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第 1 章互動式 Shell Integers Ints 4 99 0 Floating-point numbers floats 3.5 42.1 5.0 Python 5 5.0 values Shell 2 2 + 2 expressions 1-2 運算子 值 2 + 2 值 表示式 1-2 Shell Enter >>> 2+2+2+2+2 10 >>> 8*6 48 >>> 10-5+6 11 >>> 2 + 2 4 2 + 2 Python Shell >>> - 13 -

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第 1 章互動式 Shell >>> 8 * 3 / 2 + 2 + 7-9 12.0 / 24 / 2 12.0 12.0 + 2 14.0 Shell 5 + Enter >>> 5 + SyntaxError: invalid syntax 5 + + 前與後 SyntaxError Python Shell >>> 變數 指定陳述句 assignment statement = Shell >>> spam = 15 >>> spam 15 1-3 - 15 -

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第 1 章互動式 Shell >>> spam = 15 >>> spam + 5 20 15 spam spam + 5 15 + 5 spam + 5 Python NameError >>> spam = 15 >>> spma Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> spma NameError: name 'spma' is not defined spam spma Shell >>> spam = 15 >>> spam + 5 20 >>> spam = 3 >>> spam + 5 8 spam + 5 20 spam 15 spam = 3 15 3 spam 3 spam + 5 8 1-4 - 17 -

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第 1 章互動式 Shell >>> bacon = 10 >>> eggs = 15 bacon 10 eggs 15 1-5 15 10 1-5 bacon eggs spam = bacon + eggs Shell spam >>> bacon = 10 >>> eggs = 15 >>> spam = bacon + eggs >>> spam 25 spam 25 bacon eggs 10 + 15 spam 25 bacon + eggs spam = bacon + eggs 25 spam bacon eggs spam - 19 -

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2 Python Hello World! 字串 字串的連接 資料型別 ( 如字串或整數型別 ) 使用 File Editor 來編寫程式

Python 好好玩 - 趣學電玩遊戲程式設計 在 IDLE 中儲存和執行程式 執行的流程 注釋 print() 函式 input() 函式 區分大小寫 Python 字串 strings ' Shell >>> spam = 'hello' Python Shell spam spam Python 'hello' >>> spam = 'hello' >>> spam 'hello' 'hello' 'Hi there!' 'KITTENS' '7 apples, 14 oranges, 3 lemons' 'Anything not pertaining to elephants is irrelephant.' 'A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...' 'O*&#wY%*&OCfsdYO*&gfC% YO*& % 3yc8r2' - 22 -

第 2 章編寫程式 + 字串連接 string concatenation Shell 'Hello' + 'World!' >>> 'Hello' + 'World!' 'HelloWorld!' 'HelloWorld!' >>> 'Hello ' + 'World!' 'Hello World!' + 資料型別 data type 'Hello' 5 Python + IDLE Shell IDLE File Editor Shell File New File 2-1 - 23 -

Python 好好玩 - 趣學電玩遊戲程式設計 2-1 Shell File Editor Shell >>> File Editor Hell World Hello World! 請確認您所安裝的是 Python 3 而不是 Python 2! File Editor 2-2 1 Ln: 1 0 Col: 0 2-2 File Editor - 24 -

第 2 章編寫程式 File Editor 原始程式碼 source code Python 1. # This program says hello and asks for my name. 2. print('hello world!') 3. print('what is your name?') 4. myname = input() 5. print('it is good to meet you, ' + myname) IDLE File Editor 2-3 2-3 File Editor IDLE File Save As Ctrl-S 2-4 存檔 IDLE File Open 開啟舊檔 File Editor - 25 -

Python 好好玩 - 趣學電玩遊戲程式設計 2-4 File Editor Run Run Module F5 Shell Hello world! 2-5 2-5 Shell - 26 -

第 2 章編寫程式 Enter F5 Compare 2-6 2-6 NameError Python 2 Python 3 Hello world! What is your name? Albert Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python26/", line 4, in <module> myname = input() File "<string>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'Albert' is not defined Python 3.4-27 -

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第 2 章編寫程式 print() Hello World 2 3 print() 2. print('hello world!') 3. print('what is your name?') 引數 argument 2 print() 'Hello world!' 3 print() 'What is your name?' 傳 passing Input() 4 input() myname 4. myname = input() input() 返回值 return value input() Albert input() 'Albert' 'Albert' myname Hello World print() 5. print('it is good to meet you, ' + myname) print() 'It is good to meet you, ' + myname Python - 29 -

Python 好好玩 - 趣學電玩遊戲程式設計 'Albert' myname print('it is good to meet you, ' + myname) print('it is good to meet you, ' + 'Albert') print('it is good to meet you, Albert') Python myname Hello world! What is your name? Carolyn It is good to meet you, Carolyn Hello world! What is your name? poop It is good to meet you, poop - 30 -

第 2 章編寫程式 myname abrahamlincoln name Python 1 東西 Stuff Shell spam eggs bacon spam SPAM Spam spam Python whatihadforbreakfastthismorning whatihadforbreakfastthismorning 駝峰式 (camel case) breakfast foodthismorning whatihadforbreakfastthismorning Python - 31 -

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