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1 使用說明書 / 料理指導書 最大米量 : 1.8L(2-10 人份 ) 額定容積 : 5.0L CRP-P10TOOL Fuzzy Series( 語音功能 ) 注意 : 使用前請仔細閱讀使用說明書 CUCKOO PRESSURE RICE COOKER CUCKOO 多功能壓力電子鍋 Cuckoo Electronics CO.,LTD.

2 目錄 CONTENTS 使用前 使用中 注意事項安全警告產品部件名稱雙層密封圈不鏽鋼分離式內鍋蓋清潔保養方法功能操作名稱及作用顯示部面板異常檢查功能 語音功能設定與解除煮飯前準備事項如何做美味可口的米飯煮飯方法調節飯味功能使用方法鍋巴功能使用方法糙米發芽煮飯方法萬能燉功能使用方法預約煮飯方法保溫方法 3 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~29 BEFORE USING Important safeguards 33 Safety precautions 34~35 Name of each part 36 Function operating part 37 How to clean 46~50 WHEN USING How to set or cancel voice guide function 37 Before cooking rice 38 How to cook 39~40 CUCKOO Customized Taste Function / For Nurungji 41 How to use GABA (Brown rice) 42 How to preset timer for cooking 43 For the best taste of rice 44 To keep cooked rice warm and tasty 45 BEFORE ASKING FOR SERVICE Check before asking for service 51~53 COOKING GUIDE Recipe 65~66 故障諮詢前常見故障處理方法 30~32 料理指南料理指南 54~64 米飯雜穀飯健康飯營養粥萬能燉 料理時間表 米飯 / 碗豆飯 / 大麥飯 54 五穀飯 /FRESH 糙米發芽飯 / 糙米紅豆飯 54~55 雞胸肉綠茶飯 / 嫩芽拌飯 / 蘑菇糙米料理 55~56 白米粥 56 燉排骨 / 燉雞 56 熟肉 / 五香醬肉 / 醬魷魚 / 牛排 57 蒸螃蟹 / 蒸魚 / 蒸大蛤 / 蒸豆腐 58 什錦菜 / 蒸雞蛋 / 雞蛋糕 / 奶酪炒年糕 59 番茄炒蝦仁 / 炒年糕 / 起司飯 / 奶油巧克力蛋糕 60 蒸餃子 / 蒸茄子 / 蒸櫛瓜 / 蒸栗子 61 蒸地瓜 / 蒸馬鈴薯 / 蒸玉米 / 鮮奶油蛋糕 62 藥膳 / 蒸糕 63 料理選擇表 / 萬能燉料理時間表 64 售後服務 保證書產品規格及故障諮詢 67 69


4 安全警告 Ծ 售後服務專線 : 售後服務專線 : 售後服務專線 : 售後服務專線 :

5 安全警告 警告 (禁止) 嚴禁堵塞壓力錐及蒸氣排出孔 或在其上面放置抹布或其它 物品 請勿將殺蟲劑及化學物品噴或 放入產品內部裡 發生火災的可能 如蟑螂或其他蟲子進入產品內部時請撥 打售後服務電話 因壓力可能會發生爆炸 機體變形 變色或發生故障的可能 使 用 說 明 書 售後服務專線 : 請勿使用已變形內鍋或其它 非專用內鍋 請勿將金屬物或針堵塞排氣孔或產品隙縫裡 <專用內鍋> 內鍋加熱時產生異常現象或發生火 災的可能 內鍋變形時請撥打售後服務電話 觸電或發生火災的可能 除了清潔蒸氣排出孔之外請勿使用透氣針 售後服務專線 : 煮飯或料理進行中請勿打開鍋蓋 無內鍋時禁止使用 觸電或故障的可能 無內鍋狀態下嚴禁倒入白米或水 機體內有水或米時 請撥打售後服務電話 售後服務專線 : 煮飯或料理中因壓力無法打開鍋蓋 強行打開鍋蓋 可能會燙傷或發生爆炸 煮飯或料理中需打開鍋蓋時 按取消鍵2秒以上等內 部壓力完全排出後再打開 請勿強行彎曲 綑綁或拉伸 電源線 煮飯或料理中嚴禁將手柄開關轉至''開啟''位置 或按開蓋按鈕 因短路可能發生火災 請及時確認電源線狀態 強行打開鍋蓋 可能會發生爆炸 煮飯或料理結束後等蒸氣完全排出後再打開鍋蓋 請勿將電源線插頭反覆插拔 機體內部嚴禁放入金屬物等 其他異物(請特別注意兒童) 觸電或發生火災的可能 請勿將電源線被動物咬斷或 避免受到鋒利金屬物體的 衝擊 金屬物 短路 觸電或發生火災的可能 發生火災或觸電的可能 不要讓兒童獨自使用 請放置在兒童觸及不到 的地方 燙傷或觸電的可能 請及時擦乾電源插頭表面的水及異物 發生火災的可能 請及時確認電源插頭狀態 蒸盤 5

6 安全警告 警告 (指示) 禁止將本產品放置 在米桶或 多層櫃上使用 擦乾溫度感應器 產品內部或 內鍋周圍的水 異物後使用 電源線夾在縫隙裡 可能會引起觸電 或發生火災 在米桶或多層櫃上使用時 可能會導致產品損壞或 引起火災 無法正確感應內部溫度 可能會發生 火災或異常 請勿在電源線上面放置重物體 請先擦乾手後再拔電源插頭 發生火災或觸電的可能請及時確認電源線狀態 用濕的手插 拔插頭時可能會發生觸電 請勿強行拔插頭 發生觸電或漏電的可能 請勿隨意加長或加工電線 移動產品時請勿用電源線插座抬起或拖曳 發生火災或觸電的可能 因短路發生火災的可能 注意 (禁止) 使用中出現異常聲音或異味時 請立即切斷 電源 推動壓力錐等蒸氣完全排出後撥打 售後服務電話聯繫維修 售後服務專線 : 使用時不要超出限定容量 米湯溢出或出現故障的可能 本產品只限AC 110V交流電源 發生火災或觸電的可能 會使本產品不能運作 請勿將220V交流電變頻為110V交流電使用 本產品應放置於較開闊的水平 台面上 切勿放置在坐墊或 電熱毯上使用 產品變形或發生火災的可能 使用時或使用後鍋體溫度很高 切勿觸摸 內鍋 加熱盤 產品內部及壓力錐 產品工作中若壓力錐傾斜 可能會被噴出的蒸氣燙傷 會有燙傷的危險 請勿靠近磁性強的產品 可能會產生安全性問題 可能會發生故障 請勿讓產品受到衝擊或摔落 6 發生故障或安全性問題 除煮飯 保溫 指定料理外 請勿使用其他用 途(如海帶湯 咖哩 油炸食品等) 產生異味或故障的可能 不使用時請切斷電源 發生火災或觸電的可能 請勿將內鍋放在火源上或用於其他用途 可能發生內鍋變形或塗層脫落的可能

7 安全警告 注意 (禁止) 煮飯 料理結束後或保溫時結合 手柄不易轉動 請勿強行轉動 內鍋塗層脫落時 請撥打售 後服務電話與維修人員連繫 菜瓜布 燙傷或產品受損的可能 推動壓力錐等蒸氣完全排出後再打開 煮飯完成後等打開鍋蓋時 注意避免被蒸氣燙傷 長時間使用產品時 內塗層可能 會輕微脫落 研磨劑 用硬刷 鋼絲球清洗內鍋時 塗層會脫落 請用中性洗潔劑和海綿清洗 鋼絲球 使 用 說 明 書 鐵刷子 售後服務專線 : 本產品不宜在傾斜或凹凸面上 使用 燙傷或發生故障的可能 本產品工作中請勿碰觸電源線 注意 請勿用內鍋把手或結合手柄移動產品 請利用產品底部的凹槽移動產品 (指示) 即使拔掉電源插頭 結合手柄仍 應至於''關閉''位置 煮飯結束後 內鍋有餘熱或內有熱飯時 即使拔掉電源仍要將鍋蓋結合手柄轉至 關閉 位置 否則因內部壓力產品會發生變形或損傷 煮飯或保溫時 必須把結合手柄轉至 關閉 位置 使用後產品要清潔乾淨 料理結束後會出現異味 使用硬刷子 鋼絲球清洗內鍋時 內鍋 塗層會脫落 請用中性洗潔劑和海綿清洗 請參照清潔保養方法清洗內鍋 分離式內鍋蓋 密封圈 售後服務專線 : 煮飯或料理結束後 請即時擦淨接水盒的水 產生異味或變色的可能 煮飯或料理中自動排出蒸氣時請注意 使用前/後按鍵無法操作時 撥打售後服務電話聯繫維修 蒸氣高速排氣時 伴有較大的排氣聲 注意不要受到驚嚇 請勿讓兒童靠近 有燙傷的可能 煮飯或料理中停電時 排氣裝置會自動啟動 同時米湯可能會噴出 請按規定容量煮飯 水量超出規定容量時米湯噴出 請在蒸氣帽安裝狀態下煮飯 除米飯外 容易變質(如紅豆飯 五穀飯等) 盡量不要使用保溫功能 拔插頭時 必須抓住插頭拔出 不要強行拉電源線拔出 漏電 觸電或發生火災的可能 售後服務專線 :

8 產品部位名稱 產品部位名稱(外部) 配件 壓力錐 蒸氣帽 煮飯或料理前 壓力錐要水平放置 若壓力錐傾斜 會使蒸氣排出 自動蒸氣排出口 煮飯結束或保溫時會自動排出蒸氣 使用說明書料理指導 若要強行取消時 按住取消鍵(2秒) 會自動排出蒸氣 結合手柄 煮飯時 請將結合手柄轉至 (關閉) 位置才能啟動 飯勺 開蓋按鈕 將結合手柄 (關閉)轉至 (開啟)位置後按開蓋按鈕即可開蓋 功能操作及顯示面板 產品部位名稱(內部) 密封圈 鍋蓋 量杯 根據使用方法及使用次 數 使用壽命約1~3年 請定期更換 內鍋把手 分離式內鍋蓋 內鍋 (內鍋正確放入機體內) 蒸盤 分離式內鍋蓋把手 (蒸盤的使用方法請參照 料理指導書 ) 接水盒 煮飯或料理結 束後 請及時 清理接水盒裡 的水 若接水 盒裡有水會產 生異味 飯勺插座 電源線 電源插頭 8 溫度感應器 透氣針 (實物附著於產品底部)

9 雙層密封圈 福庫雙層密封圈讓米飯更加持久瀰香 使用說明書 長時間使用一般密封圈時逐漸會出現漏氣現象, 為了更好的滿足消費者的需求, 福庫在一般密封圈的基礎上採用了福庫特有 ( 專利技術 ) 的雙層密封技術 更長時間保持美味的米飯 1. 蓋鍋蓋時因密封層和支撐層緊貼而提高密封力度 2. 煮飯時因內鍋壓力增加, 支撐層會更加結實的支撐密封層 3. 密封層和支撐層之間所形成的中空層可提高米飯的保溫效果 感謝您購買福庫產品, 使用雙層密封圈可享受更加美味的米飯 雙層雙層雙層 9

10 不鏽鋼分離式內鍋蓋 不鏽鋼分離式內鍋蓋 不鏽鋼材質! 不銹鋼分離式內鍋蓋能保持米飯的新鮮度, 隨時像剛煮出來般好吃! CUCKOO 不鏽鋼分離式內鍋蓋不僅更衛生, 更乾淨 清潔方便, 還耐高溫 耐高壓, 長期使用也可以享受新鮮如初的米飯! 福庫能使用不鏽鋼分離式內鍋蓋的理由! 控制盤中安全裝置的結構是非常細微, 於是用不鏽鋼製作的過程需要很高的技術要求, 福庫因為掌握精密的不鏽鋼控制技術和電鍋領域的核心技術, 所以能製作出不鏽鋼材質的分離式內鍋蓋 再加上我們採用的 SMART ALGORITHM 技術, 會使米飯更加美味! 10

11 清潔保養方法 使 用 說 明 書 分離式內鍋蓋 清理分離式內鍋蓋後必須安裝到位 - 不及時清理時會產生異味 特別是鍋蓋要即時清理 (拔掉電源 散熱後再清洗) - 機體或鍋蓋的水分要用乾抹布擦乾淨 請勿使用化學物品 - 請勿使用含有含氯漂白水或漂白水的清潔劑來清洗可拆式上蓋及其他不銹鋼零件 - 使用中分離式內鍋蓋或內鍋內部因黏有米湯可能會產生薄膜 但對衛生沒有影響 背面 ① 分離式內鍋蓋朝箭頭方向拉動即可 與鍋蓋分離 ② 清潔分離式內鍋蓋時拉動背面手柄 並分離手柄和密封圈 ③ 常用清潔劑或海綿清洗後用抹布 擦乾 內鍋蓋 正面 槽 密封圈背面 ④ 分離式內鍋蓋手柄從背面插入並在分 ⑤ 安裝密封圈時將分離式內鍋蓋邊緣 離式內鍋蓋正面朝箭頭方向轉動即可 塞進密封圈背面凹槽裡 順著密封 安裝 圈背面凹槽把分離式內鍋蓋塞進即 可安裝 ⑥ 安裝鍋蓋時把分離式內鍋蓋朝箭頭 方向對準安裝槽後用力推進即可安 裝 正確範例 正面旋轉標誌 密封圈正面 手柄正面 凸出字樣 背面無旋轉標誌 請勿把螺絲及其它異物塞進分離式內鍋蓋出氣孔 請留意查看分離式內鍋蓋的正面及背面 手柄背面 凹入的字樣 密封圈背面 11

12 清潔保養方法 內鍋 內鍋蓋 內鍋蓋表面有米湯時 請用乾抹布擦乾 內鍋蓋中央為金屬材質 要輕輕擦乾淨 內鍋底部及外側表面水份等異物要擦乾 淨 請勿使用鋼絲球 鐵刷 研磨劑等 清洗 請用清潔劑和海棉 機體積水部 蒸氣排出口 煮飯完成後產品積水部的水請用乾抹布 擦乾 使用前後清理蒸氣排出口時要輕輕擦拭 避免阻塞 請勿強行拆卸 如出現異常 請及時撥打售後服務電話 控制面板 機體內部 有米湯或異物時請用乾抹布擦乾 請勿使 用鋼絲球 鐵刷等擦拭 會對表面產生磨 損 使用前後按鍵無法操作時請諮詢客戶 服務中心 溫度感應器表面黏有異物時 要輕輕擦 拭避免受損 開蓋按鈕部分 本體部分 使用前/後 將開蓋按鈕部分的水或異物用 乾淨的乾抹布擦乾 使用前/後 如開蓋按 鈕無法按下或者無法啟動 請致電客服中 心 如需煮飯或料理時 請提前將電鍋本體與 固定裝置間隙中的水或者異物用乾淨的乾 抹布擦乾 清洗內鍋留意事項 請不要將尖銳的餐具放入內鍋一起清洗 很有可能損傷內鍋 接水盒/排水槽清潔方法 中性清潔劑 ❶ 分離接水盒 ❷ 拖住排水槽蓋把手向 ❸ 要用中性清潔劑及海 ❹ 清理後將排水槽蓋如 ❺ 接水盒朝箭頭方向安 下一按即可分離 綿清洗 圖朝箭頭方向安裝到 裝到位 位 壓力錐清潔方法 壓力錐 蒸氣帽 異物會堵塞壓力錐蒸氣排出口 不能自動清除 使用前後 請用透氣針清理蒸氣排出口 煮飯或料理結束後 要經常清 洗蒸氣帽 清洗時 請用中性 清潔劑及海綿清洗 壓力錐的形狀因設計改進會有所差異 <壓力錐/蒸氣排出口的清潔方法> ❶ 結合手柄轉置 (關閉)位置狀 態下 將壓力錐提起朝箭頭方向 (逆時針)卸下即可 壓力錐 ❷ 使用透氣針(附著於產品底部)清理孔 內異物 透气针 透氣針 異物 12 壓力錐 透氣針僅用於清理壓力錐蒸氣排出口 其他孔是安全裝置 嚴禁使用透氣針 ❸ 用透氣針清潔孔內異物後 將壓力錐 朝箭頭方向(順時針)安裝即可 ❹ 壓力錐安全安裝到位後 才可以自由 轉動 內鍋 配件 請用中性清潔劑和海綿清洗 粗質抹布 鋼絲球 研磨劑 鐵刷

13 清潔保養方法 使用全不鏽鋼內蓋 沒有脫落塗層的憂慮 可以長久使用 而且 不鏽鋼材質更衛生 清潔更方便 另外福庫擁有的不鏽鋼型的特許專利CSV 耐久性和衛生性能更好 雙層密封圈(壓力密封圈)管理方法 壓力密封圈週期性的管理對維持密封效能 米飯的口感和電子鍋使用的時間等方面都有幫助 請仔細閱讀下列的使用方法 正確管理密封圈 使 用 說 明 書 1 密封圈分離及清洗方法 (1) 拔除電源線 在電子鍋常溫下 的情況下打開產品鍋蓋 (2) 根據圖片 用手抓住密封圈進 行分離 (3) 使用廚房用中性清潔劑及海綿 清洗後用抹布擦拭乾淨 2 密封圈安裝方法 圖 內鍋蓋上標誌的密封圈 密封圈上標誌的組裝用基準點 組裝用基準點 按照❶❷❸❹❺❻的順序 內鍋蓋上的基準點和密封圈的基準點進行安裝在內鍋蓋槽上面 必須按住密封圈外面的一側進行組裝 (密封圈替換方法如下圖) 除1~6 號部位的其他部位也必須按住外側再進行安 裝 上圖⑴中內鍋蓋1 號部位的點和密封圈的基準點必 須一致 一定要先按住外面一側進行安裝 2~6 號 部位也是按照上圖進行安裝 13

14 清潔保養方法 3 正確組裝方法 當密封圈上黏有異物時 使用過程中會導致蒸氣洩漏有米飯夾生或造成燙傷的情況 如下所示 請確認密封圈上是否黏有異物 ① 目測檢查 檢查確認內鍋蓋和密封圈之間有無漏氣或者褶皺現象 正 常 的 安 裝 狀 態 內側漏氣縫隙 錯 誤 的 安 裝 狀 態 外側縫隙 褶皺 ② 正確的組裝方法 如圖所示 確認密封圈內外是 否有縫隙 如圖所示 檢查密封圈外側是 否與內鍋蓋有縫隙 如圖所示 檢查密封圈外側是 否與內鍋蓋有縫隙 ③ 煮水實驗 在鍋內放入2刻度的水(以白米為基準) 按 自動清洗 鍵 再按 壓力煮飯/快速煮飯 鍵 10分鐘後在壓力的作用下會排出水蒸氣 如果只通過壓力錐進行排氣的話 密封圈是不用更換的 如果壓力錐排氣的同時 其他地方也有水蒸氣排出的話 就要將密封圈分離後重新安裝 然後再 進行煮水實驗 (更換密封圈時要拔掉電源線) 為了更準確的確認密封圈的安裝狀態 還可以用保鮮膜纏繞住電子鍋的縫隙後 再次進行煮水實 驗 是否有蒸汽洩漏現象 正 常 安 裝 狀 態 14 無法正確更換密封圈時 可諮詢客戶服務專線 錯 誤 的 安 裝 狀 態

15 清潔保養方法 使 用 說 明 書 蒸氣帽清潔方法 煮飯或料理結束後 請勿觸摸蒸氣帽 小心燙傷 ① 用手指扣住蒸氣帽前端槽 ② 按住鎖扣朝箭頭方向分離 ③ 朝箭頭方向分離密封圈後 ④ 朝箭頭方向把密封圈對準 後向上提起卸下蒸氣帽 後用中性清潔劑和海綿經 進行清洗 凹槽後安裝到位 常清洗 密封圈正確使用方法 올바른 패킹사용 예 ⑤ 組裝蒸氣帽時 先安裝下 ⑥ 安裝蒸氣帽時 如圖一樣 側的凹槽部份後( ) 朝箭 安裝後 按下蒸氣帽直至 頭方向( )一按即可 完全安裝到位 正確使用方法 錯誤使用方法 安裝密封圈時注意安裝方向 結合手柄使用方法 1. 煮飯或料理時蓋好鍋蓋 將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置 此時功能顯示螢幕內 關閉 指示燈亮起 表示產品鍋蓋已關閉可 以選擇壓力煮飯的安全裝置功能 2. 煮飯或料理完成後 將結合手柄從 (關閉)轉至 (開啟) 位置後 按鍋蓋開啟按鈕打開鍋蓋 產品內部蒸氣未完全排出時 結合手柄不易從 (關閉)轉至 (開啟)位置 不要強行轉動結合手柄 推動壓力錐 等蒸氣 完全排出後再操作 3.開啟/關閉鍋蓋時 將結合手柄完全置於 功能顯示螢幕 關閉 指示燈不亮 時 產品不能正常工作 請將結合手 柄完全轉至 (關閉)位置 從上看結合手柄部時結合手柄要與 右圖位置一致 關閉 (開啟)位置 鍋蓋不易蓋上時注意事項 請勿強行蓋上鍋蓋 否則產品可能會受損 鍋蓋不易蓋上時 請確認以下事項 2. 結合手柄要轉至開啟位置 3. 內部產生蒸氣或有熱水時不易蓋上 鍋蓋 此時先推動壓力錐後蓋上鍋 蓋 並將結合手柄轉至關閉位置 1. 內鍋是否正確放置於機體內 (內鍋把手要放置於機體兩側凹槽內 ) 15

16 功能操作名稱及作用/功能顯示螢幕異常檢查功能 壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 開始煮飯或料理時使用 取消鍵 保溫/再加熱鍵 取消已選擇的功能或強行 排出蒸氣時使用 (煮飯或料理中 按住取消 鍵2秒以上) 保溫或飯前加熱時使用 預約鍵 預約煮飯時使用 功能顯示面板 自動清洗鍵 時間鍵 糙米發芽時間調整或 設定萬能燉時間時使用 變更預約時間時使用 功能/選擇鍵 選擇壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯高火力 白米快速 雜榖米 雜榖米高火力 糙米 糙米高火力 糙米發芽 營養粥 鍋巴 萬能燉 自動洗滌(自動殺菌清洗)時使 用 用自動清洗鍵 設定已選功能時使用 插入電源後產品未動作時 顯示螢幕如圖顯示待機狀態 (待機狀態畫面的功能 有無語音根據使用者設定的不同顯示也不同) 功能操作時 按取消鍵將自動轉為待機狀態 按鍵力度以聽到聲響為準 產品的形狀和顏色因設計改進會有所變化 恕不另行通知 自動清洗(自動殺菌清洗) 時使用 調節煮飯 設定語音 設定語音音量 設定保溫溫度 調節保溫 鍋巴硬度強化 待機狀態畫面 功能顯示螢幕異常檢查功能 使用方法不正確或產品出現異常時會按以下方法給予警告 正常操作使用或處理後仍不能排除故障時請撥打售後服務電話 ( ) 無內鍋時顯示 溫度感應器出現異常時顯示 ( 閃爍時撥打售後服務電話 ) 結合手柄未完全轉至 關閉 位置狀態下按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或預約鍵時顯示 請將結合手柄完全轉至 (關閉)位置 煮飯完成後在保溫狀態下未將結合手柄轉至 (開啟)位置 待機狀態後再次按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯 鍵或預約/自動清洗鍵時顯示 此功能是確認結合手柄的感應裝置 將結合手柄轉至 (開啟)位置 後再次轉至 (關閉)位置時會自動消失 如再顯示請撥打售後服務電話 溫度傳感器出現異常時顯示 (請撥打售後服務電話 ) 微電腦內存出現異常時顯示 (請撥打售後服務電話 ) 微電腦外部內存出現異常時顯示 (請撥打售後服務電話 ) 連續煮水或產品出現異常時顯示 (請撥打售後服務電話 )

17 語音功能設定與解除 語音音量調節功能(語音功能解除或語音音量調節功能) 初期進入時需按3秒以上自動清洗鍵 按3秒以上自動清洗鍵 語音提示 語音音量設定模式 的同時進入語音音量設定模式 螢幕如圖所示 使 用 說 明 書 按功能/選擇鍵設定為 時 語音提示 語音功能 已解除 的同時 語音 及 會閃爍並解除語 音功能 按功能/選擇鍵 語音音量大小可設定範圍為 - or 選擇所需語音音量後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵 語音提示 語音音量設定已完成 的同時進入轉為待機模式 按取消鍵或7秒內無任何按鍵操作時 語音提示 超出設定時 間 功能設定已取消 的同時轉為待機模式 語音設定功能 語音設定功能有國語 韓國語 英語語音 產品初始設定為國語語音 or 例)設定為國語語音時 or 例)設定為英語語音時 or 例)設定為韓國語語音時 1. 按3秒自動清洗鍵 進入語音音量設定模式後再按5次自動清洗鍵 語音提示 語音設定模式 的同時進 入調節煮飯設定畫面 2. 選擇所需語音後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵語音提示 語音設定已完成 的同時進入轉 為待機模式 17

18 煮飯前準備事項 1 洗淨內鍋 擦乾水分 請用柔軟的抹布清洗內鍋 使用粗質抹布清洗內鍋時容易把內鍋內外部的噴漆脫落 請不要將尖銳的餐具放入內鍋一起清洗 (內鍋噴塗可能會脫落) 2 按人數用量杯計量米量後放入鍋內 米量以量杯水平面為基準等於1人份量 (例 3人份時米量為3杯 6人份時米量為6杯) 3 請將米淘洗乾淨 4 將洗淨的米倒入鍋內 5 根據所需選單調整水位 把內鍋水平放置在固定台面後 按內鍋水刻度調整水位 內鍋水刻度為米和水同時放入時的刻度 水位調整方法 ❶ 壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯高火力 白米快速 : 以 白米 水刻度為基準調整水量 鍋巴 雜榖米(五穀) 壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯高火力最多可做10 雜榖米(五穀)高火力 人份 雜榖米(五穀) 雜榖米(五穀)高火 力最多可做8人份 白米快速最多可做6 人份 鍋巴最多可做4人份 壓力煮飯 使用 長粒米(絲苗米) 煮飯時 建議按 糙米什穀 水位為基準煮8人份以下的飯量 糙米 糙米高火力 糙米發芽 以 糙米發芽 水刻度為基準調整水量 糙米 糙米高火力 糙米發芽最多可做6人份 營養粥 以 粥 水刻度為基準調整水量 營養粥最多可做2杯 糙米雜榖米 糙米雜榖米高火力 白米和糙米按5:5的比例煮飯時使用 以 糙米什穀 水刻度為基準調整水量 糙米雜榖米 糙米雜榖米高火力最多可做8人份 大豆等乾硬的豆類應煮熟或充分浸泡後 選擇雜榖米 雜榖米高火力功能進行煮飯 根據雜穀的種類略有半熟現象 各功能的煮飯容量請參照 各功能的煮飯時間 6 插入電源插頭後將內鍋放入產品內 ❷ ❸ ❶ 陳米或煮較黏的米飯時 比規定量多加半刻度水量 ❷ 煮6人份量(6杯米)時 水位調至 白米 6刻度 ❸ 煮浸泡的米或較硬的米飯時 比規定量少加半刻度水量 ❹ 米飯半熟或變硬時 由於稻米品 種(長粒米等)差異或稻米的含水 量(陳米)不同而導致此現象發 生 此時 請加入比標準煮飯多 1~10%的水後再進行煮飯 請將內鍋正確放入產品內 內鍋外側底部黏有米粒或有異物時會影響煮飯或產品可能會受損 內鍋未完全放置於機體內時無法蓋鍋蓋 (內鍋把手要放置於機體內兩側的槽) 7 蓋上鍋蓋後將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置 功能顯示螢幕顯示 關閉 標誌時表示鍋蓋已蓋緊 結合手柄未轉至 (關閉)狀態下 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵時 功能顯示部顯示 並伴有警告提示音 此外出現 時 將結合手柄轉至 (開啟)位置後 再轉 至 (關閉)位置才可正常工作 (確認結合手柄的感應裝置功能) 保溫中先按取消鍵取消保溫後選擇所需功能 18 關閉

19 如何做美味可口的米飯 如何做美味可口的米飯 使用須知 正確使用量杯取 米量按水刻度正 確調整水位 請正確使用量杯取米量. 若水量調整不正確 可能會出現過 請將內鍋水平放置後調整水位. 硬 內生 過稀等現象. 米保管方法 建議購買小袋裝的米 以免長時間放置質量變差. 煮乾硬的米時 即使使用量杯正確 將米存放於陰涼乾燥處. 量取米也會出現過硬現象. 使 用 說 明 書 若煮開封時間較長的米時 多加半刻度的水. 預約煮飯時間越 短越好 煮乾硬的米時 應避免預約煮飯 請多加半刻度 保溫時間越短 越好 保溫時間要控制在12小時以內. 產品要保持乾淨 請經常清理本產品 特別是內鍋蓋黏有異物時應 水後進行煮飯. 預約時間超過10小時或預約乾硬的 米時 會有內生及夾層等現象. 長時間保溫時米飯會出現異味 或變色現象. 產品未經常清理時 細菌容易滋 生 保溫時會產生異味. 及時清理. 19

20 煮飯方法 1 2 按功能選擇所需選單 確認是否安裝分離式內鍋蓋 煮飯前請將壓力錐水平放置 每按一次功能/選擇鍵以壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯高火力 白米快速 雜榖米 雜榖米高火力 糙米 糙米高火力 糙米發芽 營養粥 鍋巴 萬能燉 自動洗滌順序反 覆選擇 按住時按順序連續變化 壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯高火力 雜榖米 雜榖米高火力 糙米 糙米高火力 糙米發芽功能完成一次煮飯後 會 自動記憶 再次做同樣功能時 無須重新選擇 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵開始煮飯 煮飯前將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置後按壓力煮 飯/快速煮飯鍵時 語音提示 白米高壓 CUCKOO 開始煮飯 的同時 開始煮飯 煮飯前未將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置後按壓力 煮飯/快速煮飯鍵時 有警告音和螢幕顯示 並語音提示 請將壓力解除手柄調至壓力位置 的同 時停止操作 例)煮壓力煮飯時 例)選擇壓力煮飯時 語音提示 壓力煮飯 3 4 悶飯階段(如 壓力煮飯) 進入悶飯階段時 顯示螢幕顯示剩餘時間並語音提示 悶飯階段開始 根據所選功能時間會有所差異 悶飯階段完成前1~3分鐘時 語音提示 開始排出蒸 氣 的同時自動排出蒸氣 蒸氣自動排出時注意不要 受到驚嚇及燙傷 完成煮飯 煮飯完成後 語音提示(CUCKOO~鳥叫聲) 煮飯已 完成 的同時自動進入保溫狀態 無須保溫時請按2秒取消鍵 取消保溫 煮飯完成後請攪勻米飯 鍋蓋結合手柄不易轉動時 請推動壓力錐等蒸氣完全 排出後轉動 煮飯中請勿按取消鍵 煮飯功能會被取消 例)剩餘14分鐘時 各功能所需的時間 壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯 高火力 白米快速 雜榖米 雜榖米 高火力 糙米 糙米 高火力 營養粥 鍋巴 容量 2人份~ 10人份 2人份~ 10人份 2人份~ 6人份 2人份~ 8人份 2人份~ 8人份 2人份~ 6人份 2人份~ 6人份 0.5杯~ 1.5杯 2人份~ 4人份 時間 約30~ 39分 約31~ 44分 約17~ 23分 約46~ 59分 約49~ 64分 約52~ 64分 約57~ 68分 約93~ 120分 約38~ 41分 功能 區分 20 萬能燉料理後煮飯時可能會有異味 (參照清潔保養方法 擦淨密封圈及分離式內鍋蓋後使用) 各功能的煮飯時間根據使用環境會有所差異 萬能燉 請參照料 理指導書 自動洗滌 水位調至 白米2水刻度 約24分

21 煮飯方法 功能使用方法 壓力煮飯 糙米 熬營養粥時使用 萬能燉 手動調整料理時間 自動洗滌 白米快速 糙米發芽 煮未發芽的糙米飯時使用 營養粥 (自動殺菌洗滌) 雜榖米 煮較黏的米飯時使用 鍋巴 高火力 (壓力煮飯 雜榖米 糙米) 煮飯 保溫或料理結束後清除異味時使用 煮雜榖米飯時使用 煮糙米發芽飯時使用 煮帶鍋巴的米飯時使用 使 用 說 明 書 煮比一般米飯飄香 柔軟的米飯時使用 (可能會出現鍋底米飯糊化的現象 ) 選擇 壓力煮飯 功能後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或選擇白米快速功能可縮短煮飯時間 (白米兩人份為基準約需17分鐘) 使用白米快速煮的米飯效果不如正常煮的米飯效果好 因此請將煮飯容量控制在6人份以下 煮飯前將白米充分浸泡20分鐘後開始煮效果更佳 使用白米快速或煮少量米飯時 流入到接水盒裡的水可能會增多 煮飯完成後請即時清理接水盒 煮飯或料理方法請參照料理指南 自動清洗(自動殺菌清洗)使用方法 內鍋裡倒入白米2刻度水 蓋好鍋蓋 將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置 方法1. 按功能/選擇鍵選擇自動洗滌(自動殺菌清洗)功能後按壓力煮飯/ 快速煮飯鍵 方法2. 在待機狀態下按自動清洗鍵後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 糊化(米飯微黃)現象 此現象為米中澱粉沉澱鍋底所致 屬正常現象 此淡黃米飯的口感更加清香美味 本產品為高溫 高壓下煮飯 米飯出現糊化現象請放心食用 使用預約功能做出來的米飯比正常煮飯鍋底出現糊化現象會更明顯 停電記憶功能 本產品設有停電記憶功能 即使停電也能記住之前狀態 停電2分鐘內再次來電時能正常工作 (根據產品型號略有差異) 若因停電造成煮飯或料理被取消時 再次按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 才能繼續煮飯 保溫中因停電導致米飯變涼時 會自動取消保溫功能 煮飯或料理中 若停電 會相應延長煮飯時間 根據時間長短會略有不同 21

22 調節飯味功能使用方法 調節煮飯功能(煮飯溫度調節功能) 此功能跟以往固定溫度階段的產品不同的是 可調節煮飯時加熱完成的溫度階段(溫度高 低) 消費者可以按個人喜好進行調節 初期設定值為 根據情況調節階段 - 高溫度階段 煮雜穀類或喜歡較黏的米飯時設定 - 低溫度階段 煮新米或喜歡較硬的米飯時設定 調節煮飯功能使用方法 待機狀態下按3秒自動清洗鍵 進入語音音量設定模式後 再按3次自動清洗鍵 進入調節煮飯設定模式 此時 CUCKOO 福庫可使用調節飯味的所有功能都顯示在螢幕上 ❶ 調節煮飯設定畫面 按3秒自動清洗鍵 進入語音音量設定模式後 再按3次自動清洗鍵 語音提示 調節煮飯設 定模式 的同時進入調節煮飯設定畫面 初期進入如圖 ❷-2 低階段選擇模式 ❷-1 高階段調整模式 按功能/選擇鍵的右鍵 調至如上圖 ❸ 完成設定畫面 or 按功能/選擇鍵的右鍵 調至如上圖 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵 語音提示 調節煮飯設定已完成 的同時轉為待機狀態 (按取消鍵或7秒內無任何按鍵操作的同時 語音提示 超出設定時間 功能已取消 的同時轉為待機狀態 ) (按自動清洗鍵進入強化保溫設定模式 ) 1. 調節煮飯 功能適用於壓力煮飯 壓力煮飯高火力 白米快速 雜榖米 雜榖米高火力 糙米 糙米高火力 糙米發芽 2. 請按個人喜好設定調整煮飯階段 調整階段越高米飯糊化現象更明顯 3. 調整階段設定後煮飯時 根據米的狀態及含水量不同會有所差異 22

23 鍋巴功能使用方法 鍋巴的 1. 將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置後 功能/選擇鍵選擇鍋巴 2. 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵開始煮飯 3. 鍋巴完成後 打開鍋蓋盛出米飯食用鍋巴即可 做鍋巴時最多可做4人份 做鍋巴時 水位以 白米 刻度為基準 米無須徹底洗乾淨(淘米水半透明程度即可) 若要食用硬鍋巴的米飯時 將調整水量的內鍋放入機體內蓋好鍋蓋浸泡30分鐘後開始煮飯 使 用 說 明 書 鍋巴硬度設定方法 使用 鍋巴 功能煮飯時 可根據喜好調整鍋巴硬度 鍋巴硬度設定方法(需增加鍋巴硬度時使用 ) or 1. 待機狀態下按3秒以上自動清洗鍵進入語音音量設定模式後 再按4次自動清洗鍵 語音提示 鍋巴硬度調整模式 的同時進 入鍋巴硬度設定模式 2. 鍋巴硬度設定模式畫面中 按功能/選擇鍵 設定鍋巴硬度功能後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵時 語音提示 鍋巴硬度調整模式已選擇 的同時鍋巴硬度功能已設定 3. 進入鍋巴硬度設定模式後 按取消鍵或7秒內無任何按鍵操作時 語音提示 超出設定時間 功能已取消 的同時功能設 定被取消 並轉為待機模式 鍋巴硬度解除方法(需煮一般米飯時 ) or 此功能在產品出廠時 設定為解除狀態 需要時再設定 1. 待機狀態下按3秒以上自動清洗鍵進入語音音量設定模式後 再按4次自動清洗鍵 語音提示 鍋巴硬度調整模式 的同時進 入鍋巴硬度調整模式 2. 鍋巴硬度調整模式畫面中 按功能/選擇鍵 解除鍋巴硬度功能後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵時 語音提示 鍋巴硬度調整模式已解除 的同時鍋巴硬度調整模式被取消 3. 進入鍋巴硬度調整模式後 按取消鍵或7秒內無任何按鍵操作時 語音提示 超出設定時間 功能已取消 的同時功能設 定被取消 並轉為待機模式 23

24 糙米發芽煮飯方法 什麼是糙米發芽 糙米比白米營養價值高 但有口感欠佳 較硬 不易消化等缺陷 不過稍微發芽會激活其含有的營養成分 並促進吸收 糙米選購方法 產 地 XXX 重 量 15Kg 生產日期 XXXX年XX月 加工日期 XXXX年XX月XX日 (正常糙米) 不良糙米-無胚芽 不良糙米-癟粒 ➊ 先確認生產日期和加工日期 糙米應選擇收割一年內或加工3個月一內的為佳 (糙米的包裝袋上印有收割日期和加工日期 ) ➋ 用肉眼確認 首先確認是否長有胚芽 糙米的表面發黃且有光澤的屬於好糙米 表面脫白層或發黑的糙米不適合發芽 易碎或未成熟的糙米請勿購買 選購沒有糠的糙米 糙米發芽時 混有稻糠會產生異味 未成熟的糙米不易發芽 糙米發芽特徵 發芽糙米會提高糙米的營養價值 可改善米飯的口感 促進消化及吸收的特點 發芽的糙米口感比糙米好 營養豐富易消化 糙米發芽過程中會散發澱粉酶激素 因而促進吸收 對兒童及考生是營養健康食品 含有豐富的食用纖維 -GABA(胺基丁酸)在醫學界認為 可促進肝和腎的新陳代謝 抑制中性脂肪層的增加 防止血壓上升 促進腦細胞的新陳代謝等易於人體的功效 質酸 阿魏酸 纖維素 γ-胺基丁酸 肌醇 食用纖維" (質酸) (阿魏酸) <發芽糙米(6小時發芽)和白米的營養比較> (纖維素) 發芽糙米的營養價值比白米高 (γ-胺基丁酸) (肌醇) 發芽糙米 發芽糙米 (食用纖維) 24 植酸10.3倍 阿魏酸1.4倍 纖維素23.9倍 γ-胺基丁酸5倍 肌醇10倍 食用纖維4.3倍

25 糙米發芽煮飯方法 糙米發芽功能使用方法 1 為促進發芽率 請將糙米提前浸泡16小時以內 預備發芽方法 將洗好的糙米放入容器裡 倒入充分的水浸泡 預備發芽時間應該控制在16小時以內 使用糙米發芽功能之前必須重新清洗後煮飯 清洗時 應輕輕搓洗 若過度用力搓洗會使胚芽掉落 容易導致糙米不發芽 預備發芽時 根據浸泡時間不同會產生特殊味道 將洗好的預備發芽糙米放入內鍋 按煮飯量調整水位 選擇糙米發芽功能 受炎熱的夏日或保管溫度的影響糙米在預備發芽時會產生異味 請縮短浸泡時間 且淘米時多加注意 2 蓋好鍋蓋 將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置後 按功 能/選擇鍵 選擇糙米發芽 3 按時間鍵設定時間 4 使 用 說 明 書 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 按一次時間鍵 糙米發芽時間以2小時進行增加 糙米發芽時間可設定2 4 6小時 按住不動時會連續變化 發芽完成前3小時時顯示 初始設定為2H(2小時) 選擇糙米發芽功能時 螢幕 顯示 (語音提示 糙米發芽 請按 時間鍵調整發芽時間後 按 壓力煮飯鍵完成 ) 不想進行糙米發芽或煮已發芽的 糙米時 將功能選擇 糙米 後 再進行煮飯 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵時根據 設定時間進行糙米發芽後開始 煮飯 糙米發芽中顯示剩餘時 間 (語音提示 糙米發芽 0 小時(設定時間)後 CUCKOO 煮飯開始 ) 糙米發芽煮飯時注意事項 ❶ 想盡快食用糙米發芽飯時 無須浸泡做預備發芽 可直接選擇糙米發芽功能設定糙米發芽時間後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 (芽的大小並不影響營養成份的多與少 ) ❷ 在氣溫過高的環境設定下設定糙米發芽時間過長會產生異味 此時把糙米發芽設定時間縮短為宜 ❸ 使用糙米發芽功能時 做多可做6人份 ❹ 可以使用自來水 但使用礦泉水會更好 不可使用開水或涼開水 可能會導致糙米不發芽 ❺ 糙米的發芽率或芽的長度等發芽狀態根據糙米存放環境和保管時間的不同會有所差異 - 發芽糙米根據糙米種子的不同胚芽長度及發芽率會有所差異 發芽糙米必須使用收割未滿1年的糙米 盡可能使用加工後保管時間短的糙米 ❻ 糙米發芽功能設定2H 4H 6H小時時 不可預約 如需預約時 請將功能設定為 糙米 後 再預約 ❼ 根據糙米的種類不同鍋底米飯出現糊化現象及米飯狀態會有所差異 根據個人口味調整水位或使用調節飯味功能 ❽ 根據使用環境或糙米的狀態可能看不到芽 25

26 萬能燉使用方法 萬能燉使用方法及預約方法 蓋好鍋蓋 將結合手柄轉置 (關閉)位置後 按功能/選擇鍵選擇萬能燉 1 選擇萬能燉時 螢幕顯示20分鐘 (語音提示萬能燉 按時間鍵調整料理時間後 按壓力煮飯鍵完成 ) 2 按時間鍵設定時間 (各選單時間設定參照料理指導書) 2. 萬能燉時間設定範圍為 10分~90分 1. 每按1次時間鍵時時間會增加 5分鐘 按住時連續變化 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 3 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵開始萬能燉料理 萬能燉料理開始後螢 幕顯示剩餘時間語音提示 萬能燉 20分(設定時間) CUCKOO開始做美味料理 4 萬能燉預約方法 1. 將結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置後按 功能/選擇鍵 選擇 萬能燉 2. 按時間鍵 設定萬能 燉時間 3. 按預約鍵 4. 按時間鍵 設定預約 時間後 按壓力煮飯/ 快速煮飯鍵 26

27 預約煮飯方法 預約煮飯方法 1 鍋蓋結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置 螢幕顯示 關閉 標誌後按預約鍵 鍋蓋結合手柄未轉至 (關閉)位置時 不能預約 按預約鍵時 語音提示 請按時間鍵調整預約時間後 按壓力煮 飯鍵完成 的同時 預約字樣如圖閃爍 按預約鍵後 請在7秒內完成預約時間設定 保溫狀態下設定預約煮飯時 按取消鍵取消保溫功能後再設定預 約時間 使 用 說 明 書 2 按時間鍵設定預約時間 每按一次時間鍵 時間增加10分鐘 按住時連續增加 預約時間設定範圍從1小時~12小時50分為止 3 按功能/選擇鍵,選取所需要的選單 糙米發芽功能 設定為2H 4H 6H時不能預約 如需預約 設定為 糙米 功能後 再預約 萬能燉功能時 設定萬能燉時間後才可預約 設定時間為60分鐘以上時 預約煮飯時間設定為2小時 不選擇功能時 自動預約白米煮飯 4 預約時間設定7秒後 自動進入預約煮飯 這時 語音提示 白米(設定功能) 煮飯已預約 的同時 進行預約煮飯 按預約鍵後 7秒內無任何按鍵操作 自動進行預約煮飯 進行預約煮飯時 預約指示燈停止閃爍 預約時間以1分為一個單位減少並進行預約煮飯 (預約煮飯進行時 時間和分之間的 標誌閃爍 ) <預約煮飯進行中> <煮飯進行中> <煮飯完成/開始保溫> 設定的預約時間是預約煮飯完成為止的剩餘時間 (根據煮飯容量及使用條件 完成時間會有所差異 ) 預約煮飯時注意事項 1 預約煮飯時 2 變更預約時間 變更預時間時 按取消鍵取消後 再重新設定 開封時間長的米比較乾燥 煮飯時會出現不熟現象 根據設定預約煮飯時間或使用環境 可能會出現米飯不熟現象或過稀的現象 以水刻度為基準 加減水量進行調整 預約煮飯容量過多或設定預約煮飯時間過長時 會增加鍋底米飯出現的糊化現象 27

28 保溫方法 保溫/再加熱 保溫中若想食用熱呼呼的米飯時按 保溫/再加熱鍵 語音提示 保溫再加熱開始 的同時開始保溫再加熱 9分鐘後可食用熱呼呼的米飯 <再加熱中> <保溫中> 螢幕顯示 表示 已保溫3小時 <再加熱完成> 螢幕顯示 表示 開始進行再加熱並顯示 剩餘時間 保溫/再加熱完成時語音提示 保溫再加熱已完成 的同 時 自動進入保溫狀態並顯 示保溫時間 經常使用再加熱功能時 米飯會變色或發乾 使用次數1天內不要超過1~2次 使用其他容器煮的飯要進行保溫時 將米飯盛入內鍋後按1次保溫/再加熱鍵此時螢幕顯示 (用其他容器煮的米飯進行保溫時可能會產生異味或變色) 保溫時注意事項 煮飯完成後或保溫中鍋蓋不易打開時 請推動壓力 錐等蒸氣完全排出後再打開 保溫或保溫再加熱時必須結合手柄轉至 (關閉)位置 (鍋蓋開啟按鈕可能會破損或影響保溫效果) 長時間保溫時 可能會產生變色或異味 請將保溫時間 控制在12小時以內 在特性上壓力做出的米飯會比一般電飯鍋做出的米飯 變色要快 (保溫24小時時螢幕保溫時間會閃爍) 煮飯完成後 將米飯攪勻進行保溫效果會更佳 (保溫少量的米飯時 請將米飯堆積在內鍋中央) 保溫雜穀 糙米時米飯品質不如白米 因此盡量 不要保溫 保溫中內鍋邊緣或蒸氣排出口下端的米飯可能會 產生白化現象 此時請將米飯攪勻 保溫中內鍋無米飯或不使用時 請按取消鍵取消 保溫功能或切斷電源 請勿將飯勺放入鍋內一起保溫 特別是放入木勺時 細菌容易孳生會產生異味 請勿保溫過少的米飯或請勿將剩飯與涼飯一起保溫 保溫中米飯可能會產生異味 保溫時有異味 請即時清理產品 特別是內鍋蓋清理不乾淨時細菌容易孳生保溫時會產生異味 雖然外觀上乾淨 但仍會有細菌導致異味 有異味時 使用自動殺菌清洗(自動清洗)功能進行清洗 自動殺菌清洗(自動清洗)完成後 內鍋必須清洗乾淨 燉煮料理後 未清理產品導致保溫時會產生異味 28

29 保溫方法 保溫溫度調節方法 即使經常清理或煮水消毒後保溫中的米飯仍產生異味或變色時請調整保溫溫度 需調整保溫溫度時請與售後服務聯繫( ) ❶ 待機狀態下按3秒自動清洗鍵 進入語音音量模式後 再按 1次自動清洗鍵 語音提示 保溫溫度設定模式 的同 時 進入保溫溫度設定模式 螢幕如圖顯示 這時 表示當前保溫溫度 使 用 說 明 書 ❷ 按功能/選擇鍵 螢幕按以下順序變化 ❸ 選擇所需溫度後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵語 or 音提示 保溫溫度設定已完成 的同時 自動轉為待機 狀態 (按取消鍵或7秒內無任何按鍵操作時 語音提示 超出設定時間功能以取消 的同時 轉為待機狀態) (按自動清洗鍵 轉為調節保溫設定模式 ) 初始設定溫度可能與說明書有不同 溫度調整值 1.保溫米飯有餿味並有很多凝結水珠時 : 將保溫溫度提高1~2攝氏度 2.米飯嚴重發黃並有異味時 : 將保溫溫度降低1~2攝氏度 調節保溫功能設定方法 保溫中打開鍋蓋時內鍋蓋上有凝結水珠或內鍋邊緣的米飯出現白化現象時使用的功能 ❶ 待機狀態下(數字顯示畫面顯示 )按3秒自動清洗鍵 進入語音音量模式後 再按2次自動清洗鍵 語音提示 調 節保溫設定模式 的同時 進入調節保溫設定模式 ❷ 按功能/選擇鍵 螢幕按以下順序變化 ❸ 設定所需值後 壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵或保溫/再加熱鍵語音 1. 內鍋蓋上有凝結水珠時 : 按功能/選擇鍵調高設定值 2. 米飯邊緣出現白化現象時 : 按功能/選擇鍵調低設定值 or 提示 調節保溫設定已完成 的同時 自動轉為待機狀 態 (按取消鍵或7秒內無任何按鍵操作時 語音提示 超 出設定時間功能已取消 的同時 轉為待機狀態) (按自動清洗鍵 轉為調節煮飯設定模式 ) 29

30 常見故障及處理方法 產品出現異常時請按以下方式確認, 仍不能正常使用時請撥打售後服務電話 狀態確認事項處理方法 不能完成煮飯時 是否按了壓力煮飯 / 快速煮飯鍵? 煮飯中是否停電? 選擇所需選單後按 1 次壓力煮飯 / 快速煮飯鍵, 此時確認顯示螢幕是否顯示 停電記憶功能請參照說明書 米飯過硬或夾生時 是否用量杯正確計量? 是否正確調整水位? 米是否洗淨? 是否煮了長時間浸泡後的米? 米是否發乾? 請按照說明書正確使用 請多加半刻度水後開始煮飯 豆 { 雜谷 / 糙米 ) 類半生時 豆 ( 雜穀類 ) 類是否太乾硬? 因豆子的種類不同熟的程度也不同請將豆子類 ( 雜穀類 ) 用水充分浸泡或煮熟後再做雜穀飯 米飯過稀或過硬 是否正確選擇選單? 是否正確調整水量? 悶飯時是否打開了鍋蓋? 請正確選擇所需選單 請正確調整水量 煮飯完成後請打開鍋蓋 煮飯中米湯溢出時 是否正確使用量杯? 是否正硝調整水量? 是否正確選擇選單? 請按照說明書正確使用 保溫中產生異味時 是否蓋好鍋蓋? 保溫中是否切斷電源? 保溫時間是否超過 12 小時或保溫米飯太少? 是否放入飯勺或涼飯一起保溫? 請蓋好鍋蓋 保溫中請勿切斷電源? 保溫時間要控制在 12 小時以內 請勿放入飯勺或或涼飯一起保溫 顯示此標誌時 溫度感應器出現異常時顯示 切斷電源後與售後服務中心聯繫 保溫中保溫時間閃爍時 保溫時間是否超過 24 小時? 保溫時間超過 24 小時時, 提示保溫時間過長的功能 顯示此標誌時 煮飯完成後結合手柄是否一次也未轉至 ( 開啟 ) 位置狀態下按了壓力煮飯 / 白米快速鍵? 將結合手柄轉至 ( 開啟 ) 位置後重新轉至 ( 關閉 ) 位置 保溫中發出警告音或保溫中不能再加熱時 是否安裝了分離式內鍋蓋? 請安裝分離式內鍋蓋 長時間不能完成煮飯顯示 標誌時 是否使用了 220V 電源? 產品出現異常 { 部品斷線, 熱量不足 } 長時間不能完成煮飯時顯示, 切斷電源後與售後服務中心聯 繫連續煮水時顯示 標誌時屬正常現象 本產品只限使用 110V 電源, 請正確使用 30

31 常見故障及處理方法 產品出現異常時請按以下方式確認, 仍不能正常使用時請撥打售後服務電話 狀態確認事項處理方法 按按鍵時顯示 標誌時 是否放入內鍋? 是否使用 220V 電源? 無內鍋時不能進行操作, 請放入內鍋後使用 本產品只限使用 110V 電源 使用說明書 顯示 標誌時 結合手柄是否轉至 ( 關閉 } 位置? 顯示螢幕是否顯示關閉標誌? 請將結合手柄轉至 ( 關閉 } 位置 米飯嚴重燒焦時 溫度感位器或內鍋外側底部是否黏有米粒或異物? 是否設定了個人模式或調節煮飯功能? 請清除溫度感位器或內鍋外側底部的米粒或異物 根據使用情況設定或解除個人模式或調節煮飯功能 煮飯完成後或保溫中米飯出現異味時 燉雞或做排骨料理後是否清洗乾淨? 按照清潔保養方法清洗分離式內鍋蓋後使用 無法蓋鍋蓋時 結合手柄是否完全轉至 ( 開啟 ) 位置? 內鍋裡是否有熱飯或其它熱食品 內鍋是否完全放置於機體內? 請將結合手柄完全轉至 ( 開啟 ) 位置 請推動壓力錐後蓋鍋蓋 請將內鍋完全放置於機體內 顯示此標誌時 溫度感應器出現異常時顯示 切斷電源後與售後服務中心聯繫 顯示此標誌時 顯示螢幕存取記憶體出現異常時顯示 切斷電源後與售後服務中心聯繫 顯示此標誌時 顯示螢幕外部存取記憶體出現異常時 顯示 切斷電源後與售後服務中心聯繫 31

32 常見故障及處理方法 產品出現異常時請按以下方式確認, 仍不能正常使用時請撥打售後服務電話 狀態確認事項處理方法 結合手柄不易轉至 位置時 煮飯或料理中是否轉動了結合手柄? 蒸汽未完全排出狀態下是否轉動了結合手柄? 煮飯或料理中因內部壓力無法打開鍋蓋 若要打開鍋蓋時, 請先按取消鍵 2 秒以上等蒸汽完全排出後再打開 推動壓力錐等蒸汽完全排出後再打開 即使結合手柄完全轉至 位置, 鍋蓋無法打開時 推動壓力錐等蒸汽完全排出後再打開 蒸汽洩漏時 密封圈表面是否有異物? 密封圈是否老化? 請擦淨密封圈後使用 密封圈周圍要保持清潔 蒸汽洩漏時按取消鍵 2 秒以上等蒸汽完全排出後切斷電源並撥打售後服務電話 根據使用情況及使用次數, 密封圈使用壽命為 1~3 年, 請及時定期更換 煮飯或料理中無法按取消鍵時 內鍋內部是否很燙? 煮飯或料理中要打開鍋蓋時請按取消鍵 2 秒以上取消煮飯或料理 蒸汽排出裝置排出蒸汽時請不要靠近 ( 小心燙傷 ) 豆 { 雜谷 / 糙米 ) 類半生時 豆 ( 雜穀類 ) 類是否太乾硬? 因豆子的種類不同熟的程度也不同請將豆子類 ( 雜穀類 ) 用水充分浸泡或煮熟後再做雜穀飯 糙米不能正常發芽時 是否超出限定容量? 是否使用了開封時間較長的糙米? 請勿超出限定容量 使用開封時間較長的糙米或受污染的糙米進行發芽時會降低發芽率 32

33 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS 1. Read all instructions before using this appliance. 2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. 3. To protect against fire, electric shock and / or injury to persons do not immerse cord, plugs, or Pressure Cooker Body in water or any other liquid. 4. Close supervision is necessary when this appliance is used by or near children. This appliance is not intended for use by young children without supervision. 5. Unplug cord from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow appliance to cool before putting on or taking off parts, and before cleaning the appliance. 6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, after the appliance malfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment. 7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may result in fire, electric shock, and / or injury to persons. 8. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or your service agent. 9. Do not use outdoors. 10. Do not let the cord hang over the edge of a table or counter, or touch hot surfaces. 11. Do not place on or near a hot gas, electric burner, or in a heated oven. 12. Always attach the plug to the appliance first, then plug the cord into the wall outlet. To disconnect, or set all control to off, then remove the plug from the wall outlet. 13. Do not use this appliance for other than its intended use. 14. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or any hot liquids. 15. Oversized foods, metal foil packages, or utensils must not be inserted into the appliance as they are a risk of fire or electric shock. 16. Fire may occur if the appliance is covered or touching flammable material, including curtains, draperies, walls, etc while in operation. 17. To reduce the risk of electric shock, cook only in the provided removable container. 18. This appliance cooks under pressure. Improper use may result in scalding injury. Before operating the unit, properly secure and close the unit. See Operating Instructions. 19. Do not cook foods such as applesauce, cranberries, cereals, macaroni, spaghetti, or other foods. These foods tend to foam, froth, and sputter, and may block the pressure releasing device 20. Before use always check the pressure releasing device for clogging. 21. Do not open the pressure cooker until the unit has cooled and internal pressure has been reduced. See Operating Instructions. 22. Do not use this pressure cooker to fry in oil. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS THIS APPLIANCE IS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS WARNING : This appliance generates heat and releases steam during use. Use proper precaution to prevent risk of burns, fires, other injuries, or damage to property. 1. Keep hands and face away from the Pressure Release Valve when releasing pressure. 2. Take extreme caution when opening the Lid after cooking. Severe burns can result from steam inside. 3. Never open the Lid while the unit is in operation. 4. Do not use without the inner Pot in place. 5. Do not cover the Pressure Valve with anything as an explosion may occur. 6. Do not touch the inner pot nor any heating parts, immediately after use. Allow the unit to cool down completely first. This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as : - staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments; - farm houses; - by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments; - bed and breakfast type environments. 33

34 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read the following product safety guide carefully to prevent any accidents and/or serious danger. Warning and Caution are different as follows. Warning Caution This means that the action it describes may result in death or severe injury. This means that the action it describes may result in injury or property damage. This sign is intended to remind and alert that something may cause problems under the certain situation. Please read and follow the instruction to avoid any harmful situation. Indicates a prohibition Indicates an instruction 34 Warning Do not Do not cover the automatic steam outlet or pressure weight with your hand or face. It can cause burns. Especially be careful to keep it out of children s reach. Do not use the cooker near hot things such as stove, gas stove or direct ray of light. It can cause an electric shock, fire, deformation, malfunction, or discoloration. Please check the power cord and plug frequectly. Do not alter, reassemble, disassemble or repair. It can cause fire, electricshock or injury. For repair, contact dealeror the service center. Use a single socket with the rated current above 15A. Using several lines in one socket can cause overheating or fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently. Use an extension cord with the rated current above 15A. Please pay careful attention against water and chemicals. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Do not use a rice cooker at a place where dust is trapped or chemical material is located. Do not use any combustible gas or flammable materials nearby a product. It can cause explosion or fire. Do not use damaged power cord, plug, or loose socket. Please check the power cord frequently for damage. Serious damage can cause electric shock or fire. If the plug is damaged, contact the dealer or a service center. Do not clean the product with water or pour water in the product. It can cause an electric shock or fire. If it contacts water, please separate power cord and contact dealer and service center. Do not cover the automatic steam outlet or pressure weight with a duster, a towel, or apron, etc. It can cause deformation or a breakdown. It can cause an explosion by pressure. Do not use pots that are not designed for the cooker. Do not use abnormal pot and do not use without the inner pot. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Do not bend, tie, or pull the power cord by force. It can cause an electric shock or short circuit resulting in fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently. Do not use it without the inner pot. It can cause electric shock or malfunction. Do not pour rice or water without the inner pot. If rice or water gets in then do not turn the product over or shake it, please contact the dealer or service center. Do not turn the Lock/Unlock Handle to Unlock while cooking. The hot steam or any hot content within the cooker can cause burns. After you finish the cooking do not try to open the cooker by force until the steam is completely exhausted. Do not over unplug and plug the power cord over and over. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Do not insert metal objects such as pins and wires or any other external substances in the automatic steam exhaust outlet or any other slot. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Especially be careful to keep it out of reach of children. Keep the cooker out of reach of children. It can cause burns, electric shock or injury. Don t spray or put any insecticides or chemicals. It can cause an electric shock or fire. If cockroaches or any insects get inside the cooker, please call a dealer or a service center. Don t let foreign substances such as needle, cleaning pin, or metal get in or block the in let/out let pipe or gape. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Do not put a cleaning pin in a gap or a hole of the product except when dearing a steam outlet. Do not open the top cover while in heating and cooking. It can cause burns. If you need to open the lid while cooking, keep pressing the cancel button for 2 seconds and confirm internal steam released completely turning the pressure weight over. Remove a foreign substance on the cord and plug with a clean cloth. It can cause fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently. Be careful that both the plug and power cord are not to be shocked by animal attack or sharp metal materials. Damages by impact can cause an electric shock or fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently.

35 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Caution Do not Do not use it on a rice chest or a shelf. Do not place the power cord between furniture. It can cause an electric shock resulting in fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently. When using on furniture be cautious of steam release As it can cause damage, fire and and/or electric shock. Do not press heavy things on the power cord. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently Do not change, extend or connect the power cord without the advice of a technical expert. It can cause an electric shock or fire. Clean any dust or external substances off the temperature sensor and inner pot. It can cause a system malfunction or fire. Do not plug or pull out the power cord with wet hands. It can cause an electric shock. Do not move the product by pulling or using the power cord. Electric short might cause fire. Please contact a dealer or service center when there is a strange smell or smoke. First pull out the power cord. And contact dealer or the service center. Do not use over the maximum capacity. It can cause overflow or breakdown. Do not cook over stated capacity for cooking of chicken soup and congee. Do not touch the metallic surface of the inner pot and pressure weight after cooking or warming. It can cause burns. Remaining hot steam can cause burns when you tilt the pressure weight while and right after the cooking. Don t use the cooker near a magnetic field. It can cause burns or breakdown. Do not drop or impact the cooker. It can cause a safety problem. Please surely pull out the plug when not in use. It can cause electric shocks or fire. Use AC 110V only. Use product on a flat surface. Do not use on a cushion. Please avoid using it on an unstable location prone to falling down. It can cause malfunction or a fire. Please check the power cord and plug frequently. Don t use for various purpose for inner pot. And do not heat up the inner pot on the gas stove. It can cause deformation of the inner pot. It can cause to spill the inner coating. Please pull out the plug when not in use. It can cause electric shocks or fire. Please use the cooker for it s intended purpose. It can cause malfunction or smell. After you finish cooking, do not try to open the cooker by force until the steam is completely exhausted. The hot steam or any hot content within the cooker can cause burns. Cautiously open the top cover after cooking is done to avoid dangerous steam and burns. Do not place on rough top or tilted top. It can cause burns or breakdowns. Be careful to install the power cord to pass without disruption. Please call customer service if the inner pot coating peels off. Inner pot coating may wear awayafter long use. When cleaning the inner pot, do not use tough scrubber, metallic scrubber, brush, abrasive metallic etc. Do not hold the cooker by the inner pot handle. It can cause problems and danger. There are portable handles on the bottom right and left side of the cooker. Hold the handles with both hands and move it carefully. Always turn the Lock/Unlock Handle to "Lock" when not in use. It can cause deformation by remaining pressure. Wipe off any excessive water on the cooker after cooking. It can cause odor and discoloration. Wipe off water that is left behind from dew. Please contact dealer or service center when either a button of a product or a product itself is not working properly. In case of a blackout during cooking, steam from a rice cooker will be released automatically. Thus, the quality of rice is lower than normal. Please start cooking with an indicated amount of rice and water. Water can overflow if the amount of water in a pot exceeds the It indicated c level of water usage. Please start cooking in a status that steam control cap is installed completely. Please clean the body and other parts after cooking. After cooking chicken soup, multi cook dishes, and etc., the smell may be absorbed. Clean the oven packing, top heater plate, and inner pot every time you cook any of those. It can cause alteration or smell. Use dry kitchen cleaner or sponge to clean the inner pot, since rough scrub or metallic ones are abrasive to the coating. Depending on the using methods or user's circumstances inner pot coating might rise. Please call the customer service for those cases. Please, do not pull out the clean steam vent by force. Be cautious when steam is being released. When the steam is released don t be surprised. Please keep the cooker out of reach of children. If possible, only use warming function when cooking white rice. Other foods are easilydiscolored. When you pull out the power plug, don t pull the power cord. Please, safely pull out the power plug. If you inflict impact on power cord, it can cause an electric shock or fire. ENGLISH 35

36 NAME OF EACH PART Name of each part Soft Steam Cap Name of each part Packing Pressure Weight Keep the pressure weight horizontally. It stabilizes steam inside. When the pressure weight spins, it releases steam. Automatic Steam Exhaust Outlet When cooking is finished or in warming mode, steam releases automatically. Lock/Unlock Handle The handle has to be in Lock position to operate. Clamp Knob Turn handle to Unlock, and then press Clamp knob to open. Control Panel Lid Assy Accessories Manual & Cooking Guide Rice Scoop Rice Measuring Cup Pot Handle Detachable Cover Inner Pot Insert the inner pot into rice cooker. Handle Dew Dish Pour out water from dew dish after cooking or during Warming mode. Otherwise, an odor(s) may occurs Steam Plate 36 Temperature Sensor Rice Scoop holder Power Cord Power Plug The image of plug type may be different from actual plug type, (110V) Cleaning Pin (Attached on the bottom of the unit)

37 Keep Warm /Reheat button Used to warm or reheat. FUNCTION OPERATING PART /HOW TO SET OR CANCEL VOICE GUIDE FUNCTION Preset button Used to preset time. Time Button Used to modify preset time Used to set GABA and multi cooking time Display Pressure Cook/ Glutin Turbo Button Used to start cooking Cancel button Used to cancel a selection of mode or releases remaining steam inside of rice cooker. Auto Clean button Used to operate automatic steam clean function. Used to set voice volume, voice setting, temperature during Warming mode. Used to set Nurungi (crispy rice). Menu / Selection button Used to select Glutinous Rice, High Heat Glutinous, Turbo Glutinous Rice, Mixed Rice, High Heat Mixed Rice, Brown Rice, High Heat Brown Rice, Germinated Brown Rice, The Nutritious Porridge, NU RUNG JI, Multi Cook, All-Purpose steaming and Automatic Sterilization ENGLISH When you an image like one in the right side on your display, it means the rice cooker is in Waiting mode. Press Cancel button to enter the Waiting mode. Press the button until you hear the buzzer sound.the image of the plate may different. <Screen on standby> Voice guide volume control (The function which can control volume and cancel) When starting the auto clean mode, please press the Auto Clean button for at least 3 seconds. Voice Setting or To operate Auto Clean mode, press Auto Clean button at least 3 seconds. If you press Auto Clean button longer than 3 seconds, you will enter in Voice Volume setting, as shown in the image. When you set to using Menu/Selection Button, and will be blink and voice function will be turned off. If you want to set up voice volume level, press Menu/Selection button. (Voice volume level to ) To return to Waiting mode after setting, press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo or Keep/Reheat button. You may select your preferred voice among, Chinese, English and Korean. The default is Chinese. or or or Example) When set to Chinese voice Example) When set to English voice Example) When set to Korean voice 1. In order to enter Voice Setting Mode, press Auto Clean button longer than 3 seconds during Waiting Mode. Then press Auto Clean button 5 times to enter the mode. 2. After finishing the setting, press Pressure Cook/GLUTIN. Turbo or Keep/Reheat button to return to Waiting mode. 37

38 BEFORE COOKING RICE 4 Adjust water level. 1 Use a dry cloth to clean inner pot. Use a soft scrubber to wash the inner pot. Do not use rough or metallic scrubber. Otherwise, coating will pilled off. Do not put anything that are metallic and sharp into the inner pot while cleaning. (Fork, spoon, chopsticks, knife, and etc.) 2 Use measuring cup to measure desirable cooking amount. Make the rice flat to the top of measuring cup and it is serving for 1 person. (ex: for 3 servings 3 cups, for 6 servings 6 cups) Place inner pot on the flat surface to adjust water level. The marked lines in the inner pot are water level. ❶ If you want to cook old or soft rice, pour more water than measured scale. ❷ Glutinous rice for 6 people (6 cups) pour water to 6. ❸ Overcooked rice: pour less water than measured scale. ❹ When rice is undercooked or firm/hard: It is caused by differences in rice varieties or water content (old rice). In this case, please add 1 ~ 10% of more water. 5 Please plug the power cord before inserting inner pot in the rice cooker. Wipe off or remove any substances on the temperature senor or bottom of the inner pot. Please place the inner pot correctly into the rice cooker. ❶ ❷ ❸ Rice for 6 persons(6 cups) 3 Use another container to wash the rice. 6 Plug the power cord and turn the hand to Lock The lamp turning on means closed perfectly. 38

39 HOW TO COOK Choose menu from Menu/Selection button. Check if the removable cover is installed. Before cooking, check that the Pressure Weight is well placed horizontally. Each time Menu button is pressed, the selection switches in the sequential order, Glutinous Rice High Heat Glutinous Rice Turbo Glutinous Rice Mixed Rice High Heat Mixed Rice Brown Rice High Heat Brown Rice Germinated Brown Rice The Nutritious Porridge NU RUNG JI Multi Cook Automatic Sterilization. If the button is pressed, repeatedly, the menu switches continuously in sequential order. In the cases of Glutin Rice, High Heat Glutin Rice, Turbo Glutin Rice, Mixed Rice, High Heat Mixed Rice, Brown Rice, High Heat Brown Rice, Germinated Brown Rice, the menu remains memorized once each cooking is completed, so for continuous use of the same menu, no selection of menu is required. Start cooking by pressing Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo. button. You must turn lid handle to lock before cooking. Then press the pressure Cook/Turbo button. Unless lid handle is not turned to close, you get alarm with, and sound turn lid handle to lock. Cooking thoroughly The cooktime remaining on the display is shown from cooking thoroughly. The cook time is different according to the menu. Be careful not to burn yourself from the automatic steam outlet. ex)in case of selecting Glutin Rice. You can hear a voice, Glutin Rice. when you cook Glutin Rice, automatic steam outlet operates while cooking. ex)in case of cooking Glutinous. ex)in case of 14minutes left. ENGLISH The end of cooking 4 When cooking is completed. warming will start with the voice "cuckoo completed glutinous". If you don't want to keep the cooked rice warm, press Cancel for 2 seconds. If the lid handle is not working well, take out the steam completely out of inner pot by turning over pressure weight. Do not press Cancel button during cooking. How to use Automatic Sterilization Pour water up to scale 2, make sure to close and lock the cover. Method 1. After choosing automatic cleaning menu by pressing Menu/Select button, and then press Pressure cook/glutin Turbo button. Method 2. Press Auto Clean in the waiting mode, and then press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button. Melanoizing effect The cooked rice can be light yellow at the bottom of the oven, because this product is designed to improve pleasant flavor and taste. Especially, melanoizing is more serious at the Preset cooking than just Cooking. It does not mean malfunction. When mixing other rice with Glutinous, Melanoizing effect could increase more than Glutinous cook setting. What is Blackout Compensation This product remembers and maintains previous condition and processes. After blackout, it operates immediately. If blackout occurs during cooking, the cooking will be delayed depending on blackout time. Warming will be cancel, if blackout occurs. 39

40 Glutin Rice Brown Rice Porridge Turbo function for Glutinousrice HOW TO COOK How to use the cooking menu Multi cook Automatic Sterilization Used to cook sticky and nutritious white rice. Used to cook brown rice without germinating. This menu is used to cook porridge. Used to cook various dishes by setting a time manually. Used to eliminate smell soaked after cooking. Mixed Rice GABA Rice Nu Rung Ji (Scorched rice) HIGH HEAT (GLUTIN.RICE/ MIXED RICE /BROWN RICE) Used to cook by mixing glutinous rice in cereals. Used to cook germinated brown rice. Used to cook scorched rice when cooking is done. Used to cook more savory and sticky rice Press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button twice after selecting GLUTIN. RICE menu, and the cooker will go for glutin rice turbo cooking, which will cut rice cooking time. (Two servings of glutin rice normally takes 17 minutes or so.) The mode of glutin rice turbo does not produce cooked rice as good as normal cooking mode. Use glutin rice turbo mode only for 6 servings or less. For better taste of cooked rice, cook rice in glutin rice turbo mode after macerating rice for 20 minutes or so before cooking. After cooking in glutin rice turbo mode or cooking of small serving, discard water. In case of small servings white rice turbocooking, more water may be required than other menu. 40 MENU GLUTIN. RICE HIGH HEAT GLUTIN. RICE TURBO GLUTIN. RICE MIXED RICE HIGH HEAT MIXED RICE MIXED BROWN RICE HIGH HEAT MIXED BROWN RICE BROWN RICE HIGH HEAT BROWN RICE GABA RICE COOKING INSTRUCTION WATER LEVEL CAPACITY COOKING TIME Select "GLUTIN. RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button 2 ~ 10 PERSONS Approx. 30 ~ 39 min Select "HIGH HEAT GLUTIN. RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button 2 ~ 10 PERSONS Approx. 31 ~ 44 min 1. Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button twice (2) in a row 2. Select "TURBO GLUTIN. RICE" Press GLUTINOUS 2 ~ 6 PERSONS Approx. 17 ~ 23 min "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "MIXED RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "HIGH HEAT MIXED RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "MIXED RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "HIGH HEAT MIXED RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "BROWN RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "HIGH HEAT BROWN RICE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button Select "BROWN RICE" Set time for germination process Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button MIXED BROWN RICE 2 ~ 8 PERSONS 2 ~ 8 PERSONS 2 ~ 8 PERSONS 2 ~ 8 PERSONS 2 ~ 6 PERSONS 2 ~ 6 PERSONS 2 ~ 6 PERSONS Approx. 46 ~ 59 min Approx. 49 ~ 64 min Approx. 46 ~ 59 min Approx. 49 ~ 64 min Approx. 52 ~ 64 min Approx. 57 ~ 68 min Germination Time+ Approx. 52 ~ 64 min PORRIDGE Select "PORRIDGE" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button PORRIDGE 0.5 ~ 1.5 CUPS Approx. 93 ~ 120 min NU RUNG JI Select "NU RUNG JI" Press "Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo" button GLUTINOUS 2 ~ 4 PERSONS Approx. 38 ~ 41 min When keeping warm, press Cancel to stop and select the desired function. When you cook after using options like Multi Cook, the odor may stick (refer to the product care method section to wipe the packing and cover and clean with the auto sterilization function). GLUTIN. RICE : When using "long grain", it is recommended to cook for less than 8 servings on the basis of MIXED RICE" water scale. Brown Rice/Mixed Rice, High Heat Brown Rice/Mixed Rice options are useful when cooking white rice and brown rice in 5:5 ratio. Please soak or boil hard grains such as beans and red beans under water first before start cooking in mixed rice option. Cooking time for each option may vary depending on user's environment such as voltage, amount/temperature of water, etc. When you see " " on display, turn the Lock/Unlock handle towards " " (Unlock), and then turn it back towards " " (Lock) for it to work properly. (This does not apply when you turned the handle towards " " (Unlock) once or more after finishing cooking in the previous cooking.) GABA

41 CUCKOO Customized Taste Function / For Nurungji (Korean Crispy Rice Snack) CUCKOO Customized Taste Function (cooking temperature customization) This function allows you to select your preferred temperature level when cooking. Compare to previous model, the temperature level has been fixed, and consumers are able to set the temperature with their preferences. The initial value is set to. Please select the level depending on your preferences. - High level : Select high level if you are cooking grains or want sticky rice. - Low level : Select low level if you are cooking freshly harvested rice or don't want sticky rice. How to use CUCKOO Customized Taste Function Press the Auto Clean button in the waiting mode for 3 seconds to go to voice volume setting mode. Press the Auto Clean button 3 times to enter the customized taste setting mode. All options supported by 'CUCKOO Customized Taste' will be displayed. ❶ CUCKOO customized taste setting display press the Auto Clean button for 3 seconds to enter the voice volume setting mode. Press the Auto Clean button 3 more times to go to customized taste setting display. Please refer to the display for the initial values. 1. CUCKOO Customized Taste' function is applied to the following options: Glutin Rice, High Heat Glutin Rice, Turbo Glutin Rice, Mixed Rice, High Heat Mixed Rice, Brown Rice, High Heat Brown Rice and GABA rice. 2. Set up the step of customized cooking function to taste. The scorch can occur when cooking in high level mode. 3. Cook is subject to be set differently depending on the percentage of water content and the condition of rice. How to make Nu rung ji ❷-1 High level adjusting mode press the Menu/Selection button to change display as shown in the image above. ❷-2 Low level adjusting mode press the Menu/Selection button to change display as shown in the image above. press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo or Keep Warm/Reheat button to save the set value and return to waiting mode (If you press Cancel or do not operate for 7 seconds, setting will be canceled and you will go back to the waiting mode). (When you press the Auto Clean button, you will enter the stronger Keep Warm setting mode without saving the changed value.) 1. Turn the Lock/Unlock handle to Lock and press menu to select the Nu Rung Ji. 2. Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo. button to start cooking. 3. When cooking is completed, scoop out the boiled rice. The Nu Rung Ji on the bottom of the jar can be prepared for your taste (e.g. scorched rice tea) Nu Rung Ji can be prepared for up to 4 people For Nu Rung Ji cooking, set the water volume at Glutin Rice level. Not too much washing rice. If you want enhanced burning nu rung ji, cook after soaking rice in water for 30 minutes. How to make more crispy Nu rung ji ❸ Setting complete display When cooking with "Nurungi" option, you can scorch the cooked rice on the bottom in different levels according to your preference. How to set More Crispy Nurungi function (When you want the cooked rice more "scorched" when cooking nurungi) or ENGLISH or or When to set More Crispy When to set More Crispy Nurungi function Nurungi function 1. Press the Auto Clean button under waiting mode for 3 seconds or longer to enter the voice volume setting mode. Press the Auto Clean button 4 times to start More Crispy Nurungi setting mode. 2. When the More Crispy Nurungi setting mode begins, press Menu/Selection to select or cancel More Crispy Nurungi mode. Press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo or Keep Warm/Reheat button to select or cancel the mode. 3. When you press Cancel or do not operate for 7 seconds, the function will be canceled, and the product will return to the waiting mode. 41

42 HOW TO USE GABA (BROWN RICE) What is Germinated Brown rice? Brown rice has richer nutrients than polished rice. However, brown rice is rather tough and hard to be digested. By germination, the enzymes in the brown rice are activated, generating nutrients, and are easier to digest. Features of Germinated Brown Rice Germinated brown rice increases nutrients and enhances taste, which is a weak point of brown rice. Germinated brown rice also improves digestion. Taste will be greatly enhanced. Easier to digest and is rich in nutrients. Diabetic hormone is generated improving digestion. Good as a health food for children or adults. - Rich with dietary fiber. Germinated brown rice has rich GABA (Gamma Aminobutryc Acid) - GABA promotes metabolism in liver and kidneys, suppresses neutral fat, lowers blood pressure, promotes metabolism in brain cells - these effects have been proven by medical science. Using GABA Menu In order to promote germination, soak brown rice for 16 hours in water. Method of Pre-germination Put washed brown rice in an appropriate container, pour sufficient amount of water to soak the rice. Pre-germination shall not exceed 16 hours. Make sure to rinse the rice clean with flowing water before using GABA menu. Be careful not to rinse too much or else the embyros that are required to germinate may wear off. Unique smell may be generated according to the soaking time of pre-germination When pre-germination has been completed, wash the rice and insert the inner pot. Pour appropriate amount of water and use GABA menu. During summer or hot temperature environment, an odor may be generated. Reduce germination time and wash clean when cooking. Set the Lock/Unlock handle at Lock, press Menu button to select GABA When cooking brown rice with or without germination, select Brown Rice option and start cooking. Press Pressure Cook/Glutin. Turbo button. If you press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button, the brown rice will start to germinate for the set time and cooking will start after germination is complete. When germinating the brown rice, remaining time will be displayed. When the GABA is selected, 3H is indicated in the display 42 ❶ If smaller germ is preferred, omit pre-germination process. Select GABA menu, set-up appropriate germination time, and start cooking (nutrients ingredients do not vary significantly by the size of germ). ❷ During hot seasons, longer germination time may generate odor. Reduce germination time. ❸ GABA cooking feeds up to 6 people ❹ City water can be used for germination. However, filtered or drinkable water is recommended. Germination may not be properly performed in hot or boiled water even after cooking. ❺ Germination rate and germ growth may differ by the type of brown rice, condition, or period of storing. - The brown rice should be within 1 year from harvest, and not long since pounded. ❻ In GABA mode, preset on 3H may not be possible. If you want to preset the GABA, set up BROWN RICE menu. (See the page 43) ❼ The taste of rice could be different depending on a kind of brown rice. Use customized taste function or control the amount of water for your taste. ❽ Depending on the user s environment or the condition of the rice, the sprout may not be visible.

43 HOW TO USE PRESET/MULTI-COOK FUNCTION How to Preset Timer for Cooking Turn the Lock/Unlock handle to the lock position and a lock icon will be displayed on the screen. Then press the preset button. Set the preset time in 7 seconds after pressing the Preset button. To set the preset time during the warming mode, stop the warming mode by pressing the Cancel button prior to setting the preset time. <Preset mode display> Press the Time button to set the preset time. Each time you press the Time button, 10 minutes are added to the preset time. Preset time ranges from 1 hour to 12 hours and 50minutes Press the Menu/Selection button to select the menu. GABA rice option cannot be preset with 3H setting. If you want to preset, select the Brown Rice option. Multi-Cook option can be preset after setting the time for the option. When the set time is longer than 60 minutes, the preset time will be set as 2 hours. If you do not set a specific option, the default will preset as Glutin. Rice. Press the Menu/Selection button to select the menu. After pressing the preset button, if you don t operate in 7 seconds, the preset mode will start automatically. When the preset mode begins, the preset light will stop blinking and the preset time will go down by minute until it starts the preset cooking. (While the preset cooking continues, the sign between the hour and minute will blink). ENGLISH 1 2 <Preset Cooking> <Cooking> <Cooking Complete/Keep Warm> The preset time displayed on the screen is the remaining time until completed cooking. (The completion time may vary depending on either the use condition or the cooking capacity) Precautions for Preset Cooking In case of preset cooking If the rice is old and dry, the result may not be good If the rice is not well cooked, add more water by about half-scale. If the preset time is longer, melanization could be increased. The change of preset time Press cancel button for more than 2 seconds and restart it to change the preset time How to Use Multi-Cook and Preset Time 1 Turn the top handle to Lock and press the menu to select the Multi-cook. When selecting Multi-cook, the display indicates cooking time to be 20 minutes. 2 3 Set the time with Time Button. Each time you press Menu/Selection button, the time increases 5 minutes. Available setting time is 10 ~ 90 minutes. Press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo. button. The resting time will be displayed when the Multi-cook mode begins. 43

44 Caution FOR THE BEST TASTE OF RICE For the best taste of rice, check the following points carefully. When measuring the rice, Use the measuring cup. (The amount of the rice may vary depending on the quality of the rice.) Place the inner pot on a flat surface and adjust the water to water level in the inner pot. If possible, buy a small amount of rice and keep the rice some place where it ventilates well and avoids a direct ray of light. It can prevent evaporation of rice moisture. If the rice has been unsealed for long, rice can be dry and stale. In this case, you should pour the half of water more. It s tastier. If possible, do not use the preset time function when rice is too dry and pour the half of water more. If you set Preset over the 10 hours or Preset dried rice, rice can be crisp or half cooked. Even worse condition, rice can be cooked different tastes each level. If rice is kept warm for a long period of time, rice color will change, as well as odor. Wipe the top cover heating part well for any rice or external substance. When measuring the rice, use the measuring cup. (The amount of the rice may vary depending on the quality of the rice.) Place the inner pot on a flat surface and adjust the water to the water level in the inner pot. If amount of water and amount of rice is different, the rice can be crisp or hard. If possible, buy a small amount of rice and keep the rice some place where it can ventilate well and avoids a direct ray of light. It can help prevent evaporation of rice moisture. If the rice has been unsealed for long, rice can be dry and stale. In this case, you should pour half of water more. It s tastier. If the rice is too dry, rice can be crisp even though it is measured properly. If possible, do not use the preset time function when rice is too dry and pour half of water more. If you set Preset over the 10 hours or Preset dried rice, rice can be crisp or half cooked. Even in worse condition, rice can be cooked with different taste on each level. If the preset time is longer, the melanoizing effect could be increased. If rice is kept warm for a long period of time, rice color and the odor will change. It s better to set warm less than 12 hours. Wipe the top cover heating part well for any rice or external substance. Especially clean the top of the cover for external substance. Cautions for Keeping Warm It will be hard to open the lid during warming, or right after it has finished cooking, So push the pressure weight to the side and allow the steam to release. Make sure the handle is in the Lock position during warming or reheating. It is recommended to evenly stir the cooked rice after cooking. The rice taste is improved. (For a small quantity of rice, pile up the rice on the center area of the inner pot to keep warm) Do not keep the scoop inside the pot while warming the rice. When using a wooden scoop it can create serious bacteria and odors. Do not keep the rice spatula inside the pot while warming the rice. When using a wooden rice spatula, it can create serious bacteria and odors. Do not mix small amount of rice or leftovers with the rice under keeping warm. Doing so may cause an odor. (Use a microwave oven for the cold rice.) It will be hard to open the lid during warming or right after it has finished cooking. So push the pressure weight to the side and allow the steam to release. Make sure the handle is in the Lock position during warming or reheating. It would be better to warm the rice for less than 12 hours because of odors and color change. The cooked rice, which cooked by pressure cooker, is more prone to changing color than the rice cooked by general cooker. During warm mode, the rice can rise and turn white. In this case, mix the rice. It is recommended to evenly stir the cooked rice after cooking. The rice taste is improved. (For a small quantity of rice, pile up the rice on the center area of the inner pot to keep warm). The mixed and brown rice cannot be in such good condition as white rice while in warm function due to their characteristics. Therefore, do not keep mixed and brown rice in function for a long period of time. When Odors are Rising During the Warming Mode 44 Clean the lid frequently. It can cause growth of bacteria and odors. Even though exterior looks clean, there might be germs and it can cause odor so please be sure to use automatic sterilization (steam cleaning) menu for cleaning. Clean the inner pot completely after automatic cleaning function is done. Clean the inner pot properly to prevent rice from smelling after you cook soups and steamed dishes.

45 TO KEEP COOKED RICE WARM AND TASTY Controlling Method of Warming Temperature If the temperature in the rice cooker is not set properly, an odor or the color of the rice may change even though it is cleaned frequently and boiled up. Temperature needs to be set. ❶ 1.Press the Auto Clean button for 3 seconds in the waiting mode to enter the voice volume mode. Press the Auto Clean button once to enter the warming temperature setting mode. The display will show as seen in the image. current keep warm temperature will show. ❷ Press Menu/Selection button so that the display shifts Device Temperature Control How to Operate My Mode Function. or ❸ After setting the desired temperature, press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo or Keep Warm/Reheat button to automatically input the selected temperature and enter the waiting mode(if you press Cancel or do not operate for 7 seconds, setting will be canceled and you will go back to the waiting mode.) (When you press the Auto clean button, you will enter the customized Keep Warm setting mode without saving the changed value.) 1. When you smell bad odors and the rice is too watery: The keep warm temperature is too low. In this case, increase the Keep Warm temperature by When the rice has a yellowish color or is too dry: The Keep Warm temp is too high. In this case decrease the Keep Warm temperature by 1-2. Use it while opening the lid when there is too much water or rice becomes too soft. ENGLISH ❶ Press the Auto Clean button for 3 seconds in the waiting mode ( ) displayed on the number screen) to go to voice volume setting mode. Press the Auto Clean twice to enter the customized Keep Warm setting mode. ❷ Press the Menu/Selection button so that the display shifts or ❸ Set the desired value and press Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo or Keep Warm/Reheat button to automatically input the set value and enter the waiting mode. (When you press the Auto Clean button, you will enter the customized taste setting mode without saving the changed value). 1. If too much water is spilled out when you open the lid : Press Menu/Selection button to raise the setting mode. 2. If the edge of rice is too soft : Press Menu/Selection button to reduce the setting mode. Having a Meal If you want to have warm rice, press the Reheat/keep warm. Then Reheat/keep warm function will be started and you can eat fresh rice in 9 minutes. <Keep warming> <Reheating> <Finishing reheat> on display means that the cooked rice has been kept warm for 3 hours. The remaining reheat time will show in minutes while the Keep Warm light is blinking with the sign on display twirling. When reheating is done, Keep Warm function will start with the voice that says, and the amount of time that the Keep Warm has been functioning will be displayed. The frequent use of the Reheat function may cause the cooked rice to be discolored or dried. Use it once or twice per day. If a separate heating appliance or gas burner is used to cook rice, put the cooked rice into the rice cooker and press the Keep Warm/Reheat button to keep the rice warm. At this time, is shown on the display. (Like this, transferring hot rice to a cold cooker may cause the rice to be discolored or develop an odor) 45

46 HOW TO CLEAN INNER POT Wipe the inner, upper, and outer parts of the inner pot of any alien substance. TOP COVER If there is rice water left on the lid, please wipe it out with a wet towel. The center of the lid is made out of metal so beware when cleaning. OVEN PACKING Wipe the top cover with a damp cloth. Be careful when cleaning the top heater DEW DISH Rice water from cooking is designed to gather to the dish through the steam outlet so please wipe it clean with a wet towel after cooking. INNER BODY MAIN UNIT If there are foreign substances stuck on the temperature sensor, remove them without damaging the metal plate. Cleanly wipe the foreign substances or moist on the heat plate. Wipe the main unit with a damp cloth. CONTROL LID OPEN BUTTON In case the cauldron is stained with cooked rice broth or foreign matter, wipe the cauldron with a damp dishcloth. Using a rough scouring pad, brush, or etc. may damage cauldron surface. If the buttons are not functioning correctly, please contact our customer care service. Before or after use, please wipe around the Lid Open button and remove rice water or any other foreign substances using a wet towel. Before or after use, if the Lid Open button does not work, please contact customer service. Caution Do not clean the inner pot with any sharp cutlery inside (fork, spoon, chopsticks, etc.). - The coating of the inner pot may peel off. How to Clean Dew Dish a neutral detergent ❶ Separate the dew dish. ❷ Separate the drain ditch cap by pushing it down. ❸ Clean the drain ditch ❹ Securely put in the dew cap and dew dish with dish after cleaning a neutral detergent. How to Clean The Pressure Weight Nozzle ❺ Insert the dew dish firmly by pressing it in direction of the arrow. If the valve hole of the pressure weight part is clogged, puncture it with the cleaning pin 46 The valve hole of the pressure weight allows steam to release. Check regularly to ensure that it is not blocked. If the valve hole of the pressure weight is blocked, the hot steam and hot content within the cooker can cause serious injury. Do not use the cleaning pin for any other use except to clean the valve hole of the pressure weight. How to Disassemble the Pressure Weight Soft steam cap Cleaning Pin Attached on the Button of the unit Alien substance Pressure Weight Under the Lock/Unlock handle is the steam cap that guards the pressure weight. To remove the pressure weight, remove the steam cap, turn the pressure weight counter-clockwise while pulling it up, and keep turning until it comes out. Puncture the clogged valve hole with the cleaning pin and reassemble it by turning it clockwise. When the pressure weight is properly assembled, it can freely be turned.

47 HOW TO CLEAN Detachable Cover & Pressure Packing After cleaning detachable cover, put it back on the lid. Unless detachable cover is mounted, preset cooking cannot be done. (Alarm may sound while keeping warm.) -Clean the detachable cover to prevent odors. -Clean the body and cover with a dry dishtowel. Do not use metallic scrubbers -Do not put materials like screws into the holes on the detachable cover. Check the back cover and front cover. 1 If you pull out the detachable cover, indicated by the arrow, it can be easily separated. the back side 2 When cleaning the detachable cover, hold and pull out the both side wing of the cover, and then separate the handle and the rubber packing. 3 Frequently, clean the cover with a sponge and a neutral detergent. ENGLISH Lid of the inner pot A groove the back side 4 Please put the detachable cover. Correct Example the back side of cover packing 5 When you fix the rubber packing into the detachable cover, hold it between and put it in the edge of the detachable cover by turning it. 6 When putting the cover into the lid, press the cover handle after fitting the handle into the groove indicated by the arrow. Projection presenting the front Front of packing Front of handle No projection Back of packing Do not put substances like a screw into hole of detachable cover. Look in the back cover and the front cover. Back of handle 47

48 HOW TO CLEAN The all-stainless cover is not only delamination-free and easy to clean, but it also lasts long, In addition, CUCKOO s special stainless CSV-a CUCKOO s patented technology, improves the product s durability and makes it easier to clean. How to install the Double Motion Packing (Pressure Packing) proper maintenance of the pressure packing helps keep high airtightness, adds durability to packing and ensures the taste of the food. Read the directions below carefully to install your packing properly. 1 How to remove and clean the pressure packing 1 Unplug the power cord and wait until the pot cools down before opening the Top Cover. 2 To remove the pressure packing, hold it as shown in the picture above and pull it out. 3 After hand washing it with a neutral cleaning liquid and a sponge, wipe it clean with a well wrung dish cloth. 2 How to reassemble the pressure packing Figure Standard notches on the Inner Pot lid. Standard points on the pressure packing. First match the standard notches on the Inner Pot lid with the standard points on the pressure packing following the numerical order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Then, press the outer rim of the packing to insert it into the groove. To reassemble the pressure packing follow the order described below: 1 As the Figure 1 shows, put the point #1 on the pressure packing with the standard notch #1 on the Inner Pot lid together before pressing the outer rim of the packing to insert it into the groove. Repeat with points #2 to # 6. 2 After matching the standard points 1 to 6, press the rest of the packing into the groove by pushing on its outer rim. 48

49 HOW TO CLEAN 3 How to double check whether the packing is well assembled Since a badly assembled packing can cause the rice to be half-cooked or burned by steam leakage, double check the packing thoroughly as described below. 1 Visual inspection Normal assembly check the entire circumference carefully for any crack or damage between the Inner Pot lid and the pressure packing. Abnormal assembly (look for parts sticking out of the inner) (look for parts sticking out of outer rim) (look for parts sticking out of damaged parts) ENGLISH 2 Physical inspection Check if the pressure packing is thoroughly put into the groove by rubbing the inside rime of the packing with a finger around the entire circumference as shown in the picture above. Check if the pressure packing is properly put into the groove of the Inner Pot lid by pushing the outer rim with a finger around the entire circumference as shown in the picture. Check if the pressure packing is thoroughly put into the groove by pushing the inside of the rim packing with a finger around the entire circumference as shown in the picture. 3 Water boiling test Pour water in the Inner Pot up to water level 2 (for Rice ) and press the Menu/Selection button to select the self-cleaning mode. Then push the Pressure Cook/Turbo button. Within 10 minutes, the pressure regulator weight will start rattling and hissing while emitting stream. If there is no steam coming out from the pot other than through the pressure regulator weight the packing has been properly installed. If steam comes out from other parts, stop the test and pull out the power cord. Wait until the pot cools down before removing the pressure packing from the lid. Once reinstalled repeat the boiling test. For a more precise water boiling test, you can wrap plastic around the circumference of the closed Top Cover. By doing so, you can easily check where the steam leakage is. Normal assembly Abnormal assembly If you still have a problem with reassembling the packing, please contact our Customer Service. 49

50 HOW TO CLEAN How to clean the soft steam cap Do not touch the surface of the soft steam cap right after cooking. You can get burned. ❶ Peel off the soft steam cap as shown in the image above by grasping the dented part with your fingers and pulling to the side while lifting gently. ❷ Disassemble soft steam cap in the rear by pressing in the direction of arrow and ash it frequently with an neutral detergent of sponge. ❸ Disassemble the rubber packing in the direction of the arrow. ❹ When fitting the rubber packing into the plate, please make sure the packing is facing the correct direction. 올바른 How to 패킹사용 check if 예your packing has installed properly ❺ When you are putting the soft steam cap together, match the bump on the bottom, press it towards the arrow and make sure the hook in the front is locked. ❻ When installing the soft steam cap, insert the cap firmly by pressing it in the direction as shown above. Correct Wrong Carefully insert the packing the correct way. How to use the handle 1. After cooking, turn the handle from Lock to Unlock to open 2. After cooking, turn the handle from Lock to Unlock turn the handle to open. If there is unreleased steam in the Inner pot it might be hard to turn the handle. In this case twist the pressure weight and let the excess steam out. Do not open by force. 3. Handle must be turned to Unlock when opening and closing. If the lamp does not turn on, it would not operate the Cook and Preset buttons. Make sure the handle is located in Lock. When top cover does not close perfectly Do not try to close the top cover by force. It can damage your cooker and cause problems. 1. Check to make sure the inner pot is place correctly inside the main body. 2. To close the top cover turn the handle to unlock shown in the picture on the right. 3. If there is excess steam inside the inner pot it might be difficult to lock the handle. Twist the pressure weight and allow the excess steam to release. Then try to turn the handle again. 50

51 CHECK BEFORE ASKING FOR SERVICE If there is a problem with your cooker, check the following details before requesting service to your dealer. Sometimes the cooker may not operate as desired if used incorrectly. Case Check points Do the following When the rice is not cooked. Press Pressure Cook/Turbo button is pressed? Press the Pressure Cook button once. And check sign on the display. Is there power cut while in cooking? Blackout backup power source for the Rice Cooker, see page 39. When the rice is not cooked well. Rice is too watery or stiff. Did you use the measuring cup for the rice? Did you put proper amount of water? Did you rinse the rice before cooking? Did you put rice in water for a long time? Is the rice old or dry? Is the menu selected correctly? Did you properly measure water? Did you open the top cover before Refer to page 38,44. Add water about half the notch and then cook. Select the correct menu. Properly measure water. Open the top cover after cooking finished. ENGLISH cooking was finished? When the water overflows. Did you use the measuring cup? Did you use proper amount of water? Is it the menu selected correctly? Refer to page 38,44. When you smell odors while warming. Did you close the top cover? Please check it the power cord is plugged. Did it warm over 12 hours? Is there any other substance such as rice scoop or cold rice? Close the top cover perfectly. Always keep the power on while warming. As possible, keep warming time within 12 hours. Don t warm rice with other substance. signs show up. Temperature sensor does not work properly. Unplug the power cord and call the Service center. Warming passed time mark blinks during keeping warm 24 hours has not passed yet after keeping warm This function alarms if the rice remained warm for more than 24 hours. Rice has gotten cold or a lot of water flow during keeping warm Keeping warm was set in Sleeping mode Keep warm after cancelling or setting Sleep Keeping Warm mode depending on the necessity If sign appears. It shows on the display when pressing Start button again, or when the cooking has finished and you ve never turned the handle to Unlock. It can be solved by turning handle to Unlock and then turn to Lock. 51

52 CHECK BEFORE ASKING FOR SERVICE If there is a problem with your cooker, check the following details before requesting service to your dealer. Sometimes the cooker may not operate as desired if used incorrectly. Case Check points Do the following When the button cannot operate with Is the inner pot inserted? Check the rated voltage? Please insert inner pot. This product is AC 110V only. When the Pressure Cook/Turbo Timer button does not operate with Did you turn the Lock/Unlock Handle to Lock Is pressure lamp on? Please turn the Lock/Unlock handle to Lock. When the rice is badly sticky. Is there any rice or any other alien substance on the temperature sensor or the bottom surface of the inner pot? Clean all the alien substance on the temperature sensor or the bottom surface of the inner pot. When the LCD is showed on Check the rated Voltage? Unplug power and contact customer service. It is normal to get when putting only water. This is only for AC 110V. When the time cannot be preset. Is the current time correct? Is AM or PM set properly? Did you set the reservation time over 13 hours? Set the current time. Check the AM and PM. Maximum reservation time is 13 hours. (Refer to page 43) When you smell after and before cooking? Did you clean it after cooking? Please clean it after cooking. When the Lid cannot be closed Is the inner pot correctly inserted in the main body? Is the Lock/Unlock handle on the top cover set to Lock? Is there hot food in the inner pot? properly insert the inner pot. Please turn the Lock/Unlock handle to Lock. Pull the pressure handle to aside once. When "tick, tick" sounds occurs while cooking and warming. Is it the sound of cooking relay? Did you wipe the moisture of bottom of inner pot? It is normal that the "tick, tick" sound of relay is an on and off operation. The moisture of the bottom of the inner pot may cause "tick, tick" sound. Please wipe the moisture. 52

53 CHECK BEFORE ASKING FOR SERVICE If there is a problem with your cooker, check the following details before requesting service to your dealer. Sometimes the cooker may not operate as desired if used incorrectly. Case Check points Do the following When you cannot turn to Unlock. Did you turn the Lock/Unlock handle before exhausting steam thoroughly? Did you turn the Lock/Unlock handle before exhausting steam perfectly? Don t open the top cover while cooking. If you want to open top cover while cooking, press the Cancel button more than 2 seconds and exhaust the steam. Pull the pressure handle to aside once until the steam is fully exhausted. When the top cover cannot open even when Lock/Unlock handle is turned to Unlock. Pressure is still remaining in the cooker Pull the pressure handle to aside once until the steam is fully exhausted. ENGLISH When the steam released between the top cover? Is there an external substance on the packing? Clean the packing thoroughly If the steam is released through the top cover, please power off and contact the service center and dealer. Is packing too old? Cover packing life cycle is 12~36 months. Please make sure to replace your packing once a year. When the Cancel button does not operate while cooking. Is the inner pot hot? Keep pressing the Cancel button for 2 seconds for safety reason if you want to cancel while cooking. Be careful of hot steam emission or hot contents spattered from the automatic steam outlet during cancellation. When you hear weird noises during cooking and warming Is there a wind blowing sound when cooking the rice? Is there a Chi sound when warming the rice? This is the sound of the fan motor to cool the internal parts. This is normal. The Chi sound during the warming process is the sound of IH cooker operating. This is normal. Bean(other grains) is half cooked. Is bean (other grains) too dry? Soak or steam beans and other grains before cooking in the pressure cooker in order to avoid partially cooked beans or grains. Beans should be soaked for-2-minutes or steamed for-2-minutes prior to cooking, depending on your taste. 53

54 料理指南 米飯 米飯 白米6杯 裡使用的量杯是本產品附贈的量杯 1杯(180cc基準)等於1人份 ❶ 把洗乾淨的白米放入鍋內後 水位調至白米6刻度 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[壓力煮飯]功能後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❸ 煮飯完成後攪勻 參考 以產品內鍋標記的水位刻度為基準 用新米煮飯時水量稍低於標準刻度較好 用陳米煮飯時水量稍高於標準刻度較佳 (按各自家庭的喜好調整水量) 碗豆飯 白米3杯 豌豆半杯 米酒1大勺 鹽1.5小勺 使用煮好的豌豆煮飯 ❶ 豌豆加適量的鹽洗乾淨後空出水份 ❷ 把洗乾淨的白米放入內鍋加入米酒和鹽後 水位調至白米3刻度 ❸ 放入洗好的豌豆鋪勻 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[壓力煮飯]功能後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 煮飯完成後攪勻 豌豆的保管方法 購買的豌豆 扁豆等直接放入冰箱保管時容易變色或降低鮮度 若從市場購買後用開水燙一下瀝乾水分使用保鮮袋包裝放入冰箱會保持其原有的顏色及鮮度 大麥飯 白米2杯 大麥1杯 ❶ 把大麥先煮熟準備好 ❷ 把洗乾淨的白米連同煮好的大麥放入內鍋 水位調至糙米什穀3刻度 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[雜榖米]功能後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 煮飯完成後攪勻 雜穀飯 五穀飯 白米1.5杯 小米1/3杯 糯米1/2杯 紅豆1/3杯 高粱1/3杯 鹽1小勺 ❶ 白米 糯米 小米 高粱洗乾淨放好 ❷ 紅豆在強火煮7~8分熟後 湯與紅豆分開放好 ❸ 把洗乾淨的白米 糯米 小米 高粱倒入內鍋後 水位調至白米3刻度 ❹ 鋪勻煮好的紅豆 蓋好鍋蓋按功能/選擇鍵選擇[雜榖米]功能後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❺ 煮飯完成後攪勻 54 參考 醫學界把紅豆稱為赤豆 不僅有除熱毒 散惡血 消脹滿 利小便等功效 是改善臃腫濃血 下腹脹滿 小便不利等的最佳食品

55 料理指南 雜穀飯 Fresh糙米發芽飯 糙米4杯 ❶ 把洗乾淨的糙米放入鍋內 水位調至糙米發芽4刻度 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[糙米發芽]功能 糙米發芽時間設定為4小時後按壓力煮飯/ 快速煮飯鍵 ❸ 煮飯完成後攪勻即可食用 參考 根據喜好調節糙米發芽時間後煮飯 已發芽的糙米煮飯時 無須再發芽 想吃糙米飯時 選擇糙米發芽功能進行煮飯 糙米紅豆飯 糙米1杯 白米2杯 紅豆1/3杯 ❶ 保持煮好的紅豆形狀完好 湯與紅豆分開放好 ❷ 把洗乾淨的糙米放入鍋內 水位調至糙米發芽3刻度後放入煮熟的紅豆 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[糙米]功能 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 煮飯完成後攪勻即可食用 健康飯 雞胸肉綠茶飯 糙米2杯 綠茶葉3g 綠茶粉10g 雞胸肉4塊 橄欖油少許 鹽少許 胡椒少許 芹菜5g 柳橙少許 料 理 指 南 ❶ 糙米洗乾淨 把綠茶粉10g和綠茶葉3g一起放入鍋內水位調至糙米發芽2刻度 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[糙米發芽]功能 時間設定為4小時後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❸ 把雞胸肉用鹽 胡椒浸泡1小時後 在平底鍋上放橄欖油煎出後 切片準備 ❹ 柳橙切成半圓形 芹菜切成條準備 ❺ 保溫後 把攪勻好的米飯和雞胸肉一起放入盤子裡 柳橙和芹菜放在上面即可 綠茶飯的10種優點 1. 抗癌效果 2. 預防衰老 3. 預防糖尿病 高血壓 4. 防止肥胖 能減肥 5. 對金屬和尼古丁有消毒作用 6. 消除疲勞 能解酒 7. 治療便秘 8.防止蛀牙 9. 預防體質酸性化 10. 預防癌症和細菌感染 嫩芽拌飯 糙米2杯 蔬菜嫩芽少許 辣椒醬 : 辣椒醬1/2杯 牛肉末40g 香油1大勺 蜂蜜1大勺 白糖1大勺 ❶ 糙米洗乾淨放入鍋內 水位調至糙米發芽2刻度 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[糙米發芽]功能 時間設定為4小時後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❸ 炒鍋內先放入香油和牛肉末炒勻 再放入辣椒醬和1/3杯水 炒到黏稠為止 放入少許白糖 蜂蜜 香油攪拌 ❹ 保溫後攪勻米飯 上面放已準備好的蔬菜嫩芽 ❺ 放辣椒醬時 不要弄亂蔬菜嫩芽 55

56 料理指南 健康飯 蘑菇糙米料理 糙米2杯 肉汁20g 鹽少許 紫蘇2片 南瓜1/3個 香菇少許 根據家庭的喜好選擇蘑菇 ❶ 把洗乾淨的糙米放入鍋內後 水位調至糙米發芽2刻度 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[糙米發芽]功能 時間設定為4小時後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❸ 南瓜切成小塊 加鹽炒一下 ❹ 蘑菇和肉汁輕輕攪拌 ❺ 煮飯完成後攪勻米飯 ❻ 先把一部分糙米放入模型裡 放入南瓜後再放入剩餘糙米 成型後去除模型 ❼ 把抹上肉汁的蘑菇放在上面後在放上紫蘇葉即可 營養粥 白米粥 白米1杯 ❶ 把洗乾淨的白米放入鍋內後 水位調至粥1刻度 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[營養粥]功能 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 粥是我們食物中最早發現的主食 粥的起源是在耕耘文化開始的新石器時代 使用土質器皿放入穀物熬製食用 萬能燉 燉排骨 牛排(或豬排)1.2kg 料酒3大勺 醬油5大勺 蒜末1大勺 香油1大勺 洋蔥汁3大勺 水梨汁3大勺 白糖3大勺 蔥末5大勺 芝麻鹽1大勺 胡椒粉1小勺 胡蘿蔔1個 栗子10個 銀杏20個 松子1大勺 ❶ 排骨剁成塊 去除筋和油後洗乾淨放入容器中用水浸泡去血 ❷ 洗乾淨的排骨空出水分瀝乾 加入水梨汁 料酒醃製 ❸ 栗子去皮切半 銀杏用煎鍋加少許油炒熟去皮 胡蘿蔔洗乾淨切成適當大小放好 ❹ 把準備好的所有連同調味料放入容器中攪勻醃製1小時後 放入內鍋 (排骨和調味料在醃製過程中產生水份 因此無須加入水可直接放入內鍋即可) ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為45分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❻ 料理完成後 加入松子盛出即可 燉雞 雞1隻(1kg) 馬鈴薯100g 胡蘿蔔100g 白糖3大勺 蔥末1大勺 蒜末1大勺 醬油6大勺 薑汁1大勺 胡椒粉1/2小勺 芝麻鹽1大勺 香油1.5大勺 56 ❶ 雞肉洗乾淨去除雜毛 內臟 尾部的油 ❷ 把洗乾淨的雞剁成易入味及方便食用的大小 ❸ 把胡蘿蔔 馬鈴薯去皮洗乾淨切成適當的大小後 連同切好的雞肉放入容器內 放入調味料攪 勻並靜置讓雞肉充分入味 ❹ 將已醃製的雞肉倒入內鍋 ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為45分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵

57 料理指南 萬能燉 熟肉 豬肉(五花肉)400g 生薑1塊 蒜少許 洋蔥1個 大蔥1根 泡菜少許 ❶ 鍋內倒入1.5杯水後放入蒸盤 ❷ 豬肉切2~3大塊放在蒸盤上 生薑切2~3片放在上面 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為40分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 料理完成後 將豬肉切成適當大小的薄片 洋蔥 蒜 大蔥 泡菜切成適當大小連同熟肉擺 放在盤中即可 五香醬肉 豬肉700g 醬油2/3杯 白糖3大勺 棉線少許 五香調味料 : 胡椒6粒 桂皮7cm 八角4個 ❶ 豬肉洗乾淨 使用棉線綑綁好 ❷ 將豬肉放入碗中 加入醬油 白糖 五香調味料醃製入味 ❸ 內鍋裡倒入❷後 加入3杯水 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為40分鐘後 ❺ 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 料理完成後 取出豬肉 使用剪刀剪去棉線 將豬肉切成0.2cm厚度盛入碗中即可 醬魷魚 魷魚2隻 菠菜140g 胡蘿蔔150g 雞蛋2顆 鹽少許 香油少許 麵粉少許 調味料 : 辣椒醬2大勺 醬油2大勺 白糖1大勺 清酒1大勺 香油1小勺 辣椒粉1小勺 料 理 指 南 ❶ 魷魚切開去除內臟 洗淨去皮 切小菱形花刀 ❷ 開水裡加入適量鹽 將已切花刀的魷魚川燙後瀝乾 ❸ 菠菜 胡蘿蔔洗乾淨 放入適量鹽川燙後瀝乾 放入香油 適量鹽拌好 ❹ 雞蛋放入碗中加入鹽攪勻後 按魷魚寬度煎一下 ❺ 將燙好的魷魚去除水份 在內部灑些麵粉 把備好的雞蛋 菠菜 胡蘿蔔依次鋪在魷魚 表面 捲好後用牙籤固定放好 ❻ 內鍋倒入半杯水後 放入蒸盤 把魷魚放在蒸盤上 ❼ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 牛排 去骨牛排500g 牛排用調料汁少許 鹽適量 胡椒粉少許 ❶ 牛排洗乾淨後 放入胡椒粉 鹽醃製入味 將牛排放入內膽入半杯水 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❸ 料理完成後 盛入盤中即可 灑上調料汁即可 紅酒調味料 雙孢蘑菇 洋蔥 蒜洗淨剁成末放入鹽 胡椒粉拌好後用煎鍋炒至九成熟時加入紅酒 當紅酒沸騰時加入蕃茄醬 燒烤調料醬 胡椒 桂葉煮至糊狀即可 57

58 料理指南 萬能燉 蒸螃蟹 螃蟹2隻 牛肉150g 豆腐1/2塊 青椒 紅椒各半個 蛋黃半顆 麵粉少許 ❶ 螃蟹洗乾淨 擠出蟹肉搗成泥備用 ❷ 牛肉洗乾淨剁成末 豆腐搗碎 連同蟹肉拌勻 ❸ 青椒 紅椒剁碎加入蛋黃攪勻 ❹ 蟹殼內灑入適量麵粉後放入拌好的❷ 然後鋪勻❸ ❺ 內鍋倒入1杯水後 放入蒸盤 ❻ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 蒸魚 鯛魚1條 牛肉50g 香菇3個 木耳2片 紅辣椒1個 雞蛋1個 蔥 蒜 醬油 芝麻 食用油 香油 鹽 胡椒粉各適量 ❶ 鯛魚去鱗 去除內臟洗乾淨 切2cm寬的花刀放好 雞蛋餅切成絲 木耳炒熟切成絲 紅辣椒切成絲備用 ❷ 剁好牛肉後 加入鹽 蔥 蒜 香油 花椒粉 芝麻鹽 醬油 食用油做成調味料 ❸ 在切花刀的縫隙裡填滿準備好的調味料 ❹ 內鍋倒入2杯水後 放入蒸盤 ❺ 蒸盤上放置已備好的魚 ❻ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❼ 料理結束後 用剩餘的做裝飾 蒸大蛤 大蛤4個 牛肉30g 蛋白1個 雞蛋1個 蔥末2小勺 蒜末1小勺 鹽1/2小勺 胡椒粉少許 ❶ 牛肉洗乾淨剁成末 ❷ 洗乾淨的大蛤去殼 肉剁成末放好 ❸ 把牛肉末 蛤蜊末放入碗中 加入蔥末 蒜末 鹽 胡椒粉做成餡 ❹ 貝殼洗乾淨後裝滿已備好的餡 ❺ 裝滿的貝殼用手指輕輕按下 不要讓餡露出貝殼外 在上面塗抹一層蛋白 ❻ 內鍋倒入2杯水後 放入蒸盤 ❼ 蒸盤上放置已裝滿餡的貝殼 ❽ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為35分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❾ 煮熟的雞蛋蛋白蛋黃分開搗碎 各自分半鋪勻在已蒸好的蛤蜊上即可 蒸豆腐 豆腐1塊 鹽少許 調味料 : 辣椒粉1大勺 蔥1根 蒜末1大勺 香油少許 芝麻鹽少許 辣椒絲少許 醬油3大勺 58 ❶ 豆腐切半再切成1cm厚的塊 灑鹽去除水份放好 ❷ 蔥洗乾淨切成絲裝入碗中 加入蒜末 醬油 辣椒粉 芝麻鹽 香油 辣椒絲做成調料醬 ❸ 內鍋倒入2杯水後 放入蒸盤 把切好的豆腐塊擺在蒸盤上 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為25分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❺ 料理結束後 蒸好的豆腐拿出 把調料醬灑在豆腐上即可

59 料理指南 萬能燉 什錦菜 粉條250g 青/紅椒(青 紅)1個 胡蘿蔔100g 洋蔥100g 菠菜少許 金針菇100g 魚餅200g 食用油2大勺 水1/2杯 調味料 : 白糖 醬油 香油 芝麻 芝麻鹽各少許 ❶ 洗乾淨的青/紅椒 洋蔥 胡蘿蔔和魚餅切成絲 金針菇洗乾淨 菠菜洗乾淨用開水燙過瀝乾 切成半備用 (青/紅椒 胡蘿蔔切成2~3mm的絲 洋蔥 魚餅切成5mm的絲較佳) ❷ 粉條用溫水浸泡30分鐘後 用冷水洗乾淨瀝乾 (粉條若浸泡時間過長做出的什錦菜會凝成一團 可根據口味粉條浸泡時間控制在10~30分鐘之間) ❸ 內鍋倒入2大勺食用油 1/2杯水後 把備好的粉條 魚餅 胡蘿蔔 洋蔥放入內鍋 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為25分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 (可根據口味調整萬能煮時間) ❺ 料理結束後 放入備好的菠菜和調味料拌勻調味 盛入盤中即可食用 煮雞蛋 雞蛋10顆 水4杯 白醋1~2滴 ❶ 內鍋放入雞蛋 水 白醋 ❷ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為20分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 韓式雞蛋料理 料 理 指 南 雞蛋3顆 水1.5杯 蝦醬1/2小勺 鹽少許 胡蘿蔔15g 蔥末15g ❶ 雞蛋打入碗中倒入水攪勻備用 ❷ 胡蘿蔔和蔥末剁成末放入 攪勻 ❸ 蝦醬裡倒入少量水和攪拌 勻後 放入適量鹽調味 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為20分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 奶酪炒年糕 韓式切片年糕100g 熟雞蛋2顆 地瓜1個 披薩專用奶酪80g 切片奶酪2片 橄欖油少許 調味料1杯 香芹粉少許 調味料 麵粉20g 奶油20g 牛奶200g 鹽少許 白胡椒少許 (煎鍋放入奶油 待奶油溶化後倒入麵粉略炒一會 倒入牛奶熬成糊狀 放入鹽和白胡椒粉) ❶ 地瓜洗乾淨切成圓形薄片 ❷ 雞蛋去殼切成適當大小 年糕用溫水浸泡備用 ❸ 內鍋內壁擦適量的橄欖油後 放入地瓜 雞蛋 年糕一層一層鋪好 ❹ 在上面倒入調味料後灑入披薩專用奶酪 其放置切成8分的切片奶酪 灑上香芹粉 ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為20分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❻ 料理結束攪勻即可 59

60 料理指南 萬能燉 蕃茄炒蝦仁 蝦子15隻 蔥1/3根 洋蔥30g 胡蘿蔔30g 蕃茄醬調味料 : 蕃茄醬4大勺 白糖1.5大勺 太白粉1.5大勺 水1.5大勺 鹽 醬油 胡椒粉少許 ❶ 蝦去皮後用鹽水洗乾淨放好 ❷ 蔥切成片 洋蔥去皮切成比蝦略小一點備用 ❸ 內鍋裡放入備好的和蕃茄醬調味料後攪勻 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為15分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❺ 料理結束後攪勻即可 炒年糕 年糕(軟年糕)300g 魚餅3張 洋蔥1/3顆 蔥1/3根 胡蘿蔔60g 調味料 : 辣椒醬3大勺 白糖1.5大勺 芝麻鹽 醬油1/2大勺 鯷魚湯1/2杯 ❶ 年糕洗乾淨切片放好 ❷ 魚餅切成4份 胡蘿蔔 洋蔥切成條 蔥切成片放好 ❸ 食材放入容器中做成調味料放好 ❹ 將備好的和調味料放入鍋內攪勻 ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為20分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 起司飯 主料 : 米飯200g 配料 : 切片火腿4片 雙孢蘑菇4個 罐裝玉米4大勺 蟹棒2個 披薩專用奶酪80G 披薩調味料8大勺 ❶ 雙孢蘑菇洗乾淨去皮切成片 蟹棒撕成條狀放好 ❷ 切片火腿切成適當大小的方形 罐裝玉米去除水份備用 ❸ 米飯放入內鍋鋪平 ❹ 米飯上面放入披薩調味料用勺子鋪平後將備好的依次鋪平 ❺ 將披薩專用奶酪鋪平後 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為20分鐘後 按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 奶油巧克力蛋糕 奶油200g 白糖90g 雞蛋3顆 蛋糕粉110g 巧克力70g ❶ 奶油經室溫軟化後放入碗中添加白糖攪勻放好 ❷ 雞蛋打入❶ ❸ 蛋糕粉放入❷ ❹ 巧克力放入❸ 內鍋底部擦適量的奶油後 放入調好的鋪平 ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為45分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 60

61 料理指南 萬能燉 蒸餃子 餃子20個 ❶ 內鍋倒入2杯水 ❷ 把蒸盤放入內鍋後將水餃擺放整齊 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為25分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 蒸茄子 茄子兩顆 調味料 : 醬油2大勺 紅辣椒1個 青辣椒1個 辣椒粉1/2大勺 醋1大勺 芝麻鹽少許 蔥半根 蒜4瓣 白糖2小勺 ❶ 茄子洗乾淨切成4cm段 豎著底部留出空切十字花刀 ❷ 紅辣椒 青椒切成絲 蒜 蔥剁成末放入鹽 辣椒粉 醬油 白糖 白醋 芝麻鹽攪勻做成調 味料 ❸ 內鍋倒入2杯水後 放入蒸盤 將茄子放在蒸盤上擺好 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❺ 料理完成後取出茄子將調味料放在其上 蒸櫛瓜 櫛瓜1顆 調味料 : 醬油2大勺 蔥末1大勺 香油1/2大勺 辣椒粉1/2大勺 辣椒絲少許 白糖1小勺 蒜末1大勺 芝麻鹽1/2大勺 料 理 指 南 ❶ 櫛瓜洗淨切成圓形薄片 ❷ 把蒜末 蔥末 香油 醬油 辣椒粉 辣椒絲 白糖 芝麻鹽放入碗中做成調味料 ❸ 內鍋裡倒入2杯水後放入蒸盤 然後放入櫛瓜 把調味料鋪在櫛瓜上面 ❹ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 蒸栗子 栗子30個 ❶ 內鍋倒入2杯水 ❷ 栗子洗乾淨用刀剝掉一部分殼後 放在蒸盤上 (為防止栗子爆開 剝掉一部分殼) ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為30分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 料理完成後取出栗子時注意燙傷 61

62 料理指南 萬能燉 地瓜 地瓜5個(較大的地瓜(150g以上)要切一半) ❶ 內鍋倒入2杯水後放入蒸盤 ❷ 把洗乾淨的地瓜放在蒸盤上 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為35分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 料理完成後取出地瓜時注意燙傷 地瓜的多種療效 蒸地瓜可改善便祕 : 蒸熟的地瓜帶皮食用有助於改善便祕 身體虛弱者食用生地瓜 : 地瓜含有豐富的維生素B 礦物質和胡蘿蔔素的高營養品 特別是將 生地瓜榨汁食用有增強體質的效果 切開地瓜時留出的乳汁和液體含 有人體所需的多種營養成分 馬鈴薯 馬鈴薯(200g以下)6個 ❶ 內鍋倒入2杯水後放入蒸盤 ❷ 把洗乾淨的馬鈴薯放在蒸盤上 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為45分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 料理完成後取出馬鈴薯時注意燙傷 馬鈴薯的保管方法 由於夏季常溫下保管馬鈴薯時易發芽 少量的馬鈴薯可放入冰箱內進行冷藏 但保管較多量的馬鈴薯 時 可將馬鈴薯袋子放入紙箱內開口靜置 並加入一兩顆蘋果一起放置可防止馬鈴薯發芽 蒸玉米 玉米4隻 ❶ 內鍋倒入2杯水後放入蒸盤 ❷ 把洗乾淨的馬鈴薯放在蒸盤上 ❸ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為40分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❹ 料理完成後取出玉米時注意燙傷 鮮奶油蛋糕 麵粉1杯(低筋麵粉)1杯 雞蛋4個 奶油1大勺 牛奶1大勺 香草夾少許 白糖1/4杯 鹽少許 奶油 : 鮮奶油200ml 白糖1/4杯 水果 : 櫻桃2個 草莓5個 罐裝蜜橘1/4罐 奇異果1顆 62 ❶ 麵粉加入適量鹽後 用篩子篩一遍 ❷ 雞蛋打碎蛋白 蛋黃分開放好 ❸ 將雞蛋打入攪拌桶內 放入白糖 攪拌至泛白並成稠厚乳沫狀 ❹ ❸裡攪拌時分幾次放入蛋黃後放入適量香草子攪勻放好 ❺ 將❹攪成膏狀時放入麵粉攪勻備好 ❻ 奶油化開後倒入牛奶攪勻 ❼ 內鍋內壁擦適量奶油後 倒入攪勻的麵粉 ❽ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉]功能 時間設定為40分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 ❾ 料理完成後將蛋糕充分冷卻 ❿ 奶油和白糖倒入碗中攪出膏狀 將冷卻的蛋糕上塗抹奶油膏 用水果裝飾即可食用

63 料理指南 萬能燉 藥膳 糯米3杯 葡萄乾60g 栗子15個 大棗10個 松子1大勺 紅糖100g 醬油1大勺 香油3大勺 鹽少許 桂皮粉半大勺 ❶ 糯米洗淨 用水浸泡1小時以上 ❷ 栗子 大棗切成適當大小(需去皮和籽) ❸ 把泡好的糯米裡放入紅糖 醬油 香油 桂皮粉 鹽攪拌 ❹ ❸和所有放入鍋內攪勻 水位調至白米4刻度後攪拌 ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉] 時間設定為35分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 蒸糕 麵粉5杯 紅豆2杯 鹽1大勺 白糖5大勺 水3大勺 ❶ 麵粉裡放入3大勺水後 攪勻用篩子篩一遍 放入白糖(3大勺)拌勻 ❷ 紅豆洗乾淨 倒入清水煮熟後瀝乾 碾成末加入白糖(1大勺)和鹽(2大勺)攪勻 ❸ 內鍋倒入2杯水後 放入蒸盤 上面鋪一層紗布 ❹ 將1杯紅豆末鋪平後 上面鋪平麵粉 依次鋪平多層 ❺ 蓋好鍋蓋 按功能/選擇鍵選擇[萬能燉] 時間設定為45分鐘後按壓力煮飯/快速煮飯鍵 料 理 指 南 63

64 e n j o y c o o k i n g 根據 Cooking Guide 做出快樂美味的料理 料理選擇表 萬能燉料理時間表 料理種類功能選擇料理方法 料理種類 料理時間 料理種類 料理時間 白米粥 營養粥 1. 把備好的放入內鍋後根據所需功能, 將水位調至 粥 刻度 1.5 杯 : 水位調至粥 1.5 刻度 1 杯 : 水位調至粥 1 刻度 0.5 杯 : 水位調至粥 0.5 刻度 ( 注意事項 : 粥最多可做 1.5 杯 ) 2. 蓋好鍋蓋, 按功能 / 選擇鍵選擇 營養粥 功能, 後按壓力煮飯 / 快速煮飯鍵 蕃茄炒蝦仁雞蛋糕奶酪炒年糕炒年糕起司飯煮雞蛋 15 分鐘 20 分鐘 蒸櫛瓜蒸栗子蒸大蛤地瓜藥膳熟肉 30 分鐘 35 分鐘 燉排骨 燉雞 萬能燉 1. 把備好的放入內鍋 2. 蓋好鍋蓋, 按功能 / 選擇鍵選擇 萬能燉 功能, 時間設定為 4 5 分鐘後按壓力煮飯 / 快速煮飯鍵 蒸豆腐什錦菜蒸餃子醬魷魚 25 分鐘 蒸玉米五香醬肉鮮奶油蛋糕奶油巧克力蛋糕 40 分鐘 牛排 燉排骨 地瓜 萬能燉 1. 內鍋裡倒入 2 ~ 3 杯水 2. 放入蒸盤, 把備好的放在蒸盤上 3. 蓋好鍋蓋, 按功能 / 選擇鍵選擇 萬能燉 功能, 時間設定為 3 5 分鐘後按壓力煮飯 / 快速煮飯鍵 蒸螃蟹蒸魚蒸茄子 30 分鐘 燉雞馬鈴薯蒸糕 45 分鐘 64


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