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Strings Strings in C not encapsulated Every C-string has type char *. Hence, a C-string references an address in memory, the first of a contiguous set of bytes that store the characters making up the string. The storage occupied by the string must terminate with the special character value \0. The standard header file <cstring> (or <string.h>) contains a library of functions that manipulate C-strings. some important functions: char* strcpy(char* to, char* from); int strcmp(char* one, char* two); char* strcat(char* to, char* from); int strlen(char* str);

Strings Strings in C++ encapsulated In C++, the output operator << is overloaded to apply to cstrings, so that a simple instruction cout << s prints the string s. In C++, it is easy to use encapsulation to embed C- strings into safer class-based implementations of strings. The standard template library includes a safe string implementation in the header file <string>. This library implements a class called std :: string that is convenient, safe, and efficient. #include <string> using namespace std;

Strings implementation class specification: class String{ public: (1)String(); // 构造函数 (2)~String();// 析构函数 (3)String(const String &copy); // 拷贝构造函数 (4)String(const char* copy); // 将 C 字符串转成 C++ 中的串 (5)String(List<char> &copy);// 将 List 转成 C++ 串 (6)void operator=(const String &copy); // 赋值符号重载 (7)const char* c_str() const;// 转成 C 中的字符串, 为什么需 要这个方法? protected: char* entries; int length; ; 4 String s( some_string ); String s; S= some_string ; String s= some_string ; 1 4 6 4 7 const char *new_s=s.c_str();

Strings Strings in C++ 全局重载操作符 bool operator==(const String& first, const String& second); bool operator>(const String& first, const String& second); bool operator<(const String& first, const String& second); bool operator>=(const String& first, const String& second); bool operator<=(const String& first, const String& second); bool operator!=(const String& first, const String& second); 运算符 规则 所有的一元运算符 建议重载为成员函数 = () [] -> 只能重载为成员函数 += -= /= *= &= = ~= %= >>= <<= 建议重载为成员函数 所有其它运算符 建议重载为全局函数

Strings realization of some important methods // 利用 C 的字符串构造 String::String(const char* in_string){ length=strlen(in_string); entries=new char[length+1]; strcpy(entries,in_string); // 利用 List 进行构造 String::String(List<char>& in_list){ length=in_list.size(); entries=new char[length+1]; for (int i=0;i<length;i++) in_list.retrieve(i,entries[i]); entries[length]= \0 ;

Strings realization of some important methods // 转成 C 中的字符串 const char* String::c_str() const { return (const char*) entries;// 提供到内部 String 数据的访问 // 有什么问题? 是否有更好的办法? String s= abc ; const char *new_string=s.c_str(); s= def ;// 调用赋值重载, 要将 s 的原空间回收! cout<<new_string;

可选的实现 : 为 string 数据的副本分配动态内存 const char* String::c_str() const {int len; char * temp; len=strlen(entries;) temp=new char[len+1]; strcpy(temp,entries); return temp; String s= some very_long string ; cout<<s.c_str(); // 效率低, 特别是字符串很长时 // 客户程序必须记住使用之后要删除它, 否则会因为临时对象没有删除而产生了垃圾!

Strings // 等于等于符号的重载 bool operator= =(const String& first, const String& second) { return (strcmp(first.c_str(),second.c_str())==0);

Further String Operations void strcat(string &add_to, const String &add_on) void strcpy(string &copy, const String &original); void strncpy(string &copy, const String &original, int n); int strstr(const String &text, const String &target); String read_in(istream &input) String read_in(istream &input, int terminator); void write(string &s)

Samples of Further String Operations void strcat(string &add_to, const String &add_on) /* Post: The function concatenates String add on onto the end of String add to.*/ { const char *cfirst = add_to.c_str( ); const char *csecond = add_on.c_str( ); char *copy = new char[strlen(cfirst) + strlen(csecond) +1]; strcpy(copy, cfirst); strcat(copy, csecond); add_to = copy; delete []copy;

int strstr(const String &text, const String &target); /*postcondition: If String target is a substring of String text, the function returns the array index of the first occurrence of the string stored in target in the string stored in text. else: The function returns a code of -1.*/ { int answer; const char * content_s = text.c_str( ); char *p = strstr((char *) content_s, targer.c_str( )); if (p == NULL) answer = -1; else answer = p- content_s; return answer;

String read_in(istream &input) /* Post: Return a String read (as characters terminated by a newline or an end-of-file character) from an istream parameter. */ { List<char> temp; int size = 0; char c; while ((c = input.peek( ))!= EOF && (c = input.get( ))!= \n ) temp.insert(size++, c); String answer(temp); return answer;

We shall also find it useful to apply the following String output function as an alternative to the operator <<. void write(string &s) /* Post: The String parameter s is written to cout. */ { cout << s.c_str( ) << endl;

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