飲食 Restaurant 325 PizzaExpress 出示員工證 住戶證或 MSmart 會員 APP 介面即享單點菜式 9 折優惠及每位獲免費飲品乙杯 ( 最多 4 杯 ) 飲品包括汽水 熱茶及凍檸檬茶 - 如有任何爭議,PizzaExpress 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Present

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Bo Innovation 1. 優惠有效日期至 2018 年 3 月 31 日 2. 優惠不適日期 :2 月 14 日和 12 月 24 日,25 日及 31 日 3. 優惠不可與其他推廣 餐飲折扣券或特別菜單同時使用 4. 顧客必須出示 The Club 會員卡方可享有此優惠 5. 餐廳有權終止

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無 印 良 品 護 膚 概 念 護 膚 產 品 應 以 素 材 安 全 性 及 功 效 為 首 要 考 慮 無 印 良 品 選 用 天 然 滋 潤 成 分 和 天 然 水, 再 加 上 其 他 補 濕 滋 潤 的 功 能 成 分, 製 造 出 適 合 日 常 使 用, 而 價 錢 合 理 的 護 膚


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7 7,606,137 7,566, ,583,897 1,510, ,298 1, , ,072 20,158 9,382,126 9,220,961 2,095,021 2,191, ,109,755 1,213, ,489


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85,426,000 39,437,000 45,989, % 30,643,000 (79,340,000 ) 48,697, % 8,794,000 6,086,000 2,708, % 7,171,000 25,573,000 18,402,000 7

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国 际 视 野 中 国 立 场 原 创 诉 求 专 业 精 神 读 者 寄 语 Readers of the Message

Instant Fried Rice & Noodles 即 叫 即 製 粉 麵 飯 Chinese Rice with Sauce change to Noodles 中 式 燴 飯 轉 粉 麵 +$2 Lemon Grass Pork Chop Rice 香 茅 豬 扒 飯 $24 Sweet


青衣城 - 商戶團體消費優惠計劃二零一八年七月一日至十二月三十一日 Maritime Square Special Privilege Program 1 July to 31 December 2018 * 請於享用優惠前出示有效之住戶證或員工證 *Please present a valid resident card or staff card before enjoying the * 優惠只適用於以下機構員工及屋苑住戶 *Special Privilege only valid on Employees and Residents of the following Corporations Participating Organization 參與團體 AsiaWorld - Expo 亞洲國際博覽館 Aviation Security Company Limited 機場保安有限公司 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 國泰航空公司 DHL Supply Chain (Hong Kong) Ltd 敦豪供應鏈 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 Cathay Dragon Ltd 港龍航空有限公司 Hutchison Telecom (Hong Kong) Limited 和記電訊 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 MTR Corporation Limited 港鐵公司 Ngong Ping 360 Ltd 昂坪 360 S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited 順豐速運 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 MSmart members MSmart 會員 Caribbean Coast 映灣園 Cheung On Estate 長安邨 Coastal Skyline 藍天海岸 Grand Horizon 海欣花園 Greenfield Gasrden 翠怡花園 Mount Haven 曉峰園 Rambler Crest 藍澄灣 Seaview Crescent 海堤灣畔 Tierra Verde 盈翠半島 Tsing Yi Garden 青怡花園 Tung Chung Crescent 東堤灣畔 Villa Esplanada 灝景灣 商戶編號 Shop No. 商戶名稱 Shop Name 優惠詳情 Offer Details 飲食 Restaurant Enjoy 10% off for Lunch and Dinner 午餐及晚餐時段可享 9 折優惠 197 Cha Teng 茶廳 - 如有任何爭議, 茶廳保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Cha Teng Enjoy a complimentary "Musashi Fried Chicken" upon presenting slected group staff 於堂食作任何惠顧, 即可免費獲贈武蔵炸雞乙客 ID or resident card for any dine - in purchase 218B Menya Musashi 麺屋武蔵 - 如有任何爭議, 麺屋武蔵保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Menya Musashi

飲食 Restaurant 325 PizzaExpress 出示員工證 住戶證或 MSmart 會員 APP 介面即享單點菜式 9 折優惠及每位獲免費飲品乙杯 ( 最多 4 杯 ) 飲品包括汽水 熱茶及凍檸檬茶 - 如有任何爭議,PizzaExpress 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Present Staff ID, resident card or MSmart Members' app interface to enjoy 10% off a la carte items and 1 free round of drinks (up to 4 persons) Free drink options: Soft drinks, hot tea and ice lemon tea - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of PizzaExpress Enjoy 10% discount upon purchase of HK$150 or above (net) during desigated period G03B Praise House Congee & Noodle Cuisine 譽居 星期一至五 ( 公眾假期除外 ) 惠顧 ( 堂食 ) 消費滿 HK$150 或以上 ( 未計加一 ) 於指定時段, 可享九折優惠 - 只適用於星期一至五 ( 公眾假期除外 ) - 只適用於中午 11:30-14:30 及晚上 17:30-21:00 使用 - 只限堂食消費使用 - 不可與其他折扣 / 優惠券 / 特價品同時使用 - 如有任何爭議, 譽居保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 on Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays) - Offer valid period: Monday-Friday (except public holidays) - Only applicable at 11:30-14:30 and 17:30-21:00 - For dine in only - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount, coupons and discountedpriced items - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Praise House Congee & Noodle Cuisine

時裝 / 飾物 / 皮鞋 / 手袋 Fashion & Accessories 161 bauhaus 單一發票全單額外 95 折 - 如有任何爭議,Bauhaus Holdings Limited 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Enjoy extra 5% off with single receipt - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Bauhaus Holdings Limited HK$20 off upon spending of HK$200 on regular - priced items 購買正價貨品滿 HK$200 即減 HK$20 ' 192 Chicks 雞仔嘜 - 如有任何爭議, 雞仔嘜保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Chicks 103 ECCO 正價鞋履及手袋 9 折 - 此優惠不適用於公價, 特價, 銀包, 皮帶及鞋履護理用品 - 如有任何爭議,ECCO 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 10% discount on regular shoes and handbags or coupons - This offer is not applicable to fixed, discounted, wallets, belts and shoes care items - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of ECCO 20% off on regular priced items 購買正價貨品可享八折優惠 213B Kate - 如有任何爭議,Kate 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Kate

時裝 / 飾物 / 皮鞋 / 手袋 Fashion & Accessories 205 PORTER INTERNATIONAL 正價貨品 95 折優惠 - 如有任何爭議,PORTER INTERNATIONAL 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Enjoy 5% off on regular - priced items - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of PORTER INTERNATIONAL 114 Skechers 購物滿 HK$800, 即可減 HK$50 - 如有任何爭議,Skechers 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 HK$50 can be rebated upon purchase HK$800 or above - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Skechers 193 Veronica Cobson 正價貨品 95 折優惠 - 如有任何爭議,Veronica Cobson 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Enjoy 5% off on regular - priced items - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Veronica Cobson Enjoy extra 10% off on selected brand items (Charriol, Alviero Martini, Polofranco) Not 213A YMK 凡購買指定品牌產品可享額外九折優惠 ( 品牌包括 : Charriol, Alviero Martini, Polofranco) 三折貨品除外 - 如有任何爭議,YMK 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 including 70% off items -Valid from 1 July to 31 December, 2018 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of YMK

運動用品 Sportswear / Equipment 165 C.P.U. 指定正價貨品 9 折優惠 - 此優惠不適用於指定品牌 優惠停用之貨品及合作專櫃 - 運動家有限公司及 C.P.U. 保留更改此優惠之最終決策權利, 如有任何爭議, 以運動家有限公司及 C.P.U. 之決定為依歸 10% discount on selected regular-priced items - This offer is not applicable to selected brands, no- discount items and concession counters - Sportshouse Limited and C.P.U. retains the right to amend the terms and has the final decision over any disputes 1. 10% discount on selected regular-priced items 108A Sportshouse 運動家 1. 指定正價貨品 9 折優惠 2. 球拍類產品 95 折優惠 - 此優惠不適用於指定品牌 優惠停用之貨品及合作專櫃 - 運動家有限公司保留更改此優惠之最終決策權利, 如有任何爭議, 以運動家有限公司之決定為依歸 2. 5% discount on racket/ paddle items -Valid from 1 July to 31 December, 2018 - This offer is not applicable to selected brands, no-discount items and concession counters - Sportshouse Limited retains the right to amend the terms and has the final decision over any disputes

健康美容 Health & Beauty Free trial of Bio - Elita Hyalurone B5 Moisturizing Treatment 218C Ingrid Millet Paris 巴黎英格蜜兒 免費享用 B5 極速水漾嫩滑療程 ( 價值 HK$880) - 療程只適用於 18 歲或以上香港永久性居民及新客戶 - 如有任何爭議,Ingrid Millet 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - Treatment offer valid for Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above and new customers only - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Ingrid Millet 158 L'occitane 免費尊享手部按摩護理服務乙次 - 敬請致電預約 ( 預約電話 :2495 6882) - 如有任何爭議,L'occitane 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Enjoy a complimentary hand massage treatment for free - Advanced booking is required ( Booking hotline : 2495 6882) - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of L'occitane 156 MIOGGI 購買任何正價產品, 可享九折優惠 - 不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用 - 如有任何爭議,MIOGGI 保留最終決定權 Enjoy 10% off discount upon purchase regular - priced items - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion and discounts - MIOGGI reserves the absolute right for final decision on discrepancy 323 OTO Bodycare 凡購買 OTO 正價產品, 可享 95 折優惠 - 此優惠不能與任何特別推廣 其他優惠或現金購物券 / 禮券同時使用 - 此優惠不適用於購買配件 ( 如 e- 足健的黏貼或電線, 耳溫計的耳套及火牛等 ), 繳付維修及零件費 運費及其他服務費用 - 如有任何爭議,OTO Bodycare 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Enjoy 5% off for all OTO regular priced products - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional, discounted coupons and gift vouchers - This offer is not applicable to the purchase of accessories( e.g. gel pads or wires of Electro-Reflexologist, probe covers of thermometers and adaptors, etc.), and payment of maintenance and repair and spare part costs, shopping/ delivery costs and other service charges - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of OTO Bodycare

健康美容 Health & Beauty 以 9 折優惠購買任何正價貨品 Enjoy 10% off upon purchase any fixed priced item 150A Premier by Dead Sea - 如有任何爭議,Premier by Dead Sea 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Premier by Dead Sea Enjoy $50 discount upon purchase of SOFINA products(except tools) 凡購買 SOFINA 產品 ( 工具除外 ), 可享 $50 現金折扣優惠 152A-B Sofina - 如有任何爭議,Sofina 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Sofina Receive a complimentary TONYMOLY Timeless Ferment Snail Foam Cleanser(Valued 購物滿 HK$800, 可獲贈蝸牛酵母修護潔面泡沫乙支 ( 價值 HK$165) HK$165) upon purchasing over HK$800 146 TONYMOLY - 如有任何爭議,TONYMOLY 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of TONYMOLY

禮品 Gift With net price $100 purchase or more on any items, 凡惠顧任何貨品折實價滿 $100, 可免費獲贈精美禮品乙份 ( 價值 $20) customer can get a free gift (valued$20) 316B 123 by ELLA - 如有任何爭議,123 by ELLA 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of 123... by ELLA 視光用品 Optical Goods 184 egg Optical Boutique 憑指定住戶卡及員工證以正價購買眼鏡產品可獲 HK$50 折扣優惠 (EGGMQ50) - 此優惠只適用於 egg 青衣城分店 - 如有任何爭議,eGG Optical Boutique Limited 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Present resident card or staff ID to enjoy HK$50 discount upon purchase og regularpriced eyewear products.(eggmq50) - Valid at egg Maritime Square shop only - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of egg Optical Boutique Limited Enjoy extra HK$100 discount for purchasing spectacles frame with lenses or sunglasses after regular discount 凡購買度數眼鏡架連鏡片或太陽眼鏡, 在原有折扣後, 可再獲減 HK$100 優惠 TSY34 Rich Honour Optical Centre 利誠眼鏡 - 如有任何爭議, 利誠眼鏡保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Rich Honour Optical Centre

電器用品 / 電訊 Electrical Appliances / Telecommunications HK$100 discount on any single product purchase of HK$2000 or above on regular - 惠顧單一正價貨品滿 $2,000 以上, 可享 $100 折扣優惠 priced items 305-307A Fortress 豐澤 - 指定貨品除外, 詳情請向店員查詢 - 如有任何爭議, 豐澤保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Fortress 家品 / 超市 Household Goods / Supermarket 15% off on regular - priced items 正價貨品 85 折 194 Life Kan 生活館 - 此優惠不能兌換現金, 不能與其他優惠或 VIP 會員優惠同時使用 - 如有任何爭議, 生活館保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 and VIP discounts - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Life Kan 蔘茸 / 藥業 Chinese Medicine/ Dispensary 321 Lee Hong Dispensary 購買蔘茸 燕窩及中藥補品可享 9 折優惠 - 此優惠不適用於特價品 - 如有任何爭議, 利康中西藥房保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 10% discount on Ginseng, Bird's Nest and Tonic Herbs - This offer is not applicable to discounted items - In case of disputes, the matters are subject to the final decision of Lee Hong Dispensary

零售美食 Confectionery 221 Italian Tomato 預訂原個蛋糕 (21cm/15cm) 享 95 折優惠 - 此優惠不可與 Tomato Club 會員折扣優惠, 會員優惠券及其他優惠同時使用 - 如有任何爭議,I.T.H.K.Limited 保留最終決定權更改使用細則 Enjoy 5%off on Pre-order any whole cake(21 cm or 15cm) - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with Tomato Club membership discount and coupon, and other promotion - I.T.H.K. Limited reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute Enjoy 10% off upon purchase of HK$150 or above 凡購物滿 HK$150 即可獲 9 折優惠 TSY4 Okashi Land 零食物語 - 此推廣不可與 VIP 咭及其他優惠同時使用 - 此推廣不適用於購買禮券 優惠組合 如買一送一,HK$10/3 件等 及換購貨 - 如有任何爭議, 零食物語 保留最終決定權 - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional or VIP card - This offer is not applicable to purchase of gift vouchers, combo price items (e.g. "Buy 1 get 1 free". HK$10/3 products, etc.) and redeemable items - In case of disputes, the decision of Okashi Land shall be final