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11D 8N MYSTICAL MOROCCO - Pride of the Sahara Marrakech / Ouarzazate / Merzouga / Fez / Chefchaouen / Rabat / Casablanca NORTH AFRICA Validity: Oct 2018 - Mar 2019

ENTRANCES/FEES INCLUDED Bahia Palace, Marrakech Majorelle Gardens, Marrakech Atlas Film Studio Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou 4WD Sahara Desert Safari & Camel ride Medersa Bou Inania, Fez Mosque of Hassan II, Cassablanca HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 1N Marrakesh: Atlas Medina & Spa 5* or similar 1N Ouarzazate: Le Berbere Palace 5* or similar 1N Erfoud, Merzouga: Kasbah Hotel Xaluca or similar 2N Fez: Palais Medina 5* or similar 1N Chefchaouen Riad or similar 1N Rabat: Golden Tulip Farah 5* or similar 1N Casablanca: Kenzi Tower 5* or similar *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. MEAL PLANS Finest traditional Moroccan cuisine all the trip Al Fassia Folklore show dinner Farewell dinner at Rick s Café in Casablanca *specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private events. Lunch - 7 Meals Dinner - 8 Meals CASABLANCA MARRAKESH OUARZAZATE D1 Check in at KLIA RABAT Morocco ERFOUD YOUR ITINERARY JOURNEY MAP D2 Arrive Casablanca -223km- Marrakech (-/-/Local dinner) Upon arrival in Casablanca, transfer to Marrakech. CHEFCHAOUEN FES AZROU, MERZOUGA Marrakesh evening tour At the heart and soul of Marrakech,Djma-el-Fna Square, browse the huge market square with fortune tellers, acrobats, vendors, snake chambers and magicians all doing their business while creating a pulsating atmosphere. D3 Marrakesh -186km- Ouarzazate (Hotel breakfast/asian lunch/local dinner) Marrakesh city tour Visit the famous Koutoubia Mosque and the magnificent Bahia Palace. Stroll the lovely botanical treasure of Marrakech, the Majorelle Gardens. D4 Ouarzazate -309km -Erfoud (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/local dinner) Ouarzazate city tour Discover the Atlas Film Studio where the filming of block buster movies like Lawrence of Arabia, Gladiators, The Mummy and etc. took place Visit the one of the country s most impressive monument, Kasbah of Taourirt. Entrance to one of the largest Kasbah in Morocco; Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tonight enjoy your stay at a Kasbah hotel at the edge of the glorious dunes at Sahara Dessert. Ait Ben Haddou Djma-el-Fna Square D5 Erfoud 60km- Merzouga 387km-Azrou -83km- Fez (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/hotel dinner) Sahara Desert Safari, Merzouga Rise early and head to the Sahara dunes to see a spectacular sunrise on the horizon of the vast desert. Hop on a 4WD to cross the spectacular dunes of Erg Chebbi, featured in the film Lawrence of Arabia. Experience a camel ride and spend time walking on the soft sands of the dunes.

Berber Village tour En-route to Fez, visit a Berbers village and learn about their traditions and their origins as indigenous people of western North Africa tracing back to at least 10,000BC. Al Fassia Restaurant folkore dinner show D7 Fez-200km- Chefchaouen (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/local dinner) Chefchaouen City Tour Visit the Blue Pearl of Morocco, lying beneath the dramatic Rif Mountains. Enjoy a fascinating stroll through the alleys lined with gorgeous blue buildings, sidewalks and structures to the lovely medina with a fortress right in the middle. On top of the hill, marvel at the blueish panoramic city views. D8 Chefchaouen-245km-Rabat (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/thai dinner) Rabat City Tour Discover the capital of Morocco, Rabat. Explore meandering alleys within the 11th century Oudaias Kasbah and stop at the unfinished Hassan Tower, built as a 12th century minaret. Visit Mausoleum of Mohammed V and view its opulent tomb chamber with the grand marble tomb of Mohamed V. Photostop at Dar al-makhzen, the Royal Palace of Rabat. D6 Fez (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/dinner show) Fez City Tour Tour of Morocco s imperial city is largely focus on the Medina (Old town), aka Fes el-bali. Enter this charming old city through the beautiful Bab Boujloud ornate city gate. Entrance to the impressive Medersa Bou Inania, a finest example of Merinid architecture. Weave through the maze of winding alleys and explore the intoxicating sights and sounds of Fes. Shop for Fes famous leather products around the vicinity of Al Qaraouiyine, the world s oldest university,now a mosque. View a large working leather tannery where traditional dying of animal skins take place. Drive up to the Merenid Tombs ruins on top of a hill which is now a popular lookout point over the historic city. Tonight, relax and unwind in the famous Al Fassia restaurant for a captivating Folkore dinner show. D9 Rabat 245km- Casablanca (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/local dinner) Casablanca city tour Drive along the wide boulevards of United Nations Square to the residential area Anfa before heading to the seaside Corniche Ain Diab. Visit the architectural masterpiece of Morocco, Mosque of Hassan II, the world s second largest mosque (next to Mecca only) with the tallest minaret at 689 feet. Tonight,enjoy a farewell dinner at Rick s Café of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergma fame. D10 Casablanca / Depart for home (Hotel breakfast) After breakfast, bid farewell to Morocco as we transfer to the airport for our flight back home. D11 Arrived Home/ Depart for home Tour ends upon reaching KLIA with fond memories of a vacation. Berbers Village, High Atlas Mountain



HIGHLIGHTS Chefchaouen Blue Pearl of Morocco Merzouga Sahara Desert Overnight Experience Ait Benhaddou - UNESCO Heritage City Fez the spiritual capital of Morocco famous for its maze of intertwined alleys Marrakesh vibrant Djma el-fna Square Casablanca French influenced gateway city with the imposing Mosque of Hassan II Rabat the Capital city of Morocco Leather Tannery, Fez Bahia Palace, Marrakesh Hassan II Mosque TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please request for a copy of our Standard Terms and Conditions at the point of making reservations Tours Operated By : Please contact us at : Signature World Holidays Sdn Bhd (621885 - H / KKKP No. 3875) Suite 12-2, Faber Imperial Court (Sheraton Imperial Hotel), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. ( A member of Wawasan TKH Group ) SignatourWorld signatourworld.com