证 书 TÜV SÜD 管理服务有限公司认证部 兹证明 埃克科林机械 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 中国上海上海市宝山区丰翔路 1111 号,3 楼邮政编码 : 统一社会信用代码 / 组织机构代码 : MA1GL7GF19 在以下适用范围建立和实施了质量管理体系 清洗及表面处理系

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CERTIFICATE The Certification Body of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH certifies that 3 rd floor, Fengxiang Road 1111, Baoshan District Shanghai, P.R. China Post Code: 200444 Unified social credit code / Organization code: 91310000MA1GL7GF19 has established and applies a Quality Management System for Development, engineering, manufacturing, sales, installation and service of cleaning and surface processing systems as well as of machines for industrial parts cleaning. An audit was performed, Report No. 70780256. Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to are fulfilled. The certificate is valid in conjunction with the main certificate from 2017-12-11 until 2020-12-10. The certified organization shall undergo and pass the regular surveillance audit to maintain the validity of this certificate. Certificate Registration No.: 12 100 41874/10 TMS. Information about this certificate can be inquired at the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People s Republic of China (www.cnca.gov.cn).

证 书 TÜV SÜD 管理服务有限公司认证部 兹证明 埃克科林机械 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 中国上海上海市宝山区丰翔路 1111 号,3 楼邮政编码 :200444 统一社会信用代码 / 组织机构代码 :91310000MA1GL7GF19 在以下适用范围建立和实施了质量管理体系 清洗及表面处理系统的研发以及工业零件清洗及表面处理设备, 工程设计, 制造, 销售以及安装和售后服务 通过审核, 报告号 :70780256 证明该体系满足 的要求 本证书须与主证书同时使用时才有效, 有效期从 2017 年 12 月 11 日至 2020 年 12 月 10 日 获证组织必须定期接受监督审核并经审核合格此证书方继续有效 证书注册号 :12 100 41874/10 TMS 本证书信息可在国家认证认可监督管理委员会官方网站 (www.cnca.gov.cn) 上查询 慕尼黑,2017 年 11 月 23 日

ZERTIFIKAT Die Zertifizierungsstelle der TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH bescheinigt, dass das Unternehmen 3 rd floor, Fengxiang Road 1111, Baoshan District Shanghai, V.R. China Postleitzahl: 200444 für den Geltungsbereich Entwicklung, Engineering, Herstellung, Vertrieb, Montage und Service von Reinigungsanlagen und Anlagen zur Oberflächenbearbeitung sowie Anlagen der industriellen Teilereinigung und zur Behandlung von Oberflächen ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem eingeführt hat und anwendet. Durch ein Audit, Bericht-Nr. 70780256, wurde der Nachweis erbracht, dass die Forderungen der erfüllt sind. Dieses Zertifikat ist gültig in Verbindung mit dem Hauptzertifikat vom 11.12.2017 bis 10.12.2020. Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr.: 12 100 41874/10 TMS. München, 23.11.2017

CERTIFICATE The Certification Body of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH certifies that Hans-Georg-Weiss-Str. 10 52156 Monschau including the sites and scope of application see enclosure has established and applies a Quality Management System. An audit was performed, Report No. 70780256. Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to are fulfilled. The certificate is valid from 2017-12-11 until 2020-12-10. Certificate Registration No.: 12 100 41874 TMS. Page 1 of 2

Enclosure of Certificate Registration No.: 12 100 41874 TMS Sites Scope of application Hans-Georg-Weiss-Str. 10 52156 Monschau Design, engineering, manufacturing, sales, installation and service of cleaning and surface processing systems as well as service of filtration systems Ecoclean Technologies spol. s.r.o. Padochov 228 664 91 Oslavany Czech Republic Sales, manufacturing, installation and services of cleaning systems as well as service of filtration systems Ecoclean Technologies S.A.S. 30 Rue Arnold Dolmetsch 72000 Le Mans France Sales and services of cleaning systems Mühlenstr. 12 70794 Filderstadt Development, engineering, manufacturing, sales, assembly and service of machines for industrial part cleaning Kirchheimer Str. 170 73265 Dettingen Assembly of machines for industrial part cleaning 3 rd floor, Fengxiang Road 1111, Baoshan District Shanghai, P.R. China Post Code: 200444 Development, engineering, manufacturing, sales, installation and service of cleaning and surface processing systems as well as of machines for industrial parts cleaning Page 2 of 2