KJWJ01 Fig. 1 Geological map of the Kajiwa landslide PDH01 60 ~ 70m 80 ~ 90m 80m 2 930m 556m 641m 598m m m 3 2 Ⅰ m 2

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Vol. 39 No. 1 Jan. 2012 HYDROGEOLOGY & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 39 1 2012 1-621701 - - P642. 2 A 1000-3665 2012 01-0058-07 2 ~ 4 2 r 3 3 1 col + dl 500 ~ 1 050m Q 4 2 Q del 4 3 8 ~ 50 ~ 60m 10 r 4 1 2 1 2 2. 1 2 687 ~ 2 690 m 1. 3km 3 140m 5 ~ 20m 150 ~ 450m 100m 57 200m 28 2 820 ~ 2 860m 50 10% 80m 20 ~ 25 2 975 ~ 3 040m 149cm / s 2 Ⅶ 74m 18 U 2011-04-14 2011-07-07 1970-1 E-mail 909chm@ 163. com

1 59 1 KJWJ01 Fig. 1 Geological map of the Kajiwa landslide PDH01 60 ~ 70m 80 ~ 90m 80m 2 930m 556m 641m 598m 465 366m 2 3 723 10 4 m 3 2 Ⅰ 3 4 174m 2 800m 10 4 m 3 2 750m 2 767m 2 782m 3 110 ~ 130m 2. 4 20 ~ 40cm 2 2. 2 r 4 60 ~ 80m 10 2. 3 14 5 1 20m 7m 10. 2 10 4 m 3 Ⅱ 1 192m 2 828m 17m 48. 4 Fig. 2 2 KP1 The KP1 profile of the Kajiwa landslide

60-2012 3 4 Fig. 3 Slip zone of a directional arrangement flakes Fig. 4 Slip zone of soil dry cake shape r 3 HPK06 HPK09 20 30 40 45 40m 50 ~ 60 45 ~ 60 fgl Q 3 24m 1 Table 1 Distribution of part of the exploration points slip zone area m m KJWJ - 1 9. 30 ~ 9. 90 0. 60 HPK01 95. 0 ~ 98. 73 3. 73 5 HPK02 90. 22 ~ 93. 62 3. 40 20% ~ 25% HPK03 91. 61 ~ 92. 01 0. 40 HPK04 75. 40 ~ 75. 85 0. 45 HPK06 60. 18 ~ 65. 75 5. 47 HPK13 49. 15 ~ 49. 65 1. 77 HPK14 82. 50 ~ 84. 16 1. 66 PDH01 134 ~ 145 11 1 ~ 4cm 50% 1 ~ 4cm 15% 60% 10% ~ 15% 1 ~ 2cm 30% 2 ~ 3cm 19% ~ 33% 16% ~ 24% < 0. 075mm 42% ~ 65% < 0. 005mm 23% ~ 41% KJWJ - 1 HPK03 PDH01 3 5 3. 1 200 ~ 250m 45 U

1 61 5 6 Fig. 5 Diagram showing the valley landform 3. 2 - development trend 70 - - 150 ~ 250m - Ⅳ Ⅴ r 4 r 3 0. 5 ~ 4cm 50 ~ 60 45 ~ 60 N35 W SW Ⅱ Ⅲ 40 ~ Fig. 6 6 Analysis chart of the Kajiwa landslide ancient river

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