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10Days 7Nights FINLAND & NORWAY Northern Lights Arctic Adventure Helsinki / Rovaniemi / Luosto / Saariselka / Inari / Kirkenes / Oslo VALIDITY: DEC 2018 ONWARDS 起出发! EUROPE HIGHLIGHTS Arctic King Crab Safari by Snowmobile Sledge Aurora Borealis Hunting Amethyst Mine with Pendolino Experience Snowmobile Experience & Reindeer Farm Nordic Skiing Experience & Husky Safari www.applevacations.my 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Santa Claus Village & Arctic Circle Certificate Amethyst Mine & Pendolino Aurora Borealis Evening Tour Nordic Skiing with Equipment Reindeer Safari Husky Safari Snowmobile Safari Arctic King Crab Safari Viking Museum, Oslo HOTELS ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority provide free Wi-Fi (at least available at the lobby). 1N Helsinki Clarion Hotel 4* or similar 2N Rovaniemi Sokos Hotel Vaakuna 4* or similar 1N Luosto Luosto Tunturi 4* or similar 1N Inari Inari Hotel or similar 1N Kirkenes Thon Hotel 4* or similar 1N Oslo Thon/ Radisson blu Hotel or similar Note: Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels DAY 01 Depart at KLIA DAY 02 Arrive Helsinki, Finland ( - / Western Lunch/ Western Dinner) Upon arrival at Helsinki Airport, proceed for a tour of the Finnish capital. Helsinki City Tour Start a coach tour through the city center, with a visit to Senate Square, flanked by the Helsinki Cathedral, Government Palace, University Helsinki and National Library. Thereafter, proceed to the Rock Church (Temppeliaukio), visit the largest Orthodox Church in Western Europe: Uspenski Orthodox Cathedral and have a photostop at the artistic Sibelius Monument. DAY 03 Helsinki (Hotel Breakfast/ - / Lappish Dinner) Rovaniemi This morning, board a flight to the capital of Lapland, Rovaniemi. Santa Claus Village During winter, this magical village come to life projecting an authentic fairy tale winter wonderland. Meet Santa Claus and cross the magical Arctic Circle. Send friends and relatives greetings from the Santa Claus Post Office. All post will be stamped with a the special postmark of the Santa Claus Post Office. Snowmobile Reindeer Safari Experience Continue to the Reindeer Farm by snowmobile, familiarise yourself with the everyday life of reindeer farmers. Experience Reindeer Sledding which is the oldest form of transport in the north and a part of ancient Sami culture. (Thermal outfit included) Reindeer Safari DAY 05 Rovaniemi - 118km - Luosto - 170km - Saariselkä (Hotel Breakfast/ Western Lunch/ Western Dinner) DAY 04 Rovaniemi (Hotel Breakfast/ Western Lunch/ Chinese Dinner) Snowmobile Safari Experience the thrill of riding a snowmobile (2 person per snowmobile) along frozen rivers and through forests covered with snow. Stop & enjoy the sweeping white views of the river valley from the top of the hills. (Thermal outfit and snowmobile guide included) Pendolino Amethyst Mine (Finland) Board the Pendolino up to the snow mountain top, where you will have a fabulous view over the national park with its frozen trees. During the guided visit to

Europe s only active Amethyst mine, you will learn about the history of this jewel and try to dig your own amethyst stones (Amethyst mining). Proceed to Saariselkä there after. SPECIAL Arctic King Crab Safari After changing into your thermal outfits, hop on a sledge pulled by snowmobile to the frozen sea floors. Witness your hosts sawing a hole in the ice and pull up a huge bucket of the crabs. Pose with one and head back to the base for a feast of succulent Arctic King Crab! AURORA HUNTING EVENING TOUR In the evening tour, we head out into the rural to hunt down the phenomenal Northern Lights Aurora Borealis. While observing Nature s own theatrical performance, sit around the open fire place and grill some sausage & sip warm drinks. (Sighting of this visual spectacle is dependent on solar activity; cloud cover & general weather conditions. Hence it can never be guaranteed. However, sighting is not confined to this tour as the dancing green lights may show itself randomly during your full stay in Lapland) DAY 06 Saariselkä - 70km - Inari (Hotel Breakfast/ Western Lunch/ Western Dinner) Nordic Skiing Experience Today, put on your ski equipments and be guided by fun instructors with the basic of skiing. Thereafter, enjoy country side skiing while appreciating the beautiful landscapes. (Ski equipments, Shoes & Thermal Outfit Included.) Husky Safari Experience the husky sleigh ride (2persons/sled). You have the chance to be a musher in control of your own team of dogs. Experience the excitement with the adorable dogs as they eagerly wait to pull you at a speedy but safe pace through the breathtaking countryside. DAY 07 Inari - 199km - Kirkenes, Norway (Hotel Breakfast/ King Crab Lunch/ Lappish Dinner) Today, we cross the border into Norway. DAY 08 Kirkenes Oslo (Hotel Breakfast/ - / Western Dinner) Transfer to airport for a short flight to the capital of Norway, Oslo. Oslo City Tour Start the city tour with entrance to Vigeland Park, the world s largest sculpture park consisting more than 200 sculptures in bronze, granite and wrought iron created by Gustav Vigeland. Next, entrance into the Viking Ship Museum displaying 3 best preserved Viking burial ships; Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune. Enjoy splendid view of Aker Brygge, drives through the city to view Oslo City Hall and Holmenkollen area. DAY 09 Oslo / Depart for home (Hotel Breakfast/ - / - ) Leisurely Oslo Tour Enjoy some free time at your leisure in the city center of Oslo. Shop at Oslo s shopping precincts and the pedestrian street Karl Johans Gate. Transfer to airport for flight home. DAY 10 Arrival Home King Crab Safari Arrival home with sweet memories. Aurora Borealis Hunting

圣诞老人村 ( 包含北极圈证书 ) 紫水晶矿 & 雪车 追寻北极光夜游 滑雪乐 ( 包含滑雪用具 ) 驯鹿牧场体验 哈士奇狗雪橇 雪地摩托车体验 抓北极帝王蟹体验 维京博物馆 优质酒店一般都设有免费无线网络连接, 尤其是酒店大堂 1 晚赫尔辛基 - 克拉丽奥 4* 酒店或同级 2 晚羅瓦纳米 - 蘇可 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚洛斯托 - 洛斯托恩图 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚伊纳里 - 伊纳里酒店或同级 1 晚希尔科内斯 - 多恩 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚奥斯陆 - 多恩 / 丽笙 4* 酒店或同级 注释 : 所有酒店供应每日热早餐 第 1 天从吉隆坡国际机场出发 第 2 天抵达赫尔辛基, 芬兰 ( ) 抵达赫尔辛基机场后将展开我们的旅程 今天开始游览市中心的参议院广场, 途经赫尔辛基大教堂, 政府宫, 赫尔辛基大学和国家图书馆 接下来, 进入岩石教堂和北欧最大的东正教堂乌斯别斯基大教堂参观后最后到著名的芬兰音乐家西贝柳斯纪念碑拍照留念 第 3 天赫尔辛基 羅瓦纳米 ( ) 早上, 乘搭内陆航班飞往拉普兰的首都 -- 羅瓦纳米 在这冬天里, 这个神奇的村子像是童话故事里的冬季仙境活现在你眼前 在圣诞老人村除了能跨越神奇的北极圈线以外, 您还能与亲切幽默的圣诞老公公见面寒暄 这里也是圣诞老人邮局的总部, 你可以寄出这里独有的明信片和圣诞老人邮局特别加盖的邮票送给您的亲戚朋友的问候 第 4 天羅瓦纳米 ( ) 今天是行程的重头戏, 你将有机会驾驶雪上摩托车 ( 每两人一辆雪上摩托车 ), 一路沿着结冰的河面, 穿梭在覆盖着白雪的森林里飞驰的快感 而后停留在山顶欣赏一览无遗的白色河谷 这将是您流连忘返, 必生的北极圈体验 ( 包含 : 暖服与雪上摩托车导游 ) 驾驶雪上摩托车到驯鹿牧场同时您将有机会了解驯鹿农民的日常生活 而后你将有机会乘坐驯鹿雪橇 驯鹿雪橇是在北方最古老的运输与交通用途同时也是萨米文化中古老的一部分 ( 包含暖服 ) 第 5 天羅瓦纳米 -118 公里 - 洛斯托 - 170 公里 - 萨利色尔卡 ( ) 今天乘上特色的紫水晶雪车到雪山顶峰 在这里你能观赏到这国家公园及雪冻树的冬季仙境的美景 参观欧洲唯一还在开採的紫水晶矿 在参观的过程中, 你会学到很多关于这个水晶宝石的历史, 你也有机会在紫晶矿自己体验开採紫水晶 参观完毕后, 继续我们的旅程, 前往北极圈拉普兰地 - 萨利色尔卡, 闻名遐迩的极地旅游目的地和度假胜地 入住酒店休息 特色 圣诞老人村 猎游幸福北极光当夜幕垂帘, 我们将避开光害, 带你到黑暗的夜里寻找北极圈的幸福之光 北极光 在等待幸福之光 北极光 的出现同时, 大家围坐在开放式烤炉旁, 一边烤香肠, 一边饮用暖暖的热饮料

( 欣赏 北极光 这种自然界的视觉奇观, 完全取决于当天的天气条件如太阳粒子的活动云层与晴空等等 我们不能保证北极光的出现, 但是只要夜幕垂帘后和在天气条件符合, 她随时随地都可能出现在你此趟的北极圈旅程, 向你舞动着绿色幸福之光 捉帝王蟹体验 第 7 天伊纳里 - 199 公里 - 希尔科内斯, 挪威 ( ) 前往欧洲大陆最北端帝王蟹的家乡 -- 希尔科内斯 在木小屋内等待北极光 第 6 天萨利色尔卡 - 70 公里 - 伊纳里 ( ) 今天, 您的滑雪教练将指导您如何轻松自在的享受滑雪乐 跟随滑雪教练的步伐, 穿越平滑寂静的白色森林开启您美好的一天!( 包含滑雪橇, 滑雪棒, 滑雪鞋及滑雪服 ) 更换好暖衣后乘坐雪地摩托雪橇前往帝王蟹冰捕捉地点 由经验丰富的导游展示如何探视冰洞和捕捉帝王蟹, 将一个装满螃蟹的大篮子拉上来 您可以拿着帝王蟹拍照 过后就带着我们的收获回到农舍烹煮, 享用鲜美之极的帝王蟹 第 8 天希尔科内斯 ( ) 奥斯陆 早餐后, 前往赫尔辛基机场乘搭内陆航空飞往挪威首都 -- 奥斯陆 抵达后, 带您进入维格朗雕塑公园参观, 这是世界最大的一个雕塑公园, 拥有超过 200 个青铜和花岗岩雕塑, 古斯塔夫 维格朗所创作 接下来, 参观维京博物馆, 展示三个保存最完好的维京船 :Oseberg,Gokstad 和 Tune 维京船 继续到阿克尔码头欣赏壮丽景观 随后, 驱车游览城市的风光 : 奥斯陆市政厅和贺美科伦区的景色 芬兰滑雪乐 维京博物馆 一起来体验哈士奇狗拉雪橇 ( 两人一个雪橇 ) 在这您可尝试当驾驶员去控制您所属团队的狗 享受雪橇犬所带来的速度感, 和拉普兰的美景 第 9 天奥斯陆 / 返回家园 ( ) 今天早晨是自由活动时间 或您可自行来到著名的步行街 -- Karl Johans Gate 享受购物及休闲时光 转送前往机场乘搭班机返回家园 哈士奇狗拉雪橇 第 10 天抵达家园 带着甜蜜回忆抵达家园

Kirkenes Inari Saariselka Luosto Rovaniemi SWEDEN NORWAY FINLAND Helsinki Oslo Vigeland Park, Oslo KEY ITINERARY FEATURES 主要行程特点 Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey. A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, and Chinsese meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程 并让您有足够的 空闲时间进行您所喜欢的活动 美味丰富的特别美食料理组合 包括西餐 中餐和您自选的美食佳肴 让您尽情沉醉在 享受餐饮的乐趣 MEAL PLAN Arctic King Crab Lappish Menu Farewell Seafood Platter in Oslo Number of Meals : Lunch - 5 ; Dinner - 7 餐饮安排 帝王蟹 拉普兰特色餐 饯别海鲜餐 奥斯陆 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 5 ; 晚餐 - 7 Amethyst Mine, Luosto Travel Essentials: Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired. Travel Insurance - It s essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance before travel. Terms & Conditions: 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure. 3. AVC is not responsible for omissions, printing and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where such information may be presented; AVC reserves the right to make corrections as required. 4. Every person participating in AVC s tours shall travel at his/her own risk. AVC shall not be held liable to any person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 5. For other terms & conditions, refer overleaf of invoice or visit https://www.applevacations.my/web/terms.php Note: AVC refers to Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd West Tours - Additional Terms & Conditions: 1. Tours are conducted in English, with simple translation in Mandarin or Cantonese if required. 2. Triple Room - Third person shall be based on a roll-away bed. (Apply on Europe & Other Countries itineraries) 3. Triple Room is based on two double bed. (Apply on America itineraries, except Hawaii) 4. Triple Room only allowed 2 Adults and 1 Child, with a roll-away bed for child. For 3 adults, two rooms required with one person paying the Single Supplement. (Apply on South Africa itineraries only, except Kenya & Morocco) For Agent Use Only: 旅行必备: 护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至少6个月 (从返程日期算起) 并且取得必要的签证和准证 旅游保险 - 出发前 建议您购买全面的旅游保险 条规: 1. 行程 膳食 酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动 恕不另行通知 2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况,特别是在旅游旺季期间 苹果旅游将保留更改或取消行程的权利 3. 若苹果旅游的宣传手册或任何传播媒介 出现任何形式的印刷失误或遗漏 本公司一概不负责 并且保留更正的权利 4. 每位参与苹果旅游团的成员 必须为自身安全或行为负责 若出现无法预测的特殊情况 (例如 交通延误/取消 天气 疾病 示威 战争等等) 因而引发额外支出的问题 苹果旅游一概不负责 旅客需自行负责额外的费用 5. 详情条规 请参阅单据背页或浏览 https://www.applevacations.my/web/terms.php 欧美团 - 附加条规: 1 所有行程以英文讲解为主 若有需要 将提供简单的中文或粤语翻译 2 三人房-房内第三名住客的床褥 将以折叠式为准 (仅限于欧洲及其他国家行程) 3 三人房均以两张双人床为准 恕不添加折叠式床褥 (仅限于美国行程 唯夏威夷除外 ) 4 三人房均以折叠式床褥为准 仅供两位成人及一位小孩 (十二岁以下) 若三位成人入住 则须订购两间客房并 填补差价 (仅限于全南美洲行程 唯肯亚与摩洛哥除外 ) Tour Code / 团号 : ETKHEL10 Printed Date July 2018