2 response personnel to speed up the rescue operations after various natural or man-made disasters. Keywords: SMS, Database, Disaster

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Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 1 Implementation of Emergency Response SMS System Using DBMS a b c d 1 106 s1428032@ntut.edu.tw, loveru@geoit.ws, aponson@yahoo.com.tw, waltchen@ntut.edu.tw Chia-Jung Wu a, Kevin Kuo b, Chun-Hung Liu c, Walter Chen d Graduate Institute of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering National Taipei Univ. of Technology 1, Sec. 3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd Taipei 106, Taiwan, ROC (DBMS) Microsoft Access : Abstract Because of the topography and the geographical location of Taiwan, natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, heavy rains, floods, and debris flows are frequent causing severe property damage and loss of life. When natural disasters strike, the most important task is to mobilize the rescue personnel. In order to transmit disaster information and warnings to various Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) and call up the emergency response teams, a fast and easy-to-use messaging system is needed. This paper applied the concept of Database Management System (DBMS) to implement a system capable of such messaging task using Microsoft Access. With login validation, the system can provide a mechanism to send short messages and allow qualified users to create, delete, or modify communication data in the database. It is believed that this system will be very valuable in delivering SMS to emergency

2 response personnel to speed up the rescue operations after various natural or man-made disasters. Keywords: SMS, Database, Disaster

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 3 4790 213 3 2002 Microsoft Access 2003 SMS SMS 2.1 SMS 1. ( 2003 ) SMS GIS Client Server Server Server Server ( ) SMS Client

4 : 2003 2. 2003 2.2 2003

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 5 14 20 182 66 34 : 3 4 96 : 96 2.3 SMS

6 :

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 7 3.1 Access Microsoft Office Microsoft Access (Short Message Service SMS) Access Microsoft Access 3.2 (Cardinality)1-N(1 ) 1 (key) N N-M ( ) ( )

8 : 3.3 Relational Database Schema Relational Database Schema 1 2 : Relational Database Schema 1 Users (uid, upwd) Sentmsgs (sdate, uid, utel, smsg, smac, sok) 2 Foreign key : uid references Users Canmsg (canmsg, uid) 3 Foreign key : uid references Users Chistories (cdate, uid, cthing, ctype, cmac, cip) 4 Foreign key : uid references Users Members (mtel, uid, mname, choose) 5 Foreign key : uid references Users Gown (mtel, gname) 6 Foreign keys : mtel references Members gname references Groups Groups (gname, uid ) 7 Foreign key : uid references Users

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 9 : 1* 2* : references 3* : references 4* : references 5* : references 6* references references 7* : references 3.4 Microsoft Access / / : users key uid 5 upwd 10 : sentmsgs key sdate / uid 5 utel 10 smsg 140 smac 50 sok 50

10 : canmsg key canmsg 140 uid 5 : chistories key cdate / uid 5 cthing 50 ctype 50 cmac 50 cip 15 : members key mtel 10 uid 5 mname 16 choose / : gown key mtel 10 key gname 24 : groups key gname 24 uid 5

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 11 MS Access VBA(Visual Basic for Applications) Access 4.1 6 : :

12 4.2 : :

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 13 : 4.3 : 4.4

14 : 4.5 : 4.6

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 15 - - 10: 300 Phone failure 301 SMS service of phone reservedsms 302 Operation not allowed 303 Operation not supported 304 Invalid PDU mode parameter 305 Invalid text mode parameter 310 SIM not inserted SIM 311 SIM PIN necessary GSM SIM PIN 312 PH-SIM PIN necessary PHS SIM PIN 313 SIM failure SIM 314 SIM busy SIM 315 SIM wrong SIM 320 Memory failure 321 Invalid memory index 322 Memory full 330 SMSC (Short Message Service Center) address unknown 331 No network service 332 Network timeout 500 Unknown error 512 Manufacturer specific

16 :

Journal of Information, Technology and Society 2004(1) 17 Microsoft Access 1. (SMS) 10 2.