Oxford iSolution下載及安裝指南

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Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide 系統要求 System Requirements... 2 Oxford isolution 安裝步驟 Windows 個人電腦 Oxford isolution Installation Steps For Windows PCs... 3 Oxford isolution 安裝步驟 Mac 電腦 Oxford isolution Installation Steps For Mac computers... 7 Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 1 / 10

系統要求 個人電腦 Microsoft Windows 10 (Mobile 除外 ) Microsoft Windows 8 (RT 除外 ) 或 Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1 或更新版本 ) ( 網上下載 : http://eresources.oupchina.com.hk/oxfordisolution/download/index.html) Mac 電腦 OS X 10.11 或以上 ( 網上下載 : http://eresources.oupchina.com.hk/oxfordisolution/download/index.html) 平板電腦 ios 9 或 ios 10 ( 只適用於 ipad) (App Store 關鍵字搜尋 : oxford isolution) Android 5.0 或以上 ( 只適用於 Android tablet) (Google Play 關鍵字搜尋 : oxford isolution) 登入系統 啓動電子書或使用互動及網上内容時, 須接駁互聯網 System Requirements PCs Microsoft Windows 10 (except Mobile), Microsoft Windows 8 (except RT) or Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1 or higher) (Download: http://eresources.oupchina.com.hk/oxfordisolution/download/index.html) Mac computers OS X 10.11 or higher (Download: http://eresources.oupchina.com.hk/oxfordisolution/download/index.html) Mobile tablets ios 9 and ios 10 (for ipad only) (App Store keyword search: oxford isolution) Android 5.0 or higher (for Android tablet only) (Google Play keyword search: oxford isolution) Internet connection required for login, activation and use of interactive or online content Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 2 / 10

Oxford isolution 安裝步驟 Windows 個人電腦 Oxford isolution Installation Steps For Windows PCs 1. 到 Oxford isolution 下載網頁, 下載 Windowns 版的 Oxford_iSolution_installer.exe 檔案 Go to Oxford isolution Download Web Page to download the Oxford_iSolution_installer.exe file for Windows. http://eresources.oupchina.com.hk/oxfordisolution/download/index.html 2. 把 Oxford_iSolution_installer.exe 檔案下載到電腦桌面上, 然後雙擊該圖示啟動安裝程序 Download the Oxford_iSolution_installer.exe file onto your computer Desktop. Then double click the icon to start the installation process. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 3 / 10

3. Oxford isolution Setup Wizard 介面出現後, 請按 Next 鍵 When the Oxford isolution Setup Wizard window appears, click Next. 4. 按 Install 開始安裝 Oxford isolution Click Install to start installing Oxford isolution. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 4 / 10

5. 系統會自動進行安裝, 請稍候並留意對話框內所顯示的安裝進度 整個安裝過程需時約 2-3 分鐘 The installation process will run automatically. Please monitor the status in the dialogue box and wait for the process to be completed in around 2-3 minutes. 6. 當 Completing the Oxford isolution Setup Wizard 信息出現時, 請按 Finish 完成整個 Oxford isolution 安裝程序 When the message Completing the Oxford isolution Setup Wizard appears, click Finish to complete the installation process. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 5 / 10

7. 完成安裝程序後,Oxford isolution 的捷徑圖示便會顯示在電腦桌面上 ; 雙擊該圖示開啟程式 Upon completion of the installation process, an Oxford isolution short-cut icon will appear on your computer Desktop. Double-click the icon to run the application. 8. 待登入介面出現, 輸入你的 Username ( 用戶名稱 ) 及 Password ( 密碼 ), 再按箭嘴, 登入系統 When the login page shows, key in your Username and Password and then click the arrow button to log in to the system. 注意 : Note: 完成以上步驟後, 系統會自動在你的 Windows 文件 夾内裝設一個 OUP 資料夾 請勿刪除或移動此資料夾或資料夾內任何檔案, 否則必須重新下載及安裝 Oxford isolution Upon completion of the Oxford isolution installation process, an OUP folder will be automatically created in your Windows Documents. Please do not delete/move the folder or any files in it, or you may need to download and install the Oxford isolution app again. 你已完成 Oxford isolution 的安裝程序, 現在可以開始使用系統 Installation completed. You may start using Oxford isolution now. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 6 / 10

Oxford isolution 安裝步驟 Mac 電腦 Oxford isolution Installation Steps For Mac 1. 到 Oxford isolution 下載網頁, 下載 Mac 版的 isolution.pkg 檔案 Go to Oxford isolution Download Web Page to download the isolution.pkg file for Mac. http://eresources.oupchina.com.hk/oxfordisolution/download/index.html 2. 下載完成後, 在 Mac 電腦内預設或自定的 下載 資料夾中尋找 isolution.pkg 圖示, 並雙擊 該圖示啟動安裝程序 Once the downloading process is completed, look for the isolution.pkg icon in the default/specified Download folder on your Mac and double click it to start the installation process. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 7 / 10

3. Install isolution 介面出現後, 請按 Continue When the Install isolution window appears, click Continue. 4. 按 Install 開始安裝 Oxford isolution Click Install to begin installing Oxford isolution. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 8 / 10

5. 輸入你的 Mac 登入密碼, 然後按 Install Software 繼續安裝程序 Enter your Mac login password, then click Install Software to continue the installation process. 6. 系統會自動進行安裝, 整個過程需時約 2-3 分鐘 成功安裝後, 按 Close 關閉安裝程式 The installation process will run automatically and take about 2-3 minutes to finish. Click Close after the installation is successfully completed. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 9 / 10

7. Oxford isolution App 圖示會在 Launchpad 上顯示 雙擊該圖示開啟程式 The Oxford isolution App icon will show on the Launchpad. Double click the icon to run the app. 8. 待登入介面出現後, 輸入你的 Username ( 用戶名稱 ) 及 Password ( 密碼 ), 再按箭嘴, 登 入系統 When the login page shows, key in your Username and Password and then click the arrow button to log in to the system. 你已完成 Oxford isolution 的安裝程序, 現在可以開始使用系統 Installation completed. You may start using Oxford isolution now. Oxford isolution 下載及安裝指南 Download and Installation Guide (Updated 19/9/2017) 10 / 10