MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障 When you strive to provide the best quality of life for your family, has it ever occurred to you t

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1 MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover

2 MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障 When you strive to provide the best quality of life for your family, has it ever occurred to you that a serious illness can strike unexpectedly and bring financial burden to your loved ones? Let alone the loss of income during and after the treatment, the savings thrived will also be used to finance the soaring medical expenses. 當您為家人的幸福努力經營時, 可有想過嚴重疾病或會驟然而至, 為摯親帶來沉重經濟負擔? 在治療和康復期間, 不但失去穩定收入, 更有可能要承擔巨額的醫療費用而耗掉積蓄 Cancer 癌症 According to the statistic of 2014, one-third of deaths were caused by cancer 按 2014 年統計數字, 身故人士當中有三分之一因癌症離世 First two years of medical expenses for common cancers at private hospitals are as follows: 以下為兩項常見癌症於私立醫院首兩年的醫療費用 : Colon cancer 結腸癌 approximately 約 HK$700,000( 港元 ) Breast cancer 乳癌 approximately 約 HK$578,000( 港元 ) Heart disease 心臟病 One of the top 3 life threatening diseases in Hong Kong 香港三大致命疾病之一 Package cost of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery at private hospital can be as high as 於私立醫院進行心臟搭橋手術費用高達 HK$409,000( 港元 ) 2

3 One of the most distressing facts about suffering a critical illness is that those who have fully recovered are not immune from relapse. 即使危疾患者已經完全康復, 仍然要面對隨時復發的風險 According to the figures of Hong Kong Cancer Fund as of 2014, 根據香港癌症基金會 2014 年的數據, 50% 10% of treated colon cancer patients had relapsed 曾接受治療的結腸癌患者會復發 of breast cancer patients had relapsed within 7 years of receiving treatment 的乳癌患者在接受治療後的七年內會復發 Source: Hong Kong Cancer Registry of Hospital Authority, Hong Kong Cancer Fund, Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong and charges of operation packages of private hospital in Hong Kong (all figures last updated as of 2014) 資料來源 : 醫院管理局香港癌症資料統計中心 香港癌症基金會 香港政府統計處及香港私立醫院的手術套餐收費 ( 所有數據最後更新至 2014 年 ) 3

4 Cherish your family with all-encompassing critical illness protection 關愛摯親選擇全面的危疾保障 62 major critical illnesses 62 種嚴重危疾 Payment of 100% of current sum assured 賠付 100% 現行保障額 54 early stage critical illnesses 54 種早期嚴重危疾 25% of advanced initial sum assured 預支 25% 首次保障額 MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover with Multiple Crisis Cover 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障及多重危疾附加保障 Provides all-encompassing protection 提供全面的危疾保障 Up to 2 claims for stroke / heart attack in total 中風 / 心臟病發作獲合共最多 2 次賠償 Up to 3 claims for cancer 最多 3 次癌症賠償 Up to 500% of sum assured of critical illness protection in total 合共高達 500% 危疾保障額 Waiver of premium (embedded in Multiple Crisis Cover) 多重危疾附加保障特設豁免保費權益 4

5 62 major critical illnesses and 54 critical illnesses at early stage covered MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover ( MyCare or Basic Plan ) offers critical illness coverage until the age 1 of 99 of the life assured. Upon diagnosis of any of the 62 covered major critical illnesses, the benefit of 100% of current sum assured 2 will be paid out. This acts as a safety net to protect your family against unexpected financial burden. When diagnosed with any of the 54 covered early stage critical illnesses, an advanced benefit of 25% of the initial sum assured 3 will be paid out for timely treatment before the illness becomes life threatening and thus, increasing the chance of surviving. Maximise protection against common early stage critical illnesses With the increasing risks of suffering from heart related diseases and cancer at early stage, MyCare offers the life assured a maximum of 2 claims for angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease 4, and a maximum of 2 claims for carcinoma-in-situ or early stage cancer 4 to ease the heavy financial burden arise from the illness. 涵蓋 62 種嚴重危疾及 54 種早期嚴重危疾 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障 ( 康穗 或 基本計劃 ) 提供危疾保障至受保人 99 歲 1, 一旦確診患上 2 康穗涵蓋的 62 種嚴重危疾, 可獲現行保障額的 100%, 縱使面對突如其來的醫療費用, 也可減輕燃眉之急, 釋除家人的經濟壓力 如確診患上康穗涵蓋的 54 種早期嚴重危疾, 可獲預支首次 3 保障額的 25%, 以便盡早安排治療, 增加康復機會 為常見早期嚴重危疾帶來最大保障 隨著都市人患上早期與心臟有關的疾病及癌症的風險增加, 康穗特別為受保人提供最多 2 次冠狀動脈成形術賠償 4, 以及最多 2 次原位癌或早期癌症賠償 4, 減輕因疾病帶來的額外經濟負擔 3 種保費繳付年期 您可因應個人理財需要而選擇 10 年 15 年或 20 年的保費年期, 而計劃的保費亦不隨實際年齡改變 5 Offer 3 premium payment terms You can choose premium payment term of 10-year, 15-year or 20-year in line with your financial needs. Premium will not change with attained age 5. 1 Age throughout the entire brochure refers to the age on next birthday. 本刊物提及的 歲 / 年齡 是指翌年歲 2 Current sum assured means initial sum assured less any major critical illness benefit, early stage critical illness benefit and juvenile disease benefit paid, whereas initial sum assured refers to the amount of sum assured at policy issuance. Upon payment of major critical illness benefit, all other benefits under MyCare will cease. In other words, no death benefit, guaranteed cash value or any form of dividend will be paid thereafter. 現行保障額指首次保障額扣減已賠付的任何嚴重危疾保障 早期嚴重危疾保障及少年疾病保障 ; 而首次保障額則是指於保單繕發時的保障金額 嚴重危疾保障一經賠付, 於基本計劃內的其他所有保障將會自動終止 換言之, 身故賠償將不會被賠付, 保證現金價值及任何紅利亦不會被派發 3 Upon payment of any early stage critical illness benefit or juvenile disease benefit, the current sum assured will be reduced by the benefit amount paid, which means subsequent major critical illness benefit or death benefit payable will be reduced accordingly. In addition, subsequent premiums, guaranteed cash value and non-guaranteed annual dividends will be adjusted downward in proportion to the reduced current sum assured. Benefit relating to early stage critical illnesses is subject to a maximum payout amount. Please refer to Product at a glance for details. 早期嚴重危疾保障或少年疾病保障一經賠付, 現行保障額將會扣減其已賠付之保障金額, 即其後可獲賠付的嚴重危疾保障或身故賠償將按已賠付之保障額而相應地減少 此外, 其後的保費 保證現金價值及非保證周年紅利將根據現行保障金額按比例調減 相關的早期嚴重危疾保障受限於最高賠償額, 詳情請參閱本刊物的 產品一覽 4 Subject to a maximum of 3 claims with respect to early stage critical illnesses and juvenile diseases in total per policy. 每份保單最多可獲合共 3 次就早期嚴重危疾及少年疾病的賠償 5 Premium will not change with attained age of the life assured. However, it is non-guaranteed and may change with other factors. Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited ( Aviva ) reserves the right to adjust the premium at any time. 保費不隨受保人的實際年齡改變, 但保費為非保證, 並且可能因其他因素而改變,Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited( Aviva ) 有權隨時調整保費 5

6 Life protection and savings in one Aviva understands that ensuring your family s quality of life should the life assured pass away is a top priority. MyCare will care for your nearest and dearest by paying 100% of the current sum assured 6 as death benefit to the designated beneficiary of MyCare. MyCare also offers non-guaranteed annual dividends (if any) 7 every year from the 1 st policy anniversary onwards throughout the policy term to provide extra savings. In addition, guaranteed cash value is payable upon surrender or maturity of the Basic Plan. Multiple Crisis Cover to enhance protection The Basic Plan is issued with its supplement, Multiple Crisis Cover ( MCC ), to cope with your protection needs in a holistic way. Upon recurrence of cancer, stroke and / or heart attack, and / or diagnosis of other MCC covered major critical illness of the life assured, the benefit equals to the sum assured of MCC will be payable. A maximum of 500% of sum assured with respect to major critical illnesses will be payable under the Basic Plan and MCC for total protection. Please also refer to the claim requirements set out under question 4 of the Frequently asked questions. For the full list of covered critical illnesses under the Basic Plan, please refer to the List of covered critical illnesses as set out in this brochure. 人壽保障與儲蓄兼備 在受保人身故後, 如何維持摯親現有的生活質素是令人擔憂的事情 Aviva 深明您的憂慮, 康穗會向計劃指定的受益人賠付現行保障額的 100% 6 作為身故賠償 此外, 康穗從第一個保單周年日開始每年派發非保證周年紅利 ( 如有 ) 7, 並將於基本計劃退保或基本計劃保單期滿時派發保證現金價值, 提供額外儲蓄 多重危疾附加保障加倍安心 基本計劃與多重危疾附加保障同時繕發, 以全面配合您的保障需要 如受保人不幸再次確診癌症 中風及 / 或心臟病發作, 及 / 或罹患其他多重危疾附加保障涵蓋的嚴重危疾, 計劃將賠付多重危疾附加保障的保障額 基本計劃連同多重危疾附加保障就嚴重危疾的最高賠償總額為保障額的 500%, 給您和家人最周全的保障 就保障索償之要求, 請參閱 常見問題 之第 4 題所列出的詳情 有關基本計劃的所有受保危疾, 請參閱本刊物所載的 受保危疾列表 6 6 Death benefit shall be the current sum assured plus accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any). 身故賠償將為現行保障額, 加上積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 ) 7 Non-guaranteed annual dividends (if any) can be cashed out at anytime or left with Aviva to earn interest (if any). 非保證周年紅利 ( 如有 ) 可被隨時提取, 或積存在 Aviva 以獲取利息 ( 如有 )

7 Multiple Crisis Cover 多重危疾附加保障 Up to 4 additional entitlements to major critical illness coverage Coping with the risks of suffering from other critical illnesses or recurrence, MCC guarantees the life assured coverage of up to 4 additional claims with respect to major critical illnesses against 58 major critical illnesses until the age of 85 of the life assured. Embedded premium waiver benefit Upon the first diagnosis of any covered major critical illness of the life assured under the Basic Plan, all future premiums for MCC will be waived, ensuring the life assured the total peace of mind to focus on making a full and speedy recovery. 高達額外 4 次嚴重危疾保障 為應付未來罹患其他危疾或復發的風險, 多重危疾附加保障提供高達額外 4 次就嚴重危疾的賠償, 保障涵蓋 58 種嚴重危疾, 直至受保人 85 歲 特設豁免保費保障 當受保人首次被確診患上任何康穗涵蓋的嚴重危疾後, 其後多重危疾附加保障的所有保費即可獲豁免, 讓受保人可以更安心療養, 早日康復 Maximum entitlement of major critical illness benefit under MyCare and MCC 康穗及多重危疾附加保障就嚴重危疾的最高賠償次數 Type of Illness 疾病組別 Coverage 保障範圍 Maximum entitlement 最高賠償次數 Group 1 組別 1 Cancer 癌症 3 claims( 次 ) Stroke / heart attack 2 claims( 次 ) 中風 / 心臟病發作 Subject to a Any non-cancer major Group 2 to 9 1 claim( 次 ) critical illnesses other than 組別 2 至 9 stroke / heart attack 中風 / 心臟病發作以外任何非癌症類別的嚴重危疾 (per each major critical Illness) ( 每種嚴重危疾 ) maximum of 2 claims in total 合共最多 2 次賠償 A maximum of 5 claims with respect to major critical illnesses in total 合共最多 5 次就嚴重危疾的賠償 For critical illnesses under groups 1 to 9, please refer to the "List of covered critical illnesses" as set out in this brochure. 有關組別 1 至 9 的各項危疾, 請參閱本刊物的 受保危疾列表 Maximum benefit payable 最高可獲賠償總額 Under Basic Plan 基本計劃 Claims with respect to any major critical illnesses: 就任何嚴重危疾的賠償 : 100% of initial sum assured 8 首次保障額的 100% 8 + Under MCC 多重危疾附加保障 4 additional claims with respect to major critical illnesses: 額外 4 次就嚴重危疾的賠償 : 400% of MCC sum assured (same as initial sum assured) 多重危疾附加保障的 400% 保障額 ( 與首次保障額相同 ) = Maximum benefit payable 最高可獲賠償總額 500 % of intial sum assured 首次保障額的 500% For more details of the Basic Plan and MCC, please refer to the "Frequently asked questions" as set out in this brochure. 有關基本計劃及多重危疾附加保障的詳情, 請參閱本刊物的 常見問題 部份 8 Assuming no early stage critical illness benefit or juvenile disease benefit had been paid. 假設沒有任何已賠付的早期嚴重危疾賠償或少年疾病賠償 7

8 Case study 個案分享 Building a safety net for your family 為摯愛家人建立經濟安全網 Are you 您是否 taking care of the family expenses partially or even entirely? 負擔家庭部分甚至全部開支? looking for a sustainable quality of life for your loved ones and free from the worries of medical expenses should you ever be struck by any dreadful illnesses? 當罹患重病時, 不用為醫療開支而擔憂, 並可維持家人現有的生活質素? Patrick s story 李先生的故事 Patrick, aged 40, is a businessman who has a happy family and his wife has just given birth. Sadly, like many successful executives, Patrick faces immense pressure at work and has irregular mealtimes. He is seeking for a comprehensive critical illness protection plan that will ensure his family to be financially secured should he ever fall seriously ill. 李先生是一位 40 歲的商人, 太太剛剛生了孩子, 擁有一個幸福美滿的家庭 可惜李先生跟許多成功人士一樣, 面對沉重的工作壓力, 而且食無定時 他希望擁有一份全面的危疾保障計劃, 即使身患重病時仍有經濟支持, 令家人的生活得到周全保障 MyCare for Patrick 為李先生而設的康穗 Policyholder & life assured: 保單持有人及受保人 : Smoking status: 吸煙狀況 : Initial sum assured of Basic Plan: 基本計劃的首次保障額 : Sum assured of MCC: 多重危疾附加保障的保障額 : Premium payment term (MyCare / MCC) : 保費年期 ( 康穗 / 多重危疾附加保障 ): Benefit term (MyCare / MCC) : 保障年期 ( 康穗 / 多重危疾附加保障 ): Annual premium amount (MyCare / MCC) : 每年保費金額 ( 康穗 / 多重危疾附加保障 ): Patrick Lee 李先生 Non-smoker 非吸煙 US$100,000( 美元 ) US$100,000( 美元 ) 20 years / to age 年 / 直至 85 歲 To age 99 / to age 85 直至 99 歲 / 直至 85 歲 US$3,062 / US$493 3,062 美元 / 493 美元 How MyCare will help? 康穗如何幫助李先生? Benefit payable to cover part of the medical cost for treatment 危疾賠償用作支付部分的治療費用 Reduce the burden resulting from loss of income during the treatment period 減低患者在治療期間因失去收入而帶來的經濟負擔 Support the family expenses, such as mortgage repayment on their home 承擔家庭開支, 例如樓宇按揭供款等 8

9 Comprehensive critical illness protection offered to Patrick 李先生獲得全面的危疾保障 Age( 歲 ) Illness diagnosed / treatment required 確診疾病 / 所需治療 Benefit 保障範圍 Benefit payable 可獲賠償 Benefit amount 保障金額 48 Angioplasty for coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈成形術 Early stage critical illness benefit under MyCare 康穗的早期嚴重危疾保障 Advance payment of 25% of initial sum assured 預支首次保障額的 25% US$100,000( 美元 )x 25% = US$25,000( 美元 ) 53 Heart attack 心臟病發作 Major critical illness benefit under MyCare 康穗的嚴重危疾保障 Payment of 100% of current sum assured under MyCare (that is, initial sum assured less advance benefit paid) 賠付康穗現行保障額的 100%( 即首次保障額減去已預支的賠償額 ) US$100,000( 美元 ) US$25,000( 美元 ) = US$75,000( 美元 ) + accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any) 積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 ) Benefit under the Basic Plan will cease and annual premium of MCC (US$493) will be waived 基本計劃的保障將告終止, 並豁免多重危疾附加保障的年繳保費 (493 美元 ) Colon cancer 結腸癌 MCC 多重危疾附加保障 Payment of 100% of MCC sum assured 賠付多重危疾附加保障的 100% 保障額 Complete remission of colon cancer 結腸癌完全緩解 US$100,000( 美元 ) 66 Reccurrence of colon cancer 結腸癌復發 MCC 多重危疾附加保障 Payment of 100% of MCC sum assured 賠付多重危疾附加保障的 100% 保障額 US$100,000( 美元 ) 85 The policy will terminate 保單終止 Total benefit of critical illness payable: 危疾賠償總額 : US$300,000( 美元 )+ accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any) 積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 ) Note: The above example is for illustrative purpose only and should read in conjunction with the proposal. Please also refer to the claim requirements set out under question 4 of the Frequently asked questions. Payment of any benefits under the policy shall subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. 註 : 以上個案僅作說明用途, 並須與建議書一併閱讀 就保障索償之要求, 請參閱 常見問題 之第 4 題所列出的詳情 保障之賠付是受保單條款及細則的約束 9

10 Product at a glance 產品一覽 Issue age 投保年齡 MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障 Premium payment term 保費年期 Issue age 投保年齡 10 years 年 1 65 歲 15 years 年 1 60 歲 20 years 年 1 55 歲 Multiple Crisis Cover 多重危疾附加保障 Same as MyCare 與康穗相同 Premium payment term 10 / 15 / 20 years 年 Until age 85 至 85 歲 保費年期 Benefit term 保障年期 Until age 99 至 99 歲 Until age 85 至 85 歲 Policy currency 保單貨幣 US$ 美元 Minimum initial sum assured 最低首次保障額 US$25,000( 美元 ) Premium structure 保費結構 Payment mode 繳付保費模式 Major critical illness benefit 嚴重危疾保障 Early stage critical illness benefit 4 4 早期嚴重危疾保障 Premium will not change with attained age 5 5 保費不隨實際年齡改變 Annually / Semi-annually / Quarterly / Monthly 每年 / 每半年 / 每季 / 每月 100% of current sum assured 2 + accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any) indebtedness (if any) 現行保障額的 100% 2 + 積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 ) 負債 ( 如有 ) Advance payment of 25% of initial sum assured 3 indebtedness (if any), subject to a maximum payout amount 9 預支首次保障額的 25% 3 負債 ( 如有 ), 9 惟受限於最高賠償額 10 9 Early stage critical illness benefit is subject to the following maximum amount of benefits payable: 早期嚴重危疾保障受限於以下的最高賠償金額 : Early stage critical illness 早期嚴重危疾 Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease 冠狀動脈成形術 Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer 原位癌或早期癌症 Diabetic Retinopathy 糖尿病視網膜病變 Endovascular Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease 周圍動脈疾病的血管介入治療 Moderately Severe Osteoporosis 中度嚴重骨質疏鬆症 Insertion of Pacemaker 心臟起搏器植入 Surgical Removal of One Kidney 單腎切除手術 Maximum amount of all benefits paid and / or payable across all insurance policies issued by Aviva per life assured 同一受保人在 Aviva 繕發的所有保險計劃下, 已獲賠付及 / 或將獲賠付的最高限額 US$37,500 for the same Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease 37,500 美元 ( 就相同冠狀動脈成形術而言 ) US$37,500 in respect of same organ 37,500 美元 ( 就相同器官而言 ) US$125,000 in respect of the same early stage critical illness 125,000 美元 ( 就相同早期嚴重危疾而言 )

11 Juvenile disease benefit 4 4 少年疾病保障 Multiple major critical illness benefit 多重嚴重危疾保障 MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障 Advance payment of 25% of initial sum assured 3 indebtedness (if any) (upon diagnosis before the life assured attains age 22) 預支首次保障額的 25% 3 負債 ( 如有 ) ( 首次確診必須為受保人 22 歲前 ) Multiple Crisis Cover 多重危疾附加保障 Up to 4 additional claims with respect to major critical illnesses 高達額外 4 次就嚴重危疾的賠償 100% of MCC sum assured per claim 每次索償為多重危疾附加保障的 100% 保障額 Number of major critical illness claims payable under MyCare and MCC: 康穗及多重危疾附加保障下就嚴重危疾的賠償次數 : Maximum 3 claims from cancer group (group 1) illnesses, AND; 癌症組別 ( 疾病組別 1): 上限為 3 次賠償, 及 ; Maximum 2 claims from non-cancer group (group 2 to 9) illnesses of any of the following combinations: 以下任何一個非癌症組別 ( 疾病組別 2 至 9) 的組合, 上限為 2 次賠償 : i) Stroke / heart attack (maximum 2 claims per each illness), AND / OR; 中風 / 心臟病發作 ( 每種疾病賠償上限為 2 次 ), 及 / 或 ; ii) Any major critical illnesses other than stroke / heart attack (maximum 1 claim per each illness) 中風 / 心臟病發作以外的嚴重危疾 ( 每種疾病賠償上限為 1 次 ) 11

12 Surrender benefit / Maturity benefit 退保利益 / 期滿利益 Death benefit 身故賠償 MyCare Early Stage & Major Crisis Cover 康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障 Guaranteed cash value (if any) + accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any) indebtedness (if any) 保證現金價值 ( 如有 )+ 積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 ) 負債 ( 如有 ) 100% of current sum assured + accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any) indebtedness (if any) 現行保障額的 100% + 積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 ) 負債 ( 如有 ) Multiple Crisis Cover 多重危疾附加保障 For more details of the Basic Plan and MCC, including exclusions, definitions of the critical illness and claims requirements, please refer to the terms and conditions of the policy and the Frequently asked questions as set out in this brochure. 更多有關基本計劃及多重危疾附加保障的詳情, 包括不保事項 危疾之定義及賠償之要求, 請參閱保單條款及細則, 以及本刊物的 常見問題 部份 12

13 List of covered critical illnesses 受保危疾列表 Covered major critical illnesses and the related early stage critical illnesses 受保的嚴重危疾及早期嚴重危疾 Types of illness 疾病種類 Cancer group 癌症組別 Group 組別 1: Cancer 癌症 Early stage critical illnesses 早期嚴重危疾 Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer (Cervix uteri / Uterus / Breast / Vagina / Fallopian Tube / Ovary / Testicles / Prostate / Thyroid / Bladder / Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia / Skin / Lung / Liver / Stomach or Esophagus / Nasopharynx) 原位癌或早期癌症 ( 子宮頸 / 子宮 / 乳房 / 陰道 / 輸卵管 / 卵巢 / 睾丸 / 前列腺 / 甲狀腺 / 膀胱 / 慢性淋巴細胞白血病 / 皮膚 / 肺 / 肝 / 胃或食道 / 鼻咽 ) Non-cancer group 非癌症組別 Adrenalectomy for Adrenal Adenoma 因腎上腺腺瘤的腎上腺切除術 Group 組別 2: Illnesses related to organ failure 與器官衰竭相關之疾病 Chronic Lung Disease 慢性肺病 Early Renal Failure 早期腎衰竭 Organ Transplantation (on waiting list) 器官移植 ( 於器官移植輪候冊名單上 ) Surgical Removal of One Kidney 單腎切除手術 Surgical Removal of One Lung 單肺切除手術 Major critical illnesses 嚴重危疾 Cancer 癌症 Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison s Disease) 慢性腎上腺功能不全 ( 愛狄信病 ) Coma (not covered in Multiple Crisis Cover) 昏迷 ( 多重危疾附加保障不包括此嚴重危疾 ) Kidney Failure 腎衰竭 Major Organ / Bone Marrow Transplantation 重要器官 / 骨髓移植 Medullary Cystic Disease 髓質囊腫腎病 End Stage Lung Disease 末期肺病 Loss of Independent Existence 11 (not covered in Multiple Crisis Cover) 11 不能獨立生活 ( 多重危疾附加保障不包括此嚴重危疾 ) 10 The covered critical illnesses diagnosed must meet the relevant definitions and conditions as set out in the terms and conditions of the policy in order to be eligible for the benefits. 被診斷出的病症必須符合刊載於保單條款及細則內的定義及細則, 方可符合賠償資格 11 First diagnosis date must be from the date after the life assured attains age 5 to the date before the life assured attains age 75. 首次確診日期必須為受保人達 5 歲之後及達 75 歲之前 13

14 Types of illness 疾病種類 Early stage critical illnesses 早期嚴重危疾 Non-cancer group 非癌症組別 Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease 冠狀動脈成形術 Acute Aplastic Anaemia 急性再生障礙性貧血 Angioplasty and Stenting for Carotid Arteries 於頸動脈進行血管成形術及植入支架 Carotid Artery Surgery 頸動脈手術 Group 組別 3: Illnesses related to heart, blood vessels and blood 與心臟 血管與血液相關之疾病 Cerebral Aneurysm or Arteriovenous Malformation Requiring Surgery 腦動脈瘤或動靜脈畸形外科手術 Endovascular Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease 周圍動脈疾病的血管介入治療 Insertion of Pacemaker 心臟起搏器植入 Insertion of a Veno-cava Filter 植入靜脈過濾器 Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta 主動脈微創手術 Pericardectomy 心包膜切除 Percutaneous Valve Surgery 經皮瓣膜手術 Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension 次發性肺動脈高血壓 Major critical illnesses 嚴重危疾 Cardiomyopathy 心肌病 Aplastic Anaemia 再生障礙性貧血 Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm 夾層主動脈瘤 Brugada Syndrome requiring Defibrillator Insertion Brugada 綜合症需植入心臟除顫器 Eisenmenger s Syndrome 艾森門格綜合症 Surgery to Aorta 主動脈手術 Heart Attack 心臟病發作 Heart Valve Surgery 心瓣手術 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension 原發性肺動脈高血壓 Coronary Artery Disease requiring Surgery 需要進行外科手術的冠狀動脈病 HIV Due to Blood Transfusion or Occupationally Acquired HIV 因職業或輸血感染人體免疫力缺乏病毒 ( 愛滋病 ) Infective Endocarditis 傳染性心內膜炎 Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease 其他嚴重的冠狀動脈疾病 14

15 Types of illness 疾病種類 Early stage critical illnesses 早期嚴重危疾 Non-cancer group 非癌症組別 Cerebral Shunt Insertion 植入大腦內分流器 Early Motor Neurone Disease 早期運動神經元疾病 Early Multiple Sclerosis 早期多發性硬化症 Endovascular Treatment for Cerebral Aneurysm 大腦動脈瘤的血管介入治療 Moderately Severe Bacterial Meningitis 中度嚴重細菌性腦膜炎 Moderately Severe Brain Damage 中度嚴重腦部損傷 Group 組別 4: Illnesses related to the nervous system 與神經系統相關之疾病 Moderately Severe Encephalitis 中度嚴重腦炎 Moderately Severe Poliomyelitis 中度嚴重脊髓灰質炎 Surgery for Subdural Haematoma 硬腦膜下血腫手術 Surgical Removal of Pituitary Tumour 腦下垂體腫瘤切除手術 Tuberculous Myelitis 結核性脊髓炎 Major critical illnesses 嚴重危疾 Brain Surgery 腦部外科手術 Motor Neurone Disease 運動神經元疾病 Multiple Sclerosis 多發性硬化症 Bacterial Meningitis 細菌性腦膜炎 Brain Damage 腦部損傷 Encephalitis 腦炎 Poliomyelitis 脊髓灰質炎 Apallic Syndromer 植物人 Benign Brain Tumour 良性腦腫瘤 Tuberculosis Meningitis 結核性腦膜炎 Muscular Dystrophy 肌營養不良症 Paralysis (Loss of Use of Limbs) (not covered in Multiple Crisis Cover) 癱瘓 ( 雙肢體喪失活動能力 ) ( 多重危疾附加保障不包括此嚴重危疾 ) Stroke 中風 12 First diagnosis date must be after the date which the life assured attains age 5. 首次確診日期必須為受保人達 5 歲之後 15

16 Types of illness 疾病種類 Early stage critical illnesses 早期嚴重危疾 Non-cancer group 非癌症組別 Early Systemic Scleroderma 早期系統性硬皮病 Moderate Ankylosing Spondylitis 中度僵直性脊椎炎 Group 組別 5: Illnesses related to immunology and rheumatology 與免疫風濕科相關之疾病 Group 組別 6: Illnesses related to the digestive system 與消化系統相關之疾病 Group 組別 7: Illnesses related to neurological degeneration 與神經退化性疾病相關之疾病 Group 組別 8: Illnesses related to the musculoskeletal system 與肌肉骨骼系統相關之疾病 Moderate Psoriasis Arthritis 中度牛皮癬關節炎 Moderately Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis 中度嚴重類風濕關節炎 Moderately Severe Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (S.L.E.) with Lupus Nephritis 中度嚴重系統性紅斑狼瘡連狼瘡性腎炎 Biliary Tract Reconstruction Surgery 膽道系統重建手術 Liver Surgery 肝臟手術 Moderately Severe Crohn s Disease 中度嚴重克隆氏症 Moderately Severe Ulcerative Colitis 中度嚴重潰瘍性結腸炎 Partial Resection of Pancreas 部份胰臟切除 Moderately Severe Alzheimer s Disease 中度嚴重亞爾茲默氏病 Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease (CJD) 中度嚴重克雅二氏症 Moderately Severe Parkinson s Disease 中度嚴重柏金遜病 Amputation of One Foot due to Complication from Diabetes 糖尿病併發症引致的單腳截除 Severance of One Limb 單一斷肢 Moderately Severe Burns 中度嚴重燒傷 Major critical illnesses 嚴重危疾 Progressive Scleroderma 進行性硬皮病 Severe Ankylosing Spondylitis 嚴重僵直性脊椎炎 Severe Psoriasis Arthritis 嚴重牛皮癬關節炎 Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis 嚴重類風濕關節炎 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (S.L.E.) with Lupus Nephritis 系統性紅斑狼瘡連狼瘡性腎炎 Severe Myasthenia Gravis 嚴重重症肌無力 Temporal Arteritis or Cranial Arteritis 顳動脈或顱內動脈炎 Fulminant Hepatitis 暴發性肝炎 Chronic Liver Disease 慢性肝病 Severe Crohn s Disease 嚴重克隆氏症 Severe Ulcerative Colitis 嚴重潰瘍性結腸炎 Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis 復發性慢性胰臟炎 Alzheimer s Disease / Severe Dementia 亞爾茲默氏病 / 嚴重失智症 Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease (CJD) 嚴重克雅二氏症 Parkinson s Disease 柏金遜病 Amputation of Feet due to Complication from Diabetes 糖尿病併發症引致的腳部截除 Severance of Limbs 斷肢 Major Burns 嚴重燒傷 Necrotising Fasciitis 壞死性筋膜炎 16

17 Types of illness 疾病種類 Early stage critical illnesses 早期嚴重危疾 Non-cancer group 非癌症組別 Cochlear Implant Surgery 植入人工耳蝸手術 Diabetic Retinopathy 糖尿病視網膜病變 Early Elephantiasis 早期象皮病 Grade 4 Hypertensive Retinopathy 第四級高血壓性視網膜病變 Loss of Sight in One Eye 一眼失明 Group 組別 9: Loss of Speech due to Vocal Cord Paralysis Other major 因聲帶痳痺導致喪失說話能力 illnesses Optic Nerve Atrophy with Low Vision 其他嚴重危疾視神經萎縮導致低視力 Moderately Severe Osteoporosis 中度嚴重骨質疏鬆症 Major critical illnesses 嚴重危疾 Deafness (Loss of Hearing) 失聰 ( 損失聽覺 ) Elephantiasis 象皮病 Loss of One Limb and One Eye 一斷肢及一眼失明 Loss of Speech 損失說話能力 Blindness (Loss of Sight) 失明 Severe Osteoporosis 嚴重骨質疏鬆症 Terminal Illness (not covered in Multiple Crisis Cover) 末期疾病 ( 多重危疾附加保障不包括此嚴重危疾 ) Ebola 伊波拉 Pheochromocytoma requiring Surgery 須作手術之嗜鉻細胞瘤 Covered juvenile diseases (First diagnose date must be before the life assured attains age 22) 受保的少年疾病 ( 首次確診日期必須為受保人達 22 歲之前 ) Autism 自閉症 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever 出血性登革熱 Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B 甲型血友病及乙型血友病 Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus 胰島素依賴型糖尿病 Juvenile Spinal Amyotrophy 幼年脊髓肌肉萎縮症 Kawasaki Disease 川崎綜合症 Osteogenesis Imperfecta 成骨不全症 Rheumatic Fever with Valvular Impairment 風濕性心瓣疾病 Severe Asthma 嚴重哮喘 Severe Epilepsy 嚴重癲癇 Systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis or Still s Disease 系統性幼年類風濕關節炎或斯蒂爾病 Wilson s Disease 威爾遜病 13 First diagnosis date must be before the date which the life assured attains age 65. 首次確診日期必須為受保人達 65 歲之前 17

18 Frequently asked questions 常見問題 1. Are MyCare and MCC subject to any waiting period? Waiting period is applicable to critical illness benefits payable under MyCare and MCC. A 60-day waiting period from the policy issue date, the benefit commencement date, or the date of reinstatement of the policy (if applicable), whichever is the later. 1. 康穗及多重危疾附加保障設有等候期嗎? 等候期適用於康穗及多重危疾附加保障的危疾保障, 等候期為由保單簽發日 保障開始日或保單復效日 ( 如適用 ) 起計的 60 天 ( 以較遲者為準 ) 2. Can I claim the early stage critical illness benefit retrospectively if the severity of the disease has progressed to major critical illness level upon first diagnosis? The early stage critical illness benefit is an advancement of benefit rather than an additional benefit. Thus, 100% of current sum assured will be payable by MyCare if the severity of the disease has reached major critical illness level upon first diagnosis. 2. 如果危疾在首次診斷時已被確診為 嚴重危疾程度, 我可以追溯早期嚴重危疾賠償嗎? 由於早期嚴重危疾保障以預支保障額方式賠償, 而並非以額外方式賠償, 因此, 當受保人被確診時已達到嚴重危疾的程度, 康穗將會賠付現行保障額的 100% 3. What are the requirements for a second early stage critical illness claim in respect of angioplasty and other invasive treatment for coronary artery disease or carcinoma-in-situ or early stage cancer? In addition to the relevent early stage critical illness defintion, to be eligible for a second claim for angioplasty and other invasive treatment for coronary artery disease, the treatment must be performed on a location of stenosis or obstruction in a major coronary artery where no stenosis greater than 60% is identified in the coronary angiogram relating to the first claim of angioplasty and other invasive treatment for coronary artery disease, for which this benefit is first paid. Major coronary arteries refer to any of the left main stem artery, left anterior descending artery, circumflex artery and right coronary artery (but not including their branches). To be eligible for a second claim for carcinoma-in-situ or early stage cancer, the second claim must be a carcinoma-in-situ or early stage cancer of one of the specified organs which is different from that in the first claim. For organ with both left and right components, including but not limited to breasts, ovaries, and oriducts, the left and right components of an organ will be considered as one and same organ. 3. 如何符合 冠狀動脈成形術 或 原位癌或早期癌症 的第二次早期嚴重危疾賠償要求? 如要合資格就冠狀動脈成形術作第二次索償, 相關治療之主要冠狀動脈的狹窄或阻塞位置, 需要於第一次冠狀動脈成形術賠償時所做的冠狀動脈造影檢查, 證明當時該血管狹窄不多於 60%, 並需符合相關早期嚴重危疾的定義 主要冠狀動脈是指任何左冠狀動脈主幹, 左冠狀動脈前降支 迴旋動脈及右冠狀動脈 ( 但不包括所有上述之動脈的分支血管 ) 第二次合資格的原位癌或早期癌症索償僅限於指定的器官及必須與第一次索償的器官不同 如器官有左右兩邊, 包括但不限於乳房 卵巢 輸卵管, 其左邊及右邊會被視為同一器官 18

19 4. What are the claims requirements under MCC? a) Once a major critical illness benefit or multiple major critical illness benefit becomes payable due to cancer, the following cancer free waiting period shall apply to each subsequent incident of multiple major critical illness benefit payable due to cancer: i. there must be a 1-year period from the date of first diagnosis with respect to the last paid major critical illness benefit or multiple major critical illness benefit paid due to cancer to the date of first diagnosis of a subsequent cancer of a different pathological and histological type (whether occurring in the same or a different organ) from the first mentioned cancer and in respect of which a major critical illness benefit or multiple major critical illness benefit is payable; or ii. there must be a 5-year period from the date of complete remission of cancer in respect of which a major critical illness benefit or multiple major critical illness benefit was last paid to the date of first diagnosis of the recurrence of the cancer to which a multiple major critical illness benefit is subsequently payable. The status of complete remission must be verified by a specialist and supported by clinical, imaging or other laboratory investigation evidence. b) Once any major critical illness benefit becomes payable due to terminal illness / paralysis / coma / loss of independent existence, there must be a 5-year period from the date of first diagnosis with respect to the latest major critical illness benefit paid due to the aforesaid major critical illness to the date of first diagnosis of major critical illness with respect to any subsequent multiple major critical illness benefit payable. c) In cases that fall outside of the scope of (a) and (b) above, there must be a 1-year period from the date of first diagnosis of any major critical illness in respect of which a major critical illness benefit or multiple major critical illness benefit was paid to the date of first diagnosis of a major critical illness of which a multiple major critical illness benefit is subsequently payable. d) For the additional claims with respect to major critical illnesses, the life assured must survive for 7 days from the date of diagnosis of the illness concerned. In case more than 1 major critical illness is diagnosed in the same event, only the benefit relating to one of those major critical illnesses if payable. e) In order to be eligible for the second claim of heart attack or stroke, the diagnosis of subsequent and new heart attack or stroke must be supported by fresh evidence consistent with the definition of a heart attack or stroke as set out in policy provision. 4. 如何符合多重危疾附加保障的賠償要求? a) 若嚴重危疾保障或多重嚴重危疾保障的賠償是因癌症而引起, 下述的無癌症期將適用於其後每個因癌症所引起的多重嚴重危疾保障 : i. 自首次診斷出癌症導致上一次就嚴重危疾保障或多重嚴重危疾保障賠付的日期, 至首次診斷出與前述癌症不同病理及組織類型的其後癌症的日期 ( 不論在相同或不同的器官發生 )( 並須就此賠付嚴重危疾保障或多重嚴重危疾保障 ) 之間至少相隔一年的期間 ; 或 ii. 自上一次就嚴重危疾保障或多重嚴重危疾保障賠付的癌症之完全緩解日期, 至首次診斷出癌症復發 ( 並就此於其後須賠付多重嚴重危疾保障 ) 之間至少相隔五年的期間 完全緩解 狀態必須由專科醫生以臨床 造影或其他實驗室證明支持核實 b) 若因末期疾病 / 癱瘓 / 昏迷 / 不能獨立生活而獲賠付嚴重危疾保障, 就上述已獲賠付嚴重危疾保障的嚴重危疾首次診斷日期, 及就其後可獲賠付多重嚴重危疾保障的嚴重危疾首次診斷日期相距時間必須為五年 c) 若情況並非如上述條款 (a) 及 (b) 所示, 任何就已獲賠付嚴重危疾保障或多重嚴重危疾保障的嚴重危疾的首次診斷日期, 及就其後可獲賠付多重嚴重危疾保障的嚴重危疾的首次診斷日期相距時間必須為一年 d) 就額外的嚴重危疾賠償, 受保人必須在確診患病日起的七日內仍然在生 如一次過確診患上多於一種嚴重危疾, 則只賠付其中一種嚴重危疾的賠償 e) 就心臟病或中風作第二次索償, 受保人必須提供有關新心臟病或中風的確診證據, 相關證據並須符合保單對於心臟病或中風的定義 19

20 Frequently asked questions 常見問題 5. Will Aviva accept medical reports and documents issued by hospitals in China? At point of claims, Aviva will only accept medical reports and documents issued by hospitals in China that are formally assessed and rated by the Ministry of Health of the People s Republic of China as a third level first class hospital. 5. Aviva 會否接受由中國的醫院發出的醫療報告及文件? 於處理索償時,Aviva 只會接受被中華人民共和國衛生部正式核准及評定為 三級甲等 的醫院發出的醫療報告及文件 About Aviva plc Aviva plc is the UK s largest insurer^ and provides life and general insurance, savings, investment products and asset management for some 34 million customers* in 16 countries across Europe, Asia and North America. The company s shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and it remains a member of the FTSE100 index. Aviva plc is committed to creating a bright and sustainable future for its customers, employees and communities. ^ Based on IFRS Operating Profit, derived from Aviva plc and Friends Life Group company reports as at 31 December * Following the merger with Friends Life Group on 13 April 2015, before removal of duplication of Aviva plc and Friends Life Group customers. 關於 Aviva plc Aviva plc 是英國最大的保險公司 ^, # 並在歐洲 亞洲和北美的 16 個國家同時為 3,400 萬位客戶提供人壽保險及一般保險 儲蓄 投資產品和資產管理服務 Aviva plc 在倫敦證券交易所上市, 並為富時 100 指數的成分股之一 Aviva plc 致力為客戶 員工及社區締造可持續發展的企業 ^ 按 國際財務報告準則 作出截至 2014 年 12 月 31 日的 Aviva plc 及 Friends Life Group 財務報告內所載的營運溢利 # 繼 Aviva plc 於 2015 年 4 月 13 日與 Friends Life Group 合併, 並未扣除與 Friends Life Group 重複之客戶 20

21 Important notes 主要事項 MyCare is an insurance product underwritten by Aviva. 康穗是一項由 Aviva 承保的保險產品 Automatic premium loan will be advanced to keep the policy in force should any premium remains unpaid after the expiration of the grace period (i.e. 30 days from premium due date), provided that the policy has acquired a cash surrender value (i.e. guaranteed cash value plus accumulated non-guaranteed annual dividends with interest (if any)). The loan will carry interest at a rate determined by Aviva, starting from the date on which the relevant premium payment was due. The accumulated interest charge will be added as a principal to the outstanding loan on each policy anniversary. Should the cash surrender value minus indebtedness (if any) be less than the amount of outstanding premium, the policy will be kept in force for a period proportionate to the cash surrender value before it terminates automatically without any cash surrender value being returned. 若有任何保費於寬限期屆滿後 ( 即保費到期日起的 30 日內 ) 仍未繳付, 而本保單已取得現金退保價值 ( 即保證現金價值加積存非保證周年紅利連利息 ( 如有 )), 自動保費貸款將會行使, 以維持保單繼續生效 貸款將按照 Aviva 釐定的息率衍生利息, 並於相關保費繳付到期日當日開始計算 所收取的累算利息將於每個保單周年日以本金加進尚未清償的貸款內 當現金退保價值減去負債 ( 如有 ) 少於尚未繳付的保費時, 本保單將會按現金退保價值的比例計算的期間內維持有效, 然後才會自動終止, 且不會退回任何現金退保價值 You may apply for a policy loan while the policy is in force (subject to Aviva's approval). The policy loan amount must not exceed 90% of the cash surrender value of the policy less any indebtedness. The policy loan will carry interest at a rate determined by Aviva, starting from the date on which the policy loan is made. The accumulated interest charge will be added as a principal to the outstanding policy loan on each policy anniversary. The policy will automatically terminate without any cash surrender value being returned when the indebtedness exceeds the cash surrender value. 在本保單生效期內, 您可以申請保單貸款, 惟該申請須經由 Aviva 批核 保單貸款金額不得超逾本保單現金退保價值減去任何負債後之 90% 保單貸款將按照 Aviva 釐定的息率衍生利息, 並由作出保單貸款當日開始計算 所收取的累算利息將於每個保單周年日以本金加進尚未清償的保單貸款內 當負債超逾退保價值時, 保單將會自動終止且不會退回任何現金退保價值 21

22 Important notes 主要事項 This leaflet is an overview of MyCare only and does not in any way affect the terms and conditions which may be obtained from Aviva on request. For details, please refer to the relevant terms and conditions of MyCare. 本刊物只是康穗的摘要, 並不會影響本計劃的條款及細則 有關一切詳情, 可向 Aviva 索取康穗早期及嚴重危疾保障的條款及細則以作參閱 This leaflet is issued by Aviva. Aviva accepts full responsibility for product information contained in this leaflet. You should not purchase this product unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours. 本刊物由 Aviva 發行,Aviva 對本刊物所載之產品詳情將承擔一切責任 除非您已明白此產品及您已聽取此產品適合您的原因之講解, 否則, 您不應購買此產品 您應為選擇作最終決定 MyCare is produced in / authorised for sale in Hong Kong only. By proceeding to act on this information you are warranting that you are either a Hong Kong resident or that the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction you are in allow you to do so. 康穗是一份只於香港推出 / 只獲授權於香港銷售的保險產品 倘您就本資料內容作出任何行動, 即表明您是香港居民, 或您所在的司法權區的適用法例及規例允許您如此行事 The taxes applicable to MyCare may depend on the tax laws in your country of nationality or residency. You should check with relevant adviser for details. 康穗的適用稅項, 須視乎您所屬國籍或居留地的稅務法律而定, 有關詳情請向您的相關顧問查詢 For any enquiries, please call Aviva on (852) You can also send your enquiries to us via 如有任何查詢, 請致電 Aviva(852) 您亦可以透過電郵 查詢 22

23 23

24 Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited 30/F, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong Tel (852) Fax (852) Website AA/MC/PB/

危 疾 指 引 這 份 指 引 可 助 您 了 解 自 己 危 疾 保 單 內 所 承 保 的 疾 病 及 療 程 每 種 受 保 的 危 疾 均 會 加 以 及 我 們 更 會 扼 要 地 列 出 各 種 除 外 責 任 及 所 須 長 短 我 們 凡 在 這 份 指 引 中 提 及 專 科 醫

危 疾 指 引 這 份 指 引 可 助 您 了 解 自 己 危 疾 保 單 內 所 承 保 的 疾 病 及 療 程 每 種 受 保 的 危 疾 均 會 加 以 及 我 們 更 會 扼 要 地 列 出 各 種 除 外 責 任 及 所 須 長 短 我 們 凡 在 這 份 指 引 中 提 及 專 科 醫 危 疾 指 引 永 明 危 疾 保 險 驕 陽 永 明, 人 生 更 燦 爛 危 疾 指 引 這 份 指 引 可 助 您 了 解 自 己 危 疾 保 單 內 所 承 保 的 疾 病 及 療 程 每 種 受 保 的 危 疾 均 會 加 以 及 我 們 更 會 扼 要 地 列 出 各 種 除 外 責 任 及 所 須 長 短 我 們 凡 在 這 份 指 引 中 提 及 專 科 醫 生, 皆 指 在 所 索

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