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一般安全規則 警告! 閱讀說明沒有按照以下列舉的說明而使用或操作將導致觸電 a 火和 / 或嚴重傷害 - 在所有以下列舉的警告中術語 電動工具 指市電驅動 ( 有線 ) 電動工具或電池驅動 ( 無線 ) 電動工具 - 保存這些說明 1) 工作場地 a) 保持工作場地清潔和明亮 - 混亂和黑暗的場地會引發事故 - b) 不要在易爆環境,如有易燃液體 氣體或粉塵的環境下操作電動工具 - 電動工具產生的火花會點燃粉塵或氣體 - c) 讓兒童和旁觀者離開後操縱電動工具 - 分心會使你放鬆控制 - 2) 電氣安全 a) 電動工具插頭必須與插座相配 - 絕不能以任何方式改裝插頭 - 需接地的電動工具不能使用任何轉換插頭 - 未經改裝的插頭和相配的插座將減少觸電危險 - b) 避免人體接觸接地表面,如管道 散熱片和冰箱 - 如果你身體接地會增加觸電危險 - c) 不得將電動工具暴露在雨中或潮濕環境中 - 水進入電動工具將增加觸電危險 - d) 不得濫用電線 - 絕不能用電線搬運 拉動電動工具或拔出其插頭 - 讓電動工具遠離熱 油 銳邊或運動部件 - 受損或纏繞的電線會增加觸電危險 - e) 當在戶外使用電動工具時,使用適合戶外使用的外接電線 - 適合戶外使用的電線將減少觸電危險 - 3) 人身安全 a) 保持警覺,當操作電動工具時關注所從事的操作並保持清醒 - 切勿在有疲倦,藥物 酒精或治療反應下操作電動工具 - 在操作電動工具期間精力分散會導致嚴重人身傷害 - b) 使用安全裝置 - 始終配戴護目鏡 - 安全裝置,諸如適當條件下的防塵面具 防滑安全鞋 安全帽 聽力防護等裝置能減少人身傷害 - c) 避免突然起動 - 確保開關在插入插頭時處於關斷位置 - 手指放在已接通電源的開關上或開關處於接通時插入插頭可能會導致危險 - d) 在電動工具接通之前,拿掉所有調節鑰匙或扳手 - 遺留在電動工具旋轉零件上的扳手或鑰匙會導致人身傷害 - e) 手不要伸得太長 - 時刻注意腳下和身體平衡 - 這樣在意外情況下能很好地控制電動工具 - f) q 裝適當 - 不要穿寬鬆衣服或佩帶飾品 - 讓你的頭髮 衣服和袖子遠離運動部件 - 寬鬆衣服 佩飾或長髮可能會捲入運動部件 - g) 如果提供了與排屑裝置 集塵設備連接用的裝置,則確保他們連接完好且使用得當 - 使用這些裝置可減少碎屑引起的危險 - 4) 電動工具使用和注意事項 a) 不要濫用電動工具,根據用途使用適當的電動工具 - 選用適當的設計額定值的電動工具會使你工作更有效 更安全 - b) 如果開關不能接通或關斷工具電源,則不能使用該電動工具 - 不能用開關來控制的電動工具是危險的且必須進行修理 - c) 在進行任何調節 更換附件或貯存電動工具之前,必須從電源上拔掉插頭和 / 或將電池盒脫開電源 - 這種防護性措施將減少電動工具突然起動的危險 - d) 將閒置電動工具貯存在兒童所及範圍之外,並且不要讓不熟悉電動工具或對這些說明不瞭解的人操作電動工具 - 電動工具在未經訓練的用戶手中是危險的 - e) 保養電動工具 - 檢查運動件的安裝偏差或卡住 零件破損情況和影響電動工具運行的其他條件 - 如有損壞,電動工具必須在使用前修理好 - 許多事故由維護不良的電動工具引發 - f) 保持切削刀具鋒利和清潔 - 保養良好的有鋒利切削刃的刀具不易卡住而且容易控制 - g) 按照使用說明書以及打算使用的電動工具的特殊類型要求的方式,考慮作業條件和進行的作業來使用電動工具 附件和工具的刀頭等 - 將電動工具用作那些與要求不符的操作可能會導致危險情況 - 5) 維修 a) 將你的電動工具送交專業維修人員,必須使用同樣的備件進行更換 - 這樣將確保所維修的電動工具的安全性 - 注意事項不可讓兒童和體弱人士靠近工作場所 - 應將不使用的工具存放在兒童和體弱人士接觸不到的地方 - 3

砂磨,砂光,鋼絲砂光,拋光或砂磨切割操作的通用安全警告 a) 該電動工具是用於實現砂光機,拋光機功能的 - 閱讀隨該電動工具提供的所有安全警告 說明 圖解和規定 - 不瞭解以下所列所有說明將導致電擊 着火和 / 或嚴重傷害 - b) 不推薦用該電動工具進行諸如砂磨 刷光或切斷等操作 - 電動工具不按指定的功能去操作,可能會發生危險和引起人身傷害 - c) 不使用非工具製造商推薦和專門設計的附件 - 否則該附件可能被裝到你的電動工具上,而它不能保證安全操作 - d) 附件的額定速度必須至少等於電動工具上標出的最大速度 - 附件以比其額定速度大的速度運轉會發生爆裂和飛濺 - e) 附件的外徑和厚度必須在電動工具額定能力範圍之內 - 不正確的附件尺寸不能得到充分防護或控制 - f) 砂輪 法蘭盤 靠背墊或任何其他附件的軸孔尺寸必須適合於安裝到電動工具的主軸上 - 帶軸孔的 與電動工具安裝件不配的附件將會失穩 過度振動並會引起失控 - g) 不要使用損壞的附件 - 在每次使用前要檢查附件,例如砂輪是否有碎片和裂縫,靠背墊是否有的裂縫 撕裂或過度磨損,鋼絲刷是否鬆動或金屬絲是否斷裂 - 如果電動工具或附件跌落了,檢查是否有損壞或安裝沒有損壞的附件 - 檢查和安裝附件後,讓自己和旁觀者的位置遠離旋轉附件的平面,並以電動工具最大空載速度運行 1min- 損壞的附件通常在該試驗時會碎裂 - h) 戴上防護用品 - 根據適用情況,使用面罩 安全護目鏡或安全眼鏡 - 適用時,戴上防塵面具 聽力保護器 手套和能擋小磨料或工件碎片的工作圍裙 - 眼防護罩必須擋住各種操作產生的飛屑 - 防塵面具或口罩必須能過濾操作產生的顆粒 - 長期暴露在高強度噪聲中會引起失聰 - i) 讓旁觀者與工作區域保持 安全距離 - 任何進入工作區域的人必須戴上防護用品 - 工件或破損附件的碎片可能會飛出並引起緊靠着操作區域的旁觀者的傷害 - 切割附件觸及帶電導線會使電動工具外露的金屬零件帶電,並使操作者觸電 - j) 當在切割附件有可能切割到暗線或自身電線的場所進行操作時,只能通過絕緣握持面來握住電動工具 - 切割附件碰到一根帶電導線可能會使電動工具的外露金屬零件帶電並使操作者發生電擊危險 - k) 使軟線遠離旋轉的附件 - 如果控制不當 軟線可能被切斷或纏繞,並使得你的手或手臂可能被捲入旋轉附件中 - l) 直到附件完全停止運動才放下電動工具 - 旋轉的附件可能會抓住表面並拉動電動工具而讓你失去對工具的控制 - m) 當攜帶電動工具時不要開動它 - 意外地觸及旋轉附件可能會纏繞你的衣服而使附件傷害身體 - n) 經常清理電動工具的通風口 - 電動機風扇會將灰塵吸進機殼,過多的金屬粉末沉積會導致電氣危險 - o) 不要在易燃材料附件操作電動工具 - 火星可能會點燃這些材料 - p) 不要使用需用冷卻液的附件 - 用水或其他冷卻液可能會導致電腐蝕或電擊 - 反彈和相關警告 反彈是因卡住或纏繞住的旋轉砂輪 靠背墊 或其他附件而產生的突然反作用力 - 卡住或纏繞會引起旋轉附件的迅速堵轉,隨之使失控的電動工具在卡住點產生與附件旋轉方向相反的運動 - 例如,如果砂輪被工件纏繞或卡住,伸入卡住點的砂輪邊緣可能會進入材料表面而引起砂輪爬出或反彈 - 砂輪可能飛向或飛離操作者,這取決於砂輪在卡住點的運動方向 - 在此條件下砂輪也可能碎裂 - 反彈是電動工具誤用和 / 或不正確操作工序或條件的結果,可以通過採取以下給出的適當預防措施得以避免 - a) 保持緊握電動工具,使你的身體和手臂處於正確狀態以抵抗反彈力 - 如有輔助手柄,則要一直使用,以便最大限度控制住起動時的反彈力或反力矩 - 4

如採取合適的預防措施,操作者就可以控制反力矩或反彈力 - b) 絕不能將手靠近旋轉附件 - 附件可能會反彈碰到手 - c) 不要站在發生反彈時電動工具可能移動到的地方 - 反彈將在纏繞點驅使工具逆砂輪運動方向運動 - d) 當在尖角 銳邊等處作業時要特別小心 - 避免附件的彈跳和纏繞 - 尖角 銳邊和彈跳具有纏繞旋轉附件的趨勢並引起反彈的失控 - e) 不要附裝上鋸鏈 木雕刀片或帶齒鋸片 - 這些鋸片會產生頻繁的反彈和失控 - 砂光操作的專用安全警告 a) 當砂光時,不要使用超大砂盤紙 - 選用砂盤紙時應按照制造商的推荐 - 超出砂光墊盤的大砂盤紙有撕裂的危險并且會引起纏繞 砂盤的撕裂或反彈 - 拋光操作的專用安全警告 a) 不允許拋光帽或附帶繩索有任何松動部分而隨意旋轉,收攏或調整松動的附帶繩索 - 松動而旋轉的附帶繩索會將手指纏住或在工件上卡住 - 使用磨光拋光雙用機時的注意事項 1. 千萬不要裝上砂輪,並象使用角磨機那樣去試 使用磨光拋光雙用機 - 2. 使用時,要抓緊磨光拋光雙用機上的手柄和機邊的邊柄 - 否則在操作過程中,電動機所產生的反用力將可能引起危險或達不到操作的目的 - 3. 確保使用時產生的火花不會造成傷害或損害,例如不要濺到身體或易燃物上 - 4. 請始終戴上安全眼鏡和耳塞,必要時請使用手套 圍裙和頭盔等其他個人保護用品 - 5. 請始終采取視力和聽力保護 - 必要時,應使用其他個人保護用品,如防塵面罩 手套 頭盔和圍裙等 - 規 格 電壓 ( 按地區 )* (110V, 120V, 220V, 230V, 240V) 輸入功率 * 1250 W* 無負荷速度 0-3400 min -1 砂盤的尺寸,外徑 內徑重量 ( 不含線纜 標準附件 ) 180 22 mm 2.8 kg * 當須改變地區時應檢查產品上的銘牌 - 標準附件 用 途 (1) 橡膠墊圈... 1 (2) 環形柄 ( 帶螺栓和襯墊 )... 1 (3) 扳手... 1 標準附件可能不預先通告而徑予更改 - 5 金屬表面的打磨 - 油漆前的金屬表面的初步磨光,金屬表面上的鐵鏽或舊漆的清除 - 木工件的最後加工,接合面或裝配面上木料的突出部分 - 油漆前的木材表面的初步磨光 -

諸如汽車 火車 電梯 電冰箱 縫紉機 洗衣機 金屬器械等涂有油漆的金屬表面的拋光和打亮 - 涂有清漆的木制傢具表面的拋光等 - 合成樹脂和硬橡膠製品的打亮 - 作業之前 1. 電源確認所使用的電源與工具銘牌上標示的規格是否相符 - 註意 : 請勿在直流電源下操作 - 2. 電源開關確認電源開關是否切斷 - 若電源開關接通,則插頭插入電源插座時電動工具將出其不意地立刻轉動,從而招致嚴重事故 - 3. 延伸電纜若作業場所移到離開電源的地點,應使用足夠粗和額定容量的延伸線纜,並且要盡可能地短些 - 4. 檢查鎖定銷在接通電動工具的電源開關之前,請按鎖定銷二 三次以檢查鎖定銷 -( 參見圖 3 4) 5. 固定環形柄用螺栓和襯墊將環形柄固定在齒輪蓋上 - 磨光拋光雙用機的實際應用 增大觸發開關上的壓力可提高馬達的轉速,松開觸發開關則馬達停止轉動 - 要進行連續操作時,拉出觸發開關后按下鎖定鍵 ; 要由鎖定位置使馬達停止轉動時,完全拉出觸發開關后松開即可 - 根據需要轉動轉盤可調整馬達的轉速 - 朝 6 方向轉動可提高轉速,朝 1 方向轉動可降低轉速 ( 圖 1)- 請選擇適合作業的馬達轉速 - 下表給出相應于轉盤上各種顯示的馬達轉速並指出所適合工作的類型 - 每分鐘轉盤指示工作類型轉速 1 600 2 1100 拋光 3 1700 } 4 2300 5 2900 } 磨光 6 3400 註意 : 轉動轉盤時,不能使之超越轉盤上的 6 或 1-1. 磨光機操作 (1) 本機用于在砂盤輕壓于拋光 ( 磨光 ) 面的狀態下提供足夠的拋光 ( 磨光 ) 力..它具有電子控製電路以保証即使在負載的狀態下馬達也不會減速 - 因此,無需用力將砂盤按壓在加工面上,否則會導致馬達過載,而使過載斷電裝置啟動並切斷馬達的電源 - 遇此情況時,請關閉電源開關並調整到正確的馬達轉速位置 - (2) 請勿將整個砂盤面按壓在材料表面上 - 如圖 2 所示,應使磨光機相對于材料表面處于約 15 度至 25 度的角度,以使砂盤的外緣部分接觸材料表面 - (3) 作業結束后須知..將開關轉至 OFF 位置后,在砂盤完全停止轉動后方可放下磨光機 - 這不但可以防止重大事故的發生,而且還可以減少吸入機器內部的灰塵和碎屑 - 2. 拋光機操作 (1) 彎曲的加工面和平整的加工面均可有效地進行拋光 - 請勿過分用力地將拋光機按壓在加工材料面上 - 拋光機自身的重量已足以進行有效的拋光作業 - 過分用力按壓將導致拋光不良或可能會導致馬達過載 - (2) 應根據加工材料和所需的表面拋光要求來選擇砂盤 拋光劑和蠟 - 采用下述方法可獲得最佳的拋光效果.. 使用細密砂盤,用磨光機進行初步拋光 - 使用拋光劑和 ( 或 ) 蠟,用毛罩進行拋光 - 請在材料加工面上涂少量拋光劑和 ( 或 ) 蠟並用毛罩進行拋光 - 註意 : 在作業中請注意不要使橡皮絕緣線接觸到毛罩或砂盤 - 否則,可能發生纏繞的危險 - 砂盤和毛罩的安裝和拆卸 1. 操作磨光機時 ( 圖 3) (1) 將砂盤放置在橡膠墊圈上后,將墊片螺帽擰緊固定於軸上 - (2) 按鎖定銷以固定軸,並用板鉗擰緊墊片螺帽 - 6

(3) 要拆卸砂盤時,請按照上述相反的步驟進行 - 2. 操作拋光機時 ( 圖 4) (1) 通過橡膠墊圈插入墊片螺帽並將它擰緊固定於軸上 - (2) 按鎖定銷以固定軸,並用板鉗擰緊墊片螺帽 - (3) 如圖 5 所示,用毛罩的護罩纏繞橡膠墊圈,並通過纏緊並系住其拉線來固定橡膠墊圈 - 務請將多余的線收入毛罩內以防止它在拋光作業中飛出 - 註意 : 毛罩安裝不當可能會導致振動 - (4) 要拆卸毛罩時,請按照上述相反的步驟進行 - 註意 : 請用板鉗擰緊墊片螺帽盤 - 松開鎖定銷后,請確認鎖定銷已回到其正常位置 - 注意 : 日立牌電動工具的維修 改造和檢查須由經日立公司授權的維修中心進行 - 當要求維修或其他保養服務時,若將此零部件一覽表與電動工具一起呈交給經日立公司授權的維修中心,將有助于維修或保養工作 - 在操作和維修電動工具時,必須遵守貴國制定的安全的有關規則和標准 - 改造 : 日立牌電動工具經常加以改善和改造以釆用最新的先進技術 - 因此,某些零部件 例如代碼號和 ( 或 ) 設計 可能變更,恕不另行通知 - 註 : 為求改進,本手冊所載規格可能不預先通告而徑予更改 - 維護和檢查 1. 檢查安裝螺釘要經常檢查安裝螺釘是否緊固妥善 - 若發現螺釘鬆了,應立即重新扭緊,否則會導致嚴重的事故 - 2. 檢查碳刷 ( 圖 6 ) 電動機上的碳刷是一種消耗品,其磨耗度一旦超出了 磨耗極限,電動機將發生障礙- 因此 - 磨耗了的碳刷應即更換新件 - 此外,碳刷必需常保乾淨狀態,這樣才能在刷握裡自由滑動 - 3. 碳刷的更換用一字形頭螺絲刀拆卸刷蓋,碳刷就可簡單地取下 - 4. 電動機的維護電動機繞線是電動工具的心臟部 - 應仔細檢查有無損傷,是否被油液或水沾濕 - 5. 清潔鎖定銷部分如果鎖定銷部分變髒,請及時清潔 - 6. 維修零部件一覽表 A :項目號 B :代碼號 C :使用數 D :備注 7

GENERAL SAFETY RULES WARNING! Read all instructions Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. The term power tool in all of the warnings listed below refers to your mains operated (corded) power tool or battery operated (cordless) power tool. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 1) Work area a) Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered and dark areas invite accidents. b) Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust of fumes. c) Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control. 2) Electrical safety a) Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock. b) Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded. c) Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock. d) Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock. e) When operating a power tool outdoors, use an extension cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock. 3) Personal safety a) Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury. b) Use safety equipment. Always wear eye protection. Safety equipment such as dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries. c) Avoid accidental starting. Ensure the switch is in the off position before plugging in. Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or plugging in power tools that have the switch on invites accidents. d) Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal injury. e) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations. f) Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts. g) If devices are provided for the connection of dust extraction and collection facilities, ensure these are connected and properly used. Use of these devices can reduce dust related hazards. 4) Power tool use and care a) Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed. b) Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired. c) Disconnect the plug from the power source before making any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally. d) Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users. e) Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tools operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools. f) Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control. g) Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc., in accordance with these instructions and in the manner intended for the particular type of power tool, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed. Use of the power tool for operations different from intended could result in a hazardous situation. 5) Service a) Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained. PRECAUTION Keep children and infirm persons away. When not in use, tools should be stored out of reach of children and infirm persons. 8

SAFETY WARNINGS COMMON FOR GRINDING, SANDING, WIRE BRUSHING, POLISHING OR ABRASIVE CUTTING-OFF OPERATIONS a) This power tool is intended to function as a sander or polisher. Read all safety warnings, instructions, illustrations and specifications provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. b) Operations such as grinding, wire brushing or cutting-off are not recommended to be performed with this power tool. Operations for which the power tool was not designed may create a hazard and cause personal injury. c) Do not use accessories which are not specifically designed and recommended by the tool manufacturer. Just because the accessory can be attached to your power tool, it does not assure safe operation. d) The rated speed of the accessory must be at least equal to the maximum speed marked on the power tool. Accessories running faster than their rated speed can break and fly apart. e) The outside diameter and the thickness of your accessory must be within the capacity rating of your power tool. Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be adequately guarded or controlled. f) The arbour size of wheels, flanges, backing pads or any other accessory must properly fit the spindle of the power tool. Accessories with arbour holes that do not match the mounting hardware of the power tool will run out of balance, vibrate excessively and may cause loss of control. g) Do not use a damaged accessory. Before each use inspect the accessory such as abrasive wheels for chips and cracks, backing pad for cracks, tear or excess wear, wire brush for loose or cracked wires. If power tool or accessory is dropped, inspect for damage or install an undamaged accessory. After inspecting and installing an accessory, position yourself and bystanders away from the plane of the rotating accessory and run the power tool at maximum no-load speed for one minute. Damaged accessories will normally break apart during this test time. h) Wear personal protective equipment. Depending on application, use face shield, safety goggles or safety glasses. As appropriate, wear dust mask, hearing protectors, gloves and workshop apron capable of stopping small abrasive or workpiece fragments. The eye protection must be capable of stopping flying debris generated by various operations. The dust mask or respirator must be capable of filtrating particles generated by your operation. Prolonged exposure to high intensity noise may cause hearing loss. i) Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work area. Anyone entering the work area must wear personal protective equipment. Fragments of workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away and cause injury beyond immediate area of operation. j) Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces only, when performing an operation where the cutting accessory may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory contacting a live wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool live and shock the operator. k) Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. If you lose control, the cord may be cut or snagged and your hand or arm may be pulled into the spinning accessory. l) Never lay the power tool down until the accessory has come to a complete stop. The spinning accessory may grab the surface and pull the power tool out of your control. m) Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your side. Accidental contact with the spinning accessory could snag your clothing, pulling the accessory into your body. n) Regularly clean the power tool s air vents. The motor s fan will draw the dust inside the housing and excessive accumulation of powdered metal may cause electrical hazards. o) Do not operate the power tool near flammable materials. Sparks could ignite these materials. p) Do not use accessories that require liquid coolants. Using water or other liquid coolants may result in electrocution or shock. KICKBACK AND RELATED WARNINGS Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged rotating wheel, backing pad or any other accessory. Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling of the rotating accessory which in turn causes the uncontrolled power tool to be forced in the direction opposite of the accessory s rotation at the point of the binding. For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched by the workpiece, the edge of the wheel that is entering into the pinch point can dig into the surface of the material causing the wheel to climb out or kick out. The wheel may either jump toward or away from the operator, depending on direction of the wheel s movement at the point of pinching. Abrasive wheels may also break under these conditions. Kickback is the result of power tool misuse and/or incorrect operating procedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below. a) Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position your body and arm to allow you to resist kickback forces. Always use auxiliary handle, if provided, for maximum control over kickback or torque reaction during start-up. The operator can control torque reactions or kickback forces, if proper precautions are taken. b) Never place your hand near the rotating accessory. Accessory may kickback over your hand. c) Do not position your body in the area where power tool will move if kickback occurs. 9

Kickback will propel the tool in direction opposite to the wheel s movement at the point of snagging. d) Use special care when working corners, sharp edges etc. Avoid bouncing and snagging the accessory. Corners, sharp edges or bouncing have a tendency to snag the rotating accessory and cause loss of control or kickback. e) Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade or toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent kickback and loss of control. SAFETY WARNINGS SPECIFIC FOR SANDING OPERATIONS a) Do not use excessively oversized sanding disc paper. Follow manufacturers recommendations, when selecting sanding paper. Larger sanding paper extending beyond the sanding pad presents a laceration hazard and may cause snagging, tearing of the disc or kickback. SAFETY WARNINGS SPECIFIC FOR POLISHING OPERATIONS a) Do not allow any loose portion of the polishing bonnet or its attachment strings to spin freely. Tuck away or trim any loose attachment strings. Loose and spinning attachment strings can entangle your fingers or snag on the workpiece. PRECAUTIONS ON USING ELECTRONIC SANDER POLISHER 1. Never mount a grinding wheel and attempt to use this tool as a disc grinder. 2. Always hold the body handle and side handle of the power tool firmly. Otherwise the counterforce produced may result in inaccurate and even dangerous operation. 3. Ensure that sparks resulting from use do not create a hazard e. g. do not hit persons, or ignite flammable substances. 4. Always use protective safety glasses and hearing protectors, use other personal protective equipment such as gloves, apron and helmet when necessary. 5. Always use eye and ear protection. Other personal protective equipment such as dust mask, gloves, helmet and apron should be worn when necessary. If in doubt, wear the protective equipment. SPECIFICATIONS Voltage (by areas)* (110V, 120V, 220V, 230V, 240V) Power input 1250 W* No load speed 0 3400min -1 Sanding Disc Size outer dia. inner dia. 180 22 mm Weight (without cord, standard accessories) 2.8 kg *Be sure to check the nameplate on product as it is subject to change by areas. STANDARD ACCESSORIES (1) Rubber Pad... 1 (2) Loop Handle (with bolt and washer)... 1 (3) Bar Wrench... 1 Standard accessories are subject to change without notice. APPLICATIONS Grinding metal surfaces Preliminary sanding of metal surfaces before painting, rust removal, removing old paint before repainting. Finishing woodwork, correcting projections of timber from joints or assemblies. Preliminary sanding of wood surfaces before applying paint. Polishing or shining painted metal surfaces, such as those of automobiles, trains, elevators, refrigerators, sewing machines, washing machines, metal appliances, etc. Polishing varnished surfaces of wooden furniture, etc. Shining synthetic resin or ebonite products. PRIOR TO OPERATION 1. Power source Ensure that the power source to be utilized conforms to the power requirements specified on the product nameplate. CAUTION Do not operate on Direct Current power source. 2. Power switch Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position. If the plug is connected to a receptacle while the power switch is in the ON position, the power tool will start operating immediately, which could cause a serious accident. 3. Extension cord When the work area is removed from the power source, use an extension cord of sufficient thickness and rated capacity. The extension cord should be kept as short as practicable. 10

4. Confirm the lock pin Confirm that the lock pin is disengaged by pushing the lock pin two or three times before switching the power tool on. (See Fig. 3, 4) 5. Fixing the loop handle Fix the loop handle with a bolt and a washer to the gear cover. PRACTICAL ELECTRONIC SANDER POLISHER APPLICATIONS Motor speed is increased by increasing pressure on the trigger. Release the trigger to stop. For continuous operation, pull the trigger and then push in the lock button. To stop the motor from the locked position, pull the trigger full, then release it. Motor speed can be variable as desired by rotating the dial; it is increased by turning the dial towards 6, decreased by turning it towards 1 (Fig. 1). Select the motor speed appropriate for the work being done. The following table gives the motor speeds corresponding to each indication on the dial scale and shows the types of work for which they are suitable. Dial R.P.M. Type of work Indication 1 600 2 1100 For Polishing 3 1700 } 4 2300 5 2900 } For Sanding 6 3400 CAUTION The dial cannot be rotated further than the 6 or 1 on the scale in their respective directions. 1. Sander operation (1) This unit is designed to provide sufficient polishing (sanding) power with the disc pressed lightly against the sanding/polishing surface: it is equipped with an electronic control circuit to ensure that the motor will not slow down even when loaded. There is therefore no need to press the sanding disc hard against the surface; doing so can overload the motor, subsequently causing the overload cut device to step into operation by cutting the motor s power supply. If this should happen, cut the power switch and turn at the correct motor speed. (2) Do not apply the entire disc surface to the surface of the material. As shown in Fig. 2, the sander should be held at an approximately 15 to 25 angle in relation to the material surface so that the peripheral portion of the sanding disc is offered to the material surface. (3) Precaution immediately after finishing an operation: After turning the switch OFF, do not put the sander down until the sanding disc has come to a complete stop. This precaution will not only prevent a serious accident, but will also reduce the amount of dust and swarf sucked into the machine. 2. Polisher operation (1) Curved surfaces as well as flat surfaces can be efficiently finished. Do not excessively push the polisher against the surface of the material. The weight of the polisher alone is sufficient for effective polishing. Excessive pressure will result in a poor finish and cause possible overload to the motor. (2) Sanding disc, polishing compound or wax should be selected in accordance with the material and the desired surface finish. Maximum polishing effect will be attained by following the following method: Preliminary polishing with sander using a finegrain sanding disc. Polishing with wool bonnet using polishing compound and/or wax. Apply a small quantity of compound and/or wax on material surface and polish with the wool bonnet. CAUTION Carefully guard against permitting the cabtyre cord to touch the wool bonnet or sanding disc during operation. If the cord touches, there is a danger that it may become entangled. MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING THE SANDING DISC AND WOOL BONNET 1. For Sander operation (Fig. 3) (1) After placing the sanding disc on the rubber pad, thread the washer nut onto the spindle. (2) Press the lock pin to secure the spindle and tighten the washer nut with a wrench. (3) To remove the sanding disc, follow the above procedures in reverse. 2. For Polisher operation (Fig. 4) (1) Insert the washer nut through the rubber pad and thread it onto the spindle. (2) Press the lock pin to secure the spindle and tighten the washer nut with a wrench. (3) As shown in Fig. 5, wrap the rubber pad with the hood of the wool bonnet, and firmly secure it by tightening and tying its draw string. Be sure the excess string is firmly tucked inside the wool bonnet to prevent it from flying out while polishing. CAUTION Improper fitting of the wool bonnet may cause vibration. (4) To remove the wool bonnet, follow the above procedures in reverse. CAUTIONS Use a wrench to tighten the washer nut sufficiently. After releasing the lock pin, check to be sure that it has returned to its normal position. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 1. Inspecting the mounting screws Regularly inspect all mounting screws and ensure that they are properly tightened. Should any of the screws be loose, retighten them immediately. Failure to do so could result in serious hazard. 11

2. Inspecting the carbon brushes (Fig. 6) The motor employs carbon brushes which are consumable parts. Since an excessively worn carbon brush can result in motor trouble, replace the carbon brush with a new one having the same carbon brush No. shown in the figure when it becomes worn to or near the wear limit. In addition, always keep carbon brushes clean and ensure that they slide freely within the brush holders. 3. Replacing a carbon brush Disassemble the brush cap with a minus-head screwdriver. The carbon brush can then be easily removed. 4. Maintenance of the motor The motor unit winding is the very heart of the power tool. Exercise due care to ensure the winding does not become damaged and/or wet with oil or water. 5. Cleaning lock pin section If the lock pin section becomes dirty, clean it at once. 6. Service parts list A : Item No. B : Code No. C : No. Used D : Remarks CAUTION: Repair, modification and inspection of Hitachi Power Tools must be carried out by a Hitachi Authorized Service Center. This Parts List will be helpful if presented with the tool to the Hitachi Authorized Service Center when requesting repair or other maintenance. In the operation and maintenance of power tools, the safety regulations and standards prescribed in each country must be observed. MODIFICATIONS: Hitachi Power Tools are constantly being improved and modified to incorporate the latest technological advancements. Accordingly, some parts (i.e. code numbers and/or design) may be changed without prior notice. NOTE Due to HITACHI s continuing program of research and development, the specifications herein are subject to change without prior notice. 12


A B C D 1 303255 3 M4 10 2 305507 4 D5 30 3 306888 1 4 306889 1 5 320936 1 INCLUD. 3, 4, 18-21 6 315055 1 7 315054 1 8 939540 1 9 6200DD 1 6200DDCMPS2L 10 315053 1 11 315052 1 12 315051 1 13-1 360576U 1 110V-120V 9, 11, 34, 38 13-2 360576E 1 220V-240V 14 315046 1 15 961501 2 D5 60 16-1 340526C 1 110V 17 16-2 340526D 1 120V 17 16-3 340526E 1 220V-240V 17 17 930703 2 18 315049 1 19 320218 1 20 315050 1 21 871397 1 NTN HK1210 22 320937 1 23 987201 3 M4 10 24 937077 1 25 6202DD 1 6202DDCMPS2L 26 940533 1 3 3 10 27 320943 1 28 315062 1 29 315060 1 30 315061 1 31 315636 4 M5 14 32 953247Z 1 D14 33 953246Z 1 M14 34 315047 1 35 320945 1 INCLUD. 39, 41, 47, 48 36 320948 1 37 1 38 608VVM 1 608VVC2PS2L 39 995662 1 40 318721 1 41 320946 1 42 320941 1 57 43 305095 2 D4 20 44 1 45 945161 2 46 999043 2 47 958900 2 48 938477 2 M5 8 49 320939 1 50 320938 1 51 302089 4 D5 20 52 302086 2 D4 20 53 984750 2 D4 16 54 937631 1 55 953327 1 56 1 57 321449 1 501 955857 1 8MM 502 937913Z 1 503 320949 1 504 949434 2 M10 505 949844 2 M10 20 14

服務中心日立工機商業 ( 中國 ) 有限公司上海市長寧區遵義路 100 號虹橋上海城 B 棟 2686-2689 室 秶婖妀制造商日立工機 ( 馬來西亞 ) 有限公司馬來西亞柔佛州士乃 Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd. 810 Code No. C99110323 Printed in Malaysia