分體式冷氣機標準安裝價目表 生效日期 1/4/ /3/2023 規格 匹數 雪種喉 ( 明喉 ) 雪種喉黑色隔熱膠 ( 明喉 ) 標準安裝項目包括 室內 / 外機之接駁控制線 ( 不包括 PVC 燈喉 ) 室內機去水喉 ( 明喉 ) 4 吋厚磚牆窿 ( 非主力 / 結構性位置 ) 座地安

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Download "分體式冷氣機標準安裝價目表 生效日期 1/4/ /3/2023 規格 匹數 雪種喉 ( 明喉 ) 雪種喉黑色隔熱膠 ( 明喉 ) 標準安裝項目包括 室內 / 外機之接駁控制線 ( 不包括 PVC 燈喉 ) 室內機去水喉 ( 明喉 ) 4 吋厚磚牆窿 ( 非主力 / 結構性位置 ) 座地安"


1 分體式冷氣機標準安裝價目表 生效日期 規格 匹數 雪種喉 ( 明喉 ) 雪種喉黑色隔熱膠 ( 明喉 ) 標準安裝項目包括 室內 / 外機之接駁控制線 ( 不包括 PVC 燈喉 ) 室內機去水喉 ( 明喉 ) 4 吋厚磚牆窿 ( 非主力 / 結構性位置 ) 座地安裝 / 石屎台位標準安裝 淨冷分體冷氣機標準安裝價 變頻淨冷分體冷氣機標準安裝價 變頻冷暖分體冷氣機標準安裝價 掛牆式 3/4 匹 1 匹匹半 2 匹 2 匹半 3 匹 5 米 5 米 5 米 5 米 x1 x1 $1,430 $2,150 $2,550 $1,630 $2,350 $2,750 $1,830 $2,550 $2,950 一拖二掛牆 1 匹 +1 匹 1 匹 + 匹半匹半 + 匹半 5 米 5 米 5 米 5 米 x1 $2,650 $2,750 $3,000 $3,050 $3,150 $3,400 $3,450 $3,550 $3,800 # 纖巧型 3/4 匹 -1 匹匹半 2 匹 2 匹半 5 米 5 米 5 米 5 米開玻璃窿 x1 x1 $1,430 $1,630 $2,300 $1,830 $2,500 ^ 窗口式分體 3/4 匹 -1 匹匹半 2 匹 2 匹半 5 米 5 米 5 米 5 米開玻璃窿 x1 x1 所有標準安裝包括.. 1. 代客人向屋宇署呈交小型工程完成證明書 MW05( 如符合小型工程的簡化規定情況下 ) 2. 試機及清理紙箱雜物所有首次睇位 $100. 將視乎其環境而作出適當報價, 睇位後 1 個月內選購冷氣, 已繳付之睇位費可於新機貨價中扣除 ( 只限掛牆分體 ) 其後每次睇位 # 纖巧型淨冷分體指室外機高度為 430mm 或以下, 適合有台位安裝 ^ 除珍寶變頻窗分冷氣機備註 : 1. 標準安裝價目包括以上項目, 其他額外工程依照價目收費並須於施工前或完工後即付清 2. 標準安裝不包括以下項目 A. 拉電源及插座或駁長跟機電源連接線 B. 偷位 鑿牆及拆裝防盜鐵枝及窗花 C. 割開及拆除大型或特別厚之玻璃 D. 油漆配色 配玻璃 拆裝木廊等修飾工程 E. 搬機上落樓梯 F. 搬動傢俱或大型電器 3. 如在非一般安全情況下需搭棚安裝 ( 本公司可報棚架費用或客人供應棚架 ), 本公司也可代安排搭棚 ( 只供冷氣安裝之用 ), 客人需自行向大廈管理處申請搭棚, 並提供資料予安裝部 4. 電源需由客人負責提供至機體出線位起計半米內 ( 如需承辦商安裝插座, 價錢另議 ) 5. 上述安裝工程只適合香港島 九龍及新界區 離島 禁區及偏遠地區按情況額外收費 ( 詳情請參閱項目 24) 6. 安裝工程期間 / 完成後, 有關裝修粉飾之修補工作由客人自行處理 7. 標準安裝只適用於住宅 寫字樓 商鋪及工廠等商用客戶需另行報價 8. 所有工程只限安全及可行情況下進行 如情況特殊或天氣惡劣, 本公司可拒絕或不依照報價單而另行報價安裝 9. 安裝工程由承裝商保用 24 個月 保用包括 : (i) 機架 (ii) 因玻璃封口封膠不良而引致漏水 (iii) 因雪種喉接駁不良而引致漏雪種 10. 標準安裝價目包括上述項目, 其他標準安裝以外的額外工程收費可參照額外安裝收費表 11. 標準安裝工程不包括代客申請任何認可牌照及登記註冊 ( 如電錶或通風牌照等 ) 12. 機體安放位置由客人先與共同業主 / 業主立案法團 物業管理公司或有關業主商討使用公用部份的權利, 並遵守大廈公契所訂定的責任 工程展開前客人必須與師傅確認安裝細節, 如於安裝後顧客要求改位或重裝, 需另行報價收費 13. 保養及維修不包括 (i) 搭棚及安全架, 需由客戶負責提供 (ii) 不良保養引致問題 ( 如冷氣機去水喉因欠定時保養引致阻塞而漏水 ) (iii) 客方將冷氣或喉用其他物料遮掩或修飾, 日後要檢查或維修要拆卸及還原均由客方負責 14. 安裝於窗台之分體機受位置所限而衍生額外工程或涉及玻璃拆封, 日後維修或保養, 客人需承擔相關費用 15. 額值貳仟萬的第三者及公眾責任保險函蓋安裝工程, 超額要求由客人承擔 ( 大廈管理處要求 ), 如保險需加名或地址 ( 短期 ) 需另行報價收費 如要本司提供超額第三者保險則另加收費每單 HK$1,000 起 16. 如因環境問題或其他因素, 須重用現有雪種喉或排水管, 日後維修或保養客戶需承擔相關費用 17. 如睇位時與實際安裝時的位置不相同或因裝修而有所改變, 需要重新現場報價 18. 標準安裝工程不包括代客申請任何認可牌照及登記註冊 ( 如電錶或通風牌照等 ) $1,250 $1,350 $1,600 $1,450 $1,550 $1,800 $1,650 $1,750 $2,000 $2,300 以上安裝價目如有更改, 恕不另行通知

2 額外安裝收費表 ( 要求超過標準安裝 ) ( 需與冷氣安裝工程同時進行 ) 生效日期 1 2 項目單位收費 雪種喉駁長連黑色防凍膠及控制線 ( 超出標準長度 ) ( 明喉安裝 ) 去水喉駁長連黑色防凍膠 ( 超出標準長度 ) ( 明喉安裝 ) ( 散熱機去水喉同價 ) 每米 (3/4 匹至 1 匹 ) 每米 ( 匹半至 2 匹半 ) $170 $190 每米 $50 3 冷暖型分體特別安裝 (5 米內外置控制線入 PVC 燈喉及散熱 2 米去水喉 ) 每部 $400 4 淨冷型 / 變頻淨冷型分體控制線入 PVC 喉 5 室外機架 ( 鋁或國產 202 不銹鋼架 ) 5 米內其後每米 1 匹至匹半每部 2 匹至 2 匹半每部 3 匹每部 3 匹半或以上每部 6 掛室內機做鋁架吊裝 每部 $250 7 因超長喉而追加雪種 ( 喉長 7 米或以上 ) 每部 $ 窗口式分體座石屎台鋁架 ( 有石屎台及面積不小於 28 吋闊 0 吋深 ) 窗口式分體座石屎台鋁架 ( 不適用於懸臂式平板環境 ) ( 沒有石屎台或面積小於 28 吋闊 0 吋深 ) 開石屎牆窿走喉 ( 非主力 / 結構性位置 ) 開磚牆窿走喉清拆大廈預留雪種喉過牆窿之防水結構 (9 吋深或以上 ) 3/4 匹至 1 匹每部匹半至 2 匹半每部 3/4 匹至匹半每部 2 匹至 2 匹半每部 小於 4 吋每個小於 6 吋每個每個 11 室內與室外機之間加長電源線連燈喉 10 米內 每部 $ 拆舊窗口機及架 每部 $ 拆舊窗分機 每部 $ 拆分體室內及室外機連雪種喉只拆分體室外機連雪種喉只拆分體室內機連雪種喉 每套 (3/4 匹至 2 匹半 ) 每部 (3/4 匹至 2 匹半 ) 每部 (3/4 匹至 2 匹半 ) $50 $430 $480 $650 報價 $250 $300 $450 $600 $ 危險安裝 ( 由地面向上兩米或以上, 或半身伸出外牆及按現場環境作實 ) 每部 $ 散熱機安裝高度離地面超過 2 米 每部 $ 防水曲架制 ( 即防水刀制 ) 每個 $ 緊急掣或機尾掣 每套 拆鋁窗出散熱之後裝回拆鋁窗企棟或橫擔出散熱之後裝回 普通光片玻璃封位 (6 毫米厚 )( 用普通有酸味玻璃膠封邊 ) 磨沙或茶玻璃封位 (6 毫米厚 )( 如要用其他玻璃膠封邊則另報價收費 ) 每隻每支 每平方呎每平方呎 21 室外機不銹鋼去水盆 (3/4 匹至 3 匹 ) ( 選擇性安裝, 冷暖型分體機建議使用 ) 每部 ( 裝機時同時安裝 ) $ 開生口 ( 木板或石膏板 ) 每個 ( 不包括生口門及還原 ) 23 拆裝外牆保溫膠蓋 ( 蝦殼 )( 在安全情況下 ) 24 愉景灣 離島 禁區及偏遠地區收費入村費 ( 車不能到需要步行往安裝地點及視乎道路狀況長短或上落樓梯級需另行報價 ) 每部首 3 米其後每米 每單每單 ( 參考價 ) $80 $90 $100 $50 $300 $ 分體機安裝工序分多次進行每次 $300 代客安排搭棚 ( 參考價 ) 標準棚架 (8 尺內 X 8 尺內 ) $ ( 第三者保額為 2 仟萬, 如屋苑要求更大保額需另行收費 ) 額外尺吋 / 特別棚形 / 保險加名或報價地址 ( 短期 ) 27 特別安裝 報價 28 窗口式及纖巧型分體冷氣機睇位服務 ( 不設退款 ) 每單 $ mm 厚室外散熱器避震膠 每套 4 件 $ 供應室外供電電源線連 PVC 軟燈喉及配件 (2 米內 ) 每部 31 舊分體機搬上樓梯或落樓梯每層每部 $30

3 生效日期 窗口式冷氣機標準安裝價目表 匹數 標準安裝項目包括 冷氣機標準安裝價目 3/4 匹 - 1 匹匹半 - 2 匹 2 匹半 3 匹 U 型白鋁架座台安裝 ( 有石屎冷氣台位 ) 連 5 呎去水喉 使用原有玻璃封位 $360 $400 $430 $450 所有標準安裝包括.. 1. 代客人向屋宇署呈交小型工程完成證明書 MW05( 如符合小型工程的簡化規定情況下 ) 2. 試機及清理紙箱雜物 備註 : 1. 標準安裝不包括以下項目 : A. 拉電源及插座或駁長跟機電源連接線 B. 偷位 鑿牆及拆裝防盜鐵枝及窗花 C. 割開及拆除大型 厚或特別的玻璃 D. 油漆配色 配玻璃 拆裝木廊等修飾工程 E. 搬機上落樓梯 F. 搬動傢俱或大型電器 G. 以上價目只適用於冷氣機安裝高度離地不超過兩米 ( 以機身最底點計算 ) 2. 如現場情況需另加附加工程, 請以現金給予安裝人員 3. 標準安裝工程不包括代客人申請任何認可牌照及登記註冊 ( 如電錶或通風牌照等 ) 4. 機體安放位置由客人先與共同業主 / 業主立案法團 物業管理公司或有關業主商討使用公用部份的權利, 並遵守大廈公契所訂定的責任 工程展開前客人必須與師傅確認安裝細節, 如於安裝後顧客要求改位及重裝, 需另行報價收費 5. 電源需由客人負責提供至機體出線位起計半米內 ( 如需承辦商安裝插座, 價錢另議 ) 6. 上述安裝工程及保養維修只適合香港島 九龍及新界區 離島 禁區及偏遠地區情況額外收費 ( 詳情請參閱項目 19) 7. 安裝工程期間 / 完成後, 有關裝修粉飾之修補工作由客人自行處理 8. 標準安裝只適用於住宅 寫字樓 商鋪及工廠等商用客戶需另行報價 9. 所有工程只限安全及可行情況下進行 如情況特殊或天氣惡劣, 本公司可拒絕或不依照報價單而另行報價安裝 10. 安裝工程由承裝商保用 24 個月 保養包括 : (i) 機架 (ii) 因玻璃封口封膠不良而引致漏水保養及維修不包括 : 搭棚及安全架, 需由客戶負責提供 不良保養引致的問題 ( 如冷氣機去水喉因欠定時保養引致阻塞而漏水 ) 11. 冷氣機只可安裝在穩固及有足夠空間的窗口或冷氣機台位上 以上安裝價目如有更改, 恕不另行通知

4 額外安裝收費表 ( 要求超過標準安裝 ) ( 需與冷氣安裝工程同時進行 ) 生效日期 項目單位收費 1 茶鋁每部 $100 2 吊裝或撐機安裝 ( 匹半機種以上或有需要 ) 每對 $ ( 如窗口位置不足 ) 鋁窗機位改高或改闊 ( 如窗口位置不足 ) 鐵窗機位改高或改闊鋁窗窗頂安裝或改 T 骨鐵窗窗頂安裝或改 T 骨 每部 $150 報價每部 $250 報價 5 修改鐵防盜窗花每支 $70 6 去水喉 (4 分網喉 ) 7 窗口機不銹鋼水盆連 5 呎去水喉 ( 需訂造 ) ( 原裝的塑膠水盆較容易淤塞 ) 首 5 呎其後每呎 $40 $10 每個 $300 8 改裝有燈開關電掣每個 $120 9 改插蘇頭 (13A---->15A)( 只適合個別型號 ) 每個 $50 10 拆冷氣機鐵氣窗 ( 鋁窗不另收費 ) 每隻 $ 拆舊冷氣機鋁架 ( 鐵窗另計 ) 每部 $ 拆舊窗口機及鋁架每部 $ 拆冷氣機位木板 ( 面積小於 30 吋闊 0 吋高 ) 每塊 $ 安裝回風雞翼 ( 需訂造 ) 每部 $ 拆回風雞翼每部 $ 安裝機頂防音膠每件 $ 普通光片玻璃封位 (6 毫米厚 ) ( 用普通有酸味玻璃膠封邊 ) 磨沙或茶玻璃封位 (6 毫米厚 ) ( 如要用其他玻璃膠則另行報價 ) 入村費車不能到而需要步行往安裝地點 每平方呎每平方呎 每單視乎道路狀況 長短 上落樓梯 $80 $90 $120 報價 19 愉景灣 離島 禁區及偏遠地區收費每單 $ 搬舊機落樓梯每層及每部機計 每部 (3/4 匹 -1 匹 ) 每部 (1 1/2 匹 -2 匹半 ) $20 $30

5 Air-Conditioner Price List (Split-Type & Window Split-Type) Effective Date Type Wall- Mounted HP 3/4HP 1HP 1 1/2HP 2HP 2 1/2HP 3HP Surface Refrigerant Pipe Pipe Insulator (Surface) Includes: Control Wire Between Indoor/ & Outdoor Unit (Without PVC conduit) Surface Drain Pipe 4 Thick Wall Opening (Curtain Wall only) on floor or with concrete base 5Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters x1 x1 Cooling Only Price $1,430 $2,150 $2,550 Inverter- Cooling Price $1,630 $2,350 $2,750 Heat & Cooling Price $1,830 $2,550 $2,950 Multi- Type 1HP+1HP 1HP+1 1/2HP 1 1/2HP+1 1/2HP 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters x1 $2,650 $2,750 $3,000 $3,050 $3,150 $3,400 $3,450 $3,550 $3,800 #Slim Size (non heat pump) 3/4HP-1HP 1 1/2HP 2HP 2 1/2HP 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters Glass Opening x1 x1 $1,430 $1,630 $2,300 $1,830 $2,500 ^Window split-type 3/4HP-1HP 1 1/2HP 2HP 2 1/2HP 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters 5 Meters Glass Opening x1 also includes: 1. Submission of Certificate of Completion of Minor Works MW05 (Under the simplified requirements of Minor Works) 2. Testing & location clearance First on-site Inspection fee: $100. The consultation fee of on site inspection will be deducted from the invoice, if the purchase of air-conditioner is within one month after the date of inspection.(for wall mounted Split-type air-conditioner only). Second and after on-site Inspection fee:. #Slim Size (non heat pump) : Out-door unit under 430mm height ^Except for General Inverter Window Split-type series Remarks: 1. The standard installation price includes the above items. Other additional charge is according to the price list and paid before or after construction. 2. does not include the following items: A. Electricity supply or extension of electric wire B. Extra wall opening and dismantling window frame C. Cutting or removal for an extra-large or extra-thick glass D. Decoration/ Finishing work such as wall-painting E. Delivery location which is no elevator service provided F. Moving furniture or large home appliances 3. Under certain circumstance, scaffolding (Only for air-conditioner installation) is required which is subject to quotation and charge after the inspection, customer is also responsible for applying permit from the property management offices of the premises/buildings. 4. Electricity supply should be provided by the customer adjacent to the split air-conditioner within 0.5m from right or left hand side. (Base on the type of air conditioner) If install the socket is required, the price is negotiable. 5. Additional service charges for the installation or maintenance at outlying islands or restricted areas.(refer to pt.24) 6. After installation, customer is not responsible for any follow-up at decoration/ finishing work. 7. installation is only applicable to residential buildings. For shops, offices, factories and commercial clients are subject to on-site inspection and quotation. 8. All works should only be carried out under safety conditions months warranty is provided for the installation works. The warranty includes : (i) Air-conditioner frame (ii) Clear glass covering (iii) Connection failure of refrigerants pipes 10. installation price includes the items listed at the above table. Additional requirement is chargeable according to the Additional Price List. 11. installation does not include application of any license or registration such as electricity supply, ventilation, etc. 12. Location for installation of the split air-conditioners are decided by the customer, who is obligated to obtain permit from the management office of the premises, if required. Extra fee would be charged for any re-installation. 13. Maintenance service does not include the followings: 1. Scaffolding must be provided by clients 2. Problems caused by poor maintenance such as leaking of drain pipe due to improper and irregular maintenance 3. Clients will responsible for the decoration/ finishing work for inspection or maintenance if the air-conditioner or pipe is covered or decorated. 14. To install Split Type Air- Conditioner at windows platform will be restricted by spacing and glass re-fix. There should have related service charge if required during at warranty or maintenance. 15. $20,000,000 valued of Public Liability insurance and third party insurance be covered for installation. For any extra be charged to customer (Such as buildings management requested). The extra fee will be charged if add name or address (temporary) in the insurance. 16. For environmental problems or other factors, if the existing snow hose or drainage pipe must be reused, customer should bear the relevant costs for future repairs or maintenance. - In event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. - Tariff is subject to change without prior notice. - We reserve the rights of final verdict. 17. The quotation will be issued base on the on-site inspection. If there are any discrepancies with the actual installation, or there have changes after decoration, extra fee will be advised before installation and charged. 18. The standard installation price do not include any licenses application and registrations (such as electricity or ventilation license plates, etc.).) x1 $1,250 $1,350 $1,600 $1,450 $1,550 $1,800 $1,650 $1,750 $2,000 $2,300

6 Items Units Price 1 Extra surface refrigerant pipe with black insulator and control wire Extra surface drain pipe with black insulator (Same price for the surface drain pipe of the outdoor condenser) Special installation of heat pump model (5m control wire with PVC conduit and 2m surface drain pipe) Control wire with PVC conduit Outdoor air-conditioner frame (aluminum or China 202 stainless steel) Per Meter(3/4HP to 1HP) Per Meter(1 1/2HP to 2 1/2HP) $170 $190 Per Meter $50 Per Set $400 First 5 meters Per Meter after the 5 meters Per Set ( 3/4HP to 1 1/2HP) Per Set ( 2HP to 2 1/2HP) Per Set ( 3HP) Per Set ( 3.5HP or above) $50 $430 $480 $650/ Quotation 6 of indoor unit rack(aluminum) Per Set $250 7 Extra refrigerant for the extra pipe(7 meters above) Per Set $500 8 of window split type air-conditioner unit rack with Per Set ( 3/4HP to 1HP) $250 concrete base more than 28 (w) X 20 (d) Per Set (1 1/2HP to 2 1/2HP) $300 9 of window split type air-conditioner unit rack without Per Set ( 3/4HP to 1 1/2HP) $450 concrete base or with base less than 28 (w) X 20 (d) Per Set ( 2 HP to 2 1/2HP) $600 (Not applicable to cantilevered slab environment) 10 Concrete Wall opening Curtain Wall opening Remove waterproofed material of wall hole for refrigerator pipe which is located outside the building (9 depth or above) Per Hole ( less 4 thick) Per Hole ( less 6 thick) Per Hole 11 Extension of control wire between indoor/outdoor unit with PVC conduit (10m) Per Set $ To dismantle the window-type air-conditioner & frame Per Set $ To dismantle the window split-type air-conditioner Per Set $ To dismantle indoor & outdoor unit To dismantle outdoor unit only To dismantle indoor unit only Dangerous installation (Two meters or more on the ground, or half-body of a person in the outdoor, or base on the actual situation) Per Set(3/4HP to 2 1/2HP) Per Set(3/4HP to 2 1/2HP) Per Set(3/4HP to 2 1/2HP) $400 Per Set $ Outdoor unit installation over 2 meters from the ground Per Set $ Waterproof isolator Per Set $ Emergency switch Per Set 19 Removal and Reinstallation of the window for the outdoor unit installation Per Window Removal and Reinstallation of the window frame for the outdoor unit installation Per Frame 20 Normal glass covering ( 6mm thick) (Acidic glass adhesive) Per Square Feet $80 Frosted or amber-yellow glass covering( 6mm thick) Per Square Feet $90 21 of stainless steel water tray for outdoor unit Per Set (Together with (Highly Recommended for heat pump model) Air-conditioner installation) $ Maintenance Shaft Per Set 23 Dismantling refrigerant pipe cover (outdoor) Per Set (First 3 meters) $100 (Followed by every meter) $50 24 Discovery Bay, Outlying Islands and Restricted Areas location cannot be reached by transportation and Per Job Per Job (For reference) $300 $120 required to reach on foot (Extra fee would be charged and base on the distance or other conditions ) 25 Separate date of air conditioners Per Job $ Scaffolding (Reference price) (Included 20 million third party insurance) Additional Price List (Requirements exceeding the standard installation) scaffolding (within 8x8 foot) Extra size and special shape If the insurance request to add another name or address(temporary) Effective Date $3300 Quotation 27 Special installation Quotation 28 On-site inspection service for Window / Slim Size Split Air-Conditioner (Non-refundable) Per Job $ mm in thickness rubber absorbers for outdoor unit 4 pcs per set $ Power supply from outdoor unit power cord with PVC conduit and accessory (within 2 meters) Per Set 31 Transportation fee of up&/or down stairs Per Set Per Floor $30

7 Effective Date Window Type Air-Conditioner Price List HP Includes: Price 3/4HP-1HP 1 1/2HP-2HP 2 1/2HP 3HP U-Frame Raw Aluminum (with window sill), 5 feet long Drain Pipe and use original glass for seal the window $360 $400 $430 $450 also includes: 1. Submission of Certificate of Completion of Minor Works MW05 (Under the simplified requirements of Minor Works) 2. Testing & location clearance Remarks: 1. does not include the following items: A. Electricity supply or extension of electric wire B. Extra wall opening and dismantling window frame C. Cutting or removal for an large, thick or special glass D. Decoration/ Finishing work such as wall-painting E. Delivery location which is no elevator service provided F. Moving furniture or large home appliances G. Extra fee will be charged for installation location exceed 2m height. 2. installation price includes the items listed at the above table. Additional requirement is chargeable according to the tariff laid down overleaf. 3. installation does not include application of any license or registration such as electricity supply, ventilation, etc. 4. Location for installation of the air-conditioners are decided by the customer, who is obligated to obtain permit from co-owner of property, owner's corporations management office or owner of property, to discuss the right to use of the common part comply with the obligations of the Building Deed of mutual covenant. Customers should confirmed the details information about the installation with our air-conditioner contractors before installation. Extra fee would be charged for any re-installation. 5. Electricity supply should be provided by the customer adjacent to the split air-conditioner within 0.5m from right or left hand side. (Base on the type of air conditioner) 6. Additional service charges for the installation or maintenance at outlying islands or restricted areas.(refer to pt.19) 7. After installation, customer is responsible for any follow-up at decoration/ finishing work. 8. installation is only applicable to residential buildings. For shops, offices, factories and commercial clients are subject to on-site inspection and quotation. 9. All works should only be carried out under safety conditions months warranty is provided for the installation works. The warranty includes (i) Air-conditioner frame, (ii) Clear glass covering. 11. Air-conditioner can only install on a stable window sill or stand with sufficient space - In event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. - Tariff is subject to change without prior notice. - We reserve the rights of final verdict.

8 Items Units Price 1 For bronze aluminum materials Per Set $100 2 To fabricate the mounting frame Per Pair $160 3 To enlarge the window space for installation, if the window space is insufficient (aluminum windows) Per Set (Aluminium window frame) Per Set (Iron window frame) $150 Quotation 4 To modify the existing T-junction of window frame Per Set (Aluminium window frame) Per Set (Iron window frame) $250 Quotation 5 To dismantle the window guards Per Bar $70 $40 $10 Per Set $300 6 Additional Drain Pipe(1/2 inch reinforced hose) First 5 feet Per feet after the first 5 feet 7 Stainless steel water tray(with 4 feet water hose) (The original plastic water tray is easy to be blocked) 8 Switch with pilot lamp Per Set $120 9 To modify plug( 13A > 15A ) (with available models) Additional Price List (Requirements exceeding the standard installation) 10 To dismantle the ventilation window (for low carbon steel/iron window only) Per Set $50 Per Set $ To dismantle the air-conditioner aluminum frame Per Set $ To dismantle the air-conditioner & aluminum frame, transportation & disposal of the air conditioner 13 To dismantle each floor-board (which is smaller than 30 (W) x 20 (H) Per Set $170 Per Piece $ To install tailor-made Return Air Duc Per Set $ To dismantle Return Air Duct Per Set $ To install quiet clear protective strip Per Unit $ Normal glass covering ( 6mm thick) Frosted or amber-yellow glass covering( 6mm thick) (Use normal glass frit; other glass frit may have additional charge ) 18 location cannot be reached by transportation and required to reach on foot Per Square Feet Per Square Feet Effective Date Per Job $120 (An extra fee would be charged Quotation and base on the distance or other conditions ) 19 Discovery Bay, Outlying Islands and Restricted Area Per Job $300 $80 $90 20 Transportation fee of up &/or down stairs per floor per unit Per Unit (3/4HP - 1HP) Per Unit (1 1/2HP - 2 1/2HP) $20 $30


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