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1 ramp Paint Effects 58 USING MAYA DYNAMIS 1



4 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Particle Tool 4 Particle Tool Dynamics Attribute Editor Channel Box Attribute Spreadsheet Maya:Essential 1 Particles > Particle Tool 2 3 Enter Edit > Undo Backspace Insert Backspace Insert Insert Particle Tool Particle Tool Settings 4

5 PARTICLES Particles > Particle Tool- 2 Particle Name Outliner particle1 Conserve Conserve Number of Particles ( Enter ) Number of Particles 1 2 Sketch Particles 3 Sketch Interval 0 5

6 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Enter 2D 1 Create Particle Grid 2 Particle Spacing 3 Placement with cursor 4 5 Enter 6 3D 1 Create Particle Grid 2 Placement with cursor 3 Particle Spacing 4 Placement with cursor 5 Enter X Z 6 Insert 7 Shift

7 PARTICLES 1 8 Enter 2D 3D 1 Create Particle Grid 2 Particle Spacing 3 Placement with textfields 4 Minimum Corner Maximum 5 Enter NURBS Construction Plane 1 7

8 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 2 Modify > Make Live 3 Particles > Particle Tool Modify > Make Live 7 Maya:Essential 8 per particle Particle Using Maya:Esntiase 3 Maya:Animation 15

9 PARTICLES 1 Translate X Rotate Y Scale Z Particle Attributes Maya Maya per object per particle 9

10 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Render Attributes Spheres Add Attributes For Current Render Type Maya Radius 10 Maya 1 2 Add Dynamics Attributes General 3 Particle 4

11 PARTICLES 1 5 Add OK Modify > Add Attribute Maya Maya Expressions 11

12 USING MAYA DYNAMICS opacitypp opacitypp particleshape Render Attributes particleshape Per Particle (Array) Attributes per particle 36 PP. PP 1 2 Window > Attribute Editor particle 12

13 PARTICLES 1 GeneralControl Attribute Emission Attribue Lifespan Attributes Emitter 33 Time Attributes Collision Attriute Soft Body Attribute Goal Weight and Object Instancer(Geom etry Replacement) Particle Seeds 87 Render Attributes Render Stats

14 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Per Particle (Array) Attributes Add Dynamic Attributes Extra Attributes per particle per object 11 per particle per object. per particle per object 11 2D 1 2 Render Attributes Particle Render Type Points 15 14

15 PARTICLES 1 MultiPoint 16 Streak 17 MultiStreak 18 Sprite 19 Spheres 22 Numeric 23 Blobby surface(s/w) 24 Cloud(s/w) 25 Tube(s/w) 27 Shading > Smooth Shade All s/w Blobby Surface Cloud Tube Tube Cloud Blobby surface Maya:Rendering Points 15

16 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 1 2 Particle Render Type Points 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Color Accum RGB 31 Normal Dir 29 Point Size Use Lighting 29 MultiPoint 16

17 PARTICLES Particle Render Type MultiPoint 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Color Accum RGB Multipoint 31 Multi Count Multi Radius Normal Dir 29 Point Size Use Lighting 29 17

18 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Particle Render Type Streak 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Color Accum RGB Line Width Normal Dir 29 Tail Fade 1 0 Tail Size Use Lighting 29 18

19 PARTICLES 1 MultiStreak 1 2 Particle Render Type MultiStreak 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Color Accum RGB Line Width Multi Count Multi Radius Normal Dir 29 Tail Fade 1 0 Tail Size

20 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Sprites Use Lighting 29 Sprites sprite sprite sprite alpha sprite alpha sprite sprite Lambert 20 sprite 21 Sprites 22 20

21 PARTICLES 1 Lambert sprite Lambert Lamber Lamber sprite Lambert 1 Shading > Smooth Shade All Shading > Hardware Texturing 2 3 Particle Render Type Sprites 4 Add Attributes For Current Render Type 5 Lambert Maya Rendering sprite sprite sprite 1 Rendering Shading > Shading Group Attributes Lambert 2 Common Material Attributes Color Create Render Node 3 Create Render Node Textures 2D Textures File 4 File Attributes Image Name 5 Open sprite MEL sprite sprite sprite 320 sprite file.n 0 21

22 USING MAYA DYNAMICS file.000n 1 sprite 2 Gifts/smoke Maya applysprite.mel 3 applysprite.mel sprite sprite Add Attributes For Current Render Type Sprite Num Sprite Scale X Sprite Scale Y Sprite Twist Use Lighting sprite 21 X % 2 200% Y % 2 200% sprite opacitypp % 31 spritescalexpp spritescaleypp spritetwistpp 10 per particle 36 Outliner per particle 36

23 PARTICLES 1 Spheres 1 2 Particle Render Type Spheres 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Radius radiuspp per particle Numeric Maya ID 23

24 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 1 2 Particle Render Type Numeric 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Attribute Name 9 Point Size Selected Only Select by Component Type Blobby surface 24

25 PARTICLES 1 Blobby Surface Blobby Surfaces Blobby Surface 1 2 Particle Render Type Blobby Surface 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Radius radiuspp 10 per particle 36 Threshold 0 1 Blobby Surfaces Threshold Blobby Surfaces 25

26 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Cloud Cloud Cloud s/w 1

27 PARTICLES 1 2 Particle Render Type Cloud 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Better Illumination Radius radiuspp 10 per particle 36 Surface Shading 0 1 Threshold 0 1 Threshold Clouds, Threshold Radius Maya Tube Tube Tube 27

28 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Tube 1 2 Particle Render Type Tube 3 Add Attributes For Current Render Type Radius0 Radius1 Tail Size 28

29 PARTICLES Maya initialparticle 4 5 Clouds Tubes Blobby Surfaces 1 2 Render Stats Visible In Reflections Visible In Refractions Casts Shadows Maya Rendering clouds tubes blobby surfaces 29

30 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Primary Visibility Streak Point MultiStreak Multipoint 1 Maya Rendering 2 3 Lighting > Use All Lights 4 Shading > Smooth Shade All 5 6 Particle Render Type Streak Point MultiStreak MultiPoint 7 Add Attributes For Current Render Type 8 Render Attributes Use Lighting 9 Normal Dir Normal Dir Hardware Render Buffer Render > Attributes 11 Render Modes Lighting Mode All Lights 30

31 PARTICLES 1 12 Normal Dir Normal Dir 1 3 RGB per object per particle rgbpp rgbpp per particle and per object 11 per particle per object per particle 31

32 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Color Particle Color 3 Add Per Particle Attribute Add Attribute 4 5 Shading > Smooth Shade All per object 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Color Particle Color 3 Add Per Object Attribute Add Attribute rgbpp Render Attributes 4 rgbpp per particle 36 per particle 5 Shading > Smooth Shade All 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Color Particle1 Color 3 Shader Multilister 4 Maya Rendering 5 Shading > Smooth Shade All 32 Cloud Blobby Surface Tube)

33 PARTICLES 1 Maya Rendering per object per particle per object per particle per object per particle per particle per object 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Opacity Particle Opacity 3 Add Per Object Attribute Add Attribute Opacity Render Attributes Shading > Smooth Shade All per particle 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Opacity Particle Opacity 3 Add Per Particle Attribute Add Attribute OpacityPP Per Particle (Array) Attributes 4 opacitypp per particle 36 per particle 5 Shading > Smooth Shade All Render Attributes Depth Sort Maya 33

34 USING MAYA DYNAMICS per particle opacity opacitypp 0. Particle Tool per-object lifespanmode lifespan lifespanrandom per-particle lifespanpp finallifespanpp per object 34 per object 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Lifespan Mode Live forever 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes Lifespan Mode Constant

35 PARTICLES 1 3 lifespan Lifespan Particle Tool 1 1 lifespan per particle per-partical 1 2 Add Dynamic Attributes lifespan Mode Random Range 3 Lifespan 4 Lifespan Random Lifespan Lifespan Random Lifespan 3 Lifespan Random Random Range 5 Random Range General Seed General Seed lifespan=4 lifespanrandom=2 lifespanpp=3+rand(2) 35

36 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 1 2 Lifespan Attribute Lifespan Mode lifespanpp only 3 Per Particle(Array) Attributes Lifespan 4 Select by Component Type 5 Load Component 37 6 lifespanpp 1 2 Lifespan Attribute Lifespan Mode lifespanpp only 3 Per Particle(Array) Attributes Lifespan Creation Expression Runtiime Expression 4 Using Maya: finallifespanpp finallifespanpp ramp Constant Random Range lifespan/lifespanrandom lifespanpp only lifespanpp Live Forever finallifespanpp ramp 36

37 PARTICLES 1 Random Range finallifespanpp lifespan lifespanrandom per particle Per Particle (Array) Attributes RampPosition rampvelocity rampacceleration mass per particle rgbpp opacitypp lifespanpp Per Particle (Array) Attributes per particle per particle 37

38 USING MAYA DYNAMICS per particle 37 ramp 38 Maya Expressions per particle Per Particle (Array) Attributes per particle Component Editor per particle per particle 10 per particle 1 2 Per Particle (Array) Attributes Component Editor 3 Select by Component Type 4 Load Components Shift Maya:Essential 38

39 PARTICLES 1 per particle pt[0] pt[1] pt[2] particleid Maya X Y Z rgbpp R G B rgbpp[0] rgbpp[1] rgppp[2] 39

40 USING MAYA DYNAMICS ramp ramp 2D ramp per particle ramp ramp rgbpp opacitypp radiuspp per particle ramp Blobby Surface 14 ramp ramp Per Particle (per particle) ramp ramp 40 rgbpp rampposition, rampvelocity, rampacceleration goaloffset ramp (30 ) Per Particle (Array) Attributes Create Ramp rampposition rampvelocity rampacceleration Create Ramp

41 PARTICLES 1 ramp ramp rampposition rampvelocity or rampacceleration RampPosition rampvelocity rampacceleration ramp Maya ramp ramp ramp 3 Lifespan Attributes Lifespan Mode Constant Lifespan 4 Per Particle Attributes, ramp arraymappern.outcolorpp > Edit Ramp ramp ramp RGB ramp ramp RGB RGB RGB Maya 5 ramp RGB Maya Rendering ramp R G B 0 1 Texture Sample HSV rgbpp incandescencepp R G B 41

42 USING MAYA DYNAMICS ramp R G B rampacceleration ramp ramp Noise Noise Frequency ramp Using Maya: ramp ramp Texture Sample 44 ramp per particle ramp ramps ramps per particle ramp

43 PARTICLES 1 opacitypp ( ) radiuspp (Blobby Surfaces, Clouds, or Spheres ) emitternameratepp ( ) 80 goalpp per particel ( ) 138 goalu and goalv 10 ( NURBS U and V ) mass spritenumpp, spritescalexpp, 10 spritescaleypp, and spritetwistpp (, X-axis, Y- axis, Sprites ) tracedepthpp 10 ( ) emitterratepp ramp ramplifespanpp ramp 1 43

44 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 2 Per Particle (Array) Attributes Create Ramp ramp 3 Lifespan Attributes Lifespan Mode Constant Lifespan emitternameratepp Lifespan Lifespan 4 the Per Particle Attributes ramp arraymappern.outcolorpp > Edit Ramp ramp ramp V R 1 ramp R 1 RGB ramp R 0.5 RGB 0.5, 0.5, ramp R 0 RGB 0, 0, 0 Maya ramp 44

45 PARTICLES 1 ramp 5 ramp R Maya:Rendering ramp R 0 1 Texture Sample HSV opacitypp R ramp Noise Noise Frequency ramp Using Maya:Rendering ramp ramp per particle ramp per particle ramp U V U U ramp ramp circular diagonal box ramp per particle ramp ramp ramp U V the ramp colors portray ramp ramp 1 2 Per Particle (Array) Attributes Create Ramp Create Ramp 45

46 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 3 ramp Map To menu 4 U V ramp Input U Input V 5 Input U Input V None ramp Input U Particle s Age agenormalized 0 1 Input V Maya (agenormalized) 0 1 ramp 0 1 ramp ramp attributeupp or attributevpp ramp attributeupp attributevpp ramp select attributeupp attributevpp ramp per particle 46

47 PARTICLES 1 attribute Uor VPP > arraymapper2.out ValuePP Other attributes Input U and Input V ramp Input U Input V Particle's Age ramp ramp Input U Input V Particle's Age ramp U ramp ramp Input U Input V Particle's Age ramp 2D checker ramp 47

48 USING MAYA DYNAMICS ramp 48 ramp ramp 1 rgbpp arraymapper1.outcolorpp->edit Ramp RgbPP ramp 2 ramp Maya:Rendering 29 2D Ramp ramp ramp ramp ramp ramp 1 ramp per particle Create Ramp Create Ramp 2 Map to ramp 3 ramp colors portray RGB R ramp 0 1 Texture Sample colors portray 1 ramp RGB R ramp per particle Edit Array Mapper array mapper

49 PARTICLES 1 Ramp 3 array mapper tab 4 Min Value Max Value Min Value ramp Max Value ramp ramp ramp ramp per particle Break Connection array mapper ramp array mapper ramp array mapper array mapper array mapper array mapper ramp ramp ramp V MEL ramp 1 Volume Speed Away From Center 1 0 Set Scale( ) MEL emitter -pos type volume -r 100 -sro 0 -nuv 0 -cye none -cyi 1 -spd 1 -srn 0 -nsp 1 -tsp 0 -mxd 0 -mnd 0 -dx 1 -dy 0 -dz 0 -sp 0 -vsh sphere -vof vsw 360 -tsr 0.5 -afc 1 -afx 1 -arx 0 -alx 0 -rnd 0 -drs 0 -ssz 0 ; scale ; particle; connectdynamic -em emitter1 particle1; 49

50 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 2 with Volume Shape set to Sphere Magnitude - 2 Attenuation 0 Use Max Distance Volume Exclusion Scale MEL radial -pos name pushin -m -2 -att 0 -typ 0 -mxd -1 -vsh sphere -vex 1-vof vsw 360 -tsr 0.5 ; scale ; connectdynamic -f pushin particle1; 3 per-particle MEL addattr -ln "rgbpp" -dt vectorarray particleshape1; 4 rgbpp Create Ramp Create Ramp Options 5 InputU None Input V rgbvpp Map New Ramp OK rgbvpp 6 rgbvpp Runtime Expression Create rgbvpp = mag( position ) / 10; mag(position) 10 ramp V MEL addattr -is true -ln "pointsize" -at long -min 1 -max 60 -dv 2 particleshape1; setattr "particleshape1.pointsize" 4; 8 50

51 PARTICLES 1 Maya Maya 51

52 USING MAYA DYNAMICS =6 1 2 Shift 3 Particles>Instancer(Replacement). 4 Display>Hide>Hide Selection. 1 2 Particles > Particle Instancer- Particle Instancer Options Instanced Objects 3 52

53 PARTICLES 1 MoveUp MoveDown Add Selection Remove Items Instanced Objects 0: birdwingshigh 1: birdwingsmid 2: birdwingslow 3: birdwingsmidcopy 0 4 Particle Instancer Options Particle Object To Instance 5 Create Maya Particle Instancer Option 6 Display > Hide > Hide Selection createinstancerpivot Maya 1 X Y 2 53

54 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 3 AimDirection AimPosition AimDirection to Velocity 54 General Option per particle per particle Particles > Particle Instancer- Instancer Attributes Outliner Instancer Attributes Instancer Nodes Particle Instancer Name Rotation Angle Units Rotation Order Level of Detail XYZ XZY ZXY

55 PARTICLES 1 Bounding Box Cycle Instanced Objects Sequential None None Instanced Objects Sequential Maya Instanced Objects Instanced Objects None Object Index 54 Cycle Step Unit Cycle Step Cycle Step 54 Cycle Step Cycle Step worldvelocity 55

56 USING MAYA DYNAMICS Maya Maya Instancer Nodes Allow All Data Types Maya Expressions Allow All Data Types Particle Object To Instance Particle Instancer Options General Options Position worldposition Maya Instancer Scale Shear Visibility ObjectIndex Cycle None Instanced Objects Cycle Sequence ObjectIndex 56 ObjectIndex

57 PARTICLES 1 Instanced Objects Instanced Objects rand( ) Rotation Options RotationType Rotation AimDirection AimPosition RotationType RotationType 0 AimDirection 1 AimPosition 2 Maya Rotation AimDirection AimPosition AimPosition Maya AimPosition RotationTypes Maya Rotation AimDirection AimPosition AimDirection Maya AimDirection Rotation AimPosition AimDirection Maya Rotation Rotation AimPosition AimDirection Maya Rotation Rotation AimDirection Rotation Type Rotation Angle Units Rotation Order RotationType velocity 52 57

58 USING MAYA DYNAMICS AimPosition AimAxis rotatetype AimDirection AimPosition AimAxis AimDirection AimPosition AimUpAxis Up AimAxis AimDirection AimPosition Up Up AimUpAxis AimDirection AimPosition AimPosition Y AimWorldUp X AimAxis Y AimUpAxis X Y Up X Up AimWorldUp Y AimWorldUp AimUpAxis Up AimWorldUp AimDirection AimPosition UP 58

59 PARTICLES 1 Cycle Options CycleStartObectj Cycle Sequence CycleStartObjec Instanced Objects Cycle StartObject Age Sequence Age Cycle Step Maya myage Age myage if (particleid == 0) myage = age; if (particleid == 1) myage = age * 2; if (particleid == 2) myage = age * 4; particleid 1 particleid 0 particleid 2 particleid 0 Paint Effects Paint Effect Paint Effect Maya: 50 59

60 USING MAYA DYNAMICS 60 sphere cube Paint Effect NURBS S Paint Effect CVs Paint Effects particles-method CVs Translate CVs Paint Effects

61 PARTICLES 1 particles-method Paint Effects 3 CVs Tube Completion tube tube 61


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