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Download "Java应用框架Spring实验指导书.doc"


1 Java Spring

2 Spring 1. Spring jsp 001 Spring name mike password name Tom password Mysql

3 1. a) i. mysql Empl, sql a) Eclipse Web Project :myspring b) jar i. / ii. spring-framework release libs jar MySpring lib / jar MySpring lib c) i. src ii. 1. Empl Serializable 2. Empl set get a) name String private b) password String private src 1. EmplDao 2. ErmplDao Spring jdbctemplate jdbctemplate private set 3. queryempl(); a) public int String name b) i. hql 1. "from Empl where name=?

4 ii. iii. jdbstemplate queryforlist(string hql,object args) hql name List list list size() 4. save a) public b) void c) String name d) String password i. String hql ii. 1. String hql="insert into Empl values(?,?)"; String name password jdbctemplate update() hql 1. jdbctemplate.update(hql,newstring[]{name,passwor d}); d) i. / ii. iii. applicationcontext.xml src applicationcontext.xml 1. bean id datasource class org.apache.commons.dbcp.basicdatasource 2. property datasource ( url ) a) name driverclassname value com.mysql.jdbc.driver b) name: url value: jdbc:mysql:localhost:3306/empl url c) name username value root d) name password value root applicationcontext.xml spring jdbctemplate 1. bean a) id jdbctemplate b) class org.springframework.jdbc.core.jdbctemplate 2. bean property property a) name datasource b) ref datasource

5 iv. applicationcontext.xml EmplDao 1. bean a) id: empldao b) class 2. bean property property a) name jdbctemplate b) ref jdbctemplate e) i. src ii. iii. iv. EmplService UserDao userdao private set check String name String password 1. empldao queryempl(string name) name int count 2. count 0 true String name,string passwordname password false applicationcontext.xml EmplService 1. bean a) id EmplService b) class 2. bean property a) id empldao b) class f) i. src ii. servlet CheckServlet iii. iv. CheckServlet EmplService emplservice private dopost doget 1. this.dopost(request, response); v. request.getparameter String arg vi. vii. viii. WebApplicationContextUtils getwebapplicationcontext(this.getservletcontext()) WebApplicationContext ct cx.getbean("emplservice") id emplservice bean EmplService emplservice emplservice check(string name String password) true allow.jsp

6 ix. 1. request.getrequestdispatcher("allow.jsp").forward(request, response forbid.jsp jsp WebContent/ x. web.xml welcome-file index.jsp regist.jsp xi. xii. <display-name> listener spring spring 1. <listener-class> org.springframework.web.context.contextloaderlistener</listenerclass> listener <context-param> 1. param-name contextconfiglocation 2. param-value classpath:applicationcontext.xml

7 Spring IOC 1. Spring : a) Eclipse java Project : SpringDemo001 b) src jar i. Build Path Configure Build Path ii. iii. Libraries Add Library.. User Library User Libraries. New.. jar springlib springlib Add External JARS. \ commons-logger.jar spring-framework release\libs jar jar c) src i. UserDao ii. iii. 1. sayhello String arg void src User UserDao 1. User sayhello String arg a) System.out.println(arg) src UserService

8 iv. 1. UserDao userdao private 2. adduser() void public a) userdao sayhello(string arg) "hello " 3. UserService \ applicationcontext.xml src 1. bean id User class 2. bean id UserService Class bean constructor-arg User a) ref User v. src Test 1. Test applicationcontext.xml a) ApplicationContext ct=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml") b) ct getbean("userservice") id UserService bean UserService UserService user c) user adduser() d) Test 2. : a) UserService, UserService userdao set b) applicationcontext.xml bean constructor-arg property i. name userdao ii. ref User c) Test

9 Spring IOC 1. BeanFactory ApplicationContext bean Bean 001 Spring 1. : a) \ SpringDemo003 eclipse i. SpringDemo003 jar jar jar ii. SpringDemo003 Book Book set b) src applicationcontext.xml bean id Book class i. bean property property name value 1. name name value 2. name price value name page value : a) BeanFactory i. beanfactorytest main

10 ii. 1. Resource res a) new FileSystemResource( "src/applicationcontext.xml") 2. BeanFactory BeanFactory bf a) new XmlBeanFactory(res) 3. bf getbean Book Book spring bean Book book 4. book tostring() book b) ApplicationContext i. applicationtest main ii. 1. spring ApplicationContext app: a) new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml") 2. app getbean( Book ) Book Book book 3. book tostring book 002 Bean 1. :

11 a) \ SpringDemo004 eclipse SpringDemo04 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) i. SpringDemo04 Car Type 2. : 1. Type String type set get 2. Car Type type Double price set tostring a) Bean i. src applicationcontext.xml ii. Bean id BMW class iii. iv. 1. Bean property property a) name type b) value BMW Bean id type class 1. Bean property property a) name type b) ref BMW BMW Bean 2. Bean property a) name price b) value Test 1. ApplicationContext app a) new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml") 2. app getbean(string arg) Car Car Car car 3. car tostring v. Test b) Bean i. src applicationcontext.xml ii. Bean Bean iii. Bean 1. id Scar 2. class Bean constructor-arg constructor-arg

12 iv. 1. name type 2. ref BMW BMW Bean Bean constructor-arg constructor-arg 1. name price 2. value v. Test vi. 1. app getbean(string arg) SCar Car Car Scar 2. Scar tostring Test

13 Spring IOC : a) \ SpringDemo005 eclipse : SpringDemo005 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. : a) src applicationcontext.xml src bean.xml b) bean.xml i. Bean id BENZ ii. 1. Bean property value BENZ Bean id SCar 1. Bean property ref BENZ 2. property value c) Test

14 i. new ii. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml") "applicationcontext.xml" 1. new String[]{"applicationContext.xml","bean.xml"} 1. app getbean(string arg) Scar Car Car Scar 2. Scar tostring Scar d) Test 002 Bean 1 Bean 2 Bean 1. : a) \ SpringDemo006 eclipse 2. : 1. SpringDemo006 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo006 Parent Parent Son son set get

15 3. SpringDemo006 Son Son name age sex set Son tostring a) Bean i. src applicationcontext.xml ii. iii. iv. bean bean 1. id Son 2. class bean property Son property 1. name name 2. value property sex age sex age 5 v. Parent bean Parent bean Son vi. bean 1. bean id Parent calss 2. bean property name Son 3. property ref ref bean Son Test b) Bean ii. iii. i. src bean.xml iv. applicationcontext.xml Parent bean bean.xml bean id Son Son1 applicationcontext.xml Parent bean ref bean Son1 ParentTest Test ParentTest 1. a) ApplicationContext parent=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("bean.xml"); 2. ApplicationContext app=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml") applicationcontext.xml a) new String[]{"applicationContext.xml"},parent 3. ParentTest

16 003 null 1 null 2 1. : a) \ SpringDemo007 eclipse 2. : 1. SpringDemo007 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo007 Goods Goods price( ) weight( ) size( ) set Goods tostring

17 3. SpringDemo007 Warehouse Warehouse Goods goods set get a) null i. src applicationcontext.xml ii. iii. iv. bean bean 1. id Goods 2. class bean property Goods property 1. name price 2. value bean property name size 1. property value value v. bean property name weight vi. 1. property null Test b) i. applicationcontext.xml bean ii. iii. iv. 1. id Warehouse 2. class bean property property 1. name goods.price 2. value property 1. name goods.weigth 2. value property 1. name goods.weight 2. value 5 v. Warehouse, goods. vi. 1. private Goods goods=new Goods(); CascadeTest CascadeTest ArrayList

18 2 HashSet 3 HashMap

19 1. : a) \ SpringDemo008 eclipse 2. : 1. SpringDemo008 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo008 ListStudents SetStudent MapStudent name( ) grade( subject( ) set get a) ArrayList i. src applicationcontext.xml ii. bean bean iii. iv. 1. id Student 2. class bean property Goods property 1. name subjects subject list property list 1. value PE music English v. ListTest ListTest b) HashSet i. applicationcontext.xml bean ii. 1. bean id Student1 class 2. property list set SetTest SetTest c) HashMap i. applicationcontext.xml bean 1. id Students2 ii. iii. 2. class bean property 1. name subjects property map map entry 1. entry key value a) key value value b) value English

20 iv. entry key value Value MUSIC MapTest MapTest : a) \ SpringDemo009 eclipse 2. : 1. SpringDemo009 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo009 Teacher. Teacher String name set get 3. SpringDemo009 Student Student Teacher teacher String name grade set get a) i. src applicationcontext.xml ii. p 1. bean a) xmlns:p=" Teacher bean property class 1. p:name= teacher name

21 iii. iv. Student bean property class p 1. p:teacher-ref="teacher" Teacher bean 2. p:name=" " name 3. p:grade=" " Test Test 006 byname bytype 3. : a) \ SpringDemo010 eclipse 4. :

22 1. SpringDemo010 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo010 Teacher. Teacher String name set get 3. SpringDemo010 Student Student Teacher teacher String name grade set get a) byname i. applicationcontext.xml Student bean ii. iii. iv. 1. <property name="teacher" ref="teacher"></property> Student bean class autowire byname byname Student bean Student teacher Teacher bean id teacher Test Test b) bytype i. autowire byname bytype bytype ii. bean id Test c) i. id Student1 bean class autowire constructor ii. iii. iv. 1. <constructor-arg type="" ref="teacher"></constructor-arg> Test getbean Student Student1 1. Student stu=(student) app.getbean("student"); Test

23 1. Bean 2. FactoryBean Spring IOC 001 singleton prototype singleton : prototype 1. SpringDemo012 eclipse 1. SpringDemo012 spring jar ( jar, spring jar )

24 2. SpringDemo012 Teacher. Teacher String name set get 3. SpringDemo012 Student Student Teacher teacher String name grade set get 2. singleton applicationcontext.xml teacher bean class scope singleton Test Test teacher bean == Student1 Student2 bean == Student1 Student2 bean teacher == 3. prototype teacher bean scope prototype Test 002 Bean( ) getobject

25 1. SpringDemo013 eclipse 1. SpringDemo013 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 1. SpringDemo013 Pet Pet String owner String name variety set get 2. applicationcontext.xml Pet Bean FactoryBean Bean PetBean FactoryBean FactoryBean PetBean applicationcontext.xml bean class PetBean 2. getobject PetBean getobject Pet pet Pet set pet name variety owner pet Test Test getobject PetBean String petinfo private set split String arg petinfo String info getobject Pet pet Info pet pet.setname(info[0]); pet.setowner(info[1]); pet.setvariety(info[2]); pet applicationcontext.xml Pet bean property name petinfo value,, Test

26 003 Bean( ) issingleton() true false 1. SpringDemo014 eclipse 2. SpringDemo014 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 3. SpringDemo014 Owner Owner String name set get 4. SpringDemo014 Pet Pet Owner owner String name variety set get 5. applicationcontext.xml Pet Bean FactoryBean Bean PetBean FactoryBean

27 FactoryBean PetBean applic ationcontext.xml bean class PetBean 2. issingleton() : PetBean getobject() Pet, pet. pet name :Variety Owner PetBean issingleton() false true Test true issingleton() true issingleton() false Test 3. getobjecttype() FactoryBean Pet bean getobjecttype Pet.class FactoryBean Bean Pet

28 1. Spring IOC 001 save jack 1. mysql Empl, sql

29 SpringDemo015 eclipse 1. SpringDemo015 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo015 Empl set get 3. Dao Dao save jack applicationcontext,xml applicationcontext.xml datasource bean url username password 2. bean Dao save private JdbcTemplate jdbctemplate; Service service Dao dao service save public void System.out.println("Service"); dao save() Controller Service service Controller save public void System.out.println("Controller"); servic e save() 3. Spring

30 applicationcontext.xml context beans xmlns:context= beans context:component-scan base-package Test;;;

31 1. Jdk 2. cglib Spring AOP 001 JDK 1. SpringDemo016 eclipse 1. SpringDemo016 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo016 Eat Eat Eating 2. JDK Test IEat Eating void Eat Ieat HandlerEat InvocationHandler invoke(object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2)

32 System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" "); HandlerEat eat HandlerEat Method arg1 invoke(obj, args) eat arg2 Test Eat eat HandlerEat eat HandlerEat handler Proxy newproxyinstance(arg0, arg1, arg2) eat.getclass().getclassloader() eat.getclass().getinterfaces() handler Ieat eathandler eathandler Eating Test 002 CGLIB 1. SpringDemo017 eclipse 1. SpringDemo017 spring jar CGLIB jar ( jar, spring jar jar ) 2. SpringDemo017 Eat Eat Eating

33 2. CGLIB CGProxy MethodInterceptor Enhancer en getproxy(class clazz) void public en setsuperclass(class clazz) clazz superclass en setcallback(callback Callback) this en create intercept Object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2,methodproxy arg3 System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" "); intercept arg3 invokesuper(arg0, arg1) arg0 arg1 arg0 arg2 Object result Test CGProxy cg cg getproxy clazz Eat.class Eat eat eat Eating Test

34 1. Spring AOP SpringDemo018 eclipse 1. SpringDemo018 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo018 PenguinPenguin SleepAndBeat. 3. FirstPenguin FirstPenguin Penguin FirstPenguin Penguin SleepAndBeat 2. GreetBeforeAdvice MethodBeforeAdvice GreetBeforeAdvice before(method arg0, Object[] arg1, Object arg2) Test FirstPenguin pe BeforeAdvice advice=new GreetBeforeAdvice(); ProxyFactory ProxyFactory pf pf settarget Object target pe

35 pf setaddvice Advice advice advice pf getproxy() Penguin proxy proxy SleepAndBeat Test SpringDemo019 eclipse 1. SpringDemo019 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo019 PenguinPenguin EatingAndSleep. 3. FirstPenguin FirstPenguin Penguin FirstPenguin Penguin EatingAndSleep 2. GreetAfterAdvice AfterReturningAdvice GreetAfterAdvice afterreturning(object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2, Object arg3) src applicationcontext.xml p xmlns:p= bean id target class bean id afteradvice class bean id Penguin class

36 org.springframework.aop.framework.proxyfactorybean bean p p:proxyinterfaces="" Penguin p:interceptornames="afteradvice" afteradvice bean p:target-ref="target" Test Test main ApplicationContext ctx=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml") ctx getbean String arg Penguin proxy proxy EatingAndSleep Test

37 1. Spring AOP SpringDemo022 eclipse 1. SpringDemo022 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo022 FirstPenguin FirstPenguin Sleep Beat. 3. SecondPenguin SecondPenguin Sleep 2. GreetBeforeAdvice MethodBeforeAdvice GreetBeforeAdvice before(method method, Object[] args, Object arg2) GreetAdvisor, StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor matches(method arg0, Class<?> arg1) arg0 getname equals Sleep GreetAdvisor getclassfilter() ClassFilter public new ClassFilter() ClassFilter

38 matches(class<?> arg0) FirstPenguin return FirstPenguin.class.isAssignableFrom(arg0); src applicationcontext.xml p xmlns:p= bean id target1 class bean id target2 class bean id greetadvice class bean bean id greetadvisor Class bean p p:advice-ref="greetadvice" bean id parent abstract true class org.springframework.aop.framework.proxyfactorybean bean p p:interceptornames="greetadvisor " greetadvisor bean p:proxytargetclass="true" bean id first parent parent p:target-ref target1 bean id second parent parent p:target-ref target2 Test

39 SpringDemo023 eclipse 1. SpringDemo023 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo023 FirstPenguin FirstPenguin Sleep Beat. 3. SecondPenguin SecondPenguin Sleep 2. GreetBeforeAdvice MethodBeforeAdvice GreetBeforeAdvice before(method method, Object[] args, Object arg2) src applicationcontext.xml p xmlns:p= bean id target1 class bean id target2 class bean id greetadvice class bean bean id regexadvisor Class bean p

40 p:advice-ref="greetadvice" bean p. p:pattern=".*sleep.*"( Sleep ) bean id parent abstract true class org.springframework.aop.framework.proxyfactorybean bean p p:interceptornames="regexadvisor" regexadvisor bean p:proxytargetclass="true" bean id first parent parent p:target-ref target1 bean id second parent parent p:target-ref target2 Test

41 1. struts2 001 struts2 1. SpringDemo027 eclipse 1. SpringDemo027 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 2. SpringDemo027 Student Student (subject) (subject), set get 3. StudentService StudentService check score 60 false 60 true 4. jsp 1. struts2 web.xml WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml web.xml struts2

42 <filter> <filter> <filter-name> <filter-class> struts2 <filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name> <url-pattern> struts2 ( filter filter-name ) /* <context-param> <context-param> <param-name> <param-value> contextconfiglocation /WEB-INF/classes/applicationContext.xml <listener> ContextLoaderListener <listener> <listener-class> org.springframework.web.context.contextloaderlistener CheckAction ActionSupport CheckAction student set get service set student Student service StudentService execute() public String throws Exception execute() service checkstudent.getsubject() student.getscore() ispass ispass false error success struts.xml src struts.xml <struts> <package>, package <package> name default extends struts-default <package> <action><action> name CheckAction name form.jsp action class checkaction checkaction <action> <result> name success name error applicationcontext.xml congratulation.jsp warn.jsp src applicationcontext.xml bean

43 id studentservice class bean id checkaction id struts.xml <action> class class bean <property> CheckAction service studentservice bean name service ref studentservice struts.xml <action> class applicationcontext.xml src struts.objectfactory.spring.autowire=type applicationcontext.xml bean id studentservice studentservice1 ## struts.xml <package> <constant> name struts.objectfactory.spring.autowire value type

44 1. spring Quartz 001 spring Quartz simpletrigger crontrigger 4. SpringDemo031 eclipse 5. SpringDemo031 spring jar ( jar, spring jar ) 6. Service Hello(), :

45 a) Hello!Use Quartz in Spring!"+new Date() 5. JobDetail applicationcontext.xml Service bean bean id service class bean id jobdetail class org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.methodinvokingjobdetailfactorybean bean p applicationcontext.xml p p:targetobject-ref service bean p:targetmethod" service p:concurrent false job 6. Trigger simpletrigger beanbean id simpletrigger class org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.simpletriggerfactorybean p:jobdetail-ref jobdetail p:startdelay 2000 p:repeatinterval 3000 p:repeatcount 3 CronTrigger beanbean id crontrigger class org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.crontriggerfactorybean p:jobdetail-ref jobdetail p:cronexpression 0/3 * * * *? schedualer 3 beanbean id scheduler class org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.schedulerfactorybean bean property name: triggers property list list refref bean simpletrigger Test ApplicationContext ctx=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); ctx getbean String arg schedual Schedual sch

46 sch start Test applicationcontext.xml id scheduler bean property list ref bean crontrigger Test

47 Spring Hibernate 1. spring hibernate 001 hibernate Mysql 1. SpringDemo037 eclipse 1. sql sql mysql 2. SpringDemo038 aopalliance spring mysql dbcp hibernate jar ( jar, jar ): 3. EmplDao SaveOrUpdate Empl empl 4. EmplDaoImpl EmplDao 5. src applicationcontext.xml sessionfactory hibernatetemplate EmplDaoImpl 2. Spring hibernate

48 MyListener DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener MyListener onsaveorupdate SaveOrUpdateEvent event void public throws HibernateException event getobject() getclass() "SaveOrUpdate Entity classname:" "SaveOrUpdate Entity classname:"+event.getobject().getclass()) event getobject Object object instanceof object Empl object Empl object Empl Empl empl empl getname() getdept() name dept super.onsaveorupdate(event); applicationcontext.xml sessionfactory <bean> <property> name eventlisteners <property> <map> <map> < entry ><entry> key save-update <entry> <bean><bean> class Test Empl empl empl set name Jack sex fale dept Sale dao SaveOrUpdate(Empl empl) empl Test Spring Hibernate 1. spring

49 SpringDemo038 eclipse 1. sql sql mysql 2. SpringDemo038 aopalliance spring mysql dbcp hibernate jar ( jar, jar ): 3. EmplDao SaveOrUpdate Empl empl 4. EmplDaoImpl EmplDao 5. src applicationcontext.xml sessionfactory hibernatetemplate EmplDaoImpl applicationcontext.xml <bean> <bean> id transactionmanager name org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.hibernatetransactionmanager <bean> <property> sessionfactory <property> name sessionfactory ref sessionfactory 2. TransactionProxyFactoryBean hibernate <bean> id empldaoproxy class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.transactionproxyfactorybean <bean> <property>

50 <property>: name proxytargetclass value:true <property> name: transactionmanager ref transactionmanager <property> name target ref empldao <bean> <properyt> <properyt> <props> <props> > key * * empldao <prop > PROPAGATION_REQUIRED Test1 empl Jack 3. aop/tx hibernate applicationcontext.xml context aop tx TransactionProxyFactoryBean, hibernate applicationcontext.xml <tx:advice> id txadvice transaction-manager transactionmanager <tx:advice> <tx:attributes> <tx:attributes> <tx:method > name * propagation REQUIRED empldao <tx:advice> <aop:config> <aop:config> <aop:advisor> advice-ref txadvice pointcut execution(**(..)) EmplDaoImpl Test2 empl Tom hibernate aop/tx hibernate

51 applicationcontext <tx:annotation-driven/> EmplDaoImpl Test3 empl Marry

52 Spring Hibernate 1. XML 001 tx/aop, 1. SpringDemo041 eclipse 1. sql sql mysql 2. SpringDemo041 jar ( jar, jar ): 3. EmplDao save(empl em pl) count 4. EmplDaoImpl EmplDao

53 5. src applicationcontext.xml (datasource) E mpldaoimpl jdbc transactionmanager 2. EmplService countempl() Integer public save(empl empl) void public EmplService rviceimpl EmplDao empldao private set countempl() empldao countempl() save(empl empl) empldao save(empl empl) empl 1. tx/aop <bean> Bean <bean > id emplservice class <bean> < property> EmplServiceImpl empldao< pr operty> name empldao ref empldao tx aop tx ao p tx < tx:advice> id txadvice transaction-manager transactionmanager < tx:advice> <tx:attributes> <tx:attributes> <tx:method> name count* read-only true propagation SUPPORTS count Support <tx:attributes> <tx:method> name save* rollback-for Exception save Exception propagation REQUIRED REQUIRED aop

54 <aop:config> <aop:config> <aop:pointcut><aop: pointcut> expression execution(**impl.*(..)) impl Impl id txpointcut <aop:config> <aop:advisor> <aop:advisor> advice-ref txadvice pointcut-ref txpointcut Test ctx getbean(string arg) emplservice EmplService emplservice Empl empl empl set empl name dept set name Salar sex female dept Sale service save(empl) Test mysql empl service count() Test 002 TransactionProxyFactoryBean 1. SpringDemo040 eclipse 1. sql sql mysql 2. SpringDemo040 jar ( jar, jar ):

55 3. EmplDao countempl 4. EmplDaoImpl EmplDao 5. src applicationcontext.xml (datasource) E mpldaoimpl jdbc transactionmanager 2. EmplService cou ntempl() Integer public EmplService rviceimpl EmplDao empldao private set countempl() empldao countempl() 3. TransactionProxyFactoryBean, <bean> <bean> id emplservice class <bean> < property> EmplServiceImpl empldao< pr operty> name empldao ref empldao <bean> id proxyservcebean class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.transactionproxyfactorybean <bean> <property> <property> : name transactionmanager ref transactionmanager <property> name: target ref emplservice <property> name transactionattribute <property> <props> <props> < prop> <prop> key count* count <prop> PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly Test ctx getbean(string arg) proxyservce EmplService service

56 service countempl()

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