實踐理想人生全憑周詳的醫療保障 您和摯愛若想從容實踐未來夢想, 就必先擁有穩健的財務安排 然而, 突如其來 的疾病及連年上升的醫療費用, 往往令人頓失預算, 故應及早未雨綢繆, 以免被龐大 醫療開支耽誤人生大計 AXA 安盛 真智醫療保障 為您提供綜合醫療保障, 確保您獲享所需治療之餘, 同時給您周

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1 人壽保險 真智醫療保障

2 實踐理想人生全憑周詳的醫療保障 您和摯愛若想從容實踐未來夢想, 就必先擁有穩健的財務安排 然而, 突如其來 的疾病及連年上升的醫療費用, 往往令人頓失預算, 故應及早未雨綢繆, 以免被龐大 醫療開支耽誤人生大計 AXA 安盛 真智醫療保障 為您提供綜合醫療保障, 確保您獲享所需治療之餘, 同時給您周全的財務保障, 讓您無後顧之憂 真智醫療保障 特設兩項保障計劃, 以切合不同客戶的需要 真智安心醫療保障 為您提供支付實際醫療保障費用至 100 歲, 而 真智住院現金保障 讓您獲享保障至 75 歲, 在您住院期間提供每日定額現金保障 真智安心醫療保障 全面醫療費用保障至 100 歲 真智安心醫療保障 為您提供支付實際醫療費用保障直至 100 歲, 其中包括住院病房及膳食費 手術費 住院雜費及門診手術費等, 讓您安心選用理想的醫療服務 此計劃亦提供深切治療 住院專科診療 嚴重疾病治療及醫療疏忽事故等保障, 照顧無微不至 此計劃保障範圍廣泛, 一旦不幸患病亦可選擇於私家醫院即時就醫, 安心接受治療 有關保障的賠償簡介, 請參閱本單張內的賠償表 四種不同保障級別滿足個人需要 您可因應個人預算及需要, 選擇經濟 標準 特級及至尊四種保障級別 自選額外醫療附加保障至 100 歲 真智安心醫療保障 更備有自選額外醫療附加保障, 當您的實際住院費用超出 真智安心醫療保障 基本賠償計劃的最高保障金額時, 此附加保障便會提供額外賠償 自選附加保障設有四種不同保障級別, 為您提供切合需要的財務支援 有關額外醫療附加保障的賠償簡介, 請參閱本單張內的賠償表 特定手術提供免找數服務 您可於指定網絡診所進行特定手術, 包括胃鏡或腸鏡, 輕鬆接受醫療護理, 毋須支付醫療費用 提交索償申請或住院 詳情請參閱有關服務之單張 附加於 AXA 安盛壽險保單可享保費折扣 您可因應個人需要, 獨立投保 真智安心醫療保障, 亦可選擇附加於 AXA 安盛壽險保單內, 以獲享額外保費折扣優惠 * * 附加 真智安心醫療保障 在人壽保單上, 可減免 100 港元保費 1

3 真智住院現金保障 每日住院現金保障 若您需要入院接受治療, 真智住院現金保障 可為您提供每日現金保障, 而保障日數更高達 1,000 日 如果您須接受深切 治療, 更可獲雙倍每日現金保障, 讓您周轉更靈活輕鬆 有關保障的簡介, 請參閱本單張內的賠償表 四種不同保障級別滿足個人需要 真智住院現金保障 特設經濟 標準 特級及至尊四種不同的保障級別可供選擇, 讓您在住院期間享有由 500 港元至 1,250 港元不等的每日現金保障 您每日只需繳付低至 1.2 港元, 即可享有此醫療保障 其他保障及服務 保證續保 您可享每年保證續保 ^ 真智醫療保障, 讓您加倍安心 無索償保費折扣令保障更實惠 真智醫療保障 為健康的您奉上無索償折扣的優惠, 讓您盡享超值保障 若您投保 1) 任何級別的 真智安心醫療保障 及 / 或 2) 標準級別或以上的 真智住院現金保障, 並在緊接續保前連續 3 年沒有索償紀錄, 即可在續保時享有保費折扣, 折扣額相等於該保單上一年度的年繳保費 ( 未計算任何無索償折扣前 ) 之 15% # AXA 援助服務 貴為我們的尊貴客戶, 您可自動免費享用國際援助服務 當您身處海外公幹或旅行時, 一旦遇上緊急事故, 只需聯絡 24 小時緊急援助中心, 即可獲得協助 專業保健服務 您可以優惠價錢享用一系列專業的身體檢查及保健服務 ^ 保費率並非保證 AXA 安盛保留權利於每個保單週年重新檢討及調整個別風險級別的保費率 # AXA 援助服務僅提供予 AXA 安盛金融有限公司或 AXA 安盛保險 ( 百慕達 ) 有限公司之個人醫療保險計劃被保人 有關服務按照 AXA 援助服務之條款及細則提供 AXA 安盛保留隨時修訂有關條款及細則之權利, 而不需另行通知 2

4 真智安心醫療保障 - 賠償表 保障範圍 賠償項目 ( 最高賠償額 ) 經濟 ( 港元 ) 標準 ( 港元 ) 特級 ( 港元 ) 至尊 ( 港元 ) 每日病房及膳食費 ( 最多賠償 120 日 2 ) 680/ 日 800/ 日 1,600/ 日 4,500/ 日 醫生巡房費 ( 最多賠償 120 日 ) 650/ 日 750/ 日 1,500/ 日 4,500/ 日 3 深切治療 a ( 最多賠償 15 日 2 ) b ( 最多賠償 90 日 2 a ) 2,200/ 日 b 2,200/ 日 b 3,720/ 日 b 7,000/ 日 住院專科診療費 2,500 3,000 5,000 10,000 住院保障 ( 每次住院 1 ) 住院雜費 4 ( 傷口護理 藥物及其他 ) 6,000 10,000 20,000 35,000 5 手術費 超特級大型手術 40,000 45,000 80, ,000 特級大型手術 20,000 33,750 60, ,000 大型手術 15,000 22,500 40,000 80,000 中型手術 7,500 11,250 20,000 40,000 小型手術 3,000 4,500 8,000 16,000 檢查性小手術 3,000 4,500 8,000 16,000 麻醉師費 最高為有關手術費的 30% 最高為有關手術費的 35% 手術室費 最高為有關手術費的 30% 最高為有關手術費的 35% 嚴重疾病治療 ( 每份保單 ) 6 癌症的電療及化療費 6 洗腎費 50,000 50, , , , , , ,000 門診保障 ( 每宗病症或受傷 ) 門診手術費與上述手術費 5 麻醉師費及手術室費之最高賠償額相同 4 意外受傷緊急門診治療費 2,000 5,000 5,000 22,000 醫療事故保障醫療疏忽事故 ( 永久完全傷殘或身故 ) 60,000 60, , ,000 人壽保障身故保險賠償 15,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 真智安心醫療保障 之額外醫療附加保障 7 ( 自選 ) - 賠償表 保障範圍賠償項目 ( 最高賠償額 ) 經濟 ( 港元 ) 標準 ( 港元 ) 特級 ( 港元 ) 至尊 ( 港元 ) 實際住院開支在扣除 真智安心醫療保障 的賠償額 ( 即列於上表的每次住院之住院保障 ) 及自負額後 ( 如適用 ), 賠償餘額之百分比, 惟受限於最高賠償金額 * 75% 80% 住院保障 ( 每次住院 1 ) 1. 最高賠償 105, , , , 自負額 8,000 以下 3 項保障的最高賠償額受限於下列細則 : 1. 每日病房及膳食費 8 ( 由第 121 日開始 ) 680/ 日 800/ 日 1,600/ 日 4,500/ 日 2. 醫生巡房費 8 ( 由第 121 日開始 ) 650/ 日 750/ 日 1,500/ 日 4,500/ 日 8 3. 深切治療 c ( 由第 16 日開始 ) d c ( 由第 91 日開始 ) 2,200/ 日 d 2,200/ 日 d 3,720/ 日 d 7,000/ 日 * 受限於有關保單內詳列的 真智安心醫療保障 賠償表及 真智安心醫療保障 之額外醫療附加保障 ( 自選 ) 賠償表列出之最高賠償額 真智住院現金保障 - 賠償表 保障範圍賠償項目 ( 最高賠償額 ) 經濟 ( 港元 ) 標準 ( 港元 ) 特級 ( 港元 ) 至尊 ( 港元 ) 住院保障 ( 每次住院 1 ) 每日保險賠償 9 ( 最多賠償 1,000 日 ) ,000 1,250 深切治療每日保險賠償 9 ( 最多賠償 120 日 ) 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 人壽保障身故保險賠償 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 3

5 備註 : 1. 除非被保人在兩次住院之間已完全恢復正常活動 90 日或以上, 並在此期間不需要接受治療, 否則, 被保人因同一宗傷病而必須住院兩次或以上, 公司只會當作一次住院索償辦理 2. 每日病房及膳食費賠償與深切治療賠償的合共賠償日數, 每次住院將不超過 120 日 3. 以每次住院計算, 經濟級別之深切治療賠償的最高賠償日數不會超過 15 日, 其餘級別為 90 日 如被保人入住在北美洲 歐洲 澳洲 紐西蘭 日本 新加坡 台灣 香港或澳門等地區以外的醫院, 深切治療的賠償額將不超過每日病房及膳食費賠償的每日最高賠償額 4. 住院雜費賠償及意外受傷緊急門診治療費賠償的合共賠償額, 每宗傷病將不超過住院雜費賠償的最高賠償額 5. 如因同一宗傷病而需要施行多於一次手術, 本公司只支付最高賠償額的一項手術 如在同一次住院期間因不同的傷病而施行多於一次手術, 合共總賠償額將不超過超特級大型手術類別手術費的最高賠償額 6. 在北美洲 歐洲 澳洲 紐西蘭 日本 新加坡 台灣 香港或澳門以外之地區接受治療, 將不獲賠償癌症的電療及化療費與洗腎費 7. 此項附加保障需繳付額外保費 8. 首 120 日住院的每日病房及膳食費與醫生巡房費, 以及經濟級別的首 15 日或其他級別的首 90 日住院的深切治療費均不包括在賠償範圍之內 如被保人入住在北美洲 歐洲 澳洲 紐西蘭 日本 新加坡 台灣 香港或澳門等地區以外的醫院, 深切治療的賠償額將不超過每日病房及膳食費賠償的每日最高賠償額 9. 如入住北美洲 歐洲 澳洲 紐西蘭 日本 新加坡 台灣 香港及澳門等地區以外之醫院, 賠償金額每日為 250 港元 若因精神病住院, 每日保險賠償與深切治療每日保險賠償合共的總賠償日數, 每次住院將不超過 90 日 ; 若因其他原因住院, 則這兩項賠償合共的總賠償日數, 每次住院將不超過 1,000 日 真智醫療保障 一覽 真智安心醫療保障 真智住院現金保障 被保資格 0 至 65 歲 0 至 65 歲 保障年期直至 100 歲直至 75 歲 保費繳付年期直至 100 歲直至 75 歲 ^ 保費模式 保障類別 根據已達年齡作出調整 * 賠償實際住院費用 根據已達年齡作出調整 * 提供每日現金保障 ^ 保費率並非保證 AXA 安盛保留權利於每個保單週年重新檢討及調整個別風險級別的保費率 * 受限於有關保單內詳列的 真智安心醫療保障 賠償表及 真智安心醫療保障 之額外醫療附加保障 ( 自選 ) 賠償表 / 真智住院現金保障 賠償表列出之最高賠償額 主要不保事項 : 已患有的疾病 懷孕 美容及整容手術 牙科護理 ( 意外受傷引起者除外 ), 濫用藥物及酒精 普通體格檢查 後天免疫力缺乏症及其所引致之任何病患 ( 包括愛滋病 ) 法律及其他保障計劃可支付的賠償 ( 只適用於 真智安心醫療保障 ), 及在計劃生效後 30 日內或復效 10 日內所患有的疾病 因扁桃腺 腮樣增殖腺 疝氣及女性因生殖器官疾病而接受治療則需在計劃生效或復效 120 日後方為生效 非醫療必須的醫療服務 ; 或超過一般合理收費的費用 在 真智安心醫療保障 生效或復效後起計 60 日內所患有之癌症, 將不會獲癌症的電療及化療費賠償 在 真智安心醫療保障 生效或復效後起計 60 日內所患有之慢性及不可逆轉性腎衰竭, 將不會獲洗腎費賠償 被保人在 12 歲前進行的包皮環切手術將不獲賠償 在計劃生效或復效一年內, 不論在神智清醒或不清醒的情況下自殺死亡, 將不獲身故保險賠償 本計劃須受保單合約所列的條款 細則及不保事項所限制 AXA 安盛保留接受本計劃申請之最終權利 本宣傳單張只提供一般資料, 不能構成 AXA 安盛與任何人士所訂立之任何合約 本單張並非保單, 有關其他詳細條款 細則及不保事項, 請參考有關保單合約 AXA 安盛簡介 AXA 安盛為法國 AXA 安盛集團之成員, 憑藉其超卓的產品及服務, 現時於香港及澳門的客戶人數已超過 100 萬 AXA 安盛不單是香港其中一家最大的醫療保險供應商, 其一般保險業務更在香港巿場擁有最大的佔有率 1, 而其汽車保險亦是業界的翹楚 AXA 安盛致力為客戶提供涵蓋人壽 健康及財產的全面保障, 與及財富管理和退休方案, 幫助客戶實踐安定及豐盛的生活 LMKG AXA 安盛肩負企業責任, 致力透過推廣健康人生 環境保護及社會服務三大範疇回饋社會, 推動可持續發展的業務 1 根據保險業監理處所發表有關 2013 年巿場佔有率之數據 安盛保險 ( 百慕達 ) 有限公司 ( 於百慕達註冊成立的有限公司 ) 香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街 1 號時代廣場 1 座 16 樓 室電話 :(852) 傳真 :(852) 網址 : 如閣下不願意接收 AXA 安盛的宣傳或直接促銷材料, 敬請聯絡香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街 1 號時代廣場 1 座 16 樓 室安盛保險 ( 百慕達 ) 有限公司個人資料保護主任 AXA 安盛會在不收取任何費用的情況下確保不會將閣下納入日後的直接促銷活動中 ( 只適合於香港特別行政區使用 ) 2014 年 6 月

6 Smart Medical Insurance 真智醫療保障 Smart Medicare 真智安心醫療保障 Annual Premium Table (HK$) 年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) Renewal Annual Premium Table (HK$) 續保年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 0 2,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,271 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,278 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,288 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,297 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,303 1,600 1,656 3,037 3,496 5,961 6, ,308 1,555 1,656 2,951 3,496 5,798 6, ,006 1,315 1,378 1,656 2,962 3,496 5,850 6, ,021 1,319 1,397 1,656 2,976 3,496 5,903 6, ,035 1,325 1,415 1,656 3,000 3,496 5,955 6, ,048 1,350 1,435 1,656 3,031 3,496 6,006 6, ,086 1,400 1,461 1,666 3,085 3,515 6,059 6, ,122 1,450 1,486 1,684 3,139 3,554 6,160 6, ,158 1,498 1,510 1,720 3,192 3,630 6,261 7, ,193 1,548 1,536 1,759 3,245 3,710 6,363 7, ,209 1,576 1,561 1,799 3,298 3,794 6,464 7, ,222 1,603 1,587 1,846 3,351 3,896 6,565 7, ,237 1,632 1,612 1,895 3,404 3,996 6,666 7, ,251 1,660 1,638 1,943 3,456 4,097 6,766 8, ,266 1,687 1,662 1,992 3,509 4,200 6,868 8, ,284 1,731 1,688 2,041 3,564 4,302 6,969 8, ,303 1,779 1,727 2,096 3,639 4,414 7,071 8, ,321 1,822 1,761 2,163 3,714 4,554 7,176 8, ,340 1,869 1,797 2,234 3,790 4,706 7,279 9, ,358 1,914 1,834 2,308 3,867 4,860 7,382 9, ,404 2,002 1,872 2,392 3,949 5,037 7,531 9, ,451 2,092 1,913 2,483 4,033 5,225 7,716 10, ,498 2,180 1,956 2,575 4,123 5,419 7,937 10, ,546 2,269 2,000 2,672 4,215 5,620 8,160 11, ,593 2,360 2,045 2,769 4,310 5,822 8,389 11, ,655 2,449 2,093 2,866 4,410 6,027 8,617 11, ,720 2,543 2,145 2,967 4,515 6,235 8,847 12, ,784 2,632 2,199 3,064 4,629 6,439 9,081 12, ,846 2,723 2,262 3,163 4,763 6,643 9,335 13, ,912 2,811 2,331 3,260 4,906 6,850 9,614 13, ,008 2,896 2,399 3,356 5,049 7,056 9,895 13, ,146 3,035 2,514 3,521 5,290 7,399 10,368 14, ,249 3,123 2,590 3,620 5,453 7,610 10,686 14, ,350 3,209 2,696 3,723 5,675 7,823 11,119 15, ,454 3,295 2,818 3,825 5,931 8,039 11,621 15, ,562 3,493 2,941 3,931 6,188 8,261 12,124 16, ,676 3,696 3,067 4,043 6,449 8,492 12,628 16, ,785 3,896 3,192 4,153 6,710 8,723 13,141 17, ,896 4,096 3,319 4,264 6,978 8,956 13,664 17, ,010 4,295 3,457 4,376 7,266 9,190 14,223 17, ,131 4,356 3,605 4,487 7,555 9,424 14,832 18, ,256 4,417 3,759 4,600 7,849 9,659 15,449 18, ,382 4,478 3,933 4,713 8,145 9,897 16,071 19, ,510 4,540 4,126 4,828 8,495 10,136 16,700 19, ,640 4,605 4,345 4,943 8,894 10,377 17,333 20, ,916 4,782 4,579 5,057 9,355 10,618 18,256 20, ,199 4,962 4,829 5,242 9,932 11,001 19,235 21, ,481 5,141 5,086 5,431 10,523 11,397 20,260 22, ,766 5,323 5,354 5,623 11,125 11,798 21,325 23, ,054 5,506 5,627 5,816 11,728 12,204 22,401 23, ,346 5,748 5,897 6,071 12,330 12,739 23,496 24, ,642 5,990 6,194 6,353 12,933 13,329 24,629 26, ,941 6,233 6,529 6,851 13,538 13,946 25,787 27, ,243 6,481 6,917 7,081 14,144 14,668 26,951 28, ,551 6,730 7,367 7,429 14,752 15,428 28,184 30, ,861 7,095 7,858 7,803 15,432 16,202 29,443 32, ,174 7,460 8,376 8,216 16,159 17,060 30,815 33, ,492 7,831 8,747 8,623 16,843 17,889 32,091 35, ,815 8,201 9,124 9,033 17,531 18,723 33,372 36, ,141 8,575 9,504 9,445 18,224 19,559 34,663 38, ,507 9,121 9,930 10,046 19,007 20,793 36,125 41, ,876 9,669 10,361 10,648 19,795 22,030 37,593 43, ,249 10,219 10,798 11,255 20,587 23,271 39,069 45, ,626 10,772 11,237 11,863 21,385 24,514 40,551 48, ,095 11,409 11,787 12,566 22,310 25,880 42,209 50, ,540 12,008 12,304 13,226 23,197 27,190 43,817 53, ,560 12,033 12,328 13,254 23,245 27,246 43,903 53, ,581 12,058 12,350 13,279 23,292 27,300 43,991 53, ,601 12,081 12,376 13,307 23,337 27,355 44,078 53, ,623 12,106 12,399 13,333 23,385 27,409 44,164 53, ,643 12,131 12,424 13,361 23,431 27,464 44,254 53, ,685 12,178 12,473 13,413 23,524 27,573 44,430 54, ,728 12,227 12,522 13,467 23,618 27,683 44,608 54, ,769 12,275 12,572 13,520 23,712 27,793 44,785 54, ,811 12,325 12,622 13,574 23,807 27,903 44,965 54, ,854 12,373 12,669 13,628 23,900 28,015 45,145 55, ,896 12,421 12,720 13,681 23,996 28,125 45,324 55, ,940 12,471 12,771 13,735 24,092 28,238 45,504 55, ,983 12,520 12,822 13,790 24,187 28,350 45,686 55, ,028 12,571 12,873 13,844 24,283 28,462 45,868 55, ,071 12,621 12,923 13,899 24,379 28,576 46,052 56, ,126 12,683 12,987 13,969 24,501 28,719 46,280 56, ,181 12,746 13,052 14,038 24,623 28,861 46,512 56, ,236 12,809 13,117 14,108 24,746 29,005 46,745 56, ,291 12,872 13,181 14,177 24,869 29,149 46,976 57, ,349 12,937 13,247 14,247 24,993 29,293 47,211 57, ,405 13,000 13,313 14,318 25,119 29,439 47,446 57, ,461 13,065 13,379 14,389 25,243 29,586 47,682 58, ,517 13,128 13,445 14,458 25,368 29,733 47,922 58, ,575 13,194 13,510 14,531 25,493 29,882 48,160 58, ,632 13,260 13,577 14,603 25,621 30,031 48,399 58,972 Smart Medicare (with SMM) 真智安心醫療保障 ( 附有額外醫療附加保障 ) Annual Premium Table (HK$) 年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 0 2,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,282 1,718 2,259 2,449 4,270 5,026 8,046 10, ,288 1,730 2,259 2,449 4,270 5,026 8,046 10, ,295 1,743 2,259 2,449 4,270 5,026 8,112 10, ,303 1,754 2,259 2,372 4,285 5,026 8,178 9, ,323 1,761 2,259 2,276 4,305 4,826 8,290 9, ,342 1,769 2,218 2,260 4,327 4,555 8,406 9, ,361 1,778 2,221 2,244 4,353 4,582 8,517 9, ,383 1,785 2,221 2,229 4,380 4,609 8,628 9, ,400 1,791 2,220 2,223 4,413 4,650 8,739 9, ,419 1,825 2,220 2,239 4,447 4,706 8,851 9, ,469 1,892 2,220 2,261 4,487 4,764 8,964 9, ,517 1,958 2,219 2,299 4,534 4,844 9,073 9, ,566 2,024 2,219 2,349 4,627 4,948 9,184 9, ,615 2,093 2,218 2,404 4,722 5,065 9,297 9, ,634 2,130 2,291 2,464 4,815 5,191 9,428 10, ,652 2,168 2,333 2,542 4,910 5,354 9,571 10, ,674 2,205 2,377 2,644 5,006 5,527 9,728 10, ,692 2,243 2,421 2,726 5,100 5,707 9,897 11, ,712 2,282 2,466 2,820 5,195 5,893 10,074 11, ,736 2,339 2,511 2,906 5,288 6,085 10,256 11, ,761 2,403 2,559 2,987 5,385 6,282 10,447 12, ,787 2,463 2,604 3,086 5,479 6,484 10,642 12, ,810 2,523 2,651 3,187 5,575 6,698 10,846 13, ,835 2,584 2,702 3,292 5,672 6,918 11,053 13, ,899 2,706 2,752 3,395 5,769 7,137 11,275 14, ,961 2,826 2,803 3,500 5,866 7,358 11,509 14, ,026 2,946 2,856 3,607 5,974 7,581 11,756 14, ,089 3,067 2,910 3,714 6,100 7,806 12,003 15, ,154 3,188 2,965 3,822 6,235 8,035 12,249 15, ,237 3,310 3,031 3,932 6,374 8,265 12,510 16, ,327 3,434 3,104 4,048 6,524 8,502 12,802 16, ,412 3,556 3,177 4,160 6,679 8,739 13,103 17, ,496 3,677 3,268 4,276 6,872 8,978 13,480 17, ,582 3,798 3,367 4,392 7,078 9,222 13,885 18, ,714 3,912 3,467 4,508 7,289 9,466 14,295 18, ,898 4,098 3,633 4,713 7,636 9,897 14,978 19, ,037 4,216 3,725 4,840 7,852 10,163 15,404 19, ,176 4,331 3,851 4,973 8,093 10,440 15,874 20, ,315 4,448 4,005 5,107 8,417 10,724 16,508 21, ,460 4,714 4,173 5,247 8,766 11,016 17,170 21, ,612 4,988 4,350 5,398 9,135 11,327 17,850 22, ,761 5,258 4,528 5,558 9,507 11,664 18,553 22, ,911 5,527 4,713 5,731 9,880 12,028 19,282 23, ,063 5,798 4,917 5,913 10,260 12,404 20,010 24, ,226 5,878 5,139 6,096 10,638 12,788 20,806 25, ,395 5,960 5,384 6,283 11,030 13,179 21,601 25, ,563 6,044 5,621 6,471 11,424 13,574 22,395 26, ,736 6,126 5,882 6,662 11,823 13,976 23,190 27, ,913 6,213 6,175 6,871 12,220 14,412 24,025 28, ,285 6,454 6,488 7,095 12,939 14,884 25,353 29, ,667 6,696 6,817 7,410 13,689 15,540 26,803 30, ,046 6,936 7,151 7,751 14,442 16,218 28,270 31, ,431 7,181 7,500 8,079 15,249 16,913 29,747 33, ,821 7,428 7,861 8,405 16,060 17,612 31,226 34, ,214 7,755 8,215 8,823 16,873 18,311 32,712 35, ,611 8,082 8,613 9,290 17,687 19,014 34,210 37, ,014 8,411 8,946 9,855 18,534 19,719 35,735 39, ,423 8,745 9,339 10,211 19,382 20,424 37,272 41, ,840 9,081 9,915 10,722 20,263 21,137 38,836 42, ,256 9,573 10,688 11,251 21,171 22,145 40,828 44, ,680 10,066 11,712 11,834 22,079 23,162 43,492 46,837

7 Renewal Annual Premium Table (HK$) 續保年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 66 10,110 10,564 12,231 12,419 23,013 24,288 45,295 49, ,544 11,063 12,754 13,008 23,953 25,422 47,106 51, ,985 11,570 13,290 13,602 24,900 26,557 48,927 53, ,476 12,304 13,882 14,467 25,971 28,233 50,989 56, ,976 13,045 14,487 15,336 27,045 29,911 53,060 60, ,479 13,787 15,095 16,209 28,129 31,595 55,144 63, ,989 14,534 15,712 17,085 29,219 33,285 57,236 67, ,621 15,395 16,477 18,098 30,484 35,140 59,574 70, ,220 16,202 17,202 19,045 31,696 36,918 61,845 74, ,249 16,234 17,237 19,084 31,758 36,991 61,967 74, ,277 16,267 17,269 19,122 31,823 37,066 62,092 74, ,306 16,299 17,305 19,159 31,885 37,140 62,217 74, ,334 16,332 17,337 19,198 31,949 37,214 62,340 74, ,362 16,364 17,374 19,238 32,014 37,288 62,464 74, ,419 16,429 17,443 19,312 32,140 37,437 62,713 75, ,477 16,494 17,509 19,390 32,269 37,587 62,964 75, ,533 16,559 17,580 19,464 32,397 37,737 63,215 75, ,591 16,625 17,651 19,543 32,525 37,888 63,467 76, ,650 16,691 17,719 19,622 32,656 38,039 63,720 76, ,708 16,757 17,791 19,698 32,786 38,190 63,975 76, ,766 16,823 17,861 19,777 32,918 38,342 64,230 77, ,824 16,891 17,932 19,854 33,049 38,495 64,486 77, ,883 16,958 18,005 19,933 33,180 38,648 64,744 77, ,943 17,025 18,074 20,013 33,313 38,802 65,002 77, ,017 17,111 18,166 20,111 33,479 38,997 65,327 78, ,092 17,196 18,254 20,214 33,646 39,191 65,653 78, ,166 17,281 18,344 20,314 33,813 39,386 65,981 79, ,242 17,366 18,437 20,414 33,983 39,582 66,309 79, ,317 17,453 18,529 20,515 34,150 39,779 66,642 79, ,394 17,539 18,620 20,618 34,321 39,978 66,974 80, ,470 17,626 18,714 20,719 34,492 40,175 67,307 80, ,547 17,713 18,806 20,821 34,664 40,377 67,644 81, ,624 17,801 18,900 20,926 34,836 40,579 67,980 81, ,701 17,889 18,991 21,028 35,010 40,780 68,319 81,959 Smart Medimoney 真智住院現金保障 Annual Premium Table (HK$) 年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, , , , , ,141 1, ,146 1, ,152 1, ,158 1, ,163 1, ,168 1, ,173 1, ,178 1, ,009 1,182 1, ,035 1,186 1, ,061 1,195 1, ,086 1,204 1, ,113 1,213 1, ,139 1,222 1, ,165 1,231 1, ,192 1,245 1, ,006 1,219 1,259 1, ,017 1,246 1,274 1, ,029 1,273 1,289 1, ,042 1,301 1,304 1, ,050 1,329 1,315 1, ,000 1,059 1,357 1,325 1, ,021 1,069 1,386 1,337 1, ,043 1,079 1,415 1,349 1, ,065 1,089 1,444 1,362 1, ,083 1,109 1,468 1,386 1, ,102 1,129 1,493 1,410 1, ,120 1,149 1,518 1,435 1, ,139 1,171 1,542 1,462 1, ,157 1,193 1,567 1,489 1, ,174 1,275 1,589 1,590 2, ,008 1,191 1,357 1,611 1,693 2, ,071 1,207 1,441 1,633 1,797 2, ,135 1,225 1,526 1,655 1,903 2, ,200 1,242 1,613 1,678 2,010 2, ,251 1,293 1,679 1,747 2,092 2, ,302 1,344 1,747 1,816 2,175 2, ,356 1,396 1,817 1,885 2,261 2, ,412 1,449 1,889 1,957 2,350 2, ,470 1,503 1,965 2,029 2,442 2, ,005 1,576 1,642 2,105 2,216 2,616 2, ,031 1,091 1,685 1,781 2,248 2,404 2,792 3, ,100 1,177 1,796 1,923 2,395 2,595 2,973 3, ,171 1,265 1,912 2,066 2,547 2,788 3,160 3, ,244 1,354 2,032 2,212 2,703 2,983 3,351 3, ,314 1,467 2,146 2,396 2,852 3,231 3,533 4, ,387 1,581 2,265 2,582 3,005 3,482 3,720 4, ,462 1,697 2,388 2,771 3,163 3,735 3,912 4, ,540 1,815 2,516 2,964 3,327 3,993 4,112 5, ,622 1,935 2,649 3,160 3,497 4,255 4,318 5, ,715 1,999 2,801 3,266 3,693 4,392 4,556 5, ,811 2,066 2,959 3,374 3,894 4,533 4,800 5, ,911 2,135 3,122 3,487 4,102 4,679 5,051 5, ,014 2,207 3,290 3,604 4,316 4,830 5,310 6, ,120 2,281 3,463 3,726 4,536 4,987 5,575 6, ,248 2,393 3,673 3,908 4,804 5,225 5,900 6, ,380 2,507 3,887 4,095 5,078 5,468 6,233 6,835 Renewal Annual Premium Table (HK$) 續保年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 66 2,515 2,624 4,108 4,286 5,358 5,716 6,572 7, ,653 2,744 4,333 4,483 5,645 5,970 6,918 7, ,794 2,868 4,565 4,684 5,938 6,231 7,272 7, ,968 3,051 4,848 4,984 6,301 6,624 7,713 8, ,144 3,238 5,136 5,289 6,670 7,023 8,160 8, ,324 3,428 5,430 5,599 7,045 7,428 8,615 9, ,507 3,620 5,729 5,914 7,426 7,839 9,077 9, ,770 3,913 6,158 6,391 7,958 8,437 9,710 10, ,010 4,159 6,550 6,794 8,448 8,949 10,295 11,101 Note: Premiums are reduced by HK$100 for Smart Medicare attached to a life policy. 註 : 附加 真智安心醫療保障 在人壽保單上, 可減免 100 港元保費

8 traditional life smart medical insurance

9 The comprehensive medical protection you need to achieve your plan in life Financial stability is vital if you and your loved ones are to achieve your plans in life. As illness can strike at any time and medical costs are increasing year by year, it s always wise to safeguard yourself against enormous medical expenses that can easily disrupt your plans. Providing you with comprehensive medical coverage, AXA s Smart Medical Insurance ensures you will get the care you need while also protecting your finances. There are 2 different plans to match your unique needs Smart Medicare which offers you actual medical expenses reimbursement protection to age 100, and Smart Medimoney which provides you with fixed daily allowance protection during hospitalisation until age 75. Smart Medicare Insurance Comprehensive Reimbursement of Medical Costs up to Age 100 Providing you with comprehensive reimbursement protection of actual medical expenses to age 100, including in-hospital room and board, surgery, hospital expenses and outpatient surgery, etc., our Smart Medicare enables you to obtain the medical treatment of your choice. The plan also offers you the added peace of mind of coverage for intensive care, in-patient specialist, major illness treatment and medical negligence. Such wide-ranging protection ensures that you will immediately be able to enter a private hospital should illness strike. Please refer to the benefit schedule in this leaflet for quick reference. Choice of 4 Different Benefit Levels to Meet Your Unique Needs Our Economy, Regular, Superior and Premier benefit levels allow you to choose precisely the level of cover that best suits your budget and personal needs. Optional Supplementary Major Medical (SMM) Coverage up to Age 100 Available as an optional top-up for Smart Medicare customers, our Supplementary Major Medical provides supplementary reimbursement for your actual hospital costs incurred in excess of those covered under Smart Medicare basic reimbursement plan. The optional plan offers 4 benefit levels, giving you choices of financial support to meet your needs. Please refer to the benefit schedule in this leaflet for quick reference. Cashless Arrangement for Selected Surgeries For your convenience, you can opt to have selected surgeries including oesophagogastroduodenoscopy ( OGD ) or colonoscopy performed at our designated network clinics to save the hassle of settling medical expense, claiming for reimbursement or staying in a hospital. For further details, please refer to the terms and conditions in the related service leaflet. Enjoy a Discount When You Supplement Your AXA Life Policy You may choose Smart Medicare as a stand-alone plan, or enjoy a discount when the plan is added as supplementary benefit to your AXA life policy.* * Premiums are reduced by HK$100 for Smart Medicare attached to a life policy. 1

10 Smart Medimoney Insurance Daily Hospital Cash Benefits Smart Medimoney provides you with daily cash benefits for hospital stay of up to 1,000 days. These daily cash benefits will be doubled to give you extra financial flexibility should you require intensive care treatment. Please refer to the benefit schedule in this leaflet for quick reference. Choice of 4 Different Benefit Levels to Meet Your Unique Needs Our Economy, Regular, Superior and Premier benefit levels allow you to choose daily cash benefits between HK$500 and HK$1,250 during your stay in hospital. You can enjoy this medical protection for only HK$1.2 per day. Other Benefits & Services Guaranteed Renewability You will enjoy guaranteed annual renewal^ of your Smart Medical Insurance, giving you added peace of mind. No Claim Premium Discount Ensures Even Better Value You can enjoy a No Claim Discount on your premium for staying healthy. If you are a customer of 1) any benefit class of Smart Medicare, and/or 2) Regular Class or above of Smart Medimoney, and you have lodged no claims for the 3 consecutive years immediately prior to your policy renewal, a premium discount will be offered upon renewal of your policy. The discount is equal to 15% of your annual premium (before No Claim Discount, if any) in the previous policy year. AXA Assistance Program # As our valued customer, you will automatically be entitled to use the free international assistance service. In the event of an emergency during a business trip or holiday, you can simply contact the 24-hour worldwide alarm centres for help. Join Our Professional Preventive Care Program You will also be eligible to enjoy a special rate on a wide range of professional healthcare preventive services. ^ Premium rates are not guaranteed. AXA reserves the right to review and adjust the premium rates across each particular risk class on each policy anniversary. # The services under the AXA Assistance Program is provided to clients who have an individual medical insurance plan coverage with AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited or AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited. The provision of services are subject to the terms and conditions of the AXA Assistance Program. AXA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions thereof from time to time without prior notice. 2

11 Smart Medicare Benefit Schedule Protection Benefit (maximum benefit amount) Economy (HK$) Regular (HK$) Superior (HK$) Premier (HK$) Daily Room & Board (up to 120 days 2 ) Medical Practitioner s Visit in Hospital (up to 120 days) Intensive Care 3 a (up to 15 days 2 ) b (up to 90 days 2 ) 680/day 800/day 1,600/day 4,500/day 650/day 750/day 1,500/day 4,500/day 2,200/day a 2,200/day b 3,720/day b 7,000/day b In-patient Specialist s Fee 2,500 3,000 5,000 10,000 Miscellaneous Hospital Expense 4 (Dressings, drugs, etc.) 6,000 10,000 20,000 35,000 Hospitalisation Surgeon s Fee 5 (Per confinement 1 ) Critical Major 40,000 45,000 80, ,000 Super Major 20,000 33,750 60, ,000 Major 15,000 22,500 40,000 80,000 Intermediate 7,500 11,250 20,000 40,000 Minor 3,000 4,500 8,000 16,000 Investigative Procedure 3,000 4,500 8,000 16,000 Anaesthetist s Fee Maximum 30% of Surgeon s Fee Maximum 35 % of Surgeon's Fee Operating Theatre Maximum 30% of Surgeon s Fee Maximum 35 % of Surgeon s Fee Major Illness Treatment Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy for Cancer 6 50,000 50, , ,000 (Per policy) Kidney Dialysis 6 150, , , ,000 Follows the above Surgeon s Fee 5, Out-patient Out-patient Surgery Anaesthetist s Fee and Operating Theatre (Per disability) Emergency Out-patient Treatment for Accident 4 2,000 5,000 5,000 22,000 Medical Negligence Medical Negligence (Total and permanent disablement or death) 60,000 60, , ,000 Life Death Benefit 15,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 Smart Medicare Supplementary Major Medical 7 Benefit Schedule (Optional) Protection Benefit (maximum benefit amount) Economy (HK$) Regular (HK$) Superior (HK$) Premier (HK$) Hospitalisation (Per confinement 1 ) Percentage of the hospital expenses (in excess of the benefit paid under Hospitalisation protection per confinement in the above table) 75% 80% after deducting the Deductible (if applicable), subject to the Maximum Benefit amount* 1. Maximum Benefit 105, , , , Deductible 8,000 Maximum Benefit will be subject to the following terms: (i) Daily Room & Board 8 (Starting from the 121 st day) 680/day 800/day 1,600/day 4,500/day (ii) Medical Practitioner s Visit in Hospital 8 (Starting from the 121 st day) 650/day 750/day 1,500/day 4,500/day (iii) Intensive Care 8 c (Starting from 16 th day) (Starting from 91 st day) 2,200/day c 2,200/day d 3,720/day d 7,000/day d * Subject to the maximum benefit amount as stated in the Smart Medicare Benefit Schedule and Smart Medicare Supplementary Major Medical Benefit Schedule (Optional) in the relevant policy. Smart Medimoney Benefit Schedule Protection Benefit (maximum benefit amount) Economy (HK$) Regular (HK$) Superior (HK$) Premier (HK$) Hospitalisation Daily Benefit 9 (up to 1,000 days) ,000 1,250 (Per confinement 1 ) Intensive Care Daily Benefit 9 (up to 120 days) 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Life Death Benefit 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 3

12 Remarks: 1. Confinements resulting from the same disability are treated as the same confinement unless the insured has been able to resume his normal activities in full without the need of medical attention for a period of at least 90 days between the 2 successive confinements. 2. The aggregate period of the Daily Room & Board benefit and Intensive Care benefit will not exceed 120 days per confinement. 3. In respect of a confinement, the period during which the Intensive Care benefit is payable will not exceed 15 days for Economy class or 90 days for other classes. In cases where the insured is hospitalised in places other than North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau, the amount payable under the Intensive Care benefit for any one day will not exceed the maximum amount of the Daily Room & Board benefit. 4. For each disability, the aggregate of the amount payable under Miscellaneous Hospital Expense benefit and Emergency Out-patient Treatment for Accident benefit will not exceed the maximum amount of the Miscellaneous Hospital Expense benefit. 5. If more than 1 procedure (whether in-hospital or out-patient surgery) is performed resulting from the same disability, only the largest benefit is payable. If more than 1 procedure is performed during a confinement for 2 or more disabilities, the aggregate of all amounts payable will not exceed the maximum amount for Critical Major class of Surgeon s Fee. 6. Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy for Cancer benefit and Kidney Dialysis benefit will not be payable if treatment is provided in a place outside North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau. 7. Extra premium is needed for the additional benefit. 8. The Daily Room & Board benefit and Medical Practitioner s Visit in Hospital benefit will not be paid for the first 120 days of the confinement whilst Intensive Care benefit will not be paid for the first 15 days of the confinement for Economy class and first 90 days of the confinement for other classes. In cases where the insured is hospitalised in places other than North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau, the amount payable under the Intensive Care benefit for any one day will not exceed the maximum amount of the Daily Room & Board benefit. 9. A reduced benefit of HK$250 per day will be paid for hospital confinement outside North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau. The aggregate period of the Daily benefit and Intensive Care Daily benefit will not exceed 90 days per confinement resulting from mental illness and 1,000 days per confinement resulting from other causes. Smart Medical Series at a Glance Smart Medicare Insurance Smart Medimoney Insurance Eligibility Age 0-65 Age 0-65 Benefit Period Up to age 100 Up to age 75 Premium Payment Period Up to age 100 Up to age 75 Premium Structure^ Adjust based on attained age Adjust based on attained age Benefit Type Reimburse actual medical expenses * Provide daily cash benefits * ^ Premium rates are not guaranteed. AXA reserves the right to review and adjust the premium rates across each particular risk class on each policy anniversary. * Subject to the maximum benefit amount as stated in the Smart Medicare Benefit Schedule and Smart Medicare Supplementary Major Medical Benefit Schedule (Optional)/ Smart Medimoney Benefit Schedule in the relevant policy. Key Exclusions: Pre-existing conditions, pregnancy, cosmetic surgery, dental care (unless resulting from accidental injury), drug or alcohol abuse, general check-up, HIV and HIV related illnesses including AIDS, benefits compensated by law or other insurance policies (Smart Medicare only), or all sicknesses occurring within 30 days from the effective date or within 10 days from the reinstatement date of your selected plan(s). Treatment or surgery for tonsils, adenoids and hernia or a disease peculiar to the female generative organs within 120 days from the effective or reinstatement date of your selected plan(s). Any medical services which are not medically necessary or any charges exceeding the reasonable and customary charges. Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy for Cancer benefit will not be payable if the insured suffers from cancer within 60 days from the effective or reinstatement date of Smart Medicare. Kidney Dialysis benefit will not be payable if the insured suffers from chronic and irreversible kidney failure within 60 days from the effective or reinstatement date of Smart Medicare. Circumcision before attaining the age of 12. Death benefit will not be payable if the insured commits suicide within the first year from the effective or reinstatement date of the selected plan(s). The plan is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions set out in its policy contract. AXA reserves the final right to approve any application. This leaflet contains general information only and does not constitute any contract between any other parties and AXA. It is not a policy. For detailed terms, conditions and exclusions of the plan, please refer to the policy contract. ABOUT AXA HONG KONG AXA Hong Kong, a member of the AXA Group, prides itself of serving over 1 million customers in Hong Kong and Macau. Besides being one of the largest health protection providers in Hong Kong, it is also the number 1 General Insurance provider 1 and a market leader in motor insurance. AXA Hong Kong is committed to helping its customers achieve stability and prosperity through providing a comprehensive range of life, health, property and casualty protection, as well as wealth management and retirement solutions. We believe it is our inherent responsibility to support the communities we operate in, hence creating a sustainable business via constant and considerable contribution in the dimensions of health, environment and the community. 1 Based on 2013 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance market share statistics LMKG AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) Suite , 16/F, Tower One, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) Fax: (852) Website: If you do not wish to receive promotional or direct marketing materials from AXA, please inform Data Privacy Officer, AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited, Suite , 16/F, Tower One, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. AXA shall, without charge to you, ensure that you are not included in future direct marketing activities. (Only for use in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) June 2014

13 Smart Medical Insurance 真智醫療保障 Smart Medicare 真智安心醫療保障 Annual Premium Table (HK$) 年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) Renewal Annual Premium Table (HK$) 續保年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 0 2,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,083 1,787 2,611 2,274 5,502 4,792 10,786 9, ,271 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,278 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,288 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,297 1,600 1,733 3,037 3,657 5,961 7, ,303 1,600 1,656 3,037 3,496 5,961 6, ,308 1,555 1,656 2,951 3,496 5,798 6, ,006 1,315 1,378 1,656 2,962 3,496 5,850 6, ,021 1,319 1,397 1,656 2,976 3,496 5,903 6, ,035 1,325 1,415 1,656 3,000 3,496 5,955 6, ,048 1,350 1,435 1,656 3,031 3,496 6,006 6, ,086 1,400 1,461 1,666 3,085 3,515 6,059 6, ,122 1,450 1,486 1,684 3,139 3,554 6,160 6, ,158 1,498 1,510 1,720 3,192 3,630 6,261 7, ,193 1,548 1,536 1,759 3,245 3,710 6,363 7, ,209 1,576 1,561 1,799 3,298 3,794 6,464 7, ,222 1,603 1,587 1,846 3,351 3,896 6,565 7, ,237 1,632 1,612 1,895 3,404 3,996 6,666 7, ,251 1,660 1,638 1,943 3,456 4,097 6,766 8, ,266 1,687 1,662 1,992 3,509 4,200 6,868 8, ,284 1,731 1,688 2,041 3,564 4,302 6,969 8, ,303 1,779 1,727 2,096 3,639 4,414 7,071 8, ,321 1,822 1,761 2,163 3,714 4,554 7,176 8, ,340 1,869 1,797 2,234 3,790 4,706 7,279 9, ,358 1,914 1,834 2,308 3,867 4,860 7,382 9, ,404 2,002 1,872 2,392 3,949 5,037 7,531 9, ,451 2,092 1,913 2,483 4,033 5,225 7,716 10, ,498 2,180 1,956 2,575 4,123 5,419 7,937 10, ,546 2,269 2,000 2,672 4,215 5,620 8,160 11, ,593 2,360 2,045 2,769 4,310 5,822 8,389 11, ,655 2,449 2,093 2,866 4,410 6,027 8,617 11, ,720 2,543 2,145 2,967 4,515 6,235 8,847 12, ,784 2,632 2,199 3,064 4,629 6,439 9,081 12, ,846 2,723 2,262 3,163 4,763 6,643 9,335 13, ,912 2,811 2,331 3,260 4,906 6,850 9,614 13, ,008 2,896 2,399 3,356 5,049 7,056 9,895 13, ,146 3,035 2,514 3,521 5,290 7,399 10,368 14, ,249 3,123 2,590 3,620 5,453 7,610 10,686 14, ,350 3,209 2,696 3,723 5,675 7,823 11,119 15, ,454 3,295 2,818 3,825 5,931 8,039 11,621 15, ,562 3,493 2,941 3,931 6,188 8,261 12,124 16, ,676 3,696 3,067 4,043 6,449 8,492 12,628 16, ,785 3,896 3,192 4,153 6,710 8,723 13,141 17, ,896 4,096 3,319 4,264 6,978 8,956 13,664 17, ,010 4,295 3,457 4,376 7,266 9,190 14,223 17, ,131 4,356 3,605 4,487 7,555 9,424 14,832 18, ,256 4,417 3,759 4,600 7,849 9,659 15,449 18, ,382 4,478 3,933 4,713 8,145 9,897 16,071 19, ,510 4,540 4,126 4,828 8,495 10,136 16,700 19, ,640 4,605 4,345 4,943 8,894 10,377 17,333 20, ,916 4,782 4,579 5,057 9,355 10,618 18,256 20, ,199 4,962 4,829 5,242 9,932 11,001 19,235 21, ,481 5,141 5,086 5,431 10,523 11,397 20,260 22, ,766 5,323 5,354 5,623 11,125 11,798 21,325 23, ,054 5,506 5,627 5,816 11,728 12,204 22,401 23, ,346 5,748 5,897 6,071 12,330 12,739 23,496 24, ,642 5,990 6,194 6,353 12,933 13,329 24,629 26, ,941 6,233 6,529 6,851 13,538 13,946 25,787 27, ,243 6,481 6,917 7,081 14,144 14,668 26,951 28, ,551 6,730 7,367 7,429 14,752 15,428 28,184 30, ,861 7,095 7,858 7,803 15,432 16,202 29,443 32, ,174 7,460 8,376 8,216 16,159 17,060 30,815 33, ,492 7,831 8,747 8,623 16,843 17,889 32,091 35, ,815 8,201 9,124 9,033 17,531 18,723 33,372 36, ,141 8,575 9,504 9,445 18,224 19,559 34,663 38, ,507 9,121 9,930 10,046 19,007 20,793 36,125 41, ,876 9,669 10,361 10,648 19,795 22,030 37,593 43, ,249 10,219 10,798 11,255 20,587 23,271 39,069 45, ,626 10,772 11,237 11,863 21,385 24,514 40,551 48, ,095 11,409 11,787 12,566 22,310 25,880 42,209 50, ,540 12,008 12,304 13,226 23,197 27,190 43,817 53, ,560 12,033 12,328 13,254 23,245 27,246 43,903 53, ,581 12,058 12,350 13,279 23,292 27,300 43,991 53, ,601 12,081 12,376 13,307 23,337 27,355 44,078 53, ,623 12,106 12,399 13,333 23,385 27,409 44,164 53, ,643 12,131 12,424 13,361 23,431 27,464 44,254 53, ,685 12,178 12,473 13,413 23,524 27,573 44,430 54, ,728 12,227 12,522 13,467 23,618 27,683 44,608 54, ,769 12,275 12,572 13,520 23,712 27,793 44,785 54, ,811 12,325 12,622 13,574 23,807 27,903 44,965 54, ,854 12,373 12,669 13,628 23,900 28,015 45,145 55, ,896 12,421 12,720 13,681 23,996 28,125 45,324 55, ,940 12,471 12,771 13,735 24,092 28,238 45,504 55, ,983 12,520 12,822 13,790 24,187 28,350 45,686 55, ,028 12,571 12,873 13,844 24,283 28,462 45,868 55, ,071 12,621 12,923 13,899 24,379 28,576 46,052 56, ,126 12,683 12,987 13,969 24,501 28,719 46,280 56, ,181 12,746 13,052 14,038 24,623 28,861 46,512 56, ,236 12,809 13,117 14,108 24,746 29,005 46,745 56, ,291 12,872 13,181 14,177 24,869 29,149 46,976 57, ,349 12,937 13,247 14,247 24,993 29,293 47,211 57, ,405 13,000 13,313 14,318 25,119 29,439 47,446 57, ,461 13,065 13,379 14,389 25,243 29,586 47,682 58, ,517 13,128 13,445 14,458 25,368 29,733 47,922 58, ,575 13,194 13,510 14,531 25,493 29,882 48,160 58, ,632 13,260 13,577 14,603 25,621 30,031 48,399 58,972 Smart Medicare (with SMM) 真智安心醫療保障 ( 附有額外醫療附加保障 ) Annual Premium Table (HK$) 年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 0 2,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,709 2,405 3,280 2,924 6,901 6,155 13,543 12, ,282 1,718 2,259 2,449 4,270 5,026 8,046 10, ,288 1,730 2,259 2,449 4,270 5,026 8,046 10, ,295 1,743 2,259 2,449 4,270 5,026 8,112 10, ,303 1,754 2,259 2,372 4,285 5,026 8,178 9, ,323 1,761 2,259 2,276 4,305 4,826 8,290 9, ,342 1,769 2,218 2,260 4,327 4,555 8,406 9, ,361 1,778 2,221 2,244 4,353 4,582 8,517 9, ,383 1,785 2,221 2,229 4,380 4,609 8,628 9, ,400 1,791 2,220 2,223 4,413 4,650 8,739 9, ,419 1,825 2,220 2,239 4,447 4,706 8,851 9, ,469 1,892 2,220 2,261 4,487 4,764 8,964 9, ,517 1,958 2,219 2,299 4,534 4,844 9,073 9, ,566 2,024 2,219 2,349 4,627 4,948 9,184 9, ,615 2,093 2,218 2,404 4,722 5,065 9,297 9, ,634 2,130 2,291 2,464 4,815 5,191 9,428 10, ,652 2,168 2,333 2,542 4,910 5,354 9,571 10, ,674 2,205 2,377 2,644 5,006 5,527 9,728 10, ,692 2,243 2,421 2,726 5,100 5,707 9,897 11, ,712 2,282 2,466 2,820 5,195 5,893 10,074 11, ,736 2,339 2,511 2,906 5,288 6,085 10,256 11, ,761 2,403 2,559 2,987 5,385 6,282 10,447 12, ,787 2,463 2,604 3,086 5,479 6,484 10,642 12, ,810 2,523 2,651 3,187 5,575 6,698 10,846 13, ,835 2,584 2,702 3,292 5,672 6,918 11,053 13, ,899 2,706 2,752 3,395 5,769 7,137 11,275 14, ,961 2,826 2,803 3,500 5,866 7,358 11,509 14, ,026 2,946 2,856 3,607 5,974 7,581 11,756 14, ,089 3,067 2,910 3,714 6,100 7,806 12,003 15, ,154 3,188 2,965 3,822 6,235 8,035 12,249 15, ,237 3,310 3,031 3,932 6,374 8,265 12,510 16, ,327 3,434 3,104 4,048 6,524 8,502 12,802 16, ,412 3,556 3,177 4,160 6,679 8,739 13,103 17, ,496 3,677 3,268 4,276 6,872 8,978 13,480 17, ,582 3,798 3,367 4,392 7,078 9,222 13,885 18, ,714 3,912 3,467 4,508 7,289 9,466 14,295 18, ,898 4,098 3,633 4,713 7,636 9,897 14,978 19, ,037 4,216 3,725 4,840 7,852 10,163 15,404 19, ,176 4,331 3,851 4,973 8,093 10,440 15,874 20, ,315 4,448 4,005 5,107 8,417 10,724 16,508 21, ,460 4,714 4,173 5,247 8,766 11,016 17,170 21, ,612 4,988 4,350 5,398 9,135 11,327 17,850 22, ,761 5,258 4,528 5,558 9,507 11,664 18,553 22, ,911 5,527 4,713 5,731 9,880 12,028 19,282 23, ,063 5,798 4,917 5,913 10,260 12,404 20,010 24, ,226 5,878 5,139 6,096 10,638 12,788 20,806 25, ,395 5,960 5,384 6,283 11,030 13,179 21,601 25, ,563 6,044 5,621 6,471 11,424 13,574 22,395 26, ,736 6,126 5,882 6,662 11,823 13,976 23,190 27, ,913 6,213 6,175 6,871 12,220 14,412 24,025 28, ,285 6,454 6,488 7,095 12,939 14,884 25,353 29, ,667 6,696 6,817 7,410 13,689 15,540 26,803 30, ,046 6,936 7,151 7,751 14,442 16,218 28,270 31, ,431 7,181 7,500 8,079 15,249 16,913 29,747 33, ,821 7,428 7,861 8,405 16,060 17,612 31,226 34, ,214 7,755 8,215 8,823 16,873 18,311 32,712 35, ,611 8,082 8,613 9,290 17,687 19,014 34,210 37, ,014 8,411 8,946 9,855 18,534 19,719 35,735 39, ,423 8,745 9,339 10,211 19,382 20,424 37,272 41, ,840 9,081 9,915 10,722 20,263 21,137 38,836 42, ,256 9,573 10,688 11,251 21,171 22,145 40,828 44, ,680 10,066 11,712 11,834 22,079 23,162 43,492 46,837

14 Renewal Annual Premium Table (HK$) 續保年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 66 10,110 10,564 12,231 12,419 23,013 24,288 45,295 49, ,544 11,063 12,754 13,008 23,953 25,422 47,106 51, ,985 11,570 13,290 13,602 24,900 26,557 48,927 53, ,476 12,304 13,882 14,467 25,971 28,233 50,989 56, ,976 13,045 14,487 15,336 27,045 29,911 53,060 60, ,479 13,787 15,095 16,209 28,129 31,595 55,144 63, ,989 14,534 15,712 17,085 29,219 33,285 57,236 67, ,621 15,395 16,477 18,098 30,484 35,140 59,574 70, ,220 16,202 17,202 19,045 31,696 36,918 61,845 74, ,249 16,234 17,237 19,084 31,758 36,991 61,967 74, ,277 16,267 17,269 19,122 31,823 37,066 62,092 74, ,306 16,299 17,305 19,159 31,885 37,140 62,217 74, ,334 16,332 17,337 19,198 31,949 37,214 62,340 74, ,362 16,364 17,374 19,238 32,014 37,288 62,464 74, ,419 16,429 17,443 19,312 32,140 37,437 62,713 75, ,477 16,494 17,509 19,390 32,269 37,587 62,964 75, ,533 16,559 17,580 19,464 32,397 37,737 63,215 75, ,591 16,625 17,651 19,543 32,525 37,888 63,467 76, ,650 16,691 17,719 19,622 32,656 38,039 63,720 76, ,708 16,757 17,791 19,698 32,786 38,190 63,975 76, ,766 16,823 17,861 19,777 32,918 38,342 64,230 77, ,824 16,891 17,932 19,854 33,049 38,495 64,486 77, ,883 16,958 18,005 19,933 33,180 38,648 64,744 77, ,943 17,025 18,074 20,013 33,313 38,802 65,002 77, ,017 17,111 18,166 20,111 33,479 38,997 65,327 78, ,092 17,196 18,254 20,214 33,646 39,191 65,653 78, ,166 17,281 18,344 20,314 33,813 39,386 65,981 79, ,242 17,366 18,437 20,414 33,983 39,582 66,309 79, ,317 17,453 18,529 20,515 34,150 39,779 66,642 79, ,394 17,539 18,620 20,618 34,321 39,978 66,974 80, ,470 17,626 18,714 20,719 34,492 40,175 67,307 80, ,547 17,713 18,806 20,821 34,664 40,377 67,644 81, ,624 17,801 18,900 20,926 34,836 40,579 67,980 81, ,701 17,889 18,991 21,028 35,010 40,780 68,319 81,959 Smart Medimoney 真智住院現金保障 Annual Premium Table (HK$) 年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, ,173 1,019 1,597 1,388 2,005 1, , , , , ,141 1, ,146 1, ,152 1, ,158 1, ,163 1, ,168 1, ,173 1, ,178 1, ,009 1,182 1, ,035 1,186 1, ,061 1,195 1, ,086 1,204 1, ,113 1,213 1, ,139 1,222 1, ,165 1,231 1, ,192 1,245 1, ,006 1,219 1,259 1, ,017 1,246 1,274 1, ,029 1,273 1,289 1, ,042 1,301 1,304 1, ,050 1,329 1,315 1, ,000 1,059 1,357 1,325 1, ,021 1,069 1,386 1,337 1, ,043 1,079 1,415 1,349 1, ,065 1,089 1,444 1,362 1, ,083 1,109 1,468 1,386 1, ,102 1,129 1,493 1,410 1, ,120 1,149 1,518 1,435 1, ,139 1,171 1,542 1,462 1, ,157 1,193 1,567 1,489 1, ,174 1,275 1,589 1,590 2, ,008 1,191 1,357 1,611 1,693 2, ,071 1,207 1,441 1,633 1,797 2, ,135 1,225 1,526 1,655 1,903 2, ,200 1,242 1,613 1,678 2,010 2, ,251 1,293 1,679 1,747 2,092 2, ,302 1,344 1,747 1,816 2,175 2, ,356 1,396 1,817 1,885 2,261 2, ,412 1,449 1,889 1,957 2,350 2, ,470 1,503 1,965 2,029 2,442 2, ,005 1,576 1,642 2,105 2,216 2,616 2, ,031 1,091 1,685 1,781 2,248 2,404 2,792 3, ,100 1,177 1,796 1,923 2,395 2,595 2,973 3, ,171 1,265 1,912 2,066 2,547 2,788 3,160 3, ,244 1,354 2,032 2,212 2,703 2,983 3,351 3, ,314 1,467 2,146 2,396 2,852 3,231 3,533 4, ,387 1,581 2,265 2,582 3,005 3,482 3,720 4, ,462 1,697 2,388 2,771 3,163 3,735 3,912 4, ,540 1,815 2,516 2,964 3,327 3,993 4,112 5, ,622 1,935 2,649 3,160 3,497 4,255 4,318 5, ,715 1,999 2,801 3,266 3,693 4,392 4,556 5, ,811 2,066 2,959 3,374 3,894 4,533 4,800 5, ,911 2,135 3,122 3,487 4,102 4,679 5,051 5, ,014 2,207 3,290 3,604 4,316 4,830 5,310 6, ,120 2,281 3,463 3,726 4,536 4,987 5,575 6, ,248 2,393 3,673 3,908 4,804 5,225 5,900 6, ,380 2,507 3,887 4,095 5,078 5,468 6,233 6,835 Renewal Annual Premium Table (HK$) 續保年繳保費表 ( 港元 ) 66 2,515 2,624 4,108 4,286 5,358 5,716 6,572 7, ,653 2,744 4,333 4,483 5,645 5,970 6,918 7, ,794 2,868 4,565 4,684 5,938 6,231 7,272 7, ,968 3,051 4,848 4,984 6,301 6,624 7,713 8, ,144 3,238 5,136 5,289 6,670 7,023 8,160 8, ,324 3,428 5,430 5,599 7,045 7,428 8,615 9, ,507 3,620 5,729 5,914 7,426 7,839 9,077 9, ,770 3,913 6,158 6,391 7,958 8,437 9,710 10, ,010 4,159 6,550 6,794 8,448 8,949 10,295 11,101 Note: Premiums are reduced by HK$100 for Smart Medicare attached to a life policy. 註 : 附加 真智安心醫療保障 在人壽保單上, 可減免 100 港元保費

實踐理想人生全憑周詳的醫療保障 您和摯愛若想從容實踐未來夢想, 就必先擁有穩健的財務安排 然而, 突如其來 的疾病及連年上升的醫療費用, 往往令人頓失預算, 故應及早未雨綢繆, 以免被龐大 醫療開支耽誤人生大計 AXA 安盛 真智醫療保障 為您提供綜合醫療保障, 確保您獲享所需治療之餘, 同時給您周

實踐理想人生全憑周詳的醫療保障 您和摯愛若想從容實踐未來夢想, 就必先擁有穩健的財務安排 然而, 突如其來 的疾病及連年上升的醫療費用, 往往令人頓失預算, 故應及早未雨綢繆, 以免被龐大 醫療開支耽誤人生大計 AXA 安盛 真智醫療保障 為您提供綜合醫療保障, 確保您獲享所需治療之餘, 同時給您周 人壽保險 真智醫療保障 實踐理想人生全憑周詳的醫療保障 您和摯愛若想從容實踐未來夢想, 就必先擁有穩健的財務安排 然而, 突如其來 的疾病及連年上升的醫療費用, 往往令人頓失預算, 故應及早未雨綢繆, 以免被龐大 醫療開支耽誤人生大計 AXA 安盛 真智醫療保障 為您提供綜合醫療保障, 確保您獲享所需治療之餘, 同時給您周全的財務保障, 讓您無後顧之憂 真智醫療保障 特設兩項保障計劃, 以切合不同客戶的需要

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