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O2005: Electronics The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) 張大中 中央大學通訊工程系 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 1

Bipolar Transistor Structures N P 17 10 N D 19 10 N D 15 10 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 2

Forward-Active Mode in the NPN Transistor e Because of the large concentration gradient in the base region, electrons injected from the emitter diffuse across the base into the B spacecharge region, where the E-field sweeps them into the collector region. 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 3

Emitter urrent: Exponential function of the BE voltage ollector urrent: gnoring the recombination in the base region (the base width is very tiny, micrometer), the collect current is proportional to the emitter injection current and is independent of the reverse-biased B voltage. Hence, the collector current is controlled by the BE voltage. Base urrent: BE forward-biased current Base recombination current urrents in Emitter, ollector, and Base i B1 i B2 N i i E D, E i i N B B1, i P, B i B1 i 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 4

ommon-emitter onfiguration i i B E i i i ( 1 ) i B i i E ( 1 ) ommon-emitter current gain B The power supply voltage Vcc must be sufficiently large to keep B junction reverse biased. 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 5

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 6

Forward-Active Mode in the PNP Transistor 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 7

ircuit Symbols and onventions The arrowhead is always placed on the emitter terminal, and it indicates the direction of the emitter current. 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 8

ommon-emitter ircuits 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 9

The collector current is nearly independent of the B voltage as long as the B junction is reverse biased. urrent-voltage haracteristics for B Voltage i F i E 1 1 Emitter is like a constant-current source. 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 10

urrent-voltage haracteristics for E Voltage For forward-active mode, the B junction must be reverse biased, which means that Vce must be greater than approximately Vbe(on). There is a finite to the curves. 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 11

Early Voltage When the current-voltage characteristic curves are extrapolated to zero current, they meet at a point on the negative voltage axis at Vce=-Va, the early voltage. The slope of the curves indicates that the output resistance looking into the collector is finite. The resistance is not critical in the dc analysis. 1 r o i v V ro A, E v BE const. : the quiescent collector current 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 12

Leakage urrents BO EO : the normal leakage current in the reverse-biased B pn junction : the BE current which is is induced by the forward-biased BE pn junction EO EO BO 1 BO EO (1 ) BO Open-emitter configuration Open-base configuration 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 13

Breakdown Voltage ommon-base haracteristics For the curves in which i E 0, breakdown begins earlier. The carriers flowing across the junction initiates the breakdown avalanche process at somewhat lower voltages. Emitter is open. 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 14

ommon-emitter haracteristics Breakdown Voltage BV BV EO EO BV BO, BVBO, n n 3 ~ 6 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 15

D Analysis of ommon-emitter ircuit for NPN V B V BB V R R BE B V (on) E and V E V B R 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 16

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 17

D Analysis of ommon-emitter ircuit for PNP B V BB V R EB B (on) and B V E V R 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 18

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 19

Load Line V E V V R V R E R V 2 5 E 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 20

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 21

Bipolar D Analysis Technique 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 22

Voltage Transfer haracteristics 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 23

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 24

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 25

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 26

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 27

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 28

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 29

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 30

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 31

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 32

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 33

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 34

utoff and Saturation utoff: v v O V BE Transistor ircuit Application: Switch V ( on), i i 0 B Saturation: v v O V V E, R B ( sat) / R i i B c v V R BE B ( sat) ( on) V V R E ( sat) 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 35

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 36

Bipolar nverter Transistor ircuit Application: Digital Logic Multiple-input NOR gate 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 37

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 38

Transistor ircuit Application: Digital Logic 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 39

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 40

Single Base Resistor Biasing 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 41

Using the same values of the resistances, the shift of Q-point is significant due to the variation of the value of. Q-Point 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 42

Voltage Divider Biasing R TH R 1 // R 2 V R 2 TH V R1 R 2 V R V ( on) (1 ) TH BQ BQ V R TH TH Q BQ TH BE V BE ( on) (1 ) R E BQ R E 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 43

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 44

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 45

Bias Stability 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 46

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 47

Positive and Negative Voltage Biasing 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 48

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 49

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 50

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 51 For integrated circuits, we would like to eliminate as many resistors as possible since, in general, they require a larger surface than transistors. ntegrated ircuit Biasing V on V R BE ) ( 0 1 1 1 1 ) ) ( ( R V on V BE 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 ) 2 (1 2 2 B B B 1 1 2 ) 2 1 ( Reference current

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 52

Multistage ircuits 5 V 5 1 B2 1.12 B2 5 V 1 0.7 1012 V B2 1 V 2 0.0237mA, 0.48V, V E2 E2 2.39mA 5 2 2.39 0.22V 5 1.5 2.37 1.445V 中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 53

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 54

中央大學通訊系張大中 Electronics, Neamen 3th Ed. 55