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Organiser 最佳金融科技獎 Best FinTech Award

Content 目錄

Best FinTech Award 最佳金融科技獎 Background 背景 The Hong Kong ICT Awards aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong's ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. The Hong Kong ICT Awards was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. Steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Awards aims at building a locally espoused and internationally acclaimed brand of ICT awards. There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017, including the Best FinTech Award. There will be one Grand Award in each category, and an Award of the Year will be selected from the eight Grand Awards by the Grand Judging Panel. Objective 目的 In encouraging the development of FinTech innovation and solutions (such as payment solutions, clearing and settlement systems, etc.) for enhancing operations and fostering new modes of business for the financial sector, the Best FinTech Award aims to develop HK into a financial technology hub. The Financial sector includes banking, insurance, securities and trading, as well as fund and asset management. This FinTech Award would synergise, promote and recognise our FinTech community as a major player and force in the strategic development of Hong Kong as an innovative financial hub. The Best FinTech Award is composed of three streams: 1. Cyber Security/ Anti-Fraud 2. Banking, Insurance & Capital Market 3. Emerging Solutions/ Payment Innovation 1

Message from Chief Executive Officer of Organiser 籌辦機構行政總裁獻辭 The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is honoured to have been appointed as the Lead Organiser of the Best FinTech Award 2017, following last year's inaugural success. The Best FinTech Award aims to encourage the development of FinTech solutions, which enhance operational efficiency, foster new enterprises, and transform consumers experience. This year, the Best FinTech Award covers three categories: Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets; Cyber Security / Anti-Fraud; and Emerging Solutions / Payment Innovation. The number of applications received has doubled that of last year's, and participating corporations are from a wide array of sectors. This is an encouraging sign that FinTech development in Hong Kong is growing at a fast pace. The success of this year's Award would not have been possible without the partnership with our Supporting Organisations and Panel of Judges and Assessors. I would like to thank our Lead Supporting Organisation, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and all our supporting organisations including Hong Kong Computer Society's Financial Technologies Special Interest Group (FTSIG), ASTRI, CTgoodjobs, FinTech Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Association of Banks, Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council, Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority, Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Private Wealth Management Association, Securities and Futures Commission, TagDigital, and the HKIB Council and Executive Committee members. Our appreciation also goes to our team of judges and assessors, with special tribute to Mr. Michael Leung, Chairman of the Judging Panel and Mr. Michael Mudd, Chief Assessor. I would also like to express my warmest congratulations to all the winners on their achievements. We look forward to collaborating more closely with the government, regulators, and other stakeholders to deliver our shared vision of making Hong Kong an internationally recognised FinTech hub! 2

Message from Chairman of Final Judging Panel 評審委員會主席獻辭 It is my honour to be the Chief Judge of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 - Best FinTech Award. The development of innovation and technology, and more specifically in FinTech, is fast growing in our city. The Hong Kong Government has taken a strong stance with committing investment to enhance Hong Kong's innovation and technology ecosystem, including the establishment of the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund and Innovation and Technology Bureau. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has established its Fintech Facilitation Office, Fintech Innovation Hub and Fintech Supervisory Sandbox to foster the healthy growth of FinTech in Hong Kong. The Best FinTech Award is an excellent channel to recognise local talent that plays a vital part in the FinTech development in Hong Kong. The Judging Panel was highly impressed by the number and quality of entries received this year. We are also excited to receive entries from both financial institutions and startups, indicating the multi-faceted growth in the FinTech development in Hong Kong. With the continued support from the Hong Kong Government and regulators in promoting the development of FinTech, alongside other areas of innovation and technology in Hong Kong, we are confident that the Best FinTech Award will continue to flourish in the years to come. My heartfelt thanks to our dedicated Assessors and Judges for providing their expertise and valuable advice to make the success of this Award possible. I would also like to congratulate all the winners and The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers for their organisation of the Best FinTech Award 2017. 3

4 Best FinTech Award Judging Panel 最佳金融科技獎評審委員會

5 Best FinTech Award Assessment Team 最佳金融科技獎評審小組

Best FinTech Grand Award and Best FinTech (Banking, Insurance and Capital Market) Gold Award 最佳金融科技大獎及最佳金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 金獎 Traditionally, the premium rate of motor insurance can only be calculated by general driving behavior statistics, gender, age, car type and previous claim records. However, driver's own driving behavior has never been reflected on his/her own premium rate, which is not entirely fair to safe drivers. FWD has made a breakthrough by introducing the first driving technique assessment app FWD Drivamatics. It can record each ride in detail and rate the safe-driving quality based on a comprehensive range of factors including smooth acceleration, braking technique, turning technique, concentration and safe speed. On top of the NCD (no claim discount), the motor insurance policyholders will be awarded with cash rebates up to 30% of the total premiums paid for that policy year, based on their driving scores. It truly makes User-Based Insurance (UBI) concept in practice, rewarding safe and careful drivers and ultimately encourage road safety. 6

Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 FWD Drivamatics an interesting innovation that brings both commercial benefits and social impact together. On the technology front, it incorporates the many facets of FinTech such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and customer portal dashboard. Socially, this solution encourages and rewards safe and responsible driving behavior, benefiting not only the user but the society as well. FWD Drivamatics can inspire many other solutions that incorporate FinTech and promotion of positive consumer behavior. 7

Best FinTech (Banking, Insurance and Capital Market) Silver Award 最佳金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 銀獎 Incorporated in Hong Kong, Seasonalife is the first insurance robo advisor in Asia. Our mission is to become private actuary to both advisors and end-customers, making insurance smart and friendly again. Designed by senior actuaries and insurance specialists, Seasonalife is a web-based insurance platform for licensed advisors to research and compare insurance products across companies. The platform also provides creative applications with slick interfaces: gamified goal-based calculators, real-time quotation and illustration using interactive visualization technologies. It is our belief that advisors can best differentiate themselves with the most efficient and customer-centric solutions. Learn more at Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Seasonalife is an outstanding innovative InsurTech solution, providing a range of functionalities and designs to enhance the traditional business model of the insurance industry. It has great potential with a lot of room for enhancements and development. 8

Best FinTech (Banking, Insurance and Capital Market) Bronze Award 最佳金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 銅獎 Privé Managers is a completely integrated and comprehensive digital wealth and asset management platform powered by a proprietary bionic advisory engine. The Hong Kong- based startup's global platform is already being used by several global financial institutions in Asia and Europe and its business model is B2B. Its integration-focused and modular-based approach meets the diverse needs of financial intermediaries and advisors to more efficiently grow their assets, while reducing costs through technology solutions. The key competency is the ability to combine products, technology and client lead generation on one platform. Privé Managers Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Privé Managers is an innovative concept with a well proven solution in a dynamic FinTech Market. It has good potential by exploring the underutilized technology to solve immediate needs. By lowering cost for clients, it is a scalable and profitable business model. Privé Managers 9

Best FinTech (Banking, Insurance and Capital Market) Certificate of Merit 最佳金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 優異證書 DASH is a full-suite scalable artificial intelligence platform for the financial service industry. There is huge potential in employing DASH artificial intelligence for advancing service offering, such as: Prevention of fraudulent activities in systems and operations; Integration of predictive analytics into pricing and underwriting; Robo-advisory and product/investment recommendation incorporating goal, portfolio analytics, sentiment and market data; Early detection of customer dissatisfaction foretelling closure. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 DASH provides a modern and comprehensive FinTech solution. By integrating artificial intelligence and big data, it can be incorporated in compliance, business analysis, and human error prevention. It has great potential and flexibility in application as it is scalable and customizable. 10

Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions / Payment Innovation) Gold Award 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 / 創新支付方案 ) 金獎 As the first launched blockchain application in Hong Kong Banking industry, the network bases on mortgage property valuation business scenario to learn and apply Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). DLT's feature includes untemper, traceable, decentralized and share ledger, which can increase the reliability of data transfer & sharing. Blockchain network facilitates business by: (1) Streamlining the process and increasing operational efficiency (2) Establishing standards between banks and surveyors (3) Reducing operation risk (4) Promoting paperless operation Besides mortgage application, more business cases are considering to use DLT, including trade finance, cross boarder payment and remittances, to continuously improve user experience. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 This solutions is an impressive blockchain platform on mortgage valuation built in Hong Kong and a breakthrough in FinTech. With distinct concept and functionality, it has a strong niche in the mortgage business. It has great potential in encouraging blockchain development and application in the local Banking and Finance industry. 11

Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions / Payment Innovation) Silver Award 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 / 創新支付方案 ) 銀獎 Neat is a mobile current account. Securely open a current account via the Neat App. At any time, from anywhere. It takes just 10 minutes. No need to visit a branch. Receive domestic and international bank payments. Use the Neat MasterCard to make purchases at any traditional stores or online merchants who accept MasterCard worldwide and withdraw cash at any ATM around the world which displays the MasterCard logo. The modern Neat App is fun to use. Real-time updates help you stay on top of your spending budget. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Neat is a destructive solution that brings an innovative customer experience in digital onboarding. It addresses to the growing demand for quick and simple banking solutions from consumers and targets the underbanked, a market segment that is often overlooked. Though still at an early stage, it is an innovative solution with global potential. 12

Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions / Payment Innovation) Bronze Award 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 / 創新支付方案 ) 銅獎 Clare.AI empowers financial institutions to engage with their customers in a natural and reliable way at-scale. We build white label AI chatbots to help banks provide a better customer experience. We differentiate by a proprietary Cantonese Natural Language Processing engine, ability to deploy on premise and cross platforms. We also offer a B2C solution for personal financial management. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Clare.AI is a practical and cost-saving alternative to human call center that increases operational efficiency. The Chatbot technology with the use of Cantonese and on a social platform also provides a unique niche. This solution has great potential as the knowledge base grows and expands into other Banking functions. 13

Introduction of Organiser 籌辦機構簡介 Established in 1963, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is a non-profit making and the only professional institution serving the local banking community in the provision of education and professional training. Our objective is to enhance and further develop the territory's status as an international financial centre by upholding the professional standards of bankers qualifications through education, training and development. Through nurturing banking talent, the Institute has played an important role in fostering inter-industry, cross-sectorial and cross-regional cooperation for over half-a-century. HKIB seeks to provide a professional environment that supports and encourages the personal development of individual banking practitioners. Mission: The mission of HKIB is to strive for excellence whilst upholding the professional standards of bankers qualifications. This is achieved through provision of efficient and effective education, training and development, certifying and accrediting service. These are aligned to the growing needs of the banking and financial industries considering both Hong Kong and other regional standards. For further details, please visit Responsible Team include: Ms Carrie Leung (2 nd from right) CEO Dr WH Yeung (2 nd from left) General Manager, Professional Competence Development & Membership Miss Jessica Tsoi (1 st from left) Senior Product Development & Quality Assurance Manager Miss Jacqueline Au (1 st from right) Product Development & Projects Manager Enquiry 查詢 14

15 Panel of Judges 評審委員會 Acknowledgement 鳴謝

16 Assessment Team 評審小組 Acknowledgement 鳴謝

Office Office of of the the Government Chief Information Officer, The The Government of of the the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Region Organiser The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers of Bankers Awards Supporting Organisations Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Hong Kong Research Cyberport Institute Company Management Limited Company Limited Hong Kong Science and Technology Trade Development Parks Corporation Council Innovation Invest Hong and Kong Technology Commission Hong Kong Cyberport Hong Management Kong Science Company and Limited Technology Parks Corporation Innovation Hong Kong and Technology Trade Development Commission Council Invest Hong Kong Lead Supporting Organisation Supporting Organisations Office of the Commissioner of Insurance Supporting Media Scoring System PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 15 Disclaimer: This brochure was published by The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers. All information was provided by the winning companies. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the above information, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers cannot guarantee this to be so and will not be held liable for any reliance placed on the same.