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中华人民共和国驻外使领馆领事认证申请表 Application Form of Consular Legalization of the Embassy/Consulate of the People s Republic of China 申请人须如实 完整 清楚地填写本表格, 请逐项在空白处用中文或英文大写字母打印体填写, 或在 内打 选择 The applicant should fill in this form truthfully,completely and clearly. Please type the answer in capital English letters in the space provided or tick ( ) the relevant box to select. 1 个人申请 Applicant (For Individual Use Only) 姓名 Name 出生日期 Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd) 身份证件种类 Type of ID 国籍 Nationality 性别 Gender 身份证件号码 Number of ID 出生地点 Place of birth 职业 Occupation 工作机构或学校名称 Name of employer/school 家庭住址 Home address 住宅电话 Home phone number 工作机构或学校地址 Address of employer/school 电子邮箱 E-mail address 手机 Mobile phone number 2 企业及其他组织申请 Applicant (For Company/Organization Use Only ) 企业或其他组织名称 Name of company/organization 联系地址 Address 法定代表人信息 Legal Representative of company/organization 姓名 Name 证件种类 Type of ID 电话 Phone Number 出生日期 Date of birth(yyyy-mm-dd) 证件号码 Number of ID 3 公证书或其他证明文书证明的事项 Matters certified by the notarial deeds or other certificates 出生证 Birth certificate; 结婚证 Marriage certificate; 无犯罪记录证明 Certificate of non-criminal record; 健康证明 Health certificate; 学历证明 Diploma; 委托书 Authorization letter; 声明书 Statement; 商业文件 Business documents; 其他 ( 请注明 )Other (please specify) : 4 认证办理目的和文书使用地点 Purpose and Destination of Legalization 办理目的 Purpose of legalization: 婚姻 Marriage; 寄养 Fosterage; 房产 Real estate; 诉讼 Litigation; 签证 Visa; 领养 Adoption; 商务贸易 Business and trade; - 1 -

其他 ( 请注明 )Others(please specify): 文书使用地 Destination of legalization: 5 提交材料及申办认证书的份数 Supporting documents and Copies of Legalization 提交材料 Supporting documents 份数 Copies 6 办理时间 Processing time 注 : 加急和特急服务须经领事官员批准, 并将加收费用 Note: Express and rush service needs approval of consular officials,and extra fees may apply. 普通 (X 个工作日 ) Regular service for X business days 加急 (X 个工作日 ) Express service for X business days 特急 (X 个工作日 ) Rush service for X business day(s) 7 代办人 Agent 代办人姓名 Name of agent 性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality 身份证件种类 Type of ID 身份证件号码 Number of ID 职业 Occupation 与申请人的关系 Relationship with the applicant 联系电话 Phone number 联系地址 Address 8 申请人 / 代办人声明 Declaration of the Applicant/Agent 电子邮箱 E-mail address 我保证以上所填内容真实 如有不实之处, 本人愿承担一切法律责任 I hereby declare that all the information above is true and correct,for which I shall bear all the legal responsibilities. 申请人签名 : 日期 : Signature of applicant: 代办人签名 : 日期 : Signature of agent: - 2 -

我声明, 我已阅读并理解以下内容 : 领事认证是指领事认证机构根据自然人 法人或者其他组织的申请, 对国外有关文书上的最后一个印鉴 签名的真实性予以确认的活动 领事认证不对公证书或者其他证明文书证明的事项行使证明职能, 不对文书内容本身的真实性 合法性负责, 文书内容由文书出具机构负责 领事官员有权对可能损害国家利益和社会公共利益的和存在不予办理领事认证有关情形的文书不予认证 I hereby declare that I have read and understood the content below: The consular legalization refers to the practice of confirming the authenticity of the last seal or signature on relevant documents issued by other countries,performed by consular legalization agencies upon the application of natural persons,legal persons or other organizations.consular legalization does not undertake the responsibility of certifying the matters certified by the notarial deeds or other certificates,and it is not responsible for the authenticity and validity of the documents s content,which shall be the responsibility of the issuing institution.the application will be refused by consular official if the documents may harm the national interests or social public interests or have other circumstances under which consular legalization shall not be performed. 申请人签名 : 日期 : Signature of applicant: 以下项目仅供领事官员填写 (For Official Use Only): 接案人 接案日期 : 签署人 签署日期 : 复核人 ( 如有 ) 复核日期 : - 3 -