Eligibility NKF was set up to help needy kidney patients through the generous funding of the public. Strict guidelines are in place to ensure that onl

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National Kidney Foundation 全国肾脏基金会 Application Form 申请表格 For Haemodialysis Programme 血液透析计划 UEM: 200104750M ADM-HD-001 Ver.4 07/2016

Eligibility NKF was set up to help needy kidney patients through the generous funding of the public. Strict guidelines are in place to ensure that only persons from lower income households will be assisted under the means testing framework. Besides means testing, persons applying for assistance are required to meet all other eligibility to qualify. Singaporean/Permanent Resident Referred to NKF by Restructured Hospitals (i.e. SGH, NUH, TTSH, AH, KTPH, CGH & NTFGH) Must not own a private property with annual value of more than $13,000 per annum Must not be a Civil Service Card (CSC) holder Pass means test (financial assessment) Mandatory Documents for Submission Applicant & Household Members 1 : 1. Complete family information sheet Annex 1 2. Clear photocopies of front & back of NRIC 2 /FIN/Special Pass/Foreign Passports for the main applicant and all household members who are 15 years old & above 3. Clear photocopies of birth certificates for all household members below 15 years old 4. Gross 3 monthly income above $5,000; or are foreigners (i.e. non Singapore Citizens or non Permanent Residents) - To provide pay slips, employment letter or any income documents of the latest month for the main applicant and/or household members who are 21 years old & above 5. Applicant or household members, who are mentally or physically incapacitated, are required to provide a doctor s memo with the same relevant information (dated within 6 months) as supporting document 6. Household members, who currently require long term care such as suffering from critical chronic diseases - A doctor s memo (dated within 6 months) may be attached as supporting document 7. Main applicant only - Latest CPF Transaction History (indicating Medisave Balance) - Latest CPF My Messages (indicating Medishield Status) - A valid inforce Medisave-Approved Policy Plan e.g., IncomeShield, PruShield, HealthShield Gold etc (if any) Applicant s children who are not staying together: 1. Complete family information sheet Annex 2 2. Clear photocopies of front & back of NRIC 2 /FIN/Special Pass/Foreign Passports for members who are 15 years old & above 3. Clear photocopies of birth certificates for members below 15 years old 病人录取条件 NKF 的成立是为了帮助贫苦肾脏病人 由于依赖公众捐款, 因此我们采取严谨的审查步骤, 确保低收入病人获益 除了支付能力调查, 申请者也必须符合其他申请条件 新加坡公民或新加坡永久居民 由政府附属医院推荐 ( 中央医院, 国大医院, 陈笃生医院, 亚历山大医院, 邱德拔医院, 樟宜综合医院, 黄廷芳综合医院 ) 不能拥有年屋值超过 13,000 元的私人房地产 不能是公务卡持有者 通过支付能力调查 所需文件影印列表 申请者以及同住家庭成员 1 : 1. 完整填写家庭成员资料表格 - Annex 1 2. 15 岁及以上的申请者及家庭成员 - 身份证 2 / 外籍身份证 / 特别准证 / 外国护照影印 ( 如适用 ) 3. 15 岁以下的申请者及家庭成员 - 出生证明影印 4. 最新的收入表, 例如 21 岁以上的申请者及家庭成员的工资单或雇主信 3 - 每月总收入超过 5,000 元 - 外国人, 也就是非新加坡公民或永久居民 5. 智障或残疾申请者或家庭成员 - 最近期医生证明 (6 个月之内 ) 附上为证明文件 6. 慢性疾病家庭成员 - 最近期医生证明 (6 个月之内 ) 附上为证明文件 7. 只限申请者 - 公积金最新转账记录 ( 包括健保储蓄余款 ) - 公积金建保双全记录 ( 须显示健保双全的现状 ) - 其他保险证明文件 ( 若有 ) 例如健保双全计划 金级健康保险计划等 申请者非同住家庭成员的孩子 : 1. 完整填写家庭成员资料表格 - Annex 2 2. 15 岁及以上 - 身份证 2 / 外籍身份证 / 特别准证 / 外国护照影印 ( 如适用 ) 3. 15 岁以下 - 出生证明文件的影印 1 Household members include all family members (whether related by blood, marriage and/or legal adoption) living in the same address as main applicant, i.e. parents, spouse, children, siblings, grandchildren, and children-in-law etc. 2 For Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) or SAF regulars who do not retain their NRICs, 11B can be used as identification document instead. 3 Gross monthly income refers to your basic income, overtime pay, allowances, cash awards, commissions and bonuses. 1 家庭成员指的是和申请者住在同一住址的成员, 不论是否有血缘 婚姻以及 / 或合法领养关系, 比如父母 配偶 孩子 兄弟姐妹 孙子或媳妇女婿 2 没有身份证的国民服役人员或新加坡武装部队成员可使用 11B 作为身份证明 3 月薪指的是基本月薪 超时工资 津贴 现金奖赏 佣金和花红

HAEMODIALYSIS ADMISSIONS WORKFLOW Referred by Restructured Hospitals Financial Assessment 1. Call NKF Admissions hotline at 6506 2187 2. Complete and sign the application form 3. Submit all required supporting documents (Please refer to page 2) Fail Financial Assessment 1. Applicants who fail financial assessment will be rejected from admission into NKF Haemodialysis programme. 2. Should applicants wish to appeal, they can submit their appeal to the Patient Appeal Committee (PAC) through Admissions. Pass Financial Assessment 1. Please obtain Medical Report (MR) from hospital 2. Forward a copy to NKF Admissions Officer and an appointment will be given for medical assessment Appointment Day: Medical Assessment 1. Original Medical Report 2. Latest discharge summary (Including medication prescription) 3. Hospital appointment cards 4. Latest lab report (Hep B, Hep C & HIV results) 5. Sample of all medications Pass Medical Assessment 1. Applicants will be offered a place in NKF. 2. Upon acceptance by applicant & approval from management, the applicant will receive details of the dialysis fee by mail. 血液透析计划申请程序 由政府医院推荐 经济评估 1. 请拨 NKF 录取部热线电话 6506 2187 2. 填妥申请表格, 并附上签名 3. 准备所有必要的文件 ( 参考申请表格第 2 页 ) 没有通过经济评估 1. 如果病人没有通过经济能力方面的审核, 她 / 他的申请将被拒绝 2. 如果病人需要上诉, 可以将其诉请通过 NKF 录取部转交病人诉请委员会 (PAC) 通过经济评估后 1. 申请病人的肾科主治医生的医药报告原件 2. 一旦收到报告, 请致电 NKF 录取部预约, 并提供报告的影印进行医疗检查 医疗检查日 ( 请携带相关文件 ) 1. 医疗报告 2. 最新出院报告 ( 包括处方药单 ) 3. 医院检查预约卡 4. 最新验血报告 (B 型肝炎,C 型肝炎以及爱之病检验 ) 5. 所有正在服用的药 通过身体检验 1. 病人将被分派到一间洗肾中心 2. 一旦病人接受洗肾中心安排,NKF 将书面通知有关洗肾费用

APPLICATION FORM for Haemodialysis Programme 血液透析计划申请表格 National Kidney Foundation 全国肾脏基金会 81 Kim Keat Road, Singapore 328836 Email 电邮 : nkfapplication@nkfs.org Hotline 热线 : 6506 2187 Fax 传真 : 6356 9002 Attach a recent passport-sized photograph 附上近照 PART (A): PERSONAL INFORMATION 个人信息 Full Name (Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Miss) 姓名 ( 先生 / 夫人 / 女士 / 小姐 ): NRIC No. 身份证号码 : Sex 性别 : M 男 / F 女 Date of Birth 出生日期 : / / Nationality 国籍 : Highest Educational Qualification 最高学历 : Address 地址 : Postal Code 邮区 : Tel. No. 电话号码 : (Home 住家 ) (Office 办公室 ) (Mobile 手机 ) Marital Status 婚姻状况 : Single 单身 Married 已婚 Divorced 离婚 Separated 分居 Widowed 鳏寡 Race 种族 : Chinese 华族 Malay 马来族 Indian 印度族 Others 其他 Religion 宗教 : Buddhist 佛教 Christian 基督教 Hindu 兴都教 Muslim 回教 Others 其他 Language Spoken 惯用语言 : English 英语 Mandarin 华语 Malay 马来语 Tamil 淡米尔语 Others 其他 Dialect Group 籍贯 : Accommodation 住宿 : Own 自己所有 Rent 租用 Family 家庭共住 Others 其它 Type of Accommodation 房屋类型 : HDB Flat 政府组屋 Rooms 房 HDB Executive/Maisonette 旧式共管式组屋 / Condominium 公寓 Landed Property 有地房产 Shophouse 店屋 PART (B): EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 就业状况 Current Status 目前状态 : Retired 退休 Employed Full-time 全职工作 Employed Part-time 兼职工作 Unemployed 无业 Current Occupation 目前职业 : Current Gross Salary 目前薪金 : $ Name of Company 公司 : Address 公司地址 : Date Joined 加入日期 : Working Hours 工作时间 : Previous Occupation 前职 : Previous Gross Salary 前薪金 : $ I am currently unemployed because of the following reason/s 由于以下原因, 我目前无业 : (You may tick more than one 您可以勾选多过一项选择 ) Looking after family 照顾家庭 Deemed medically unfit by doctor 医生认为身体状况不适合就业 Too ill to work 疾病无法工作 Retrenched 裁员 Unable to find employment 找不到工作 Others 其它

PART (C): FINANCIAL INFORMATION 经济状况 I am insured under 我受保于 : MediShield Life 健保双全计划 None 没有 Others 其它 (e.g. AIA HealthShield Gold Plan A) Rider Insurance: No 否 Yes 有 (Please specify 请注明 ): I am a Civil Service Card Holder 我是政府公务员 : Holder 持有者 (Percentage 比例 %) Dependent 家属 (Percentage 比例 %) I have Company Health Insurance 是否有公司健康保险 : No 否 Yes 有 (Please specify 请注明 ): I have Medisave 我有保健储蓄 : No 否 Yes 是 Current Balance 现有金额 : $ I have Medifund 我有受保健基金资助 : No 否 Yes 是 (Percentage 比例 %) I am receiving financial assistance from other charity organisation 我有接受其它慈善机构的经济援助 : No 否 Yes 有 (Please specify 请注明 ): Name of Charity Organisation 慈善机构名称 : Amount 金额 $ per month 每月 PART (D): DIALYSIS TREATMENT INFORMATION 洗肾医疗纪录 I have been referred by Doctor 我经由医生推荐 : (Name of Doctor 医生名字 ) Renal Coordinator 肾科协调员 / Medical Social Worker 医院社工 : At SGH 新加坡中央医院 NUH 国大医院 TTSH 陈笃生医院 AH 亚历山大医院 KTPH 邱德拔医院 CGH 樟宜综合医院 NTFGH 黄廷芳综合医院 I started my first dialysis treatment on 我首次洗肾是从 (dd/mm/yyyy 日 / 月 / 年 ) I have dialysis times per week 我每周洗肾的次数 I am currently receiving dialysis at 我目前洗肾的地点是 Cost per session 每次的费用 $ (with GST 包括消费税 ) PART (E): DECLARATION 声明 I declare that 我谨此声明 : 1 All the particulars given in this form are true and correct and that I have not withheld or falsified any information that is required in this application. 以上信息全属实, 我并没有在申请表格中故意隐瞒或提供虚假信息 2 I am aware that my application and documents submitted are only valid for 6 months. 我了解, 我的申请表格只有 6 个月的时效 3 Upon acceptance, I agree to pay an initial, refundable deposit of $300 for my Haemodialysis treatment with NKF. 一旦被录取, 我同意为我在 NKF 的血液透析治疗支付一笔可退还的押金 300 元 4 I understand that I will have to pay all monthly fees upon receipt of bill. 我了解一旦我收到帐单, 我必需支付所有的款项 5 If I am found to have withheld any information or given any untrue or incorrect information, NKF reserves the right to reject my application, withdraw the subsidy given to me or terminate my dialysis at NKF. 如果我被发现隐瞒或提供虚假信息,NKF 保留权利拒绝我的申请或者取消我的津贴, 以及停止我的洗肾服务的权利 WITNESSED BY 见证人 : Name 姓名 : Relationship 与病人亲属关系 : Patient s Signature/Thumbprint 病人签名 / 拇指印 Date 日期 : Signature/Thumbprint 签名 / 拇指印 Date 日期 :

ANNEX 1: PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT AND ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS 1 申请者和同住家庭成员资料 1 S/N Name of Applicant + Household Members to Applicant 申请者 + 家庭成员姓名 NRIC No. 身份证号码 Date of Birth 出生日期 Relationship 与申请者的关系 Marital Status 婚姻状况 Spouse working? 配偶工作吗? No. of Children 孩子人数 Occupation 职业 Gross Income 总收入 Contact No. 联络号码 Highest Educational Qualification 最高学历 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Household members include all family members (whether related by blood, marriage and/or legal adoption) living in the same address as main applicant, i.e. parents, spouse, children, siblings, grandchildren, children-in-law, etc. 同住家庭成员包括所有与申请者拥有同一住址的家人 ( 无论是否有血缘 婚姻和 / 或合法领养关系 ) 例如父母 配偶 儿女 兄弟姐妹 孙子 女婿 媳妇等

ANNEX 2: PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT S CHILDREN (WHO ARE NOT STAYING IN THE SAME HOUSEHOLD) 2 申请者孩子资料 ( 非同住址 ) 2 S/N Name of Applicant s Children 申请者孩子姓名 NRIC No. 身份证号码 Date of Birth 出生日期 Relationship 与申请者的关系 Marital Status 婚姻状况 Spouse working? 配偶工作吗? No. of Children 孩子人数 Occupation 职业 Gross Income 总收入 Contact No. 联络号码 Highest Educational Qualification 最高学历 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pleae provide 2 main contacts 请提供 2 个主要联络 : 1. Name 姓名 : Relationship to applicant 于申请者的关系 : Contact 联络方式 : (Home 住家 ) (Mobile 手机 ) (Email 电邮地址 ) 2. Name 姓名 : Relationship to applicant 于申请者的关系 : Contact 联络方式 : (Home 住家 ) (Mobile 手机 ) (Email 电邮地址 ) 2 Children (including those who are legally adopted), whose NRIC have a different residential address to that of the main applicant s. 身份证住址与申请者住址不同的儿女 ( 包括和法领养的孩子 )

Eating Right With Kidney Disease Nutrients Need 营养需求 Pre-dialysis Patient 洗肾前 Dialysis Patient 洗肾病人 Haemodialysis (HD) 血液透析病人 Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) 腹膜透析病人 Protein 蛋白质 Moderate 适度 Increase 增加 Increase 增加 Potassium 钾 Moderate 适度 Moderate (depends on blood result) 适度 ( 视验血报告而定 ) No restriction 无限制 Phosphate 磷 Restrict 必须限制 Restrict 必须限制 Restrict 必须限制 Sodium 钠 Less 少 Less 少 Less 少 Fluid 水分 No restriction 无限制 Restrict 必须限制 Depends on urine output and dialysis filtration 视排尿量和洗肾而定 肾脏病人正确饮食 For more information 欲知更多详情 6299 0200 contact_us@nkfs.org