin Mary Church has an impressive collection of frescoes on its ceiling and walls. This church and its tower are completely surrounded by the monastery buildings with a courtyard in between. The stripe design of this whole complex is a sight to behold. After visiting, proceed to Skopje, Macedonia. city has numerous impressive centres of worship. Start the tour at the St Sophia Church, then proceed to Plaosnik to visit St Panteleimon Monastery, which was built by St. Clement. Tomb of St. Clement was built by his own hands and buried in this monastery. Next, strolling down to the photogenic St John of Kaneo Church, built on a cliff above the crisp clear Lake Ohrid. Enjoy a sublime boat ride to the old town centre and browse the pedestrian main street or port area with lovely vista of the sublime lake. DAY 08 Skopje -240km- Thessaloniki (Hotel Breakfast /Western Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Skopje City Tour (FYR Macedonia) Visit the Memorial House of Mother Teresa, built on the same spot of the church she was baptized and pose with her bronze statue outside. Proceed to the Macedonia Square to understand the extent of the Skopje 2014 project before heading to the Old Bazaar, biggest in the Balkans for some free time. After lunch, we drive to Thessaloniki, Greece s 2nd largest city. DAY 09 Thessaloniki (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/ - ) Thessaloniki City Tour (Northern Greece) Start the morning with a stroll through Ano Poli, the Upper Town and enjoy the rustic old town and glorious views of the Thermaikos Gulf. Adjourn to the very attractive Church of Agios Dimitrios and take a look at its beautiful relics and elements inside. Drive past the Arch of Galerius to the iconic White Tower and take a short walk along the seaside promenade Nea Paralia. Complete the tour with free time at the shopping precinct Aristotelous Square and Tsimiski Street. Tonight, we leave for home after a most intriguing journey that will answer some of the myths surrounding this region. Rila Monestary Interior DAY 10 Arrival home Arrival home with sweet memories. DAY 07 Sofia -172km- Ohrid -172km- Skopje (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Western Dinner) Morning, drive to Ohrid city by the beautiful Lake Ohrid. Ohrid City Tour (FYR Macedonia) Often known as Macedonian Jerusalem, this UNESCO World Heritage St. Panteleimon, Ohrid

行程亮点 酒店住宿 注释 : 含入场费 ( - ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

HUNGARY CROATIA Bran ROMANIA Braşov Sinaia Bucharest IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA OUT ALBANIA SERBIA KOSOVO Ohrid Skopje Sofia Rila MACEDONIA GREECE Thessaloniki Veliko Tarnovo BULGARIA TURKEY Romanian Athenquem Athenqeum KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey. A mixture of Special Cuisines, Local, Western, Chinese and Asian meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜欢的活动 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 丰富特别的料理组合, 包括道地美食 西餐 中餐 亚洲餐和您自选的餐饮, 让您尽情享受餐饮的乐趣 MEAL PLAN Number of Meals : Lunch - 8 ; Dinner - 7 Dracula Castle, Bran (Romania) Travel Essentials: Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired. Travel Insurance - It s essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance before travel. Terms & Conditions: 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure. 3. AVC is not responsible for omissions, printing and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where such information may be presented; AVC reserves the right to make corrections as required. 4. Every person participating in AVC s tours shall travel at his/her own risk. AVC shall not be held liable to any person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 5. For other terms & conditions, refer overleaf of invoice or visit Note: AVC refers to Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd West Tours - Additional Terms & Conditions: 1. Tours are conducted in English, with simple translation in Mandarin or Cantonese if required. 2. Triple Room - Third person shall be based on a roll-away bed. (Apply on Europe & Other Countries itineraries) 3. Triple Room is based on two double bed. (Apply on America itineraries, except Hawaii) 4. Triple Room only allowed 2 Adults and 1 Child, with a roll-away bed for child. For 3 adults, two rooms required with one person paying the Single Supplement. (Apply on South Africa itineraries only, except Kenya & Morocco) 旅行必备 : 护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至少 6 个月 ( 从返程日期算起 ), 并且取得必要的签证和准证 旅游保险 - 出发前, 建议您购买全面的旅游保险 条规 : 1. 行程 膳食 酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动, 恕不另行通知 2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况, 特别是在旅游旺季期间, 苹果旅游将保留更改或取消行程的权利 3. 若苹果旅游的宣传手册或任何传播媒介, 出现任何形式的印刷失误或遗漏, 本公司一概不负责, 并且保留更正的权利 4. 每位参与苹果旅游团的成员, 必须为自身安全或行为负责 若出现无法预测的特殊情况 ( 例如 : 交通延误 / 取消 天气 疾病 示威 战争等等 ), 因而引发额外支出的问题, 苹果旅游一概不负责, 旅客需自行负责额外的费用 5. 详情条规, 请参阅单据背页或浏览 欧美团 - 附加条规 : 1. 所有行程以英文讲解为主 若有需要, 将提供简单的中文或粤语翻译 2. 三人房 - 房内第三名住客的床褥, 将以折叠式为准 ( 仅限于欧洲及其他国家行程 ) 3. 三人房均以两张双人床为准, 恕不添加折叠式床褥 ( 仅限于美国行程, 唯夏威夷除外 ) 4. 三人房均以折叠式床褥为准, 仅供两位成人及一位小孩 ( 十二岁以下 ) 若三位成人入住, 则须订购两间客房并填补差价 ( 仅限于全南美洲行程, 唯肯亚与摩洛哥除外 ) For Agent Use Only: Tour Code / : ETKOTP10 Printed Date Sep 2018