国际华人岩土工程师协会岩土与地震工程国际会议 (2018 年 10 月 21 日至 22 日, 中国重庆 ) The IACGE International Conference on Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering (IACGE2018) (Octo

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2 中 国 科 技 财 富 2011


国际华人岩土工程师协会岩土与 地震工程国际会议 会议通知 II 2018 年 10 月中国 重庆 I

国际华人岩土工程师协会岩土与地震工程国际会议 (2018 年 10 月 21 日至 22 日, 中国重庆 ) The IACGE International Conference on Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering (IACGE2018) (October 21-22, 2018, Chongqing, China) 可持续发展的岩土与地震工程理论及实践 Geotechnical and Seismic Research and Practices for Sustainability 二号通知 2 nd Announcement 征集论文 Call for Papers 大会语言 : 英文和中文 Conference Languages:English and Chinese 大会网站 / Conference Websites:www.iacge2018.org (in English); iacge2018.cqu.edu.cn (in Chinese) 论文提交网站 / Abstract & Paper Submission Websites: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iacge2018 主办单位 : 国际华人岩土工程师协会 (IACGE) 承办单位 : 重庆大学协办单位 : 重庆大学土木工程学院美国土木工程师协会重庆交通大学东南大学西南交通大学 ( 待补充 ) Organizer: Host: Sponsors: International Association of Chinese Geotechnical Engineers (IACGE) Chongqing University School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University Geo-Institute of ASCE Chongqing Jiaotong University Southeast University Southwest Jiaotong University (to be updated ) II

目 录 一. 会议简介与议题 01 二. 组织机构 02 三. 会议安排 04 四. 特邀报告 05 五. 会务组织 06 六. 投稿事宜 07 七. 重要日期 08 八. 重庆印象 09 III

一. 会议简介与议题 Conference Introduction and Topics 国际华人岩土工程师协会是在美国注册的由全球从事岩土工程研究及应用的 以海内外华人为主的国际性学术团体, 代表中国岩石力学与工程学会北美分会 此次 IACGE 岩土与地震工程国际研讨会主题为 可持续性的岩土与地震工程理论及实践 会议将接收学术论文摘要, 或者全文及工程实例 PowerPoint 报告 会议论文集拟以美国土木工程师协会岩土特别刊物 [ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP),EI 检索 ] 的形式出版 PowerPoint 报告将收编到 IACGE 网站上 International Association of Chinese Geotechnical Engineers (IACGE) is a non-profit professional organization formed by a group of Chinese and non-chinese geotechnical professionals from the world. IACGE officially represents China Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME) in North America. The theme of the IACGE2018 is Geotechnical and Seismic Research and Practices for Sustainability. IACGE2018 will accept abstracts, full papers and/or PowerPoint presentations. Peer reviewed papers are planned to be published in ASCE Geotechnical Special Publications. Accepted presenters without papers will have their presentations published at the IACGE websites. 岩石力学及地质工程 / Rock Mechanics and Geology 土动力学及地震工程 / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 基础工程及桩基测试 / Foundation Engineering and Pile Testing 深基坑开挖及临时支护 / Excavation and Shoring 路堤及支挡结构 / Embankments and Retaining Structures 隧洞及地下建筑 / Tunnels and Underground Engineering 水坝及堤坝 / Dams and Levees 边坡稳定及滑坡 / Slope Stability and Landslides 膨胀土及黄土 / Expansive Soils and Loess 地基处理及加固 / Ground Improvements 岩土数值分析与计算 / Numerical Modeling 施工岩土保障技术 / Geotechnical Support during Construction 海上风电桩基础 / SI, design and construction of Pile foundations for offshore wind power 1

二. 组织机构 Committee Members and Conference Chairs 国际顾问委员会 / International Advisory Committee 周丰峻院士 / Zhou Fengjun 谢礼立院士 / Xie Lili 王梦恕院士 / Wang Mengshu 周福霖院士 / Zhou Fulin 何华武院士 / He Huawu 杜彦良院士 / Du Yanliang 任辉启院士 / Ren Huiqi 黄卫院士 / Huang Wei 顾金才院士 / Gu Jincai 郑颖人院士 / Zheng Yingren 楚剑教授 / Chu Jian (Singapore) 蒋宇静教授 / Jiang Yujing Prof. G. Kocharyan (Russia) Prof. D. Kubeckova (Czech) Prof. V. Ulitckii (Russia) Prof. Masakatsu Miyajima (Japan) Prof. R. Mangushev (Russia) Prof. Jean Louis Briaud (USA) Prof. Paul Mayne (USA) 杨秀敏院士 / Yang Xiumin 廖振鹏院士 / Liao Zhenpeng 何满潮院士 / He Manchao 梁文灏院士 / Liang Wenhao 龚晓南院士 / Gong Xiaonan 王复明院士 / Wang Fuming 郑健龙院士 / Zheng Jianlong 杨永斌院士 / Yang Yongbin 陈云敏院士 / Chen Yunmin 吴伟教授 / Wu Wei (Austria) 崔玉军教授 / Cui Yujun (France) Prof. Ross Boulanger (USA) Prof. E. Aifantis (Greece) Prof. V. Yedoyan (Armenia) Prof. S. Leonovich (Byelorussia) Prof. David (Xiangwu) Zeng (USA) Prof. R. Jaroslaw (Poland) Prof. Edward Kavazanjian (USA) Prof. Richard Finno (USA) 大会名誉主席 / Symposium Honorary Chairs 钱七虎院士 / Prof. Qian Qihu, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering 周绪红院士 / Prof. Zhou Xuhong, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering 大会联合主席 / Conference Chairs Dr. Endi Zhai, President of IACGE / 翟恩地博士, 国际华人岩土工程师协会会长, 国家 千人计划 专家 刘汉龙教授, 重庆大学副校长, 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会理事长 / Prof. Liu Hanlong, Vice-President of CQU, Director-General of Environmental Geotechnical Engineering Branch, Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering 2

学术委员会 / Technical Committee 主席 / Chairman 冯夏庭教授, 中国岩石力学与工程学会理事长 / Prof. Feng Xiating, Director-General of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering 副主席 / Vice-chairman 张建民教授, 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会理事长 / Prof. Zhang Jianmin, Director-General of Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering China Civil Engineering Society 刘汉龙教授, 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会理事长 /Prof. Liu Hanlong, Director-General of Environmental Geotechnical Engineering Branch,Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Dr. Jianping Hu,General Secretary of IACGE / 胡建平博士, 国际华人岩土工程师协会秘书长 委员 / Members 白冰 (Bai Bing) 包琦玮 (Bao Qiwei) Xiong Bill Yu 蔡袁强 (Cai Yuanqiang) 陈仁朋 (Chen Renpeng) 陈国兴 (Chen Guoxing) 邓建辉 (Deng Jianhui) 程展林 (Cheng Zhanlin) 杜修力 (Du Xiuli) Ethan Dawson 冯世进 (Feng Shijin) Freidin Alexander 高玉峰 (Gao Yufeng) 龚维明 (Gong Weiming) 高波 (Gao Bo) James Gingery 韩杰 (Han Jie) 何川 (He Chuan) 胡向东 (Hu Xiangdong) 胡黎明 (Hu Liming) 黄宏伟 (Huang Hongwei) 黄茂松 (Huang Maosong) 蒋明镜 (Jiang Mingjing) Jorge Meneses Kim Lev 李典庆 (Li Dianqing) 李树忱 (Li Shuchen) 李海波 (Li Haibo) 李天斌 (Li Tianbin) 李新平 (Li Xinping) 冷伍明 (Leng Wuming) 李术才 ( Li Shucai) 廖红建 (Liao Hongjian) 刘建坤 (Liu Jiankun) 卢文波 (Lu Wenbo) 罗书学 (Luo Shuxue) 马建林 (Ma Jianlin) 马国伟 (Ma Guowei) Marlena Rajczyk 梅国雄 (Mei Guoxiong) Paramonov V 戚承志 (Qi Chengzhi) 祁生文 (Qi Shengwen) Sammal A. Sergey Lurie Shideh Dashti 单仁亮 (Shan Renliang) Julie Q. Shang 佘诗刚 (She Shigang) Sidorov V. 孙世国 (Sun Shiguo) 沈小克 (Shen Xiaoke) Tann David 陶连金 (Tao Lianjin) 邱统 (Tong Qiu) 王建华 (Wang Jianhua) 王明洋 (Wang Mingyang) Jerry Wu 王旭 (Wang Xu) 王媛 (Wang Yuan) 王卫东 (Wang Weidong) Wolfgang Roth 吴宏伟 (Charles Ng) 夏开文 (Xia Kaiwen) 徐日庆 (Xu Riqing) 姚仰平 (Yao Yangping) Yingcai Han 曾向武 (Zeng Xiangwu ) 张建经 (Zhang Jianjing) 张利民 (Zhang Limin) 仉文岗 (Zhang Wengang) 赵成刚 (Zhao Chenggang) 赵文 (Zhao Wen) 赵兴权 (Zhao Xingquan) 郑刚 (Zheng Gang) 郑宏 (Zheng Hong) 郑俊杰 (Zheng Junjie) 郑永来 (Zheng Yonglai) 周小平 (Zhou Xiaoping) 朱大勇 (Zhu Dayong) 朱合华 (Zhu Hehua) 3

三. 会议安排 Conference Arrangements 日程 / Agenda 日期 / Date 安排 / Event 2018. Oct. 19, Fri. Registration (whole day) Oct. 20, Sat., morning session Keynote & Invited Lectures Oct. 20, Sat., afternoon session Keynote & Invited Lectures Oct. 21, Sun., morning session Parallel Sessions Oct. 21, Sun., afternoon session Young scholar Sessions 会议报告形式包括如下 : 特邀报告大会报告分会场报告青年学者专场报告 会议酒店 / Venue To be announced 4

四. 特邀报告人 Keynote & Invited Lecturers Keynote Lecturers Prof. Jean Louis Briaud U. Texas A & M Prof. Zhang Jianmin Tsinghua University Prof. Du Xiuli Beijing U of Technology Prof. Richard Finno Northwestern University Prof. Ross Boulanger University of California at Davis Prof. Masakatsu Miyajima Kanazawa UniverSity,Japan Keynote Lecturers To be announced Prof. Izzat M. Idriss University of California at Davis 5

五. 会务组织 Organizing Committee and Contacts 主席 / Chair Prof. Liu Hanlong,Vice-President of Chongqing University / 刘汉龙教授, 重庆大学副校长 副主席 / Vice-chairs Dr. Liping Yan, Vice President of IACGE / 颜利平博士, IACGE 副会长 Prof. Liu Xinrong, Director of Geotechnical Research Institute, Chongqing University / 刘新荣教授, 重庆大学岩土工程研究所所长 委员 : ( 排名不分先后 ) / Members 杨庆山 (Yang Qingshan) 华建民 (Hua Jianmin) 阴可 (Yin Ke) 张敏 (Zhang Min) 刘华 (Liu Hua) 胡中波 (Hu Zhongbo) 余雄 (Xiong Bill Yu) 邱统 (Tong Qiu) 于新豹 (Xinbao Yu) 王俊杰 (Wang Junjie) 郑长杰 (Zheng Changjie) 周航 (Zhou Hang) 梁越 (Liang Yue) 高峰 (Gao Feng) 沈扬 (Shen Yang) 高全 (Quan Gao) 陶军亮 (Junliang Tao) 刘振 (Zhen Liu) 丁选明 (Ding Xuanming) 仉文岗 (Zhang Wengang) 肖杨 (Xiao Yang) 孔纲强 (Kong Gangqiang) 陈育民 (Chen Yumin) 杨贵 (Yang Gui) 谢强 (Xie Qiang) 靳晓光 (Jin Xiaoguang) 赵瑜 (Zhao Yu) 黄达 (Huang Da) 王刚 (Wang Gang) 易江涛 (Yi Jiangtao) 朱正伟 (Zhu Zhengwei) 刘琰 (Yan Liu) 卢谅 (Lu Liang) 钟祖良 (Zhong Zuliang) 陈志雄 (Chen Zhixiong) 干滕君 (Gan Tengjun) 吴曙光 (Wu Shuguang) 梁宁慧 (Liang Ninghui) 杨忠平 (Yang Zhongping) 李东升 (Li Dongsheng) 卢黎 (Lu Li) 吕欣 (Lv Xin) 李鹏 (Li Peng) 彭静 (Peng Jing) 陈培稚 (Chen Peizhi) 联系人 / Contacts 仉文岗教授 / Prof. Zhang Wengang, email: cheungwg@126.com, zhangwg@cqu.edu.cn 丁选明教授 / Prof. Ding Xuanming, email: dxmcqu@163.com, dxming@cqu.edu.cn 地址 : 重庆市沙坪坝区沙北街 83 号 / 83 Shabei Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing Wechat Group name: 华人岩土会议 IACGE2018, 二维码 / QR code: 6

六. 投稿事宜 GI Event and GSP Paper Submission GI Event / GSP 网上发布 http://www.geoinstitute.org/event/iacge-2018-geotechnical-seismic-research-practices-sustainability/ GSP Editorial Board Members Shideh Dashti, Assistant Professor at University of Colorado at Boulder 刘汉龙, 重庆大学土木工程学院教授 / Liu Hanlong, Professor at School of Civil Engineering CQU Bill (Xiong) Yu, Professor at Case School of Engineering, Case Western Reserve University 仉文岗, 重庆大学土木工程学院教授 / Zhang Wengang, Professor at School of Civil Engineering CQU Dr. Jianping Hu,General Secretary of IACGE / 胡建平博士, 国际华人岩土工程师协会秘书长丁选明, 重庆大学土木工程学院教授 / Ding Xuanming, Professor at School of Civil Engineering CQU 陈育民, 河海大学土木与交通学院教授 / Chen Yumin, Professor at School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University 论文摘要提交 / Abstract and Paper Submission 会议接受论文摘要或者全文, 论文摘要或者全文在会议网站 https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iacge2018 上提交 论文摘要最多不超过 500 个字, 中英文均可, 以英文为主 论文全文将收录会议论文集并拟出版于 ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP 是 EI 检索 ) 只做工程实例 PowerPoint 报告且不提交论文者, 需要提交不超过 500 个字的报告摘要和大会前提交 PowerPoint 文件 摘要格式 : 可在中文网站 (iacge2018.cqu.edu.cn) 下载摘要模板 The conference accepts abstracts or full papers. Please submit your abstracts or full papers, either in English or in Chinese, of no more than 500 words before September 30, 2017 at the conference website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iacge2018). The accepted full papers are planned to be published in an ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication. We also accept Power Point presentation without publishing a paper. The presentation abstract of no more than 500 words is required to submit to the conference websites. Format of Abstract:The Abstract template can be downloaded from IACGE2018 Conference Websites in Chinese: iacge2018.cqu.edu.cn 7

七. 重要日期 Important Dates Abstracts submittal: due September 30, 2017 摘要截止日期 :9 月 30 日, 2017 年 Notify authors of accepted abstracts: Oct 30, 2017 摘要接收通知日期 : 10 月 30 日, 2017 年 Full paper submittal: January 31, 2018 论文全文提交 :2018 年 1 月 31 日 Paper review: March 15, 2018 稿件审阅 :2018 年 3 月 15 日 Notify authors of accepted full papers: May 1, 2018 终稿接收通知日期 : 5 月 1 日, 2018 年 Early-bird registration: July 1, 2018 大会优惠注册截止日期 :2018 年 7 月 1 日 8

八. 重庆印象 Chongqing Impressions About Chongqing University CQU CQU is one of the top 1% Chinese universities within the framework of the State 211 and 985 Project. Over 47,000 students attend classes in 35 schools, under six faculties in Science, Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Built Environment, Information Science and Technology. A key national university A member of the Excellence League 4 main campuses cover a total of 347 hectares A large library collection amounts to 4.5 million volumes CQU is committed to making a first-class comprehensive research-oriented university in China, with unique characteristics and international fame. Outlook of CQU campus 9

Attractions in the city of Chongqing Chongqing, the youngest Municipality and one of the five central cities in China, remains at the forefront of the Go West national development campaign with the fastest economic growth. A city with excellent ecological environment and abundant natural resources A city with diverse cultures A city of tradition and modernity An industry base in Western China An economic and financial center in Upper Yangtze River A logistic hub combining water, road and air transportation A city of bridges 10