Refund/Replace and Order Cancellation Policy 退款 / 退換及訂單取消政策 It is the receiver's responsibility to check the condition of any goods received, at the t

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SIMS WORLD OF QUALITY PRODUCTS 慎昌優質美食匯粹 TERMS AND CONDITION FOR ONLINE PURCHASE 網上購物條款及細則 In these terms and conditions, the "Company" will mean Sims Trading Co. Ltd and the "Customer" will mean any person, firm, company or body which places an order with the Company. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the site. By using the site or any part of it, you agree that you have read these terms and conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them. 本條款適用於閣下對本網站之瀏覽及使用 透過本網站向慎昌有限公司 ( 下稱 本公司 ) 購買貨品或 服務之交易 請在使用本網頁之前仔細閱讀本條款及細則 閣下使用本網頁或其中任何部分, 即表示同 意閣下已閱讀本條款及細則, 並且接受和同意受本條款及細則約束 General Terms 使用條款 The Company shall make every effort to ensure that prices, details and sizes of products on this website are up to date. Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company's acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability. The Company shall make every effort to ensure products displayed on the website are in stock. If from time to time products become out of stock, the Company reserves the right to offer alternative product/s to the Customer of similar value and style. The prices charged are those applicable on the day you order. All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and Sims Trading Co. Ltd. reserves the right to reject the order in the event that any of the products or services requested are unavailable. In the event that we are unable to fulfill any of the products or services in the Customer s order, we will notify the Customer by phone or email before delivery. 本公司須盡一切努力確保網頁上載列的貨品價格 資料和大小均已更新 本公司保留權利可更改貨品的價格而不作另行通知, 所有訂購須由本公司全權決定並根據存貨供應而接受 本公司須盡一切努力確保網頁上載列的貨品提供存貨供應, 如任何貨品因缺貨而未能提供予顧客, 本公司有權提供相似價格及種類的貨品以供替代 貨品價格以訂購當日所示為準 所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認 倘若慎昌有限公司未能提供任何已訂購之產品或服務, 慎昌有限公司有權拒絕接受該訂單 倘若我們無法提供閣下訂單上的任何產品或服務, 我們會於交貨前透過電話或電郵通知閣下

Refund/Replace and Order Cancellation Policy 退款 / 退換及訂單取消政策 It is the receiver's responsibility to check the condition of any goods received, at the time of delivery. We will arrange replacement of the products if breakage is found and reported to our Customer Service Team immediately at the time of delivery. Purchased products of Sims Trading Co. Ltd. are non-refundable and non-returnable when the products are received by customer. Refund is only applicable in subject to the product is not currently available after order confirmed. Cancel the order, please contact our Customer Service Team (Tel: 2262 1540), within 24 hours after the order placed with Order Number. 當收貨人士收取已訂購之貨品的同時, 有責任檢查該貨品是否有損毀情況 如有商品包裝損壞情況, 請即時致電或電郵客戶服務員更換貨品 當收貨人士簽收貨品後, 慎昌有限公司貨品將不接受退換貨服務 退款服務只適用於訂單確認後發現缺貨之商品 如欲取消訂單, 請最遲於訂單編號確認後 24 小時內聯絡我們的顧客服務團隊 (2262 1540), 以便取消訂單 Breakage / Discrepancy 貨物破損 / 數量有差別 The Customer is requested to examine the goods immediately upon delivery for any deficiencies and/or damages. Claims (if any) must be lodged to our customer service hotline +852 2262 1540 at the time of delivery, otherwise we shall have the discretion to refuse your claim after goods receipt. 顧客於收取貨品時必須檢查所訂購之貨品是否有損毀 如發現貨品損毀, 請立即通知 客戶服務部 +852 2262 1540 安排更換貨品 本公司有權拒絕更換已簽收之貨品

指定送貨服務 個別產品將提供送貨服務, 詳情如下 ( 詳情請參閱網上產品資訊, 商品分公司保留最終決定權 ) : 慎昌有限公司 急凍 冷藏食品 : 不設送貨服務 只接受網上付款及限於慎昌有限公司大昌行集團大廈 7 樓自取 以單一發票及單一送貨地址計算, 購物滿以下各類貨品指定金額, 即可免費享用送貨服務 : 免費送貨服務 1 酒類貨品 慎昌 ( 非酒類 ) 貨品 ( 不計酒類 白蘭氏 或急凍 冷藏食品 ) * 註 白蘭氏 貨品 購物滿港幣 $800 或以上 購物滿港幣 $800 或以上 購物滿港幣 $800 或以上 * 註 1: 凡惠顧任何急凍 冷藏食品不設送貨服務, 只限於慎昌有限公司大昌行集團大廈 7 樓自取 凡購買慎昌非酒類貨品 ( 不計 酒類 白蘭氏 急凍 冷藏食品) 滿港幣 $800, 即可免費享用送貨服務 惠顧低於以上金額, 歡迎前往慎昌有限公司大昌行集團大廈 7 樓自取, 送貨服務費亦只需港幣 $100 凡惠顧 白蘭氏 產品滿港幣 $800, 即可免費享用送貨服務 惠顧低於以上金額, 歡迎前往慎昌有限公司大昌行集團大廈 7 樓自取, 而送貨服務費只需港幣 $100 送貨服務僅限於香港島 九龍及新界, 送貨服務並不適用於離島地區, 包括長洲, 大嶼山, 馬灣 愉景灣 東涌及香港國際機場等 送貨服務不適用於貨車未能直達的送貨地點 訂購貨品將會盡快送貨 / 安排顧客到慎昌有限公司取貨, 我們的顧客服務團隊會聯絡顧客確實送貨 / 取貨日期, 最早將於訂購日翌日, 或一般最遲於訂購日起七個工作天內送貨 / 取貨 如送貨時有任何升降機故障而未能正常運作, 慎昌有限公司將會聯絡顧客更改送貨日期 當八號烈風或以上信號懸掛或黑色暴雨警告生效時, 送貨服務時間或會延遲, 慎昌有限公司將會聯絡顧客更改送貨日期 於約定之送貨時間, 惟因實際情況如交通 地區 天氣及其他因素影響而有所延誤 暫停或改期, 無論導致此等延誤或改期的原因是否在本公司控制範圍內, 本公司恕不負任何責任 如收貨人士未能於約定時間內收取已訂購之貨品, 慎昌有限公司將保留權利向該顧客收取額外的送貨費用 送貨地址如有任何變更, 顧客有責任即時通知慎昌有限公司 慎昌有限公司保留權利可絕對酌情決定拒絕向任何顧客送付貨品

Delivery Service Chilled and Frozen products: No delivery service is provided and only online payment is accepted. Self pick-up is available at Sims Trading Co. Ltd., 7/F, DCH Building, Kowloon Bay. Free Delivery Service Sims Wine Products For the purchases amount of HK$800 or above Sims Non Wine Products (Excluding BRAND S Products, Sims Wine Products, Chilled and Frozen Products) For the purchases amount of HK$800 or above BRAND S Products For the purchases amount of HK$800 or above Note: We do not offer delivery service for Chilled and Frozen products We offer FREE delivery (single location only) for the above purchases amount. For orders under the purchase amount, a delivery charge of HK$100 shall apply in normal situation. Delivery service is only available in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, but not available for the Outlying Islands, including Cheung Chau, Lantau Island, Ma Wan, Discovery Bay, Tung Chung, Hong Kong International Airport, etc. Delivery service is not applicable to areas that cannot be reached directly by our vehicles. Order will be dispatched as soon as possible. We will confirm the delivery / available pickup day with the Customer directly. The earliest delivery time/ available pickup day would be the next working day, or the latest within 7 days. In the event of a lift breakdown during delivery, we will make arrangements to deliver the goods at another time. Delivery service will be suspended when typhoon signal No.8 or above or a black rainstorm signal is hoisted. In this event customers will be contacted to re-schedule delivery time. If delivery is delayed, postponed or cancelled due to traffic, weather, different district or other factors, the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage, no matter whether the factor which causes the delay, postponement or cancellation is within the control of the Company or not. We reserve the right to charge an additional delivery fee if the recipient is not available to accept delivery at the nominated delivery time. It is the responsibility of the Customer to notify Sims Trading Co. Ltd. immediately of any change to their delivery address. We reserve the right to decline delivery of goods to any customer at our sole discretion absolutely.

Self pickup / 自取服務 歡迎於辦公時間前往慎昌有限公司大昌行集團大廈 7 樓取貨 辦公時間 : 星期一至五 ( 公眾假日除外 ) 上午 9 時半至中午 12 時半及下午 1 時至 5 時 備註 : 凡惠顧任何急凍 冷藏食品, 只接受網上付款 Self pick up service is available at 7/F, DCH Building, 20 Kai Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay during normal office hours. Office hours: Mondays Fridays 9:30-12:00 & 13:00-17:00 Remarks: Online payment is only applicable for Chilled and Frozen products. Title 所有權 All risks in the products shall pass to the Customer upon delivery but Sims Trading Co. Ltd. shall retain title in the products until full payment has been received. 貨品的所有風險在貨品送抵後轉移給顧客, 但慎昌有限公司保留該等貨品的所有權, 直至有關貨品的價款結清為止 Force Majeure 不可抗力 The Company shall not be liable for any delay or failure in its performance caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond the control of Company. 本公司倘若由於不可抗力的原因 ( 包括由於天災 火災 水災 意外 暴亂 戰爭 政 府政策 罷工或任何本公司不能控制的情況 ) 而未能準確地提供閣下所需的服務, 本 公司均不會向使用者或任何第三者承擔任何責任

These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People's Republic of China and the Customer and Sims Trading Company Limited agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. Sims Trading Company Limited may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any dispute arises, Sims Trading Company Limited 's determination shall be final. Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions. 本條款將按照中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 ( 香港 ) 法律詮釋及受香港法律所管轄 而本條款每個部分的應用僅限於該法律所允許的程度 若本條款內有任何部分在任何司法管轄區被禁止或無法執行, 只有被禁止或無法執行的部分在該司法管轄區宣告無效, 但不會使本條款其餘部分無效或該部分在其他司法管轄區的有效性 合法性或可執行性均不會受到影響 慎昌有限公司保留權利, 可按其絕對酌情權修改本條款及條件 如有任何爭議, 慎昌有限公司保留最終的決定權 本中文譯本僅供參考之用, 倘若中 英文本之文義有異, 應以英文原文為準