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1 uc/os 1

2 uc/os-ii Source Code ANSI C, uc/os-ii 8/16/32 bits microprocessor Preemptive real-time Task 64 Stack Size ROMable (C compiler, assembler and linker/locator) uc/os-ii Mailboxes, Queues, Semaphores, fixed-sized memory partitions, timerelated functions Interrupt 255 levels 2

3 uc/os uc/os os_core. c os_mbox. c os_mem. c os_q. c os_sem. c os_task. c i os_cpu. h os_cpu_c. c C uc/os os_cfg. h includes. h os_cpu_a. asm 3

4 uc/os Task task C main() Preemptive Task Ready Task Control Block(OS_TCB) OS_TCB RAM 4

5 Task TASK #1 Stack TASK #2 Stack TASK #n Stack TCB Status TCB Status TCB Status SP SP SP Priority... Priority... Priority... 5

6 uc/os OSTaskCreate() OSTaskCreateExt() OSTaskDel() OSTaskDelReq() OSTaskChangePrio() OSTaskSuspend() OSTaskResume() OSTaskStkChk() OSTaskQuery() 6

7 uc/os OSSemCreate() SSemPend() OSSemPost() OSSemAccept() OSSemQuery() OSMboxCreate() OSMboxPend() OSMboxPost() OSMboxAccept() OSMboxQuery() OSQCreate() OSQPend() OSQPost() OSQAccept() OSQFlush() OSQQuery() 7

8 OSTimeDly() OSTimeDlyHMSM() OSTimeDlyResume() OSTimeGet() OSTimeSet() OSMemCreate() OSMemGet() OSMemPut() OSMemQuery() 8

9 uc/os-ii uc/os-ii register OS_CPU.H, OS_CPU_C.C, OS_CPU_A.S 9

10 OS_CPU.H DATA TYPE Compiler Compiler byte DATA TYPE Stack Entry TASK Stack CPU Resgister From HIGH to LOW Low to HIGH 10

11 OS_CPU.H /* ********************************************************************************************************* * DATA TYPES * (Compiler Specific) ********************************************************************************************************* */ typedef unsigned char BOOLEAN; typedef unsigned char INT8U; /* Unsigned 8 bit quantity */ typedef signed char INT8S; /* Signed 8 bit quantity */ typedef unsigned short INT16U; /* Unsigned 16 bit quantity */ typedef signed short INT16S; /* Signed 16 bit quantity */ typedef unsigned long INT32U; /* Unsigned 32 bit quantity */ typedef signed long INT32S; /* Signed 32 bit quantity */ typedef float FP32; /* Single precision floating point */ typedef double FP64; /* Double precision floating point */ typedef unsigned int OS_STK; /* Each stack entry is 16-bit wide */ #define BYTE INT8S /* Define data types for backward compatibility... */ #define UBYTE INT8U /*... to uc/os V1.xx. Not actually needed for... */ #define WORD INT16S /*... uc/os-ii. */ #define UWORD INT16U #define LONG INT32S #define ULONG INT32U 11

12 OS_CPU.H ********************************************************************************************************* * ARM, various architectures * ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() ARMDisableInt() //use this pair to globally disable interrupts #define OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() ARMEnableInt() //cation - ArmenableInt re-enables interrupts ready or not /* * Definitions specific to ARM/uHAL */ #define SVC32MODE 0x13 /* stack stuff */ #define OS_STK_GROWTH 1 //define the stack to grow from high to low /* idle task stack size (words) */ #ifdef SEMIHOSTED #define OS_IDLE_STK_SIZE (64+SEMIHOSTED_STACK_NEEDS) #else #define OS_IDLE_STK_SIZE 64 #endif 12

13 OS_CPU.H /* * Functions specific to uhal */ /* defined in os_cpu_c.c */ extern void IrqStart(void); extern void* IrqFinish(void); extern void ARMTargetInit(void); extern void ARMTargetStart(void); /* defined in os_cpu_a.s */ extern void OS_TASK_SW(void); // task switch routine extern void ARMDisableInt(void); // disable global interrupts extern void ARMEnableInt(void); // enable global interrupts 13

14 OS_CPU_C.C OS_CPU_C.C 6 OSTaskStkInit( ) OSTaskCreateHook( ) OSTaskDelHook( ) OSTaskSwHook( ) OSTaskStatHook( ) OSTimeTickHook( ) OSTaskStkInit OSTaskStkInit 14

15 OS_CPU_C.C-OSTaskStkInit void *OSTaskStkInit (void (*task)(void *pd), void *pdata, void *ptos, INT16U opt) { unsigned int *stk ; opt = opt; /* 'opt' is not used, prevent warning */ stk = (unsigned int *)ptos; /* Load stack pointer */ /* build a context for the new task */ *--stk = (unsigned int) task; /* pc */ *--stk = (unsigned int) task; /* lr */ *--stk = 0; /* r12 */ *--stk = 0; /* r11 */ *--stk = 0; /* r10 */ *--stk = 0; /* r9 */ *--stk = 0; /* r8 */ *--stk = 0; /* r7 */ *--stk = 0; /* r6 */ *--stk = 0; /* r5 */ *--stk = 0; /* r4 */ *--stk = 0; /* r3 */ *--stk = 0; /* r2 */ *--stk = 0; /* r1 */ *--stk = (unsigned int) pdata; /* r0 */ *--stk = (SVC32MODE 0x0); /* cpsr IRQ, FIQ disable*/ *--stk = (SVC32MODE 0x0); /* spsr IRQ, FIQ disable */ return ((void *)stk); } 15

16 OS_CPU_A.S OSStartHighRdy OSStartHighRdy OS_TASK_SW OSSched OSSched _CON_SWAP TickHandler TickHandler 16

17 TickHandler TickHandler: STMDB sp!,{r0-r11,lr} #interrupt disable(not nessary) mrs r0, CPSR orr r0, r0, and set IRQ disable flag msr CPSR_cxsf, r0 #End of interrupt #(Clear pending bit of INTPEND that don't accessed it.) # ri_ispc= BIT_TIMER0; LDR r0, =I_ISPC LDR r1, =BIT_TIMER0 STR r1, [r0] BL IrqStart BL OSTimeTick BL return value 0:not context switch, otherwise:context switch CMP a1, #0 LDRNE pc, =_CON_SWAP 17

18 OS_CPU_A - _CON_SWAP _CON_SWAP: #now context switching LDMIA sp!,{r0-r11,lr} SUB lr, lr, #4 STR lr, lr, [pc, #SAVED_LR-.-8] #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #Change Supervisor mode #!!!r12 register don't preserved. (r12 that PC of task) MRS lr, SPSR AND lr, lr, #0xFFFFFFE0 ORR lr, lr, #0x13 MSR CPSR_cxsf, lr #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #Now Supervisor mode #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STR r12, [sp, saved r12 LDR r12, r12, [pc, #SAVED_LR-.-8] STMFD sp!, r12 that PC of task SUB sp, sp, inclease stack point LDMIA sp!, restore r12 STMFD sp!, save lr STMFD sp!, save register file and ret address MRS r4, CPSR STMFD sp!, save current PSR MRS r4, YYY+ STMFD sp!, YYY+ save SPSR # OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy LDR r4, addr_ospriocur LDR r5, addr_ospriohighrdy LDRB r6, [r5] STRB r6, [r4] # Get current task TCB address LDR r4, addr_ostcbcur LDR r5, [r4] STR sp, store sp in preempted tasks's TCB # Get highest priority task TCB address LDR r6, addr_ostcbhighrdy LDR r6, [r6] LDR sp, get new task's stack pointer # OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy STR r6, set new current task TCB address LDMFD sp!, YYY+ # AND r4, r4, #0xFFFFFF20 # ORR r4, r4, #0x13 MSR SPSR_cxsf, YYY+ LDMFD sp!, YYY+ # AND r4, r4, #0xFFFFFF20 # ORR r4, r4, #0x13 MSR CPSR_cxsf, YYY+ LDMFD sp!, {r0-r12, lr, YYY+ 18

19 OS_CPU_A - OS_TASK_SW.GLOBAL OS_TASK_SW OS_TASK_SW: STMFD sp!, save pc STMFD sp!, save lr STMFD sp!, save register file and ret address MRS r4, CPSR STMFD sp!, save current PSR MRS r4, YYY+ STMFD sp!, YYY+ save SPSR # OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy LDR r4, addr_ospriocur LDR r5, addr_ospriohighrdy LDRB r6, [r5] STRB r6, Get current task TCB address LDR r4, addr_ostcbcur LDR r5, [r4] STR sp, store sp in preempted tasks's TCB # Get highest priority task TCB address LDR r6, addr_ostcbhighrdy LDR r6, [r6] LDR sp, get new task's stack pointer # OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy STR r6, set new current task TCB address LDMFD sp!, YYY+ MSR SPSR_cxsf, YYY+ LDMFD sp!, YYY+ MSR CPSR_cxsf, YYY+ LDMFD sp!, {r0-r12, lr, YYY+ 19

20 OS_CPU_A - OSStartHighRdy.GLOBAL OSStartHighRdy OSStartHighRdy: LDR r4, Get current task TCB address LDR r5, Get highest priority task TCB address LDR r5, get stack pointer LDR sp, switch to the new stack STR r5, set new current task TCB address LDMFD sp!, YYY MSR SPSR_cxsf, r4 LDMFD sp!, get new state from top of the stack MSR CPSR_cxsf, CPSR should be SVC32Mode LDMFD sp!, {r0-r12, lr, pc start the new task 20

21 uc/os Official web site of ucos-ii Source code of ucos-ii and Port for Hitech Pacific C compiler Source code of ucos-ii 80x86-V111.zip Port for Hitech Pacific C compiler Porting ucos-ii to the x86 (PM) 21


CC213 : (Ken-Yi Lee), E-mail: feis.tw@gmail.com 49 [P.51] C/C++ [P.52] [P.53] [P.55] (int) [P.57] (float/double) [P.58] printf scanf [P.59] [P.61] ( / ) [P.62] (char) [P.65] : +-*/% [P.67] : = [P.68] : ,

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