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绝密 考试结束前 全国 2014 年 10 月高等教育自学考试 计算机网络管理试题 课程代码 :02379 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂 写在答题纸上 选择题部分注意事项 : 1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的考试课程名称 姓名 准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填







9 浙江专升本考试群 答案 (C) 解析 f ( ) 3 3, 切线方程平行于 轴故切线斜率为, 故有 3 3, 可得点为 (,) 或者 (, ), 故选 (C) 3. 函数 3 f ( ) ( ) 不可导的点的个数是 ( ) (A) 3 (B) (C) (D) 思路点拨 对于分段函数



7. 将由显著性水平所规定的拒绝域平分为两部分, 置于概率分布的两边, 每边占显著性水平的 二分之一, 这是 A. 单侧检验 B. 双侧检验 C. 左侧检验 D. 右侧检验 8. 编制质量指标综合指数时所采用的同度量因素是 A. 质量指标 B. 数量指标 C. 综合指标 D. 相对指标 9. 变异指


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解析 ( i) i, 且 或 故选 A. 某几何体的三视图 ( 单位 :cm) 如图所示, 则此几何体的表面积是 A. 9 cm B. 9 cm C. cm D. 8 cm 答案 D 正视图 俯视图 侧视图 解析 从中可得是该几何体是四棱柱加三棱柱 ( 见上右图 ), S 上 ( 8) S下 8 侧


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绝密 考试结束前 浙江省 2015 年 4 月高等教育自学考试 课程代码 :03722 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂 写在答题纸上 注意事项 : 选择题部分 1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的考试课程名称 姓名 准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔 填写在答题纸规定的位置上 2. 每小题选出答案后, 用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 如需改动, 用橡 皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号 不能答在试题卷上 PartⅠCloze( 本大题共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分 ) Directions:Thereare15incompleteblankshere.Youarerequiredtocompleteeachblankby choosingtheappropriateanswerfromthe4choicesmarkeda,b,candd.youshouldmark thecorrespondingleterontheanswersheetwithasinglelinethroughthecentre. Inasurveyofmorethan2,200Britishparents,33% said 1 mainworrywastheir children 2 makefriends. Thiscompares 3 11% whosaidtheirmainconcern wasthattheirchildren would strugglewiththeirschoolwork. Andoneintensaidthey 4 abouttheirchildrennotaskingforhelp 5 theyneededit. CarolIddon,directorofchildcareatActionforChildren,said: Parents 6 worry abouttheirchildrenbutthethingthatstruckus 7 isthattheythinkthey 8 theright thingbyhavingthemreadorwritewithoutthinkingaboutthesocialskilstheyneed. She 9 thatforonlychildren,childrenwhodidn thave 10 contactwithothers, orwerenot 11 memberofaplaygroup,learningsocialskilssuchassharing,playing and 12 couldbehard. MsIddonsaidchildren wereendingupfindingitdificultto mix withothers 13 navigatethe complexity ofgetingthemselvesintoanewenvironment,sotheyfoundthe experiencedaunting. 第 1 页 ( 共 11 页 )

LizBayram,chiefexecutiveatchildcaregroupPacey,said: Weknow 14 whenit comestotheirchildrenstartingschoolparentscanalsobe 15. Theyaremostconcernedabouttheirchildren soveralhappinessandabilitytosetlein welwhichcanfeelatoddswithearlyyears policy whichoftenfocuses moreonacademic marks. 1.A.them B.their C.theirs D.they 2.A.wouldnot B.would C.wilnot D.wil 3.A.to B.between C.with D.of 4.A.wasworried B.wereworried C.worry D.areworried 5.A.when B.as C.after D.before 6.A.probably B.greatly C.naturaly D.rarely 7.A.more B.most C.less D.least 8.A.does B.aredoing C.havingdone D.havedone 9.A.told B.say C.says D.said 10.A.alotof B.many C.more D.most 11.A.the B.an C.a D./ 12.A.communication C.communicate B.communicating D.tocommunicate 13.A.and B.or C.yet D.til 14.A.that B.whether C.if D.which 15.A.overwhelming C.overwhelmingly B.overwhelmed D.overwhelm PartⅡ Vocabulary& Structure( 本大题共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分 ) Directions:There are15incompletestatements here.you arerequired to completeeach statementbychoosingtheappropriateanswerfromthe4choicesmarkeda,b,c,andd.you shouldmarkthecorrespondingleterontheanswersheetwithasinglelinethroughthecentre. 16.Iaskedher shewasenjoyingherdinner. A.whether B.incase C.if D.unless 17.Themanintheboatdidn t anyoneshouting. A.hear B.listento C.mind D.takecareof 第 2 页 ( 共 11 页 )

18.Heran quicklythaticouldnotcatchhim. A./ B.such C.too D.so 19.Doyoulikemypicture?It s. A.anew B.onenew C.newone D.anewone 20.HewilflytoPerth.Hewilgothere. A.withair B.inair C.byair D.throughair 21.Heyerdahlcrossed Pacificon raft. A.the / B./ the C./ / D.the a 22.Intheafternoon,Ms.Sawyerusualy herfriend.theyoftendrinkteatogether. A.sees B.see C.saw D.seen 23. haditbeenwrappedupin? Anewspaper. A.Where B.Who C.How D.What 24.Heinquiredaboutapatient.Hewanted. A.informations B.information C.knowledges D.knowledge 25.Ihaven tgotmuchcofee.i vegotvery. A.afew B.alitle C.few D.litle 26.Icouldansweralthequestions.Theywere easy. A.to B.too C.enough D.very 27.Myradiois thanyours.it s radioi veeverseen. A.lessexpensive theleastexpensive B.expensive leastexpensive C.mostexpensive theleastexpensive D.lessexpensive mostexpensive 28.What sthedistancefrom PinhursttoSilbury? How ispinhurst Silbury? A.longago until C.away til 29.Mr.ScothasagarageinSilbury.His B.long away D.far from garageisinpinhurst. A.another B.other C.else D.diferent 30.Thesignshaven thadanyefect.theyhaven t anyone. A.afected B.efected C.resultedin D.imposed 第 3 页 ( 共 11 页 )

PartⅢ ReadingComprehension ( 本大题共 20 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 40 分 ) Directions:Youwilfindseveralquestionsafterreadingeachpasage.Foreachquestionthere are4choicesmarkeda,b,c,andd.youshouldmarkthecorrespondingleterontheanswer Sheetwithasinglelinethroughthecentre. Passage1 Television thewidelyusedmoderntechnology,markedbyrapidchangeandgrowth is movingintoa new era,aneraofextraordinarysophisticationand usefulness,which promisestoreshapeourlivesandourworld.itisanelectronicrevolutionofsorts,made possiblebythemarriageoftelevisionandcomputertechnologies. Theword television,derivedfromitsgreek (tele:distant)andlatin (visisight) roots,canliteralybeinterpretedassightfromadistance.verysimplyput,itworksinthis way:throughasophisticatedsystem ofelectronics,television providesthecapabilityof convertinganimage (focused on aspecialphotoconductive plate within acamera)into electronicimpulses,whichcanbesentthroughawireorcable.theseimpulses,whenfed intoareceiver(televisionset),canthenbeelectronicalyreconstitutedintothatsameimage. Televisionismorethanjustanelectronicsystem,however.Itisameansofexpression, aswelasavehicleforcommunication,andassuchbecomesapowerfultoolforreaching otherhumanbeings. Thefieldoftelevisioncanbedividedintotwocategoriesdeterminedbyits meansof transmission.first,thereisbroadcasttelevision,whichreachesthemassesthroughbroaḏ basedairwavetransmissionoftelevisionsignals.second,thereisnonbroadcasttelevision, whichprovidesfortheneedsofindividualsorspecificinterestgroupsthroughcontroled transmissiontechniques. Traditionaly,televisionhasbeenamedium ofthemasses.wearemostfamiliarwith broadcasttelevisionbecauseithasbeenwithusforaboutthirty-sevenyearsinaformsimilar towhatexiststoday.duringthoseyears,ithasbeencontroled,forthemostpart,bythe broadcastnetworks,abc,nbc,and CBS,whohavebeenthe majorsuppliersofnews, informationandentertainment.thesegiantsofbroadcastinghaveactualyshapednotonly televisionbutourperceptionofitaswel.wehavecometolookuponthepicturetubeasa sourceofentertainment,placingourroleinthisdynamicmediumasthepassiveviewer. 第 4 页 ( 共 11 页 )

31.Whydoestheauthorthinkthattelevisionwilreshapetheworld? A.BecauseTVisthemostadvancedtechnology. B.BecauseTVisverypopular. C.BecausethereisacombinationbetweenTVandcomputer. D.BecauseTVisveryuseful. 32.HowdoesTV work? A.TVhasasophisticatedsystemofelectronics. B.TVcanconverttheimagesintoelectronicimpulses. C.TVcanreconstitutetheelectronicimpulsesintothesameimages. D.Altheabovementioned. 33.Theauthorthinksthattelevisionis. A.justanelectronicsystem B.atoolofdailylife C.avehicleforcommunication D.adevicetoseefilm 34.Whichstatementistrue? A.Therearetwocategoriesoftelevision broadcasttelevisionandnonbroadcasttelevision B.Broadcasttelevisionprovidesprogramsthroughcontroledtransmissiontechniques. C. Nonbroadcast television reaches the masses through broaḏbased airwave transmissionoftelevisionsignals. D.ABC,NBC,andCBScontrolalthetelevisionnews. 35.Whichcanbethetitleforthepassage? A.Television C.TelevisionCategories B.A WayofCommunication D.MajorTelevisionNetworks Passage2 Peopleappeartobeborntocompute.Thenumericalskilsofchildrendevelopsoearly thatitiseasytoimagineaninternalclockofmathematicalmaturityguidingtheirgrowth. Notlongafterlearningtowalkandtalk,theycansetthetablewithimpressaccuracy one knife,onespoon,onefork,foreachofthefivechairs.soontheyarecapableofnothingthat theyhaveplacedfiveknives,spoonsandforksonthetableand,a bitlater,thatthis amountstofifteenpiecesofsilverware.havingthus masteredaddition,they moveonto subtraction.itseemsalmostreasonabletoexpectthatifachild weresecludedonadesert 第 5 页 ( 共 11 页 )

islandat birth and retrieved seven yearslater,he or she could enter a seconḏgrade mathematicsclasswithoutanyseriousproblemsofintelectualadjustment. Ofcourse,thetruthisnotsosimple.Thiscentury,theworkofcognitivepsychologists ( 认知心理学家 )hasshowedthesubtleformsofdailylearningonwhichintelectualprogress depends.childrenwereobservedastheyslowlygrasped or,asthecasemightbe,bumped into conceptsthatquantityisunchangedaswaterpoursfromashortglassintoatalthin one.psychologistshavesincedemonstratedthatyoungchildren,askedtocountthepencils inapile,readilyreportthenumberofblueorredpencils,butmustbetaughttofindthe total.suchstudieshavesuggestedthatthebasicsofmathematicsare masteredgradualy, andwithefort.theyhavealsosuggestedthattheveryconceptofabstractnumbers the ideaofaoneness,atwoness,athreenessthatappliestoanyclassofobjectsandisa prerequisitefordoinganythingmoremathematicalydemandingthansetingatable isitself farfrominnate. 36. Numericalskils is. A.theabilitytocountnumbers B.theabilitytousecomputer C.theabilitytosubtract D.themathematicalability,includingcountingnumbers,addingandsubtracting 37.Peoplehavethoughtthatchildrenhavenumericalskils. A.immediatelywhentheyareborn C.whentheygotoschool B.notlongafterlearningwalkandtalk D.beforetheycantalkandwalk 38.Thefirstnumericalskilschildrenlearnis. A.counting B.addition C.subtraction D.multiplication ( 乘法 ) 39.Thetruthaboutthechildren snumericalskilsisthat. A.theylearnthenumericalskilsgradualybutwithouteforts B.itisquiteeasyforthemtolearntheconceptofoneness,twonessandthreeness C.itisnotnecessarytoteachthemaddition D.theylearnthenumericalskilsgradualyandwitheforts 40.Themainpurposeofthearticleis. A.toteachchildrenhowtolearnmaths 第 6 页 ( 共 11 页 )

B.tomakeitclearthatnumericalskilsareinnate C.toeducateparentshowtohelptheirchildrenlearnnumericalskils D.tomakeitclearthatchildrenarenotborntohavenumericalskils Passage3 Toberealyhappyandrealysafe,oneoughttohaveatleasttwoorthreehobbies,and they mustalbereal.itisnousestartinglateinlifetosay: Iwiltakeaninterestinthisor that. Suchanatemptonlyincreasesthestrainofmentalefort.A man mayacquiregreat knowledgeoftopicsunconnected with hisdaily work,andyethardlygetanybenefitor relief.itisnousedoingwhatyoulike;youhavegottolikewhatyoudo.broadlyspeaking, humanbeingmaybedividedintothreeclasses:thosewhoaretoiledtodeath,thosewhoare worriedtodeath,andthosewhoareboredtodeath.itisnouseoferingthemanuallaborer, tiredoutwithahardweek ssweatandefort,thechanceofplayingagameoffootbalor basebalonsaturdayafternoon.itisnouseinvitingthepoliticianortheprofessionalor businessman,whohasbeenworkingorworryingaboutseriousthingsforsixdays,towork orworryabouttriflingthingsattheweekend. Itmayalsobesaidthatrational,industriousandusefulhumanbeingsaredividedinto twoclasses:first,thosewhoseworkisworkandwhosepleasureispleasure;andsecondly, thosewhoseworkandpleasureareone.ofthesetheformerarethe majority.theyhave theircompensations.thelonghoursintheoficeorthefactorybring withthem astheir reward,notonlythe meansofsustenance,butakeenappetiteforpleasureeveninits simplestandmostmodestforms.butfortune sfavoredchildrenbelongtothesecondclass. Theirlifeisanaturalharmony.Forthemtheworkinghoursareneverlongenough.Each dayisaholiday,andordinaryholidayswhentheycomearegrudgedasenforcedinterruptions inanabsorbingvacation.yettobothclassestheneedofanalternativeoutlook,ofachange ofatmosphere,ofadiversionofefort,isessential.indeed,itmaywelbethatthosewhose workistheirpleasurearethosewho mostneedthemeansofbanishingitatintervalsfrom theirminds. 第 7 页 ( 共 11 页 )

41.Ifyouwanttobehappyandsafe,youshould. A.haveatleasttwoorthreerealhobbies B.showinterestinsomethingafterretirement C.acquiregreatknowledge D.dosomethingyoulike 42.Whichstatementisnotmentionedinthearticle? A.Broadlyhumanbeingscanbedividedintothreeclasses. B.Doingsometriflingthingsatweekendwilnothelppoliticiansreduceworkingpressure. C.Footbalorbasebalwilnothelpmanuallaborerfeelrelaxed. D.Gameswilhelptheprofessionalrelax. 43.Whatdoes Theyhavetheircompensations inthesecondparagraph mean? A.Themajorityenjoyworkingverymuch. B.Longẖourworkingwilbringalotofmoneytothefirstclassofhumanbeing. C.Anyformsofpleasurewilhelpthemajorityreducetheirworkingpressure. D.Onlythesimplestpleasurecanpleasethemajority. 44.Howdoyouunderstand Theirlifeisanaturalharmony inthesecondparagraph? A.Workiswork. C.Workispleasure. B.Pleasureispleasure. D.Pleasureiswork. 45.Thebesttitleforthearticleis. A.Work C.WorkandPleasure B.Pleasure D.WorkingPressure Passage4 Noteveryoneisreadytohalvetheirlivingspaceandrentouttheupstairs butmany peoplewouldliketobegreener.some67% ofusresidentswanttodo moretohelpthe environment,buttheyaren tsurewheretostart,accordingtoasurveybykeltonresearch. Unfortunately,Americansalsoscoredtheworstintermsofsustainablebehaviour,according toasurveyfornationalgeographicbycanadianconsultingfirm GlobeScan.India,China and Brazilscored highestoutof17 countriesin green behaviourrelatedto housing, transportation,foodandconsumptionofgoods. Thehealthierweliveandthemoresustainableandlowerimpactlifestylewehave,the 第 8 页 ( 共 11 页 )

beter of the individual society and the planet would be, said Erik Assadourian, transformingculturesprojectdirectorforthe WorldwatchInstitutein WashingtonDC. Herearesomepointsongreeningupyourlife: Whatitwiltake:You wilneedtobecommitedtodoingthingsalitle (oralot) diferentlythanyourneighbours.itmaytakesomeresearch,anditmaybelessconvenient ridingyourbiketowork,forinstance,maytakelonger. Howlongyouneedtoprepare:Youcanstartmakingchangestoday. Doitnow:Eatdiferently.InoneUKstudy,vegetarianshadroughlyhalfthecarbon footprintofmeateaters.thatis,theyproducedlessgreenhousegasemissions.butifyou can tgiveup meatcompletely,reducingthequantityyouconsumeorgivingupbeefcan makeabigdiference. Thecarbonfootprintofred meatisabsolutelyphenomenal, Altersaid. Thefood cowsgetfedisveryhighenergyinput,andtheymakealotofmethane( 甲烷 ). Givingupmeatwon thelpmuchifyou rebuyingouṯof-seasonproducethathastobe flownin from faṟof places. Chicken has alowercarbon footprintthan a hothouse tomato, Altersaid. Somuchenergygoesintoheatingthegreenhouses.Youhavetolook atwhatyou reeatingandbesensible. Aimforlocalandiṉseasonfoodsas muchasyou can.(plus,you lsave10% to15% bystickingwithiṉseasonproduce.) Driveles.Buyingahybridcarmeansyouuselesspetrol,butthekeyisspendingless timebehindthewheelperiod. Thebestthingyoucandoisdriveless,cycleandwalkmore, andusetransitmore, saidalter. Yourhealthisbeter,yourbudgetisbeter,andyou re notputingoutanycarbondioxide. Thisiseasiersaidthandoneifyoudon talreadyliveinawalkablecommunity,butif youhavetheoptiontousemasstransitorstraponyourbicyclehelmet,useit.ifyoumust drive,chooseafueḻeficientvehicleanddrivetosavegasandemissions sticktothespeed limit,keepyourtyresproperlyinflated,emptyyourtrunkofheavyitems,andaccelerate andbrakegentlyforbeterfueleficiency.someincentive:drivingaggressivelycandecrease gasmileageby33% athighwayspeeds. Keepyourfeetontheground.Wherepractical,rethinkthatjauntviaplane.Airtravel hasanenormousenvironmentalimpactrelativeto mostotherformsoftravel, saidcam 第 9 页 ( 共 11 页 )

Walker,campaignscoordinatorfor Friendsofthe Earthin Australia.Instead,consider vacationingwithindrivingdistance orbeteryet,takethetrain. Buyles,orbuybeterqualitythings.Thinkabouthow much stuf youown. Abig partofemissionsarelinkedtoourconsumption, said MatiasSöderberg,chairoftheACT alianceclimatechangeadvisory groupin Denmark. Toreduceit weneedachangein consumptionculture.dowerealyneedalthegadgetswebuy? Anddowealwaysneedthe newestone? Acquiringfewerthingsand makingtheonesyouownlastlongerwilreduce wasteandenergyuseoveral. Don tforgetaboutreusingandrecyclingthings. Youcanmakeadiferencebybuying seconḏhand,borrowingsomethingyou lonlyneedonceandrepairingitemstogivethema newleaseonlife, saidmelaniekramers,aspokespersonfortheuk sfriendsoftheearth. 46.Howdopeoplethinkaboutthegreenlife? A.Everyoneisreadytohalvetheirlivingspaceandrentouttheupstairs. B.Manypeopledon tlikegreenerlife. C.Some76% oftheu.s.peoplewanttodomoretoimproveenvironment. D.Theydon tknowhowtoliveagreenlife. 47.Intermsofsustainablebehavior,Americansscored. A.higher B.thehighest C.theworst D.worse 48.Whencouldpeoplebeginourgreenlife? A.afterdoingsomeresearch B.rightnow C.afteryourneighborshavegreenlife D.whenitisencouragedbygovernments 49.Whichactivityisnotagreenbehavior? A.airtravel B.ridingabike C.buyingless D.eatinglocalproduce 50.Whichstatementiscorrect? A.Americansneedtochangetheirconsumptioncultureabittobemoresustainable. B.Usingseconḏhandproductswon thelptheenvironmentmuch. C.Eatinglessredmeatisthemostefectivewaytobegreen. D.Developednationscaremoreaboutgreenbehaviours. 第 10 页 ( 共 11 页 )

非选择题部分 注意事项 : 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上, 不能答在试题卷上 PartⅣ Translation ( 本大题共 10 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 20 分 ) SectionAEnglishintoChinese( 每小题 2 分, 共 10 分 ) 51.Heusualyknocksofat6o clock,buttodayhe sworkinglate. 52. Openyourexercisebooksandputdownthefolowing. theteachersaid. 53.IpickedupalotofEnglishwhileIwasinEngland. 54.Inspiteofalthathasbeensaid,thetouristshavebeenpickingtheleavesandcuting theirnamesonthetreeṯrunk. 55.Althosewhohavecontributedtowardsthegiftwilsigntheirnamesinalargealbum whichwilbesenttotheheadmaster shome. SectionBChineseintoEnglish ( 每小题 2 分, 共 10 分 ) 56. 她害怕独自呆在那个大房子里 (beafraidof) 57. 我期待明天能看到他 (lookforwardto) 58. 如果你不喜欢这个汤, 你就没必要喝完 (needn t) 59. 他刚到家就开始下雨了 (nosooner than ) 60. 你的意思是说你用那辆可爱的自行车换了这个? (exchangefor) PartⅤ Writing( 本大题 10 分 ) Directions:Thispartistotestyourwritingabilities.Youarerequiredtofinishthefolowing writingaccordingtotheinstructions. 请以 David 的名义给 Mr.Black 写一封感谢信 内容 : 经过一年的合作, 公司业务有了较好的发展 感谢 Mr.Black 对公司发展的支持, 并希望今后有更好的合作 第 11 页 ( 共 11 页 )