Hong Kong Bird Report

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1 Hong Kong Bird Report 香港鳥類年報



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9 Published in Dec 年 12 月出版 The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society 香港觀鳥會 14/F., Ruby Commercial Building, 480 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China 中國香港九龍彌敦道 480 號鴻寶商業大廈 14 樓 (Approved Charitable Institution of Public Character) ( 認可公共性質慈善機構 ) Editors: Geoff Carey, John Allcock, Gary Chow and Geoff Welch 編輯 : 賈知行 John Allcock 周家禮 Geoff Welch Front Cover 封面 : Grey-capped Greenfinch Carduelis sinica 金翅雀 Tsing Yi Park, 8 th February 2008 青衣公園 2008 年 2 月 8 日 Wallace Tse 謝鑑超


11 Hong Kong Bird Report : Committees The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society 香港觀鳥會 Committees and Officers 2011 榮譽會長 Honorary President 林超英先生 Mr. Lam Chiu Ying 執行委員會 Executive Committee 主席 Chairman 劉偉民先生 Mr. Lau Wai Man, Apache 副主席 Vice-chairman 吳祖南博士 Dr. Ng Cho Nam 副主席 Vice-chairman 吳敏先生 Mr. Michael Kilburn 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary 陳慶麟先生 Mr. Chan Hing Lun, Alan 義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer 周智良小姐 Ms. Chow Chee Leung, Ada 委員 Committee members 林超英先生 Mr. Lam Chiu Ying 李慧珠小姐 Ms. Lee Wai Chu, Ronley Mr. John Allcock 方健華先生 Mr. Fong Kin Wa, Forrest 區俊茵小姐 Ms. Au Chun Yan, Joanne 施百納先生 Mr. Bena Smith 蘇毅雄先生 Mr. So Ngai Hung, Samson 蔡松柏先生 Mr. Choi Chung Pak, David ( 紅耳鵯俱樂部主席 ) (Chairman, Crested Bulbul Club) 義務核數師 Honorary Auditor 黃龍德會計師事務所有限公司 Patrick Wong C.P.A. LIMITED 義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisor 何志明先生 Mr Ho Chi Ming 紀錄委員會 Records Committee 主席 Chairman 賈知行先生 Mr. Geoff Carey 秘書 Secretary Mr. Geoff Welch 委員 Committee members Mr. Richard Lewthwaite 利雅德先生 Mr. Paul Leader 利偉文博士 Dr. Michael Leven 余日東先生 Mr. Yu Yat Tung 周家禮先生 Mr. Chow Ka Lai, Gary

12 Hong Kong Bird Report : Editorial Preface Editorial Preface The years 2007 and 2008 both proved to be very good, with the two highest annual species totals since HKBWS records began. It remains to be seen whether this is a oneoff phenomenon, or whether it sets a pattern for the future. The rise in the number of photographers in particular has resulted in a number of records of species new to or rare in HK that otherwise may have gone unnoticed. In addition, the rewards of regularly visiting Po Toi during the migration seasons are amply demonstrated by the number of firsts that have been recorded on the island: five in , with two in the seas nearby. This is in addition to three in The editorial team is working hard to publish reports in order to clear the backlog. This bumper edition was put together in approximately eight months, and the aim is to be in a position to revert to single-year reports for the 2011 edition. GJC would like to express his gratitude to JAA and GC for their work, but in particular to GW for his ceaseless and untiring efforts in ensuring this report came out much more smoothly and quickly that it would otherwise have done. The editorial team would like to thank the translators who carried out this time-consuming task. Geoff J Carey, Chief Editor Editors Geoff Welch, John Allcock and Gary Chow Translators Bonnie Chan, Derek Chan, Chan Ying Chi, Chow Lai Kuen, Celia Ho, Alvin Hui, Eling Lee, Katherine Leung, Angel Li, Patty Tse, Heidi Yu

13 Hong Kong Bird Report : Editorial Preface 編者序言 2007 及 2008 年為觀鳥的大好年份, 因為這是香港觀鳥會自有紀錄以來最高鳥種數目的兩年, 我們且看這是偶發現象還是大勢所趨 近年鳥攝者數量的增加亦造就了一些新鳥種或稀有鳥種的紀錄, 否則牠們的存在依然未為人所知 此外, 遷徙季節期間我們在蒲台島的定期觀察亦獲得可觀的回報 : 年共 5 個香港新鳥種, 另有兩個新鳥種於附近海域發現 ; 而在 則只有三種 編輯部正在努力不懈地繼續出版餘下的年報, 而這本特厚的雙年年報前後花了差不多 8 個月時間完成, 我們的目標是要在 2011 年開始回復出版單年年報 本人賈知行非常感謝 JAA 及周家禮先生的協助, 還有 GW 從無間斷及不屈不撓的投入, 否則出版這年報便不會如此順暢及有效率地完成 最後非常感謝負責翻譯的義工協助完成這項費時的工作 主編賈知行 編輯 Geoff Welch, John Allcock 及周家禮 翻譯義工陳芳玲 陳健德 陳盈之 周麗娟 何煒筠 許桓峰 李佩玲 梁嘉善 李安琪 謝穎詩及余海寧


15 Hong Kong Bird Report : Contents Hong Kong Bird Report 香港鳥類年報 Contents 目錄 List of Plates 圖片目錄 Records Committee Report 紀錄委員會報告 Geoff J. Carey 賈知行 Annual Summaries 全年摘要 Geoff Welch Systematic List 分類總覽 Geoff Carey 賈知行, Yu Yat Tung 余日東, Richard Lewthwaite, John Holmes 孔思義, John Allcock, Geoff Welch Black Scoter Melanitta americana at Mai Po NR: The first Hong Kong record 米埔的美洲黑海番鴨 : 香港首個紀錄 Bena R. Smith and John A. Allcock Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii in Eastern Waters: The first Hong Kong record 東部水域伙頭墳洲的黃嘴潛鳥 : 香港首個紀錄 Yu Yat-tung 余日東 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus in waters southeast of Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong record 蒲台島東南水域的白尾鸏 : 香港首個紀錄 Michael Turnbull 譚寶爾 Masked Booby Sula dactylatra off Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong record 蒲苔島對開海面的藍臉鰹鳥 : 香港首個紀錄 Geoff Welch Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis at Mai Po NR: The first Hong Kong record 米埔的草原鵰 : 香港首個紀錄 Daniel C K Chan 陳志光

16 Hong Kong Bird Report : Contents Western Water Rail Rallus aquaticus at Mai Po NR: The first Hong Kong record 米埔的西方秧雞 : 香港首個紀錄 John A Allcock Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume in southern waters: The first Hong Kong record 南部水域的冠海雀 : 香港首個紀錄 Michelle and Peter Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus on Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong record 蒲台島的大杜鵑 : 香港首個紀錄 Geoff Welch Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica at Lead Mine Pass, Shing Mun: The first Hong Kong record. 鉛礦坳的褐林鴞 : 香港首個紀錄 Wong Choi On 黃才安 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio at Ho Man Tin: The first Hong Kong record 何文田的紅背伯勞 : 香港首個紀錄 To Wai Yi 陶偉意 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus at Long Valley: The first Hong Kong record 塱原的歐柳鶯 : 香港首個紀錄 Frankie Chu 朱錦滿 Plain-tailed Warbler Seicercus soror at Tai Po Kau: The first Hong Kong record 大埔滘的淡尾鶲鶯 : 香港首個紀錄 Michelle and Peter Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Japanese Swamp Warbler Locustella pryeri at Mai Po NR: The first Hong Kong record 米埔的斑背大尾鶯 : 香港首個紀錄 Paul J. Leader 利雅德, John A. Allcock, David Stanton and Katherine Leung 梁嘉善 'Siberian' Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca blythi at Mai Po NR: The first Hong Kong record 米埔的 西伯利亞 白喉林鶯 : 香港首個紀錄 Paul J Leader 利雅德 and John A Allcock Hodgson's Redstart Phoenicurus hodgsoni on Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong record 蒲台島的黑喉紅尾鴝 : 香港首個紀錄 Geoff Welch

17 Hong Kong Bird Report : Contents Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsonii at Tso Kung Tam near Tsuen Wan: The first Hong Kong record 曹公潭近荃灣的銹胸藍姬鶲 : 香港首個紀錄 Andy Luk Yueng Cheung 張玉良 Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva on Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong record 蒲台島的紅胸姬鶲 : 香港首個紀錄 Paul J Leader 利雅德 and Geoff Welch Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana cumatilis on Po Toi Island: The first record of this taxon in Hong Kong 蒲台島的白腹姬鶲 cumatilis 亞種 : 此亞種在香港的首個紀錄 John Holmes 孔思義 Purple Cochoa Cochoa purpurea on Po Toi Island: An addition to Category III of the Hong Kong List 蒲台島的紫寬嘴鶇 : 香港鳥類名錄第 III 類新增品種 Geoff Welch Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps near Mai Po: An addition to Category III of the Hong Kong List 米埔附近的褐頭鵐 : 香港鳥類名錄第 III 類新增品種 Teddy Chua 蔡世傑 Bird Migration on Po Toi Island, Hong Kong 蒲台島的雀鳥遷徙 Geoff Welch The Status and Identification of Hodgson's and Northern Hawk-cuckoo in Hong Kong 霍氏鷹鵑和北鷹鵑在香港的狀況及其辨識 Paul J Leader 利雅德 Observations at the Wong Chuk Hang Ardeid Night Roost in 2009 黃竹坑鷺鳥夜棲所的觀察 2009 David J Stanton White-throated Kingfisher eating Apple Snails 白胸翡翠捕食福壽螺 David J Stanton Guidelines for the Submission of Records 呈交鳥類紀錄指引 Notes for applications to visit Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve 申請進入米埔自然護理區 Hong Kong Map 香港地圖


19 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates List of Plates 圖片目錄 Front Cover 封面 Grey-capped Greenfinch Carduelis sinica 金翅雀 Tsing Yi Park, 8 th February 2008 青衣公園 2008 年 2 月 8 日 Wallace Tse 謝鑑超 Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6 Plate 7 Plate 8 Chinese Francolin Francolinus pintadeanus 中華鷓鴣 Hung Shing Ye, Lamma Island, 12 th May 2007 南丫島洪聖爺灣 2007 年 5 月 12 日 Harry Li 李炳偉 Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea 赤麻鴨 Mai Po NR, 21 st April 2007 米埔 2007 年 4 月 21 日 Kinni Ho 何建業 Falcated Duck Anas falcata 羅紋鴨 NT Mai Po NR, 4 th February 2007 米埔 2007 年 2 月 4 日 Kinni Ho 何建業 Baikal Teal Anas formosa 花臉鴨 Hang Tau, 16 th December 2008 坑頭 2008 年 12 月 16 日 John and Jemi Holmes 孔思義及黃亞萍 Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula 鳳頭潛鴨 Nam Sang Wai, 9 th January 2008 南生圍 2008 年 1 月 9 日 K N Cheung 張冠南 Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 曳尾鸌 Eastern Waters, 27 th September 2008 東面水域 2008 年 9 月 27 日 Yu Yat Tung 余日東 Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis 黑鳽 Po Toi Island, 12 th May 2008 蒲台島 2008 年 5 月 12 日 Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲妮 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor 黑腹軍艦鳥 Waters south of Lamma Island, 27 th April 2008 南丫島南面水域 2008 年 4 月 27 日 Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲妮 Plate 9 Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus 鶚 ( 魚鷹 ) Mai Po NR, 15 th April 2007 米埔 2007 年 4 月 15 日 Kinni Ho 何建業

20 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 10 Plate 11 Plate 12 Plate 13 Plate 14 Plate 15 Plate 16 Plate 17 Plate 18 Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus spilonotus 白腹鷂 Mai Po NR, 15 th November 2008 米埔 2008 年 11 月 15 日 Cherry Wong 黃卓研 Slaty-legged Crake Rallina eurizonoides 白喉斑秧鷄 Lai Chi Kok Park, 24 th November 2007 荔枝角公園 2007 年 11 月 24 日 Owen Chiang 深藍 Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus 東方鴴 Mai Po NR, 13 th April 2008 米埔 2008 年 4 月 13 日 Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲妮 Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 丘鷸 Mai Po Car Park, 26 th January 2008 米埔停車場 2008 年 1 月 26 日 John and Jemi Holmes 孔思義及黃亞萍 Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea 彎嘴濱鷸 Mai Po NR, 14 th April 2008 米埔 2008 年 4 月 14 日 John and Jemi Holmes 孔思義及黃亞萍 Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius 灰瓣蹼鷸 Nam Chung, 27 th April 2008 南涌 2008 年 4 月 27 日 Wallace Tse 謝鑑超 Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla 三趾鷗 and Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus 短尾賊鷗 Southern Waters, 5 th April 2008 南面水域 2008 年 4 月 5 日 Liu Jianzhong White-bellied Green Pigeon Treron sieboldii 紅翅綠鳩 Shek Kong, 4 th January 2007 石崗 2007 年 1 月 4 日 Owen Chiang 深藍 Plaintive Cuckoo Cacomantis merulinus 八聲杜鵑 Long Valley, 10 th November 2007 塱原 2007 年 11 月 10 日 C W Chan 陳澤榮 Plate 19 Northern Boobok Ninox japonica 鷹鴞 Lai Chi Kok Park, 18 th November 2008 荔枝角公園 2008 年 11 月 18 日 Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲妮 120 Plate 20 Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus 短耳鴞 Mai Po NR, 30 th January 2005 米埔 2005 年 1 月 30 日 H F Cheung 張浩輝

21 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 21 Grey Nightjar Caprimulgus jotaka 普通夜鷹 Lai Chi Kok Park, 24 th November 2007 荔枝角公園 2007 年 11 月 24 日 Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲妮 122 Plate 22 Plate 23 Plate 24 Plate 25 Plate 26 Plate 27 Plate 28 Plate 29 Plate 30 Plate 31 Blue-tailed Bee-eater Merops philippinus 栗喉蜂虎 Mai Po NR, 7 th October 2007 米埔 2007 年 10 月 7 日 Sammy Sam and Winnie Wong 森美與雲妮 Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus 牛頭伯勞 Sai Kung, 26 th December 2008 西貢 2008 年 12 月 26 日 C W Chan 陳澤榮 Collared Crow Corvus torquatus 白頸鴉 NT Mai Po NR, 29 th November 2008 米埔 2008 年 11 月 29 日 Kinni Ho 何建業 Pale-footed Bush Warbler Cettia pallidipes 淡腳樹鶯 Lai Chi Kok Park, 6 th January 2008 荔枝角公園 2008 年 1 月 6 日 Kelvin Yam 任德政 Brown-flanked Bush Warbler Cettia fortipes 強腳樹鶯 Long Valley, 6 th January 2008 塱原 2008 年 1 月 6 日 Sam Chan 陳巨輝 Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis 棕扇尾鶯 Long Valley, 25 th January 2008 塱原 2008 年 1 月 25 日 Ken Fung 馮漢城 Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis 金頭扇尾鶯 Long Valley, 30 th December 2007 塱原 2007 年 12 月 30 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 White-browed Laughingthrush Garrulax sannio 白頰噪鶥 Ng Tung Chai, 19 th February 2007 梧桐寨 2007 年 2 月 19 日 Wallace Tse 謝鑑超 Orange-headed Thrush Geokichla citrina 橙頭地鶇 Kap Lung, 1 st October 2008 甲龍 2008 年 10 月 1 日 Koel Ko 高偉琛 Dusky Thrush Turdus eunomus 斑鶇 Shek Kong, 14 th January 2007 石崗 2007 年 1 月 14 日 Helen Chan 陳燕芳

22 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 32 Plate 33 Plate 34 Plate 35 Plate 36 Plate 37 Plate 38 Plate 39 Plate 40 Plate 41 Plate 42 Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius 藍磯鶇 Lamma Island, 5 th April 2008 南丫島 2008 年 4 月 5 日 Guy Miller Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina 黃眉姬鶲 Po Toi Island, 19 th October 2008 蒲台島 2008 年 10 月 19 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Mrs. Gould's Sunbird Aethopyga gouldiae 藍喉太陽鳥 Tai Po Kau, 20 th March 2007 大埔滘 2007 年 3 月 20 日 Pippen Ho 何志剛 Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 燕雀 Po Toi Island, 2 nd November 2008 蒲台島 2008 年 11 月 2 日 Allen Chan 陳志雄 Chestnut Bunting Emberiza rutila 栗鵐 Po Toi Island, 7 th April 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 4 月 7 日 Owen Chiang 深藍 Japanese Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata 硫磺鵐 Po Toi Island, 7 th April 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 4 月 7 日 Pippen Ho 何志剛 Black Scoter Melanitta americana 美洲黑海番鴨 Mai Po NR, 9 th December 2007 米埔 2007 年 12 月 9 日 Martin Hale 夏敖天 Black Scoter Melanitta americana 美洲黑海番鴨 Mai Po NR, 9 th December 2007 米埔 2007 年 12 月 9 日 Martin Hale 夏敖天 Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii 黄嘴潛鳥 Eastern Waters, 26 th January 2008 東部水域 2008 年 1 月 26 日 Pippen Ho 何志剛 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus 白尾鸏 South-eastern Waters, 4 th May 2008 東南部水域 2008 年 5 月 4 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus 白尾鸏 South-eastern Waters, 4 th May 2008 東南部水域 2008 年 5 月 4 日 Jacky Chan 陳家華

23 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 43 Plate 44 Plate 45 Plate 46 Plate 47 Plate 48 Plate 49 Plate 50 Plate 51 Plate 52 Plate 53 Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Po Toi Island, 18 th March 2008 蒲台島 2008 年 3 月 18 日 Geoff Welch Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Po Toi Island, 18 th March 2008 蒲台島 2008 年 3 月 18 日 Geoff Welch Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis 草原鵰 Mai Po NR, 22 nd December 2008 米埔 2008 年 12 月 22 日 Daniel C K Chan 陳志光 Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis 草原鵰 Mai Po NR, 22 nd December 2008 米埔 2008 年 12 月 22 日 Daniel C K Chan 陳志光 Western Water Rail Rallus aquaticus 西方秧雞 Mai Po NR, 7 th December 2006 米埔 2006 年 12 月 7 日 Mike Kilburn 吳敏 Western Water Rail Rallus aquaticus 西方秧雞 Mai Po NR, 5 th December 2006 米埔 2006 年 12 月 5 日 Martin Hale 夏敖天 Eastern Water Rail Rallus indicus 普通秧雞 Long Valley, 19 th April 2011 塱原 2011 年 4 月 19 日 Kinni Ho 何建業 Eastern Water Rail Rallus indicus 普通秧雞 Ho Sheung Hung, 3 rd February 2009 河上鄉 2009 年 2 月 3 日 Jacky Chan 陳家華 Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume 冠海雀 Southern Waters, 5 th May 2007 南部水域 2007 年 5 月 5 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume 冠海雀 Southern Waters, 5 th May 2007 南部水域 2007 年 5 月 5 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 大杜鵑 Po Toi Island, 4 th April 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 4 月 4 日 Geoff Welch

24 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 54 Plate 55 Plate 56 Plate 57 Plate 58 Plate 59 Plate 60 Plate 61 Plate 62 Plate 63 Plate 64 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 大杜鵑 Po Toi Island, 4 th April 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 4 月 4 日 Geoff Welch Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica 褐林鴞 Lead Mine Pass, 6 th November 2007 鉛礦坳 2007 年 11 月 6 日 Wong Choi On 黃才安 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio 紅背伯勞 Ho Man Tin, 6 th October 2008 何文田 2008 年 10 月 6 日 To Wai Yi 陶偉意 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio 紅背伯勞 Ho Man Tin, 6 th October 2008 何文田 2008 年 10 月 6 日 To Wai Yi 陶偉意 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 歐柳鶯 Long Valley, 25 th October 2008 塱原 2008 年 10 月 25 日 Frankie Chu 朱錦滿 Plain-tailed Warbler Seicercus soror 淡尾鶲鶯 Tai Po Kau, 9 th October 2004 大埔滘 2004 年 10 月 9 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Plain-tailed Warbler Seicercus soror 淡尾鶲鶯 Tai Po Kau, 9 th October 2004 大埔滘 2004 年 10 月 9 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 Japanese Swamp Warbler Locustella pryeri 斑背大尾鶯 Mai Po NR, 10 th November 2007 米埔 2007 年 11 月 10 日 Paul Leader 利雅德 Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca blythi 白喉林鶯 Mai Po NR, 15 th October 2006 米埔 2006 年 10 月 15 日 Paul Leader 利雅德 Hodgson's Redstart Phoenicurus hodgsoni 黑喉紅尾鴝 Po Toi Island, 11 th December 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 12 月 11 日 Geoff Welch Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsonii 銹胸藍姬鶲 Tso Kung Tam, 10 th February 2008 曹公潭 2008 年 2 月 10 日 Andy Cheung 張玉良

25 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 65 Plate 66 Plate 67 Plate 68 Plate 69 Plate 70 Plate 71 Plate 72 Plate 73 Plate 74 Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsonii 銹胸藍姬鶲 Tso Kung Tam, 10 th February 2008 曹公潭 2008 年 2 月 10 日 Andy Cheung 張玉良 Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 紅胸姬鶲 Po Toi Island, 11 th April 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 4 月 11 日 Pippen Ho 何志剛 Adult male Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 紅胸姬鶲雄成鳥 Lamma Island, 5 th December 2010 南丫島 2010 年 12 月 5 日 Guy Miller First winter Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 紅胸姬鶲首年渡冬鳥 Shek Kong, 24 th January 2009 石崗 2009 年 1 月 24 日 Peter and Michelle Wong 黃理沛江敏兒 First-year male Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 紅胸姬鶲首年雄鳥 Po Toi Island, 26 th March 2009 蒲台島 2009 年 3 月 26 日 Geoff Welch First-year male Red-throated Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla 紅喉姬鶲首年雄鳥 Kam Tin, 23 rd December 2010 錦田 2010 年 12 月 23 日 Martin Hale 夏敖天 Adult male Red-throated Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla 紅喉姬鶲雄成鳥 Long Valley, 26 th December 2010 塱原 2010 年 12 月 26 日 Jacky Chan 陳家華 Blue-and-white Flycatcher cumatilis Cyanoptila cyanomelana cumatilis 白腹姬鶲 cumatilis 亞種 Po Toi Island, 19 th October 2008 蒲台島 2008 年 10 月 19 日 Pippen Ho 何志剛 Purple Cochoa Cochoa purpurea 紫寬嘴鶇 Po Toi Island, 11 th October 2007 蒲台島 2007 年 10 月 11 日 Y L Tam 譚耀良 Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps 褐頭鵐 Mai Po Access Road, 10 th January 2008 米埔擔竿洲路 2008 年 1 月 10 日 Teddy Chua 蔡世傑

26 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 75 Plate 76 Plate 77 Plate 78 Plate 79 Plate 80 Plate 81 Plate 82 Plate 83 Plate 84 Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps 褐頭鵐 Mai Po Access Road, 10 th January 2008 米埔擔竿洲路 2008 年 1 月 10 日 Teddy Chua 蔡世傑 Adult Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑成鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Adult Hodgson's Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor 霍氏鷹鵑成鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Adult Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑成鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Adult Hodgson's Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor 霍氏鷹鵑成鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Juvenile/first winter Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Juvenile/first winter Hodgson's Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor 霍氏鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Juvenile/first winter Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Juvenile/first winter Hodgson's Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor 霍氏鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德 Juvenile/first winter Hodgson's Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor 霍氏鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 British Museum (Natural History) 大英自然史博物館 Paul Leader 利雅德

27 Hong Kong Bird Report : List of Plates Plate 85 Plate 86 Plate 87 Plate 88 Juvenile/first winter Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 Clearwater Bay, 27th October 1971 清水灣 1971 年 10 月 27 日 Clive Briffet Juvenile/first winter Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 Hong Kong, October 1996 香港 1996 年 10 月 Geoff Carey 賈知行 Juvenile/first winter Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 Hong Kong, October 1996 香港 1996 年 10 月 Geoff Carey 賈知行 Juvenile/first winter Northern Hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus 北鷹鵑幼鳥 / 首次渡冬鳥 Po Toi, 13 th October 1997 蒲台島 1997 年 10 月 13 日 Paul Leader 利雅德

28 Hong Kong Bird Report : Records Committee Report Records Committee Report Geoff J Carey Records Committee Chairman The taxonomy of birds is in flux, and in order to to ensure the Hong Kong List remains in line with the most recent advances in taxonomy, the Records Committee decided at its meeting on 1 st March 2010 to align the Hong Kong List with that of the International Ornithological Congress (IOC). However, while scientific names will, therefore, follow those adopted by the IOC, English names may not. Although our aim is to use, where possible, the English names proposed at worldbirdnames.org for the IOC List, where the RC feels there is a particular issue, we reserve the right to use an alternative name. In addition, the categorisation system for the HK List has also been revised. The primary change concerns the removal of Category B, which previously comprised species that appeared to have occurred in a wild state, but for which the possibility of non-natural origin could not be satisfactorily ruled out. Species previously in this category have been reassigned to Category I or III as appropriate. The previous Categories C and D, which comprised breeding species of presumed or known nonnatural occurrence, have been included as sub-divisions of the same category, to reflect their essentially similar nature. An extra sub-division in this category contains species that no longer have self-sustaining populations. Finally, species in the previous Category F have been relegated to an appendix, to highlight that they are not part of the main HK List. The new categories are as follows: Category I: species that have been recorded in an apparently wild state in HK (a direct replacement of the previous Category A). Category IIA: southeast China breeding species, the currently established HK breeding population of which is considered to derive from captive stock, but which probably occurred in HK prior to habitat changes (previously Category C, excluding species that have died out). Category IIB: extralimital species that, although originally introduced to HK by man, maintain a regular feral breeding stock without necessary recourse to further introduction (previously Category D, excluding species that have died out). Category IIC: previously established feral species (i.e. species from Categories IIA and IIB that no longer have self-sustaining populations). Category III: species for which all published HK records are considered likely to relate to birds that have escaped or have been released from captivity (previously Category E). During 2007 a total of 380 Category I and II species were recorded, while the equivalent figure for 2008 was 381. These compare with 367 and 375 in 2005 and

29 Hong Kong Bird Report : Records Committee Report respectively, between 318 and 355 species for the years 1999 to 2004, and between 342 and 370 for the years 1993 to It is likely that 2007 and 2008 have seen the highest number of species recorded in a single year, though taxonomic changes over time make it slightly problematic to make a comparison with previous years. A total of 14 first records of full species as additions to Category I is certainly very high for a two consecutive year period. New additions to the HK List that occurred during or prior to 2007 and 2008 were as follows. Additions to Category I Black Scoter Melanitta americana One at Mai Po NR on 9 December Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii One near Town Island during January White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus A juvenile photographed southeast of Po Toi on 4 May Masked Booby Sula dactylatra One seen off Po Toi on 18 March Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis A first-winter photographed at Mai Po NR on 22 December Western Water Rail Rallus aquaticus One at Mai Po NR during 2-8 December Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumisuzume One photographed in southern waters on 5 May Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus One photographed on Po Toi on 4 April Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica One photographed at Lead Mine Pass on 6 November Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio A first-winter photographed at Ho Man Tin, present during 6-9 October Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus One photographed at Long Valley on 25 October Plain-tailed Warbler Seicercus soror One photographed at Tai Po Kau on 9 October

30 Hong Kong Bird Report : Records Committee Report Japanese Swamp Warbler Locustella pryeri One trapped at Mai Po NR on 10 November Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca One trapped at Mai Po NR on 15 October Hodgson s Redstart Phoenicurus hodgsoni One photographed on Po Toi on 11 December Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsonii A first-winter photographed at Tso Kung Tam, near Tsuen Wan, present from 10 February to 2 March Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva One on Po Toi during 4-11 April 2007 was the first record accepted for Hong Kong. Subsequent review of previous photographs resulted in records pre-dating this, on 3 April 2005 on Po Toi and on 27 December 2005 at Sha Tau Kok. In addition, the first record of the central China breeding taxon of Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana cumatilis was photographed on Po Toi on 19 October Additions to Category III Purple Cochoa Cochoa purpurea One photographed on Po Toi on 11 October Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps One along the Mai Po access road on 10 January The Systematic List for the two years was compiled by the following: Geoff Carey: galliformes, rails and allies, larids, warblers to flycatchers and Category E species. Yu Yat Tung: grebes to ducks, shorebirds. Richard Lewthwaite: raptors, doves to martins. John Holmes: swallows to parrotbills. John Allcock: tits to corvids Geoff Welch: rarities. Thanks are due to the following, who submitted records for inclusion in this report: J.A. Allcock, P. Aston, K. & R. Barretto, D. Bradshaw, G.J. Carey, M.L. Chalmers, A. Chan, W. Cheng, J. Chim, G. Chow, F. Chu, A. Crow/KFBG, D.A. Diskin, M. Hale, A. J. Hardacre, G. Ho, J.G. Holmes, T. Jara, M. Kilburn, P.K. Kwan, P. J. Leader, Katherine Leung, R.W. Lewthwaite, Bena Smith, G. Smith, D.J. Stanton, Y.H. Sung, W. Tsui, G. Welch, M.D.Williams, C. Wong, C. O. Wong, J.A.P. Wong, M. & P. Wong, P. Wood, T. Woodward, WWF-HK and Y.T. Yu. Records were also taken from the HKBWS Website

31 Hong Kong Bird Report : Records Committee Report 紀錄委員會報告 紀錄委員會主席賈知行 鳥類的分類方法日新月異, 為了令香港的雀鳥名錄能緊貼最新的分類方法, 紀錄委員會於 2010 年 3 月 1 日的會議上將香港鳥類名錄與 International Ornithological Congress (IOC) 直接掛鈎 學名完全跟從 IOC 名錄, 但英文名卻不一定沿用 雖然我們希望採用在 worldbirdnames.org 網站上為 IOC 名錄而設的英文名, 但由於紀錄委員會覺得在某些情況下不太可行, 所以我們保留採用其他名稱的可能性 此外, 香港鳥類名錄的分類系統亦有所修訂 當中最主要的改動是剔除 B 類, 該類是指一些主要是野生但卻不能排除人為引入鳥種 這類別的鳥種在新的分類系統上歸納為 I 或 III 類 之前有繁殖紀錄的可能或確定為非源自野生的 C 及 D 類, 則納入在同一類別中的不同分屬, 以反映其相近的本質 而此類別也另增一個分屬, 包含了那些再不能維持穩定群落的鳥類 最後, 之前為 F 類的鳥種現已調至附錄中, 以示牠們並非屬於香港鳥類名錄之內的一部份 新的雀鳥類別如下 : 第 I 類 : 此鳥種曾於明顯的野生狀況下被記錄 ( 直接取代之前的 A 類 ) 第 IIA 類 : 在中國東南面繁殖的鳥種 ; 現時在香港已建立的繁殖種群被認為是源自飼養種群, 但可能早在自然生境出現變遷前已經在香港出現 ( 為之前的 C 類, 除了那些已消失的鳥種 ) 第 IIB 類 : 在自然分佈地區以外出現的鳥種 自人類引入後便無需借助額外幫助而能夠在香港繁衍 ( 為之前的 D 類, 除了那些已消失的鳥種 ) 第 IIC 類 : 較早以前建立野生群落的鳥種 ( 如 IIA 及 IIB 類但無法再維持穩定群落的鳥種 ) 第 III 類 : 所有被認為是逃逸或源自飼養種群的鳥種 ( 為之前的 E 類 ) 2007 年一共有 380 種第 I 及 II 類鳥種的紀錄, 而 2008 年有 381 種 2005 年及 2006 年分別有 367 種及 375 種 ;1999 至 2004 年間有 318 至 355 種 ;1993 年至 1998 年間有 342 至 370 種 雖然雀鳥分類上的改變令不同年份的雀鳥數目難以直接比較, 但我們可見 2007 及 2008 年是最多鳥種紀錄的年份 兩年內有 14 種新增鳥種紀錄肯定是一個非常高的數目 [ 其餘部份請參閱英文全文 ]

32 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries Geoff Welch Annual Summaries 2007 and 2008 These summaries continue with the seasonal format introduced in the Annual Report. This breaks down as: winter (December to February), spring (March to May), summer (June to August) and autumn (September to November). As in previous years, the Systematic List takes precedence over the Summaries in the event of any discrepancies. Both 2007 and 2008 were exceptionally good years, with 380 and 381 species respectively setting new records for the number of species in one year, and an aggregate of 14 additions to the Hong Kong List, the highest count for two consecutive years since The increased number of both photographers and birders is largely responsible and the existence of the Forum on the HKBWS website allows high quality images to be published very soon after capture. Of the firsts, Slaty-backed Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Willow Warbler and Steppe Eagle were identified from website photographs, and these and many other significant records would almost certainly have been missed or remained un-identified without them. Winter 2007 (January to February) Both January and particularly February were unseasonably warm with the monthly mean temperature for February being the highest on record, due to fewer than normal cold fronts passing through Hong Kong. Probably as a consequence, there were few new birds of note in January and February, with many of the interesting records involving birds present at the end of These included the first ever over-wintering Lesser Whistling Duck which remained at MPNR until 27 th May, the two juvenile Lesser White-fronted Geese which were seen in the Lok Ma Chau/MPNR area through to 29 th March, a single Ferruginous Duck at MPNR until 3 rd March, the White-bellied Green Pigeon seen at Airfield Road Shek Kong until 7 th January and two rare crows in the MPNR/Lut Chau area, a Daurian Jackdaw and a Carrion Crow, both present until 6 th April. The first two months of the year are traditionally the peak months for waterbirds in Deep Bay and a range of 57,000-64,000 has become established in recent years as the number present over this period. This year the peak total was 80,108, an excellent although rather surprising result given the relatively warm winter and there were record highest counts of Northern Shoveler (8,930), Tufted Duck (4,285) and Pied Avocet (11,957, more than double the previous highest). In contrast, the peak count of Common Shelduck was down to less than 50 birds, a significant decline from the turn of the decade when numbers exceeded 1,000, and for the first winter in memory no Dalmatian Pelicans were recorded

33 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries A first-winter Japanese Cormorant seen off Po Toi from 4 th to 18 th January was a second HK record and the Orange-breasted Green Pigeon from 2006 put in a final appearance on Po Toi on 24 th January. A male Bay Woodpecker was present in Tai Po Kau for most of January; this species has now become a regular sighting there. February provided some new species with two Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrushes at KFBG from 1 st, a Common Reed Bunting trapped at MPNR on 3 rd followed by a Paddyfield Warbler on 17 th. Spring 2007 (March to May) March continued the warm spell with three rather weak cold fronts. April was better, with strong cold fronts on 3 rd and 18 th and a wet depression on 24 th, followed by others on 4 th and 18 th May. March was rather unexciting with few unusual species reported. A second Paddyfield Warbler was trapped at MPNR on 3 rd, this being a re-trap of a bird first trapped there on 6 th October 2006 and presumably having wintered in the area. A male Red-breasted Merganser was seen flying northeast off Po Toi on 16 th March; with the lack of recent records in Deep Bay, this species is now only seen on migration through southern waters in March. Spring really started with the first cold front on 3 rd April producing two firsts for Hong Kong, Common Cuckoo and Red-breasted Flycatcher, both on 4 th, and both on Po Toi. The Common Cuckoo was a one-day bird but the Red-breasted Flycatcher stayed until 11 th April, which was fortunate because the bird was initially identified as a Red-throated Flycatcher and the true identity was not recognized for several days. With an understanding of the identification features of Red-breasted Flycatcher, several other records were reported over the next two years as well as some prior to the first, which indicate the species may have been over-looked in the past. Also on 4 th April was a Ruddy Shelduck, the only record of the two years, which remained at MPNR until 24 th April. Wader passage in the Deep Bay area usually reaches its spring peak in April and this year the highest count of 15,149 on 21 st April set a new record since the start of the Shorebird Monitoring Programme. High counts were recorded for many species, particularly the two commonest, Red-necked Stint (2,239 compared to 1,478 in 2006) and Curlew Sandpiper (10,982 compared to 4,151 in 2006). Two species are always the centre of attention at this time Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Nordmann s Greenshank, Critically Endangered and Endangered respectively. Hong Kong remains an important staging post in the migration of both species, as well as for the Near-threatened Asian Dowitcher. Numbers of all three species were higher than normal, with at least seven Spoon-billed Sandpipers (one in 2006), 50 Nordmann s Greenshanks (32 in 2006) and 132 Asian Dowitchers (25 in 2006)

34 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries Two seabirds of real quality in April/May were an adult male Christmas Island Frigatebird off Tung Ping Chau on 21 st April followed by the first record of Japanese Murrelet seen by many observers on a HKBWS boat trip in southern waters on 5 th May. This bird was in poor condition with much worn feathers that rendered it unable to fly. Also at sea, Short-tailed Shearwaters were seen from 30 th April to 23 rd May with a high count of 15 on 14 th, a pattern very similar to 2006 when their spring migration through HK waters was first discovered. Two Drongo Cuckoos appeared in the middle of April one at MPNR on 16 th and one on Po Toi on 19 th following the cold front. The depression on 24 th produced a Malayan Night Heron on Po Toi on 25 th which remained until 5 th May. The final act of spring was an influx of small bitterns on 21 st May following the depression on 18 th, with Yellow, Von Schrenck s, Cinnamon and Black Bittern all present in good numbers on Po Toi and elsewhere. Summer 2007 (June to August) This summer was drier than normal with just one Tropical Storm, Pabuk on 10 th August. Long term nest counts of ardeids made by the HKBWS Egret Research Group have shown that while the number of Great, Little and Cattle Egrets and Chinese Pond Heron has remained constant or showed a slight increase, Black-crowned Night Heron has declined annually since 2002, from 250 to 95 in Most nests of this species are found in the A Chau colony; as numbers of other egrets in this colony have not decreased in the same way, the cause is not clear. Red-billed Starling joined White-cheeked and White-shouldered Starlings as a confirmed breeding species with a record at Tai Mei Tuk. A juvenile Orange-headed Thrush at Kap Lung on 6 th June indicated successful breeding there and reports of Common Blackbird in MPNR car park throughout July also suggest breeding. Other interesting July reports included Grey-headed Lapwing at MPNR on 11 th, the earliest ever autumn record of Oriental Pratincole, an adult and a juvenile at Chek Lap Kok on 24 th, and a juvenile Grey Wagtail on Po Toi on 26 th. Early August records included a male Mallard at MPNR from 7 th, a Eurasian Hoopoe at Po Toi on the same date and a juvenile Cinnamon Bittern at Kam Tin on 9 th. Early migrants were an Aleutian Tern in eastern waters on 13 th, an Asian Paradise Flycatcher at Parker Hill on 15 th and a Yellow-rumped Flycatcher at Mui Tsz Lam on 18 th. Two August Hodgson s Hawk Cuckoos, at Mui Tze Lam on 13 th and Tai Po Kau on 18 th, are evidence of the continuing increase of this species in Hong Kong. An adult Brown Booby was in the East Lamma Channel on 25 th August and on rocks near Po Toi the following day

35 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries Autumn 2007 (September to November) Autumn was warm and generally dry with no close approaches by Tropical Storms. There were no significant weather events until November, when two periods of strong northerly winds occurred from 1 st to 9 th and 26 th to 29 th. As a result, autumn 2007 was rather dull until November. September started with a Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher trapped at Tai Po Kau on 1 st and present until 5 th. This was followed by the third Drongo Cuckoo of the year, on Po Toi on 3 rd and then a quiet period until a Fairy Pitta at Shing Mun on 26 th September. A Ferruginous Flycatcher at Tai Po Kau on 4 th October was a rare autumn record and 121 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters going to roost at MPNR on 5 th October was more than double the previous highest count. The second Christmas Island Frigatebird of the year was seen at south Lamma on 4 th October and a Speckled Piculet was photographed at Ng Tung Chai on 6 th. Finally for October, a female Purple Cochoa on Po Toi on 11 th October was a surprise addition to Category III. Four records of note on Po Toi in early November were a Bianchi s Warbler on 5 th, which remained into January 2008, the first ever autumn Narcissus Flycatchers, a male on 6 th and a female on 11 th, a second Red-breasted Flycatcher following the spring first record on 10 th and up to four Japanese Yellow Buntings over the period 10 th to 28 th November. These were the first autumn records for Japanese Yellow Bunting in HK but more excitingly, one was ringed and photographs allowed its ring number to be read. It was later confirmed that the bird had been ringed as a juvenile in north Honshu, Japan, 3000 kms away, just 34 days earlier. The best birds of the autumn were two firsts for HK, a Brown Wood Owl photographed late in the evening of 6 th November at Shing Mun and a Japanese Swamp Warbler trapped at MPNR on 10 th November. This was followed by a Pallas s Reed Bunting trapped at the same site on 17 th November. One of the surprising sites of the autumn was Lai Chi Kok Park, where in quick succession from 24 th to 30 th November, the following species were recorded Northern Boobook, Slaty-legged Crake, Eurasian Woodcock, Savanna Nightjar, Pallas s Grasshopper Warbler, Lanceolated Warbler, Grey Nightjar and Eurasian Eagle Owl. Many were photographed walking across lawns, exposed in trees or even sitting on football pitch goalposts, an amazing set of records for a modest suburban park. Even better was to follow from this location in January Winter (December to February) The weather in December and January was quite normal until an intense cold front arrived on 23 rd January. Temperatures fell suddenly and remained very low until 16 th February, the longest official cold spell for 40 years and the coldest February for 40 years. This cold spell affected all of south and central China and an influx of some

36 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries species of thrushes and chats began in early February, most noticeably at Sai Kung CP and Pui O, as well as an arrival of other species that were probably also weather affected. The total peak count of all waterbirds in the Deep Bay area once again achieved a new high figure, 90,986, with Northern Shoveler (14,253) and Pied Avocet (16,123) making new record counts. One reason for these increases is thought to be improved management of the Futian National Nature Reserve on the Chinese side of Deep Bay. Numbers of Common Shelduck continued to fall, with a maximum of just 24. On the positive side, 16 Falcated Duck in late March was a very good count, as were 728 Eurasian Coot on 14 th January. A single Dalmatian Pelican from 20 th February to 5 th March was a welcome sight after their total absence in There has been a dramatic fall in the numbers of this species wintering in east China, and it is now thought to number just 30 birds. Waterbird of the winter was a female/immature Black Scoter which was present on Pond 20 at MPNR for just one day, 9 th December, and was another HK first, as was a female Hodgson s Redstart seen briefly on Po Toi on 11 th. A White-spectacled Warbler over-wintered at Tai Po Kau and the third Red-breasted Flycatcher of the year arrived on Po Toi on 18 th December, staying until late January when it probably became a victim of the cold weather started with an excellent set of photographs of a Pale-footed Bush Warbler in Lai Chi Kok Park on 6 th January. As all previous records of this species in HK had been trapped, a large number of bird-watchers and photographers once again descended on this suburban park, only to find the bird gone. A female Red-headed Bunting seen on the Mai Po Access Road on 10 th January was the first record of the species in Hong Kong, but its plumage condition suggested it was ex-captive. A first-winter Glaucous Gull from the Mai Po boardwalk on 13 th January stayed only one day, but a first-winter Relict Gull on the same date stayed longer, with up to two being seen until 2 nd March. The next HK first arrived in the shape of a Yellow-billed Loon off Town Island on 25 th January. This bird may well have been brought south by the cold weather, as may also another Loon, a Red-throated seen from Po Toi between 13 th and 27 th February, the third record for HK. The cold spell may also have been responsible for the arrival of yet another first, a female Slaty-backed Flycatcher near Tsuen Wan on 10 th February. This was another bird identified from photographs posted on the website, and it remained until 2 nd March enabling many people to see and photograph it. So ended an exciting winter with a total of four HK firsts

37 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries Spring 2008 (March to May) Spring 2008 was an active spring for weather, with cold fronts or depressions on 30 th March, 12 th and 22 nd April, 1 st, 5 th, 9 th and 18 th May and a rare spring typhoon, Neoguri, on 19 th April. March started with a first-winter Slender-billed Gull joining the Relict Gull at the MPNR Boardwalk on 1 st March and staying until at least 21 st. A Black Bittern also at MPNR on 9 th March was by far the earliest spring record for this species, and a Speckled Piculet was at Bride s Pool on 14 th March. These were followed by another HK first, an immature Masked Booby flying past Po Toi on 18 th March in a loose flock of Heuglin s Gulls. Finally for March, another Red-breasted Flycatcher appeared on Po Toi with the first cold front of the spring on 31 st. Grey-faced Buzzards also came with this cold front, 44 on 1 st and 98 on 2 nd April over Po Toi. A HKBWS boat trip on 5 th April found two Pomarine Skuas, three Parasitic Jaegers and at least 40, possibly as many as 60, Long-tailed Jaegers plus an unfortunate immature Black-legged Kittiwake photographed on the receiving end of an attack by a Parasitic Jaeger. A Eurasian Jay heard at Tai Lam CP on 6th April was the first live record since 2002, although captive origin cannot be ruled out. The Po Toi lighthouse was an unusual location for a Fairy Pitta on 10th April and a Brown Bush Warbler in song at Robin s Nest on 14 th was the first April record for the species. Another Pitta, this one a Blue-winged and the second record for HK, was first photographed on Po Toi on 17 th April and remained until 4 th May. A HKBWS boat trip on 27 th April produced the fourth HK record of Great Frigatebird and the following day a flock of seven Bee-eaters at Shuen Wan contained at least three and were probably all Bluethroated. The last good bird for April was a first-summer Red Phalarope found at Nam Chung on 27 th April which remained until 4th May. Spring wader passage was very high for the second successive year, with a peak of 15,113 on 19 th April, just short of the record count of 15,149 in The count of 9,012 Curlew Sandpipers was again very high, but Red-necked Stints failed to maintain their recovery in 2007 and were disappointing at only 733. Of the critical three, Asian Dowitcher (NT) had an excellent year with 428 birds (132 in 2007), Nordmann s Greenshank (EN) had an average year with an estimate of 26 birds (50 in 2007) but Spoon-billed Sandpiper (CE) fell back again with only two birds recorded (seven in 2007). Short-tailed Shearwaters put in their now regular appearance in waters off Po Toi, from 30 th April to 24 th May with a peak of 15 on 15 th May. Another Fairy Pitta appeared on Po Toi on 3 rd May, which meant there were two species of pitta on the island on that day. But bird of the month was yet another first, a stunning juvenile White-tailed Tropicbird seen from a HKBWS Boat Trip in southern waters on 4 th May

38 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries May brought several latest or unexpected records, an Eastern Buzzard on 10 th on Po Toi, a first ever spring record for Amur Falcon at Kam Tin on 19 th and 20 th, two Asian House Martins on Po Toi on 20 th and an adult Black-legged Kittiwake photographed off Po Toi on 22 nd May. But the most exciting event, caused by a strong depression, was a large fall of small bitterns and Brown Shrikes that started on 21 st May, when a total of 104 Yellow Bitterns were seen at various locations. On Po Toi on 21 st, in addition to the Yellow Bitterns, there was a total of 27 Von Schrenck s Bitterns including a single flock of 22 birds, two Cinnamon Bitterns, eight Black Bitterns, a Malayan Night Heron and 89 Brown Shrikes. High numbers of most of these species were also recorded at other sites on this and subsequent days. Summer 2008 (June to August) June and July were very wet with more than twice the normal level of rainfall. August was drier, although with two Tropical Storms, Kammuri on 6 th and Nuri on 22 nd. Total egret nest counts showed a decline to 668, the lowest since 2000, with all species affected but particularly the commonest, Great and Little Egret and Chinese Pond Heron. The cold weather in February was thought to have been partially responsible. Interesting July records included the first ever summer Dollarbird, an adult on Po Toi on 3 rd, a Black Bittern at Hung Hom on 4 th, an unusual urban location and possibly left over from the late May fall of bitterns, a Black-winged Kite and a Pheasant-tailed Jacana at MPNR from 8 th and a Watercock at Lok Ma Chau on 20 th. Two Eurasian Eagle Owls were seen in July, one at Tsing Ma Bridge on 18 th and one at Kowloon Peak on 23 rd. A juvenile Lesser Frigatebird photographed at Yau Tong on 26 th was an interesting summer record for this species. Eurasian Hoopoes were near Tsing Yi and on Po Toi on 29 th and at Lai Chi Kok Park on 1 st August. The first Aleutian Terns appeared in southern waters on 15 th August, the same date as the first Eastern Crowned Warblers were seen in Tai Po Kau, with an Asian and a Japanese Paradise Flycatcher there on 20 th. A juvenile Hodgson s Hawk Cuckoo seen with a female Hainan Blue Flycatcher at Tai Po Kau on 24 th was the latest ever record for the species. Autumn 2008 (September to November) Autumn was unusually warm, with record high average temperatures in October and very few spells of the northerly winds that normally bring birds to HK. As a consequence, it was generally a poor autumn although the run of HK first records continued with another two in October and one in December. Tropical Storm Hagupit on 23 rd September was the fourth to affect HK in

39 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries September was very quiet. Two Goodson s Leaf Warblers, one on Po Toi on 5 th and one at Tai Po Kau on 12 th were the first ever September records for this species. A second HK record of Wedge-tailed Shearwater was photographed in eastern waters on 27 th September following TS Hagupit. October will be remembered by many for two new species and one new subspecies to Hong Kong, all of which were identified from photographs posted on the website. The first was a first-winter Red-backed Shrike found at Ho Man Tin on 6 th, which stayed until 9 th ensuring that many people were able to see it. Less obliging was a Willow Warbler photographed at Long Valley on 25 th but unfortunately only seen by the photographer. In between these two, a male Blue-and-white Flycatcher of the taxon cumatilis was photographed by several people on Po Toi on 19 th October. This distinctive taxon is poorly known but is thought to breed in central China. Another one-day bird identified from photographs on the website was a first-winter Greater White-fronted Goose at Nam Sang Wai on 10 th November, the third record for Hong Kong. Unusual buntings on show in November were a Black-headed at Long Valley from 16 th to 18 th, a Japanese Yellow on Po Toi on 16 th (a rare autumn record) and three Yellow-browed on Po Toi on 27 th. Winter 2008 (December) The unusually warm autumn continued into December, with temperatures above average for most of the month. A Common Chiffchaff trapped at MPNR on 2 nd December was the fifth HK record and the first since A Waxwing on Po Toi on 7 th could not be seen well enough to be identified to species, nor was it relocated, as frustrating no doubt for the observer as for the rest of us. A Little Stint from the Mai Po boardwalk on 13 th was the first ever winter record, as was an Eastern Crowned Warbler at Tai Po Kau on 24 th, while a Chinese Leaf Warbler at Pak Sha O on 28 th December was just the third HK record. The final act of 2008 was, in fact, a postscript. A photograph of a juvenile eagle taken at MPNR on 22 nd December was posted to the website in March 2009, when it was identified as a Steppe Eagle, another first for Hong Kong. Fortunately, it was relocated and seen by many in late March/April An extraordinary end to two extraordinary years

40 Hong Kong Bird Report : Annual Summaries Geoff Welch 2007 及 2008 年度摘要 本年度摘要沿用 年度報告以季節分段的模式 : 冬季 ( 十二月至二月 ) 春季( 三月至五月 ) 夏季( 六月至八月 ), 以及秋季 ( 九月至十一月 ) 與過去的年度摘要相同, 如在摘要中提及的名稱與鳥類名錄不同, 一切以鳥類名錄為準 2007 及 2008 年鳥況極佳, 分別錄得 380 及 381 個鳥種, 都先後打破了一年內錄得最多鳥種的紀錄 以累積計算亦為香港鳥類名錄增添 14 個鳥種, 若自 1993 年來以每兩年計算, 是新增鳥種最多的兩年 這與觀鳥者及攝影師的人數增加有莫大關係, 而觀鳥會網上討論區亦讓高質素的照片能在拍攝後短時間內發表, 香港首次紀錄例如 : 銹胸藍姬鶲 紅背伯勞 歐柳鶯及草原鵰, 皆是從上載至討論區的照片辨認出來 若非如此, 大概會錯失這幾個和其他重要的紀錄 2007 年冬季 (1 月至 2 月 ) 一月及二月皆比預期溫暖, 相對其他年份有較少冷鋒越過香港, 二月的平均氣溫更是歷年最高 也許是因天氣影響, 一 二月份沒太多值得欣喜的鳥類紀錄, 大部分值得關注的紀錄皆來自 2006 年尾 : 包括香港第一個渡冬栗樹鴨紀錄 ( 該鳥在米埔自然護理區逗留至 5 月 27 日 ); 兩隻在落馬洲及米埔自然護理區錄得的小白額雁, 逗留至 3 月 29 日 ; 一隻在米埔自然護理區逗留至 3 月 3 日的白眼潛鴨 ; 在石崗機場路逗留至 1 月 7 日的紅翅綠鳩 ; 以及在米埔自然護理區及甩洲錄得的兩種不普通的鴉類 達烏里寒鴉及小咀烏鴉, 皆逗留至 4 月 6 日 每年的一 二月歷年來都是后海灣水鳥的高峰期, 近年的數量大致在 57,000-64,000 隻之間 本年的最高數量達 80,108 隻, 在這相對較和暖的冬季, 是令人鼓舞卻感意外的結果 琵咀鴨 (8,930) 鳳頭潛鴨(4,285) 及反咀鷸 (11,957, 比以往的最高紀錄高出一倍以上 ) 都創下最高數量紀錄 反之, 翹鼻麻鴨的最高數量下跌至不足 50 隻, 較十多年前逾 1,000 隻的時候明顯減少 ; 另外, 本年亦是歷來首次沒卷羽鵜鶘紀錄 1 月 4 至 18 日在蒲台有一隻首次渡冬的暗綠背鸕鷀, 是香港的第二個紀錄 而 2006 年在蒲台島錄得的橙胸綠鳩, 最後出現日期為 1 月 24 日 另外,1 月大部分時間均可在大埔滘見到一隻雄性的黃咀噪啄木鳥, 現時這鳥種已定期在大埔滘出現 二月錄得數個本年首次出現鳥種, 包括 2 月 1 日在嘉道理農場錄得兩隻栗腹磯鶇 ;2 月 3 日在米埔自然護理區捕捉到的蘆鵐, 以及 17 日捕捉到的稻田葦鶯

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