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1 EDC Flash - Code 潍柴动力国 III 柴油机 闪码表

2 说明 1. 本手册仅针对国三柴油机电控方面的故障, 机械方面的故障可以按照欧二方法解决 2. 国三系列柴油机采用电控系统, 与采用机械泵时有本质区别, 需要采用专用的诊断工具 3. 潍柴动力国三系列柴油机采用 bosch 公司的第二代共轨系统 共轨系统对油路 ( 包括低压油路和高压油路 ) 要求较高, 很多问题都是由油路问题引起的 ; 其次, 整车线束问题也是主要的故障源 4. 闪码是对 ECU 错误内部错误的一个初步判断, 更进一步的判断要用诊断仪

3 闪码表 Blink code can be displayed in three levels of blinking. 闪码以三位的形式显示 1. First level of blinking will classify an error specific to part of an system, for e.g. if error is because of ECU, Hydraulics,Sensors, Actuatators 第一位将错误按系统分类, 比如说一个错误是否是由 ECU 液压部件 传感器 执行器引起的 ; 2. Second Level of Blinking will indicate details about component identified. 第二位表明发生错误的部件 ; 3. Third Level will uniquely identify the Fault Path. 第三位确定错误路径

4 闪码按系统的基本分类 system running relative 系统运行相关 important Sensors accessary functions injector & CAN message external tests 外部测试 重要的传感器 附件及功能 喷油器及 CAN 通讯 1 start relative, synconization 启动相关的同步 fuel filter 柴油粗滤器 cooling component 冷却系统 network manage 网络管理 misfire-dection 失火检测 2 start relative, components 启动相关部件 propulsion component 驱动部件 air heater 进气加热 Frame manager CAN 通讯 engine test 发动机测试 3 power supply, main relay 电源供应, 主继电器 4 Bank & Chip 喷油器控制 5 injector system 喷射系统 6 CRS component 共轨系统部件 air system component 进气系统 cooling & lubrication 冷却与润滑系统 rail pressure monitoring 轨压检测 ECU&overrun monitoring ECU 及超速检测 ErlpCD 故障灯 accessory button 按钮 EGR(not used in EIII) EGR( 国三暂不用 ) Frame manager CAN 通讯 Frame manager CAN 通讯 governor deviation 系统偏移

5 start relative ECU Supply AD 转换器出错 Dfp_ADCMon start relative Dfp_EngMCrS start relative Synconisation 凸轮轴转速 \ 曲轴转速传感器错误 Dfp_EngMCaS start relative Dfp_EngMBackUp start relative ECU Internal Dfp_TPUMon start relative ECU Internal Dfp_SOPTst start relative Dfp_StrtCDHS start system 启动继电器错误 start relative Dfp_StrtCDLS start relative start system T15 开关错误 Dfp_T50CD start relative start system T50 开关错误 Dfp_T15CD start relative battery 电池 Dfp_BattCD start relative start system/ 标定错误非单调 map 图 Dfp_FMTC_NonMonotonMap start relative Dfp_SSpMon start relative Dfp_SSpMon12V ECU Supply ECU 内部电源出错 start relative Dfp_SSpMon start relative Dfp_SSpMon start relative Dfp_MnRly1_SCB start relative Main Relay 主继电器错误 Dfp_MnRly1_SCG start relative Dfp_MRlyCD CRS component Dfp_RailCD 轨压传感器 CRS component Dfp_RailCDOfsTst CRS component 共轨泄压阀问题 Dfp_PRVMon CRS component Dfp_MeUnCD_ADC CRS component Dfp_MeUnCDNoLoad 流量计量单元错误 CRS component Dfp_MeUnCDSCBat CRS component Dfp_MeUnCDSCGnd 1 3 5

6 Cylinder1 Dfp_InjVlvCyl1A 缸喷油器错误 Cylinder1 Dfp_InjVlvCyl1B Cylinder2 Dfp_InjVlvCyl2A 缸喷油器错误 Cylinder2 Dfp_InjVlvCyl2B Cylinder3 Dfp_InjVlvCyl3A 缸喷油器错误 Cylinder3 Dfp_InjVlvCyl3B Cylinder4 Dfp_InjVlvCyl4A 缸喷油器错误 Cylinder4 Dfp_InjVlvCyl4B Cylinder5 Dfp_InjVlvCyl5A 缸喷油器错误 Cylinder5 Dfp_InjVlvCyl5B Cylinder6 Dfp_InjVlvCyl6A 缸喷油器错误 Cylinder6 Dfp_InjVlvCyl6B Bank Dfp_InjVlvBnk1A Bank1( 控制 喷油器 ) 错误 Bank Dfp_InjVlvBnk1B Bank Dfp_InjVlvBnk2A Bank2( 控制 喷油器 ) 错误 Bank Dfp_InjVlvBnk2B chip Dfp_InjVlvChipA Chip( 控制喷油 ) 错误 chip Dfp_InjVlvChipB injection 最少正常工作的喷油器未达到 Dfp_InjVlvNumMinInj injection ECU 内部对喷油的限制 Dfp_InjCrv_InjLim important function Fuel Filter 油中有水 Dfp_FlSys_WtDet important function propulsion 踏板传感器 1 错误 Dfp_APP important function propulsion 踏板传感器 2 错误 Dfp_APP important function propulsion 离合器开关错误 Dfp_ConvCD important function propulsion 制动开关错误 Dfp_BrkCD important function propulsion 油门与制动可信检测错误 Dfp_AccPedPlausBrk 2 2 5

7 important function propulsion Dfp_EngPrtOvrSpd important function propulsion Dfp_GearbxIncMax important function propulsion Dfp_CoVMDCSh important function Air system 进气压力传感器 Dfp_BPSCD important function Air system 大气压力传感器 Dfp_APSCD important function Air system 进气温度传感器 Dfp_IATSCD important function Cooling system 冷却水温度传感器 Dfp_CTSCD important function Cooling system 水温过高报警 Dfp_CTSCDOvrTemp important function Cooling system 机油压力传感器 Dfp_OPSCD important function Cooling system 油压太低报警 Dfp_OPSCD important function Cooling system 机油温度传感器 Dfp_OTSCD important function Cooling system 机油温度过高报警 Dfp_OTSCD important function Dfp_Clg_AbsTst Cooling system 水温传感器测试 important function Dfp_Clg_DynTst Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Meun Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn 高压油路 \ 低压油路问题 ( 有泄露 ) Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn Rail Pressure Monitoring Dfp_RailMeUn start relative ECU Recovery Dfp_HWEMonRcyLocked start relative ECU Recovery Dfp_HWEMonRcySuppressed start relative ECU Recovery Dfp_HWEMonRcyVisible 2 6 1

8 start relative Dfp_OvRMon OvrMon 超速检测 start relative Dfp_OvRMonSigA start relative Dfp_HWEMonCom start relative ECU Monitoring Dfp_HWEMonUMaxSupply start relative ECU Monitoring Dfp_HWEMonUMinSupply start relative ECU Monitoring Dfp_Montr start relative ECU Monitoring Dfp_HWEMonEEPROM accessory Dfp_ExFlCD_Max accessory Exhaust Flap 排气制动阀错误 Dfp_ExFlCD_Min accessory Dfp_ExFlCD_SigNpl accessory 空调压缩机继电器故障 Dfp_ACCDCmpr accessory Dfp_ArHt accessory Dfp_AirHtStickOn glow system 进气加热继电器 accessory Dfp_AirHt_Test accessory Dfp_AirHt_Test important function Dfp_VSSCD important function propulsion 车速传感器故障 Dfp_VSSCD important function Dfp_VSSCD accessory 多态开关 Dfp_MSSCD accessory 系统灯 Dfp_SysLamp accessory cold start lamp 冷启动灯 Dfp_CSLPCD accessory 报警灯 Dfp_Wrn accessory water in fuel lever sensor 油中有水灯 Dfp_Gen accessory warning lamp 报警灯 Dfp_Gen accessory 巡航开关 Dfp_MFLvCrCtlMode accessory 排气制动开关 Dfp_EBSwPreSelPlaus 3 4 2

9 accessory 车下启动开关错误 Dfp_ECBtCD external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfire external test external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfire external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfire external test external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfireMul external test Dfp_ComprTst external test external test 外部测试 Dfp_HpTst external test Dfp_RunUpTst external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfire external test external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfire external test Dfp_CmbChbMisfire external test external test 外部测试 Dfp_ShOffTst start relative Synconisation 同步信号问题 Dfp_EngMOfsCaSCrS 5 4 1

10 主机厂安装 CAN 总线以后, 可能出现的闪码 : accessory Dfp_ACCDSwtin CAN message Network manage Dfp_NetMngCANAOff CAN message Network manage Dfp_NetMngCANBOff CAN message Network manage Dfp_NetMngCANCOff CAN message Communication Monitoring Dfp_WdCom CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOEngGsFlowRt CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOHRVD CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOTimeDate CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1AE CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1AR CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1DE CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1DR CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1PE CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1TE CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1TR CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1VE CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOTSC1VR CAN message Communication Monitoring Dfp_FrmMngTxTO CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngRxEngTmp2Sens CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngEngGsFlRtHtr CAN message Receive timeout-no used Dfp_FrmMngTODashDspl CAN message Dfp_FrmMngTOWSI CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOEBC CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOERC1DR CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOETC

11 CAN message Receive timeout-no used Dfp_FrmMngTORxAMCON CAN message Receive timeout-no used Dfp_FrmMngTORxCCVS CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOTCO CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTORxEngTemp CAN message Receive timeout Dfp_FrmMngTOTF 目前国三上没有用到的功能及传感器 执行器 : important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlSys_FltFoul important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlFCD_FltFoulMax important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlFCD_FltFoulMin important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlFCD_FltFoulNpl important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlFCD_WtLvlMax important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlFCD_WtLvlMin important function Fuel system Dfp_FTSCD important function Fuel Filter Dfp_FlFCD_Htg important function Air system Dfp_AFSCD_AirTemp important function Air system Dfp_AFSCD_PlOffsDrft important function Air system Dfp_AFSCD_PlSetyDrft important function Air system Dfp_AFSCD_SRCAirm important function Air system Dfp_EATSCD important function Air system Dfp_EATSCDBET important function Air system Dfp_EATSCDClgZn important function Air system Dfp_EATSCDInAir important function Cooling system Dfp_CLSCD 2 4 6

12 important function Cooling system Dfp_OLSCD important function Air system Dfp_IAHSCD accessory Dfp_FanCD accessory Dfp_FanCD accessory Dfp_FanCDEval accessory Dfp_ASLLCD accessory Dfp_MIL accessory Dfp_Gen accessory Dfp_EGPpCDP not used Dfp_CABCD not used Dfp_CRERCD_Actr not used Dfp_PSPCD_Actr not used PWM-no used Dfp_BPACD_ADC not used PWM-no used Dfp_BPACD_Max not used PWM-no used Dfp_BPACD_Min not used PWM-no used Dfp_BPACD_SigNpl not used EGR Dfp_ECBCD not used EGR Dfp_EGRCD_Max not used EGR Dfp_EGRCD_Min not used EGR Dfp_EGRCD_SigNpl not used Air system-no used Dfp_TVACD_Max not used Air system-no used Dfp_TVACD_Min not used Air system-no used Dfp_TVACD_SigNpl not used Governor deviation-not used Dfp_AirCtlGvnrDvtMax not used Governor deviation-not used Dfp_AirCtlGvnrDvtMin not used Governor deviation-not used Dfp_PCRGvnrDvtMax not used Governor deviation-not used Dfp_PCRGvnrDvtMin 4 5 4

13 not used external test Dfp_VarMngCodDs 5 2 4

1 2 3 4 5 16 1945 1951 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1440 20 21 1963 10 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1912 1916 1879 1963 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

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